The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 15, 1891, Image 5

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THE AMER1CUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: WEDNESDAY. APRIL 15. 1891. This despondence Speak for Itself. (We wftti-hold umce for obvious reasons). Office Peddle & Co. ) Chicago, Feb. i, 1891-1 Dear Sir:—We call your attention to the near approach of the spring season, and hope that we may receive your order for your spring suit of clothes. You have purchased of us be fore, and do not, therefore, need to be reminded of our terms or the liberal discounts and low prices we offer. Your measure is on our books, and at you request we will send samples of suitable materials from which you may select, or, if preferred, we will include your town in our Agent’s route and submit to you a full line of samples and styles. Your order will be filled with as little delay as possible, and is respectfully solicited by Yours very truly, Peddle & Co. Answer to Above. Americus, Ga., Feb. 6,1891. Messrs. Peddle & Co., Chica go, Ill., Gentlemen:—I shall not trouble your agent to call on rne this season. When I purchased of you it was be cause I thought that I could not get clothing in my own town which would be satisfac tory in price and fit. Having given a trial order to John R. Shaw, the champion Clothier and Outfitter of this city, I am so well pleased with the result in every way that I shall con tinue to give him my patron* age. Yours respectfully, SHORTLY STATED. LITTLE LOCALS TOLD IN A LINE OR TWO. Tha New. of the City Peracraphlcally Pre sents*— Item, of Little Importance an A Thoae Too Short for a Head Grouped To- tether—The City In Brief. Announce! to hi* friends and pat rons that he Is prepared to furnish THE BEST GOODS. Ba AND GUARANTEES PERFECT FIT At prices lower than any out side or other competing Clothier or Tailor. Call and see his Stock (the most extensive in Southwest Georgia) of Read; Hade Clothing. Also his large line of HOICE SAMPLES SPRING NOVELTIES For Suits to Order. Forsyth SL, ■ • Americas, Ca ‘Remember, daughter, beauty*, but skin deep ” "Oh, re.," the haushty maiden spoke, know; “Skin deep will answer; for my mama dear, "I'm not espeetlnt that my bone, will •how." Fishing is now the chief diversion of the people. Cohen has added a popcorn arrange ment to his peanut roaster. Mr. W. T. Avora has a handsome new delivery wagon constructed by Capt. Tab Oliver. The negroes had another dance last night. This one was unbroken by any disturbances. it Is stated that three of our most prominent young ladles will be married the coming month. Judge Oliver officiated at another mar riage yesterday, and two more dusky citizens were made happy. The handsome piano in Pricker's window has been attracting a great deal of attenUon the past few days. The accounts of the water works are being straightened out, and you will be called upon to pay up in a few days. Cotton avenue was the scene of a run away yesterday. This Is the first In several days, which breaks the record for that street. Elbert Dead, one of the riohest ne groes in Georgia, has been quite 111 re cently, and at one time it, was thought he would die. He is now much better, There are now several tennis courts in the city, and all are occupied these fair afternoons. Amerious has some ex- cellent players, both among the young ladies and gentlemen. A number of prominent citizens met yesterday and discussed the street rail road matter. Something will be done and that in a short time. Nothing defi nite can be given out now. There Is talk of gotting up another billiard tournament. The last was decided success, and the players aro ready for another. Many think a pool tournament would attract considerable attention, aud as there are a number of good players here one Bhould be gotten up. Start the balls a-roliing. New Engines For tha S.A.O, Some time sinoe the S. A. <fc M. rail road authorities placed orders with the Baldwin Locomotive Works, of Pbila delphia, for a number of their best and heaviest locomotives, to be used in the freight service of that road. Three of these ponderous engines have been completed and will arrive here in the course of a week or two, to, be fol lowed by others later on. They are, perhaps, the largest locomotives in the state, weighing sixty ions or 120,000 pounds each. They are "ten wheelers” with oyllnders 19 by24 Inches, and can pull fifty loaded oars without the slight est difficulty. . Some-tdeabef the, else of thesa Iron Monsters may be bad In a knowledge of the Tact that they are is,000 pounds heavier than any of the big ten wheelers now in the service of the 8. A. A M, these having an average weight of fifty- two tons or 104,000pounds. The rapidly Increasing business of this road has made it necessary for the management to make a farther pur chase of cars, and orders for several hundred additional box and Hat cars will be placed at an early date. Suits made to order, and fit guaranteed, for $15.00 and up ward at W. D. Bailey’s, The Haberdasher The A. L. I. The A. L. I. held an important meet ing last night. Seargent W. F. Clark was nominated seooud lieutenant in place of Lient. Jones who resigned. The sanc tion of the governor is only pwaited now to make the judgo a full Hedged lieu tenant. Mr. E. I*. Harris was elected seargent to fill the vacancy caused by Lieut. Clark’s promotion. Six new members wero added, and the boys are all enthusiastic on the subject of their company. They will surely take in the encampment at Chickamauga. A Big Banquet. DeMoray lodge, Knight Templar* met for the first time last night in their new quarters in Mr. W. E. Murphoy’s hand some store recently finished. A big banquet was spread and the evening was delightfully spent Eminent Grand Commander A. G. Howard, of Atlanta, was present as were several other visit ing Knights. Shirts to order at W. D. Bailey’s Haberdashery. Envelops#! Envelop##!! We have Just received a big Job lot of manilla envelopes of fine quality, that were bought at a bargain, and we can print them for you with card, etc., cheap er than you can buy them plain by retail anywhere. They are more durable than white, and aro good enough for all busi ness purposes, and are much cheaper. Tibbs Publishing Co. WEDDED IN BALTIMORE. • f * * ' +TT-; ' • f 1 Mr. Harry C. Barry, or Americus, Harried Last Wednesday. ' Mr. H. C. Berry, a popular young gen* tleman of our city, was married last Wednesday. He is an old Baltimore Boy, and during his stay here has won the admiration oi all, and made a repu tation hard for any to equal. The following account of the wed ding is taken from the Baltimore News, of Sunday last: "SL Mark's Lutheran church was the scene of a quiet,-but very pretty wed ding Wednesday evening, the contract ing parties being Mr. Harry C. Berry and Miss May Smith. Mr. Berry is of the firm of Butler & Berry, Americus, Ga. The bride,wearing a traveling dress of oneof the new shades (made), trimmed with silk, bat, gloves and stylish little coat to match, entered the church lean ing on the arm of her father, Mr. S. E. Smith, preceded by the ushers. She car ried a lovely bouqqet of bridal buds, followed by her maid of honor, Miss May $grnott, who was very tastefully attired tn a dress of grey, trimmed with changeable silk,and carried a bouquet of La France roses, while Prof. C. G. Wood ward performed Lohengrin’s “Wedding March.” Rev. Dr. Charles S. Albert and the Rev. James L. Bryan, D. D., rector of the Protestant Episcopal church of Cambridge, performed the wedding ceremony. The baBt man was Mr. William W. Woodward, and the ushers were Howard H. Ogle, T. P, Travers, L. Bryan and L. L. Smith, cousin of the bride. Immediately after the ceremony the happy couple were driven to Camden Station and after bid ding farewell to a large number of friends and receiving a terrific shower of rice and old slippers, took the 8.10 train for the north, whore they will spend part of their honeymoon and re turn to the city In about ten days, when they will make an extended trip through Florida, after which they will make Americus, Ga., their home. Mr. and Mrs. Berry wero the recipients of many handsome and costly presents, Don’t buy shirts until you see my line. I have choice styles than any other dealer. W. D. Bailey, The Haberdasher. We keop the best Paint we can get. If not satisfactory when put on we will repaint the house at our expense. E. J. Eldiudoe, Druggist For 8ale, One of the celebrated Knabe Pianos used only a few year*. A rare opportu nity. Call at onoe on sn-wd-sn-apl2 Hill A Schneideb. Calls for medicines promptly answered at all hours, day and night, by W. A. Cook, Ph. G. 11-30-sun, wed tf Mutual Boildlnx and Loan Association. Installment No. 83, series one, and No. 22, seiles two, will be due and payable at my office on Thursday, 10th Inst All who do not pay by e.o’olook p. m. on that day will be subject to a fine of tea cents oa eaoh and etery- sbritI Unpaid.* The funds of both aeries will be offer! COTNEY for sale at 7 30 o’clock sharp, Thursday night at the (council chamber, (old court house. Lott Wabben, spr lfi-2t Seo'y and Troas. Cat tall raillst! Cat toll millet! Want ed, 500 pounds, at Dr. Eldridge's drag store. LOTT WAIULKN, HEAL ESTATE. IN- BUBAMOB, STOCKS. Patronise Roberta 4k Baldwin when rou want wood. They will saw it any length, and deliver it utany time. apr0-12t. Humphrey’s Homeopathic remedies at Cook’s Pharmacy, Slappey's corner. 11-30-sun, wed'tf The Next Meeting. The next meeting of “The Club” will he “an evening with Dickens,” and will be held at the residence of Capt T. J, Uranuon. It is needless to say that an other great success will be scored. The popularity, of this organization gains daily, ami all the members are outlislas- tic over it Puff and Madras shirts are in the lead, and V/. D. Bailey, The Haberdasher, is the leader. LOTT WAIIKKN, BEAL ESTATE, IN- SURANCK, STOCKS. For Rent. One famished room, vacant now. Also store room now occupied by P. L. Holt Possession given May 1st. apr 12-tf P. L. Holt. Garden Seed, Seed Potatoes, Golden Dent and other early corn, direct from Landreth’s warehouses, and warranted genuine, at Dr. Eldridge’a drugstore. The Leeton Whist Club. The Ladies out at Leeton greatly in joy the weekly meetings of their whist club. Another gathering will take place this afternoon at the residence of Mr. Robert Byrd. Many pleasant hours aro whiled away In thla manner, and all wish the meetings wore more fre quent. . . Elegant Puff shirts at $1.25 at W. D. Bailey’s Haber dashery. • DIAMOND AND WATCH CLUBS. TELEPHONE 102, 102 Forsyth St., Americus, Ga. The National Game. The boys were out in force yesterday afternoon, and seem to be enthused on the subject of the national game. A challenge has been received from Mon tezuma to play there next Tuesday, but couldn't accept it on account of tho nine here not being fully organized. The challenge, however, will be accepted for a later day. I have the largest stock of Puff and Madras shirts in the city; and more styles. W. D. Bailey, The Haberdasher The County Safe. The old county Safe, which has been resting in the old court bouse, was yes terday moved into the Sheriff's office in the new bnildlng. The safe is large and heavy, and it took a number of hands to move it. It has been In tbs possession sf the county for over forty year*. Notice to pdMriNn. . : As per notice of April fira, a twenty- five per cent assessment of the capital ions Refrigerating Co., five pel stocko of the Amerl falls due On April 15th. Stockholder* will please be ready to meet this call. Ara n R. Eldiudoe, apl4-2t Secretary and Treasurer. LQTT WABBEN, BEAL ESTATE, IN- SUBANCE, STOCKS. a three nice rooms to rent, .offices* or bed ‘ rooms, near banks and postofllce. Call quick and get the pick. M. Callaway. apr 9-tf. Seed Potatoes, Seed Corn, Garden Seed, direct from Landreth’s nnd war ranted genuine, at Dr. Eldridge’s drug store; PZRFtCVED CRYSTAL LENSES Hawke* Spectacles, Glasses celebrated foi at Dr. Kldrtagt’s. Hawke* Bye for their excellence DAVENPORT DRUG €0. Pharmacists Have Exclusive tale of these Celzhba ted Glasses In Amerious, Ga. FAULKNER. KELLAM & MOOHE, The only Manufacturing Opticians tha South, Atlanta, Gioboia. DISSOLUTION. The II-m or Arf" * vn Grcwa le Ihl. Uay dissolved bv mut <*•! coii*-n|*Jobn T Argo re'lrlua. II* will he by l, t. Ur- ter. an5 the Ann will J] A < *nrt T, Whu Will Ail55, ani ln? of the |a*<* firm < f Argo A Andrews, and ool* iect all debts due j AROO, R. M. A* DREW*. Tea Mtuinff r on! the flrtn of AfifO A An- rJtfirn »hanks to the publle for the Sin!? illuiltr n *ge bestowed, and ben tonic thiwfew Arm n c ml nuncrc - f the *ame. for the ue" " jwo. aeqj. April l»th r l*l» Sliin|les and Lumber. «e aro now prepared tn furnish Lumber -n.l Rif'tgloH on Abort notice, nt tbf lowest cash price*. Pant* wanting either oi the above win *nvc money by conealllog as be» fore placing their erder*. r U'tlKKtl WIGGINS * BEBNDON. OUR FRONT I* in and our store is nearly finished. We are now prepared to show the most complete stock of Dry floods, Dress Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Notions and Fancy Goods in the city. We will give you rock bottom prices. OUR SALESMEN Are polite and attentive, and will give you cheerful and courteous service. We love to show our goods; wc don’t call it trouble, but business. We have the ln'st line of PLAID DRESS GOODS, Henriettas, Tamise, Gloria, Silk Sublime, and Novelty Suitings in Americus. BLACK DRESS GOODS. This department is complete from a 40-inch All-Wool Henrietta at 50 cents per yard to the best and heaviest Gros Grain Silk. Half Wool Gppda in this, Uooirom 10c. to 25c. peryard. Our Black Embroidered louncings aro beautiful, and the latest de signs. Somethspecial tn Black Silk Mull ’-DRESS TRIMMINGS. In this line wo are the leaden, and exoel all competitors. In this lino is fonnd applique Tinsel Jewel and I’assamentary Trimmings. Silk trim mings in Brocade, Striped Plaid and Persian effect*. BLACK HOSIERY. An elegant lino of fast Black Hosiery for Men, Ladies and Children. OUR NOTION STOCK Is full and complete in Embroidery, Laces, Gloves, Ilankerchiefs, etc. OUR WHITE GOODS STOCK is immense. Attention, Housekeepers. Large Stock and Low Prices on Table Damask, Napkins, Doilies Towels etc. Wo quote no prices on paper; prefer making our prices over the counters. Our prices will speak for us. (,’omc and he convinced. Wc will prepay express aharges on all goods ordered from ns to tile amount of IfpOO nnd upwards. BULL & OAKLEY 313 LAMAR STREET. W. M. JONES, Agent for Columbia and other Blcyele*, at Bonk of southwr**o*n Georgia. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Advertisements will be Inserted is this column at the rate of One Cent per Word for each Insertion. No advertisement taken for less than FIFTEEN CENTS. BOARDERS WANTED. • Holsk>h.\kk’h. SHINGLES. SHINGLES. Buy yout*lilngl«*s at Colb's, on S. A. $ M. railroad, lu tli Cyprus* and l*Ine Shingles, 4.5 and 6 Inches width, 10 and 18long. Liberal dis- count* on car-load lots. OEO, A. ItICK, 3-10-1 m ’ Cobb* Ga. 1 .10UK-ROOM house ; in«*<lUi»iy vacant upr 15-tr. SEVERAL choice room* In bust ness center# Hhs