The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, August 20, 1884, Image 2

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Americus Recorder. W. I,. OLKHINKIli Krtllor. OBclal Organ of Webster County. WBONBaOAV, Alin, sottl. ISM SENATOR I All CONVENTION. The Democrats of counties o( the Sumter, Schley and Macon, are in vited to send delegates to a Con vention to be held at Americus on Wednesday the 27th ol August, for the purpose of planing in nomin ation a candidate for Senator for the 13th Senatorial District. The Convention will convene at the Opera Douse tit 2 o’clock p. m. I,. O., Ohm. Kx. Com. 13th Sen. Dis. FARMIN'! DON’T FAY. The following article has been going the rounds of the Georgia papers, and so far as we have seen, it has not ltecn contradicted. As it is calculated to injure the price borrowed money to buy his pro visions, and in a single year cleared $2,500; but lie stayed upon tne plantation, superintended every de tail, and put his hand to the plow. The admission of Mr. IJemier- J. 1. & II. F. of lands, discourage our farmers I son that there is an increase ofj and prevent immigration, we desire I wealtli in the State, even though it to say a few words in reply to Com- be in towns, is proof that terming ; missioner Henderson : The Atlanta correspondent oi the Savannah Times says: I had a a talk the other day with Hon. .1.. T. Henderson, the State Commis-1 sioner of Agriculture, an I lie made 1 one statement that was so startling . that I have decided to pass it; tinuc to pay their profits into the in Georgia docs pay, for it is cm- j phatically an agricultural State, : and its increase in wealth must come from the lands. The wealth will continue to increase in the towns so long as the farmers con- 1=5 oo c=q f=s NOTICE hands of the merchants. We agree with Commissioner Henderson as t.o the need of im- I waTso "dazeirtiiaTT'did not I P rove ' 1 metll0l,a of farming and the around "Does farming pay in Georgia?” ; I asked him. \ “It docs not,” he replied Americus, Georgia. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. Governor McDaniel is soon to j venture another question for a mo-1 use of natural fertilizers, as in- j levy an extra half mill on State j ment or so, and then i remarked i creasing the profit of farming. This | inquiringly, “You do not print that sort of information in your reports?” “No,” lie said. "It would dis- The Now Yoik Sun is getting | courage everybody.” If it is truth, 1 would ptint it," taxes, to cover deficiencies, will make the rate at the old fig ures. more and more nnti-Cloveland I every day: in fact, is waging a bit terer war against him than all the rest of the papers combined. Mr. Blaine, the great aggressive, who it was thought would paint the country red after bis nomina tion, seems to have changed color and is now afflicted with ’lie blues. ' The Dougherty county Demo crats are talking of sending Henry Molntosh back to the legislature. They could not do better, fqr lie is a live man and will stand up for what he thinks is right. Ken llntler has given expression to his opinion of the Republican parly, anil now if the latter would retaliate and give its opinion ol Ben Butler, there would he some thing interesting in the papers for at least a fortnight. The Philbdelphia Times says: “The Republican National Com mittee has decided not to let Logan go on the wtump just now. It is probable lie will be held in alto gether. His month is rather too uncertain when in motion.” As to the labor problem, we 1 1 think it can be solved only by the | use of improved implements and the personal superintendence of! i the farmer. A merchant cannot I answered. “Do yon mean to tell | be successful ill business who leaves me,” I asked, “that a man must,in . . Georgia, trade or work at a trade to 1 H ' ' make a living?’ “Well,” said the Commissioner, | who does nol.superintend his labor, “it is nearly that way. In spite ol j We are surprised that labor is as be run by his clerks; nor can the farmer lie successful i in whom a man could put his faith Of the modern educated negro he says, “many promise, hut few turn _ _ up.” He regards the solution of tlie The Democratic and Greenback ' ""gri, problem as an incomparably State central committees of Iowa held a secret session at Dcs Moines Thursday, and decided to mnkc a fusion on the cleotoral tieket, the Oreenbackers taking six and Demo crats seven of candidates for elec tors. The natives of Stonington, Con necticut, assert that it lias never rained thnrc on the 10th of August lor 101 years. That is the day they celebrate, and 1 lie weather rooord, they say, has been accu rately kept in the borough ever since the first anniversary of the battle of Stonington. A Dakota woman lias passed a prohibition law so far as her hus- liand is concerned. She says she will shoot the first man who sells or gives him a drink ol liquor, and the saloon keepers are so well con vinced of her earnestness—she Iras killed one of them—that they are letting Iter old man suffer from an extremely dry drought. She does not think it necessary to make a < political question of prohibition. Jas.Fricker&Bro. AMERICUS, GA. the reports^in the r ^' 0 °^ v r . 0 ^ er j j good us it is uuder the eireuin- j About September first wo shall move into that every dav the sun sets it sets j stances - To ° oUen tl,e ne S ro is , j on a poorer people than when it | told to go and perform a certain | QU1’ ]]eW StOl‘0, at tllO OIU StaiUl, HailOW lilOCK, rose. The increase in wealth is job of work without any definite! the increase in towns. Georgia j instructions, or even adequate j Public Square, Wlld'C WO Shall Opeil the IllOSt elegant assortment of goods in our line ever brought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres ent store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and everything else usually kept in a Jewelry and Music Store, that must be reduced to save moving and make room Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move,- will sell any thing we have in stock at prices lower than have ever been reached before | Railroad Contractors. Sealed proposals will bo received at I the Company's office, at People's National Hank, Americus, Git., until noon Anen>t : 2srh, 1884, for Graduation, Cross-Tff' ! and Tre&tling on the Americas, Preston j and Lumpkin Railroad, from Americas | Sumter county, to Lumpkin, Stewart ! county. Profiles, Plans and Specific;,, i ti ns can be seen at the Chief Engineer's 1 office at Americus after August 20th is*, i Tim work will be let in THREE SECTIONS, First Section—From Amerii husseo Creek. Second Section—From Lannluuwp. ('reek to Kinchefooneo Creek. Third Section—From Kinchefoon* Creek to Lumpkin. Trestling, Cross-Ties and Graduation will be bid for separately. Contractors, whose bids : will be requited to begin ... tlieir contracts by September loth, fk«q. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified bank check for §200.00, payable to President A. P. and L. R. It., to be forfeited by the contractor receiving tin- work should he fail to commence work within the specified time, otherwise checks to be returned to the owner. The Company reserves the light to i>. ject any or all bids. H. L. COLLIER, julyJOtd Chief Engineer. s tO I<HI),T- ’cepteil, must change her policy before she ■ tooK We nolicc thoBe who com . can claim any true prosperity.; , . .... , Our lands have been bled with cub | l ,lal 1 ,nost of labor arc thosc " ho tivation until they have lost their : !>»y l| ie least attention to it in the power, and they are nol being re claimed. We have sapped our hie- way o( superintendence. With improved methods, careful blood out and are doing nothing ■ mflnttgolnent diversity ol crons, to restore the lost vitality. ' . . . J , * farming in Georgia can he made to “What must he done?” “The farmers should at once ev ery one begin a system of ing with pea-vines and wherever the latter will grow That done with judgment and per- sistance the State will again bios- \ dentifrice isn pay the farmer even a larger per claim-1 cent, than it. now pays the nier- clover! chant. Holmes’ sukk cuke .mouth wash and nfallible enre for Ulcer- j nted More Throat, lllceding Gums, Sore mouth and Ulcers. Cleans the Teeth and som like a rose.” On the subject ol labor, the Com missioner has some very pronounc- i keeps the Gum* healthy. Prepnred sole- ed views. He says education ruins negro labor, and 'lie laments the disappearance from the face of j ly by Drs. J. P. A W. R. IIolmks, Den tists, 102 Mulberry Street, Macon, Ga. - - I*or sale by Dr. AV, P. Hurt, dentist, fV,« n axit j^earUi of_the^old-time darkey, j 4. E. Hall, and all druggists an.ldentists. 101 11CW S 00US * nugJmO. bigger tiling lion. than the tariff ques- < ANNOUNCEMENTS. S VM 'lJCJt C O UNTY. FOR MAYOR. We are authorized to announce the !. HELL as a candidate lor at the Municipiil elec tion in December next. uugl tt Having caroliilly watched iai ni- ing operations in Georgia lor three | yi a) ,, r ,, r Allll , years, and having been conversant with farming in the Northern states j • for tliirtv years, we feel justified in ; l lll! ^SEKIl-F. . * , wo ore* outhonzed to announce tilt* saying that (arming in Georgia | lmnu , , v . „ C0BI , m „ wll „ 1i<llltc for pays better in Georgia than in any | Sheriff of Sumter county. If elected, N. section of the country we have seen. H. White, of the loth District will be his Farming on the rich prairies of the j deputy^ Northwest is not near so profitable as in Georgia. We do not mean to say that the farmers of Georgia are growing richer than those of other states, for such is not the case. There is no business, mercantile or manufuturing, that we know of that can be carried on successfully for a single year by borrowing money to run it and paying for; — that money interest at the rate ot j to FOR HE PI i ESE NT ATI V E. Wo arc authorized to announce M. HAWKESas a candidate for the leg islature, subject to the Democratic nomi nation. ANNOUNCEMENT. Wo are authorized to announce the name of W. A. WILSON as a candidate for the Legislature, subject to the Demo cratic nomination. FOR RE PR KSKNTATIVK. fhe undersigned begs leave to nn- fiftv to one hundred per cent per nouuco the name of J. II. DANIEL as a Aunutn. And yet the farmers of'suitable candidate for the Legislature, Georgia uo that very thing and ! subject the act ion of the Democratic nom- come out even at the end of the year. We have known Georgia farmers to buy corn and meat in duly and pay fifty per cent advance .... . , on the cash price for a credit oi The presidential campaign may | thrce lnonlh _ two bllIulmi per be regarded as virtually settled, cent, interest. motion. Nkw Twenty-Sixth District. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. Recognizing his ability and integrity during his term of office as Representa tive in the Legislature from Sumter county, uinl believing his experience When we take this I would be valuable to our people in the after reading the tollowing item ; , nU) c0 , 19i ,Oration, together with bulls ofl«gi«laii..n. we would preaenttbe taken Irom the Findlay (O.) Cour-; , ^ am , M boil met hod B | ” f , CA " T ’ J ; I ... I didate for nomination to the olfice of The Republicans of Mariou town ship challenged the Democrats to FOR, CASH I Como and examine our stock, get our prices, and wc Avill guarantee that you will be convinced that wo mean what we say. Remember we have great bargains to offer for CASH and the time in which to secure them is limited. Come one, come all, and don’t fail to come early. JAS. FRICKER & RRO. Americus, Ga., Aug. l‘», 1884. or cultivation, the leaving the man-1 | t ,.the Lagiahunre. agemenl of the farm almost entirely play a game of base ball to decide j '» tlie ol ignorant negroes, the I’rcsidential election. The ! while the planter rides around the game was played last Saturday on i country or loafs away his time in the farm of I.J. Davis, and was j — we ari . torceil to the conciu- witnessed by nearly a hundred peo ple. The game was decided in sion that farming in Georgia not favor of Cleveland by a score of 30 onl J’ pays, but pays well. It is to 2. The Blaine boy bad over the matter. feel very The Atlanta Constitution of Sun day contains a description of the new Constitution building, and we infer from it that it is the largest and best fitted newspaper cslab lishment in the South. We re- joice in the prosperity of the Con stitution, for it is the represents- Many Dkmockats. FOB KKFHKSKSTATIVK. EnrriiK Ukoihdkii:—1 present to the voter* of Sumter county the name of HON. W. H. MORGAN us a suitable per son t«> be nominated for the Legislature j at the election on the :tt)th iust. He is i conspicuously a representative man, thor- true that the pay gOt‘9 to the tner- I oughty identified and in sympathy with chant and not the farmer, but that j the farming interests of the country. If u the farmer’s fault. ] nominated an.l elected be would truly We personally know a number of 1 re >’ re -' ,, ' t ““ ,,f s ' inter> “ ! ot uli the people. farmers in this section who have lYo lloso become wealthy in a lew years Aligns! 17. 18*1. by simply attending to their business in a business way. By raising tlieir own provisions, paying for them in cash, M. I!. COrXCII.. .1. .1. WII.l.lFOlil). COUNCIL •& WILLIFORD, PROPRIETORS OF GEORGIA WAREHOUSE, Opera House Hloek, Aiuericus, Ga. We would cull the attention of Cotton 1'lAiiters that we are again prepared to handle and store their cotton on the most favorable terms. Our warehouse is new, fire-proof, and separate from any other buildings, thus insuring low rates of insurance. We propose to give our customers lair weights, and secure for them the highest mar ket price. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon us last year, we ask n continuance of the same. uugl dm2 WESLEYAN FEMALE INSTITUTE, Staunton, Virginia. svhlky varyty. • ipen* Beptvnitwr 1»M. Oi.e of the FIRST jnoor«s for youxu i.adiks in thr NIT El) STATES. Humiundiiifs Eefiutifal humlreil «» fc*r»y- three boarJina pupil* from eighteen TERMS AMONG T1IK BES*£ IN THE UNION. Board, Wa.blnj:, EnglUli Course,.Iaiiln, french tiunnan, lnummenUl Mosir, Stv., tor Scholastic year, fnHii Septcinlier tc .1 line, For Cata- s writ.’ In a very stiort time I will mnvi' into the two stores now oecujiiod by Messrs. J. It.Dnim and tt. T. Byrd & Son,—bolli made into one—and before min ing I will sell as mncli ol' no stonk as possible at prices tliaf will suit purchasers. This,like my former offers, is genuine .nml will be carried out to the loner Come and be convinced. S. M. COHKN, Bargain Store, Cotton Avemn. ■ julvlhtf DEIED FRUIT WANTED! In addition to my former urrang<*iaon to buy anil ship Dried Fruit, I have tho coining season the advantage 1o the coni missions usually paid to ! York houses for handling them. I leave for New York on or about lli«* l August and remain there during the Dried Fruit season. Hring in your Fruit early and I promise yon, in addition to paying full value for your Fruit, to allow y"' also a part of the saving of the coniine- sion*. Respectfully, ,S. M. COHEN. Foot of Cotton A veilin'. julyldtf Mercer University, MAOON, &A. Tin- Kit'I term of Him tnatitulhm will «p**i. ' l:i*t Wnlneinluy («4th) In Heph’inlicr. The rate ol' tulil *n i* low, Mini I ' ,,t ifn-ailv czcet-il the matriculation nn«l s»tperi«■ - ■>f In.“il tut inn* in vhich tn« tuition nreval.s. The Thmitnnpul Depart ment, dmlme*! /*; >* amUtry, i* preiaw'i It*’V. J. 1 Kya , 1» D. nmodlo'u* school hou -e college groiuul#, an . iing*of the fall term, i l.uw llepnitmeul ha* a fi mhiiv, with Ron. nirtortl Ami. eneral of th Uoo'l board Swpern nil in pr mth italogne’ i h «ii "the e families ami other infor JOHN •». BK. ★ BAKERY, Cotton Avenue. f the publi .Hrd<*r« f-r FOR REPRESENTATIVE, are authorized to announce name of Major E. S. BALDWIN as live paper of the South, and its ' saved for themselves the enor* didate for Representative, subject to the prosperity reflects credit over us all. The Constitution deserves the Democratic nomination. FOB KUDKESENTATIVE. moils per cent, paid by tbeir neigh bora. We know men who, a lew liberalpatronageit'has'reeeived, > ears a f- wcnt h « avil >; in ' lebt .“> tor it bos at all times advocated bu >' a l' Untatlon ’ b,,t who b >' 8lrlct ! nam f of . C ’ tbc best interests of its section, vrl management paid ol that debt, and ; _ are to-day comparatively wealthy. We know of one energetic young and we are glad to sec its pros- perity. The ncwsptper growth of tbe South is but a refiex of its com mercial growth, and the people shonld so understand it. are authorized to announce the candidate attention to business and 'careful j ,ot thc LcgiAiaOuc. .object .o .he Demo- erotic nomination. FORSENATOR. We are authorized to announce the , name of Hon. W. D. MURRAY as a candi- man who rented a plantation and I date for the Senate, subject to theDem- the necessary equipments to run it) • octatle nominttion. TOOLE, McGARRAH & T0NDEE, Mouse and Commission Mordants, J^ETL’BN thanks to thc-ir frien-i* of Sumter and ndjoining counties for their ' In the post au<! polfcit » continnaacc of the j ante in the future. «c t.ik** p!c liberal patronngc ontinuaacc of the j ante in the future, we plcamrs- in r.olltyinK| th rh*nU* and nci|nalntanu-* or COl.. T. M. FTTRIsOW, that he wlU l»e *Uh u» lha coming *ca<on in lh« capai’ity oi fkale«man. Ilia experience In tbia bu*i- ue*“, eonp'.cd with bU well kuown intecritT, io*Bre* correct weight* and fblr Jealiug in every !• etance Amertcni, Oa, July 11,1SD.. tuJ We eall the attention u ih’it we are prepared to fl Bread, Cakee, Candy, Etc., of our own good and pure. We keep a'*o 1 , Urociries, which we *w*ll at the rul * Buy and Hell Country 1‘rodu e. “• If. PHILLIPS .r CD. jaly26tf Having opened the Uvlander * i I propone to open, ou Monday ‘ ' , of AugUMt next, a School oi High ( . [L , ! for Roy a and Girl*. Term*, r “ f i u* heretofore. Having had mn ‘ » ence in conducting schooh °y tr0Djl> :’- ' acter I earnestly solicit a.liberal p i0 .. : of tbe good citizen* of Aiuer t .. vicinity, and for the tion. W. H. ALLEN, rnn 'l July 20. 18'J4. tf Notio© Builder* We will let to contractors l'“ ot a brick church at Americus ^ , ■20lb inst. Scaled bids will he np to that date. For informs”" ^. llrnce i Morgan. Atlanta, »< l! f ‘ f , t. speciBcation* in the hanrla of B Vaaa, Americus, Ga. t-ommi lha right to reject any and all h' 11 u! Sw