The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, July 11, 1884, Image 4

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A writ* In the Quitman South says: While at Oualcy I counted on a pomegranate tree in my broth er J. A. Ousley’s back yard, 185 pomegranates. An sore planted in pomegranates, 15x10, would con tain 315 trees, and these would average In four years fifty to the tree, making a total to the acre 15,750 pomegranates, and these, at 4 cents apiece, would yield a yearly income of $730 to the acre of trees. These trees, attaining age, will yield as the one named above. This Iruit is said to furnish for the sick room the finest acid known— superior to the lemon—and will keep after being cut for days, no none of it is lost, ft makes a fine beverage for those who arc well. Properly prepared with nice white sugar Is exceedingly toothsome. Our climate suits the pomegranate, they flourish here, and I am glad to sec some aro turning their at tention to the growing of this de licious fruit, and soon to be the most popular fruit grown. In our LeContc pears and pomegran ates south Georgia has a boom. Tho Emperor of Annam has a large piece of water in his palace, in which lie keeps his reserve treas ure, to bo touched only in case of absolute necessity. The money not intended for use is placed in the hollowed-out trunks of trees, wliioli are thrown into the water To keeo away thieves, and prevent the King himself from being tempt ed to draw upon this reserve fund without sufliciont cause, a number of crocodiles nre kept in the water, their piesence, and the certainty of being eaten alive acting as a wholesome rcstrnincr and Insuring the security ol the royal treasure in a most effectual manner. When it becomes indispensable to draw upon this novel style of bank the crocodiles have to be killed: but this can be done only with the Em peror's permission, and after the matter ims been duly approved by the Minister of Finance. Fay Tampieton, of opcra-bouflc fame, is the daughter of Mr. John Tcmplotou, the Southern manager. Sbo was born Cristmas night, 1865, at her father's homo in Floridn. The papers in announcing Fay’s birth said that a now star had come to tho manager’s company in tho person of a daughter. Some days after this Mr. Temploton received a letter from n Western manager saying, “Cau give your daughter six nights for her best piece. Wlmt aro the lowest terms?” The answer returned was: “All right. My daughter is sixteen days old, and best act is a crying chorus; but wait sixteen ycais, when, if her voice docs not break, sho shall come to you ns a star.” The en gagement was filled. Grand Revolution” COMPARE THE OLD PRICES WITH THE IEW -AT— Schumpert & Roney’s, THE OKTIjY I3XT AMERICUS. Wt promised in issue of the Recorder of January 2d, to give you some prices so soon at we arranged anti marked down our goods. We are now prepared and ready to give you more goods lor less money than any house (hat sell goods on thirty days time. Contemplate a few quotations and note the difference in SPOT CAS days credit; CASH prices and thirty Somoof Benedict Arnold’s des cendants arc now living in Canada. Thu Brockvillc, Can., corrcspon. dent of tile Toronto Globe says: ‘ His sons, Jticbard, Henry and John, came to Canada about 1798 to look after the land granted their father, consisting of 13,400 acres in the counties of I,ecds and Green ville. The sous engaged in bush ness and marriod.aml wore loading citizens, and left largo familiea, who aro now some of our most vat- usd and honored countrymen, and, like their grandfather, arc gener ous and sympathetic. I kava in my possession Gen. Arnold’s mil- itsry coat, owned by hisgrandson, which I consider ol interest to tho curious and antiquarian of vour York pioneers.” New Yorkers arc in a bad wav 'flic water department wants them to use less water, and tho tem perance people urge them to consume less beer and whiskey. They will liavo toiUithk gin .Nor ristown Herald Ingerso# takes away bell, aiu | W.endJwift demolished the devil. .\ow, it some one would carry off the contribution liox there wouldn’t be anything left ot our old fashion., ud religion—Bloomington Eye, A CARD. To nil who urusuflertng ft,tbetiio error- null indlHotlons of yotUb, nervous weakness, early decoy, loss, of manhood, Ac., I will send a netpo that will care you, FREE OF CHARGE. 'll,is great remedy was discovered, by a missionary iu Sooth Amerfco, Sendaself.addr«eed envelope to the llKV, Jose,-a T. I KMi . Station TV AVu For* City. Flour. Flour. Iu this article we stand head and shoulders above everybody, having ransacked the big markets oft lie West and Northwest in search of the best, and paid the CASH DOWN. We will sell you First Patent, (entire Roller system) For 50 pounds, .$1.90. Old price, $2.15. 2d Pat., for 50 pounds, 1.70. “ 1.90. Fancy, lor 50 pounds, 1.60. “ 1.80. Choice Family 50 pounds, 1.50. •> 1.65. We guarantee nil these Flours as represented, and if not satisfactory you can return them and we will cheerfully refund the money. In fiituro we will keep on hand the best grades of GRAHAM FLOUR—cheap. Sugars. Sugars. Will sell you 10 pounds Granulated Sugar for . .$1.00. “ “ . 10^ pounds New Orleans Clarified for 1.00. “ “ 11 pounds New Orleans (llellewood) Clarified, for. 1.00. “ “ 12 pounds New York Sugar, lor 1.00. In this line we are fully up and advise everybody to seize the golden opportunity and pur chase at once a sufficiency for the year’s comsumptiou. Coffee. Coffee. In this article alone (by buying from us) we can save you money enough in one year to buy all the “Santa Claus” you want for the little ones. We deal 6j pounds Choice Rio Coffee for$l. Tlnirber’s No. 41, (Roasted) a combination of Java, Rio, and Mocha, for 23c per pound. The fire very unceremoniously move d us out of our old store on the night of March 26th, where we have been doing business for over seventeen years, but having secured the store formerly occupied by J. W. HARRIS & 00., next door to Waxelbaum’s, on Cotton Avenue, we are again ready for business. Some of our stock was damaged by removal, and as the insurance companies paid us in full for all such damages, we are prepared to sell them at a GREAT REDUCTION and not lose any money by so doing. We have ordered new tools, fixtures, material, Ac., to take the place of those destroyed, and will be fully prepared to do all kinds of work in a few days. We saved all our Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and will guarantee bargains in them, as in everything else. Call and see us in our new quarters. Don’t forget the place—Cot ton Avenue, next door to Waxelbaum’s. James Flicker & Bro. Amsrious, Georgia BOOKS 2 BOOKS HAVING MY STOCK THAT WAS LEFT FROM THE FIRE IN ORDER. AN1) REPLENISHED WITH NEW GOODS, I AM NOW PllEPAH- ED FOR Bl’SINESS. NEW GOODS RECEIVED DAILY. SSIllta S&lti •Liverpool, full weight, for $1.20 per sack. Fine Salt, seamless hags, 150 pounds, $1.05 per sack A BUREAU AGENCT :—joiv—. Collections of Delils, SnlscriDtiMs ofiB&ote, " Newspapers, Eli, Etc., . Id l)»w.on. l,.». I obliged todonwiHnuoftheraulile tatllog health of my matin'.-, who needs si jU time, ay pmonsl •motlao, I mu open s burn. Oh collection or debts, besides! in ugsnt for OOce to court house. :w. K.’riLSBL'ItV. Os.stn, Os., Atril 4, list. J We nre slaughtering at the very low price of $1.15 iter cwt. to make room lor a car load ol MEED POTATOES. Whiskies. Whiskies. In this line we are full to overflowing, and to unload we have reduced the price on all grades fturm 25c to $1.00 per gallon. Think of it! Cox, Hill & Thompson’s genuine Stone Mountain Com Whisky for $2.20 per gallon, usunlly sold at $2.50, Tobacco and Cigars. We can undersell anybody—we offer “Lucy Hinton” »t 57c per pound, and all other grades pro portionatelv. Wo regret that we have not space stillicicnt to give full anti complete quotations on all of our gootls, hut you: will hear from us occasionally. Kcmemlicr that by oeving your gootls from us ami paying .SPOT CASH you do not pay from 25 to 50 per cent, for had debts, as usual in credit store. A Word as Regards the Penny ! To all those who scout at the idea of introducing the Penny in Americus, we say that we stand ready to rea eem In goods or the cash any amount from 6c upwards. Bring them along and get their full value at TIE WILY SPOT ffll STORE II HAMS. FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF J. W. WHEATLEY & CO.’S BANK. Veiy truly, SCHUMPERT & RONEY. Americvu, G»., January 11, 1884. BOOKS 0 AND C PERIODICALS AT PUBLISHERS PRICES! Rest and Cheapest Writing Paper and En- . velopes in town! Croquet, Base Balls, Hammocks, Chess, and Light Reading for Summer Da vs. BUTTERICK’S PATTERN GIVEN AWAY. NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. AGKTES AYCOCK. CTg. C5hA. j Wtieatley’s Corner. Do! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Corner and buy Til? splendid succeu which stlcneedt>u>;effolla.ln tho -sir of PINE CLOTHING l,. our C , tin* induced „• t > brim out tor the Sprit* trade the Islyest, hnndsnmeit and most complete line of Perfect Pitting Clothing EVER SHOWN IN AMERICUS! There unuda have been .elected with great rare oud posses,'elegnneo of dcoigu, beaut, r,f and dnmhlllty of texture, that tew indeed can equal, and none aurpaai. In every Instance we GUARANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SaLE We haToJnlso a large and well selected stock of perfect fitting Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear! And everything In the .ay ot Oenf, Enral.hlng Ouope. r„||,e and sn.uttre Snleetnen . Ill pleasure in dieplsying there beautiful good, .hethor you erieh to buy or uot THORNTON WHEATLEY, Wheatley’s Cornell : : : Americus, Ga. IISHSIP' IS - ” .««■*