The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 11, 1891, Image 5

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THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-REC This Correspondence Speaks for Itself, jtyit wlth-hold name, for obrioiu reason.). (A Office Peddle & Co. ) ^ Chicago, Feb. i, 1891* | Dear Sir:—We call your attention to the near approach of the spring season, and hope that we may receive your order for your spring suit of clothes. You have purchased of us be fore, and do not, therefore, need to be reminded of our terms or the liberal discounts and low prices we offer. Your measure is on our books, and at you request we will send samples of suitable materials from which you may select, or, if’ preferred, we will include your town in our Agent’s route and submit to you a full line of samples and styles. Your order will be filled with as little delay as possible, and is respectfully solicited by Yours very truly, Peddle & Co. Answer to Above. Americus, Ga., Feb. 6,1891. Messrs. Peddle & Co., Chica go, III., Gentlemen:—I shall not trouble your agent to call on me this season. When I purchased ot you it was be cause I thought that I could not get clothing in my own town which would be satisfac tory in price and fit. Having given a trial order to John R. Shaw, the champion Clothier and Outfitter of this city, I am so well pleased with the result in every way that,! shall con tinue to give him my patron age. Yours respectfully, acephalous. MANY MIXED MENTIONINQ3 OF Ml NOR MATTERS. Itsms too Short For a Bead Each, Gather- and PUeod In Thl, Column—Loral Happening, of a Brief Nature Caught on tho Fly by Our Reporter,. JOHN R. SHAW Announces to bis friends sod pat rons that he .It prepared to furnish THE BEST GOODS. IXM AND GUARANTEES PERFECT FIT At prices lower than any out side or other competing Clothier or Tailor. Call and see his Stock (the most extensive in Southwest i Georgia) of Beady Hade Clothing. Also his large line of SAMPLES Now the plenles In the meadows tslr Fill sU the woode with fun; Two forms with but one rustic chair— Two lips that meet at one. Services to-morrow at all the ohurohee. Mint jnlept are coming to the front again.' Work on the new gae plant will begin In a few days. The soda founts have been having big run the last lew days. The electric light bug la again with u», alter a pleasant stay In winter quar ters. Grannlated sugar now retails anywhere from fourteen to eighteen pounds for dollar. The new Ice factory will be running soon. The two factoriea will keep Amer- icua well supplied. Several of Americus citizens are talk ing of going up to Macon to witness the Cleveland-Pittsburg game of ball. The price of strawberries Is gradually growing cheaper. Soon wb will be eat ing those grown around Americus. Within sixty days you can be whirled over the city In eleetrio cars. The line wilt sorely be In operation In that time. The Americus National Building and Loan Association is prospering greatly, It is one of Americus’ pet enterprises, and all are glad to see it move 10 rapidly ahead. The Catholics of the city are taking vigorous stepsto build a church here, The members of the church say thery Is no doubt about the movement being made a success. The tennis club recently organized and mentioned in The Times-Recobder, daily adds to Its list of members. The courts will bo marked off next week, and the game will soon be begun. One grocer in Americus sold twenty- one barrels of granulated sugar to pri vate families. Others report sales equally large, and strictly wholesale dealers sold many times that amount The Americus Light Infantry has been invited to be in Columbus Memorial day. They will not attend, but assist in tbe exercises here, which will be more In teresting than any we have had in a long time. ^ The conductors are bustling things for their excursion to Omaha the 7th of May. It will be a splendid opportunity for all those who want an outing. The trip will be most pleasant, and at aroa- aonable price. There are now half a dozen artesian wells In Amerious, and more are being bored. The water la the best ot medl- olne, and becomes more popular every day. Tbe number of converts to It Is daily added to. Mr. H. L Norvell, one of the 8. A, AM. road’s best employes, has been promo ted from chief clerk In tbe agent’s of fice, to a position In the office of Mr. E. S. Goodman, general freight agent He is a young railroader of great ability and promise. Sheriff Forrest and Deputy Lamar are doing some splendid work for tbe ooun ty. Amoug other things they, assisted by Jailor Pace, are keeplngaelose watch upon the prisoners In the jail. Another attempt to escape was frustrated a few days since. A number of boys and young men were out at Furlow lawn yesterday af ternoon playing base-ball. Interest In tbe game is picking up every day, and tbe young men will doubtless soon or ganize a firet-class team. All will be out Monday afternoon. If you want to play, be sure and go out. Tbe enormous Amount of building go ing on in Americus is not .confined to any one portion of the city, but may be found In any and all parts. Out in tbe suburbs the same Is true, aud tbe sound of the saw, hammer and troVel la heard on all sides. A prominent contractor stated yesterday that he had more work on hand than he could possibly finish In six months. Married. Wednesday last Miss Inez Hill,, of Brownwood, and Dr. E. T. Drury,‘of 'Griffin, were joined iu'matrfmony at tbe home ot the bride by Bsv. J. B. Johnson, of this city. The bride is a sister of Mr. D. B. Ilill, and is well known here. She Is a young lady of many accoroplUh- menta, and has drawn around tyer n large circle of elose and admtring friends. Dr. Drury Is one of Griffin's leading citizens, and haa many friends over the state. Ton Times-Ukcobdeb joins in congratulating the newly wedded couple, and in wishing them a life of continued happiness. ' * A Smalt Blaze. A small house on Hampton street, .oc cupied by Joe -Dudley, colored, caught fire yesterday, and but for tho offorta of James Catledge, a -’rayrnan, would un doubtedly have been consumed. Cat- ledge discovered the fire lent work in putting it 01 Garden Seed, Sect Potatoes, Gol early corn, direct fi oit.otsea, and war ran Eldridge's drugstore. H. C. ODOM FAILS. A Prominent Leesburg Merchant Fashed to the Wall. H. C. Odom, a prominent Leesburg merchant, has failed. This was found out by some few In. Amerious Thursday night, and repre sentatives of creditors here were at oneo sent to that place. From these It was ascertained that tbe liabilities amount to (30,000, while Hr. Odom claims (IS,000 assets. There are two mortgages on the stock. Tbe first In the name of Hobbs & Tucker, bankers of Albany, to the amount of (6,000. (4,000 of this amount goes to Hammond,' Hill A Co., of Savannah. The second mortgage amounts In all to about (9,000, and ls to S. R. Weston, Albany, Bank of Southwestern Georgia, of this place, and others. Hobbs <k Tucker also hold a bill of sale to the still and other property. . All the other creditors are unsecured. Among them the heaviest losers are Moore, Marsh A Co., of Atlanta, (2,400; S. Waxelbsum, of Macon, (1,200. Americus gets off light. The heaviest creditor here Is the Bank of Southwestern Georgia, secured as above mentioned. The largest of the unsecured Is tbe Americas Groeery Company, the amount being (300. Theochersare small, Bo- rum, Davenport A Co. losing only $00, and H. D. Watts about tbe same amount. A few other still smaller debts are owed by Odom to parties here. In Americas, Macon and Atlanta there are about (4,000 unsecured. Thus, while Amerious does a big busi ness there, the inerohsuts get off light. There is some talk of the creditors ef fecting a compromise, and letting Mr. Odom continue his business. The failure is attributed to too many outstanding accounts and the crowding of some of the creditors, together with tho inability of Mr. Odom to borrow more money. He states that with a thousand or two more dollars to osrry him through the summer, be could have gone on and made money. THE - A US WILL RUN. So Hayf a Well Knowri Citizen Who Appears to be on the Inside ot Affairs. Their reputation circles the globe. Watches of all makes and grades, sold on easy terms. Join our WATCH CLUB. DIAMONDS! SOLD ON'INSTALLMENTS. Consult your interest and call on me. JAS. T. COTNEY, Telephone 108, 102 Forsyth St., ' Cor. Cotton Ave. 18 SIZE NO. 7. Chron. Bat, Fat. Reg., adj. to II., C., PoelUoa and tsochronlam, Nickel ... And now It Is stated upon tbe author Ity of a prominent business man, and one who is in a position to know where of he speaks, that a well-matured plan is now on foot to start the eleetrio can running again. In fact, ao confident Is he that success will follow the movement about to be Inaugurated, that be asserted positively that the oars would begin running in leu than sixty days. Jut what the plan proposed la wu not ascertained by the new* man, but there is no donbt but that aomething It on foot that will move tbe moton shortly. It la earnestly to be hoped that some feasible plan will be arrived et shortly upon which operations can be resumed. Few realized what an obsolete necessity the eleetrio railway''had become until the earn ceased running, and a prospect of an early resnmtlon of bulneu will be hailed with delight by the people generally, and more especially those who reside far out along the line of rail' road...,. Several plans have already been sug gested through tbe columns of Tux Times-Kkcordkr for the {storting up of the cars, but ell of these were more or leu objectionable. The business men of Amerious realize fully the necessity of tbit most Important atop, and stand ready and willing to give substantial aid to the enterpriu so soon at they are as sured that the affairs of the road will be judiciously and economically managed. Wedding Bells Will Bing. Favored ones In Americus aud Smith- ville received a day or two sluco, dainty oardt announcing the marriage on tbe 13th Inst., of Mr. W. T. Avora, of this city, and Mist Annie Thompson, of Smlth< "’e. The nuptial knot vflll be tied at tbe home ot tbe bride's father, Col. W. W. Thompson, and a host of the friends and relatives of the contracting parties will witness tbe Interesting ceremony which binds together these two hearts for weal or for woe. Mr. Avers, the groom elect, is a mem ber of the Avers Grocery Company, of this elty, and is a young man of sterling business qualities, as well as a great fa vorite among a large circle of friends. Miu Thomson is one of Smlthvllle's most charming and popular young la dles, and has reigned queen of hearts among a boat of admirers. Tlio young couple wilt reside at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Thompson, 610 Cbnrch street, and will be ■ welcome acquisition to society circles here. Almost an Accident. A negro boy came near accidentally killing a playmate yesterday. It was the itme old story of tho unloaded pistol. Two small boys got hold of an old rusty weapon, and playfully snapped It many timet. Finally one pointed It at the other and pulled the trigger. To the astonishment and terror of both, a re port followed. Thanks to the bad aim of the boy, the other was not touched, f -, Both jt* the d thrashing far their icir respective moth- To Frlnters. and Publish*™. The Times Publishing Company has for sale a portion of the newspaper and job outfit made surplus by the recent consolidation of tho Times and Recor der, consisting of one cylinder newspa per press, two Gordon job presses, one Hero paper cutter, one perforator, six stands, two imposing stones and tables, five hundred pounds of newt type, eto. This material and these presses are virtually new, having been In use only a year. A great bargain In prices and terms oan be secured by the right par ties. Address the Times Prblisihno Company, Amerious, Ga. The Baptist Convsntlon. Dr. A. B. Campbell has returned from tbe Baptist convention at HawkinaviUe, and reports a moat successful and pleas ant session. Regular services will he held at hli church to-morrow. - LUUs Things that Toll. It is the llttlethlngs that tell—little brothers for Instance, who hide away In theparior while slater entertains her bean,ate. Dr Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets arellttle things that tell. They tell on thever and tone up the ayatem. So. smalland yet ao effeotuaL they are rapidly supplanting the old-style pill; An in-fallible remedy for 8Ick and Billons Headaohes, Biliousness and Con stipation. Put up In vials, convenient to carry .Their use attended with no dla- comfort. • The celebrated flneat Tower Brand Razors. If not satisfactory In thirty days return It and get the money, at Db. Eldbuioe’s Dbdo stores. Firth Call. A call of 10 per cent, on tho capital stock of the Amerious Manufacturing aud Improvement Clmpany was made for April 1st, 1881, according to the by laws as they now stand. Monday, April 13th will be the last day of grace. A fine of 25c.a day per share will bo made after that date. John Wikdsob, Sec’y and Treas. Americus, Ga., April 4th, 1891. tI3. Qawkes Bye for their excellence* BULL & MKLEY 313—Lamar Street—313 We invite an inspection of the most select stock of DRESS GOODS, DRY GOODS, Notions, Shoes and Hats IN AMERICUS. Hawkes Spectacles, Glasses, celebrated at Dr. Kldrtage’s. ognet, Extracts, Toilet and. A verv tine To Kent. A nice front room on Jackson street suitable for an office or sleeping room, over the Davenport. Drug Co’s, store next to Library. Apply to D. F. I apr 7-lm. . Davenport. I have two or three nice rooms to rent, suitable for law offices' or bed rooms, near banks and postoffice. Call quick and get tbe pick. M. Callaway. apr B-tf. Garden drag Seed Potatoes, Seed Corn, Gi Seed, direct from Landreth s and ranted genuine, at Dr. Eldridge a Pz.RFt.CieO CRYSTAL LENSES THAOS MftRlle amiKyrnfUsiimy*. DAVENPORT DRUG CO. Pharmacists Have Exclusive s«ile of these Culkbba tkd GIsAkhkk in Americas, Ga. FAIJLKNER, KELLAM & MOORE, The only Manufacturing Opticians la , Atlanta, Geobgia. feiui ■ Our stock is replete in novelties. We keep the latest and most correct styles, in Novelty Suits, Silks, Grenadines, China Silks, Batiste, Henriettas, Tamise, Embroidered Flouncings, Black and White all over Embroidery, Lace Nettings, Lace Flouncings, Tissue ’D Inde, * Persian Mull, Silk Mull, Indian and Egyptian Divinity, etc. We won’t particularalize further, but ask the ladies to come and see. Our Goods are New and Eresh! We Keep the Latest Styles! We propose to be the the leaders of the Dry Goods business in Americus. We propose to keep the latest styles. We propose to be the leaders of low prices. We propose to give the best goods for the least money. We propose to keep no shoddy goods. We propose to give good goods for good money. Our motto is SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES. We are strictly a One Price House. We will give you prices never seen before in Americus. Come and See 1 Send^for'Samples! Fine Dress Goods a Specialty. BEALL & OAKL1 W. M. JONES, Agent for Columbia and otner Bicycles, at Bank of Soutbwc'cra Georgia. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Advertisement* will be inerted In UftJfl column at the rate of One Cent per Y~ each Insertion. No advertisement tskei than FIFTEEN CENTS. rices $35 to £135 Patronize Uoberta «& Baldwin when you want wood. They will aaw it any length, and deliver it at any time. apr0>12t. Cat tall millet! Cat tail millet! Want ed, 500 pounds, at Dr, * * J —•- J ■tore,®