The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, August 06, 1884, Image 3

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u- ■Amebicus Recorder. ipOCAt- COXiTJMN. |J# c . BTORKV. Local Editor. fjOCAI* ICHBUUMC. ttl „| after HamHjr. Aurn>t Sri, tralu- will „ follow «•:’ ; ii"»» >;*» p •• i.. AI tuny. •• lints pm. •* f»om Altwmr, •• i:Sini. f.. ielit <t>wn arrive* Monday. Wcl- 1 Ji .V t« l FrM «J. •» l:Wpw. iKi.pi «p T "”‘ l "’• * sSl in lphl Soil) e*.*|.l Monday down 1:41 a in. MITT WAIIKKN. Arni.'"' DEPARTURE OF MAILS. (K.iuff west and MHlth close nt.. l^lOpm i oiug east and north close nt... 3 00 p iu Wiabt mail north close at H :00 p m For Buena Vista and Klluvillo closes daily except Sunday at 12:30 |» tn i iiiiiDkin. Preston and Bnttaford '“lZa.00 Monday. Welnaaday itml Friday at............... 1:00 pin Fii.nilahip, Dnuienvillnand < li 11 r.-tr Ihll i-loais daily. ext-rpt Sunday, '• K:S0 n m IWUforil «nc! Providence cloaea SiiiiinlayBt r.axum IlmlaoD i-lonen Fridiy m tL-OOum I Jiuiir ctoat-a Tuesday and Fri. .lay H:00u I ba above arrangements will continue nnlil change in railroad achedule. W. A. Black, 1’. M. Died. Sunday evening, nt 3 o’clock, ol contention, Miss Kate Brady, daughter of the late Wright Brady. Her remains were interred in Oak (itove CemcteryMonday afternoon. Colt Show. There will lie a colt show at the court house, In Amcrieus, on the third Tuesday of this month. Sev- oral premiums will be otrered, Imt ne cannot now give tbe amount, lor a suliscription list is in circula tion. We Lope there will be a gen. ,-ral exhibition, as we know of a number ot (Inc colts in this county, and stock raisers should lake an interest in the matter. Ou Neutral Ground. We are requested by the Com mercial B. B. club ol this city to oiler their grounds on McKay's hill for Albany and Montezuma to use in their proposed nmtcb game. Tlte ground and field is a beauti ful one, and Iras always given satis faction. If the clubs decide to play the game in this city they will ho warmly received. A Freak of Lightning. Saturday afternoon, during the storm, lightning struck one ol the houses hack of Capt. Bell's place, on College Hill. It went down the chimney tinder the house, killing Ihree nr four chickens and setting lire to the house. The lire was soon put out. The house was oc cupied by negroes, a few of the oc cupants being considerably stun- wed. Killed by Whiskey. On Monday morning, as Capt. 0. W. Felder was going to bis plantation about nine miles south "f Amcrieus, be bailed a negro titan he met and asked him to pul 1 -nine I'odder for him. The negro refused ou aeemmt of the death of t* child of his. On inquiry, the particulars were told, and they are peculiar enough for repetition. Saturday the negro was in town, and took home with him a twenty cent Ilottle of whiskey. Monday morniug he opened the trunk where was the whiskey to got out some to bacco,at the same time warning the '"•y to keep out. W.tcn he came i>aek an hour nr two later the child was dead drunk, and shortly after went into spasms, from which it never recovered. About half the whiskey was gone. An Attempt u t UurKlury. Monday morning a negro went into Ueo. Turpin's store, bought a melon, and went to the back door to demolish it. One of the back windows is fastened by a lock and hey, and is rarely opened. The hev hang in tbe lock, anti the negro, seeing it, quietly plucked it and walked out. Mr. Walters, one ol the clerks, came back and looked around to see If anything was mis ting, as is his custom, lie saw tlm hey was gone, and suspected where it was. He hail one made during the day, ami when he closed up lie put it in the lock. The police were notified, and Bud Wheeler went on guard. He was relieved in an hour or two by Wick Wheeler, who had not liecn watching long when the negro appeared. As he was in tbe act of trying the lock a noise wai mode in the second story, when he drop|>ed into s window pit near by, where Wheeler nabbed him, and carried him to the guard bouse. He is a strange aegro, and lias not Ueo here long. PEN POINTS. Xo more rains this week, if you please. Fine stall-fed licef at Cobh & Cobb's to-day. Our people will not want lor corn bread this year. Cotton will soon lie coming in and then we will all feel better. Madam Humor says that there will be several marriages this tali. This is tbe lucky season for tbe voter. Candidates are numerous and generous. The latest—Broom Pins. James Fricker A Bro, Our artesian water is being hauled down to Lee county now. The demand for it still grows. The Democratic Congressional Convention meets in this city, at the Opera House, tills afternoon. A wholesale grocery house will lie opened in Americus upon the completion ofthe A. P. k L. R. K. It is rumored that the “Pansy Blossoms" may go down to Daw son to-morrow, and try their luck at match games. Tlie city is almost deserted, but in four weeks the cotton movement will begin, and life will be once more filled with work. Brooin Pins for the Broom liri gadc, just received by James Fricker k Bro. Duke llarnil is having new floor ing put in Ids building next to tbe Georgia Loan and Trust Co. The old one. lasted fourteen years. A Kecorper man lias found more broken nosed people this week than lie ever dreamed of. In some period of life, it seems a man’s nose is bound to stiller—ami we are glad our period is past. Personal Paragraphs. lion. C. F. Crisp is at home for a few days. Miss Janie Weston, ol Albany, is visiting in this city. Miss Xcllie Douglas, ofTlioines- ville, is visiting Miss Leola Harri son. Capt. T. M. Allen left on Monday for Xcw York, where lie will spend several weeks. Miss Belle Coker, who has been visiting ill Culhheil, returned home Monday. Mr. W. D. Shader, of Albany, was in the city Monday, and com paring notes with our society young men. Mr. Clarence Kden, of Macon, came down Monday night, being called to the bedside or bis mother, who is seriously ill. Mr. C. F. Foster, ol Griffin, is visiting relatives and friends in this city. When he gets hack home lie will wonder what makes that coun try look so poor. North** Ark. Headquarters for iec and lemons. We will sell ice all the season at tbree-fourlhs of a cent per |iound Prompt attention paid to all orders received. Wynn k Bei.i« lleaolulloua or Oondslenca. ou tbo Death of Joiapb Kmcrrnu Hteveart. Whereas, It has seemed Rood lo the Almighty disposer of bnnisn events to re move from the ranks of Wide Awake Fir# Co., our late worthy friend and comrade, JosKi-H Kmkhsos Stewart, and. ] Wbkrkss, The inmate relations held , l>y the deceased with the members or nnr organization render it proper that wo , should place upon record nurapprcci- ! Minn of his services; first as a fireman, ' ever wady to respond to the oallof duty; second, as a eiti/en, noble, generous, hospitable, kind and brave; third, as a friend, sincere, courteous, obliging and true, Thrrtfon bt it lltMlttil. Tiiat we de plore tbe loaa of a member to dear tn ua, sad hid him adieu with feelings of deep regret, aolleaed bv the confident hope that his spirit is with those, who, having (ought tha good fight, are enjoying per fect happiness in the glorious realm be- ynad life’s swelling flood. ItrtuUtil, Thst wo tender to his loving wile, orphan children and relative! oar sincere condolence, ami our earnest sym* iiathy in their affliction. Knolrtil, That a pago in our hook of reoords ba inscribed lo bis memory, sod thst our Secretary he instructed to furn ish a copy of these resolutions to the fsmilv of the deceased, and lo tha Amkri- res Recorder with a request fot their pntdfrution. Respectfully submitted. C. H. Wooten. .1.1,. Price. A. A. Rilanois, Committee. Sunday School Executive Com mittee Meet lug. Ani bruts, Ua., Aug. 3, 1381. The Kxcciilivc Committee of Sumter County Sunday School Association convened in monthly session, President Lott Warren in Tbs Reason Why, I. W. Harper's Nelson County Whisk.-y Is preferred above all other Brands is bccanse it is the most regular and tnoat perfect Product, incontestably ever made. A long experience in tlm manufacture of the Harper, the large capital of the Distiller which enables him the chair. Prayer Ivy Dr. Stewart. j <" hold his Whiskey until it has fully nia- Minutes ol last' meeting read and ! ‘J™ 1 : to «*“ wr , wl ‘ h f *“ ,U “ l “l” " \\ btskev is bought by and shipped me hi confirmed. | direct from the Dialillary accounts for L |HIII call for reports, Dr. Stow-i the unvarying satisfaction it has given and Lem Page gave interesting j those liesi educated lo a fine Whiskey, accounts of the Salibath school work in theirdialrict, the new lfith,, as carried on in the Union school - under the superintendenoy of D. 0. Rogers. This school holds alter nately at Rehobotli and Bencvo-! lence. It is harmonious, in good ; aprl‘2 fiiu Isiiaki-s, Sole Agent. Ameriens, (la. ANNOUNCEMENTS. HVUTBncoVXTT. FOR MAYOR We nre authorized to announce tbe condition, has a biblc class, and I name of A. C. BKLI. as a candidate for Mayor of Amcrieus at the Mnuielpul elec tion in December next. nugl tf FOH REPRESENTATIVE. We nre authorized to announce Wti, M. HAWKRH as a candidate for the leg islature, subject to (lie Democratic nomi nation, ANNOUNCEMENT. We are authorized to announce the name of W. A. WILSON as n candidate for tbe Legislature, subject to tlm Demo- emtio nomination. FOH REPRESENTATIVE. Recognizing bia ability and integrity dnring his term »( ofllrs ns Representa tive in the Legislature from Sumter county, and believing his experience would be valuable to our people iu the bulls of legislation, we would present the name of Cai-t. .1. L. Aiiiikrton ns a can didate for nomination tn the office ol Representative In the Legislature. Many 1>kmo<-uats. .1VULFT VOVHTY. FOR SENATOR. - We nre authorized to announce jlie namenf Hon. W. I). MURRAY as a candi date for the Senate, subject to the Dem- oerntic nomination. FoiMtEl’iiESENTATiv'E. We are authorized to announce the nnmo of C. it. MrCltOItY an a candidate for tha Legislature, anhject to the Demo- oratic nomination. exerts ranch influence lor gowl among the people. There is no point within the bounds of tbe dis. tricl nt which the lorumtion of a new school is recommended. If not already organized,it is thought the territory and population around Ml. Vernon, in the 17th district, warranted the establishing of a school. Messrs. R. B. Gloss and J. H. Black, from the old 26lh, be* lievetl a flourishing Sunday school could be built up in the neighbor hood of tlie old Broodfield mill, where a church has recently been erected under the control of the Freewill Baptists. Rev. James Du pree, pastor. This excellent com- mnnity desired a Sunday school, and deeply lamented tlie absence of of its wholesome influence. Tlm present hindrance is the lack of a willing leader. He can and will be found, if tlte Sunday school workers contiguous will hut act in concert, keeping in view tlie Into advance ment of the cause. Mr. Joe Ulover gave an encour aging account of the Sunday school in bis clistict, the new 2f,tli; Shiloh, Win. Pilcher, superintend ent; Mt. Tabor, Mrs. K. K. Boze man, superintendent; and Concord, of which he is himself siqicrintend- cnt. Discouraged at one timo by tlie removals of his membership, and tlie want of inlorcst on tbe part of others, lie now is enabled to re port an active school of fifty names, witli biblc class and a community united in tlicdesiicnnd effort to do goo.I. ■ (1. M. Patterson, from the East- ern purl ol the 27tli, or town dis trict. said that Ills neighborhood was without a school, llioucli one was badly needed. Tbo difficulty bad been to find a competent ami willing director of tlie music. The aid or the committee lor Ibis dis trict is invoked in tlie hope that the want mentioned may soon lie supplied. The committee on piograiumc for tlm ensuing regular meeting made its report, comprehending a speeeli of welcome from Superin tendent Glass, the opening address of the President, address lay M. Speor, District Secretary, besides reports from tbo several Sunday School districts,talks from visitors, and the free interchange ol Sub- hath School experience, tlie whole interspersed with suitable service of song under tlie direction of Chorister Check. The ecutive committee upon the in- | ll„nk. Auiarinns, (in., until noun Auui pronsoll iiLLi-ild-mi-i- and ll,„ Brow. JHIh * (,,t Gradnlatton, Cvrais-TitS cria til ullenuam e amt I lie grow | Treatling nn tha Arasricun, Preatnn New York Store. J L : ON THE WAR PATH. -(»)- Grand (toiugout Sale! J. ffaxeltam & Co.l (o)- Sbmi-Annual —OF OUR- J} ENTIRE SlkiK New Advertisements DURHAM’S IMPROVED STANDARD Tl'RWSE ! lmhr*b*st MU«truclFil ami tin* lslif‘1, glTft tetter paroeutaR*. more power, and I* aold for lcaa money, ppr hoaa pow'r.fttiaii . auvnth r Turbina in Ihe world. mniptilat ami fre«. by DURHAM BROS., Sew York. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ sick t ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ AG ENTS r, SSSJSi Iu ia now for ll*» llrat tlma offrrrd tbju by I b<* | ITER ARY p EVOLUTION. Kune of l-lb» aland* I» ard book* of lit* world, anfrrblv illual rated, richly board, (ctallel at aincra irartloo of former ftrim-F. DlO DIS COUNTS and .* trrrltn. » ry «»*•«> ■otxl agent*. 10U.|ia«*ealatoflr free. Write quick. JOHN B. AI.DKN, Pobllahrr, .•»» IVarl Mtreet, New York. I ~ DISSOLUTION. Aatnrt'K, (la.. July JmIi, IM4 The r-artnenliip lu retof.r* exlatln* between .1. U. McTyier and .1. A. Miller, Jr., la Ihla day 4i»* aolved b? mutual corwcut,.!. A. Miller, Jr., re tiring The lirtn hadm-ia will lu* wound up by J. II. McTyier at tliaAld stand, where ih«J budiras* will continue In the n.imc of J. II. Mcl > iit. J. If. MoTYIKK, I. A. MII.I.KK, Ja. who have favored In ri-iirliitf fr«tu bus'me* rotor I. In if my thank* to tl Mr Tyler A Mlllerwilb their pal roust* and aotfclt tcnailuoanceolTbe *iw with my MKcwaor.fJ. II. McTyier, and cordially recommend him a- a iD'htlrmah worthy of th«-lr rwpecl and |.atroii:i*e. JiilytOaa J. A. Ml 1.1 Kit, Ja. II ROOTS SHOES, HATS, CARPETS ! LADIES AND GENTS ing inter; -I in the b.vlv adjourned. Lott Warren, Pros. Meimiki. Caleawai, Scc’v. 33to„ Etc. WE MAKE IT AIRFI.B NEV ER'INI CARRY OVER ANY STOCK FROM SEASON INI SEASON, AND OFFER YOU ANY ARTICLE IN ANY DE PARTMENT AT Al'ITAI, lew York Cost! Tills IS X» IDLE TALK RUT SIMPLE FACTS, COME AND PRICE OCR HOODS. AND IF WE ItONT OFFER YOU THE SAME HOODS Poll LESS MONEY THAN YOU CAN IIUY THEM ELSEWHERE. YOU ARE UNDER NO OH- I.IHATIONS WHATEVER TO BUY. RUT ON THE OTHER HAND SHOULD YOU FIND THEM CHEAP ENOt (III, AND CAN USE THEM, WHY NOT IU Y ? WE MEAN “Strictly Business.” . . ^ OUR STOCK IS ALL NEW AND FRESH—Aid. THIS SEASON PURCHASES—AND IF YOU WIS|l TO Save 25 Per Cent I NOW IS THE ACCEPTED TIME. NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICUS WERE SUCH IIARUA1NS OF FERED AS YOU WILL FIND NOW ON EXtltBmCN AT THE MAMMOTH DRYGOODS AND CLOTHING PALACE OF J. WAXELBA1JM & CO. forfeiletl by Ibe cootrartor rerciviUK tbe i M ._ .. . ... ' • l*r<»j*nctom Ntw \ orlc hlnre. NOTICE Railroad Contractors. elmir congratulated the ex- j ^^^moVTl'V^I^N.Thmri ? committof upon tbe in- lUnk, Auittncun, (In., until noon Animal tl k, u lu*ii tlm nud I.iiuipkifi Railroad, from AlriericuH, ! Hmntnr county, l*» l.mupkin. hlowarl county. Profiles. Plana and Spccifico* tP rm ran be seen at (hr Thief Knuiim r's oflice nl Atnerirua after August *JOlli. IHS4. Thi work will In* let in TIIKKE SKi TIONS. Fimt Hi-ctlon—Froiu Anmrions to Lanft- Scrond Section—From IjinabaKKee t'reek to Kincb«foone«* Crw-lc. 'Third Serf ion—From Kincbefoonce Creek to Lumpkin. To Ihe Ladieik Wo have a low dozen very fine slippers we ore going to clear out. j If you want something nice, pretty, and neat, you ran get th6m at ol* j most your own price. i Calvin Carter & Sox. | THE -I.ANOTItV" IIOOP SKIRT WITH lit'STLR } COMIUXATK »N. There bar never been unytbini.' in Sin.r:, F-aze und .Inrabilitv, that p.v,- ilia I Crook to Luuipkiu. end aatiafn.-tiou t.. the ue-u.r Hist the i TroatllnK, Cro»»-Tie« ami Hrailiialinn ; , , ! will be bill for Nepurulely. “Langtry Skirt'’ d«ea. A*k any lady • fontr.ietore. wouw bids ar« accepte«t, I who ha. over worn on.-, .ho will toll *.ll I* rvqolta.1 h^in work ua.l.r , their contraela by Keptembnr loth, lMl. | you that hlie will wear no otli* r only Each hid must In* uco.tupnmed by a p.HTi. Sreond lot juat received. JOH N' R sHASV. forfeited by l work hhocfd he fail to commence work X. II.- Tail and am* llie •‘Perfection” , within the specified time, otherwise »»,, • |, Tl,. ....Hi fori side «b«*cks to be retiirne.| to the owner. Bustle. Ihe lightest, Hi"*I "lufortaliU . T|ie 4 . <ouipmJiy r^rvea the right to re- and durable Rustle in Ihe world—75c to | ject any or all bids. 41.00. Also the celebrated • Duplex,” j n | y30tl j •*Ron-T«»n and “Dr. Strouj - Coraeta. • ^—-- — 40IIN It. SHAW. Holmes' h kk * nu; sot m \\ \sm ani» ' dentilri'-e la an infallible cure lor I'lcer-1 JUviog secured the Rvlander Acoileiu v. ated Sore Throat, Bleeding Gnraa. Sore F propose to open, on Monday the l«tb mouth and Ulrera. C.cana th. T..,h and j keeps the (Jnms healthy. Prepared sole- M heretofore. Having had much ex|^ri- ly l»y Drs. J. P. .V W. It. Holmm, Den* cnee in conducting schools of such char* ti.t., W*Molb.ny Mra.t, Macon, <ia. act«r IcrncHttvsolicitnlihcr.d patronaRo J «* II. ii/u» p It.,.I .Uni,«>f the good cituena of Americus und >orsaleby l>r. w. P. wifi,, dentist, | wiefiaity, mod for tha acme pledge aaliafae* .. i j W. II. ALLEN, Principal, i II. L. COLLIER. Thief Engineer. , K. Hall, and all dtuggislH and d**nlists. augdadi. July 40. IHH4. tf Country mi*rrlinnts ami large uhuitcrs will find this a splen did opportunity to buy goods and realize u handsome profit J. W. at Co. New York Store. MiingPrm FOR 30 Days • V a*. I( at . . I John Pi. Shaw’s, No. 135 & 130 Forsyth NL, Amerious, - Georgia. LARGER INI) MORE COMPLETE STOCK THAN EVER BEFORE I Spring and Snip DltY GOODS, *t Notions, KATOj’Gtgflj, ItUlll'S AKD SIIOMS, HATS HD WPS, TRI MS AND SATCHELS. CLOTHING! At such PltlCEH that will FORCE SALES, and will ha such UNANSWER ABLE ARGUMENT'S that NO HOUSE CAN MATCH NOR COMPETITION REACH. Thrao an- STERN and STUB BORN FACTS that will CONVINCE and CONVERT you on the subject of GENUINE BARGAINS 11 You will find than, ia ECONOMY AND SOUD COMFORT in daalini; with ua mid wo will prora to you that wa ura -v Not Giving You Wind if yon will Ink.- Iho trouble in calf ou an. it yon ilORot improve thUpppoftafr | soilfi DAY whan yon realize wliut SPLENDID BARGAINS yon ban Inal, You will be Sick! ■AND DON’T YOU FOIIOBTIT." JOHN K. SHAW. 3? P. 8. NO.rf. ui it 11 r rho fittu or pn»a ip Ain< conld Imy goods for I far, nr rahTiva'oo tana profit, than yonr bttiaUo ianant, ALL DIED OR MOVEDAWAY BEFORE I ini. Lara, in yanra ago -“And don’t lorgat It.” JOHN II. SHAW. P. S. NO. 2 AND LASTLY. NO RESTRICTIONS AH TO QUANTI TY. thersfora CITY AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS as waUaa LARGE PLAN. TEIIS. will conxnlt thrlr bast ihtamt by airiott na a aall ha fora making thalr pur- ahaaaa, JOHN R. SHAW. Aineiicnn, Ua., August 1, 1*84.