The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, July 13, 1884, Image 1

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? M[ ayHj fnfTnmif - if tiiijiii j U '% Im ... U . vJ N v. ' in!40 ' iM .H•finfo'ttH - i mmm?/1 0m f h on Established 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, SUNDAY, JULY 13, 1884. Tri-Weekly J4.00 per rear Hurray, "ao" ™ Weekly, ., s,» “ “ lmericus Recorder. I'UM.ISHKD UY |W. Xa. GlaESSN-iaR. (office our cotton avenue, I’ltOFUSSIOML & IJIISIYESS CARDS LA WYEHS. inlty hiiU prompt attention Zj. H. CARTER, ^ i' H' O Jf A' *’ Y a t l a tr, Amkricch, Sitmtkh County, : : : : Ga. Office, oM Fir-t National Bank. IVoiafit attentl ColK-clior.0 a »| IMriDleN. ■“ u. jiicuoitY," ATTORNEY AT LAW, RU-AVILLE, GA. from (80 or umK-r, |8; i \m- cent.; over 95CO, tevi-u i Ullleei' collections ate inttile. I^TCAPITAI* PRIZE, 975.000 sxl Tltk«lion!y|a. Shares lu iirojiorllou Louisiana State Leryott Oo. “ We do hereby certify that ret supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and Semi-Annual Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Company, ami in person man- age and control the Drawings themselves, and that the same are conducted with hon esty, fairness, and in good faith toward all parties, and we authorise the Company to use this certificate, with facsimiles of our signatures attached, in its advertisements: DOCTORS. Dr. 0. B. RAINEH, '* SITROEON AND PHVSICIAX. tilers his jiroltN ooiinl service*, with an « X|H*rl*. lie- of 20 veitrs, to tbo pool tie "f Anierieu* an.I lioinily. Offlci-over D*vf.< St OsllnwnyV Stole. He# den.'* at corner of Jackson and Church atroei*. [Jails will receive prompt attention. lanSilil DR. C. A. BROOKS, AMEItKU.H, UA. S. H. ll.ukln- Dr. D. P. HOLLOWAY, DENTIST, AMERICUS, GA. Ca'h rales as l.i . .be convinced. < •nport A Son’s drag store. apri Coinmlssloucrs. Tneorpornted in 1888 for 9!. years by the Lcgfato- lure for Educational ami Ctharitable i.iiriK/pci- wisha capital or f 1,000,000 - to n It lilt u n-aervo fund of over 1650,000 has since been added. Uy an over whelm ini? popular vote its fraiiclilae w:ia niHde u part of the piCM-nt State C'onatitutitMi adopted l>. cs*m»,«r 2d, A. !»., 1879. The only Lottery tttr i.olrJ on unit r tutor ted Lu I he jieoplt ojany Stale. Jl never train nr nntlpontt. Ill Uraud Single Number Drnwluei tnke place moutlily. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY TO WIN AFORTUNK. SEVENTH GHANI) DKAWINU, CLASS O, IN TIIK ACADEMY OF MUSIC, NEW ORLEANS, TUESDAY, July 15th, 1884 • 1?0U» Monthly Drawing CAPITAL PRIZE, $75,000. 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Fractions, In FI fills, In Proportion. LIST OF I'HIZKS: I CAPITAL PRIZE fir.,000 1 ' t&OOO 10,000 10 do MI SC EL LA NEO US. TNT oil PloBtett, Will do I'las'ering, Hrlckwork and lloiwwoik Cal’omiuea epecially. R.-pairing dons. Order* promptly attended to. octStf GIN WORK. REPAIR OLD GINS I Alter having had an experience of 'several years in the largest gin inihiifnctories, I know that I C411 give satisfaction. All Work giiarsn- leed. I a in located with my father ou JelTenon »tr«t, In renr of Oliver »A Oliver's shop. Work solicited. |may3S 5m| F, A. CAMERON. F.-lwrtrd J. Mi'ler. C, Horace McCall. Monumental Marble Works, MILI.KK & McUAl.l., Proprietors, Humliwcst Guruer of the Public Kfpiare, AMEIUCUS, GA. 'Monuments,Tombs, Etc., Etc. of ths best Italian and American Marble. A. A. Battle’s $3.00 Men’s Siloes. DP*A Uuarautee from the Manufacturer Jk% 1 claim that these shoe* are made of tliirTiret leather that can t>e prodc.c«d. Thera i* no rboddy In them; they will wear equal to any custom mode >hiK* that Would yon live d'dlnn*. I do a lafjfi buaiitMr, l»ny and sell f>r ca»b, and tli refore I an enabled to defy compi-ti'loii. I have taken thb nteth«l »f introduemir till-Shoe l«eame there ii 4,50 2,260 1.907 Pi Izes Applieatl. only to the « For furtlu amounting t< irly, giving $266,600 rates to clubs should bo if the Cumpsny in New Orleans. full addn and address Registered l.i NEW Olll.KANH NATIONAL RANK, New Orleans, La. POSTAL NOTES and orduiary letters by Mull or KApivb* (all sums ol 95 aud upward by Lapiess at our expense! to Al. A. DAUPHIN, New Orleans, La, ATTENTION! Hcflqnarta for Imporlefl ud Domestic LIQUORS, BEERS, CIGARS, 323to.. Etc. 1 have and alwuy- kc<-p mi hand a full supply ol Imported und Domestic l.iquois, Iteeis, Chaia- pagne, Cigars, ete„ etc., wliieh I am selling at LOWEST MARKET PKICKH. Alsol.a Fresh Assorted Stork of ^4Klfl c POWDER Absolutely Pure. T l« powder never varies. A marvel of purity reiigth and whole-oneness. More economic * urn the ordinaiy kinds, and cannot In- sold mipctloii with the multitude of low test, shu •■'••lit, alum or phosjikate powders. SoU only un*. llOYAL BAKING POWDER CO, 1> I Hi roet. New York. octglyL HflWWI mUl SKIN HUMORS J Wall Hi roet. New York. r 'lsat tliii soasr.n when the Pores open freely ind the Perspiration ,s abundant that Oish*- urin« Humors, lluiuilialiiia Eruptions. lulling t ortures. Halt Rheum, or Eczema. PswriasD. Tr‘ ter. Ringworm, Baby Humors. Scrofula. Send lous Sores, Abscesses, and Discharging Wouau-. IT IS A FACT. GREATEST ON EARTH. My mother bad it It Rheum in this nly years, and in i'Oka would have i and head were nothing relieved UHA UEROI.YKKT, and CUTIOUHA Soap, irk. O. GREAT BLOOD MEDICINES. The half lias not l»een told as to the great curative i>ow*r* of tho Ctrrirun.t Kf.mkui have paid hundreds of dollars for medicii Providence, K. I. CURE IN EVERY CASE. Your tVTK tTRA Rkmkdte* outsell all othsr ledicines 1 keen for skin diseases. My custo- t that they have effected a Franklin Falls. N. I !° u "titihed with the In at of ailk, and the but with the b‘ st of Borbour'i A. Battle’s |3.IW Shoe.” Kx- ... Americas at the BARGAIN HTORK of 8. M. COIIKN, Cotton Ave. maWmJJ -66th EDITION. PRICE ONLY $1, KNOW THYSELF, A Ureal Medical Work on Manhood, u, X J ‘ a U V itu 111j, Nervous and PhjrJcal |D.*» illlng frotnli iclliug as CHEAP AS THE CHEAP bn Vit “ ,Il 7> 1 Premature Declino In joutn ai.d the untold miseries uucrHIoni or exceM,-s. A Look for ml, ! dle "••‘I old. it con to I ind .chronic dUt-aav*, 125 pn*. to ^faVnTajaabTo!*8o found by the au- in<.r, whoso ixuerienco for 23 year* fa such as cixo V fo,t ’ Ml to the lot of any j.hysi- *60 |etg«e Lound In btautlfbl Fiench niit-lln, roTer *- I° JI »»ft, guaranteed to boa liner r l rZL ?*r r .l mechanical, literary and “F °* ber work xold In ihD tu J. y I°r 13.50, or the money will U* rsfuudid nlkl r L lU§ *2. c S- ,>r,CH only «t by mail, povt McdtesT*!* **f*?* d 'bo author by the National iijfir*. A * rtoc ‘ aUo “. the officers of which he ’! ,4 * W ,lf ‘ **y the young for lu- by . the afflicted for relief. It will r if “‘‘ -LonduO I Alice t. Wii- Ini tnerntw/ of whom ltd ^ whether^ youth, parent, ^ A.iafi*' lV ,r 2 5,or “r clergyman.- Argonaut. Addreaa the Pealmdy Medical Institute, or Dr iJr *1° 4 ®*»W««h Street, fBeaton, Ka*stafsrwt ’“THYSELF' Fresh ( inriiiiiati Itccr mi Draught Fra Lnncb from 10:30 A. H. lo 2 P. N Billiard and Pool Table mil I he end of the seasoi Full Supply of Ice on baud. JAKK ISKAKLH, r» llonk of American, Col j^resD Meats ANII COUNTRY PRODUCE! j 1 am now prepan d to furnish tbo | abliu with j % 'ioice meats, such as Itccf, Pork, Mutton, and Ki t. I also have ou hand at all time* chickens ' and Egg*. C »ine around aud try lue. Boath aula Cotton Avenue, uext <loar to P. II. Wiilhnu. 1 funelltf W. F. HARE, j CHEAP LUMBER im now located at Bell’, place, near A meric u • here 1 will deliver lumber fat mill for Eight Dollars per Kkw feat, and£la the elty for Nina IMlUrs aerjOOO.^tf. It. W. JORDAN. I Creasy Hkln, Black- Meat Market PROVISION STORE. W. H.&T.M.C0BB dt Cobb the Mta COTTON A.VENUH keep on lian>l the very beat cuts of BEEF, PORK, KID AND SAUSAGE, and also a full lino of Uiven Groceries anil Provisions, embracing all kind- of Vegetable* and Fruita lu tludr season. Canned tk-ods, etc. It Is their aim •pa ffml does establishment, and give thsir tners good gooila at the lowest prices. price d, id for Cattle, Hogs, and a kind-of coanlrv prodoec, Ainerlcua, Dec. 15, Elam Johnson, Son & Go., ATLANTA, GA. Commission is, Ren pec (fully SolicU CouHignmenl* of MELONS, CANTALOUPES, HONEY, And Country Produce Generally. Also, Order* for Anything the Atlanta Market Affords. Junetttf A BUREAU AGENCY Newspapers, Etc., Etc. I am Dow located teuporari'y In Daw-on, hava iug Iweo obliged to do -o on at count ofthe rapidly I illlng health of my mother, who nceda at all limes my per-oual attention, I will open a bureau t r he collection of debts, Waldcs I urn agent ?•* •II popular books, and viii receive ■uUcrif.Uu&v oo oewspapan. Qflea in court home. # W. K. FILhBL ltY. Dawson, Oa., April 4, till If “ONLY ABUTTON.” A cheerful south room, with a buy-window full of blossoming plants; a bright lire glowing behind a burnished grate; a carpet whose soft, velvety pile was shaded in blues and wood colors to corros- pond with the damask-covered fur niture; and a little gilded clock, which had just struok nine at night —all these things met Mrs. Chick- erly’a oyo as Bite laid down her I took and yawned ns widely as her ripe chorry of a mouth would ad mit. She was a plump fairfuced young matron of some four or five and twenty, with bright auburn hair, soft blue eyes, and a complexion whoso rosos stood in no need of artificial rouge lo lighten their charms, while her dress of soft crimson merino was exquisitely adapted to her semi-blonde style. ‘•Fanny,” said Mr. Chickerly looking up from his newspaper "did you call ou those Carters to lay?” “No; I never thought of It.” “And they leave town to-morrow morning; and Carter is absurdly sensitive to all slights, fancied or real. Fanny, I desired you to make a point of calling.” “Well, I did intend to, Frank, pouted Mrs. Chiekerly, “but one can’t tbink of everything.” 1 You cannot, it seems.” “It appears to me that you are making a mountain out of a mole bill,” said Fanny, rather tartly. “It may alfoct my business very seriously. Carter’s house curries great influence with It.” Mrs. Chickerly was silent,patting the velvet carpc'l with her foot In a manner that indicated some annoy, anee. “I shall have to leave here very early to-morrow morning,” said her husband, presently. “To go to Scenersville, about Aunt Elizabeth's will?" “Yes.” “Oh, I wouldn't, Frank.” “Why, not?” “It’s such bitter cold weather to travel in, and Aunt Klizul>elh is such a whimsical old woman, it’s as likely as not that she’ll change her mind about making a will when you get there. I would wait a lit tle, if I were you.” Mr. Chickerly smiled. “That would be your Bystem of doing things, Fanny, but not mine.” “My system, Frankl Wlmt do you mean?” “I mean that you believe in put ting things off indefinitely, and not always in the wisest manner. I wish you’d break yourself of that habit, Fanny. Uelieve me, it will some day bring you to grief.” Mrs. Chickerly contracted her pretty eye-brow-. “I don’t believe in being lectur ed, Frank.” . “And I don’t very often lecture you, my dear; pray give lue credit i’or that.” “You didn’t tbink you were mar rying an angel when you took me, I hope." “No, my love. I thought I was marrying a sweet little girl, whose few faults might bo easily cor rected." "Faults! Have I any great fuults, Frank?" “Iiittle faults may sometimes en tail great consequences, Fanny.” “If you scold me any more 1 shall go out of the room.” “You need not, for I am going myself to pack my valise. Uy the way, there’s a button off the shirt I want to wear to-morrow. I wish you would come up-stuirs and sew it on (or me.” “I will, presently.” “Why can’t jou come now?” “I Just want to flnisli this hook; there’s only one more chapter.” And Fanny opened tier volucm resolutely that her husband thought it best not to contest the question. Sitting all alone in front of the bright fire, Mrs. Chickerly gradu ally grew drowsy, anil keforo she knew it she had drifted off into the shadowy regions of dream land. She was roused by the clock striking eleven. “Dear me, how lato it-isl” she thougiit, with a little start. “1 must go upstairs immediately, There, I lorgot to tell cook about having breakfast at five to-morrow morning, and of courso she’s abed and asleep by this time. I’ll be up early enough to see to it my self—that will be just as well.” And iaying this salve to her con. science, Mrs. Chickerly turned off the gas and crept drowsily up the stairs. “Fanny, Fauuy, it’s past Qve, and cook hasn't come down stair* yet. Are you tore you spoke to her last night.” Mrs. Chiokerly rubbed her eyes aud stared sleepily around. “Oh, Frank, I forgot all about speaking to her last night,” Bho cried, with conscience-stricken face. “But I’ll run right up—she can have the breakfast ready in n very few minutes.” -i She sprang ont of bed, thrust her feet into a pair of silklincd slippers, and thfew a shawl over her shoulders. Mr. Chickerly bit his lip and checked her; “No need, Fanny," he said, a lit* tie kittcriy. “I must leave the house in fifteen minutes or miss the only through train. It’s of use speaking to cook now.” <• “I am so sorry, Frank.” Mr. Chickerly did not answer; he was apparently absorbed in turn ing over tlie various articles in his bureau drawer, while Fanny sat shivering on the edge of the bed, cogitating how hard it was for her husband to start on u long journey that bitter morning without uuy breakfast. “I can make a cup of coffee my self over the furnace lire," she ex claimed, springing to her feet. But Mr. Chickerly again inter- posed: “Sit down, Funny, please, would rather you would sow this buttou ou tho neck of my shirt, I have packed the others—lho3o that arc Ut lo wear. I have shirtsenongh hut not one in repair.” Fanny crimsoned as she remem bered how often, in the course of the last month or two, sho Imd solemnly promised herself to de vote a day to the much-needed reno. valion of her husband's shirts. She looked around for her thim ble. “I left it down Btairs last night. I’ll gel it in a minute!” The housemaid had just kindled a fire in the sitting room grate; it was blazing and crackling cheerily among the fresh ooals, and Fanny could not resist the temptation of pausing u moment to warm her chilled Angers and watch tho green- isli-purplo spires of flame shoot merrily up the chimney, until she heard hor husband’s voice oaliing her imperatively. “Fanny! Funny! what are you doing?” “Ob, dear,” thought the wife, as sho ran upstairs, “I wish Frank wouldn’t bo so cross. He’s always in n hurry.” Little Mrs. Chickerly never slop ped lo think that the reason was that she, his wife, was never "in a hurry.” Tho needle threaded, the thimble flttcd on, un appropriate button was next to be selected. “Oh, dear, Frank, 1 haven't one the right size!” "Sew on wlmt you have, then but bo quick!” But Fanny wns quite oertain there was “Just the right button” somewhere in her workbasket, and >cd to search for it. here, I told you so!" site cried; triumphantly holding It up on the point of her needle. “Well, well, sew it oq quick,” sail! Mr. Chickerly, glauciug at his watch nervously. "That’s just your worrying way, Frank; as if anybody could sow a button on well in a hurry. There! iny needle has come unthreaded!” “Oh, Fanny, Fanny!”sighed her husband, fairly out of patience at last, “why didn’t yon do it last night, as I begged of you? I shall miss the train; and what little we had of a place in Aunt Eliza beth's will, wiar.c sacrificed to your miserably' -dbit of being al ways behind f'id." Fanny a0i him the shirt and began to romper a little; hut Mr. Chickerly bad neither the time nor tho inclination to pause to soothe her petulant manifestation ofgiief. Ho finished his dressing, caught up his valise with a hurriedly.spoken “good bye,” and ran down stairs, two steps at a time, intotiie street. “There he goes," murmured Fanny; “ami lie’s gone uway cross with me, and all for nothing but a miserable button! I wish there wasn't such a thing as u button in the world. (A wish which, wc much misdoubt, many another wife than Mrs. Fanny Cbiokorly has echoed, with porhaps uctlcr rea sons Mrs. Chickerly was sitting down, to her littlo dinner a la mitaire, with a daintily-browned chicken, tumbler of currant jelly and a curly buuch of celery ranged before her, when, lo her surprise, the door opened and in walked her lord and husband. "Why, Frank, where on earth did you come from?” cried the as tonished wife. t - “From the office,” aoolly answer- td Mr. Chiokerly. 1 ^ “But I thought you for Scenersville, in such a hurry?” “I found myself just live minutes too late for tbo train, alter having run all tire way to tho depot.” “Oh, that was too bad!” Chickerly smiled a little as he began to carve the cbioken. “Yes, I was a little annoyed at first, it did seem rather provoking to bo kept at home by only a but ton.” “What are you going to do?” “Why, I shall make a second start to-morrow.” “I’ll seo to it that your breakfast is ready this time to a second, and ail your wardrobe in trim," said Fanny, rather relieved at the pros pect of a chance to retrieve her character. “You need not. I have engaged a room at a hotel near tho depot. I can’t run any more risks.” He did not speak nnkindly, and yet Fanny felt that he was dim pleased with her. •* “But, Frank ” J “Wo will not discuss the matter any further, my love, if you please. I have resolved to say nothing more to you about reforms. I see it is useless, and it only tends to foster an unpleasant state of feeling be tween us. Shall I help you to some maoaroni?” And fairly eilenccd, Fanny ate her dinner with what appetite was left to her. Thro days afterward Mr. Chiok erly onca more made bis entrance, just at dusk, carpet-bag in band, as Fanny sat enjoying tho roddy shine of the coal-lire and the con sciousness of having performed her duty iu the mending and general renovating of her buabandV.dWV. erful of shirts—a job which she had so long bocn dreading aud postponing. “Well, how is Aunt E'lzabotk?” questioned Fanny, when her bus- band, duly welcomed and greeted, had seated himself in the opposite easy-chair. “Dead," was the brief reply. . “Deadl Ob, Frank! Ofberold enemy, appoplexy?” ‘•Yes." “Was her will made?” “It was. Apparently she had expected me, on the day she her self Imd appointed; and on my non- arrival In the only train that stops she sent for the village lawyer, made her will, and leit all her the orphan asylum in Icenersvillc, with a few bittor words to the e treat that the neglect of her only living nephew had In duced her on tbo spur of the mo ment to alter her original Intention of leaving it to him. She died the next morning.” “Oh, Frank, how much was it?” “Ten thousand dollars.” Thera was a moment of silence', and then Mr. Chickerly added, composedly: “You see, Fanny, how much that missing button has cost me!” Fanny Chiokerly sat like one condemned by the utterance of her own conscience. Not alone the one missing button, hut the scores —nay, hundreds—of trifling omis sions, forgetfulness and postpone ments which made her life one end • less endeavor to “catoli up” with the transpiring present, seemed to present themselves before her mind's eye. What would this end in? Was not the present lesson sufficiently momentous to teach herself in a diflorant school? She rose and came to her hus band’s side, laying oue tremulous hand ou Ills shoulder. “Thera slmll be no more missing buttons, my lore,” she said ear- neatly. Hu comprehended all that she left unspoken, and silently pressed the little hand in his own; and not a word was said more tbaa this upon the subject. •• • •• .1 But Itwasnotforgotton. Fanny Chickerly set herself resolutely to work to uproot the rank weedf growing in tho garden of her life. And shesucceeded^e^WeSilnfSy'dA when wc resolve to do* wise thing. A bicycle has just been invented England which i* , said to do awgy with the danger attendant npon "headers” by arranging tbe handles in Bucb a way as to leave a perfectly open front so that if tbe rider it thrown forward he can alight on bi* (l feet ,without being impeded by bis machine. A CARD. To oil whs are»ufferuig fmm the errors and inducrtlionii ol junta, notions weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, , I will seed a recipe that will cm* you, FREE OF CHAROE. This great remedy was discovered by a mieeiMOry la Booth Amerioa. Send aeelfad Jreeeed envelope to the Rtv. Joe or* T. iKWas, SUUt a D, New Ytrk Ct%.