The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, June 29, 1884, Image 3

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local schedule* and aA«r Sondty, June 8Ui, train* wil follows passenger down arrive* dally, lftW p ro. ° P ' 10:08 pnt lo'Tlbnnv, from Altai ■ y f.eight down dally <*! ■ ♦ “ up “ cept Kunday, 4:49 p m. •» “ 9;00 n m. ** Monday, 2:25 a m. « t:t0 a m. LOTT WARREN, Agent. ^(Jioilng of Mails. )inp west and south close at 12 m. bins east and north close at 3p. m. iebt mail north dose at 6:30 p. m. K Buena Vista 12 m. Lumpkin 12 m. . W. A. Black. P.M. HOLIDAY WEEK. As the Fourth ol July occurs Kis week, ana it lias been cue- mary for the Recorder force to * ke a holiday on that patriotic casion, there will be no more pa- l er6 issued from this office this l Settle Up. _ Mm. M. T. Elam requests those I ho are indebted to her to call and ittle at once. deduced Prices. We have concluded to make price f admission &0c, children and illery 25c. Broom Brigade. Watermelons. Mr. A. J. Buchanan's first load f melons was brought In Saturday, ul they were the finest in town flic Recorder is under obligations him for a fine one. unday Services at tlie M. E. Church. I.ove Feast at 9 o’clock A. M. Preaching at 11 o’clock a. m.,by [lev. W. H. Potter, editor of the Vesleyan Christian Advocate, j Sunday School mass meeting at (o’clock p. M. Preaching at 8:16 o’clock p. M. inter County Sunday School Association. The Executive Committee of the inter County Sunday School As- iciation, will hold its regular onthly meeting at the PreRby- irian church on the first Saturday July next. A full attendance is quested. Surgical Work. On Thursday of last week Dr. J. Hinkle successfully out off a very rge tumor fiom the left knee of ra. Win. Tomliuoon, of this enuu- Hc was assisted by Drs. West- ook and Harrison, of Anderson- lie, and Raines, of this city. Mrs. linlinson had Buffered many oaths with the affliction, but as c tumor was immediately over me large blood veins, she hesitat- to have it removed. The opor- Ion was skillfully done, and the ly is getting along nicely. ft’e are now ready for busines) and ex- id nn invitation to everybody who nre ding or ever expect to need any boots, es and bats. Wo are now located in &SS. uncil & Williford's warehouse trauce and intend closing ont oar eu- e stock in a very ihort time and remem that the CASH will bring you bar- »• Calvin Carter A Son. Uoiug to New York. Our Mr. Gross leaves shortly for !w York to purchase the largest rt best stock of Dry Goods, Cio f h- !. Roots, Shoes, Bats, Fancy l °d* ami Carpets over before vn in the city. We are offer- for the next two weeks such gains as wero never before 'fd of in Georgia. They have loubtcdly got to|go—Cost or no ' ■ and see whether you 1> to buy or not, and remember bMt “Savings Bank” ia at •I. Waxei.baum it Co’s New York Store. iFsisr ronraa The bald-headed man now swears at the fly. Watermelons are quite plentiful on our streets. The long continued rains are alarming oar farmers, who fear great injury to tho cotton crop. It may seem like “shipping coals to Newcastle” to ship fruit from Georgia to Florida, but it bas prov en a paying Investment If you should see a fellow with his upper lip swollen don’t think he has been robbing bees, he is only a member of the brass band. If you want to see some beauti ful and artistic living statuary, at tend tho exhibition of the Broom Brigade next Tuesday evening. We understand that the boys of this city will organize a brass band this or next week, and engage the services of a teacher. Hoop her up, boys. One of our fruit growers, who bas been shipping peaches and plums to Atlanta, Macon and Jack sonville, says be got better pri ces at the latter point. There will be a barbecue at Dray, ton bridge on the first Saturday in July. There will be a great many people from tho towns adjacent, and a good timo is anticipated. The managers of the Broom Bri- gado desire to say to the young gen tlemen that the young soldiers arc open to engagement for next Tues day evening. Their membership will not Intel fere. The committee of the Vigilance Fire Co. respectfully request all who have subscribed toward the payment of the expenses of their Fourth of July entertainment to promptly hand in the amount of their subscription to some member of the committee. Room, for But. h** lw0 nfco rooms, i nine his office on Jackson street, lor ■c. n, are specially suitable for an r* or bad-roomi. Apply to him at his «*««..»« I.unipkiu n. R “ e Directors of the Amerious “ t0D and Lumpkin Railroad , D* 1 * ci ty on Friday and ef- 1 ted oi Pcmanent organization by ^election of the following offl- president—S. H. Hawkins. Jreasurer—A. W. Smith. q ^retaryandSupervisor-H.L. books will be open- ... w *® k > *“d *8 have no doabt Uwt the amount needed will be IdS ****** work on the “‘“ottm.ncta In a few weeks. Mr. Jobn Lovette, of tbc South ern Express Co., has recently been visiting the company’s agency in this city. He is a gentleman of wide railroad experience, and ex presses (he opinion that Americus lost a golden opportunity' when it failed to secure the Buena Yisla road. We have just received a very handsome linn ot Sterling Silver goods, with anil without cases. Many of the designs are new and very attractive, and we invito the public to call and look them over. James Fricker it Bro. From four o’clock in the after- noon until dark the artesian well is surrounded by people to quaff the healthy leverage. A great deal of irouble is experienced in getting the water up, and as a con sequence many have to wait a long timo to get tho water. Would it not be a good plan for the council to put a good force pump in the well? Personal Paragraphs. Miss Alice Porter is visiting the family of Mayor Felder. Maj. Brimherry, Deputy Collec tor of Internal Revenue, is ill the city. Mrs. Janies Callaway and chil dren, of Camilla, are visiting the family of Mr. Merrel Callaway. Walter Johnson, who has been attending college at Washington, D. C., is spending bis vacation at home. The Buena Vista Sentinel says Mr. F. H. Buchanan, of this city, was seccntly in that town looking up a location. Crawford Wheatley, who lias been attending Stevens Institute at Hoboken, N. J., is expected home this week to spend his vacation. Mrs. J. W. Walters, and daugh ter, of Albany, have been spend ing the past week in this city, vis iting Mr. and Mrs. D. C. N. Burk- halter. Mr. R.E. Byrd and family leave on Monday for Jacksonville, Fla. which city they expect to make their future home, he having as sumed a position in a large whole sale house there. We are sorry to lose “Gene,” for he is a clever gen tleman, a good business man, and has hosts of friends in this city, who wish him success in bis new home. A Wilful and malicious Mis statement o( Facts. Editor Americus Recorder:—In the Sumter Republican, of this date, appears the following state ment, beaded: AN IMPORTANT SURGICAL OPERATION. Mrs. William TomlinsoD, living a few miles from Amerieus, has for a year or two past, been troubled witli a tumor on tho knee. For the last few months, it has grown rap idly and assumed alarming dimen sions. It encircled the knee and spread six or eight inches up and down, grew to extraordinary size and was, in the opiuion oftho ply sicians, obliged to prove fatal if not amputated. Wednesday her husband brought her to the board ing house of Mrs. Morgan in this city, and Thursday noon, Drs. Westbrook & Harrison, of Ander son, and Dr Haines, of Americus administered chloroform and am putated the tumor. Tbc facts arc that Dr. J. B. Hinkle, of this city, did, at my request, suc cessfully remove the tumor from the leg of my wife; and that at his invitation the other physicians named were present and kindly rendered such assistance as he de sired. I stood by her side and witness ed the entire proceedings, and I cannot express in* mere words my gratitude to Dr. Hinkle, who performed the operation, or to Drs. Westbrook, IlnrrisDu and Raines, who so kindly aid6d him. William Tomlinson. Americus, Ga., June 28, ’84. Mit. Editor:—My attention hav ing been called to an editorial in the Sumter Republican of to-day, headed “An Important Surgical Operation,” I find that it contains, as will appear by lire statement of competent!, a wilful and malicious misstatement on the part of Col. C. W. Hancock as to who performed the surgfcal operation npon Mrs. Win. Tomlinson. Know ing that Judge K. J'. Warren, one of the editors of Hie Republican, boarded at Mrs. Morgan’s, where my patient, is, and also that lie was perfectly familiar with the fact Dial the tumor had been removed by me, assisted by the other physicians named, I called upon him for an oxplanation. He said: “I wrote a- report of the case,stating distinctly that the tumor was removed by Dr. J. B. Hinkle, nsssisted by Drs. Westbrook and Harrison, of Andcr- sonvilie, and Dr. Raines, ol this city. I showed the article to Col. Hancock, who 1 objecred to having your name appear in the paper.” At the suggestion oi the Judge 1 saw Mr. Kimbrough, n compositor on tho Republican, who said: “I set up tbc article as it was written by Judge WnVrcn with your nninc in it. The proof was corrected by Col. Hancock, wli* struck out your name and changed it to rend as it appeared in tlic paper this morn- nig.” Now, while I do not attach much importance to my action in this operation, having,as is will known, performed many requiring a far greater exhibition of .anatomical knowledge and surgic&l skill, and while 1 take much pleftsuro in thus publicly acknowledging my obliga tions to my friends Drs. Westbrook, Harrison and Kaincs for their val uable assistance, I feel constrained to notice the editorial; simply to show the mean and coWa'illy spirit of Col. Hancock in wilfully and maliciously misrepresenting wbat he knew to be the facts in the case. At the same time 1 am aware that this wilful perversion'of the truth is so characteristic of the man as not to excite any surprise among those who know him. J. B. Hinki.e. I was present at the intcr-vinw between Dr. J. B. Hinkle, Judge K. J. Warren and Mr. Kimbrough, and the above statement of I)r. Hinkle in exactly wlmt occurred at said interview. S. Rogers. Tbs Iles.ou Why, I. W. IIurper’siNeliion County Whiskey is) prcferreil above all other it rands is because it is tho most regular and most perfect Product, incontestably ever made. A long experience in the manufacture of the Harper, the largo capilul of the Distiller which enables him to hold his Whiskey until it has fully ma tured, together with tho fact that tho Whiskey is bought by and shipped me to direct from the Distillery accounts for the unvarying satisfaction it has given those best educated to a fine Whiskey. J. Ihraki-s, Sole Agent, aprl2 Cm Ametlous, Us. PROGRAMME A great deal of Interest is being felt in the approaching colored fire, men’s contest, and it is estimated that the oity will be full of people on that day to witness it. Tho following is the official programme: ORDER OF MARCH. Companies to assemble in front of the Opera House at 3 oY lock, in the following order: Vigilance Fire Company No. 2, Americus; Eaglo Fire Company No. 2, Albany, and Protector Hook and Ladder No. 1, Amerieus. The line ot march will be down Forsyth street to Cot ton Avenue, up Cotton Avenue to Lamar street, up Lamar street to the intersection of Lee street, op posite the Council Chamber, there to be inspected by the Mayor and City Council and the Fire Depart ment. Aiterwhich the parade will be dismissed and the contest will then take place. CONTEST. First test—Engine to be placed at cistern ready for operation. Pumps clear of water. At a given signal, the dropping of a sand bag, the men are to run with Keel Une Hundred Yards, laying and attach ing to Engine One Hundred Feet of Hose, disconnect and attach Pipe and throw water. Prize $12. Second test—Reel to be placed Twenty-Five Yards backofEnglne. At the given signal, dropping of the sand hag, the men aro to run from first starting point, grab and oarry Reel, laying and attaching Fifty Feet of Hose, disconnect and attach Pipe and show water. Keel to lie of same weight as in first test. Prize $8.00. RULES. Sixteen men shall be allowed on tho run—twelve to drag the rope, two pipemen and two plugmeu. Each Reel must weigh Nine Hundred Pounds, and ns much ovei as Company may desire. The coupling must stand ten pounds pressure. Staudard screw couplings shall be observed as proper for the contest. No allowance for accidents, ex cept in event Ibut the sand bag should fail to drop at the starting of any reel. Each Company shall be allowed two Judges and a Time Keeper. Should any protest be made, or any disagreement arise over any point, it shall be presented to and decided by the Judges of tho dif ferent Companies, who shall act as a committee for that purpose. No one will bo allowed inside the ropes except the members of the Company making the run at the timo, and the officers of the depart ments. Any visiting Company not hav ing proper countings will be fur nished with hose by the Americas flro department. To lbs Lodlts. We have just opened a large lot of La- (lien, Misses ami Childrens Slippers, ohioh havo been received since the fire, that wo wish to close out at colt for cash. If you wiah something nice good and cheap wo invite von to call. tf Calvin Canter A Son, Aniericiu and Montezuma. From the following items, clip ped from tho Montezuma Record, it would appear that Montezuma has some peculiar attraction for the people of Amerious: Dr. Ford and lady, of Americus, came up to commencement. Misses Rosa and Lena Haynes, of Amerious, are visiting Mrs. C. C. Grant. Messrs. Nicholson and Turner, of Amerious, came up Tuesday and attended the concert at night. Smith B. Stanfield, of Ameiicus, and Charlie M. Shaokleford, of Al bany, were in town Sunday. Mrs. Rees, Misses Mattie and Ella Hawkins, Cliff Clay, Jack Walker, Emmett Murray and oth ers from Americus came up Wednesday to attend the ball. Miss Lena Ford, onoot the most fascinating little ladies in the land, came up from Americus Monday evening to attend the closing exer cises of eur school. MIbs Mamie Dodson, of Ameri cas, sister of Professor Dodson, visited Miss Mamie DeVaughn this week. She is a recent graduate of the Southern Female College, at LaG range. We are sorry that Miss Belle Black, of Americus, wa9 sick dur ing her entire three weeks visit to the Misses Dawson. Hope she will return again under more fa vorable circumstances. IMMENSE STOCK swell»run It would require a small volui oataloguo every attraction, but awl principal features. Prices gnat-neb suit all from the mlaer to the millio Hamburg Edgelng and All Oven to match, m end prioea, from 2io to $4.00 ] Spanish, Oriental, Eieu mil Irish Point Lace, at: For Yokes and Sleeves we Spanish All Overs, All Over! Tucking and Puffing. • contains everything that is i ever mannfacturetl in I India and Irleh Linen, Lai Embroidered Dress Pati Nainsook, Swiss Mm French Mull, Gel Cheeks, Italian Russian Oar We ask an oxaminatioi assortment of Nottingham in pairs—8J yards long. A beautiful and self' brave. Seersuckers, Pig Mails. Including our T.nom At IRa. Tlieso goods are selling vsry — anil although we are constantly osNfMH more, we fear we cannot at all lliai«i$(t” ply tho demand. J Turkey Red, Bl.-aehed and Creasa Dsafe ask—Choice end Cheap. Large line of Bedspreads and Quills. • « Otur Extra Lam white 75c Connterpaae. “Beats the World." Towols, Crashee, Napkins and Doytlte in suffioient quantity to keep hands clean for a generation. Linen Lip Robes and Tabla Covsrs to suit all. M and Short, Fine and- Common, bite. Black, Kinged, Streaked v and Speckled.. V No one has ever examined theee and felled to get inffadlj Price. Come to O ns—we right. treetyoa Goods- FORSYTH 8TR ' Drill of the Broom Brigade The Broom Brigade, composed of thirty of the handsomest ladles in Americas, will glvo an exhibi tion drill In tho Opera House on Tuesday evening. As they have practiced diligently for several weeks, we can safely promise that the exhibition will be unusually at tractive. The brigade is officered as follows: Crptain—Mrs. A. L. Reese. 1st Lieut,—Miss Alioe Hay. fid Lieut.—Mias Annie Lou Byrd Manager—Mrs. J. J. Smith. Staff—Messrs. Jo. Davenport, Jas. Davenport, Arthur Bivins, M. Harper. Besides the drill there will be a number ot beautiful tableaux, with which especial pains have been taken, and which are said to be of the highest artistic order. As tho object ot the entertainment is to procure a flag for the A. L. I., ail should attend and aid a worthy oattse, as well as spend a pleasant evening. I'ROGRAMHE. Music. Statuary. Music. The Three Graces. Tho Three Disgraces. Music. David Before Snul. Music. Portia's Judgment. Music. Angel of Night and Angel of Morning. Music. Drill by the Brigade. Tenting To-Night. Poors open at 7:30. Performance precisely at 8:30. General ailmis. siun, 60c; children 25c; gallery 26c. rates*. J. Italian & Co. Semi-Annual ENTIRE STOCK! Dry Goods, THE “LANGTRY" HOOP SKIRT WITH BUSTLE COMBINATION. There has never been Anything in Si ylk, Ease and durability, that gave tho gen eral Batinfaction to the wearor that the “Langtry 8kirt” does. Ask any lady who has over worn oue, and sho will tell yon that tree will wear no other—only $1.25. Second lot just received. JOHN It. SHAW. N. B.—Call and seo tho “Perfection" Bustle. The lightest, most comfortable and durable Bastle in the world—75a to $1.00. Also the colcbrated '•Duplex," “Bon-Ton" and “Dr. Strong's" Cornets. JOHN R. SHAW. Wo have just received a very handsome line of Sterling Silver goods, with and without cases. Many of the designs are new and very attractive, and wc invite the public to call and look them over. James Fkicke «k Bro. Go to J. H. Black & Bon to buy your shoes and hatfl. Will noil chmp for cash. We will alHO Hell to good men on credit until fall ns aheap as anybody. Cull to see them. Next door to Bank of Arneri- my21w4 C lie up lee*. Our Ice House is now opeued, ^tid we are preparod to sell Ico in any quantity at three-foartho of a cent per pouud throughout the Henson. Wynn A Bkm» w4su At Hart's Old Stan J. New Advertisements USE BILLS. MRS. FRED LEWIS BAS ON HAND A LABOR ASSOlU- BALLS AND - BATS, Boor© Books, XtMhgue Books, Cloves, Etc. A NEW LINE OF JUST RECEIVED I BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CARPETS ! Its Like bas Seldom boon I the City of Anoricm! v LADIES AND GENTS Bto„ Etc, WE MAKE IT AfitULE NEV ER TO OARllY OVER ANY STOCK FROM SEASON TO SEASON, AND OFFER YOU ANY ARTICLE IN ANY DE PARTMENT AT ACTUAL New Cost! York THIS IS N* IDLE TALK BUT SIMPLE FACTS, COME AND PRICE OUR GOODS, AND IF WE DON'T OFFER YOU THE SAME0001)8FOR LESS MONEY THAN YOU CAN HUY THEM ELSEWHERE YOU ARE UNDER NO OH- -LIGATIONS WHATEVER TO' BUY. RUT ON THE OTHER HAND SHOULD YOU FIND THEM CHEAP ENOUGH, AND CAN USE THEM, WHY NOT BUY ? WE MEAN “Stilly Business.” OUR STOCK IS ALL NEW AND FRESH-ALL THIS SEASON PURCHASES—AND IF YOU WISH TO Save 25 Ter Cent 1 NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME. NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICUS WERE SUCH BARGAINS OF FERED AS YOU WILL FIND NOW ON EXHIBITION AT THK MAMMOTH DRYGOODS AND CLOTHING PALACE OF J. WAXELBAUM & CO. Proprielori New Yorit Store. from the miser to the mil These goods were made to soil, w< bought to sell and have got to sell. OUR STOCK OF ALOES AND EMBRO Country merchants and large jilanters will find this a splen did opportunity to buy goods and realize a handsome profit J. W. & Co. TH. Clothier, Ha Shirter (O). NEW YORK STORE. Dry