The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 10, 1891, Image 8

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THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 1891. s i._L „ @3 . s ?fS8 " ->-A ’’ WSEATLEY & ANSLEV t Everything now ready, and when weather permits our store is fairly crowded with customers, all drawn by what they have seen and heard of the greatest stock of goods ever shown here. Styles no other houses here can get! Qualities none of them dare handle! Variety unexcelled. Prices within the reach of ail. FINE DRESS GOODS. The magnitude of our Dress Goods Department is without a peer in this part of the country. Our prestige is acknowledged even by would-be competitors. That we are in a posi tion to do better for you than others cannot bo questioned. We make Dress Goods our specialty, and it is but fair to presume that we are bet ter acquainted with what the trade desires. We have the only stock of Dress Goods in Americus selected personally in New York, our Mr. Anslev having just returned from New York where he spent several weeks in the interest of our Dress Goods department alone.' The peo ple have shown their appreciation of our efforts to give them a stock sec ond to none in the country, and our low prices and fair dealing always insure satisfaction. We open the season with, first, the handsomest collection of French nov- ' cities it has ever been our pleasure to own. ‘ These goods are not in loud de- signs, but the richest and neatest j styles-possible to procure. Choice Embroidered Robes WHEATLEY & ANSLEV Grays, Tans, Modes and all the new shades at 9.60 suit. Choice and select styles English Plaids in Greys, Tans, Modes, Black and White Navy, and White, Greens Fawns and the greatest variety of entirely new colorings $9.50 suit. Magnificent assortment of Eng lish combinations, composed of the small pin check and large plaid and pin check in Heliotrope, Navv, Green, Red, Rose, etc. at 12.50 suit. These are acknowledged one of the finest wearing goods ever made and in addition are the best in styles and designs. Next to these come beautiful line plaids and Pin Checks, handsome goods but much cheaper, ranging in price from GOc to 75c per yard. $10.00 12 60 15 00 17 50 18 60 20 00 23 00 25 00 ENGLISH WOOLENS. Handsome Pin Check Suita in ~line and White, Black and White, Wheatley & Ansley. SILKS. WHEATLEY & ANSLEY $1.25 the styles are so varied and quality so superior, the only trouble will be to decide which to buy. We have a large lot of linings come spe cially for these goods. They come in Silk, Serges, Taffetas, Rhadames, Satins, etc. Don’t fail to look at this stock. Prices guaranteed as low as New York City. SILK SUBLIMES. WHEATLEY & ANSLEY WHEATLEY & ANSLEY This is the newest fabric brought out this season and its popularity is already assured. The choice line of colora and the effective lustres are very “catching.” These goods have been confined to us exclusively by the largest Dress Goods house in Now York and the price we make on them is the same as N, Y. and Philadelphia get. ing a very large and choice collection of figured dress We are now showing a vei figure silks. The styles in the pongees are particularly good, and the quality excellent We have the Chinas and Indias in a very choice line of patterns and at popular prices. Our line of Surahs is very coin- Our line Black Silks range from the cheapest to as fine as the trade can call for. A great, many novelties in our trimming silks. Plain Chinas, Florentines, and Pongees in Black and Colors, choice goods 75c per yard. Beautiful Wash Silks 1.00 per yd This department is fuller than ever before and to go into the de tails would require too much space. GRENADINES. Here wo have a collection of rich novelties, which far surpass any pre vious season in this special line. We begin tbe line at 50c yd., and run them as high as $35 a suit. Wc have them in figures, brocades, plaids, stripes and plains. Our 75c quality will compare favorably with what others want $1.00 for. At $1 we will show more than all the bal ance of the town combined. At Wheatley & Ansley. BLACK DRESS GOODS. Black Henriettas, 86 ins. wide, 25c. 30c. 35c 40c. 50c. “ “ silk finish « Excellent quality all wool 46 ins. , wide, 65c. The finest silk finish Black Hen rietta we have ever shown on our counters at 75c. Better Black Henriettas than any house in South Georgia will show at 85c, 89c.,95c, $1 and $1.25. Silk warps from 98c to $1.75 yd. Black Tamise cloths, Batistes in plain black and invisible stripes, Serges, Whip Cords, Melrose cloths, etc. Splendid assortment in nearly all qualities. In fact if there is any thing in black goods you want, come and look at our stock. 1’LAIN DRESS GOODS. Notwithstanding the heavy ad vance in a great many of these goods, we will continue to sell at ex tremely low prices. Those 46-inch silk finish wool Henriettas in the best line of shades we have ever carried, at $1.00 per yard. The choicest quality at 76c ever shown on our counters. A most excellent quality choice new shades and all wool at 59c. Wheatley & Ansley. English Parametta Cloths, silk fin ish at 50c. Henrietta cloths, for merly 60o yd., this season, 42{ Henriettas at 25c, 80c and 35c. Large lot new Spring shades. One of the most desirable and most suitable goods for this climate we have ever handled is-a choice line of wool Batistes. These goods are very light weight, soft and highly finished, do not crush, and altogether they have proven the thing for hot weather. We have them in about twenty different shades and the price is 75o yd. FRENCH CIIALLIES. Our assortment of these goods was never so large or complete as this season. We have them from the daintiest little figure to the largest and most elaborate designs imagin able. The price on these goods is exactlv what they get for them in New York city—65c yd. Enormous quantity of lower priced Cballics, all new styles. For Monday and Tuesday we will offer one lot Satin Plaid Check Mus lins formerly sold at 10c, for 5o yd. In fine white goods we can give you satin plaids, stripes, plaid and plain linens from the cheapest to 50c yd. The largest and handsomest col lection of Embroidered Swisscs in both white and colored we have ever carried. Polka Dots in red, heliotrope, lilac, blue, pink and white. Colored Persiau Mulls. China silk efiects, Manilla plaids and Rob Roy stripes fill the bill for cheap wash dresses, and arc here in grand profusion.. French Organdies in dark colored grounds ranging in price from 30c to 50c yd. Figured Mulls styles and fine qualities. LACES AND EMBR0ID1 Here we have thousands of dol lars invested. It if useless for us to detail concerning this stock. We can show you almost everything heart can wish for, from the tiniest edge to the most elaborately em broidered suit. HANDKERCHIEFS. FRENCH FLANNELS. Wc have" just opened the best and largest line of these goods ever car ried here in Spring season. They are a most excellent fabric for blo.scs, jackets, blazers, etc. The prices range from 50 to 75c yd. and the width is 32 inches. One advan tage they possess is their excellence for washing. Black Muslins. Although early in the season we have opened a line of these the styles of which are not to be surpassed. They commence at 10c yd for fast blacks (sold last season at 15c) and run up to 50c yd. These finer goods look almost equal to silks. White & Colored Cotton Goods Our white goods stock alone is al most large enough to fill a good size paper in detail. Wheatley & Ansley. Wash Goods. Our spring stock of Hankerchiefs was never so large or complete. We have tKem from the cheapest to as fine and dainty as the most fastid ious could wish for. A great many new style, at 5c, new 10c, 12}c, 15, 20c, and the prettiest 25c Handkerchief we have ever owned. Our stock of Gents’ Hand kerchiefs is very complete. Our wash goods stock never was so attractive as at present. We are showing here the largest line of Dress Ginghams we have ever carried, ranging in price from 10c yd to the handsome silk finish Scotch zephyrs as 29c. A partic ularly choice line zephyr ginghams at 19c yd. We have also Much de sirable wash stuffs as Wexford shirtings, Madras cloths, Oxford shirtings, etc. Beautiful line Percales from to 15c yd. 10c LINENS. Our Linen stock is full to over flowing and we are offering extraor dinary values in table damasks, nap kins, towels, etc. Hosiery and Mitts. Are quite prominent factors in our house. The best fast black hose in Americus at 25c and 35c. The best silk mitts in Americus at 25c, much handsomer goods than wc ever had at 50c. Wheatley & Ansley. LACE CURTAINS. Our stock of Curtains has been greatly increased. We have just added lots of new style Nottinghamsl embroidered Swiss curtains, Madras cloths, Scrims, etc. Wo have the best Nottingham curtains at $1.50 per pair we have ever shown. Some very choice styles at $1.98 per pair. Beautiful colored goods, new styles, 12£c per yard. C-B CORSETS, 75c. All the most popular styles, such as Thompson’s Glove Fitting. Bon Ton. C-B A. La Spirite. C-P A. La Serene, and numerous other styles. For Monday and Tuesday next we will sell the C-B Corset at 75c cash, Regulbr price $1.00. A beautifu. quality summer Corset at 69c. Wheatley & Ansley. PERSONALS. Mr. J. M. Haygood, of Montezuma, Is in the city. Mrs. Dr. Tatum, of Louvale, Is visit ing in the city. Capt. Joe May, of Lumpkin, spont yesterday In the city. Col. W. II. McCrory, of Ellavllle, spent yesterday In the city. Mrs. L. A. Dixon, of Lacrosse, 'spent yerterday with friends In the city. Dr. J. W. Fielder, of Oglethorpe, was In Americus for a few hours yesterday. Superintendent J. M. Bryant, of An- dersonville, was In Americus yester day. ■ ’ Mr. J. H. Carter, of Omaha, secretary of the Improvement Company there ie in the city. Miss Viola Boll returned yesterday from Albany, accompanied by Mrs. Lil lie Powers of that place. Miss Rosa McCrary returned yea today to her homo in Maoon, after a pleasant visit to Miss Carrie Speer. Mr. R. L. Salter, of Columbua, who has been spending several days in the city, returnod home last night Mr. K. W. Barret, the brilliant young Washington correspondent of tbe Atlan ta Constitution, spent yesterday in Americus. Miss Mamie Glenn, of Naooochee, Ga., and Miss Sessie Littlejohn, of Cordele, two charming young ladies, are visiting relatives in the city. Mr. Goo. W. Water*, who lias been with Messrs. J. W. Sheffield A Co., left yesterday forJPoughkeepsie where he will take a course In the business college. Miss Lillie Council returned yesterday from Zebulon, where she has been visit ing relatives. Miss Pope returned with her, and will spend some Ume in the city. _________ so ms T-reildenti* Trousan- Some men are born for trousers, oth ers achieve trousers and others have trousers thrust upon them. Who that ever saw President Arthur can forget the beautiful -folds of his trousers? Neither large nor email, with no bag ging at the knee, but falling gracefully upon his shoe they were indeed beautiful to behold. Such trousers were not sim ply doe to the tailor’s art. They showed his natural affinity for trousers, and while the experiment might have been attended with danger, there is, nererthe- leee, a strong probability that Mr. Ar thur would have made a pair of Bowery "hand-me-downs” look quite respectable. Of all the presidents of modem times he was the best clothed as to his nether garments. Hie great predecessor, Gen. Garfield, achieved trousers. His tailor was good, the cloth was in good taste, but the wearer gave Uttle attention to the mat ter, and even appeared in public once in trousers frayed at the heel. Hayes' trousers were barely respectable, while Gen. Grant was utterly indifferent to hie. Trousers were thrust upon him. Be really had no taste for them. President Harrison’s trousers are re spectable and good always, bnt they are foil of wrinkles and of so conservative a color as to be nonentities in the trouser world, and President Cleveland's legs were incased in broadcloth of a stiffness and newness of appearance that showed a woeful subordination of the wearer to the tender mercies of the tailor. Tlds is a fata) mistake. A man’s trousers shouljl show the combined thought of the wearer aud the tailor. Neither can accomplish them successfully alone. Kwl Estate Deal. Real estate trade is ploking up, and ie much brisker than it has been for some time. Several trades of some Impor tance have trabsplred this week, and: others of great size are said to be on) tapis. A mericus real estate 1* always' desirable the people here and else- whert appreciate this fact A Mew Finn. Messrs. G. W. Brunner A C. C. Mlnter have formed a partnership, and have be gun business as merchandise broken. Both are well up in business affairs, and are enterprising and industrious. The new firm will doubtless meet with much success. We keep the heal Paint we can get. If not satisfactory when put on we will repaint the house at our expense. EL J, Kld.hidoz, Druggist. Mammies Mud"Muhamiurctan«. One night I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the purpose of exam ining somn oi the antiques exhibited there, and 1 took a look at the mummied cats, in which my little son, who was with me. is especially interested. Very solemn and ghastly are the swathe-l and silent tabbies, who perhaps gamboled around the feet of Moses and of Pba tuoh'e daughter, and it struck me in looking at them'that the Egyptians of 8,000 years ago were a little ahead of tbe Mow York of today in their devotion to birds and quadrupeds. Something of this veneration for the brute creation has been transmitted to the Mohammedan of the east, who per mit! neither cats nor dogs to be slain, but provides meals and quarters for them. A learned pundit of that persua sion once expressed to the late 8. & Cox, when minister to Turkey, his surprise that a Society for the Prevention of Cru elty to Animals should be needed in a Christian country. Our brilliant “Sun set” wss not usually at a leas for words either to conceal or express an idea, but on this occasion he oonfasrod that he was rented by the unspeeksbls Turk, and had to take refuge in the assertion that this was the work of the Blavateky sect of Buddhists. It is just possible that the gentle Turk believed him, but Mr. Cox was always of the opinion that he did not—New York Letter. Selling Tobacco la Dsavlll*. It is an interesting sight to see the hundreds of covered tobacco ' wagon* come to market Large ware houses are ready to offer every inducement to farm er* to *ell their load. Driveway* lead to the great floors where tbe load i* as sorted in piles according to grade, hav ing been weighed first while on the truck. Each pile ie tagged with the name of the owner and the weight, with a place for the buyer’s name and price. Many farmers remain over night, for they arrive at all hoars of the day and night- Free stables and other ordi nary comforts are provided. There are ten ware houses in Danville, N. C. They are divided into two aeries of five each, and public sales are con ducted in two at the earns time. Under the direction of the Tobacco Exchange the orderof sales is arranged. Placard* are posted at different points, “First sale at Neal’s,” “Second sale at Acne’s,” and so on, each ware house taking its assigned turn until all five have sold out—first to day, the last to-morrow. Each ware house has its own auctioneer, clerks, and most of the firms buying having two sets of buyers to attend on the two circuits.—Cor. Washington Post CompreMod Air Torpedo. Still another torpedo, this one the in vention of an Austrian count Buona- corsi by name, has made its appearance in the European naval and military world. According to official and private reports of the trials of this instrument they were eminently successful, giving results superior even to those obtained from the Whitehead. The motive power is compressed air, acting directly from a reservoir upon the propeller without any assistance or intervention from machin ery. The propulsion is effected by twin screw* working inversely and giving a velocity greater and more continuous, it is contended, than any obtained in other torpedoes. One remarkable feature of this invention is the faculty of auto matic guidance, which enablea it to avoid protective nets and shields, and to dive any distance before rising to give its blow.—Exchange. Tli® Tlta® to Gather Flowers. Do not gather flowers while the sun is shining upon them, but choose instead the early morning, or the hour after the son has gone down. Avoid pulling or tearing from the plant; ent with ifaiup adreors or a knife, and in the case of varieties having a Urge stalk or atom rub a little dirt over the wound. Al ways leave at long a item as possible, not to interfere with other buds or blos soms.—John Richards in Jenness-Miller Magazine. Bow I was Cored of So-Called Cancer. Lulaton, GA. Dear Sir—This is to certify that I was a sufferer with a place on my under- lip for fourteen years, and was under treatment of different physlolans, but they done me no good. I had lost hope of being cured by medical treatment. I then went to a doctor living in Florida, wbo treated them by art. After going to him it got well, apparently, for a while, but returned as bad as ever. I then concluded to try P. P. P. Aib, Poke Root and Potassium),' and ter taking five bottles (pint size) was eared. iaUo find it to be a good medi cine to give a good appetite and to give proper digestion. Tours truly; L. J.-Strickland. Worked Like a Charm. Bradfleld’s Female Regulator worked like a charm; Improvement been won derful; cannot express my gratitude. Wish every lady afflicted would try It I know ft would care them. Mrs. Lula A. Long, Spring Grove, Fla. Write the Bradfield Regulator Co., At lanta, Ga., for further particulars. Sold by all druggists. Too Will Do lb. Sam. Thing. Holt’s Dyspeptle Elixir has proven a great blessing to suffering humanity; has cured more cases than perhaps any other preparation on tbe market. All' wbo have taken It testify to lte virtures. ask If Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptle Elixir cured W. A. Wright, comptroller-general of State of Georgia, of Dyspepsia, aftor having It several yeaea in its wont farm. For sale by all druggists. There are about 106 women to every 100 men. Won Long. This is the queer name of a Chinese laundryman in Hartford, but he has obably two lungs, like most of us. me crying babies seem to have a doz- . Langs should be sound, or the voice will have a weakly sound. Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery makes strong lung*, drives the cough away, generates good blood, tones the nerves, oullds up the human wreek and makes “another man” of him. Night- sweats, blood-spitting, short breath, bronchitis, asthma, and all alarming forerunners of Consumption, are postive- ly cured by this unapproachable remedy, If taken in time, Consumption itself ean be baffled. There are 200 women preachers in this country. OUR VERY BEST PEOPLE Confirm our statement when we say that Dr. Aeker’a English Remedy Is In every way superior to any and ail other pre parations for tbe Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Croup, it is magic and relieves at once. We offer you a sample bottle tree. Remember, this remedy is sold on a positive guarantee. For sale by Fleetwood A Russell, Ameri cus, Ga. 3 The Empress of Japan is a scholarly woman. It is not generally known that a tingle mouse turned loose in a grocery window will catch more flies in a single evening than fly paper catches all day, and be side*, be eat* them, and don't leave them lying around loose. Don’t grudge the mouse hie little mischief; he ie a good fiy and roach exterminator. The Handsomest of oil Colne. This proud distinctien it generally conceded to tbe United States twenty- dollar gold piece, a marvel of beauty In design and finish. Tbe loveliest of God’s handiwork Is a handsome woman. If in the bloom of health; if she ie not. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription will restore her. Ladles who osc this peer less remedy are unamlnoua In Its praise, for it cures those countless ills which are the bane of their sex—irregularities, dragging-down pains, Inflamation, hys teria, sleeplessness, and the “all gone” sensations which burden their daily lives. A tonic and nervine witbont al cohol. Mrs. Cleveland, wife of the ex-Prerl dent, it taking lessons on the violin. De Witt’s Little Early Risers never gripe or cause nausea. Mild but eure, assist rather than fores. Beat Little pill for slek headache, chronic constipation, dyspepsia. Sold by Cook’s Pharmacy. 1-10-Sm Martin Chattoway, formerly custodian of Shakespeare's birthplace, is dead. Catarrh, neuralgia i origi . rheumatism and most diseases originate from impure blood. Cleause it, improve it, purify it with De Witt’s Sarsaparilla and health It restored, strength regained. Sold by Cook’s Pharmacy. l-KKSm There is only one sudden death among women to every eight among men. Purifies the blood, increases the circu lation, expels poisonous humors and builds up the system. What more do you want a medicine to perform ? De Witt'e Sarsaparilla is reliable. Sold by Cook's Pharmacy. There are in China societies of young women pledged never to marry, A beautiful skin, bright eyes, sweet you still doubt ask your druggists to show you testimonials. If you are trou bled with any of the following diseases it will eure you: Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Jaundice, Headache, Heartburn, Chronio Diarrhoea, Kidney Disease, Heart Trou bles, Yellowness of the Skin, Brown Splotches, Torpidity and Asthma, If complicated with Dyspepsia. In short, it'ia a specific for all disease* arising from a disordered condition of the stom ach and bowels. Manufactured by Dr. 2olt*B pwenanlln Wlwt. f- tf._l Dyspeptic Elixir Co,, Montezuma, Ga. Price $1.00. Bottles doable former size. For sale by all druggists. Dr. Holt’s Croup and Cough Syrup pre vents and cures croup. No cure no I Manufactured by Dr. Holt’s ~ Elixir Co., Montezuma, Ga. Women’s vests are to be a feature next- season. New York City has a female lock smith. THE FIRST SYMPTOMS OF DEATH. Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in various parts of the body, sinking at the pit of tbe stomach, lose of appetite, feverishness, pimples or sores, are all potitive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must be purified to avoid death. Dr. Acker’s English Blood Elixir has never failed to remove scrofulous or sypbUiliopolson. Sold under positive guarantee. For sale by Fleetwood A Russell, Americus, Ga. breath, good appetite, vigorous body, pure blood and good health result from the use of Do Witt’s Sarsaparilla. It Is sold by Cook's Pharmacy. It is all nonsense to assert that ladies copy the fashions of actresses. A prominent railroad superintendent, living in Savannah, one suffering for years from malaria and general debility, ■ays on having recovered his health by the uso of P. P. P., thinks that be wifi live forever, if ho can always get P. P. P. (Prickly Asli, Poke Root and Potas slum, Tliis party’s name will be given on application. It is quite the fashion now to take De Witt’s Little Early Risers for liver, stomach and bowel disorders. They are small pills, but mighty good ones. Cook's Pharmacy sells them. Blazers for women will be much more elaborate than last season. If food sours on the stomach, diges tion is defective. De Witt’s Little Early Risen will remedy this. The famous little pills that nevor gripe and never disappoint are sold by Cook's Phar macy. Thirty percent, of America’s females re worktni ting women. Constipation, blood-poison, fever, Doo- ors’ blue and fnnenti expenses cost tore’ blue and funeral expenses cost about two hundred dollars; De Witt’s Little Early Riser* cost a quarter. Take your choice. Sold by Cook’s Pharmacy. Printed pongees will be largely favored for spring wear. tery popular, very small, very good. Do Witt’s Little Early Risen title Early Kisers, the pill for constipation, biliousness, sick head ache. Sold by Cooks Pharmacy. Ombro plaids wilt be largely worn. . . .Always a supply of oues atDr. Bldridges Drug Stores, Try thorn. Irish poplina are in demand. When Baby wss risk, we gave harCutoria. When sb* was a Child, to* cried for Oaatoria. Wbao sb* became Was, ah* chine to Oastarit. Whan sb* bad Chiidisn, sb* gave theta Csstortk Tue finest Brandies and Wines, eto., for medicinal purpose*, alto purest whis kies at Db. Eldridob’s Drug Stores. Skirts are severely plain. Every one should use P. r. P. because at this eeason nearly everyone needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize and on- rich the blood. Female barbers increase. Cure Your Corns by Using. Abbott's Esst Indian Com Paint lor Bunions and Worts, it is great, apr 7-dI2-w2t. am Humphrey’s Homeopathic remedies at Cook's Pharmacy, Slappey's corner. 11-30-aun, wed-tf mmm ■ eMj m hi