The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 15, 1891, Image 3

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=#= THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-ftECORDEEi WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1891. \ DOCTOR ACKER'S! ENGLISH CURE Consumption It tnkon In; time. *' Yon can't afford to bn without It."! A tS cant kottlo may nave you $100 In Doc-! tor’a bill*—may tava your III, I ASX YOURI ORUGGISTFOR IT. It the little onto hare * CROUP | WHOOPINC COUGli! USE IT PROMPTLY. IT IS: BOUND TO CURE. Sold In! lor It. tXd. and! i. a bottle-! cv-u-t tut rra«e. IT TASTES COOP, j S. H. HAWKINS Pres't. H. C- BAGLEY. Vico Prot'l W. E. MURPHEY. Cashier. ORGANIZED 1870. -dQThe Bank of Americus.g«- Designated Depository State of Georgia. Stockholders individually liable. Capital* - 81«o,(km) Surplus, - - - K 100,000 DIRECTORS H. C. Bagley, Pres. Ainencus Investment Co. P. C. Clegg, l*res. Ocmulgee Brick Co. Jas. Dodson, of Jas. Dodson & Son, Attorneys. O. W. Glover, Pres’t Americas Grocery Co. 8. H. Hawkins, Pres't 8. A. A x. Railroad. 8. Montgomeiy, Pres’t Peonies National Bank. J. W. Sheffield, of Sheffield & Co., Hardware. T, Wheatley, wholesale dry goods. W. E. Murphey, Cashier. THE BANK OF SUMTER T. N. HAWKES, O. A. COLEMAN, President. Vice-President. W. C. FURLOW, Cashier. DIRECTORS- O. A. Coleman, C. C. Hawkins, B. n. Jossey, T. N. Hawkoa, W. C. Furlow, TV. H. C. Wheatley, It. S. Oliver, H. M. Brown, W. M. Ilawkos, Dr. E. T. Mathis, Arthur Eylander. Liberal to Its customers, accommoda ting to the public and prudent in Its management, this hank solicits deposits and othor business in its line. S. MONTGOMERY, Prut. J. C. RONEY, Vlcn Prut. JNO. WINDSOR- C'r. LESTER WINDSOR Ant. C'r. E. A. HAWKINS, Attorney NO. 2830. THE- Peoples’ National Bail Of Americas. Capital, 850,000. Surplus, 825,000 ORGANIZED 1883. .'JOHNSON, V.Prei. :1m. W. P. WALLIS, Gen.Atty, REN, Sec. andTrcas. THE<»- and Loan Association. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. - 850,000,000. OVER $200,000 WORTH OF STOCK . ALREADY SOLD. Mnney loaned at fl per cent, principal. And Intercut payable In easy monthly install* menu. Lai go proflu secured to inventor*. DIRECTORS: of J Law; T. M. A'lcn. Experienced Building and Loan Manager; Lott Warren, Secretary and Treaa. Mutual H A L. H, Hawkins, Prea. 8. A. A M. By.; J. 11. Felder, Mayor of Americas *nd Pre*. Street lty. 4-11 *M dAwly H. C. Baolky, Prea. W. E. Hawkins, Sec. A Tr. Americas Investment Go. Investment Securities, Paid up Capital, $1,000,000. ISurplus, $260,000. DIRECTOns: H C Bagley, W E Hawkins, S W Coney, W S Glllls, J W Sheffield, P C Clegg, WM Hawke., BF Mathews, G M B.vnc, W E Murphoy, S Montgomery, J H Pharr. B. P. Hollis. CAPITAL STOCK, SURPLUS* Undivided Profit., - * Bank of Soathwestern Georgia. * M. SPEER, J. W. WHEATLEY, President. Vie* President. W. H. C. DUDLEY, A. W. SMITH, Cashier. Assistant Ceuhler. DIRECTORS; J. W. Wheatley, E. J. Eldridge, C. A. Huntington, II. R. Johnson, R. J. Perry, J. 0. Nicholson, A. W. Smith, W. II. C. Dudley, M. Speer. Men and Ilone. Pall HO Feet. James Wilson and John Martin, resid ing near Edwardsville, went to New Al bany recently to procure a coffin in which to bury James South. On their return from the city the heavy vain storm came up, and the sky became so dark that they were unablo to see the road ahead of them, and they trusted to their horses to take them safely along the dangerous highway. At the point where the storm overtook them the road winds around the high hills, and in many places passes near high precipices. The rain was pouring down in torrents, aud it was only when the lightning Hashed they were enabled to see the road at all. Suddenly there was a brilliant flash of lightning, followed by a doufening peal of thunder, which stunned the men and seemed to stagger the horses. Before they could recover from tho shock the horses and wagon fell over a precipice, and all went down a distance of 110 feet. Some men who were passing heard the cries of distress and wi-llt to their assist ance. They found the men and the horses and wagon in a deep hollow, more than one hundred feet below where the road passes the top of the precipice. Wilson was almost unconscious, while his companion lay near him bruised and bleeding. One of the horses was dead and the other so badly crippled that it had to bo killed. The wagon and the coffin were both smashed to pieces. The men were gotten ont of the place and taken to their homes. Wilson is the most seriously Injured, and it is thought lie cannot live. Martin's injuries are of a serious nature, and his recovery is matter of considerable doubt.—Louis ville Commercial. Wkut It C'OMtH to Live In a Hotel! The boarding house habit seems to be continually on tho decrease in New York and new restaurants spring up in every direction. As soon as a new hotel with gorgeous appointments is opened hun dreds of the curious in matters gastro nomic go thither to dine. As soon as fashionable ten story apartment house is opened there aro scores of families eager to pay high rates for its shelter. Tho hotels this season are unusually crowded and prices for permanent lodg ing are enormous. A man of my ac quaintance recently asked the proprietor of a well known hotel on Fifth avenue what would lie the price per week to himself and his family—four persons in all—for a moderate sized suite of rooms. Tho price named was nearly $200 week. That was an old established house, however. Tho new ones are charging less for the purpose of having all apartments occupied before May 1 when new contracts with lodgers will be made.—New York Star. The Hrmvtilnjj Society Stilt Lives. The flyaway squibs on tho decline of Boston interest in Browning that have appeared in certain papers—chiefly in the funny columns—could not be better refuted, if they were worthy of refuta tion at all, than by the gathering of Browning lovers at the Hotel Brunswick. Over 150 members of the Boston Brown ing society came together in tho large parlor of tho Brunswick for the first meeting of the society after its Sommer recess, and had an interesting and en thusiastic meeting. There was a brief business meeting nt which eight new members were elected. The society has taken np for its enter tainment and study this winter the great poet's longest and most elaborate work, “The Ring nnd the Rook.”—Bos ton Advertiser. Pulled a Tenth for a Princess. Dr. William C. Boswell, a young and skillful dentist, who, coming from Balti more, located in London last spring, had flie honor of pulling a tooth from the royal month of tho fair Princess Maud of Wales last week. It was a wisdom tooth and it hated to let go. The prin cess screamed liko a locomotive. Dr. Boswell got £10 ($50) for the job, and of conrso tho advertisement is a priceless one. As for the royal tooth, tho doctor has mounted it and enshrined it in a vel vet ^ase.—Eugene Field in Chicago News. Child Suicides. The Medical and Surgical Reporter is authority for tho statement that from Jan. 1 to Sept. 1, 1800, 02 children—46 boys and 10 girls—committed suicide in Berlin. Of this number 24 had attained the age of 15, 14 their 14th year, 9 their 13th, while 7 were only 12 years of age and 1 had not attained the ago of 7. In most of the cases tho immediate cause for the act remains a secret, bat it is supposed to have been due to exceptional severity on the part of servants or teach ers. E. Btmn,1Jit., Pres. H. M. Kkapp, V. P. [O. A. Cor.KMAN, Sec, a Troas, Negotiates Loans on improved Farm and City Property. The Trouble with u Pipe. The rise in cigars is producing a resort to the pipe. The smoker will probably reconcile himself to the difference, but the one behind tho smoker will lament tho change. When you smell a cigar yon smell that cigar only. When a pipe favors you it gives you not only itself bnt a feeling reminiscence of all its pred ecessors.—Exchange. B P Hollis, Attorney, J E Bivxxs. Land Examiner. W. D. MUMMY, PRESIDENT. i. I CURL CASHIER. Planters’ Bank of EHaville, KUavfll*. Georgia. PAID UP CAPITAL, - - *2.7,000 Collections a Specialty. Liberal to It* customer*, accommodating to the pubUo and prudent In It* management, ' bank solicit* deposits and other bneineee in It* line. JenS-dandy. LOANS. Loana negotiated atLOWEST RATES. Eaay payments, on city or farm lands. J. J. HANKSLKY, Oct 6 ly Americas, Georgia. . Respectable Poverty. Miss Baqne Bey—I understood you to say, mamma, that the Emersons were wealthy. Mrs. Baqne Bey—Are they not? Miss B. B.—I should say not. Every body at church today had on new fall spectacles, except Miss Emerson. She wore her summer glasses.—Cape Cod Item. for Infants and Children. “Castorlakio well adapted to children that I recommend !tas superior to any prescription known tome.” H. A. Angara, II. D., 111 So. Oxford 8L, Brooklyn, N. T. “The iiae of 4 Castoria • la 00universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within eagy reach.” m ^ _ Carlos Marty*, D.D., New York City. Late Pastor BloonUngrtaki Reformed Church. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes dl* pcstlon. Without injurious medication. ** For several years I have recommended your * Castoria. * and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results,’* Edwin F. Pardee, H. D., "The Winthrop,” 180th Street and 7th Ave^ New York City. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA soutliwostern Division. Correct Schedule, No. 22, In Effeot April 12,1891 SAVANNAH At WESTERN DIVISION Schedule yp. 10, taking effect Apr. I2tb, 1891. No. 5, Between Havnimab aud Birmingham] No.6. Doily. vU American, Daily. 7 4t»pm leave Havnnnah Arrive 740pm ' Lyon" lt«am 5*0 • American 0 40 uni , . Rueiitt Vista ft85pm 1120 Atrive CoiuiiibuE,.... Leave 360 • <*>o m Mirrntnyhnm 8 0*a m Tux Cmrraua Compart, 77 Mcxray Strut, Nsw York. Americus Ironworks, . BUILDERS OF Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills; Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, Jets, Etc. Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys @3“Special attention given Machinery. Telephone 79. to repairing all hinds of 2-13-4m No. U Daily. Past Mai 285p m 4 hi •• 535 - 10 211 “ 0 15a in • *• EAST BOUND. Lv. AmertcHi* Ar \r. Fort Valley Lv. “ Marou " “ Atlanta " •* Augusta “ *• ««vivnn»h “ No. 6 No. 7 Dally PasMnger 11# p in >1 -‘3 h ni la »i * “ 710 ‘ 4 Uiopm 0 37 p ro 8 00 44 940 44 2 1ft * 4 r 00 a m 64i. 44 No. ft Pally, Fast Slid! 1 8 pm 130 •• 1 12 ** 7 20 ’♦ WEST BOUND. No. 9 Dally Fast Mail 2 3ft p iu 130 44 llift a m 7 40 a m No. 8 Hally Passenger 3 25 a m 12 at 44 lo 2ft p m 730 P ro Lv. Amertcu* Ar. Ar. Hmitliville “ “ Enfattla ** ** Montgomery Lv. No. a Dally TO FLORIDA. Nod Dally 2Sop tn 120 pm 12 2J p m 8 30 a in No. 8 tally 1 IK p m 1 3D “ 2 •»» “ 5 40 * Lv. AntHricita Ar. “ Bra! thville " Ar Albany Lv •• Thoroaaville Lv “ Waycross " . *‘ Braurwick ** 44 Jacksonville *• 3 33 a m 300 44 2 16 44 lOlOp 760 785 Solid Trains with Sleeping Cars Hot a ceil Savannah and Birmingham. For further Information relative to tickets, schedules, best routes etc. etc., apply to A. T. MAXWELL, Agent, J. O. McKENZIB, Snp’t, E.T. CHARLTON,Qen. Pas*. Ag*t. Americus, Gf). HmlthviHe, Ga. Ha van n ah. G a. D. H. BYTHEWOOD, Division Pats. Ag't., Columbus/Ua. D D. CURRAN, Hnp’t. Columbus, Or. J. C. HHAW Trav. Psa*. Ag’t,, H*vannab Ga. ESTABLISHED 1867. INCORPORATED 1890. JAMES FRICKER & BRO. EOTT & CO., MERCHANT * TAILORS. (Successors to Mus. BRKMSTELLEll) 110 Lamar Street, over Peoples’ National Bank, Americus, Georgia. w opening a FIRST-CLASS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT and will have a line of goods of LATEST STYLES AND FASHIONS in stock, and will PERFECT fits. GUARANTEE Prices satisfactory. Como and see us before placing your orders and you will be more than satisfied with our styles and prices. Mr. Rott lived here four years ago, ana was with Mr. lircmstellcr, and is no stranger to the people of Americus who wear good clothes. B*8 lm, S. A. M. ROUTE. UPPUAN Hri. Proprietors. orantets, 4 Uppman's Rock, SAVANNAH. CA. For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americas, Ga. The Bank Failed To lend its money, but Vs Cough syrup baa never failed to relieve a cong Try It. Hall's new Garden Seeds are arriving every day. They never fall to give satisfaction Remember they are only cents a large paper; 0 seed monopoly in Americas now. No more headache. Antimgrane cures it in a Savannah, Americas & Montgomery R’y. TIME TABLE Taking* Effect March 22,1891. 8 oo a m|Lv.....Birmingham A'r i 7 00 u i 1 65 p m|Ar Opelika Lv| 1 25 7 oo a ra.Lv Atlanta Ar 5 ISO p t »,Lv Montgomery ....Art 7 15 pin |Ar Opelika I.vl 6 05 |Ar Columbus.. 7 40 a niiLv Montgomery Ari 7 05 p 11 20 I Ar...... Columbus ...... Lv| 3 2ft 3ft0p&ilLv .....Columbus Arill20ain 5 M j, - " gomery. 1! 05 |Lv Kutaiita Lvl 4 07 ' 2 30 p mlAr Americus Lv‘ 12 20 n'niLv Albany Ari 2 fin p m 2 30 p mlAr Americus Lv| ' J‘ 8 00 7 oo pw]Lv Americus.......Ar 8 27 Lv Cordele Lv u ;m 11 00 |Ar.... Helena Lv 3 55 _ ~1 18 arajLv Helena Ari 3 55 an 6 10 |Ar Brunswick Lvjll 00 p n 7 50 Ar Jacksonville Lvl 8 00 I havo just returned from New York, where I purchased a very large stock of DIAMONDS WATCHES at prices that will enable us to eell lowor than ever before. Our stock is immense, assortment complete, prices lower tlum any one. Call and see for yonrselvos before buying. . . C. A. FRICKER, President- 409 JACKSON ST., AMERICUS,. GA. (Barlow Block.) Cooks’ Pharmacy, CORNER LEE AND LAMAR STREETS, AMERICUS; GEORGIA. I am pleased to announce that I have a full line of PRBS3EI DRUGS- GARDEN SEED A SPECIALTY. Prescriptions Allied at all Hours, Day or Night. W. A. COOK, Proprietor. J. R. HUDSON & CO. It 00 p m]Lv Helena Art 3 6ft i Lyon* Lv 1 fto 8 20 Ar Savannah Lv 7 40 pm Lv 8a van noli j 5 20 p m»Ar Charleston .. ....Lvl 2 1ft pm umlaut and Savannah. Berth Rate—Between Savannah and Inter* mediate point*, $2. Seat RATE*~Bctween Savannah, Columbus ami intermediate point*: From 1 to 7ft Miles, f *“ 150 50. 75. I3RADFIELD’i A Turtle Stop, a Cotton Mill. The Barnard mill waa stopped for an hour or so Monday. The machinery waa all right, bnt a curiona mnd turtle had wandered np the feeding pipe of the engino, causing a cessation of work. - Fall Biver Globe. Amateur Photographer—What do you think? I havo become so expert that I can catch a cannon ball in its flight. Layman—No use. There's no money in baseball nowadays.—Good News. H the best known remedy. "^<ulo!c2Maire7oonorirairnm! I OlMt In ItoBDnjs, without Pain. Prevents Stricture. Contain, no acrid or polconous substances, and la guaranteed absolutely harmless. 0 prescribed by physicians, ltest Sy rinx* free with each bottle. Prloe ft Sold by draaittMe. Horsts of Sob- G HH of Sub* rtltotejjAemeCheimOmUdjjNjOJU Sold in Americas by Cook’s Pha _ Pharmacy, E. J. Eldridge, Fleetwood A Russell, J. E. Holland Davenport Drag Company. T.H. SMITH, Architect and Builder, Americus, Ga, J. B. 4*. HMITH, (Superintendent of work- Kfttlmatv* furnished on abort notl«M>. All work guaranteed. 4-10-2W “ I 00. “ 1 25. £.8. GOODMAN, Gen. Superintendent. Oen. Pass. Amt. Americus. Ga. Americus, Ga. J. M. CAROLAN, 8. E. Pass. Agt. Savannah, Ga. £. A. SMITH, Western Pass. Agt., Bt. Louis, Mo. M. D. ROYER, T. P. A, Americus. Ga. JNO. T. ARGO, C.8. A., Americus, Ga. C. H. SMITH, G. K. A., New York, N. Y. Americus- -PROPRIETORS —BOTTLERS OF ALL KINDSjOF Soda and Mineral Waters, Cider and Oinger Ale* OltDEItS BY MAH, PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 824 LEE STREET-. .... AMERICUS. GEORGIA- R. L. McMATII. E. J. McMATII. B.H. McMATH McMATH BROTHERS, DEALERSIN Groceries, Provisions, Corny Produce Hard Times to get Money Ten Dollars saved is twenty dollar* mode! My New Spring Styles cannot be excelled, and by calling on M. FRIE1SIT) Yon cun get a Btyll-h Hprln* Butt nt small coat, and satlsfatitlan saaranteed. Old Kxpreu Olllce .land, Lamar utreet. aprUMmo. pe»s Mtunewouo mas/surro/reane TEN SPECIFIC. i t. tea, or In articles of food. of patient if »and will effect a perma- apeedy cure, whether the patient 1* » drlnkeroran Alcoholic wreef * „„ JAILH. It operate* n rtninty that the patir venience, anti noon hi* ftVrcted. 4* page book For salt- by Dr. E. J. Americus, Ga. BOOTS. SHOES, ETC.. ETC., , WHISKEYS, TOBACCO & CIGARS, SPECIALTIES. 207 FORSYTH STREET, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. We solicit a share of the patronage of the trading public, guaranteeing satisfaction low prices, and good goods. We deliver goods anywhere In the city. Call and see ua. McMATH BROTHERS. -A. BAHGAIN. NOTICE- TO MILL MEN. I hare for tale Two Mill Rock* and fixtures complete, One Rice Mill, One Pol* letter. One Fan, One Bolting Cloth complete, Three Pair Beales, One Fifty Horses Power Engine and Butler, One Planer One Gang Edger, Five Gin*, one Clark Cotton Clearer, One Press, Bhau ft lugs and Pulleys world without end. All of the above property will be sold m Cheap For Oash or Bankable Papers. C. A. BELL. ddrsss me at Americus or pall and see. i TV* 13. Haynes & Son. whether the patient 1* » f ^ .. “ ~ tlcohollcwreck. ITNEV 1 SSSidirgS? SofaS cotnpift* reformation Is f re*. To Ik- had of REAL ESTATE, STOCK AND BONJ — BPLOZSLBRS, Kidridg, 31 o 1^*2 Lamar Street, Americus, Ga.