The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, August 10, 1884, Image 4

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l 4 Hdod Bishop. V; ; Burdette relates lliat the first time lie ever saw tlie late Bishop Simpson was years ago, when he (Burdette) was a reporter for the I’corin Review, and was assigned to chronicle the doings of the Cen tral Illinois Conference, over which Bishop Simpson presided. He and the other reporters went early, sei/.. ed a big table belonging to the con- Idrencp Secretaries, took possession of their'stationery,etc., and waited for the services to begin. "First thing after the opening exercises," says Mr. Burdette,“a good brother arose and culled attention to lire presences>f the reporters “aithiji the ba(r” and suggested that they bo aBjighed a place without the sacred ' precinte. We felt very badly about it, as tlie suggestion was warmly seconded, but while we were wondering if we could carry the big table with us, the Bishop looked down upon us kindly and said, in a soothing way: ‘Oil, well, brethren, never mind. If the re porters can • stand it I guess tlie brethren can.’ We stood it. I re member one thing he said, near the close of the conference, in his talk to his class of young men who stood up to receive his charge. 'And',’ he said In the course of his remarks, 'I: have heard young men, in the depth of their humility, say, “tam willing to lie u poor despis ed Methodist preacher.” .Now brethren, if you are poor, it’s your otrn fault; and if yon are despised. it ! ls because you are despicable.' Aud then lie talked more common sensa to those young men In five minutes than some men arc priv ileged to bear in as many years. The yearly Gubernatorial elec- lido In the United States is likely to result in a victory for the Wbings. The Federalists, under the leadership of Mr. Blaine, who was recently nominated for Mayor of Chicago, arc hopeful of success. ; This udw distinguished party lea der was brought from the Sandwich : Islands by Mr. Barnuni, and ex- j hibited oa the tattooed man. Hav- ! ing learned something of A merienn polities while traveling around the provinces lie abandoned tile show business and devoted himself to tho work of writing a book. The advance proof shcots allowed such insight that he was at once taken froth -bis lowly condition and placed prominently before the peo ple. Mr. Tildcn, tho prominent bui rcl-niakcr, has declined to vote in the coming election.— Condon Times. a COMPARE THE OLD PRICES WITH THE If -AT- k Roney’s,! 03V3L.Y X:W AMBRICUSs AND DEALERS IN A COMPLETE LINE OF PUBES DRUGS. Wr, jir.iniisoil in issue ol tin* Hkcoudkk of Junnary 2d, to give yon some prices so soon as we arranged mid marked down our goods. We are now prepared and ready to give yon more goods lor less looney limn any house that sell goods on thirty days time days credit: iplille II lew ({notations mid note the difference in SPOT CASH prices and thirty ALSO DEAL LARGELY IN Flavoring Eitracts, Perfnaery, Lily ffhite, ( : Tri/inu for 'fit Yearn Tint light Oim lias ('tilin' at Last! Knights of the (Holden Star good, liou* Ih n Mutual Aid AHNQoiiktioo, u gn ••nt ami Christian institution, mended by white aud colored. It is chartered for tlie t’nited tftutosaud Terri* tonea for 20 years aud h*n been in exis tence for uearly three years. Huh n l)n« Library in each Lodge for tho young hidiea and gentlemen. Hun 50 lodge* in Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Ten nessee, and is now bein« established in Florida and South Carolina. Has never had any, money atofen from it, nutl has some of the best mm in tho country at the head of if. Tt has paid out to Siek members, ^l:ts.r»0. Distressed in embers 11)2.50. Ou death benetitN 857.(55. Fruiting, etc 575.00. Grand total... $2, DM. <5 5 Is not behind in a single nsHCHxinent. The cost to a member is not over $1 or $5 a year. Monthly dues only #2 per year. All perNous desirous to form one of these Associations will write for infoi* Flour. Flour. In this article we stand head and shoulders above everybody, having ransacked the big markets of the West and Northwest in search of the best, and paid the CASH DOWN. We will sell you First Patent, (entire Holler system) For 50 pounds,, $1.75. Old price, $2.15. 2d Pat., tor 50 pounds, 1.(55. “ 1.90. Fancy, liir 50 pounds, 1.50. “ 1.80. Choice Family 50 pounds, 1.35. •• 1.65. We guarantee all these Flours ns represented, and if not satisfactory you can return them and we will cheerfully refund the money. In lilt urn we will keep on hand the best grades of GRAHAM FLOUR—‘’heap. Sugars. Sugars. sell you 1(1 pounds Granulated Sugar liir $1.00. “ 11 pounds New Orleans Clarified lor 1.00. “ 11J pounds New Orleans ( Bellewowd) Clarified, for 1.00. “ 13 pounds New York Sugar, lor 1.00. In this line we are fully up and advise everybody to seize the golden opportunity and pur • at once a sufficiency lor the year’s eonisumption. Coffee. Coffee. In this article alone (by buying from us) we enn save you money enough in one year to buy all the “Santa Claus” you '.vant lor the little ones. We deal 6J pounds Choice Fio Coffee for$l. Thurher's No. II, (Ibinstcd) a combination of Java, Rio, and Mocha, for 23c per pound, TOILET AND LAUNDRY SOARS, I ! Hair Brushes and Combs, Tooth Brushes and Powders, CAZit« AND EXAMINE. J. A. & D. P. DA YENPORT. Amerleuw, Go., July 11,1834. Will (•has Oliver & Oliver, STILL LEADS! Salt. Salt. mntinn to 1\ O. Box i««;. junyl5ui2 l>. S. Harris, Liverpool, full weight, liir $1.20 per sack. Fine Salt, seamless bags, 150 pounds, $1,05 per sack Bran. Bran. We are slaughtering SEED POTATOES. at the very low price of $1.00 perewt. to make room lor a ear load ol In a very short time l will move into the two stor. s now occupied by Messrs.,?. B. Dunn and U. T. Byrd & Son,—both made into one—and before mov ing 1 will sell as much of my stock as possible at prices that will suit purchasers. This,like 1 inv former offers, is genuine and " ill lie carried out to the letter I Cwne and be convinced. S. M. COHEN. Bargain Store, Cotton Avenue, i july!3tf CHEAP LUMBER| We invite everybody and the public gen erally to call at our shop and examine our immense stock of First-Class Finished Single and Double Seat Buggies and One Horse Wagons, of all styles and sizes. All of which are of our own manufucture, and will he sold as cheap as it is possible to sell such work in any market. In reference to our Single and Double Seat Dexter Buggies, we will say we were the first to introduce them in this coun try, and have from the beginning up to the j present time constantly improved them, and I we believe we now have them perfect. We We (“.hi undersell anybody—we offer “Lucy Hinton” nrr,7c per pound, and nil other grade? | keep On hand all the while finished from 15 to proportionately. ’ I Wo regret, .'hat we have not space sufficient to give full and complete .p.otalions on all of our goods,bull 25 ° f theSe ™th fifSt-ClaSS HaOieSS tO you will hear from u* occasionally. Kemciubcr that by t;:*.ving your good* from ils and paying 81*OT CASH I % i i 1t n x you ilo not. pay from -. r » to 50 per cent, for bad debts, w nstini in credit store. j 6acn ouggy, anu can sell you a Bugg’y anti Harness as cheap as anybody. All we ask is to give us a trial. A word now lo those who have old bug- AVI V UDflT >1 (Oil mil ABB III IHEIDICITC lS ies an<1 "'Ogons aod desire to have them re- !f VllLI ijlvl \ AM ij 1 Vlilj Hi il.iil|jll/IvUla*i paired or made new: We will give you more Whiskies. Whiskies. In this line we are full to overflowing, and to unload we have reduced the price on all grades from 25c to $1.00 per gallon. Think ot it! Cox, Hill & Thompson’s genuine Stone Mountain Corn Whisky liir $2.20 per gallon, usually sold c.t $2.50, Tobacco and Cigars. A Word as Regards the Penny ! lo all those who scout at tho idea of introducing tlie Penny in Americas, we say that we stand ready to redeem in goodu or the cash any amount from 5c upwards. Bring them along :»nd get their Ail! value at FIRST DOOR SOUTH OF J. W. WHEATLEY & CO.’S BANK. A ery truly, , I- SCHUMPERT & RONEY. Americas, (In., January 11, 1k84. | work, and a better job, for less money than 1 any other shop in Americus. Try us and he j convinced. i Americus, Ga., July 25, 1884. •* 1