The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, July 18, 1884, Image 1

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"w7 Recorder, #.* M f iUUt'f Established 1879. ■ •== AMERICUS, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1884. SSEE7:::;::Agvnr WttKl.r,.. 8,00 •• “ Amerious Recorder. ruurjaiiKn »v w . ori'Ki: ox cottow avenue. PROFESSIONAL, & BUSINESS CARDS JjAWXHUH. L. H. CARTER, j attohnky a r i.a ik.i Amkriciis, SrsiTF.Ii County, : : : : Ga. | Office, oM Fir»t N»tlunnl Bank. j l’n.iuiit allenilju given lonil buaiucsVciilrasted. OoHeottot.t n npemlty nnd prompt attention , fi).,r«ntetHl. ^ aersaii | (!. It. M (UttORY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. "til4.AVli.LK.OA. '1RHMH—All.rlnimn from *80 or under, fa; j 1 m •» I" •»* leu p.r cnl.: uvrr |.vn, , .... ..lit. Noeliaruen Milne*collection* aie irntde. DOCTORS. Dr. C. B. RAINES, 8UKUE0N AND FlllNIt lAN. •Her* hi* pr. .•nee oi 20 vet. vicinity. Otte j the iieoplu of AhutIcua WlM c POWDER? Absolutely Pure. T* I* iHiwder never varies. A marvel of parity ■trenirtli nn.l wliola>oiaene^«. More economical Ian the ordinary hinds, and cannot I* sold in ‘ompeli.m with tlu- inalliinile of low tent, abort eight, alum or phosphate powder-. Solti only ir ■"■'A, IUk‘IK.1 POM"'"" - ... Itarfa*Collin . of Jackwoii and Church Mi will receive prompt atieutloii. Inn2f DR. C. A. BROOKS, AMKHIUUMJA. at I )avenport's drug Will be be found ut ni^ht at the M l SC EL LA NISO VS. lilSTeil I»lol3L©1rt, l do PL'isierinr, Brickwork and Housework nine a specialty. Repairing dona. Order- lily attended to. octtltf ’resli Meats |COUNTRY PRODUCE! am now prepar.-d lo furnish Urn | ubli.* will lee meats, ench as lleef. Pork, Mutton, am . I hImi have on hand at ull timet elftekemt Kggf. 1' .nte around und try tun. side • on Avenue, next dorr to I*. II. Williams, me!Ilf W. P. IIAUK. cIN WORK. IEPAIR OLD GINS 1 M WSr SKIN HUMORS. I •xperiet „ . .n-tntsflif ii give NalUfectlun. All 1 *in the largest gin m int.fiirtories, I know kited. |in.t)U8 5m) rd J. MtMer , A. CAMRRON. C, Horace McCuIl. ouunionliil iHarblo Works, HIM.Lit A MrTALI^ l'roprictoi H, biltWAKl Corner of the I’nblio Sqmiro, AMRRKJUS, IIA. lonuments, Tombs, Etc., Etc. J. Rattle’s $3.00 Men’s Shoes. ' «»«rai,loo rr..1.1 the Ua'uolnclllrrr.Jgk «hoes nto nirtilo of tlirTr.t it can 1.0 Jifoduo,il. Thor, i. un *ho.ldy liey will wear equal to Any custom made would cost y.m rive .hdlass. I do a large *uy and -ell f.-r cash, and th refore I am dto.h.fy cumpetiiimi. I have taken this Od n| introducing till* Shoe lav.-aiiu* there i* land for an shim it a Low Price war- 't hy tlii‘ inaniifiirtuier. I claim these Shoes - trhod with the best of silk, and the but- se«e.| «n with the b- of Barbour s vhten |s Imported fiom Jutland. These ' Dl '“le m* the latest Improved la*te, and nail them nn easy fit, niter you have trod ptrytm witl wear none that U not stamped bbottom .'A. A. Battle's fl.OO Mo*\” Kx- Lu L" America* nt the BAKU AIN r- M. OORRN, Cot tun Ave. mahmS EDITION. PRICE ONLY $1. T this -eaten when tho Pores open fraelv and the IVrspiraii.m is nl.umUiit that l)i-ng- aring Humors, Humiliating Eruptions. Itching Tori urea. Kail Rheum, nr Kczeiua.Iwiaata. Tet ter. Ringworm. Baby Humors. Ncrofula. Hm.fn- Ioiih Sores. Abscetars. and IR charging Wounds, and every species of Itching. Scaly, amt Pimp.y Diseases ,.f th.-Skin ond Scalp are liiw«t speedily and economically cured l.y ihe l lMt- i'Ra IIkmk- IT IS A FACT. »** ”i*» V r*> i v *v. m « r . .*« ^«u'/ir. jam‘rKr:pj.vrv^ GREATEST ON EARTH. lYrn/ruv Ri.mki.iesara ih#greatest inodicinoa umrV! Mv*m«illier l.a.l it twenty years, and in externally'. .1. W. Adams, Newark, O. GREAT BLOOD MEDICINES. The half ha. not been told ».* to the great CURE IN EVERY CASE. Your CrnCDRA Rrmrdikm oatnoil all ot y, ct*. |*i/n eh Bttuu amu i. Slnw. 'A W Cure Nklii Illaenaea.” BEAUTY,‘ liomln.Plinplea.Skln Winn HuiltorM.u»eil'TI«TU.\S. rHuuhurn.Tnn and t'ntiy Skin, Black- nIicm, and lnfAiitlle \v nival Beautifler l or,. [life j Meat Market A*® 1 —-- • ' PROVISION STORE. W. H.&T.M.COBB Haring purchased from Han* A Cobb the kit A COTTON AVBNX7B keep on hand tho very beat cuts of IIEEF, PORK, KID AND SAUSAGE, and uUd n full J(n« of; , »# Green Groceries and Provisions, K ing all kind* of Vegrl ib in. ir « a«otl, Canned Ueo«Ti, fte. - , r to keep a drrt tlokN C.IAldlabirient, and glva thalr customers good gooda at the I"west price*. - fir Highest price i-ald for Cdttle, H«»g^, mid ■ kind* of country prod new, America*, D-c. IQ. Inssidf i ibw »n'i iruiu iu r | c | | ^ slK j u | W!l y 8 Jept in tho spring Itouses, lUrougli ntiicl. the vrater Elam Johnson, Son & Go., ATLANTA, GA. Ifrapeclfally Solids Consignments of THYSELF. it Medical Work on Manliund. | M5MMK, PANTAWI1E8, HONEY, Au»l Gouulry l'rotlucaGenarully. t, OnUrs for Anything the Atlanta Market All'ords. . f if » n * t * re«nlting frutn|ii , middle ar*nnd old. It contain. |M prr. | ir IT, T r . . ““la «*nd .chronic diwnaer, each * I* Invaluable. Set found Mr the nu- A », nr?* ^P*r;ei»cc <or W year, in .ml. :.s Al ''never before fell to the lot of uny pliy- . •‘T »««■« l*ound in b. Fiend, mu-l * eovei*, full gl!t, guniunteed to In- n I'. « verv rv.tse—mechanical, literary f^^banntyflih, ■ro-rUiui aLyaUiw wo,! r»M lu iU,[ atlon, to the officer* of which he j fc U.,k >ho»*,.t v ,^0,1 Lv ||, e young fur In |.j'. a 7 by the afflicted for relief It will f; -^mdon IAi.cct. iiL*.*! I . l,g - nlttf; uf *3jHciy,lo whom lb. to may b» conaulted on all d.-oase* »c titMuSm. '"THYSELF A BUREAU AGENCY •—poit— Newspapers, Etc., Etc. 0141 VIKHINIA. Olympia, Smith Countv, Va. 1 ■T July 1st, 1884. , KuliftB Rbcokukk:—At the earn est. request of one of your staff, I will tms YnoriiuTg oivo you a few “dots” from the “Riuh Valley,” hoping they muy inlcreit •: your numerous. readers. How I pity you all On this bright July uay, sweltering and. SttHoeating, anatk. emntizing [ Old Sol in far away Ucorsin, while I, ns “tool ns n cu cumber" (if you will permit the ex. pression), with the thermometer just shove my bead at 52“, sit on the portico of Mr. W. M. Davis resilience, happy. How I wish yon were here to enjoy, with me th* magnifiuent panorama spread out on all sides. Beautiful green vullies, luxuriant Helds of clover,Hilling the air with Iragrauce from the purple blossoms—acres and acres ol gol den wheal, undulating like the waves of ocean, with each passing breeze, ready for harvesting, while here and there may he seen oats, plauled in the spring, und as green as the grass ol the Kmcrald Isle, giving variety to what is already loo beautiful (or language to des cribe. From your very feet almost, rises peak after peak,covered with verdue to the summit, spurs of the Blue Kltlge Mountains, which can he seen far away in the distance, dark blue, against the sky lor u hack-ground, and clothed with mis ty clouds which disappear as the sun rises in the heavens. Every house is located near n spring, from which a bold, sparkling stream goes laughing and gurgling over its rocky bed, forming here nnd there, in its course, cascades, which are miniature Niagara’s—you see n« sand, nor .day, only occasional ly in the rocky roads. The whole lace of the earth is one enrpet of “living green.” l'he people live like kings, buy nolhiug but their sugar and coffee, ir I wish I could describe to you Ally, the fertility of this valley which produces from 80 to 125 bushels of corn to the acre, wheat und oata in proportion. You must see for yourself, to realize it. The luxuriance of the clover, timothy and blue grass. You can have no conception, unless you are here, of the beauty, of the splendid breeds of cattle and horses. Every farmer raises bis own horses,’ and sells': them from the time they reach'two years ol age. I have seen some that uppear to me, could not he surpassed in beauty by the far famed Arabian steeds, and ready sale can always he found. The milch cows they have arc far be- yond anything I have ever seen in our country. They prefer the Durham stock. The butter is as yellow as gold and firm as ice cold water can make it. Tlif milk . Is varieties of goods | now torn by contending political were ready for market. The Rich ; parlies, which have all keen merg- Valloy is about fifty miles long, and | ed at last into two, Democrats and from five to fifteen miles wide. ! republicans. Brothers have be- We, in company with a party of j come estranged, fathers and sons twenty-five or thirty, visited the , have become divided, neighbors Hows constantly. The beney is the same as you have. Raspberries grow wild on every bill and moun tain side. Cherries I sec by tbe bushel. Strawberries we have often, and bow delicious they are with tbe genuine ice cold unadulterated cream. Currants in profusion on every place. Chickens, turkeys, '*&&**.&*&**'£%&* spontaneously,” so numerous are they. The water is as cold as iee, clear as crystal, and good to the famous Buchanan's cave, and had tbe pleasuro of going five hundred feet under the ground. I have not time to descrilH! the wonders nnd beauties to he seen therein. Suffice it to say, there are many. During the war the Confederate Govern ment had men employed to make saltpetre here, and great (|iiantities were obtained. Everything petrl- fes, the planks, troughs etc., left there, are all turning to stone, even the snails. Its outlet has not been found, hut a creek, whoso waters are cold as ice, and clear, has been crossed thirty-two times by per sons, exploring the cave, hut it is impossible to follow its windings ou account ol a precipice, and hence its terminus is unknown. The people are plain,extremely sociable, whole-souled and generous. 1 have seen none poor. All seemed lo he prosperous nnd happy. The climate for six months in the year Is delightful, but the winters are cold, bleak, and any one whose lungs are In the least aflccted can not live long here. We were at the burial of the fourth member of one family who had died of consump tion in six months. While down the valley we were royally entertained at the magnifi cent residence ol Mr. I.ysunder Campbell, who was a pupil of Mr. McNulty’s years ago, and whose good lady is certainly one of tl.e “Balt of the earth." There we met a large crowd of bright, rosy cheek ed girls, and entertaining young gentlemen who vied with each oth er ill their endeavors to make the “Georgia ladies” have a pleasant time. They succeeded admirably. Al Mr. Joe Sanders, also, we were splendidly entertaiued. Messrs. I.e- grand Sextons, E. Reeves, II. Har mons, and Dr. Talleyrand Davis likewise, all of whom we shall ever bold in kindly remembrance. But the bed ol all best men is W. M. Davis, at wl.ose house we bad the pleasure of stopping during our stay in the valley. For whole- souled hospitality, Indefatigable ef forts to make those around him happy, forgetfulness of self and constant thoughtfulness of others’ pleasure, I do not think his equal can ho found on earth, and bis genial wife aids him in all his ef forts. If you arc wearied in body, harassed mentally, weak physically, visit happy, cheerful, genorous Mart Davis, and in u short time you will feel like a new being. His home is the traveler's rest and you are always welcome. He is known and loved from one end of the val ley to the other. May lie never know want nor sorrow. We have gained in fiesh to such an extent that we have found it neecssury to remodel our ward- robes and as a matter of economy We cannot prolong our slay to a great length of time. I have almost forgotten to men tion Marion, a beautiful little city in the bills. Though an old place, every building has the ap|>earance of being newly painted. The ohurches, four of them, arc hand some edifices. The hotels arc well kept, and business seems to lie fresh and bracing. You can walk etreaih* are full of fish, and we have had several irerry fishing parlies eaught the “finny tribe’’ as fast as our hooks could be thrown in the Holston river. At Olympia is a wool factory, wl^ch Is running constantly, and raakiug lieautilul .... >» I am now located umporari'y in D*h j.i* oMIfptl to d.» *o ou n< count oftli^ rapidly lulling health' of my mother, who need* at all tiuiM my pwreomU wiuui.oo, l *»H om-u • bur*** | r be collection of U»-ht», ImI.I.-w t «u n«l ail popular book*, and will lart-lrc •uUrriptkuu manager, a kind aud courteous gentleman, carried us all through, and explained the different pro- cd■■w.pap.rj. Qor.lucouri‘ Tii cesses, the lime the raw mi-, oc, ami«, uM.’ K u WU * terial was carried Into tbe building, taste at all times. The air is crisp, nourishing. The people are not lacking In enterprise. We had a miles without being weeded, j The [ pleasant visit from Mr. Pendleton, the editor of one of tbe papers there, also from Mr. James Francis, and many thanks are due Col. Jno. Richardson, Messrs. Jackson, Ry- brau, and Jackson for courtesies extended. We hope lo have the pleasure of welcoming them to the goosjA jeans, eassimers. blankets, -Empire Stale of the South “some ‘ etc. -'TBupt. John Whitehead, lilt' of these times.” Grand old Virginia, mother of statesmen, poets and warriors, whose very uaine ought to cause the heart of every one of her chil dren to throb with patriotism, I* have become bitter enemies, and this beautiful eountry, rleb In bis. torie memoirs, made immortal by the prowess of Jackson, Lee, Ashby and a host of others whose names will lire as long as time; celebrated in all ages to come by tbe poet of the South, Father Ryan, is des lined this year to pass through an ordeal, the like of which may her children never seo again, but iu which wo hope right will triumph and wrong he trampled un.lor foot, never to lift its head. I1AIV80M DOTH. Dawson, July 10.—The agrl cultural club of tho 12lh district, in this county, had quite an inter- esling meeting n few day ago. J W. Sears is president, aud through his earnest efforts this organization has been made a success. A din ner was given that was ample in quality and quantity—“a real agri cultural feast.” Specimens of the various orops were on exhibition, and the discussion relative to the most successful modes of farming elicited much thought. This club meets once a month, and at tbe next the question will come up: “Whether or not It pays to raise wheal in this Boctlon.” In this dis trict the Recorder has quite a cir culation, and wo aro more than over glad to notice alt efforts that tend in the direction ’of making farm ing a success. The town to day is in a “political hubbub.” The polls are open, and so are the bar-rooius. There is much personal feeling, but it is the wish of every conservative citizen that law and order may lie main tained, This question came up to day: “Is it legal or not for bar rooms to remain open at what is called a primary election?” It 1b well to put “fire-water” under lock and key at all elections. We are all glad at the nomination cf Cleveland und Hendricks, and tlie return ol one of the delegates from tho Chicago convention, So licitor General Guerrv of this city, was bailed with pleasure, as he was one of the factors in bringing about so desirable result. That masterpiece of English com position, tho speech of Hon. A. O. Bacon in his presentation before the convention of tbe name ot Gen. J. C. Black of Illinois for tho Vice- Presidency is tho pleasing theme of every one here. A tew days ago in conversation witli Ordinary H. S. Bell of this place, who fought and was wounded In the battle of Manassas, the con versation naturally turned upon “headquarters in the saddle" Pope and Gen. Fitzjohn Porter, both of whom became at variance ou the results connected with that battle. We agreed that the sin (?) of Fitz john Porter was in being a Demo crat, and that the veto of President Arthur of tho kill restoring this gallant General to his proper place in tlie army was the outcome ol venomous repnbllcau bate, and that a late editorial iu the Macon Tele graph and Messenger in defence of Porter had the ring ol true metal in it—a production that did credit to Ilia heart and mind of Editor Lamar. We write thus lie- cause there exists here much sym pathy lor that gallant Federal sol dier and true democrat, Fitzjobn Porter. A little digression here. Your correspondent in 1862 was in the army at Corinth, Mississippi, and at Farmington ucar that place, we had a brush with Pope’s forces, who was in our front, and we “wal loped” him well, though his official report stated a great victory for himself. Afterwards Pope’s name in our army was the synonym for “bags lying.” Ask Tucker Stallings of Jrour city, who it was that be went to the Methodist church with here on last Sunday night? We say thia much, that be was fortunate in ac companying one of onr sweetest young ladies to that place:' Daw son has quite an attraotlon to many of the young men of your oily, who trequently brighten up society here by theii vlilts. We look? for a wedding or two in tbe near future —we know muob in that connec tion, but will say little. The friends here Of Mr. T. E. Davenport extend to him their con gratulations on bis recent gradua tion at Emory College. Our old and valued friend, tiol. Walter T. Davenport, may well be prond of this son of his, for be is a young gentleman of sterling qualities. Will you, Mr. Editor, permit me to exercise a personal feeling in suggesting the name of Dr. Hinkle, of your city, ns a Presidential elec tor in tbe coming Presidential campaign. Dr. Hinkle In tbe past has done valiant service for tbe Democracy, and aa a political speaker he has but few equals. As Presidential elector be will be the right man In tbe right place. Mrs. M. A. McNulty has return ed from her visit to Virginia,' and speaks of having bad a most en joyable time. Both herself and those of her family wbo accompa nied her received much benefit from their trip. Mr. F. A. Quillian, of Harmony Grove, Ga., a recent graduato of Emory College, will take charge of Owen Nelson Institnte in this olty. Mr. Quillian comes well re commended as having qualifica tion essential to his success as a teacher. The slate holds another name, that of J. W. Rears, who will pnt lortb bis best effo'ls to be the next Sheriff of Terrell county. Soars is a good fellow, an aotlve worker, and a man up to tbe demands of tbe hour. Married, in this county, o*. tbs 3d Inst., by J. W. Sears, J. P., Mr. W. F. Avery to Mrs. Arabella Cochran. Also, on June 21st, by the same person, Mr. J. W. Klrven to Miss J. B. Howell. Wo extend tbe kindest wishes to each one re cently united In tbe marriage re lation U. S. Leo, of this city, is in tbe northwest, and during bis trip be took in Chicago, and was present during tbe proceedings of the late Democratic convention. Tbe com pany that be represents, H. S. Lee ii Co., have received orders for oar loads of lumber from Ohio. This speaks well for our sootlon. Our pine groves can be mad* sources ol untold wealth to us. . Friday was a “red letter” day In tbo history of Dawson. Tbe barbe- one was a “big” thing. About 2,- 500 people wen here. All tbe coun ties round about this wan ngtf- „ sented. The table was 160 yards in length and over |00 loqyes ol bread were used with T6oareaeeee. In one bar-room COO drinks were sold, but no disorder whatever occpred. During tbe day a railroad meeting was held, at which speeches were made by Messrs. B. H. Hood and Geo. W. Cbeeves, and active meas ures were taken lo forward railroad work. Tbe contest between tbe bow ball clubs ol Eufknla, and Albany, was abruptly brought to a close by a misunderstanding between some of tbo players and tbe heavy rain that fell. . W. K. P. A CARD. To >0 whs srasuffsrmg (ram thenron and iadisentions of jroutn, narvons weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, , 1 will sood a recipe that will oil* you, FREE OF CHARGE. Thia great remedy waa discovered by a miaalonary in South America. Sendaaelf-addreased envelope to Ibo ltKV. Josxra T. IsuAX, tilutiiM D, Hen York CQlyi,, ,i i ' .. One steamer brought 37,000 Georgia watermelons to Boston weekago. This shows that onltnra does not destroy old apjgftitM aa^jg pulton*. •