The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 12, 1891, Image 5

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THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1891. Tbis Correspondence Speaks for Itself. la-hold names for obrioui reasons). ffice Peddle & Co. ) Chicago, Feb. i, 1891* j Dear Sir:—We call your attention to the near approach of the spring season, and hope that we may receive your order for your spring suit of clothes. You have purchased of us be fore, and do not, therefore, need to be reminded of our terms or the liberal discounts and low prices we offer. Your measure is on our books, and at you request we will send samples of suitable materials from which you may select, or, if • preferred, we will include your town in our Agent’s route and submit to you a full line of samples and styles. Your order will be filled with as little delay as possible, and is respectfully solicited by Yours very truly, Peddle & Co. AS IN A LOOKING GLASS f c hl“e*« lanterns, and the sweetest April flowers. RADIANT REFLECTIONS FROM SO CIETY’S MIRROR. Answer to Above. Americus, Ga„ Feb. 6, 1891. Messrs. Peddle & Co., Chica go, Ill., Gentlemen:—I shall not trouble your agent to call on rne this season. When I purchased of you it was be cause I thought that I could not get clothing in my own town which would be satisfac tory in price and fit. Having given a trial order to John R. Shaw, the champion Clothier, and Outfitter of this city, I am so well pleased with the result in every way that I shall con tinue to give him my patron age. Yours respectfully, A Buumi of the Social Ilolng, of a Week Who! America. Society People Hare Been Doing For Amuieinent—Several Chwnlng Entertainments. Americus donned her holiday attire the past week. Thebrightsunshine and balmy breezes marked the first week of spring. The ladles were out in full force, looking like spring blossoms dress ed in delicate tinted suits, and dainty hats making the prettiest pictures,fjrare and fair. The picnic season has arrived, and many pleasant excursions will doubtless be made to the sweet scented woods dur- ing the month of will soon be too warm for dancing and the moonlight picnic will he inaugurated to take the place of the gormans, which have added so much to the pleasure of the young people the past winter. , JOHN R. SHAW Announces to his friends and pat rons that he,is prepared to furnish THE BEST GOODS, BOB \ AND GUARANTEES PERFECT FIT Three very charming entertainments have already marked this week as a red letter one socially. Monday evening Miss Flora Wheatley tendered an ele gant progressive euchre party compli mentary to her guests, Miss Davanfc of Savannah, and Miss Annie Lou I)e Jar- nette, of Atlanta. The game played proved an exceeding ly interesting one. Several unique prizes were won by the successful contestants, and Miss Wheatley scored another so cial success. The costumes worn by the young la dies on this delightful occasion were very handsome. Dainty refreshments were served, and the fair visitors in whose honor the entertainment was giv en were the recipients of many compli ments. The company was composed of the following society favorites: Misses Davant, Annie Lou De Jarnette, Ibb Prince, Alice Wheatley, Nannie Lou Hawkins, Sarah Cobb. Messrs. Hugh Brown, G. W. Bacot, Marion Harper, James Lanier,Crawford Wheatley,Mont gomery Moses, Henry White, Eugene Hawkins and Walter K. Wheatley. The grand musical concert gilen under the auspices of Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Hin kle, on Tuesday night, for the benefit of the Baptist church, was a pronounced success. The program was most attractive, and the entire support was worthy of warm recognition. The large audience was so generous that not a member on the pro gram was allowed to pass without an encore. The musical standard of this entertain ment was extremely high, and it a com pllment to Americus for such artistic musicians to be able to hold the enthu siastic attention and admiration of such an immense crowd as graced the opera house on this occasion. Mrs. A. B. Hinkle has strong claims to distinction through her efficient and ingenious talent, her gifted powers as a vocalist and her calm and modest non chalance. She Is a beautiful and lovely woman, and won a large share of well merited applause. The matchless dramatic recitation rendered by Miss Rosalind Royal was superb, and the declamation by Master Cliff Clay was an excellent production. Americus is proud of this little boy. He Is a young genius, and it is doubtful If there is a boy in all Georgia who is pos sessed of such wonderful oratorical pow- He Is a drawing card for any enter tainment. The cornet solo by Professor Kaler was exquisite, and received loud en cores. Every feature of tho evening was pleasant, and many thanks are due the entire company for so charming an en tertainment. At prices lower than any out side or other competing Clothier or Tailor. Call and see his Stock (the most extensive in Southwest Georgia) of Ready Hade Clothing. Also his large line of CHOICE SAMPLES SPRING NOVELTIES For Suits to Order. 7 Forsyth St, • • Americas, Ga *8-17 Wednesday evening an Impromptu en tertainment was given by Mrs. M. L. Myrick to a party of young friends in her rooms in the Thomas building. Tlie youth and beauty of Amoricus was pres ent, and a delightful evening was en joyed. Tiie young ladies were gowned in beautiful parti-colored costumes, and were radiantly joyoua as' they grace fully glided tbrougli the beautiful figures of tho german so artistically introduced by tho leader, Mr. Henry White. A largo delegation of the visiting Knights of Honor were present and mingled most happily with the young people. Several were loud in their praises of the many beautiful women they bad seen in Americus, and certainly none were fairer than those who graced Mrs. Myrick'a pleasant rooms on Wed nesday evening, among whom were the following young ladies and their gallant escorts: Misses Davant, Annie lam DeJarnett, Ibb Prince, Amoret Gray, Julia Bran non, Flora Wheatley, Mervln Calloway, Nannie Lou Hawkins. Georgia Glover. Messrs. Hugh Brown, Henry White, Eugene Hawkins, U. Moses, Marion Harper, Sam Hawkins, Jr., Willis Haw kins, Joe Mardre, Water Crisp, Lester Windsor, Joe Hightower, W. A. Antl- lotti, C. B. Adams. • • • Friday night last “The Clnb” met In Leoton, at the beautiful cottage homo of Mr*. Henry Storey. The folding doors were drawn aside, throwing the pretty parlors Into one large reception room. Tho entire bouse was decorated With Mrs. Storey received the large member ship of the club most gracefully, and proved a most charming hostess. She was assisted In her pleasant role by her guests, Mrs. Carnahan and Mist Locke, of Ohio. The gowns worn by these ladies were very handsome, and very much ad- mird. Tho meeting was a full one, and the program was very entertaining and im proving. The contributions to the club journal were read. These original thoughts clothed in select language were a pleasure to all who heard them. An enjoyable selection was read by Miss Marla Harrold. Miss Annie Gyles also favored the audience with a choice selec tion which she read most admirably. Mr. Luther Bell read a good article exceedingly well. The music furnished by Miss Fannie Campbell, U. G. Anderson and W. Byrd added very much to the pleasure of the evening. After the completion of tho program an hour was spent in delightful social converse, during which delicious re freshments of chocolate and delicate cake were sumptuously served. The meeting was one of the most en joyable in the history of the club, and pleasant memories will ever re-echo from tlie charming evening spent at Mrs. Sto rey's lovely cottage. • • * The ladies of Leeton, the progressive little suburb of Americus, are rather more social than their busy city noigli bors. They have congenial gatherings every Thursday evening at the differ ent hones, indulge in tlie pleasant game of whist until B o’clock, when tea and cake is informally served. These enter tainments are devoid of all display, yet they are highly enjoyable, and this is social move that ought to be applauded. True hospitality can only bo dispensed in our homes. Shut the doors of home againt society, anil it is a ruined fail ure. JAS. T. COTNEY, ■) DEALER IIV Americus threw open wido her gates on Wednesday and welcomed into her midst the two hundred gentlemen who make up the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Honor of Georgia. They came from the mountains to tlie sea, and were a fino and representative body of men. They were cheerfully welcomed to Americus and royally entertained by their brother Knights during their stay in tlie city. The Knights of Honor should bo graci ously received wherever they go. Thoy are the dispensers of material happiness, the guardians of home and the friends of the good women and children of this great commonwealth; through their agencies the fatherless are provided for and the heavy burdens of the widow lightened. Knights of Honor they are In truth, and may this grand order live long and continue to grow in goodness and strength. The Knights, one and all, will ever be welcome in Americus. M. L. M. Dissolution Notice. heretofore existing has this day been dissolved by mutual consent All accounts must be settled Immediately. S. B. IIat.'kins, C. A. BltOOKH. Apr. 6-tus-thurs.-sun. Suits made to order, and fit guaranteed, for $15.00 and up ward at W. D. Bailey’s, The Haberdasher TELEPHONE 102, 102 Forsyth St., Americus, Ga. To 1’rlnt^f* anil Publishers. The Times Publishing Company lias for salo a portion of tho nowspapor and job outfit mado surplus by tho recent consolidation of tho Times and Recor der, consisting of ono cylinder newspa per press, two Gordon job presses, ono Hero papor cutter, ono perforator, six stands, two imposing stones and tables, five hundred pounds of nows type, etc. This material and tlioso presses are virtually new. having been In use only a year. A great bargain in prices and terms can bo secured by the right par ties. Address the Times Pudlishino Company, Americus, Ga. England has more women workers than any other country, In proportion to the population, twelve percent, of the Industrial classes are women, Little Things that Tell. It Is the llttlethlngs that tell—little brothers for Instance, who bide away In tbeparlor while sister entertains her beau,etc. Dr Pierce’s Plessant Pellets arollttle things thst tell. They tell on thever and tone up the system. So smslland yet so effectual, thoy ore between the undersigned under the rapidly supplanting the old-style pill, firm name of Drs. Hawkins Jk Brooks, An ln-falllblo remedy for Sick ^and For Sal*. One of tho celebrated Knabe Pianos used only a few years. A rare opportu nity. Call at once on i-wd-sn-apl2 Hill <fc Schneider. I.OTT WARItKX, REAL ESTATE, IX- HANCK, STOCKS. SC For Kent. One furnished room, vacant now. Also store room now occupied by P. L. Holt. Possession given May 1st. apr 12-tf P. L. noi.T. Can sell you the latest styles Derby at $3.50. W. D. Baliey, The Haberdasher. The celebrated finest Tower Brand Razors. If not satisfactory in thirty days return it and get tlie money, at Dii. Kldhidos’s Dbuo stokes. Fine Millinery. Mrs. M. T. Elam’s stock of *ino milli nery and fancy goods is now full and complete. Call and see all the latest novelties. apl2-lt Who makes the best Derby Hat in the world ? Knox the Hatter. Who sells them ? W. D. Bailey, The Haberdasher. For Sale. Refrigerator, In good condition, sulta- ble for small family, cheap^ Billons Headaches, Biliousness and Con stipation. Put ics, HU up In vials, convenient to carry.Thelr use attended with no dis comfort. Nobby Neckwear in lovely designs at W. D. Bailey’s, The Haberdasher. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LENSES apr 12-2t . P. Burt. LOTT WARIIKN, REAL ESTATE, IN- gUUANCE, STOCKS. Seod Potatoes, Seed Corn, Garden Seed, dlreot from Landreth's and war ranted genuine, at Dr. Eldridge'a drag All kinds of spring midsum mer underwear at W. D. Bailey’s, The Haberdasher. Perfumes, Colognes, Extracts, Toilet Water, Toilet Soaps. A ?ery tine ass01 tr ment at Dr. Eldridge’a. DAVENPORT DRUG CO. Pharmacists Have Exclusive sale of these Celkhua tkd Glasses In Americus, Ga. FAULKNER, KELLAM & MOORE, The only Manufacturing Opticians in the South, Atlanta, Gkoboia. nov-2V6m. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Advertisements will be Inserted In tbis column at the rite of One Cent i«r Word for esch insertion. Xo advertisement taken for less than FIFTEEN CENTS. ROOMS TO KENT. Vf ANTED. GOOD .t.*n tot ko lh« District agency 1 nr best and most I htr*l ^onrativ. Life LmMlatlon In th. Untied .test tb-rul «.r«miem*nl with right m Adir. »W.H. Murdoch, Americus Hiatus men. . Georgia A THREE EooM bouse on Elmore street. Immediate poeetsslon. tt. M. Con sir. , H u eNo.60S,Lamar Street. Fourrooms, aprS-it. M ks. 4. J. Olovkb. HO AHDKKS WANTED. OUR FRONT Is in and our store is nearly finished. We are now prepared to show tho most complete stock of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Motions and Fancy Goods in the city. We will give you rock bottom prices. OUR SALESMEN Are polite and attentive, and will give you cheerful and courteous service. We love to show our goods; we don’t call it tfoublc, but business. We have the best line of PLAID DRESS GOODS, Henriettas, Tamise, Gloria, Silk Sublime, and Novelty Suitings in Americus. • BLACK DRESS GOODS. This department is complete from » 40-inch All-Wool Henrietta at 50 cents per yard to the best and heaviest Gros Grain Silk Half Wool Goods in this line from 10c. to 25o. poryard. Our Black Embroidered Flounoings are beautiful, and the latest de- 1.. Something special in Black Silk Hull - DRESS TRIMMINGS. In this line we are the leadere, and excel all competitors. In this line is found applique Tinsel Jewel and Passamentary Trimmings. Silk trim mings in Brocade, Striped Plaid and Persian effects. ' BLACK HOSIERY. An elegant line of fast Black Hosiery for Men, Ladies and Children. OUR NOTION STOCK ' Is full and complete in Embroidery, Laces, Gloves, Ilankerchiefs, etc. OUR WHITE GOODS STOCK is immense. . -w - Attention, Housekeepers. Large Stock and Low Prices on Table Damask, Napkins, Doiliei Towels, etc. We quote no prices on paper; prefer making our prices over the counters. Our prices will speak for us. Como and he convinced. We will prepay express charges on all goods ordered from us to tho amount of $5.u0 and upwards. BEALL & OAKLEY 313 LAMAR STREET. 1 tv. SI. JONES, Agent for Columbia and other BIcjeiM, at Bank of Mouthwet'em Georgia. Fifth Call. A call of 10 par cent, on the capital stock of the Americus Manufseturing and Improvement Clmpany was msde for April 1st, 1801, xooording to the by laws as they now stand. Monday, April 13th will be the last day of grace. A fine of 3So.a day per share will be made After that date. John Windsor, See'y and Trcas. Americus, Gil, AprlMth, 1801: tl:l. Prices $39 to $139. Hawke* Spectacles, E»wke» Eye, Glasses, celebrated for their excellence at Dr. Eldrtage's. SHINGLES, SHINGLES. ties wiiiin, an i car-load lots. nglea, 4,6 ibvral d*5» Patronize Roberts A. Baldwin when you want wood. They will saw it any length, and deliver it at any ttye. apiD-ltit. . . Cat tail millet! Cat teiferillet! Want ud, 500 pounds, at Dr. Eldridge'a drag store.