The Americus recorder tri-weekly. (Americus, Ga.) 1879-1884, September 14, 1884, Image 3

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—- — - imericus Recorder. j0 OAlJ OOXiUMW. g. c. gTOHBY, Ih>c»» Editor. Cotton Report. We quote: Hood Middling. 9J ..diddling |l,ow Middling 9 Jlrceipls to date 2.227 I Haul c date last year 2,037 PEN POINTS. The public schools open to-mor row. Mr. S. W. Dickson will move into bis new store this week. Smoke “Old Sinners” at Mc Kenzie's. in our judgment they arc fine. Do you lavor a Georgia exhibit. I at the Now Orleans Kxposltion 1 | Jjoss of. 410 j If so, plank dowu a cash subscrip- j tion. Murray Meeting at Mante* RELIGIOUS. East Amewcus Church — Sunday I,School every Sunday at 3 r. M., and prayer jmeetinB every Tneeday' night at 8 (o’clock. MetiiodistCihtrcii—Bev. A. T. Mann, Ipa-itor. Serviers at the ehnrch every Sunday at 11 A. M„ and 8 p. M. Prayer linecting every Wedneaday evening at 8 o’clock. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Baptist Chcbch—Bev. J. L. Vasa, Pas- Services at the Opera House every Sunday at 11 A. M., and 8 p. m. Prayer ImeetiDg at the Methodist ehnrch every ■Thursday evening at 8 p. M. Sunday School at Opera House every Sunday at ■ieOO.A. >r. Baptist Parsonage. We learn that the members of the Baptist Church have purchased the residence of Mr. T. A. Graham, on Taylor street, to be used as a [parsonage. Ryiander Academy. Prof. Allen is meeting with good success in his school at Ryiander Academy, and will conduct it lirough to tho end of the term without change. Fresh Bread every day at if Bakery. Will Build on the Old Site. For some time tho Baptist con i'egation has been considerably agitated over the proposition to sell their old lot and purchase a building site in another pot tion of the city; lint they have finally con- Imled to build upon the site of the nid church. TURNIP Seeds Fresh at 1 U Illl ir j. A . * d. p Daven p art’s To My Friends. My Iriends, and the public gen- •rally, arc hereby notified that 1 rill hereafter bo found at the dry Cods store of Davis k Callaway, rlicrc I will be pleased to see all ny friends and all others who wish goods in onr line at the' lowest prices. Dick Windsor. September 5, 1884. tf (Hading Commenced. Yesterday morning the work of [railing the Amerious, Preston, .nd Iitimpkin railroad was begun by Perkins Bros., of Birmingham, tla. About one hundred men nnd levcnty-five mules are employed In the work, and it 19 being done very fast. As 9oon ns possible we will give an extended account of the work, and how It is being con ducted. Hired a Hall. The Baptists of this city have rented Watts’Hall in which to hold services until their new church is built. The hall has been handsome ly finished, and will make a pleas ant and convenient chapel. The reason for discontinuing services in the Opera House is that tho amusement season will soon open, and it would often bo incouvcnicnt to hold services there. The usual sei vices will he held in the Opera House to day. : Opened Out in Full. Calvin Carter k Son have now l!0t their newstorecompletod,filled with a now and lino stock of. mots and shoes, and are now pre pared for business. With the finest a»d most convenient shoo bouse Southwest Georgia, a splendid ’lock of goods, nnd a full corps of "'"potent and affable clerks, they "re prepared to shoo all the people or this section in the best style ftt l *>« lowest prices. They ate a handsome and convenient arrangement for ladles, by which can try on shoes and be free rom observation. Call and see mm and sec how handsomely le .v arc fitted up and what a fine ok they have. Remember that °u will find them in their new st “re on the public square. New Restaurant, you want a bird on toast, > ter fry, bird sandwich, or meal ofa "y kind, come or send to *'Pt.l4 J lh A it rWm '’> A,en ‘- Cream Cheese at if Bakery. Frank Gyles refers everybody to his advertisement as auswering questions too numerous to answer personally. Ed. Johnson, the Constitution’s traveling representative, was in tho city yesterday, taking down new subscribers. Dr. Eldridge is getting into his new drug store as fast as possible. It is very pretty, and conveniently arranged. Onions, 50c per peck, at-*- Ba kery. If somebody will slip up with ease and break the backbone of summer, this office will lift up its voice in songs of praise. A moonlight parly at the resi- dencc of Col. W. T. Davenport was very much enjoyeil by the young people Thursday night of last week. My stock is now complete in every line. Guo. Stapleton. Under St. Charles Hotel. Mr. J. W. Furlow lost a fine mule one day last week by the carelessness of a negro, who threw an axe at it, cutting the leaders in a shoulder, which renders it unlit for work. Cotton Is coming in with a rush. The buyers in this city are paying up to the last notch, and cotton brings as much hero as any city in Southwest Georgia, while tho planter 1ms no heavy charges to pay. Furniture all grades and styles cheaper than ever was known. Geo. Stapleton. Under St. Charles Hotel. Uro. Glessner, of that bright sheet, the Amebicus Recorder contemplates publishing a daily soon. Tho word “fail” is not to be found in Ills vocabulary. Suc cess to you, Bro. Glessner.—Daw son Appeal. Simon Ellis,of Amerious, arrest ed by Deputy E. E. Cash on the charge of retailing spirits without license, was before Commissioner Erwin yesterday and was bound over in the sum of one hundred and fifty dollprs.—Telegraph and Messenger. Don’t forget to remember that the first number of the Daily Recorder will be issued next Tuesday morning, and if you have not already subscribed you had better band in your name to-mor row, so that the carrier may not miss you. A correct opinion is expressed by the Eastman Times: “It is not a good idea for people who want their town to boom to sit arouad and wait for somebody to come and boom it. The citizens of a town must do their own booming, and if they arc not disposed to do that much for themselves, they are not likely to get muoh of a boom." The Americvs Recorder will begin soon tho publication of a daily. Mr, Glessner, its able edi tor, is one of the most succesful newspaper men iu Georgia. He intimates that bo will continue its publication if the business men will support it, but not otherwise. Mr. Glessner will not publish a daily at a daily loss. Tho average newspaper man hasn’t more than two fortunes to throw away in the publication of a paper in a non-ap- prcciativo city. Amerious should support Brother Glessner’s daily and doubtless will do it.—Kulaula Daily Times. Friday afternoon Col. B. B. Hln- ton, E. G. Simmons, Hon. W. D. Murray and others took tbe train from Amerious to Montezuma, to attend a meeting in advocacy of Mr. Murray’s claims for tbe sena- torship. The meeting was hold in Minor’s Hall, which was complete- ly filled, all enthusiastic lor Mur ray. The meeting was addressed by Col. Hinton, who held tho audi ence for over an hour in advooacy of Mr. Murray’s claims as the Democratic nominee for Senntor and a defence of Schley’s right under the rotation system to name the candidate. The Colonel's ar guments were received with cheers ol applause, from which it would seem that the Democrats of Monte zuma, at least, were determined to stand by her sister county iu the maintenance of her political rights. j At tbe conclusion of Col. Hinton’s speech Mr. Murray took the stand and defined his position in such a manner as seemed to relievo all doubts of tbe few who wore uncer tain how to cast their votes. Tho meeting was a success in every particular, and your reporter wus informed that at least three-fourths of the democrats of Macon county would vote for Murray, believing him to be entitled to tbe nomina tion. Reporter. THE 'LANGTRY" HOOP 8KIBT WITH HUSTLE COMBINATION. There 1ms never been unything in Style, utlnEASP. durability, that gave (lie gen eral satisfaction to tbe wearer that tho “Langtry Skirt" does. Ask nny lady who has ever worn one, and she will tell yon that sho will wear no othor—only 81.23. Second lot jnst received. JOHN It. SHAW. N. B.—Call and see the “Perfectfon" Bustle. The lightest, most comfortable auddnrable Bustle in tbe world—71io to 81.90. Also the colcbrated '-Duplex,’ "Bon-Ton" and “Dr. Strong's’* Corsets. JOHN It. SHAW. Personal Paragraphs. Miss I,ena Williams left on Fri day for Garden Valley, for a short visit. Mrs. C. C. Hawkins left yester day for I’iocville, wiicro sho will visit relatives. Laws. Stapleton leaves for Pres ton to-morrow, where lie will visit his father and rest up. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bates, of Batesvillc, Ala., who have been visiting Capt. Morgan, returned home yesterday. General Phil Cook, who lias been spending the summer in North Georgia, arrived home on Thurs day, looking in fine health. Mr. K. C. Leonard, of Singleton, Hunt k Co., Maoon, will he down to-day, and will look after Laws. Stapleton’s customers for that firm to-morrow. Capt. T. M. Allcm arrived home from Now York on Friday. We aro sorry to learn that lie canto home in poor health, and was sick a great portion of the lime of his stay in Now York. “Eider Down” and “Calls Lily” arc clegrnt complexion powders and are used in many places with perfect satisfaction. In white, flesh nnd pink at J. A. k D. F. Davenport's. * Closed. During the Jewish holiday, Sat urday, September 20Ji nud Mon day, September 29th, my store will be closed. My customers, espec ially those wanting ice, will cooler a favor by gelling a full supply the days preceding the above. Wifi open at S p. m. Kcspccllully, etc., -I. Israels. Change In Location. Mcsrs. Jas. Friokcr k Bro. have moved into their new and hand some Jewelry Store at the old stand on the public square. The office of the Southern Ex press Co., has also been moved in to their building and S. C Cooper, agent, has entered into the service of Messrs. Frioker, and behind the counter be will be pleased to greet all patron*. 31 From the Old Dominion Martinsville, Va., Sept. 12— Onr party of school girls, with Judge Crisp and your humble cot- respondent, arrived with duo promptness at the Markham, in At lanta, en route for Virginia, on the 2d inst. Misses Leila Crisp, Kate Wheatley, Mattie Mosely and Bas- sie DeJaruoltc made our heart swell with pride as we noted the handsome quartette, the prettiest girls in the goodly number of twenty-live who camo to be placed under the care ot our kind passen ger agent, Mr. C. E. Sergeant. The majority of the school girl baud going to Sunntou were from Georgia. The parents of these young ladies may well be satisfied to place their loved ones under the guidance of this estimable gentleman. The handsome Pull man coach in which we came so comfortably from Atlanta to Dan ville was the scorte of quite a merry time, speeding along on tho Piedmont Air Line. It was more than amusing to sec several young commercial travellers cautiously slip into our coach and scat them selves to get glimpses of the pretty girls. No doubt they seemed beau tiful to these saucy drummers, who sat down on their satchels, having the girls to search for their hidden property. Pity they had to witness their discomfiture, though, at a distance, “like Ginn saw the moon.” The Htauntonitcs had their own fun, smiling, nod ding on pillows, eating candy and grapes. I am sure those young men suid “sour grapes,” but indeed they were most dclioious. Our fruit gave out about tbe time we were crossing the French Broad. We interested ourselves then in looking out tbe car windows at the change of scenery from tbe lowlands to the mountain ranges. King’s mountain seemed to jump suddenly to view, standing like a great rough auimal before us. Wo reached Danville at 12 o'cloek at night, where wc met Mr. Jas, Fricker boarding the train with Minnie, his daughter, to join tho girls for Staunton. I bade the party good bye hero, took the bus and was driven by moonlight to tho Arlington Hotel, over rock it seemed to mo rough enough to shake tho hair pins out of my head. Quito u grand nioo looking city, notwithstanding the rocks. I came early next day to Mar tinsville over a narrow guago road tbe wheels screaking up grade, mak ing mo think for a lime some terri ble bieakago was to happen, found large Helds of corn and to bacco in place of our cotton. It is very dry and hot here, cutting off the crops about half. Judgo Hair ston and lady met mo with a car riage and gave me an unusual geu uine old Virginia welcome. Many of our friends at home will remem ber the Hairston family, who refu- gcetl with us, and be glad to hear that they are all here, remembering most kindly their friends back in Americus. It struck mo as quite a rare coincident, after leaving J udgo Crisp, the youngest Judge in our own state, to And that I had como to tho homo of tbe youngest fudge in the Old Dominion. Stranger still, I found, iu talking with him and his good wife, their history in part liko that of our own judgo— opposition in their love affairs, etc. Politics aro quietly discussed in this mountainous region. Some sensation was oreatod hero a day or two since by somo one going to a drug store, getting some power fully offensive drug, scattering a big crowd ol people at a Ropubll- ii. s nrm Georgia cotton hales for that amount would make a much big ger show. To-morrow, a party of friends expect to go up on Chest nut Kuoh, where wc can have a grand view of the Blue Ridge, also the country round about. Hark I I bear tbe scronaders coming to discourse sweet music. This is the third time they have honored the Georgia girl this week. I must put out my light. L. E. L. Skill iu connection with pure drugs can always be relied on at J. A. k D. F. Davenport's. AnotUer Grand Exhibition. Wo aro requested to atato that on tho third Tuesday of September, a grand Colt Exhibition will take place in the Court House yard. A g ood premium will be paid for the eat eolt over one year, and under two. Another premium for the best colt over six months, nnd un der twelve, also one for the best colt under six months old. This Exhibition is open to all comers, irrespective of place. So bring on your pretty ami line colts. Tho winners of premiums to pay for this notice. sept7td Milk Punches, Fine and fresh as a daisy, every day, at Sr. Hawkins. September 8th. lw The Reason Why, I. W. Harper’s Nelson County Whiskey is preferred above all other Brands is because it is the moBt regular and most perfect Product, incontestably ever made. A long experience in tbe manufacture of the Harper, tbe large capital of the Distiller which enables him to hold his Whiskey until it *has fally ma tured, together with the fact that the Wbiskev is bought by and shipped me to direet from t)ie Distillery accounts for tho unvarying satisfaction it has given those best educated to a flno Whiskey. J. Israels, Sole Agent, aprl2 Cun Amerions, Oa Notice. My Ice House will be open on Sundays, hereafter, from 1 a. m., to 12 M. and from 3 to 6 p.m., until further notice. J. Israels, J. WaiellH & Co. v 16! ONE OF THE- LARGEST I BEST SELECTEII- Notice. On account of holiday, our stores | can meeting at the court house; will be closed on Scplcmltcr 20th i scented them all out, turning up and 29tli. Those who may wish j their noses and pushing for fresh to transact business with us, will j air. If they can stand the negro, please call the day following. | I don't see why they should run J. Waxelbai m k Co. i from a drug. Proprietors New York Store. I Martinsville is surely a splendid — 7- ~r~ ' tobacco town, with so manv fac- ?ase remember that on Salur- j torteg all( , tobacco warcl ; ousc9 . day September 20 h and Monday ; Somo of our merchanU al „ OBO September 29th lbs Birga.n store ; would Jo we| , u , , „ will be closed on secount of holi-i product . , w. ItaU the day, hut will be reopened at sun- j Zentme d 8aundcrg fact down of tho respective days. . . S. M. Cohen. New Restaurant. If you want a bird on toast, oys ter fry, bird sandwich, or meal or any kind, eome or (end to, J. A. Turpin's, Agent. . Sept. 14th. it and saw the prizers turn out tome very nice, smooth-looking plugs, hut I declined to taste, so cannot say it was sweet, but was strong, almost miking mo sick to smell it. Tito boxes I saw piled in tbe fac tory seemed few to be estimated at eight nr ten thouund dollare. Our l«rT«.' A,'Ir«i I £u Holmes' sure cure mouth wash and dentifrice is au infallible care for Ulcer ated Bore Throat, Bleeding Onms, Sore month and Ulcers. Cleans the Teeth and keops the Onms healthy. Prepared sole ly by Drs. J. P. & W. R. Holmes, Den tists, 102 Malborry Street, Macon, Ga. For solo by Dr. W. P. Burt, dentist, J. E. Hall, and all druggists nnd dentists. angSmO. IsOCA!• HCIIKDUr.K. On nnd after Sunday, August 3rd, trains will ran as follows:' Day pa*aongor down arrives dally, 1:83 p m. '* " un “ •• 8:28 p m. Night “ to Albany, M 10:08 pm. “ " from Al ban/. “ 4:22 am. Day fieight down arrives dally at 4:40 p m. Day freight up arrios dally at 9:20 a m. Night freight doily except Monday down 1:4V a m, ** " '* •• ** up. 3:20 a m. LOTT WARREN, Agent. Boots, Shoes, Hats. ExciirNion Ticket#. Excursion tickets to the Lonliville Exposition at 0X8.40 for tue round trip. Tickets good until October 30th. Lott Warren, ANNOUNCEMENTS. hvmtjsm couyrr. FOR MAYOR. We are authorised to announce the name of A. C. BELL as a candidate for Mayor of Amerious at the Municipal elec tion in Dcoember next. augl tf FOR SHERIFF. We are authorized to announce tbe namo of W. H. COBB as n candidate for Sheriff of Sumter county. If elected, N. H. White, of tho 15th District will be his deputy. Tbe Lest is Found! AND CAN BE FOUND AT BUG CHAPMAN’S Bar anil Restanrant. GAT, DRINK AND BE MERRY, and sleep ou a free bed. Everythin* ha* been renovated aid la tweet and dean. I find in Bug** wine cellar Liquors from 8 to 18 Years Old I , - rival of Delmonico In govt eatln*. Call early and aecurw your beda and ■otnetbln* to eat and drink. Word* cannot **- preae my thank* to my friend*. Come an I see me end you ahill be (ttlefled. teptl2ml HENRY C. JOHNSON. CARPETS ! EVER HHOWN THIS SIDE OF WASHINGTON. -(«)- Mlt OHOBB HAH JUST RETURNED EVERYTHING WILL BE AND READY FOR INSPECTION IN A FEW DAYH. -THEY ARE THE Leaders of Southwest Georgia I! (o)— CALL AND SEE US. CHEAP LUMBER «»tcj nt Bell', plaee, near Amrrku deliver lumber at mill for Kfght .her. I will deliver lumber at mill for High! Deltan per 1000 Ml >nd|> lb. citr (or Niue Dolfen for 1000. I?. - R. w. JORDAN. "Wagon Wanted. Wonted, to rent, a fbur-Jtoreo wagon fbr three Apply at tbU office. Some Wanted. A rood, genii. Mmlj bone, on. lk»t* Wean (O). J. WAXELBAUM & CO. Proprietor. N.w York Store,