The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, July 23, 1884, Image 4

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dbatii ok a famous cow. JF.KSF.V FOB WHICH $15,000 WAS TWICE REFUSED. Revolution 1 Mit6f mills'ifovcr t at Ike farm of her breeder and j owner, A. B. Darling, near Kara- heys, \. J.. two days after having dropped her fourth calf, a hull, hy Darling's Kiotcr. This was the fi-st , tw that openly elujlengetl public ; skepticism regarding her alleged great blitter yield, and her trial of ; seven days in the hands of a dis- I believing committee in the fall of 1002, did, perhaps, more than any , thing to establish public > conadenee/ih^hd claims made ,on lielialf of Jersey cattle. Tim result : of the lest was 21 pounds 11i ounces of unsaltc l butter In icven days, stUl remains the best pubiawfc tmr nammi <» second calf, though one private | trial claims to surpass it. Bomba Imd just reached the age at which j her famous grand-dam Eurotas, So. 2,4$4, Came to the /.enitli ol her [ gg capacity,'and It was contemplated : LL to test her the coming year, in ex pectation of realising her owner’s prediction, that a cow will yet bo found Capable'l of yielding 900 pounds of butter, followed by a calf, all within a year. In the com blpatlon ialu in May Inst Bomba'» daughter, an 8 months heifer, brought $5,200 nt auction. Her second calf, a bull, now beads Col. II. 8. Russell's herd, near Boston. Mass., and sold privately for a similar sum. Tbeowncrof Bomba reocived two cask offers of $15,000 each for her, shortly after her notable test, hut preferred to retain her, in hopes of demonstrating the correctness of his estimate of the possible capacity of a eow for but ter-giving. COMPARE THE OLD PRICES WITH THE NEff -AT Schumpert k Roney’s THE ONIiT 1 The fire very unceremoniously moved us out of our old store on the night of March 26th, where we have been doing business lor over seventeen years, but having secured the store formerly occupied by J. W. HARRIS & J CO., next door to Waxclbaum’s, on Cotton Avenue, we are again ready lor business. | Some of our stock was damaged by removal, JJjand as the insurance companies paid us in full for all such damages, we are prepared to sell them at a GREAT REDUCTION and not lose any money by so doing. We have ordered , new tools, fixtures, material, Ac., to take the place of those destroyed, and will be fully promised in issue ol the Regokdkk of January ‘id, to “iso you some prices so soon af j prepared to do all kinds of WOl'k ill a few daVS ow prepared and ready to give you niort : * * IKT A1VIERIOUB. we arranged and marked down our goods. We nre now prepi goods (or less money than any house that si'll goods on thirty days time. day; Conempliite eredit : a lew quotations and note the difference in Sl’OT CASH''priorsand thirty Flour. Flour. these Flours as represented, and if not satisfactory you ran return them ; Amerionq and we will cheerfully refund the money. ** s * In I'titur.-) we will keep on hand the best grades ol GRAHAM FLOUR—cheap. Sugars. Sugars. Will sell you 1(1 pounds Granulated Sugar lor " “ ID'J pounds New Orleans Clarified lor “ “ 11 pounds New Orleans (liellewood) Clarified, for. “ “ 12 pounds New York Sugar, lor In this line we are fully up and udrixe everyhody to seize tin chase at oner a sufficiency lor the year’s eomsumption. Senator Tlmrniua's Fish storj. OievelitiMl Once upon a time when crowd ed about his presidential aspira tions, Mr. Thurman replied: “I j In this article we stand head and shoulders a ho re everybody, having ransacked the big db-coilon!” 0 A°loo'k onncrcdulHy j mn *’kpt8 <>(' t lie West and Northwest in search of the best, and paid the CASH DOWN. We ou ovary--face was the only re- | "’ill sell you First l’ntent, (entire Roller system) sponse: Judge took in these ! For 50 pounds, §1.9(1. Old price, $‘2.15. looks and related a little story: j 2d l»ut., for 50 pounds 1.70. “ 1.90. land House, Maryland, spending a Fancy, lor •')() pounds, LOO. “ 1.80. little vacation up in the cool monn- ! * 'hoire Family 50 pounds 1.50. •• 1.65 tain region. We got to telling flsh i We guarantee all th stories. I related something of my own experience when I was present and saw caught a cattish weighing ninety pounds. When 1 told the weight there was a general laugh, aud I was humorously awarded the prize for telling tlsii stories. I quietly remarked to my Incredu lous friends that I hoped soon to convince them of the correctness of my story that in western waters there were catflak of ninety pounds weight; When 1 returned to Colum bus I weld to tile leading rosluu- rntour and instructed him to pro cure me the largest cattish that could possibly he secured. He re- I ported In a Tew days that he had 1 one. I walked over and found an i excellent specimen, weighing sev- I cnly.dve pounds. 1 had him boxed and carefully packed in ice, and I shipped him by express to my dis- I lielleving friends at the Oakland. ! -i'i ...i ,, From the restaurateur I got all the buibei s No. 11, (Rousted) n eomhimitmu recipes I eoidd for cattish chowder, cattish steaks, mulled cattish, roast, etc., ami sent to him hy mail. 1 telegraphed as follows: 'Rkiu your lish before you cook him,' a cat- j tisli s Bkin being so rank as to spoil: |.ivcrpool, full weight, Hu' $1.20 per sack. Fine Salt, seamless hags, 150 pounds, $1,05 per sack the lleak when the lish is cooked 1 ” * 1 with it on. They got uiv telegram and were puz/.ltd W. on ill- box arrived, dripping from the melting ieo, they were more puy. ; sled. The letter, which arrived by the samo train as the lish, explain- ! ed all. They had a flue feast, and formally organized, with a presi- dent and secretary, and passed tue following resolution, which was sent to me: “ • ifem/tvif, That the truth ol Allen JU, Thurman's statements slioiild never bo questionedt that his Hsli stories me always absolutely true, especially liiseatllsh stories. 1 " We saved all our Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and will guarantee bargains in them, as-in everything else. Call and see us in our new quarters. Don’t forget the place—Cot ton Avenue, next door to Waxelbaum’s. James Flicker & Bro. Caorgia BOOKS ! BOOKS KD KOlt Ill'SIN'F.SS. NKW GOODS RKCEIVEI) DAILY. | HAVING MY STOCK THAT WAS LEFT FROM THE FIRE IN' ORDER. $1.00. i AXI * kki'I.exisiied with new goods, i am now frkfak 1.00. ! l.oo.! 1.00. ildeli opportunity and pur Coffee. Coffee. In this article alone (hy buying from us) we ran save you money enough in one year to buy j nil the “Santa Claus” you want lor the lilt! .. .... • W e are slaughtering at the very low prici SKKD l'OTATOKS. BOOKS . AND iPERIODICALS AT FU1SLTSHISRS PRICKS! Hest and Cheapest Writing Paper and En velopes in town! e ones. We deal 6J pounds Choice Rio Coffee lor $1.! CROQUET, RASE BALLS i of Java, Rio, uml Mocha, lor 2”e per pound. ,, , | Hammocks, Chess, and Salt. Salt. Light Reading for Summer Days. BUTTERICK’S PATTERN GIVEN AWAY. NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. AONES AYCOCK. ATVTTtrFiTfirria qa of $1.15 per ewt. to make room lor a ear load ol * * Wheatley’s Corner, I lo! every one in need of Clothing, “COME AGAIN” to Wheatley’s Corner and bin Whiskies. Whiskies. In this line we are full to overflowing, and to unload we have reduced the price on all grades j from 25c to $1.00 per gallon. Think ol it! Cox, Hill & Thompson’s genuine Stone Mountain I Corn Whisky lor $'2.‘20 per gallon, usually sold at $2,50, , Milch .llemlialfiiir-clfom.iti!111 10.1 nr- Li. |h« sale TlieTumb ofl'hrlst. Captain Condor of the I'.ilestme Kxploraliou Fund asserts that he has made a new and important dis covery ns to the site of Calvary and the holy sepulchre. The tomb lie lias found is a solitary one, dif- . v 3tepM I supposed to have been stoned, and contrary to the Hebrew style, contains, niter tbc manner ot the Greek tombs, a shelf where two angels could bare sat—“one at the head tho other at the lect.” The locality qoir.ttUDWn as the “Holy Sepulchre,’’ and covered with a ehut^wfl (hat name,- ik an old JeWtnPlomb Which'wasdiscovered iu the time of the Kmperor Con stantine. Although popular sen- timent has honored it as the touib of Christ, sqhplara and explorers Iiavinotwftb‘an/groat degree of unanimity so regarded it. One of • the nun' iiMwiimn wialan it is that it was within the walla of tbc city, whereas the cruciflxion and burial arc said to bare tide the olty. Tobacco and Cigars. t PINE CLOTHING W e run utulersell anybody- proportinnately. -we otter “Lucy Hinton’’ »r 57c per pound, and all other grades j Perfect Fitting Clothing EVER SHOWN IN AMERICAS! We regret that we have not space sufficient to give full ami complete quotations on all of our goods, bui Id typeot Hebrew you will hear from us occasionally. ttemember that by living your goods from us and paying SPOT CASH I r life spot where you do not pay troiu 25 to 50 per cent, for bad debts, as usual iu credit store. ii elegnniv o/.lcaigii, beamy <>t fln< n« •tirpa-'a. In every lurttuce •'*’ GUA RANTEE PERFECT FIT OR NO SALE alack ol porfeet lilting A. Word as Regards the Penny ! Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neck and Underwear! To all those who scout at the idea of introducing the Penny in Arrcricus, we say that we stand ready ' au.i everythin* in the way «>r oeru’a FurnUhiug coop*. route «n<i mtcmir* salesmen to redeem in goods or the cash any amount from 5c upwards. Bring them along and get their full value at ipfeuur* in auj.uyiugiheac beautiful whether you wi»h to buy or tot. TUB OILY SKIT M STORE IIIHRICIIS , *“425* FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF J. W. WHEATLEY & CO.’S BANK. Very truly, SCHUMPERT & R0NEV. ANDRETHS’iwseedwCATALOGUE “gardeners; companion/; ■ tatd crowars. Laak Mz.Phim.B*-