The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, August 29, 1884, Image 2

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\ Americus Recorder. m. SUMIIB, Editor. OBeUI Organ of \U FRIDAY. Al til BT T *. HE0R01A SEWS. New Orleans is happy over her new well, sunk by Or. Kells, the There is considerable oompUinl cln | nP „ t ,| en iist and scientist. of rust in cotton in Randolph conn If- •SENATORIAL. In another column we publish the proceedings of the Senatorial convention. The Kkcobueu is dis appointed in the result of that con vention. - It had hoped to see har mony anil good feeling—it had hoped to see Sumter strike hands with Schley and do that connty full Justice—It had hoped that per sonal prejudices and ambition would he subordinated to the love .or the Democratic party and the advancement of public interests— It had bop d that tta Interest* fcf Americus would prove paramount to the personal interests of indi- vidnals—It bad hoped that the har mony ol action Inaugurated at Chicago, and followed by our own state and congressional conven tions, would lie rounded nut in this last convention where the dlfTerenl interests of conntles were involved. In all these hopes it has been ills* appointed. It secs sown the seeds ol discord and disruption to the party in this district, and jeulonsy and ill-feeling among people whore commercial and sorial interests should bo one. Wbllo the is not sut- isfletl with the result ol the con vention, and wishes it could have been otbaiwise, it osnnot afford to follow the rale or ruin policy of those who seek their own personal aggrandizement at the expense of I tarty and public interests—it can not afford to encourngo Imlepend- enttsm by furnishing it with reas onable excuses for existence—it cannotafford to endanger p arty suc cess to gratify its personal desire ftr revenge against those who dif fer with it within the party— It leaves these things for scheming politicians who care only that they shall secure and hold the ofllces they seek without regard to tho rights and interests of others—and therefore it will support the nomi nee of the party, at thu same lime wishing that he could have been the unanimous choice of Schley and of the wholo district. If the result of the convention shall lie discord and disruption, it will have been no lault of the Hr- ronuKit, for it sounded the note of warning and attempted to avert inch a result, being actuated only hy a desire to preserve party liar, inony and advance the interests of Americus. U bad no porsoual axe urgiind, no friends to reward nur enemies to punish. has not struck oil or natural gas, ' but what It better in that oily it Vienna’* school has swelled 10 has reached a reservoir of pure, j cold water at a depth of 380 feet TOOLE, McGARRAH & TONDEE, Mb ani Commission Hants, ON THE WAR PATH. i sixty-two students, ami more ex pected. Foxes are reported as plentiful . as labhits around Cloud » Creek |, 1 . . Church, in Oglethorpe county. George Ward, of Worth comity.. New Orleans piper, everybody dis ! U E j in .a LTUilN thank* to iht-lr friend- ** *urat*r nn«| i.Sjau m* c ur.tieMor lltelr vc th* pa«* and pollcit » crtfitli.Mn*-* of tin* aim* In tho |W«*ir*\ »c »nk«* ph*a« below the surface, and it runs out ■ rws.n «s* wsinsisUBie. «r of the well at the rate cf two gal- COli. T. 111. The doctor bus 1 that bt« will bo with He tliacoiointf At'dBou In Ilic caidtvitf «l 8v :il<‘' been nt work on this Well nearly ; : a year. When ht began, says that lit* will bo with tie thacoiolntf *c:i«oh Iii lh« 1 IMH, coup:*! with hu well known intf«rii7, »'t# •rioa«, On-, July ll, )&>!. m.' wolKh’v (irami Hearingoiil Sale! Regardless or tost Or (!onsei|iip|ii’i>s! sucked 15 raw eggs at Albany lor . eon raged him. At a depth of 70 „ b. ( OUNCIL. a bottle of lienor. .1. J.WILl.IFniMl feel lie struck water, which came A great many peaclies arc iieing j out at tile surface, hut it was too canned hy Acworth people, .lolm i brackish for use. At 280 leet he Tanner has already put up about! struck a reservoir of better water i 500 cans. Negros own sIkiuI 1 |ier cent, of the land in Houston county, and I les than 2 per cent, of ihe entire | property. Benjamin Forlson,ol I.incolnlon, hut it was dyed with some yellow, isli mineral substance. It is thought that hundreds of artesian wells will lie bored in that city in the near future. COUNCIL & WILLIFORD, PROPRIETORS OF GEORGIA WAREHOUSE, Open House Block, Americus, (in. CriisliinaPiim HoIsaikm* m kk ivnr. moutii WAsn and dentifrice in mi infallible enro lor llccr- has a Held near his bouse which he 8o „ - lbroBl , Bluing Gnu.*, Here has planted in cotton for tw«*nty-«ix | mouth ant! L : lcen*. Clean*th* Teeth and We would call the attention handle find afore their cot inn mi fir *-pr«><>f, and eepamte from any Wo prnp«no to give our eiiMtonn i k«*t print*. Thankful f«>r Ihe lib* n jntinuiince of the snme. •f t*.*tt'»u I'lunterx Hint we are a^nin prepared to i In* inns’, favorable terms*. Our warehouse is now, •tlif r building*, tint* iriwiirini; low rate*of inxiimnce. u»hts, ait«l secure for Hu m the liij'li* «t mar- il prtlruiuiKu lifHtnWfd upon Mrt in<»t \ years successively. i keopH the Gnma healthy. Prepared «uie- tll . , . ! ly by hr*. J. P. ik W. It. Holmm. DeU- A movement to establish a jock- ; tU „, |(« Mulberry Street, ILtcnu.tis. ey clob in Atlanta and to secure » For Mile by l>r. W. I*. Burt, dentist, j. il. & l l permanent .Southern racing circuit J. K. Hell, nu.l all ilnigKistsnnddeniisu. : Is on loot among some gcnllcmen 1 of that citv. mullin'.. Five uiuntlis ago there were but! two oiganizeri Siimlay schools in ' Fannin county. .Vow there am thirty-nine, representing a mein Iter- j ship of 2.30(1 pupils. ANNOUNCEMENTS. srMi eh cot a rr. FOR MAYOR. are nnthoriz?d to announce the j r.nuif of A. C. REL1. ;»* a candidate fur Mayor of Aranrirns at the Municipal elec- A Macon dancing id inter named H«»n in De.iember next. "i«l tf (=1=5 Gorman, failing to secure pupils, decided to try his luck as a bur glar. lie visited F. B. Gurlrell’s residence, was caught and lodged in Jail. tV. J. Garrison, who resides a few miles from Acworth, was struck OO c=q pcs FOR SHERIFF. I WV urn authorized to announce the j namn nf W. II. 4 *01*1 J us a candidate lor i Sheriff of Sumter county. If fleeted, N. | II. White, of Ihe loth District will Iif his | deputy. to FOR REPRESENTATIVE. Wo are authorized to announce Wm. by lighting yesterday ami knocked ] HAWKKSna a candidate for the leg- ialature, anbieet to the Democratic nomi- scnseless for:»while, but finally rnl-1 BaMo| J ’ lied and will recover. The hair was burned ot! ol his head. The papers for a $10,000 dam age suit hare been served upon the editor of the Jackson News, at the instance of Judge Carmichael, the Ordinary of the county. The trouble grew out of politic*. Judge Wtedenmaii, oi Milledge- villa, reports that he measured a Poplar tree near Indian Spring during a recent visit there, which A XXOUNCEMENT. We arr unthoriz»d to announce tin- name ol W. A. WILSON a* u candidate lor Urn LcgiNlMtuie. Mtl.jt ci to the- Dcnm- cratiu nniuinAtiou. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. Tho noil«oii;aeii ln*j<s Kuve to »n- uotinco tiu* uuiiic of J. H. DANIEL it* » KuiUbie cult tlit I at o for the Lewduturc, Muhjoct the action of the Democratic nom ination. Nkw Twkntv-Sixtu hbTimt. 30 Days NT John LSliiiw's, kB DEALERS I.\ \ COMPLETE \M OF PI KE DIUUS, ,„,m f Americus, Ga. 1TEW ADVERTISBMEITT. No. 125 .V 121) Ftirsyllt M„ Amoriov.o, - Caoxgia. Jas.Fricker&Bro. AMERICUS, UA LiMilft Alii) MORE CMfLETE m i:vi.i: i:i:n»iii. Ft>R REPRESENTATIV r. The quaint old town of St. Au gustine, Florida, proposes early in September to appropriately cele. hrate tho throe hundred and nine teenth anniversary of its founda tion. Many of the houses Qrst erected there are still standing, and many of the ancient landmarks yet remain. The old Spanish fort it quite a famous plane of resort. St. Augustine is the oldest town in the United States, and is sugges tive in Its uniqueness and old-time surroundings. From there I leSoto and I’once de Leon started on their wonderful exploring cx|>edition. The story it out that the notori ous Hill Kemble nf '‘addition, di vision and alienee 1 ' fame, killed off Blatne in lMfC, by presenting to the I'ennsylvania delegation two cancelled checks for *7,500, alleged by Kerahie to have Ihn-h given Blaine for a purchased ruling as Speaker upon a matter in which Kemble was interested. Another tattoo mark on the speckled candi date. uretl 20 leet in uireumference. The business of Brunswick's Nations! Bank was suspended lor a while Monday hconusc the Cash ier forgot his combination, or from somu cause could not open the hank vault. It is all right, though, now. In 1800, in Georgia, il was the custom of lawyers to appear in court in a black silk gown. Wm. H. Cratvlord claims to hare led in having this custom abolished in 1882 at the May term of the court in Wilkes county. 1 n front of the entrnce stens of the tiv. in tile l.<'Ri-hlnr.. in,in Sunder ronntv, ntnl hriit'ving his rx|.ericn<*«» wonltl In* valuable to our people in the bull* of legialation. we woulil preaenf tin* name of Cait. •!. J*. Aiidkiithx an u run- diilato for nomination to Hi. nftire of IfoprcNontafive in tho LoKixIuture. •Maw Dkmooiiata. About September first we shall move int*> i t nui. -si:i • i..mkki: i-i m.m. 1 IT.U MV ENTIRE LINK "I’ HVIILEY t'Ol ATI. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. We are nuthorixetl to announce the name of Major E. S. BALDWIN m a can didate for Representative, subject to the Dnniocrntie nomination. FOR KRPRE8ENTATIVE. Wn lire mithonzed to nimoiiiiee lh>* name ol C. R. Mti’KOHV h» a mn«li«)ute our new store, at the old stand, Harlow iilock,, Public Square, where we shall open the most! elegant assortment of goods in our line ever brought to Southwest (leorgia. At our pres-i i cut store on Cotton Avenue, wo have a stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, lari»e 1 Spring and DRY GOODS, Notions, KANevCooiis, Solid mrnrs \V1> sliots. UlTS AM) I'AI’S, TIU AKS AMI SATUIIIV Silver and Plateil Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and everything else usually /^mtuTTvir 1 i J* i , j,, ■, * i CJLfv/ JL JdLJL—N kept m a Jewelry and Music store, that must 1 - ’ Etc.. Etc.. ,2Ti£Sr' w ” he reduced to save movimt and nmk. ia a large Hat rock which ha* plain- I ly outlined on it* minium the per fect shape ol a very largo human feet. The impression stiows clear ly all the toes and a Vary broad beet. The rock was found nea.- a small stream in the mountain west of Kinggold. At Dublin Friday Miss Wilkin son, of Bulloch county, who was Dili SENATOR. Wo nro authorized to nnnonnee the nnmeof Hon. W. 1). MCRRAY no a candi dal e for Hie Senate, Hiihjoel lo ibo Dem ocratic nomination. DRIED FRUIT WANTED! mom for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock at prices lower Ilian " have ever been reached before I At Ml.-I, i'lilri S thill «di | SALES. ..u l »ill 111-,.null l-NANs***- . AIII.E .'.RliFMF.Vrs Ill'll Mill" 1 ' 1 'CAN MATCH MR! CO.MIKTRI"' lltKAI'H. TIi.m. i.r.* STERN and 81 O'- ! HORN FACT'S ih„i will ciiNVtM i: -. INVERT von „n lire -ul j.-.T "i GENUINE BARGAINS! In atblilion to my former iirnuiRems-nU ... lt , _ f . . . ,lo loiv and ship Dried Fruit. I have lor visiting Col T. L. Gnnners family, j lh „ m i v ..„ug. to save i Von will r.n.l Ihcro i» ECONDMI ' M ' I Sold I) COMFORT in dtoltiK ' and we wilt prove 10 >«u ti.-*» i,r poured kerosene in the cook slovo I n,,. mmmiuions nsnslly jmI.I i<> New to kindle tlie Ore, when the flames ! York Uon—» lor h.u-..lliaa th«u. I will ran into the can, causing the oil to ! **»»•' for New York on or shoot ihe let of} explode and set . Are to Miss W11 . AuKU..a„dr,mM D therodnnontlre Ori«l; p nCCS alM l we .,' .... ... 'FrnUswwon. Ilting in your Font eorly r * kinson s clothing, wbioh were near-1 and , ,, romiM you , iu p;l)inR j , . ly burned off. She ran down stairs mil vain, (nr yonr Fruit, to wllnw you i DC COnVlIlCeU and Cel. Grinner extinguished the ; slsn n pnrl of the saving of tho oomniis. Arc, but not until she was fatally j , "’ n " Itrspecifully. burned. Miss Wilkinson iss beau- s. Jl. COHEN. Foot of Cotton Avonuo. jnl, nil tifnl young ladv 2nd the sad acci dent is mnoli deplored by all. The Jacksonville Times-Vnion says that on Friday last the fast mail train on the Savannah, Flor ida and Western Railroad made the run of one hundred and woven- nicatlon ty-two miles, between Savannali and Jacksonville, including all the stops, in four hours amt twenty minutes. This is the fastest time on record. A VOICE FROM PRESTON • For Sale or Exchange. Come ami examine our stock, get our will guarantee that you will that we mean what we sav # Remember we have great bargains lo offer for CASH and the time iu which to secure them I % 1 is limited. Como one, come all, and don’t Not Giving You Wind if you will t tk« tlif ironblf SOME DAY whsn vim SPLENDID ll.YKt.AI NS' You will be Sick! "AND DON'T YnF I'lllCF.T IT t. JOHN «. SH" V I’uestom, Ga.. Aug. 20. Editor Krcordtr—1 notice in the j irwiTisamsI Republican of Saturday a commit from Webster, recom- , JEr..:«.r ''rUni/ ! fail to come early. I laths* with iRploc. Inspirator*. | umr«. t*oltPTv. ' * irovilon I’lnrfiii’ lor »:*4>iinir iiioU*r to tin' null uni litmlwrln rtv. r UiMlmif- En.muli li.u l h«ni.| .»n,| vollow plus’ lumber at SI rs’f 10001« |n«t the mill Mvrral |*ura. 4,\hitract* f«»r tuilli -i of ir«i o( lumber c*u be htil * " J ‘ mending that the Hon. J. B. Hud- ' ch**rr ran h?re u*e of hsfu«M, t arns, .sonnire. • _ ... “• *',«• frr* of i son be made his town successor in 1 r^s^rvMinnoaini cme*It r ."Lie the Legislature, and I rise to sec j VSB^S VBSF J ond the nomination. He has made ! w, “ ^ “ d ca * h “ r W,M ** JAS. PRICK Eli & BRO., Ga., Aug. 13, 18S-1. hr.p fur cult urwill bo .iVkuirnl | < fhr Antofku- vr Kssucreowaljr ptopotly. )o : u. an able and faithftil repre.cnta- i T"”'’ “ H,< "’ ,D " ,,m " ! . » - | live, and bis experience will enable ' Illinois Germans are said to be ; him to serve tia yet better during < pronounced for Cleveland, and the | a aecond term. He ia a gentleman Prohlbitionisti are pretty solid for | of whom Webster may feel proud, St. John. These facts, with Carter | and I am satialied that the people Harrlson’a popularity, are likely to j will endorso bis course by re-elect- make things lively in the State of ing him to the position he basso Logsn. | ably Oiled. Dbuocbat. DURHAM’S IMPUOVKD STAADAItl) TIMIIE ! I* tlu *b*at oonatructr<| an<l fin- l*hwl, tfivra Utt.r iicrrculucr. n on’ J I* aol4 ls>r money, per !.<**«• j*.wr r. tLan ■ny ott» r’litri't'- In ills’ u.srM 37“5t srjnR.pMet *cnt fr*«. h; DUOS.. Suw York. P.S. NO. I. ^ J’ln* lirui nr llrm** hi c<*uld buy gootlrt l-»r I*!* - . “ r '•‘ u l ‘‘J. IfAt pr<>til, tb.iti your humbl»* '• rv ‘‘ ALL DIED tilt MOVED aw A* 1 u ' u I enmo here. !<’, yeul* •AtJ i lurw! i JOHN It. SII-VW. ■■ iii fjiw " i HaviDK opeued the Rvlsnder Academy “OR AJttJNka j I propone in opeu. nu Monday the IHtb Tho lat# reaideae** of L. C. lUrrett. on j ol bext, a School ol High tirade Church Strwd, now occapi«.l by A. A. for Bays *adGirts. Term*, rttoo. tic.. Adam*. BuaaswUm given September 1. J sa heretofore. lUving had much expert- . dkjuuai 1HHI. * tact iu avuidurting dcHooU chur- : ~~~r ~ nirnnn Alo. in Cast Americuu, a good tour- . earneaUy sMvlieit a.lilwial piiirobigo P U |? A P I a I I \l RK H room dwelliogt kitchen, etc., four uereu | 4| ^ *ke eiUzeni* *>f Ainerient and , VlllJXxl HU iTil/lJll of IpwA in lot. Posaeauion siren (mac- . vicinity, am! lor the Hitue pledge patiafoc- i am not. l<mtesl «i Iuu\ pipe*, war Art^ri.1 diatety. Apply to Jxo. Si Cokes. lio “% _ H. ALLEN, irinripal. An/oal wHb If 1 JaljriiO lSOl it «k*re 1 wpi tUUtsr lumW at aali lorKkbij DoU*rt per 1000 nuf, an1g.ln tbw city for Xia* | NaNL'r 1000. If. II. vr. JORDAN. I F. S. NO. 2 AND LASTLY. NO RESTRIITIONS an V1 TV. «TTY AND"" MERCHANTS >. u.-IU- I AR"I IFRS, .ill run.ult Ik- 1 ) If* 1 ‘ t " sivinn a .-.1. ut-'kies l **‘ chasers. ,1A n JOHN K.SHA” Autricut, Ga., Angutt 1