The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 11, 1891, Image 1

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E. D. AN8LEY, {Sake Old Stand, continue* to keep nil the THE TIMES - RECORDER. My stock of Gn is best end largest In city. E. D, Axsi.iv. Yj ) ME 1. AMERICUS, GEORGIA, SATURDAY: APRIL 11, 1891. NUMBER 0 GE6. D. WHEATLEY OFFERS Special Attractions to Close Bayers This Week. “No profit grows where is no pleasure taken."—Shakspeare. The immortal bard probably had no reference to our busi ness when he penned these simple words, but they apply with force nevertheless, ior experience has caught us there is only profit in trade when our CUSTOMERS ARE PLEASED. We take a PERSONAL PLEASURE in our business and hope to derive a profit therefrom; but we also take a gen uine pleasure in PLEASING OUR CUSTOMERS and thereby contribute to their pleasure and profit as well. THE EXTREMELY LOW PRICES we have been offering of late, in many instances yields us only a small , margin above THE ACTUAL COST Of our goods, but we are having the satisfaction this season of showing the Largest Stock, The Latest Styles AND The Handsomest Selections HE TELLS WHY WnX LECTURE IK CORDELE. A NEW FACTORY. MRS. ORA M'KEE WAS ACQUITTED OF MURDER. it. Derry on th* Contodornto Boldler- Other Row* Not**. ANOTHER QUANO FAOTORV TO BE BUILT AT AN EARLY DATE. One of th* Joror* Explain* Why the Ver dict of Mot Onllty Wo* Found-Tho Erl. dene* Wo* ImofHclrnt-A Rogro Woman 8ont np for Ufa. IN New Spring Goods! Ever shown in this city. And the gratification is ours in know ing that thousands who have become our regular customers appreciate our efforts to give them at all times, The Greatest Possible Value for tbe least Possible Price. WE UNDERSELL COMPETITION EVERY TIME on EVERYTHING in our line. The following is a sample of what we will do this week, and may interest you: t 20 Doz. Fancy linen Towel*, size 84 x 16 inches, 84c., regular price, 12$c. 26 « Linen Huck Towels, same size, 94 c i “ 15c- 18 “ Crepe Linen Towels, “ 94c., “ 40 « Extra size, Turkish Bath Towels, matchless value, at CRASHES! CRASHES! New Lot opened, “Loom Dice” TABLE LINEN, excellent quality, Pure White Satin Damask, “ “ Choice “Turkey Red” and Colored Damasks, You can buy our EXTRA SIZE FRINGE DOYLIES, WORTH 75c per doz., at 60c per doz., this week only. 200 yards pretty CURTAIN SCRIM, 5c PER YD. Other grades Scrim, and NOTTINGHAM LACE CURTAINS at reduced prices this week. 124o. 8 to 16o per yd, 25 to 40o “ 85 to 75o “ 25 to 50c “ Next door to a corset—the Ball waist. Shaped like it, but made for the women who object to a corset. Nothing to prevent it’s going in the wash—nothing to prevent perfect free dom of movement. Straps for the shoulders, and buttons that won’t come off, to support the skirts. If you don’t like it, after two or three weeks wear, you can return it and get your money. We live in an age of “Hustling.” Don’t waste your time coaxing others to supply your wants at a moderate cost, BUT COME DIRECT TO US, and let us SHARE WITH YOU THE BENEFIT of our modern business methods. Respectfully, Roue, April 10.—[Special.]—Th# ver dict of tbo McKee jury li being dlscuss- ed on the (treeti. Tbe jurors who gave the woman her life and liberty are being buttonholed on every corner. One of the jurors, Mr. John T. Dren- non, waa soon this morning at tbe eourt bouse. He has been on tbe jury in five murder cases, all of the men being found guilty with a recommendation; in this tbe record was broken, for he helped to bring in a verdict of not guilty. In (peaking of this case he said: “We jnst couldn't help bringing in tbe ver- diet we did. It was caused, not from the speeobes, but from tbe evidenoe, Tha state showed tbat Mrs, MoKee bad no other poison bnt phosphorus when tbe peaohes were given. “Prof. White sw” a that it would be Impossible to mix pt- .sphorus with any thing without making it taate very strange. “No evidence was introduced to show that the peaches tasted oat of the way to Mrs. Wimpee. That knocked tbe bot tom out of that part of tbe testimony. The state charged tbat poison was ad ministered in the whisky. “The defense showed that Mrs. Mc Kee had no poison at that time but phosphorous. ‘Prof. White’s testimony was that phosphorous eould hardly be mixed with whisky without making it taste so strong that Mrs. Wimpee could detect it. We had to let that link drop. Then the tes timony of the witnesses from Mr. Wim pee down was taken, and all of -them swore so far apart tbat we could not, from tbe oath we had taken, bring in any other verdict. “We sifted the evidence thoroughly, and then we took tbe indictment and the charge and considered them. After we had done this we took a vote and the twelye men were unanimona on a verdict of not guilty." The ease against Nora Ray waa finished to-day. She was charged with burning Mr. R. J. Gwaitney’s house, and waa clearly proven guilty. She waa sent to the penitentiary for life. CARLISLE NOT A CANDIDATE. It Is Not Time, Tet, War Soathera Mo* Ho Louisville, April 10.—[Special]— Senator Carlisle Is .'iu the city visiting ex-Congressman Albert B. Willis. He states that his trip has no political algnificanoc whatever. Upon being naked what he bad to say regarding the artiole in the New York Sun euggeeting him • presidential possi bility, be replied: “Nothing whatever. It waa a high compliment, of coarse, whloh I fully ap preciate, but I do not know whether the time has come for men South of the Ma son and Dixon line. Everybody knows that I am not a candidate. I appreciate the compliment, however.” The Senator did not care to oommit himself either regarding the speaker- ship race. Th* lease of tho Central. Savaxxah, April 10.—The lease of the Central railroad by the Georgia Pacific hat not yet been algned, and Gen. Alexander says it is not likely to be algned for some weeks yet until the officials and counsel of the various roads in the system return to New York. In speaking of the fact that the Geor gia Pacific guaranteed 7 percent on Central stock while IU own stock is only quoted at around 10, a director In New York is quoted as saying: “The lease will carry with it the en dorsement of both the Danville and the Terminal as to the Central dividends. U it is thought best, the directors will ar range an independent outside guarantee. The Terminal company, however, Is fully able to go into tbe guarantee alone. It has a large amouatof unpledged treas ury securities.” CoBDELg, April 10.—[Special.]—The leoture of Prof. J. T. Derry at the opera house to-morrow night promises to be a great treat The subject of the lecture will be, “The Confederate Soldier In Camp Life, on March, and In Battle," and no one Is better able to handle tbe subject than Prof. Derry. He is tbe author of Derry's History of the United States, and one of the faoulty of Wesleyan Female College at Macon. He Is a scholarly gentleman and a good speaker. His lecture will be illustrated by stereoptioan views. Ths proceeds of the lecture wll] be used for the improvement of the Cor- dele High School. Aside from the mer- IU of the leoture itself, whloh Is enough to draw a crowded house, tbe interest taken in the school by the citizens of Cordele will insure a large attendence. Under the management of Mrs. O. V. Murphey and Prof. Green thle school is growing in Interest every day. The pu pils are enthusiastic, and tbe result that they are reaping a rich harvest of knowledge. While the managers of the school are bending their energies to bring the school to a high a-andard in the literary department, they sire not neglecting the physical training of the children. Mrs. Murphey has splendid classes in calis thenics, dumb-bells, tambourines and Ind'an clubs. The Cordele Security Company, which has heretofore had IU quarters in thu Bank of Cordele, has fitted up a very handsome and comfortable room in the opera house Wldlng. Large vaulU have been constructed for the company’s books and papers, and there is no neater offioelu the State than will be when the finishing touohes are put on. The following fishing party spent Wednesday at the pond of Mr. R. T. Smith, a few miles north of the city Chaperones, Mrs. Jas. A. Branch and Mrs. Jones; Rev. Orson Branch, Dr. F. N, Baker, Col. George H. Tommey, Mr. J. F. Cobb; Misses Carrie Braneb, Belle Jones, Belle Murphey and Cordle Brooks. They report a successful day’s fishing and a splendid time. Mr. S. W. Coney was in Cordele for a short time yesterday on business. Mrs. Minis Black, of Dawson, is visiting her parents. Rev. and Mrs. B. W. Davis, in tbit city. Col’s. F. A. Hooper and E. H. Cutts, of Amerlcua, were in the city to-day. The Meeting of tha Directors of tho Sam Ur County Alliance Co-op* rmtlvo A Mo. elation TooUrday—OIBeor* Elected for th* Kooning year. Toll From th* ROOT. Flovilla, Ga., April HL—[Special]— Mr. Harmon Harvey, n tinner from Monticello, fell from tbe veranda on the west end of the Wigwam at Indian Spring yesterday evening. The workman who was assisting Mr. Harvey had gone to the spring, and on returning found him In a dying condi tion. No one saw him fall, and it is not known bow the aoeldent happened. Amoricus wilt have another gnano factory. This was decided yezterdsy at tbe meeting of ths Sumter County Alliance Co-operatlre Association. The faotory will be run by tho Asso ciation, and for the benefit of the Farm' era’ Alliance. The meeting yesterday was the regu lar annual meeting of the directors, and everything connected with the Associa tion was found in a prosperous and growing condition. Tbe snucest of the organization has been great, and show* bow the members of it are sticking to gether. The store and warehouse have both prospered, and the directors were much plepsed with the showing made. The following officer* were chosen: W. A. Wilson, president N. A. Ray, vice-prosident John G. Peagin, secretary. Z. T. Markett, chief warehouseman. These are all good men, and men in whose bands tbe attain of tbe Associa tion will be safe. They are men of In tellect, and man who understand run ning the business to the best InteresU of tbe order. Other business was attended to, and the best thing done was the Ukingof initiatory steps toward the erecting of a Sumter County Alliance Co-operative Association guano factory. This will not only be of good to the order, the membenof which being given the Senefit of the profit made, but also to our city, and this will contribute to tho good of all. Americas already has a splendid faotory of this kind, whloh like all of onr enterprises Is prospering greatly, and another can do It no harm, but each will grow rapidly without hurt ing tbe other. The construction of such a factory for the Alliance has been discussed for some time, but the first steps of a decisive nature were taken at the meeting yes terday. A committee was selected to formulate a plan, and eonalsta of tbe following members: W. A. Seals, chairman, John McDonald, Henry Daniel, W. A. Wilson and N. A. Ray. This committee will carefully look Into the matter, and formniate the plan of arrangement and work. All the directors were made a com mittee on subscription*. This is a splendid stop, and one that has long been discussed. The leading men of the organisation say that there l> no doubt about the matter being push ed to a suooeesful finish. By fall, they say, th* faotory will be in active opera tion, and turning out the best of fertil izers. Killed HI* Playmate. Richbubq, N. C., April 10.—Clarence Robertson, sged eight years, and Emma Straw, aged four years, disputed over a game in which they were engaged and the boy in a rage ploked up a stone and killed hie playmate. Tbe boy about a year ago attempted to set fire to hie home because bis fa ther whipped him. NOT RICH LOWRY. The N*gro Arrested at 8p*rk* Sold to HI* Brother. Macox, April 10.—[Special.]—The ne gro arrested yesterday near sparks, Ga., as tho supposed assassinator of Captain John C. Forsyth, Is not tho murder wanted. This morning United States Marshal Corbett and Deputy Marshal Avznt returned from Sparks, and they state that the arrested negro Is not Ricli Lowry. It is rumored, however, that he Is Rich Lowry's brother. His body was examined but no sears were found on his arms like those said to be on I.ow- ry’s arms. He is also said to be an inch and a-half taller than Rich Lowry. Then his hair Is not the same color as Low ry’s. The negro is still under arrest at Sparks, in order to-nwait further identi fication. Another Jewelry Houao Tor America*. •jtmjjricus, it seems, is to have another large jewelry establishment in addition to those already here. Only a day or two since mention was made of tbe organization of the Ameri- ous Jewelry Company, and now comes still another house which wjll begin business in a very short while. Messrs. A. S. Thompson and U. G. Anderson, both well-known and popular yonngbnsineM men of Americas, have formed a copartnersnlp and will embark In tbe jewelry business hero as soon as a store can be fitted np for thorn. This firm has leased one of tho hand- . somo stores in tbe now hotel block and immediately adjoining the ladies en trance. Mr. G. L. Norman, the well known architect, has drawn tho plans for tho interior arrangement of the store, which fact is a sufficient guarantee that for beauty and convenience it will not be surpassed by any in tho state. Both Messrs.' Thompson and Anderson are thorough business men and fully ac quainted with tbe business in which they are about to embark, Ur. Ander son having for many years boon connect ed with tbo old established and well known jowclry house of James Fricker A Bro., oue of the largest in the south. The new firm expect to be ready for business early in August or September. 4 la a Cyelooo's Clutch. Kansas Citii, April 10.—[Special]— A cyclone passed over Nevada, Mo., yesterday, tearing down three dwelling house* and many barns and out-bnlld- ings. No one was hurt in tbe city, but it is reported tbat a child ot Wm. Lewis, living four miles east of tbe eity, was severely injured. GEO. D. WHEATLEY, Wholesale and Retail Dry Roods, Clothing, Etc. 0or. Lamar St. and Cotton Ave. p. S.—Our New Spring Clothing has arrived, styles this week in Men’s, Beys’ and Children’s wear. Elegant Mercy For Rioter*. Baltimore, 'April 10.—[Special.]—In the ease of the' three Nsvaisa rioters now In jail here under sentence of death, President Harrison referred the testi mony to the United States district attor ney, Easor, for hla review. Mr. Enaor has seat the evidence back to the presi dent and recommended that tbe sentence in each case be commuted to imprison ment for life. Bias* Awrat th* Bate*. Memphis, Tenn., April 10.—[Special.] At 11 o’clock last night tbe uotton sheda of Hill, Fontaine A Co., caught fire, it is auppoaed, from tbe aparka of a locomo tive. Eight or ten thousand bales of cotton will probably be destroyed. The Iona will reach *306,000. is unknown. ThrouEh tha Tunnal. Port Hubok, Midi., April 10.—The first train passed through the great in ternational tunnel yesterday afternoon. The train returned from Canada, passed through to the American portal and re turned. The approaches will be com pleted for traffic in about two months. A Pleasant Evan log. “The Club” held Its regular mooting last night, and gathered at tho residence of Mr. II. C. Storey, on street. A full membership turned out, and the meeting was one of the most pleasant in the history of the organization. Mrs. Storey, assisted by Mrs. Csrnshan and Misa Locke, of Ohio, entertained tbe guests in a most ..harming manner, and all voted the occasion a most delightful one. The literary feature* were excel lent, and The Journal made another hit. Wilcox Court. Judge J. C. Mathews, Col. E. G. Sim mons and Col. E. A. Cutts returned yes terday from Abbeville, where they have been attending court. All three are in terested in a saw mill case. The civil business ha* been finished, and tbe crim inal docket taken up. Tk* Coo* DUmloaed, The case against Sam Statham, charg ed with fogery, came up yesterday. The particulars leading to the arrest were puDlished a few day* since. There be- Tbe insurance j log no prosecution, the case was dis missed, and Statham is now a free man. An Inhuman N*eto. Some two years ago, a negro named William Gray skipped from this county leaving a wife and several children sick In bed. They were attaoked with measles and all were in bed excepts lit tle girl of few yean, who did *U tbe waiting on the slek people. Gray left his wife and ohildren in this fix, know ing their condition and their supplies. Bailiff Tobe Cobb happened npon them soon after the inhuman father and hutband had left, and found them on tbe point of starvation. They had no food and none of the necessities ot life. Oat of tho kindness of bis heart, Mr. Cobb went down Into bis pooket and provided tbs family with food, and also medicine. The disease and neglect, however, caused the death of two of tbe children. Tbe husband not returning, tbo remain ing children and the wife were sent to the poor house. Ever since then Bailiff Cobb has been on the lookout for tbe scoundrel who caused tbe trouble. A few days sines he found him and placed him under ar rest. Charged with abandonment the oaseesue up before Judge Pilsbnry yesterday, and the charge being clearly proven, the Judge sentenced him to twelve months In the chain-gang. This is the kind of a sentence tbat will break up such action*, and Judge Filtbury showed his usual excellent judgment in administering the sentence. MImealouS U True. A report reaohed the ear* ol a report er yesterday of a miraculous escape a young lady had in Lee county the other day. It Is stated tbat a young couple were out driving when the horse became frightened and tried to run away. The buggy was almost turned over and tbe young lady fell out, the wheels passing directly over her neck. She arose un hurt, and proceeded with the drive. Amoricus Brins Recognised. It is a well known fact that the Cen tral toad has not paid the attention to Americas in the past that our size and Importance warranted, but recently this has been somewhat changed. This road is now taking much Interest In our city, and tbe result will be of muoh good to both the road and Araericus. As has been given out this road will soon replace the old depot by an elegant structure to be finished by fall. In other ways, too, appreciation is being shown, and at last our true importance is being recognized. Recently a number of prominent offi cials of the road have visited us, and each has carefully gone over tbe city. Yesterday, Major G. A. Whitehead, gen eral freight agent with headquarters in Savannah, spent the day here, and took a drive to many of onr Important points. Ho was shown the various points of in terest, and given an idea of tbo size and Importance of the city. This Is his first visit hero for two years, and he ex pressed himself as being wonderstruck with tho great growth in that time. Other officials have recently gone over the city, and now realizing and appre ciating the importance of Araericus, we may expect the liberal policy begun to bo carried to a much groaterextent. A Record UninrpaMod. One of the quickest shipments of goods to this city from the cast was that made over the S. A. A M. a day or two since, mention of which was made In The Tiues-Rkcordek yesterday. The shipment consisted of six solid car .oads of granulated sugar, and was in transit exactly five days from the time it left the wharf in Philadelphia until it reached Amcricus, whither it was brought from Savannah by special through freight. ■The same train that brought the six car* of sweetness brought also seventeen cars of through freight from Cincinnati, Chicago and Kansas City, consigned to Amerlcus merchants. These came for ward with equal celerity, and the fact proves conclusively that when it comes to hustling tbe S. A. M. Is always up with the procession. The through train was in charge of conductor Howell Cobb, and was fol lowed by a local freight consisting of nearly thirty cars, gathered up at the various towns and lumber mills along the line. Many of these were left off here, while others loaded with yellow pine lumber went forward North West via the Central and the A Western. Pax op by Monday. Tne call on tbe stock of tho Amerlcus Manufacturing and Improvement Com pany must be paid up by Monday. Those who do not pay np by that time will be oLarged 34 canto on each share of stock for each day after that time. Buraias to S’ News reached the city the burning of Capt. residence In Buena Vista, currod yesterday afl and tha house was Most of the furniture cause was a defective ■ ■