The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, August 03, 1884, Image 3

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Americus Recorder. IjOOAIj column. II. C. STOREY, t.ecal Editor. I.OCAI. SCHEDULE. On nnd after Sunday, June 8th, train, nil run a" follow.:! Jtay pataonger down arrive, dully, 1:38 p m. « '* up " “ 8:28 pm. Night “ to Albnur, “ 10:08 p m. *• •* Horn Albany, “ 4:28 am. Jlar frrlftht down arrive. Monday, Wed-- ueidoy and Friday, al 4:49 p nt, liar freight up arrive. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 0:20a m. Nltht lrel|ht doily exevpt Monday down 1:49 am. LOTT WA11R , Agent. DEPARTURE OF MAILS. - Going west nod south close at. .11:1)0 o m Going east and north closest.... 3:00 pm Night mail north close at 8:00 p m For Buena Vista and Elluvilie closes daily except Sunday at 12:30 p m Lumpkin, Preston and Bottsford closes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nt 1:00 pm Friendship, Dranesville and Church Hill closes dally, except Sunday, at 8:30 a Bottsford and Providence closes Saturday at 0:00 a Hudson closes Friday at 8KK1 a nt Lamar closes Tuesday And Fri day at ., 8:00 am The above arrangements will continue unlit change in railroad schedule. W. A. Black, P. M. RELIGIOUS. East Americus Church — Sunday School every Sunday at 3 p. m„ and prayer meeting every Wednesday night nt o'clock. Episcopal Ciiuhch—Divine service, with sermon, by Kev. C. .1. Wingate, Rector of 8t. Paul’s Church, Macon, this morning'at 11 o'clock and afternoon at 3:30. MetiiodistChuhch—ltev. A. T. Mann, Pastor. Services al the church every Snnday nt 11 A x„ and 8 r. M. Prayer inerting every Wednesday eveniog at o'clock. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Biptist CnuacH—Rev. J. L. Vasa, Pas tor. Services at tho Opora House every •Sunday at 11 A. M„ and 8 r. u. Prayer meeting at the Methodist church every Thursday evening nt 8 p. M. Sunday School at Opera House every Snnday at U:30 a. M. Lawn Party. The Ladies Aid Society of the Baptist church will give a Lawn party at the Library grounds on Wednesday, August 6th. Every body cordially invited. Children expected at 6 o’clock and later some new and interesting features for the little folks. SeTere Storm. Saturday afternoon, about three o'clock, this city was visited by a heavy rain and thunder storm. The wind was heavy, and the rain the hardest known for sometime. The tall of water was very great, and it is feared cotton is very much in' jured iu the section ever which the storm passed- The rain will prob ably tinish the work of demolish' ing the sewers of this city. Death. Mr. Joseph Stewart, of this city ■lied at bis residence at 2 a. nt August 1st, and was buried iu Oak drove cemetery Saturday morn ing. Mr. Stewart was a compara tively young man, being about 30 years old, was a member of the llrnt of Stewart A liagley, and was a geutleman of strict integrity and lilainelcsB morals. He leaves wife and two children to mourn their loss in the deprivation of a kird husband and aireclionate father. Xotili’N Ark. Headquarters for ice and lemons We will sell ice all the season at three-fourths of a cent per pound I’rmnpt attention paid to all orders received. Wynn A Bell. Murrieil. <ln Thursday, July 31st, at 6:30 |>. in., at the resilience of the bride’s mother in this oily, Mr. J. H. Me. Tyier and Mias Mollie Jossev, •lev. J. L. Vass officiating. The occasion was a quiet one, none but the immediate relatives and friends ol the party being pres- c,lt - But tbc Americus I.igbt In fantry, of which Mr. MeTyler is a worthy member, were determined that such an occasion should not be allowed to pass oil without some demonstration, so they donned •■heir uniforms, shouldered their muskets and to the tap of the drum marched to the marriage scene and "•luted the happy couple with a f ,H de joie. They were invited in to the marriage feast and a pleas ant evening was passed amid the lively sallies and congratulations of the soldier boys over their com rade's success in capturing so fair • prize. The Becordeh, which al- Wa l' 8 takes a paternal interest In it* readers, offers its sincere con gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Me- Tyler, with the wish that marriage by them may lie found a life-long blessing. ErasT ZPOEsTTS. “O, where is my darling hoy lo-nighl?" Bings a poet In plaintive song. We're not qnite certain that we're right, And may be we might be wrong: But we truly believe that the boy is out lets Because he is swinging on somebody's gate. Somebody's gate—ah, well do we know What the joys of that pastime are ! We’ll never forget—'tis years ago Since we swung on that wooden bar; Nor did we euspeot that the hand of fate Was outstretched when swinging on somebody's gate. The old, old story, but over new— Her futber appeared on the scene, His looks were wet with the falling dew, He looked like a monster marine, And the hnll dog—oh, we can never re late Wbet happened when awingiug ou some body's gate. Don't worry about your boy to-night, Or sigh out your soullet in rhyme, For the chances are, if he isn't tight, He'll havo a jolly good time, For he won't go astray, though he staya out late, As long ns he's swinging on somebody's gate. See change of Southwestern rail road schedule this morning. Mr. W. M. Jones is now with J. A. McTyicr, on Lamar street, and will bo pleased to meet bis old friends. Prof. L. H. Carter is now with Schumpert A Honey, on Cotton Avenue, the spot cash men, and will be happy to serve his old friends and acquaintances. 20 Boxes of Lemons for sale by Q. H. T'ommey A Co. Mr. S. K. Halstead, of Coogle’s Mill brought us in an open boll of the Green cotton Friday. The cot ton was fine and silky, having a long staple. He reports crops in fine condition in his neighborhood. The artesian well is now nearly 060 feet deep, and still going down. There was some little excitemet last week when the drill was lost, but it was pulled up by an instru ment made for that purpose in a very short time. Albany and Montezuma seem about ready to get into a war over the late game of ball played at Montezuma between the clubs ot the respective towns. Montezuma has challenged Albany to play for $250. The Albany boys will have a regular picnic. 20 Boxes of Lemons for sale by O. H. Tommcy A Co. On tbe fourth page will be found an interesting letter from Balti more, giving some details of tbc visit of tbe Georgia editors of that city. We can assure our friend that we are truly sorry that we could not have participated in the pleasures of tbe oc tasion; but ours was a case of “business before pleasure.” Broom Pins for the Broom Bri gade, just received by James Friuker A Bao. Conmiercinl vn. Flint. The Flint base ball club, of Oglethorpe, came down Thursday noon to play the Commercials the return game. Jack Cleyhorn is Cuptain of the club, and he is a lit game, and gave very impartial decisions. At 4 o'clock the game was called, the Commercials losing the loss and going to the bat, scoring six runs. They gave the Flints a goose egg, and them piled up five more. The rest of tbe innings wero of tho same character, the Flints occasion ally making one or two runs. The Bcorc at the end of eight innings was 32 to 8 iu favor of the home boys. In the fourth inning Capt. Storey was struck between the left eye and nose by a foul ball while batting which disabled him. The Flints withdrew one man, and tho game continued with eight men on each side. Hawkins did some fine catching and throwing, and the whole nino worked well. There is splendid material in the Commercial club, and considering the amount of practice, they have played well. Holmes' sure cube mouth wash and dentifrice is an infallible cute for Ulcer ated Bore Throat, Bleeding Gums, Bore mouth and Ulcers. Cleans tbe Teeth and keepa the Gnma healthy. Prepared «olo- ly by Dm. J. P. A W. K. Holmes, Den tists. 102 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga. Far aale by Dr. W. P. Bnrt, dentist, . K. Hall, and all drugeists and dentists. sag3n0. COUNTY CONTENTION. Delegates to the State, Congressional and Senatorial Conventions. The Pemooraoy of Sumter coun ty met in convention at the court house in Americus, on Saturday at 10 A. M. The convention was called to order by Col. A. S. Cutts, chair man of the executive committee. On motion, Col. B. B. Hinton was elected chairman and F. A, Hill secretary. The eleetlon of delegates to the State convention being in order. Dr. J. B. Hinkle submitted the names of the following gentlemen who upon motion were elected by acclamation and instructed to cast their votes for Gov. H. D. Mc Daniel: Dupont Gucrry, D. C. N, Burkhalter, A. S. Cutts, B. P. Hoi lis, J. B. Scott, H. H. Glover, J. D. Glover, W. H. Davison. A rising vote being taken upon the ohoice of tho meeting for State Treasurer, Hon. Robert Hardeman received a largo majority, and the delegates to tbe State Convention were instructed to oast tbeir votes for blm. Tbc election of delegates to the Congressional Convention being next in order, Hon. Dupont Ouerry submitted tbe names of the follow ing gentlemen, who were elected by acclamation: C. W. Hancock, W R. Stewart, G. W. Glover, J. C Nicholson, J. H. Black, S. W. Small, J. M. Rodgers, M. J. A McRca. The election ot delegates to the Senatorial Convention being in or der, after considerable discussion the following gentlemen were elect ed: C. H. Wooten, W. P. Burt,J. H. Black, G. W. Dostcr, T. M. Cobb, B. W. Tiner, J. L. Page. J. B. Hinkle. Mr. L. J. Blalock offered the fol lowing resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, By the Dcmooracy of Sumter in mass meeting assembled, that we heartily endorse the course of Hon. C. F. Crisp, our Repre sentative of the Third Congres sional District in the Congress of the United States; that we, his fel low oitizens, feel a just pride in tbe high reputation which this distin guished Georgian has justly ac quired,and we take pleasure in rec ommending his nomination to the Democracy of this district; and we instruct our delegates to tho Con gressional Convention to use all honorable means to secure his nom ination. Col. C. W. Hancock offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted: Resolved, That we ratify the nomination of Glover Cleveland, of New York, and Thomas A. Hen dricks, ot Indiana, for President and Vice-President of the United Statec, as made by tbe late Nation al Democratic Convention held at Chicago. Thanks wero then returned to the presiding officer and secretary, when the convention adjourned. A CARD. To all whs aro sulToring from the errors ami imliscrttlona of youtn, nervous weakness, early tlocir loss of manhood, leader for such a line club. Every Ac., I will send a ipe that will onra . , ... i you, FREE OF ( NAltGE. Tins (treat attention was shown the boys, und * 1 their visit was a pleasant one. Mr. Willis, of Oglethorpe, umpired the remedy was discovered by a missionary la Booth America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the ItKV. Josepu T. Inman, Nation D, flew York City Personal Paragraphs. Judge D. B. Harrell, of Webster county, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. F. H. Biicaanan and child ren left on Saturday for a trip in the country. Mr. A. L. Rees left Satiirduy for a week of recreation anil enjoyment in Savannah. Misses Emma and Elisn Davis, ot Albany, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Lott Warren. Mr. John Hardy,after a month’s absence in Atlanta, arrived home Friday night. Mrs. H., being in disposed, will lollow shortly. THE "LANGTRY'' HOOP SKIRT WITH HUVI LE COMBINATION. There has never l»cen anything in Style, Ease and darability, that gave the gen eral satlifaotion to the wearer that tho “Langtry Skirt'' does. Auk any lady who has ever worn one, and she will tell yon that she will wear no .uher—only $1.25. Second lot just received. JOHN It. SHAW. N. B.—Call end see the "Perfection" Bnstle. The lightest, most comfortable and durable Bustle in the world—75c to $1,110. Also tbe celebrated "Doplex," "Bon-Tob" and "Dr, Strong’s" Corsets. JOHN P.. SHAW. DEATH SENTENCE Prououuoeil upon the Negro Rapist la Terrell County. Dawson, August 2.—Tho special term of the Superior Court was held here on last Thursday for the trial of the negro George Jones on the charge of rape. The court was in session tho greater part of the afternoon, and adjourned about candle light. It was a most impar tial trial and the best counsel was granted the criminal. Hon. Ar thur Ueod and Capt. K. F. Sim rnons, two of the foremost lawyers of this section, defended the pris oner by order of the court. The Judge, John T. Clarke, in Ills charge to the grand jury, compli mented in happy words the people of Terrell county, who bad acted wisely, soberly and righteously in this matter, in evidencing their loyalty to good order by patiently waiting upon tbc action of their court. Tlie jury was out not moro than flvo minutes, bringing in verdict of “guilty,” and they could do no more than that, for the evi dence of the guilt of the prisoner was overwhelming. The negro, George Jones, was sentenced to be publicly hung on Monday, the 25th day of next August, between the hours of 10 o’clock, a. m. and -1 o’clock p. m. The Judge in sen fencing the prisoner showed f most kindly and Christian disposi tion and urged upon him tho ncces sity in these last moments of bis lifo to trust in tho Savior. Tho expenses oonnectcd with this trial, that hardly lasted over four hours, will reach at the lowest estimate two hundred and twenty-five dol lars. W. K. P. To tlicLudies. Wo havo a few dozen very fine slippers wc arc going to clear out. If you want something nice, pretty, and neat, you can get them al al most your own price. Calvin Carter & Son. -(«>)- J. Waiilbamu & Co ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR -MAYOR. Wo nro Authorized to announco the name of A. C. BELL as a candidate for Mayor of Americus at tho Munioipul elec* tion in Docember next. augl tf ANNOUNCEMENT^ Wo are authorized to announce tho name of W. A. WILSON as .a candidate for tho Legislature, subject to the Demo cratic nomination. FOH REPRESENTATIVE. Recognizing bis ability and integrity during his term of oflico ns Representa tive in tho Legislature from Humtor county, and believing his exporienco would bo valuable to our people in tho hulls of legislation, wo would present the nutue of Capt. J. L. Aiujkhton as a can didate for nomination to tbe ottlco of Representative iu the Legislature. Many Dkmociuth. FOR REPRESENTATIVE, i are authorized to announce Wm. M. HAWKKS as a candidate for tho leg islature, subject to the Democratic nomi nation. New Advertisements FOR. SALE CHEAP One PIre-ffone-Power Engine; One Forty-five- Haw Min, both in Mood Coiidlfl m. Call on COUNCIL* WILLIFORD, or tbe underaigued. Jaly30trllw3 8. II. HAWKINH. -(»)- Semi-Annual MiingPm for 30 Days ENTIRE STOCK Jo|||| K. Sllitft S, Dry Goods, BOOTS SHOES, HATS, CARPETS LADIES AND GENTS DISSOLUTION. AuKMldM, Ga.. July 18th, 1*84. The partnership heretofore existing between .1. II. McTyicr and J. A. Miller, Jr., U th'.e day die- aolved bv mutual content, J. A. Miller, Jr., re tiring. The Arm busincs* will be wound up by J. If. MeTyler at the old atnud, where tho] buniuo** will continue lii ihe name of J. H. McTyicr, J. II. MoTVIKK, J. A. MILI.RR, Jr. In retiring from builneea f take this method of itariiing my thank* to those who have fhvored MeTyler * Miller with their patronuge and solicit continuance of the ■»me with my aucceeaorJJ. If. MeTyier, and cordially recommend him m a gentleman worthy of their respect and patronage. Jo1y2U»3 J. A. MILLER, Ja. propose to open, on Monday the 18th of August next, u School ol High Grade for Boys and Girls. Terms, rates, eta, as heretofore. Having had much experi ence in conducting schools of such char acter I earnestly solicit a liberal patronage of tbe good citizens of Americus and vicinity, und for tho stnie pledge satisfac tion. W. H. ALLEN, Principal. July 20, 1884. tf CLEVELAND tbentic edition of hi* Ire; written at hi* own home, wilh hi* ro-opem- tlon and a*, i* tame, by the renowned Goodrich. Large t cheapest, handsome*!, heal. Elegantly illustrated. Coats more per copy to manufacture agents made a profit < • If gold Wir - beginner* f over fBO the first day. dlxed by every wor i grandly. Term* free, and the moat liberal < time by sending 85 «— , ... outfit, which Includes large prospettna i oolc. . quickly, a day at Ihe start Is wor*h a week at tbe finish. If. IIALLKT A CO, july?Sm2 PoriLnJ, slain*. A prize XX a. XIU4U or t>o4< ,n of either ms, to make- more monry rtrht awny* than anythin* «ll« in this World Fortune await (hr worsen .Wolnulf torr. At nan. addte.i Tltl'L * CO., Aurnu, Malar march,*ty into,, Etc. WE MAKE IT AIHUI-E NEV ER TO CARRY OVER ANV STOCK FROM SEASON TO SEASON, AND OFFER YOU ANY ARTICLE IN ANY l)E- I’ARTMENT AT ACTUAL New York Cost! THIS IS N* IDLE TALK BUT SIMPLE FACTS, COME AND PRICE OUR GOODS, AND IF WE DON'T OFFER YOU TIIE SAME GOODS FOR LESS MONEY THAN YOU CAN HUY THEM ELSEWHERE. YOU ARE UNDER NO Oil- LIGATIONS WHATEVER TO HUY. BUT ON TIIE OTHER HAND SHOULD YOU FIND THEM CHEAP ENOUGH, AND CAN USE THEM, WHY NOT BUY / WE.MEAN “Strictly Business.” OUR STOCK IS ALL NEW AND FRESH—ALL THIS SEASON PURCHASES—AND IF YOU WISH TO Save 25 Per Cent NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME. NEVER IN TIIE HISTORY OF AMERICUS YVERE SUCH BARGAINS OF FERED AS YT1U WILL FIND NOW ON EXHIBITION AT THE MAMMOTH DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING PALACE OF J. WAXELBAUM & CO. Proprietors New York .Store. Country merchants and large anti realize a handsome profit J. W. & Co. (o)- New York Store. ON THE WAR PATH. Grand Cleariugont Sale! Or Consequences! No. 125 & 13(8 Forsyth St., Americus, • Georgia. LAIMM AND MORE COMPLETE STOCK THAN EVER BEFORE 1 Spring and Summer DRY GOODS, Notions, Fancy Goods, BOOTS AND SHOES, IIATB AND GAPS, TRUNKS AND SATCHHLK, CLOTHING! At Much PRICES that will FORCE SALES, anti will bsatioli UNANSWER ABLE ARGUMENTS that NO HOUSE CAN MATCH NOR COMPETITION REACH. Them are STERN and STUB BORN FACTS that will CONVINCE anil CONVERT you on tbo subject of GENUINE BARGAINS!! Yon will And there is ECONOMY AND SOLTD COMFORT in dealing with tin and wo will prove to you that wo aro Not Giving You Wind if yon will take the trouble to call on ns. If you do not improve this opportunity SOME DAY when you realize wlmt SPLENDID BARGAINS yon have lout, You will be Sick! AND DON’T YOU FORGET IT.” JOHN R. SHAW. P. S. NO. I. The firm or firms in Americas who could buy goods for less, or can live on less profit, than your humble sen-ant, ALL DIED OR MOVED AWAY BEFORE came here, lfi years ago—"And don’t you torget it.” JOHN K. SHAW. P. S. NO. 2 AND LASTLY. NO RESTRICTIONS AS TO QUANTI TY, therefore CITY AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS u well as LARGE PLAN TERS, will consult tbeir best interest by Riving u* e call before making their pur- L " JOHN H. SHAW. Americas, Ga., August 1,1834.