The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 12, 1891, Image 6

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e 6 THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: SUNDAY, APRIL 12, 1891. HORNED TOADS AS PEI’S. THE REPULSIVE REPTILES ARE VERY POPULAR IN THE WEST. They Cun lie Tamed and Afford Much Amusement—They Are Kent Interest* In* Crenturc.—Remark. by a Dealer Who Sell. Many of Them Annually. “Of oil the eurione objects for pets,” said tile curio man, "1 thin): that the homed toad will take the palm." "Are they popular ns domestic ani mals?" asked the one to whom this re mark was offered. "I gmroi you'd think so if you knew how many we sell in the course of tho year, to say nothing of nil those that aro caught on tho spot and carried home in triumph by those who fancy such things. * “Who does?" asked the reporter. "Well, children are very fond of them. They seem to think that it's no end of fun to see them ran around, cat flies, and 'burrow themselves deep in the oand." “How are they treated when in < ap- tivity?” "Pretty much as we treat them. 1 suppose. You can see for yourself," said the curio man. leading the way to one side of his crowded store, where in a great, round, deep glass tank were half a dozen or more of the funny little fel lows sprawled out upon their sandy do main. One seemed asleep, the others were moving with more or less degree of animation Ono was trying to mount an elevation furnished by the back of a comrade, and having attained that height the rogue balanced himself upon bis hind legs and tried to climb up the glassy sides of the tank. But In this he was not successful, and after slipping back a most discouraging number of times he gave it up as a bad job. Two others scorned to be assuming a belligerent at titude, to which the owner at once called the attention of his visitor. THEY ABE QDEEIt PETS. “Do you see that?" said he. “Some of those fellows are the greatest fighters imaginable. They take a dislike to each other, and never rest until they have fought it out to the death. The old one there is especially vicious. "These honied toads are to be found in sandy wastes. 1 have heurd of their 1 being caught out at the Mission, but of that I can't speak poaitively. These here came from Arizona, although we have received them from much nearer home. “At Redlands the boys catch ever so many, and the Chinese eat them. They just akin off that coat of mail and eat the inside. Besides, they highly prize the oil. which is contained in a little pouch somewhere within the anatomy of a horned toad. I “The toads are shipped to us by ex press in boxes, sometimes as many as twenty or more in the same box, and by the time they are released from their confinement they are all wound togeth er, until they look like a writhing, ani mated mass of wriggling legs and squirming tails. “As soon as they teem to consider it u safe thing to do they unlock their travel ing grip and begin to look about. Then 1 sell them. They bring from fonr to six hits. 'Bow long do they live?* Oh. 1 don't know, i have known them to live three or six months in perfect health, and with every prospect of con- tinning in that state, when they were brought to an nntimely end by being stepped on. If there is one thing above another that a horned toad cannot stand it’s being stepped on. It seems to flatten him out. os it wore." “Aren’t yon becoming very facetious?" asked the reporter. “Not at all: that Is the nsna) fate of a pet homed toad. You see, they ore great travelers and like to keep running abont Nearly everybody who has a honied toad thinks it is so cute to see him try to climb up out of his box, and the first thing you know he bus suc ceeded in getting out of his box and is running about on his own hook." HOW TO KEEP THEM. “Can thoy be tamed? Do they seem to know one human being above another?" were the next questions. “Those who buy them maintain that they do Why, 1 sold one to a Indy who lived ut the Palace hotel, and siio al lowed him the freedom of her apartments when she went out, and she told me that on her return he would run to meet her. no matter where bo had hidden himself. He was finally stepped on. Another, a dear old lady, said that her grandchil dren made fnn of her, and declared she thought the homed toad scratched his toe-: on the floor in response to her chir- rup, but she said he really did not go quite so far os that, although lie was very knowing “What do they live on? Oh. on flies and insects 1 have known them, though, to go for a month without eating any thing There is this that must be ro- ineiubered if yon wish to keep your toad alive—give him plenty of sun. The best house for him is a fish globe filled with a deep bed of nice clean sand. Met this in the sun, and throw in some live flies now and then, and Mr. Toad will thrive, if be wants the flies he'll catch then and devour them quicker than a wink. If he doesn’t do so you may know it’s be cause lie's not hungry. ‘And I must not forget either to tell yon that while they are perfectly hurm- Iraa they get themselves into towering rages, ft makes them mad to be tickled under the chin. They Unto be smoothly stroked down the back. If yon poke him on the side bs will bend way down as if in response to yonr touch.”—Ssn Francisco Call. Ineffective Draft. "It a great pity that physicians so rarely keep their own supplies of staple drugs,*’ remarked a venerable disciple of Hippocrates. “Some country physicians do, but in the city the practice is fast dying out. Yet the great majority of tho vegetable extracts on the shelves of apothecaries’ shops -are unreliable in their quality. The herbs used are not collected at the right season of the year, and are not properly cured, the strength varying according to the differences of the soil and climate where the plants grow. “Vegetable remedies are easily adul terated. and they are usually prepared by men who lack the knowledge re quired tor proper selection, manipula tion and manufacture. Light, heat and atmosphere all bring about chemical changes, and in the course of time tho druggists’ preparations, even if originally good, become inert and worthless. Let the pharmacist be ever so capable, he cannot propound a good prescription if he uses worthless crude drugs. “The druggist and pharmacist make their preparations to sell, while the phy sician who makes his own medicines ex ercises the care required to produce tho proper effects. It is to tho impurity and inertness of the materials furnished for prescriptions that much of the disap pointment of physicians in the results of the treatment is attributable.”—Fall River Herald. ! For Rent: Two Excellent Melon Farms ONE RESIDENCE. Didn't Care for Sap. He had come from the west to see Bos ton. One evening, a moment or two if ter leaving his lodgings, he was seen to take a knife from his pocket, cut a ieep gash in a tree and walk on. He re peated this at intervals along the street. Cautions as he seemed to think him self his mutilations had not escaped the notice of several citizens, who felt a sort of “woodman, spare that tree” venera tion for the tall maples. *‘Say, mister,” said a burly citizen, np ! preaching the stranger, “don’t you think r% ffX"\XT you had better let those trees alone? Too ** early for sap, you know.” “I don’t care for sap,” w^» the reply, j “Then what in the deuce are you driving at with that toad sticker?” “Well, what do yer snpiK>se? Here I’ve been in this ere town three days, and haven’t been able to find my way homo once. I walked around the com mon three times last night, and then 1 had tei hire a cab. Why don’t you straighten your streets? But 1 don’t mean to get left to-night; I'll know this street when 1 strike it I’ll feel iny way by those nicks in the trees.” An bumble apology for the streets ot the part of the Bostonians followed. Finally a map of Boston was presented to the stranger on condition that he would spare the trees.—Pittsburg Dis patch. FOR SALE: Some Central and Suburban and Busi ness property, and SUiWuLgoA-, Wo can now say WHOLESALE DRUOS, and as an evidence, call and examine our Stock and Prices. As to RETAILING DRl’GS, we will give this department MORE and CLOSER attention than ever before, assuring everyone of prompt and competent attention. Goods from us will be delivered to any part of llte city, and free on board the ears. We are offering a very large stock, for Americas, of the following articles:— In Patent and Proprietary Medicines. s. si. s. i*. p. i». 15. B. B. C. O. <J. K. K. R. W. W. C. I). D, Gr. Scott’s Emulsion, Rrown’s Iron Ritters, Bearsfoot and Sarsaparilla, Lemon Elixir, 2 sizes, Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, ii sizes, King's"Disetivery, 2 sizes, Simmons’ Liver Regulator, Cuticura Remedies, Tntt's Pills, Carter’s Little Liver Pills, Derma Lotion, 2 sizes, Stone’s Cod Liver Oil, Hosford’s Acid Phosphate, Barker’s Horse and Cattle Powders, Warner’s Safe Cure, King’s Royal Germatuer. In Rubber Goods. Fountain Syringes holding from pint to one-half gallon, A Good Family Syringe, from 75c. to $2.50. Water Bottles holding pint to half gal. Nipples. Nursing Bottle Fittings. E- A* HAWKINS. A ttorney at l\w, office up stair • “—*' , on Granberry corner. BUTT & LUMPKIN.; w A ttorneys at law, AmernJ, < Office in Bariovr Block, up aiairs. W. P. WALLACE. ^T.ORNEY AT LAW America* Wl 11 practice m all courts. Office over Natlonx! J. A. HIXON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Americua, Ga. A office iii Hanley building, opposite Con-i House. Prompt attention given to all business. Iuu5-U. E. F. Hutton. e. H. Cutts. HINTON & CUTTS. A ttorneys at law. practice. . tu« State Hiid Federal Courts. Office ova* Hart Building, on Forsyth street, inarl-lj R ’BT. L- MAYNARD, ^TTORNEY’ and Counsel!' Law Proo ptbnd careful at tention given to ad btiMii.eMM entrusted t * me. b»mnr street over P. L. Holts.* T. L. HOLTON. A T X?'I’M ASR,.fif«i!f 8 .SfrfcSS tlce In all the coiintlesof the State. Prompt i to ail coliectlo. s entrusted ANSLEY & ANSLEY. A ttorneys at law, Americns, Ga Will practice in the counties ot Sum ter, >cliley, Macon, Dooly, Webster, Stew art, in the Supreme Court, and the United States« our-. DuPont OUKBr.v. Macon, 3a, GUERRY & SON; L AWYERS, Americus, Oa. Office In Peo ple’s National Bank Building, Lamar street. Will practice iu Sumter Superior and County Courts, and In the Supreme Court. Our Junior will regularly attend the sessions of the Superior Court. .The firm will take special cases in any Superior Court on Southwestern Railroad. J. M. R. WESTBROOK. M. D. P HYSIC! AN AND SURGEON. Office residence, next house toC. A. Hunting ton, Church street. feb 7 tf In Perfumery. Choice Stocks. A Berth In Heaven for Sale. When Thomas Cruae, tho bonanza king, made the famous sale of the Dram Lummon the news went all over the country. For a man to jump from pov- ery to a millionaire's affluence almost in a day was an unusual thing even in a mining centre. The result was a stream of letters to Mr. Cruse from cranks of aU sorts. He remembers one of them par ticularly. It was from a minister in Washington. He announced that he hod by some unknown means secured a good berth in heaven, the value of which was beyond estimate. It was a “sure thing," and the minis ter was willing to make an affidavit to ita existence. Ho had heard of Mr. Cruse's sudden rise to wealth, and thought an opportunity was offered for a fair exchange. He was not entirely willing to relinquish his claim on the future snap, hut ho offered to give half the berth if Mr. Cruse would in return send his check for half his fortune. Mr. Crnse decided that as matters looked then the minister would get the best of the bargain, and he declined to consider the offer.—HelenafMont.) Independent. A Brain Disturber. A Neosha county farmer sent this mixed order to a Chanute merchant: “Send ms a sack of. flour, five pounds of eofe and one pound of tee. . My wife gave birth to a big baby boy last night, abo five pounds of com starch, a screw driver and a fly trap. It weighed ten pounds and a straw bat—Kansas City The Swallow* Are Wrong. The British glowworm is steadily de creasing in numbers, and entomologists fear that it will become extinct as well os extinguished. This is due to the reck less system of nest lighting practiced by swallows. These ingenious birds fasten glowworms to tho sides of their neats, but inasmuch as the glowworm resents tliis liberty by an early death it takes nn enormous quantity of glowworms to light ono fashionable nest during the season. The members of the British associa tion (ornithological section) aro discuss ing the possibility of inducing the swal lows to light their nests with electricity derived from the backs of British cats, but if the birds decline to adopt the electric light—and it is only too proba ble that they will decline—tho early ex tirpation of the glowworm seems to be a melancholy certainty.—Park Herald. BUY NOW. Real Estate Agent. Feb. 1-1 jr THE FURNISH THE LATEST PAPEES NOVELS, MAGAZINES Fashion Plates. Lazzell’s Odors, Persian Bouquet Special. Crab Apple Blossom. LaBclle Cologne. Lunborg’s Perfumes. Edeina. Swiss Lilac. Goya Lily. Soaps. A very Large Assortment of Pears’ and Eel’s Toilet Soaps. G. T. MILLER. M- D. P HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office a I)Mveii|>orl'a Drugstore,and residence corner Church and Prince streets. d A. FORT. M. D. O FFICE At Dr. Kldrldge’s drug store Can be found at night In his r om, over t* Idrldge'- dmn nlore. Burlaw Block. DR. T. J. KENNEDY, M- D- P HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Having live years experience, and recently Thermometers. Fever Thermometers, Urinometors, Lactometers, “Old Probabilities.” Garden Seed. Field and Flower Seed. Mixed Paints. White Lead, Linseed Oils, Varnishes, Colors in Oil, Paint Brushes. Toilet Articles. Combs, Brashes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Face Powders. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Eye-Glasses. We bottle largely Cologne, Castor 01], Turpentine, Bateman’s Drops, Paregoric, Laudanum, Spirits Camphor, Extract Lemon, Extract Vanilla (from best Beans) and many other preparations. We solicit patronage. RETAIL. WHOLESALE. Respectfully, DAVENPORT DRUG CO., :S22 Lamar St„ 318 Jackson St. C. M. WHEATLEY, Pres’t. CRAWFORD WHEATLEY, Vice Pres’t. B. H. JOSSEY, Seo’y A Treas. C. C. STONE, Supt. The Americus Construction Company, Successors to C. M. Wheatley A Co. Have the largest stock of DlX L TIMBER Both Bough and Dressed, ever held in the city, with unequalled capacity for the execution of fine work. They will furnish the trade with Sasli, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Stairwork, Pnlpits, Pews, COUNTERS, SHELVING, MOULDINGS, ORNAMENTS, ETC. Prompt attention given all orders. . Write for Cataloguo and prices pre- J t<> oiler his profess inn mI nervine ... American and surrounding vicinity. < alls left on his shite ut Dr. Eldridire’s drug utoie will receive prompt attention. At night can be found In his office room over El dritlge’s drug store, Harlow block. feb5-Iy. TWELFTH A1919UAlt STATEMENT OK Til K FIBELri'T I-LIFE-HU, 314 P/alDot Street, fOiiadeipiila, Pa. Income to Jao. 1,1891, Including balance, 1846,750.30 Disbursements for Losses and Ex- . pense of Management 491,800.11 INVESTED ASSETS. Real Estate and Mort gage Loans 4220,044.03 Bonds, Stocks and Loans on Collateral.. 81,784.10 C>sh In office, Banks and Trust Co 12 554.00 Bills Receivable, Ledg er balances, ete 40,167.10 „ .. . A . 4355,450.19 Contingent Assets 755,340 01 Total Assets 41,008,186,33 INSURANCE IN KOKCE. Jan. 1, 1891,12,176 Policies, repre senting 426,955,650.00 The annual expense dues are llmlt-a to 44 per41,000 insurance and the mortality companies. The new bunlri 1 412.01 per $1,000 insurance, as against a' In 18'0 cost the Fidelity .trance, as against b i overage cost of over 44u in old line cotnpan- The cash assets of the Fidelity are tweu • ty-elght times Its ascertained liabilities, aa against a ratio of 41.12 to each 41 liability lu old line companies. The Fidelity has already saved to Ita pollcv holdeisin twelve years,us comp rnpsr- ibree pouev noiucisin twelve years,us c< ed with old line premiums, ».ve million dollars. Its policies are plain, t ntccbnlca), ant) rre guaranteed on the sante principal that Government»onds are guaranteed. I« O. Fouhe President. DUNN & L0YLESS, Managers <l-tr AMEBIUCS. GA. Office and Factory, COR. BAY & JACKSON STS. Telephone Xo. 78. Uptown Office, Xo. JACKSON ST. Tolophonp 110. CRAWFORD WHEATLEY, Pres. ARCHIE R ELDRIDGE, Gen’l Mang' ••Satoral History." A claos in natural history was called up for recitation. The teacher talked to them a while about the relations of Will receive subscriptions friendship between man and unimnls. r and then asked a girl Do animals really possess the senti ment of affection?" “Yes, almost always." said tho little girl. "And now." said the teacher, turning to a little hoy. “tell me what animal has tho greatest natural fondness for man.” "Womanl" said tho boy. — Youth's Companion. for any paper or oubication. Thought Ho Wti a Violin Ut. Mr. Lake Streets (on bis first visit to London}—Say, cabby, what’s that statne? Cabman—That's the IT Albert memo rial, sir. Mr. Lake Street®—Oh, yes; heard him play the .fiddle at homo. The British must take more stock in him than we dick—Texas Siftings. Rcportortal Memories. Mother—I am glad to hear yon went to church today. What waa the sermon abont? Adnlt Son (a reporter)—1 don’t know, mother; l haven’t written ont my notes yet—Good Newt '.'tL : ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. PLACE. Mardre’s Book Store; Americus News Co. The Americus Refrigerating Co. Respectfully state that their new Ice Factory will start the manufacture of Ice in a short time and will be prepared to furnish Pure Crystal Ice in any quantityfrom a pound to a car load. Their Refrigerating Chambers will also soon be in readiness for the preservation of all perishable food products and will be perfect in every particular. For further partic ulars either telephone, write or call on INE SHOW CASES, -rennv* . for catalogue. ?ERRV M’F’G CO.. Nashville, Teni# THE AMERICUS REFRIGERATING CO., Office & Factory Cor. Jackson & Bay Sts., on Central R. R. J. I*. MoVEY, proprutor, Manufacturer of Every Variety of Bawa and dealer ®AW MILL SUPPLIES. Special attention given to. Repairing. Agent for W.L. Power A Co.'a Celebrated. Wood Working Machinery. Large end Won Selected Stock ready for ehlpmeat Prieeelow. Libera! term.. Write for catalogue. mayZ-d&wlyear ATLANTA, - GEORGIA ■Miki-.-i THE BEST TH«NG OUT REST YOUR WIVES| YOUR WINTERS! YOI'R COUSIN"! end YOUR ADNTRf "THE UTILS SEWING MACHINE MAN" Wants all the ladies to call uud see the latent SEWING MACHINE MOTOR. Artesian Corner. 8 pe p niu? , . ,,ldin * 1 SHINGLES -AND- LUMBER BeringJuat flntebed en outflt to menu, fgrture the ebon- named aril ole. we arw prepared to rurntab them on abort notice. HatUfaellon guarantee '. Will deliver at Parfcera Station, loo mite, from A mart on a. on S. A. A M* Bi R-" Addri Oa. R. a. WILSON ACO. ini at Leslie Knights of Honor Tbe Loageln Amerietu la are- ten yaare .mrwa.,on.„p I Vto oK rt tejVagBM Un purer t