The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, September 05, 1884, Image 2

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0 IP Americus Recorder. ' still * noth eb bkmouhat. \ L. OLBBISBR. Editor. Uieill Organ or Web*ter County. FRIDAY. SEPT. {hh. Et.LAVir.LK, Oa., Sept. 4tli, "84. Editor Kbcordeb—In your issue pears a pretendud THE ItEAU IIISIIOP. Oiorgi F.JPlerro Passes Into Ills Flo* ot 3%i answer 1 “Another^, Democrat /8p. Atlanta (,'on»;J:ation bta, Ga., September. 3.— ocrat|j’ signeAbjd, Bisiiop'Georee K. I’ierce is dead! tal.’j. 1 do. not; What sorrow this announcement TOOLE, McGARRAH & TONDEE, ffaretae and Commission Merchants „ lrMt 7J:«^n^*S d nt r^' JUDGE CRISP’S ABPOl.NTIlBSTH. . . , , , ....... Charles F. Criap, Democratic nominee Know either or the parlies, but *An- will bring to thousands of hearts *' ... .i ts • . i | • aired iroiu m« jAiiuiinrj' howimhi* iw for 49th CongreaH from the .Id l.ongre*. | other Democrat must hare been ; j H lu) - within liumaii power to tell. ! u, B unvarying satiafaelion it has given sional District. will addnsa such of his | one 0 f the delegates from Sumter ; f; ver Mince that day ill 1834 wliou ' ,bo,B best educated to a fine Whiskey. j K^“n^Vet«| in 1,10 Senatorial Coiiviirfi^, as i ln the prime of manhood, hi, gills j . P r«*» * | Th. Reason Why, I. W. Oirper's Nelson t'onnty Whiskey is pieferrod above all other Brands Is because it is tho most regular and most perfect Product, incontestably ever made. A long experience in tbs manufacture of the Harper, tho large capital of the UfatUler which enableshim , ,, rr{ , RS thlnk , , helr Wtn , 1( ot sunm-rand ndjamine coWHu-qrn, ti.eir ..... to hold his Whiskey until it haa fully mo- IK, 1 ;etber with the fact that the n ihc past and wllwt aeontlnaanreofihe amr in “ke |d« rtnf«-aHd places Vienna,.. i Montezuma, Thursday .Sept. 11. Oglethorpe, Friday Kept. 12. Kllaviilc Tneaday 8ept. 23. Hawkinsville, Thuraday Hept. 25. Abbeville, Saturday Hept. 27. UtyinvUle,. Tneaday Sept. 30. Douglas, Thursday Oct. 2. PhlM,.I.. Tuesday Oct. 7. AIAnballTille, .. Wedncwlay Oct. 8. Perry,,... Friday Oct. 10. Fortvalley SatnrdayOct. 11. America., Wednesday Oct. iG. Leesburg, Saturday Oct. 18. Kaatman Monday Oct. ?0. MeBae, Wednesday Oct. 22. Dublin... ' ~ — Mt. Vernon bumpkin,.. ...... ! prime t j the theory urgetl by him as lining j wcra conseercated to God, Ills has j fueaday Kept. ». i correct is ibe name one urged in j been a life of labor. In the days the convcnvcn bv the Sumter dele- j when there were not even roadways gat ion. i quote: “It makes no j i n Geoigia, on his little poney, nprl2 f. ANNOUNCEMENTS. ~ HVU.1 BBCOVtiIT. T FOR MAYOR.” arc authorized to announce the COL. T. M. FTJHliOW, istiip will >mi with u<« the coming *4>a»oii in tin 1 . pouplM with hi* well known intiwritT. !n«« America*, On-, July 11,1SS4. mil «;m • it> «*l ttoitlrani. rrs rorros't weight* difference whether lie got Mobley's ^ Cherokee Prince, the son ol i.ovie ; vote in the convention or not.." |*i ( .| C e followed the wilderness j n , me ef a c., as a candidate for Mayor of Amcrioim at the Miitiicipiil elw- j tion in December next. angl If That in the name way, and the same ; paths in search of Ids appoint- principle was observed througliout. ments. He preached with earn- the farce of nominating a enndi-; date iior Senator. We think and •stness; he grew to he a part, of the tradition of every Methodist • FOR SHERIFF, tint horizeil to annoilni’. feei like wc are part and parcel of. household. The years brought him j na " 1 ’ of H - <om! the Senatorial District: also that ^Tnesdsi OcV 28* I WC * ,9VB 90mi; tiiot ought at least to have liecii contiilercd by the delegation from Sumter, hut such is not the case. Our rights .Tuesday Oct. 28. I Friday Oct. 31 • honors, hut, no relief from work, j „. thj rH , Wpl for bin wan labor which cotihl only deputy, he laid down with his life. From ; ocean to ocean, his voice, like that i of the Great Baptist, has been hoard calling men to salvation. But life’s task is now over, and the good Bishop sleeps, while his bride of Imlf a century weeps by his side, ’ and clasping her hands her silent prayer is lor that reunion which : ile'siroyeil Sunday night. The loss ! ent. As far as I am concerned, il j abroad that! it estimated at *90,000, iusuranee j an Independent meins tin appeal j (j eorge F. Pierce lay stretebed on An item for the Macon Tele graph:- A aentlemau of this city, . . . .j, ," . , - v : were trampled underfoot bv the who has just returned from >ew ; . , . * 0 4 .wf. ... . ... . delegation from bumter, and il we York, if of tho opinion that Blaine . , ’ . . *. r n . * now aeck to redress the wrongs by wlllbe elected. I » . , , , r i appealing to the people wc are The>EufftUla flouring mills woro j taunted with being an Indopend- candi.lute for $58,000. It is snpposed to lmve ! to the olhffbt fire by spontaneous com-1 wrong, bastion. f.nv-if - ■ ^ ! ^Ph» Railroad Commissioners in' a recent report made to the Gover-, , , ,. nor, sdvqpato the amendment of!" cc a l J l" n *'* .i. 1 : inutuniii.t.i,a i <»' r 1 people then I pendent. II in Sumter arc Senatorial nomination by redress a | the bed of death a thrill of pain; an Inde- ! came over his friends. Telegrams j a few politicians j I' >,,re |* General Toombs, . H.i ' from Dr. r lt/.gcrald, the lnend of to “cut an,I dry the , hjs Cft , irornill aill eraoy : from Dr.! lion by a "three 1 McFerran; from his brother bisli- one who is not j ops, all hoping for his restoration to life. The bishop had faith in ills power to live. Dr. Alfriend,: whose practiced eye saw that deatli was Lite reliel, found it necessary ! to tell the bishop that the time had ' come. The sick man, turning wearily in his bed, smiled and ask-1 __ ed: "How long will I have to wait?” i "Only a lew hours.” All heads wore bowed. The j touch of God's finger made every , pectod by the Mtnnler county I * 0M 8 n f "[J 6 ! 11- ^* ms , t * 10 * l01,r ", .. ,.. . ., , u _._ I passed, h rieuds came in and re am nil lndepcnd- i ant, for I’ll promise that 1 will not J vote for J. .V Hudson even if he , has no opposition. Tho Monitor i delegation gagged the coovcnlion , by a resolution, hut I'll slate they l|^ laws o that there can lie an appeal fromthedeoisionsof the commis- siod tar the courts. Jt would seem from this that the popular demand for a change in the law regulating the Commission lias been so groat, , , , that the Commissioners lesr thnl ; «°n T gag me when it comes time unless it is heeded the Commission . 0 '° , c ’ . " " vl "- 1 lfU 11 " a9 itself will be abolished. Wo ex- i 8o ^ lc { S Um,< to " amc lhe Senator - pi'tt to bear from some of tho Com- i ' iml lh , at ,° ,,r , ri * h ^ WPr,! not r0 ‘ mission’s most fervent advocates . “* ; S, " nU ;‘ ; ^ that the Commissioners have been j«W«g‘‘'OD.>nd U» we«f easfhavc > iive d t| , ( , nmn - a l)lc8sin!? ., bought up by the railroads. somc righlS t,lat ,mhgt to be reB P ct -! Daylight brought with it delusive | T . ! ed under the time-honored rule of j ho|io, that oven yet he might live, i Ex-Gov. St. John, the I’rohihi. 1 rotation that has obtained in this j At eight o'clock it was observed tion nominee for the Presidency,' district lor twenty years, I, tor one,: ! K! w: !" - 10n ”ig worsv, Milcii- j 1 J ' 1 tly his wife took her place at the ' MRS. M.T. ELAM LEFT FOR NEW YORK ON THE 25TII. WILL BE GONE UNTIL ABOUT THE LAST OF SEPTEM BER. MRS. LEWIS WILL HAVE CHANGE OF NEK BUSINESS IN HE11 ABSENCE, AND WILL SERVE HER CVS- TOMERS FAITHFULLY. ,i., Auiuil 27 1SS4. , M 11. COUNCIL. J. J. WILl.lFOllu COUNCIL & WILLIFORD, PROPRIETORS OF GEORGIA WAREHOUSE, Opera House Block, Ainerieus, Un. Wfl would call tbc attention of Cotton PlanterH that we nro again prepated to handle and store their cotton on tho most favorable trnn«. Our warehouse j s ftf . u fire-proof. And separate from any other huildinga, thua insuring low mtcsof insurance We propose to give our ouatoaierR iair weights, and •'eoure for them the highest ruar- ket price. Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon ti* last year, we ask i continuance of the same. * augl3m‘J J. & II. F. P=>=S o-a c=q H 6 s>| ® 1 1=1 lis|j ill'll eH pr-t •• o 2 -o £ ^ made a speech lately before a "tern- [ propose to assert my rights, and iioiding his hand perance camp ’ at Port Jarvis, N. j though justice and right between j in her’s. Children,grandchildren, V., in which he boasted that when i man and man was trampled hy the ! gieat grandchildren, friends, neigh a young man in Illinois lie violated | Sumter delegation, that tact does i lM>l ' 9 i grouped about the bed. | the fugitive slave law of that State i not make a wrong riglu. It is a I Creaihiug grew linrder; eyes were , 7 _ .. I , ,,, j suiliised with tears. At liltven —the law againstthe, harboring ot l s-.ill and will remain *o I minutes to nine a voice whispered; | fugitive slaves—anil that he was! "even unto the end of lime,” trust-; "He is dead!” tried, convicted and punished there- i ing and believing "that ail tilings! And thus the story of a lilo was for. He took occasion to add that ] will work together for right and j—» life that shall long serve as JoblCA. Logan, the Kcpunllcan j justice.” Hoping that the good | JZTluoknon Idm. ***”»'* t0r nominee Tor the 1 ice-Presidency, i people of Sutnter and Macon eoun- | The funeral will take place here was the "prime mover” of tho law I ties will so declare, 1 am j at eleven o'clock on Friday, which he (St. John) violated. It 1 Still Anoviikk Dkmochav. does not appear to have occurred ! to Mr. St. John that it would be i dangerous to elect to tho Prcsi-1 deucy a man who violates laws and : political arena. He is not such n makes a boast of it. It in the duty j tenderfoot as to lie disgusted at _ _____ _ Gainesville Eagle: In the death ! of Andrew J. Smith, on last Sun- An interesting story is out about day morning, who lived about two Ingersoll’s retirement from the ; miles from this city, we arc pre sented with one of the strangest coincidences wo have ever clironi- of a President to execute, not to | Republican rascality, aliout which violate laws. uoomimTthe exposition. eled. This family is tho possessor of an old-time clock, made entirely of wood, and is between three and four feet in height, and that, had “kept the time, with its soft and tho New Orleans Exposition mat-! tcr 1,19 celebrated "plumed knight” j a^o.‘when'u "stop* I ter, says tho Savannah News, and ! •I’eeeli it is stated that the rich . _ short, never to go again,” I i and racy intidel presumed on bits j ami no amount of fixing or coax- ' claims on Blaine's friendship to! ing could ever induce its silent • pendulum l.o measure again the 1 ! he knows so .niioli, but it is said {that lie has a “private grief,” and Gov. McDaniel lias taken hold of! ou ‘‘ 1101900,1 to 1) '' “""W 1 A f ' ti 3 g s a % A .“Mo - m DEALERS \\ A COMPLETE LINE OF PURE IM, .tuftiTtf Amorious, Ga. NEW ADVERTISEMENT. 1 «i* 2 C ,* s if 3 s= i « ■a o -o ”2 _ 'S. Aw g gs c ”='g f.s .3 o y rS p S|1: ^ B Si CD shows a disposition to lend a help ing hand in having the State prop- ifi DRIED FRUIT WANTED! In AtUiUioD to niy t'ormonirmnyemcntH erly represented at the Exposition. 1 B cl lllmsclf 90,1 fami b’ into “>e He has requested tho District and “"'I other liigh circles County Commissioners who have;of“"Mv at Washington. Blaiue charge of tho work ol gottlng up ! l * c,,, 1,10 ke .V to llli * charming ; its day of usefulness, and was “set j y„ r k an exhibit from their respective 9 ° ci »' K,,e »- lmt althougl. asked to ! byv’ tc.lie hamleij down to pos- - localities to meet in Atlsnia on n pe» the door to the “Colonel,” he I tcr,l J 99 9 ,9,n| l> heirloom, and a locRimts, to meet in Atianu on * I newer and more elabo-nte one tr ol- Sept. 9, for the purpone of con- f to ‘'° 8 °» P 0HSl «*y °n account, j tg accUH t 0 nu»tl place, and perform t ... w-h suiting and mapping out tho work j of objection* lrotu within. If this ^ e( i ti le silent watches of time, as • f rt u V alno for your Fruit, to allow you to be done. It is probable that tho 1 ** true, it appear* very natural j only a clock can do. f lime wout j a part nt the Having <>f the coiumh. meeting will have a good effect, j tb9t I"R« 9 oll prefers the wilds of 1*^ ^ I'K*,,. «»P« Thus far comparatively few peo- j tbc Wo9t l “ 9 ‘«“l»ng ll,e ,mion j 8till it 9t oo<l there as dumb ’as it J pie appear to have'taken any inter-, am * weftr,n K 0,| t his eloquent organ , wa8 on t j, e ^ R0 si U M e nlv ami j julyiatf est In the exposition. There eer . ° r blasphemy iu the interests of | mysteriously stood some six’ years ; - -——■ _ tainly lias been shown verv little lhe Republican nominee. ago. Several months ago Mr.' tOf bale Or IiXCDailge. .... ... , - - r Smith was taken verv ill, and was i t».> .i.iionary inmno*. ih.« boli.r., pi.nimr Z 7' ™« BISl-LAV. ■ confined to his lasl with a fata! j “J“p!pf«. 1 211ft or tuo commissioners appear to disease. Long and patiently did | usciion en^nefor MuMn^timbcrtothv mtiiand metres of time. Little was thought to Imyand slap Dried Fruit, 1 have lor at this time of its curious antics, J tl„- ; coming season tho advantage to save as it was supposed it had passed ; it,.- commissions usually paid to Now handling them. 1 will New York on or about lhe lat of ! August and remain there during the Dried newer and more elabo-ate one took j Emit Brins in your Frnit early j and f promise you, iu addition to paying otfull S. M. COHEN, Foot of Cotton Avonue. Jas.Fricker&Rro. AMEKICUS, GrA. About September first we shall move into our new store, at the old stand, Barlow Block, Public Square, where we shall open the most elegant assortment of goods in our line ever brought to Southwest Georgia. At our pres ent store on Cotton Avenue, we have a large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, and everything else usually kept in a Jewelry and Music Store, that must he reduced to save moving and make room for new goods. Therefore, for the next Twenty Days, or until we move, will sell any thing we have in stock at prices lower than have ever been reached before ing upon them, aud have been able to find t some encouragement in their work, it is doubtful, how- aver, il any one of them has rceciv- ed much help of any kind. i for fulllim sleepless eyes watch with tender j care his wasting form, uiitii about: ,imi«i .t »n> wv«i nr me year, a cub par. ~ . . two weeks ago, at midnight, when 2JEJ «?. "s" Atlanta. Sept...—Gov. Ale Dan-. t long-forgotten eloek pealed G-n 'pn-nj-Mi-1< loc.tcJ «,nu.i .id.of oc. lei to-day the tallowing fo ,. th t , 9 hour 0 f 12 in iu moat ! document: musical and silvery tones. The , I" 11 r S rw111 What is needed more than any-1 T '‘, a " '»»«/• family were dumbfounded. The ' ttug up Georgia * display at -Vic 1 clock never ticked, but ntood an Orleans. Come and examine our stock, get our prices, and we will guarantee that you will be convinced that we mean what we say Remember we have great bargains to oiler for t,u.u. emmiu an( j jjjg ({ mp j n w hich to secure them is limited. Come one, come all, and don’t thing else ia money. The $5,000 which will be received through tbe Anna,I s:, ISM. L ULCoiDLb oQice. silently as before, l’recitely twelve Tin4rira riOVW. It is necessary to haveja meeting ! uays aftei waids, and on the twell'ih ' , Vo «iwn mi»i nd mr aim- i*. of Mur Katin- Wh.-tt Kloiir to a <inler who ill |>U*ll it. mi bjr |i:»u-ot. K;uilr rold. Wc Rnaran- - * hrca-I to the bnrrcl »hnn anj KKANKf.lN MIl.LHCa. Zi CUrk Ht., Chicato, 11L United States Commissioner lor I of the commissioners—State, dis- j hour of that day. the restless soul the State will not go very far to-. ,rict 9hA county, of Georgia, to the : 0 f the sufferer left its prisou of ; wards making* fair Dresentation ol! ^ cw Orleans Cotton Exposition— ' clay and plumed its tligbc to the , , , , , . for consultation. This meeting , great beyond. These tacts arc Georgias wealth and resources, i wi || ^ | ic i,f t he capitol in At- ! gathered from members of the fam- Each county ought to subscribe lanta on Tuocday, Sept. 9, at 10 j Hy, an d can be substantiated by a ■ something—$100 or more—and 1 o'clock in the morning. You are : number ol citizens who iml gather-; *' noDoand- h.*r a.iur. iajr.1l t-1 -| fail to come early. JAS. FRICKER & BRO. imericus, Ga., Aug. 13, 1884. DISSOLUTION. o w __ w ( *iV-irm ol (-.11. TOMUKY&CO. hai dU- each city ought to make a liberal! c »rnestly requested to nttend and ed at the bedside of the sick man ; Srsm.'viircJati.^ia'm.'Bra^ ' to assist in forming , . ■ . 1 plan of action to secure appropriated $50,000 with which : display ol the State's resources subscription. North Carolina lias i to make an exhibit. Is it pro posed to let North Carolina show gicater enterprise than Georgia!’ A good exhibit by Georgia at New Orleans will be ol incalculable value to the S'.at*. at New Orleans. If you cannot attend, please notify ai once the State Commissioner, Hon. D. C. Bacon, at Atlanta, whether it lie possible for yon to raise any money in your county, and if so, bow much. definite j 0 n the night mentioned proper —- . i Black walnut sawdust, formerly Dissolution NotiOO. thrown away, is now mixed with 1 tiu-^oUrf. linseed gum and moulded into 1 “■ “• T“»nwr »iu cmvihw the nn.»,r«. u.i . , ^ . m .. IdtlOO I-QaiBrU. OlHce* uB Colloll AvtQB-'. head* and llower pieces for the or-1 .\ U g s* isw. u namentation of furiiiture. When | ,,, . ______ dried and varnished it is as hand- WANTED, some and much stronger and more | t® » 4-mi‘ui* turn. uiuu. for a tmoi durable than carved work. I y ' s.‘w. Diccsotr, sifamio, au. v. .1. eiiii.i ii*a. JOHN a. WIKRs. ★ BAKERY, DURHAM’S UiPROVKD STANDARD TIIBI.U: saassssjsia-; powtr. *“ “ urMn** In ’k‘‘ money. ~ lent trtt. Cotton Avenue. We cell |U aftention of tht public to the fort W . - Bf^Srwion-. that wo ore orcpareJ tG fill att order* for Frfb j ODUM Ail B«0*- Hew lnrk, Itrvad, Cnktf, Candy. Kir., of uur own make— food «nd pure. We keep a'.*o Confretino* and tiroerriea. which wr *.41 at tho ruling ptixo Boy and sell Country Produce. Give us a rail. IT. J. PHILLIPS t£ CO. lalySIcf CHEAP LL'MBEK I as now totaled a __ Bell’, tdacr, Bt«r ■> , vhera I will deliver lumber at 1 i issBttrd “* l v*.ja&**