The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, August 20, 1884, Image 1

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iar-i Americus Recorder; / > i H Established 1879. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1884. Tki-Wkkki.y £4.00 |M>r vn SlT.MlAY, 1.00- « ^Tt’APlTAL P1UZB $T3,000,^3 ' Ticket* oulyf 3. Shares In proportion Americus Recorder. PUW.lSHKn UY W. X*. C^EiBSBNTZlIl. Ul l'ICE OX COTTON AVE.YCE, IliOFESSIOXAIi & l(USf\ESS I'AHIIS | “ lie ilu Ittrchg certify that ire Japcrcue j the arrangcmcntc for nil thr Monthly and l linm-Annual Urairirgi of The /.uiiuiana j State Littery Company,and in perron man- I o:je oiul control thr JJrairini/n themuluc, 1 \ Unit the tome ore conducted villi /ion- , anil in good faith tmcard all I purlieu, and. ire authorize the Company to I uk tide certificate, irith fae-timilet of our I i eignaturen attached, in itr ailccrliteinehU.'' la ty yl its, C. R. M.-CKOKY, attorney at LAW,|»g= ftLLAYlLLE, GA. . No chaws unless , DOCTORS. Dr. 0. B. RAINES, MTItUEON AMI IMIVSII I A.V. »rl. r* Ilia proteenlonel service*. \v|ih an i-xperl-- •Iiri- Ot 20 vciirs to I lie pwijile of .\invrlrua ami i uiiuty. Offlcuovcr J>avl* * Callaway's Htoro. R« » •Irn.'c ai t onicr of Jackson ami Church Mr<fiin. [jails vrill receive |>r. ni|>t utleutlmi. laiitthl DR. C. A. BROOKS, AMKIIKT S, (IA. ml »l niijhl a: tin *, ••■■rcor lee., an. may ft Hm. MIS CEL LA SEO US. NT ©11 talkotton. . . - : geokgia Will .loPhistcrinir, Brickwork and Housework Calsominp a specialty. Ki-pairimr done. Or-Un promptly atlomlct! to. octJltf Commlaalnuere. ^.riK-rated i« isos for » years , " r *-*l' , cntloTi ; »l ami (Juaritabfc |iiir|»»e.s— capital of jl,000,tH)0-to whld DOOLY DOINGS. Wiiitsktt. Ga., Atif*ust la.—For the benefit of “Mayor" of “Jolly Johnpree- vilIe,*T wish to state that the cotton cater* pillar (Anomia TyUn<r) is produced by un olive brown moth, called Noflua Xylina, its wings hare a grayish cast, the upper wings somewhat red, with .1 dark spot on each, having a white centre. They also havo largo heads, much larger thau com- tinuiis to improve and wo hope soon to see him enjoying his usual good health. Our mail driver bus brought us no until for the past week. The supposition is that he has given np the route, so o letters will only come in by chnnoe. Mayor. ntkwaut uolnty items. Lumpkin Independent. ; ..... ... . , The cotton orop is now opening very moti moths, and they always light head .. , , *... .... ^ I fast in this section and will be a month | later getting to market than it was last l downward. I havo no doubt but that moths observed by ‘iMayor" in his cotton are the veritable producers of the much dreaded army worm or caterpillar—they deposit their eggs late in tlie’evcuing and at night, generally on the under side of On Friday night last two children of I Jerre Nowaein. colored, who lives on Mr. - W. ('. ilryan’s plantation, worn burned . , .. , I to death. The pareuls of the children t ho leaf, sometimes on the outer cnlvx, ... , ' . i ... j, 1 went toohurch and as is customary among It i Fresh. Meats and COUNTRY PRODUCE! (HN WORK. • I would nspcH fully ■lam to tin* public H at REPAIR OLD GINS I my fiitber uu JcllcrxHi Oliver's shop. Work '. A. OAMEKUN. C. Horace McCall. Monumental Marble Works, "ILI.I,'Itle MiTAI.l,, Proprietors, Sinuliwoht Corner of tho Public Square, AMERICUS, UA. Monuments, Tombs, Etc., Etc. ofth« bint Italian and Aincrlcnu Marble. Hi Urnud Hlufflt Number Urawlnsi Inks plncomouthly, * SPIiBNDID OPPOIITU.MTY TO .\VA?.r.^, F °. , . lTl,NE * -ninth a hand , .. LASS lt IX the academy rcHHAr, h!y Draw- ; CAPITAI. PRIZE, $75,000. | 100,000 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. 1 Fractious, In Firths, in Proportion. ! LIST OK PHIZES: 1 CAPITAL PRIZE *76,000 } ;[j 1 u phizes of i^ooo • 6 do >,o00, 10,000 j 10 ito 1.000 10,000! no do 600, 10,000 i Uhl d.. • Absolutely Pure. r T U powdar never varies. A marvel or purity ' urenirtli and whole*, .mum.**. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot In- sold in compeli»u with tlm umltitudu of low test, abort weight, nlnm or phosphate i>nwder« M Sold opli/ in Un ran*. HOY A I. llAKlNO POIVDKH CO, lOG Wall Si reel. New York. octalyl. (liticura Infantile Blood Purifiers and Skin Bcautiflers. 1.UC7 Prize*, amounting t Application for r of the 2A,000 •* ft«f) 4. *>00 -VI 2.250 9265,600 luba should la* made ipany in New t^rlean*. For furt hi full addres*. Make P. O. Money Order* paynhlo and address Heel stored Letters to NEW ORLEANS NATIONAL DANK. New Orlcaua, bn. POSTAL NOTES and ordinary lot ter* by Mail or Express tall sums of $5 and upward by Kxpn M. A. DAUPHIN, r M. A. DAUPHIN, 007 Seventh "* New Orlanna, Ln, , Wnahlugtou, D. C. A Positive Uure for Every Form t.l **klu iititl Itloml IIIscascs, from Pinililrs to Mrrofula. I NFANTILE and Birth Humors. Milk Trust, Ncalted tl.Md K. /eli.n*. nod ..f Iteh- in«. rtcaly. Piroi. y. Oerofnlous and Inherited Di*- ••as.1 i be Bl.sid. Skin, and Hcal|s with low of "OUR LITTLE BOY.” Mr and Mrs. Everett Stehhins. Bolchertown. da**., writ.-: -Our little hoy was terribly a Hinted "WORKS TO A CHARM.” .T. S. Weeks. Us.,.. Town Tn asurer. fit. Alban*. rarely on the Htem. With n«, at this late ‘lay, we do not apprehend any danger from woriDH, except where cotton wmh planted on the oat Htubble, since the har vest. lturtt irt general in this vicinity, atnl caterpillars do not hurt nutted cot* ton. I havo had eaterpillarn apptitr July 2rith in my cotton without material in jury to the crop, ho I think your corres pondent may dismiKH his fears, (-specially if his cotton was planted forward, or if it has any indications of rust. In his last letter “Mayor" states that a certain youth who was visiting the “villa" had killed all the “Dob Whites" in the vicinity. Was this uot wrong? Is it not a violation of the game laws of Georgia? Certain it is that tho “Dob Whites' should not ho killed just now, leaving tho care of the youDg “Dob Whites” to "Mrs. Dob White" olone. The young man should he talked to; then if he persists in hiH wicked course, tho “Mayor" should as sume municipal authority and suppress it. Crops in the stale of Dooly uro not so good ns they might Lc.jstill wo hope to negroes, locked them up dnriug their ab sence. The house caught file nnd was destroyed, burning tho children up in the flames. Stewart county is ono of ^he best nnd most productive agricultural counties in the slate. If itsciti/.uns would lend their energies to producing commodities for homo consumption, not a pound of bacon or a sack of corn would havo to be ship ped from the Northwest, to supply its wants. In 187N a man bought a planta tion in this county on which were stand ing three stnoks of fodder, which had been standing beside tbo road, nobody knows how long. Those same stacks of fodder stands there to-day in a perfectly sound condition, showing thnt tho owner of tho plantation has made a sufficiency year af ter year, without having to use tho anti quated fodder. One night last week a huly living in tho Green Hill District had an experineo with a rattlesnake that nearly cost her her life. Sho had retired and was awakened by her husband who, coming home, knock ed at the door. Tho lady was somewhat DISK AND FALL OF J I! DDKS. A PRACTICAL JOKK THAT MU) TO TEMPERANCE REVIVAL. tH BILLS. rile rod it, foi »»1> • b-am-d I ami l>r. -(O) Meat Market j AND PROVISION STORE. | W.H.&T.M.C0BB| l.-lns fr„„, 1l„r.. ,V (-..M, lit.' M, . “*-1 -••■■I I’rovl.l.m COTTON AVENUE H-*» t.i.n.l II... vvrl hntciui.1 i j MW, FORK, Kill AMI SAUSAGE, j •'•ill u'ao it full line >.r **rpt‘ii Groceries and Provisions, j • Mibrarlii,- : ,i| kiml* of V. wtabka mid 1-rulta in , r pv«*.>h. U-.nn.-d (J.-o-l*, rt,. It i* lb. ir i m kn-p a drat i-laxa r«tabll»bn>.-nl, and irtva th«.r | 1 >^Tn!Ae!lorCattVe.'nai*, » i A'tM-rica*, D.«.i£ < lSSLir Mil EDITION. PRICE OILY *1. MRS. FRED LEWIS BALLS “A TERRIBLE CASE." *•1*1 Hinkli*. .I.TwyCit, ll.-ltM., X.,T„ bad FOR PALE, LANGUID, od nnd . kin of Inti.- e Nkln m-u-unra.** , Bath and Nursery STILL AT HER OLD Ml). pull through. Coru uus iujurcil Ly the I c ,u,fined on being oroUHod from n Round »pr.nK drouth, and in thia intmad ate i to|nd difll( , tlU jn vicinity ta not -o Rood as the crop ol last j jnR ,, when Ucr blubana Ktruck a year. Cottoo. a, .Ut.d before, .a about I diM0 , As sho walkcU overrun by rust and wlnlo tho crop will ; . ... u » t. ... 1 . across the floor sho foil a sharp, stinging be better than thnt of 8.L it will not be . - . . ’ | pain and cried out: “Tho hornets are an average one. j stinging mo !*' After letting her hushund Our ...ter village. t»na», 1..* at last: sll6 in m ht hor holl „ n(1 in awakened Iron. l.« llip Van Winkla fowuloInB „ubcc» tIl cdeathly.ick. Swob HU0070, anil boaatanow of tbo largest and . eflnally rMcU ,,, ,„. r beat school m tbo county. Tbo wllioh wero very Illnoll 8wo U<-... Apt, siemn was summoned who soon reached I3A.TS,! Score Books, League Books, Masks, Cloves, Bto. A NEW LINE t>E OLD STAXB O.Y JACKSOA STKKKT! JUST ItKCKIVKD! xercisc-s begun -March 'ioth ami closed July 31st. Tho examination was highly satisfactory to the patrons nnd board of trnsleeM. Tho school is presided over by that veteran in tho cause, l’rof. Jno. II. Drautly and in indeed on a boom feel justly proml of our tunny lngh Kcbools and especially our youugest one, tho Vienna Institute. Wo hoped to havo the co-operation of your people in building a railroad through our county, but nlns—Americus has gone hack on us. We aro poor, Mr. Editor, but wo aro proud. Wo will hit back every time by carrying our cottou to HaArkinsvillo and Monte/.iimn, where wo do not have to pay com missions nor for the poor privilege of the average modern wagon yard or any bridge toll. J. 1C. W. JOLLY JOHXPRKKVILLIk Johnihievillk, August 1.0—No raiu for the past week, uml tho cotton doing but little or nothing. All the old land cotton bus the rust, which will cut the crop otfji good deal, as it yet has a month to inuke, and it never does anything more after it taken the rust. Wo think it will cut cfl' at least one-fourth of tho crop if not more of the late planting. Early cotton will be damaged but little. If tho rust con tinues, us for tho past week, the cottou will ull soon ho open, gathered and by the last of October sold and tho money spout. Mr. Love Kimbrough was dangerously hooked by a tine Jersey bull of his, ono day last week. IIo kept him tied at night, and went out to turn him loose when he was hoiked. We heard to-day ho was better, and his friends hope to seo him out again soon. Mrs. C. If. Moore, of Weston, died this morniug nt 3 o’clock of paralysis. Mrs. the house nnd examined the pntiout. lie found a drop of blood on one of the lady’i uukles and from tho Hyiuptoms exhibited at onoo decided that sho had been bitten by a snake. The physician immediately went to work to counteract the effects of the poison and by reason of his prompt nrrivnl wan successful in staying its ef fects, ns the poison was already diffusing itself through the lady's system. Ou ex amining her foot it was seen that sho had been struck twice by tho snake, onco bn the ankle and again on tbo heel, which oaused her to oxolnitn that hornet'ii stinging her, She wuh hotter by morning when a search was made for the snuko. Tho flooring of the room was taken up aud a rattlesnake with two rattles Hat found and killed. The Indy is exceeding ly fortunate in oscApiug with no further harm than she has already suffered. For Sale I : ,0,, ‘"" j THE WONDERFUL HOOK, i SELLING OUT U JNOW THYSELF. * <«n*at Medical Hoi k on Manhood. ( ! Ct ,r - COK Elt > 0/ *i^iy h * U r*rr * ,rvou * end Physical (D- j Formerly of Americus. Ga. l’rice 50c am , Wr»aV*nV he l,r ‘ to, ' , mi>ori,r * re»nltln«c froajin “tTu ;"?■* “"d o|, b rjSlJa "rf -I: «i Apply to-ix Cotton Avenue August 10, IBM. m2 forth.-next Thirty Day* Mock of I HUSKIES, uua\jhi:m 1-our.d la b. luAifttl French ina-ltn, i»OOK A rxjTQ "'.T-r" w*v*r*, full Kilt, f uniantec.11«> l-o u Bluer I « •‘urpruw nUulv I O Hut u u> <-x*mpi.-<l • if, ■ ,v,r y St-nse—inechanirni, literary uimI In what D now f.,r the BtM tinn-off.-r<*l tn»ia other wofk M,|.| |„ «hi- by it,.- ■ ITEI1AKV nKVOLUTION. tor 12.50, or i he tuoue) will U «otne «( L. th - > .-»• mnipI- II ar-1 >Kvok* or the ‘•.'••‘y •u.tauce. l’rice only |l by man, |*^t aorW, aaperbly illu-iratwl, ri.hly hoaml, nt-Ulei «Li Jii"? i,a, ' v f •‘ample • cent*, rt.n.l n .w at ainera t rut leu of former prior*. QlU Ull- ^edal awa.xfc-1 the author l.y th<- Nat ion ti COUNTS and ••xcluolv* t.rrlto- D ry ifiven 11 -»*•■*• •citllon, to the oitlcer* of whi-h he KO«>.l aip-nt<. lOO-iriffpcatuloff «• fit-o. Write quirk. . . I JOHN* It. ALDKN, l’' 7 — “ -■—* b°»k . hold I be read bv the young f-.r in- | New York. »«. i-.theaflMet.-d far n-lleC ll will AT COST! Ilov. William Taylor, rt-coicly appointed Mctl.odi.t episcopal bixhop for Alrica, at hi. farewell reception in Boston made this statement;—“It is reported that u most extraordinary discovery has recently hcen made in Africa in a tour from east to west. There have hcen found nations of people hitherto unknown, who number uO,000,000; and live in houses h.iiit of stone, with gardens in the rear and properly Inid out streets, who work in iron, copper and ivory nnd are pretty well up in the industrial arts, many or them, being well to do. This is a country never heard ol licfon-, and the Lord hits lurn- nished me a man. This man, Wil liam Richard Simmons, was form erly an unheliever, and addressed great audiences in Belfast and Dublin, hut lie became convinced of his error and Joined the Salvation Army. He has for years been studying all about Africa, with a desire to go there on a missionary work, un.l lie has offered to go with inc. Our plan is to strike for those people.” tVlint Paralysed the Kititar. ‘How glorious ills to lie engaged Mr,. James P. W,dicer is quite sick but i 1,1 “ l l,,r % in ‘ cll f CtU “ l ™- C,, l’ ati ? n .’ little better to-day, though not out of dan- ] K uz '"l! I R-r. W„ hop,, to repo,, her nioeh better ! ™l ,tl,r °U. | y lnto 1 '« ; in our n* xt j of a country editor; ‘your own' i quite sick and Home timcThursdhy night sent for Mrs. Moore, - when she arrived it wan found that nho |7 could not move or speak, sho was carried [• into the house but did not*penk orknorv anything after she was taken Hick. To the bereaved famqy we tender the nym- pathy of the community. Her husband v-;i our Entire . . . , . . . died two years and sixteen days before WIN HU, (an.l she l||r|| . Judge William Cartor,i of She boygan, Miqh„ and Judge Caswell Marks, of Selma, Ala., were both native, of Lexington. Ky. In boy- hood they had iamlncd the same cat's head into the same milk pitch er, stolen peaches from the same tree, got trounced from the same farmers, and were otherwise en viously intimate friends, after wards chums at college, and then errand boys in the same office. Later in life they parted, and rose to sublime honors in their separ- places. Last January they met for their (Irst time since their parting, in Lexington; and brewed a convivial b5wl'in“lipnpr, of. the event. About midnigbt,'' lull of affection and enthusiasm, they re tired in the same bed. It waa’ a huge affair, standing in (be middle of the room and capabj.p of being drawn up by ropes to the ceiling while the room waa-being cleaned. It was a very cold night; itnd they placed their clothing on the foot of the bed. Ju.t afar theyfejl asleep four friends entered softly, drew the tied by the Wj&i nedrl^ to the ceiling, and left them thus suspended about ten: feet from the floor. They locked tbo door outside nnd retired. -.--In-si i-.'l At!) a- m. Judge Carter woke will, species of thirst which usually comes after Kentucky punch and technically known os “hot coppers.” Leaping 1 oht at bed to get the ice pitcher, ho went whirling down 10 feet, alighting with a soul-stirring thump on all fours. There was, a long and painful pause. Then lie peered upward through the darkness nnd called. “CaBwell 1” [No reply.] ili« . “O, Caswell!” H i-nff- [Feeble cries.] ,< "CU7.I” - . _ “Hk?-um?-wlmt?” The Judge was awakening. - “I've fallen through a trap,” yelled tliu now afrrightened Judge, “get up and light a candle.” “ Whore are you f” cjneriod J ndge Carter sleepily, framing hia opin ion that his honorable brother was drunk. “Down hare. Fell- through a trap. Dont get out on my side of the bed.” “All right.” And Judge Marks springing out on his own side, turned three somersaults and land ed on the small of his hack. Both wore now oonvinccd they bad fal len into a den of thieves and were possibly to be murdered. The jokers had closed the heavy wood en shutters so no light cbuld enter and removed all The furniture. Tho judges groped around on hands and knee-, nearly frozen to death, and only at daybreak dis covered tlie bed, climbed into it and got warm enough to talk the thing over. There were recently two tern- pcruncc societies started under glorious auspices. The headquar ters of one is at Selma; the other at Sheboygan. iItl , , of Aruc-ricDK, Frori -•!. Tho-. M~li * trial. :jv) iVnrl ! ■"‘‘•fit all _i„ n.-r* le no u '1 »•» L»»<-» ref t U.- Ilrefii! tv; ( m * lnarr " »or.>r cUnryman.-AraoiiuV K |l7 , ' k * !'<;»iw>dy Mwlicai In*titute, or I»r. Ik r ' 4 Bulllurb Htr.ft, • Ik>*i.>n, •!Uif|.:J co "* u| t«l "n »U it- ' at* ‘•vpvricnn-. L'brotiif* ami ol.*tl- iftsFrWSat - MKSHEALaa Quart to » i«ec| of tuch ko”‘» *• ca a* before bujlu.j Ramemiitr tlut at thewe f^»w I'M lf>nl to charge any good*, an J DURHAM’S „ a . “'-"TiMiyE .:1st Have the Cash! ,,f Daws mental faculties for tools ami the whole universe for a workshop. Now tell me,’ she added, ‘what do you find the most difficult thing connected will, your noble profess ion?' * Faying thr hands,' said the edi tor. _T. Jt*r 1 . r anvoth r TnrUne In ih-» world. * tSO^Srv ptmtrhlat aar-t free, by BROS., New York. 1 KVASS.0 MERRITT, Clean .Ifviiuv, Ojivo-Iip tfoivi; Mnstr-r Kstnn ftaoli in Vlnitit-x in 111,, villa M:. Orauwuoit Ha; in vinitinu in til.) villa. Minn Dni.iy .iulu- ,.f Dswnoa, wlio bus j 1*1 n Vi-i’.IUq in lii- villa for 11.». j nnt two j weeks wifi leave for home to-morrow. j Mm. \V. M. ryioen will plenna itaccpt , our thnafts for u very man Uiintet oftomu- ; The ostrich farming experi- tocn. We nte fooRnhly foml of them end i incut at Sanford, Fla., has proved alsil ear friends don't forget un. Mins i a failure. The last of the six ill). liiisne Overby will please accept Mm.' ported birds died a few days ago. Mayor's thanks for a bucket of very fine Tbo ostrich prefers death to boom- figs. ing the plumed knight witli its tail Mm. H. P. Kimbrough's health con* I feathers. A pathetic story, showing also a dog’s ability to And its way from a strange plncc to its former home, comes from Flat Itock, Ohio. A voting farmer named McC'anley emigrated from that place to Kan sas. Hu put uis goods on the cars at Bellevue, and with thorn put a shepherd dog. On bit arriv al at destination be drove from tho railroad station to his brother’s house, the dog following. The team was eared for and the young .nan went into the house, leaving the dog outside. The next morn ing the animal could not be Bound. He wrote back to Ohio to his friends and mentioned the disap pearance of tho dog. TUreo weeks afterwards he received a letter an nouncing the arrival of the .dog at its oiil home. The animal refused however to make up with anyone, and in a short time died. Uov. Cleveland’s short term of public service in civil affairs turns out, by comparison, to have hcen longer than of Abraham Lin coln, Ulysses 8. Giant or Sanxiel J. Tilden, before their first election to tl.e I’residency. ACABD. To all who are suffering from the errors aud Inti inert lioan of yonta, nervous weakness, early decs? loss or msobood, ike., I will semi a Ipe that will eon you, FUEL) OF t fiAlCGE. This gnu remedy was discovered by s missionary in Sooth America. SsadassIPaddnssod envelope to the Bsv. JotU-I T, Ik MAX, Station D, Arts fork Cdg ,.