The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, July 25, 1884, Image 3

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A her: Recorder. HjTJMN. iioo II. ft Locftk Bdltor. pnPtffvtl OP MAILS. dnina west and south close at. ,11:30 a m UoiSg east and north close at.. 3^0 pm Nightinail north close at . .. 8:00 pm 2J£ ijuenft Vista and Ellavillc F closes daily except Sunday at 13M p in Lumpkin, Preston and Bottaford ‘‘' Son Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 1:00 pm Pi leodship, Dranesvillo and Church Hill close, daily, except Sunday llnttsfordand Providence closes 11udson^cioses_Fridisy at....... S:O0aIn T,amar closes Tuesday and Fri- tiay at 8.00 am The above arrangements will continue change in railroad sd,edule. p M LOCH. SCHEDULE. „ n „„a alter Sunday, Jan. Stb, trains nil run to follow:] I,v psoonxer down arrives deity 12:13 p m. vieht “ teAlbany, 11 10:08 pm. ,. •* f:om Albany, " USSsm. Pay fielsbt Clown dally except Sunday, 4:49 p m. Mlehl “ down “ “ Monday, ifflura. “ “ LOTT WAUBKN, Agent. ' An Owner Wanted. An almost new coat was left at ,uy store some wei.ks ago, which the owner can have by claiming and paving for this notice. M. H. Ford. Broom Pins for the Broom Bri gade, just received by James Frickkr & Bro. Must Call Again. I regret, exceedingly to cattso trouble, but parties having open accounts with me are requested to call alonce and settle up. M. T. Elam. To the Ladies. We have a few dozen very fine slippers we arc going to clear out. I f von want something nice, pretty, ami neat, you can get them at al most your own price. Calvin Carter A- Son. A Long Root. Capt. McGarralt has on exhibi tion at the Grange Warehouse a watermelon root that measures six teen feet in length. It is said that watermelon roots extend as far out as the vines. Stolen. I,asl Sunday night some one en tered the store of the Americas Ice Company ami broke open the sav ings bank of Its able President, Mr. lid. Stallings, taking nil the money and many of his valuables. He lias not yet recovered them or the money. Stonea Demolished. Between Saturday night nnd Monday morning some one entered the marble yard ol Miller k Mc Call and overturned two stones up on which considerable work had lieeii done. They were badly broken. The loss is nearly $100. Some Snake, A few days ago Marion Sims, living twelve miles southeast of this city, discovered the trail of a snake leading through the doorynrd, and following up the trail about one hundred and fifty yards he found Ins snakeship ait-1 shot him. It was a rattier, 6$ feet long, thirteen inc-hpR in ciroumference, and had thirteen rattles and a button. A pretty big snake for this country. The Rangers. The “Hangers,” the colored base 1*1! chib of this eity, went to Perry 10 play the hoys there last week. 'I lien they came back they report- ihcy had been beat out of the game by the umpire, the score Mending 31 lo'iO. The next morn ‘“g they secured a new umpire aud w,re heating the Perry boys bad when a quarrel arose which put an end to the game. .1 ust U0 cents WM In the treasurer’s ls>x when 'hey reached home. *..: 3F33ST FOQTTS. Buena Vista Is now a money or der office. Read the advertisement of the Star Bakery. j Americas will have a booming ; trade this fall. The Star Bakery lias a uew, neat and novel Bign. We ure looking for the first cot ton Doll to open. The hot sun is hatching millions j of mosquitoes now. Simon Cohen is paying cash for | eggs and ehippiug them to Savan nah. “Out on the fly” is now the cry j of the infuriated bald-headed citi zen. j Cain F.-azier has laid upon our j table the first sweet potatoes of the season. ; You won’t need any spectacles to read Oliver .V Oliver's adver tisement. We understand that .the Albany base ball club will play in Monte zuma next Tuesday. Blessed is the man who has no a thermometer, for he shall never know how hot he is. Now that it is settled that the A. I’. k I,. R. It. is to be built, there will lie more buildings go up in Atncricus. The base ball season docs not stop for the thermometer, it rises in temperature along with the weather guage, in fact. The farmers have becu working with a will the past two weeks and now congratulate themselves that they are a few laps ahead of the grass. There will be anuoibcr of changes among the business houses of this city in a few weeks, ail of which wilt be duly recorded in the Ke- OORDElt. The Club will meet at the resi dence of Judge J. A. Kendrick to night, when the programme arrang- cp for the meeting two weeks ago will be carried out. “I will build six or eight nice cottages If the railroad to Preston and Lumpkin is a certainty,” said a prominent gentleman of this eity a few weeks ago. Hu might as well begin work on them. Parents wishing to give their children a collegiate education will do well to read the advertisement of Mercer Uoivcrsity at Macon, This grand educational institution is too well nnd favorably known to need any commendation from us. The Race To-Day. Between live and six o’clook this evening the bicyelc race will come off at the fair gounds. John Shef field has withdrawn from the race and Crawford Wheatley has enter ed in his stead, so that four, and probably five riders will enter. ■ It is expected that Mr. John Polliill will he down from Macon. The race will be nn interesting one, as tbe short distance will compel the contestants to do their bestfrom the start. The 100 yards running race will at last decide who is the cham pion runner of the city. Four or five men will start. The entrance fee has been Qxed at 25 cents, nnd It is hoped all will go who can. Tbe KnU term of Ihta In.lltutIon will open on tbe lnit Wodneeitay (Mth) In September. The rate ef tuition io low, nnd does not eery greatly exceed the matriculation end other free of Inetltntlone In which free tuition prevail,. The Theological Ileparlment, deigned to pro- poro yonnn men for thcminlelry, I, preeided ornr by Rev. J. O. ltynls, D- D. The Preparatory School, of which Mr. A. I. Branham. A. M., la-principal, le In eucce„nil ope ration. A commodloui Belton! houeo le about to he built on tbe college ground,, and will be ready by the openinjjTof tbe bill term. The Lew Irepnrtmont bee e faculty of three Profoeeore, with Hon. Clifford Andereon, Attorney Qonrml of tho State, ae chairman. Oaod board cau ho hail at the ‘-llall 1 - for #10 per month end In private famillea et from f 15 to ICO tier month For eetetoenea nnd other Information addreaa, •10IIN J. nBANTLKY, jnlytlstf Secretary Faculty. TtacBarbecne Season. Barbecues are now in order. Last Saturday a large one, at which thirty carcasses were killed, was had at Cork Ferry, about twcnty-flvj miles from here on Flint river. A number of Ameri- cits people were present, and re port a fine time. Next Saturday Henry Glover will have one at bis place on Philcmma, to which we have received a cordial invitation On the same day Capt. A. C. Bell will have one at his plantation in Webster county. Anotlier Railroad. It is proposed by the people of Friendship and Pinevillc, if the A. P. k L. R. R. is built on the upper ronte, to build a branch of about twenty miles, leaving tbe road west of Magnolia Springs and passing through Friendship to Pineville. It is said that such a road could ho oasily built, as tbe route would 11c along a level rtdgc between Mucka- Ice and Lanahessec creeks, and tbe people along the route feel confident that they can raise sufficient funds to grade, bridge and tic it. Noah’s Ark. Headquarters for ice nnd lemons. We will sell ice all the season at three-fourths of a cent per pound Prompt attention paid to all orders received. Wynn A Bell. The Itealon Why, f. W. Harper’s JNelson County Whiskey is preferred above all other Brands is beennso it is tho most regular and most porfeet Product, incontestably ever made. A long experience in tho manufacture of tbe Harper, tbe Inrgo capital of tho Distiller which enablea him to bold his Whiskey until it has fully ma tured, togethor with tho fact that the Whiskey is bought by aud ahipped me to direct from tho Distillery accounts for the unvarying aatiafaclion it has given tboao heat educated to a fine Wbiakoy. .1. Israels, Sole Agent, apr!2 fun Americas, Ga. Where It Conies Front. The AmericusRecobdersays the j Eufattla boys “kicked” in the gamo j with tbe Albany club at Dawson, i The Recorder wc dare say took no ! pains to be informed on the subject, j If Captain Storey desires to see! how tho Eufattla boys "kicked’’ ; conic down and try them one game. By all means let us have a game be tween these two clubs.—Eutaula Times. For the benefit of the Times wc will state that wc got tbe informa tion from mombers of the Artesian City club, as we had no other way of getting it, there was notan Ameri cas hoy present at the game that wo know of. If tho Eufattla boys wish to play the Americas nine, wc have no doubt that they can lie ac commodated. The latest—Broom Pins. James Fbicker A Bro. Personal Paragraphs, THE "LANGTRY" HOOP SKIRT WITH BUSTLE COMBINATION. There haB never been anything in Slvi-E, Ease and durability, that gave the gen eral satisfaction to the woarer that the “Langtry Skirt" does. Ask any lady who has ever worn one, and abe will tell yon that she will wear no other -only 11.2.1. Second lot just received. JOHN U. SHAW. N. B.—Call and see the "Perfection" Bustle. The lightest, most comfortable and durable Ruatle in the world—75o to *1.110. Also tho celebrated "Duplex," “Bon-Ton” and "I)r. Strong’s’ Cornets. JOHN n. SHAW. Bad Accident. t vsterday afternoon, about 3 i oflock, while Mr. T.-illetson, the j "miraelor who is renovating liar, ■old, Johnson A Co’S, building, was "“'king on the scaffold, lie lost his “lance and fell to the pavement * lo ». striking on the left tide of laco i severely bruising it, and it thought, fracturing the jaw ne - Dr. Hawkins was call- T' ma ^ c an examination and samgs&i £**» ont ol the/tfanr the build- Capt. Geo. S. Watts was shaking hands with his old friends yester day. Mr. Sheffield, of Thoinasville, is visiting ids brother, J. W. Sheffield, in this city. Mr. Dan Shepherd, of Webster county, was in the city yesterday, looking after the interests of the A. P. A L. R. R. Allen Chappell has got another lease on his vacation. He sells ae many goods while resting here as j be would on the road. Mr. J. K. Prince returned j Wednesday night from his visit iu - Kentucky and North Georgia. He j left Mrs. N. G. Prince and family and his own daughters at Brooks’ station, where Mr. N. G. Prince jolna them to-day, to return with them in August. New Advertisements FOlt REPRESENTATIVE. Wo are authorized to announce Wa. M. HAWKEH os a candidate for the leg islature, subject to the Demooiatlc nomi nation. CLEVELAND ASK “KJ 5E h e; written at his own h«*iup, with bU^o-operi tlon and aseiatance, by tho i , lownr-d Goodrich. Lantftit' phenperi, 'bandaoniMt, Ust. Ktatantly Illustrated. Corii more P<rc.,|.y to Banufrctur u(fonts made a protit o aold for twice its n to one. One or our - l»‘ he d n >\ A harvest of gold will be rail had by every worker. All new beginners succeed grandly. Terms free, aud the moat liberal ever olfeied. *av« valuable time by sending 25 cent* for poatage, etc , oo free outfit, which Includes Urge prospectus r ook. Aot uuickly, a day at the start la worth a week at the fin lab. If. IIAI.I.KT * CO. julykStnl Portland, slain*. ★ BAKERY, Cotton Avenne. Fine Milk Cow. We have a floe milk cow with yonng calf, wbicb wo will sell or trade for beet stock. . • Cobb A Com. We call the attention of the public to the Cart that we are prepared to fill all orders for Fresh Bread, Cake#, Candy, Ktc., of our own make— food aud pure. We keep a'eo Confections and Groceries, which we toll at tbe ruling prices Boy and sell Country Predate. Olrt ua e call. W. J. PHILLIPS eft CO. juljtfcf •"SJiwftliwWSloa -(»)- X -i. J. VaiellH & Co. W. J. HUDSON & CO., -(*>)- Semi-Annual WHOLESALE MM MERCHANTS, And Birmingham, Ala. Melons. Fruits and Truok, iilj; OUJt BP&VTALTMM. Wo ask your consignments, promising quiok sales>nd prompt returns. tS^Bend for stoncil* and price ll*t. ^^HefereT.cca— Banks of Atlanta andjlirmln* may 801 f DISSOLUTION. Anrbici-s, Ga., July 18th, 18*4. The partnership heretofore axlstlng between J. II. McTyier and J. A. Miller, Jr., is this day dis solved by mutual consent, J. A. Miller, Jr„ re tiring. The firm business will be wound up by J. II. McTylcr at the old stand, where tho] bnilno** will continue In the name of J. II. McTyicr. J. II. MoTYIKH, J. A. MILLER, Ja. In retiring from business I take this method of returning my thanks to those who have favored McTyier dc Miller with their patronage and solicit a continoance of the same with my ancccssor.tJ. II. McTyier, and cordially recommend him as a gentleman worthy of their respect and patronage, July20w3 J. A..MILLKU, Ja. * Speoial Notice. To our many customers and friends wanting conveyances to meet trains, day or night, we would say that we will hire carriages to meet day trains at $1.00 per train; bagerngo 15c per trunk, or two trunks for 25c. Carriages for night trains. $2 each train, snd 25c for each trnnk, Parties coming homo from abroad can write or telegrnph us and will be prompt ly mot. Parties going from home can drop ns a note through tho post office or leave their orders at our office. Carriages to moot prominent men, or for marriages and funerals will be priced different, nc cording to llie occasion and turnout wanted, hut always at a fair price. Re member that these prices oro strictly cash. Trv ns nnd seo if we will do whnt we soy. ' N. G. & J. K. PRINCE. .July 9, 1884. ml GIN SAW FILING MACHINE. This U to certify that wo bave’hml our Cotton Giim nharpenod with the O’NKII.I. UIX HAW FILING MACH INK for which wo paid 12 1-2 cents per taw; and, alter making a thorough ex amination of this Machine and it* work done up* on our Gins, wo taka pleaaute in announcing to nil Ginncn and Gin-owner* that It put* a Gin In belter condition than any other proce** of sharp* vnlng wo aver miw. It leave* a beautiful round nccdlo point tooth nnd round and smooth in the throat. SMITH DAVENPORT, J. II. BLACK, D. n. DORN. 1). T. JENNINGH, <1. J. BLAPPY, Thu work for ibu»e gentlemen wa* dona by It. K. JOIINHON, agent, Magnolia Hpringa, Ga., who will ruapond readily to any call tundu upon him for gin filing. , , * ny further information can b«* obtained from W. If. . Htcwart, Amcrltt June )a-tf. NEW INDUSTRY. We have received our FRUIT EVAPORATOR, block, Cotton Avei G. H. TOMMEY & CO. Amcricus, Ga., July 18, 1S74. In* I propose to open, on Monday the 18th of August next, u School ol High Grade for Boys And Girls. Terms, rates, etc., as heretofore. Having bad much experi ence in oondnotiog schools of sneh char acter I earnestly solicit a liberal patronage of tho good citizens of Aroericus and vicinity, and for the stme pledge satisfac tion. W. If. ALLEN, Principal. July 20, 1884. tf Plantation for Sale. ENTIRE STOCK HOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CARPETS LADIES AND GENTS Bto„ auto. WE MAKE IT AJltULK NEV ER TO CARRY OVER ANY STOCK FROM SEASON TO SEASON, AND OFFER YOU ANY ARTICLE IN ANY DE- PARTMENT AT ACTUAL lew York Cost! THIS IS N* IDLE TALK BUT SIMPLE FACTO, COME AND PRICE OUR GOODS, AND IF WE DON’T OFFER YOU THE SAME GOODS FOR LKHM MONEY THAN YOU CAN BUY THEM ELSEWHERE, YOU ARE UNDER NO OB- LIGATIONS WHATEVER TO BUY. BUT ON THE OTHER HAND SHOULD YOU FIND THEM CHEAP ENOUGH, AND CAN USE THEM, WHY NOT HUY ’( WE MEAN “My Business.' OUR STOCK IH ALL NEW AND FRESH-ALL TI1IH SKAHON 1‘URCII A8E8--A NI) IF YOU WISH TO Save 25 Per Cent I NOW 18 THE ACCEPTED TIME. NEVEH IN THE HISTORY OF AM ERIC-U8 WERE MUCH HARGAIN8 OF FERED AS YOU WILL FIND NOW ON EXHIBITION AT THE MAMMOTH DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING PALACE I offer for tale my Plantation at Uichland, Htcw- art Coan'y, ffe , ctnulniug 8pvi»u Hundred acre*. Tho piisce I* we-1 timbered, red, level land. It ha* a good dwelling, tenant houw*-, etc., and ,U one of tho finest place* in Stewart county. Will j bo divided to *ait.' tho purcb*** ra. For further j particular* call on or address tbs umleraignod at j Weston, Webster county, Go. jiilylnwltu X. V. ALSTON, Jr. | OF J. WAXELBAUM k CO. Proprietors Now York Store. J. E. CRAWFORD, Contractor and Builder AMERICIUM, GA. Country merchants and large planters will find this a splen did opportunity to buy goods nnd realize a handsome profit J. W. & Co. no>* and dispatch. Satisfaction guaranteed, F»r reference* apply to C. M. Wheatley, AmerU u». Lost Two Notes July Jth, ’84. «»ue for (M, given Jaaaaty ttlh. !»*, signed Henry Daria and Oallin Pavla. Abo one for |» riven Jime Stb, lfito, »lgn#d Cullln Daria and Henry Daria. Haldttotaa made payable October 1st, 1884, to K. Taylor or bearer. All prisons are hereby warned not to trad* Ur fgfi Mfvi, „„ July 11 «*€• a hr 4 W. EZEK TATLKU. (O)- New York Store. -HAVK MADK— It* Like has Seldom keea Seea ii the City ef Americas 1 Aggregated MU*. IMMENSE STOCK -OF- STANDARD ADD FANCY DRY GOODS! A VAST CONCATENATION OF THE USEFUL AND OBNAMENTAL! It would require a smsll return, to oatalogue every attraction, but mark ikt principal featurea. Prices guaranteed to auit all from the miser to tbe millionaire. These goods were made to sell, were bought to aell and have got to sell. OUR STOCK OF ALOES AND EMBROIDERIES . and ebaateat designs: Hamburg Edgeing and Inaartlou and i lomatcb.Tne All Overs to match, In endless variety and prices, from 2{o to *4.00 per yard. i Point Lace, at matebleispriCM. For Yokes and Sleeves we have Blaek Spanish All Overs, All Otar Lae, goods, Tucking and Puffing. WHITE GOODS DEPARTMENT contains everything that Is neat and tasty over manufactured In that Has. India and Irish Linen, Lawns, Embroidered Dreas Pattern,, Nainsook, Swiss Muslin, French Mull. German Lass, - Checks, Italian Laos Piqus. Russian Cambric, ,te., ate We ask an examination of onr large assortment of Nottingham Laos Curtains In pairs—3 j yards long, A beautiful and select line of Cham- brava, Reersuoksrs, Figured Lawns tad Mulls. Ioelnding onr 40 inch Victoria Lawn at 16c. Those goods arc selling very rapidly and although we are constantly ordering more, we fear wa oannot at all times a«p- ply the demand. Turkey Red, BLaehed and Cream Dam ask-Choice end Cheap. Largs Una of Bedspreads and Qnllla. Onr Extra Largs whit* 76e Counterpane "Beats tbs World." Towels, Crashes, Napkins and Doyllaa In sufficient quantity to keep heads dean for a generation. Linen Lap Robes and Table Covers to auit all. HOSIERY! Long and Short, Fin# and Common, White, Black, Binned, Streaked and Speckled. No one has ev«r examined these goads to gat saltod In Quality and aud failed Price. Gomelo C ns—we will treat yon right JOBS L SM, THJSB Clothier, Hatter, Shirter, Shoer, -AMD- Dry Goods Dealer, FORSYTH STREET, Americas, f Georgia. "Fur th Itile ltdiu Bunk" £tc