The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 16, 1891, Image 3

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THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-R EC ORDER: THURSDAY, APR f L 1.0, ,1891. DOCTOR ACKERS I ENGLISH REMEDY forCoDght.ColdiindConiunpllon. I,beyond !** ol *H ««d,rn rtmedlet. HiHHiloptCouph(none night. It trill check *®»Mln*ftr. It will pmntCr..,, relieve Ihethme, and CURE Comumpllon It taken In U«e. " Yea enn't aCerd to he olthoot It.” * 11 teat kettle mi, tan yea *100 In Doc- tori. bllle—may aave ynar Ilia I ASX YOUR DtUCfilST FOR IT. H the little onea hen ■ CROUP whoopinc cough; USE IT PROMPTLY. IT IS! BOUND TO CURE. Sold In; ISLAND (or la. (Hd. and! AMERICA for 20c. a kettle-: CWkl.,.UkCma. IT TA8TE8 GOOD. : •■•M*MBMII*aiA*IH S. H. HAWKINS Pree’t. H. C- BAGLEY. Vice Pree’t W. E. MURPHEY. Cashier. ORGANIZED 1870. -»0The Bank of Americus.8«- Designated Depository State of Georgia. Stockholders individually liable. Capital, ... siao f «oo Surplus, ... $100,000 DIRECTORS H. C. Bagley. Pres. Americus Investment Co. F. C. Clegg, Pres. Ocmulgee Brick Co. Jas. Dodson, of Jan. Dodson & Son, Attorneys. G. W. Glover, Pres’t Americus Grocery Co. 8. H. Hawkins, Pres’t 8. A. & m. Railroad. 8. Montgomeiy, Pres’t Peoples National Bank. J. W. Sheffield, of Sheffield & Co., Hardware. T, Wheatley, wholesale dry goods. W. E. Murphey, Cashier. O. A. COLEMAN, Vice-President. THE BANK OF SUMTER T. N. HA.WRKS, President W. C. FURLOW, Canltier. DIRECTORS-O. A. Coleman, C. C. Hawkins, B. □. Jossoy, T. X. Ilawkcs, W. C. Furlow, W. H. C. Wheatley, R. S. Oliver, H. M. Brown, W. U. Ilawkes, Dr. E. T. Mathis, Arthur Rylandcr. Liberal to Its customers, accommoda ting to the public and prudent in its management, this bank solioits deposits and other business In Its line. t. MONTGOMERY, Pmt. J. C. RONEY, Vice Pmt, JNO. WINDSOR. Cr. LESTER WINDSOR Ant. Cr. E. A. HAWKINS, Attorney NO. 2839. THE Peoples’ National Bank Of Americas. capital, *50,000. Surplus, *25,000 ORGANIZED 1883. Americas National Bonding and Loan Association, AUTHORISED CAPITAL. - •50,000,000, OVER $200,000 WORTH OF STOCK ALREADY SOLD. Money loaned at 6 per cent, principal, and nterest payable In easy monthly Install- nenLu Large profits secured to investors. DIRECTORS: E.Taylor. Retired Merchant; H. IL Johnson, if Johnson A Haraold; W. P. J* Naw; T. M. Allen, Experienced Uilldlngand [josn Manager; Lott Warren, Secretary and mas. Mutual B A L. As^.iH. U. Hawkins. KSTb A * M. Ry.? J. B. frelder, Mayor of Americas and Pre*. Street Ry. 4-11 ’OldAwiy H. 0. Baolev, Pres. W.B. Hawkins, Sec. A Tr. Americas Investment Go. Investment Securities. Paid up Capital, $1,000,000. [Surplus, $260,000, DIKKCTOIte: H C Bagley, W E Hawklne, S W Coney, W 8 GIUU, J W Sheffield, P C Clegg, W M Ilawkei, B F Mathowe, G M Byne, XV E Murphey, 8 Montgomery, J H Pharr. B. P. Holiu: US A^UncH vldeil Profltt, 0,401,23. * Bank of Soathwestern Georgia. * if. SPEER, ^ J. W. WHEATLEY, W- H. C. DUDLEY, Vice President. A. W. SMITH, Assistant Cashier. directors: J. W. Wheatley, E. J. Eldridgc, . A. Huntington, \ p « n ?!i C. A. Huntington, H. R. Johnson, IL j. Perry. J. C. Nicholson, W. Smltii, W. H. C. Dudloy, M. Spcor. ft, 8uhb,|J&, Prea. H. M. Knait, V. P. [O. A. Coi.kvan, See, a Trcas, Georgia Loan&Trust Co. Negotiates Loans on improved - Farm and City Property., ' J E Bivins. Attorney* Land Examiner. W. $ NUUAT. PRESIDENT. J. E. CLARK, CASHIER. Planters' Bank of Ellaville, KUaviUe, Georgia. »AH> W CAPITAL, - - •25JXK) CoUeettona a Specialty. Llkaol to It* enetomen. aceommodaUB* to ehanohllc and prudent In ita management, thle henkeoUclte dJprolu and .Umr bneta-e line. in ite JanMawly. liOA-NS. negotiated at LOWEST RATES. potBly America^ Georgia. Two Thanksgivings. The lights shine out within the -flctlq hull, The sound of music echoes through the night, An t waxen tapers, clustered on the wall, Glimmer above the banquet table bright; For, ye*u by year, fair youth and beauty meet To Jest and dance to strains of music sweet. Through waning hours around the banquet, there They revel in the gay and festal scene; Yet on those lovely faces, unaware, Rests oftenthne a discontented mien: For all this life of ease and pleasure's sense They give uo thanks, no worthy recompense^ idown the winding road beside the brook A vine clad cottage stands upon the green; Full many years within this humble nook An honest yeoman aud his wife have been— A still, sweet hamlet, where the even flow Of winter days and summer come aud go. A grassy strip of fruitful garden plot The narrow limits of their circle bound; A life of toil aud labor is their lot, Yet, year by year, the family gathers round. And tho’ oue sunny child is missing, there The father calmly bows his head* in prayer. -Mabel Hayden in Jcnness-Miller Magazine. • • -v. CAS' ro RlA VTlv 1 V nin for Infants and Children. A Hero of a Practical Joke. A young man of about 25 is just now the hero of a select circle of friends in the southern section of the city, and in view of his peculiar history he quite de serves to be lionized. Five years ago he was a clerk in a bank on a meager sal ary, and ono time some of the same de voted friends of these days thought would be a good joke to pretend the bank had lieen robbed, and warn him that he was suspected. This a number did, only they called him up about mid night, so as to give the joke a more natural appearance. After telling hfm that two hours before burglars had stolen $50,000 in bank notes, they added that the police were now on the way to arrest him as a suspect. It so happened that he had but two hours before been in the vicinity of the bank, and fearful of not being able to prove an alibi, he gathered his available belongings together and caught an early morning train for the north. Of course there was a big row in the vicinity of tho young fellow’s homo and his funny friends had to leave town. Fortunately the young fellow was a bachelor, and he was not hunted up. Recently he wrote to an old acquaintance here from Can ada, and the latter in replying to the long lost youth told him the truth about the bank joke. Then the young fellow came back, but not ns he went away. He rode in a parlor car and swelled around in a hack. He had gone to Mon treal and after the first shock had settled down to work and gradually by lucky speculation had grown rich.—Philadel phia Enquirer. Grave* in the Crimea. Some interesting results were obtained from the archaeological explorations car ried ou in tho Crimea during last sum mer. Professor Vesselovski found paint ed human bones in two graves—six skel etons in ono grave and one in another. Tho well known archaeologist Professor Grempler, of Breslau, who was present last year at the congress of archaeolo gists at Moscow, is of opinion that these graves belonged to the original inhabi tants of tho Crimea, tho Cimmerians of Herodotus. It was a usage with them to lay their dead on elevated spots bo that the birds might consume the flesh. When qnito bleached they painted the skeletons with some mineral pigment Gravescontainingsnch painted skeletons have been found in Central Asia, bnt only in a few instances. Only three such graves had been previously round in the Crimea. Professor Grempler, proposes to take the skeletons with him to Paris, and exhibit them at tho congress of an thropologists to be held there during the autumn.—Boston Transcript Is the strongest Home-indorsed Medicine in the world. KAXUrACTUKKU BY WOOLDRIDGE WONDERFUL CURE CO., Gilntah Ga. FOB BALM BY ALL DRUGGISTS “CastorlalzoO well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.” H. A. Archie, IL D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T, “The use of ‘Castoria'is so universal and it* merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach.” „ _ _ Carlos Marty*. D. D., New York City. Lat* Pastor Bloomingdale Reformed Church. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Lmctation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, ou«l promotes dt> Without injurious medication. “ For several years I have recommended your * Castoria.' and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results.” Edwin F. Pardee. M. D., “Tho Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. f'ENTKAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA Houtnwofiitern Division. Correct Schedule, No. 22, in Effeot April 12,1801 SAVANNAH 6c WESTERN DIVISION Schedule No. 10, taking effect Apr. 12th, 1801. No. 5, Hetwren Savannah and Birmingham;, 1 mily. 7 40 p m vl* America*,, Dally.’ Leave savannah........Arrive 7 40pm .Lyon-, serious,... Buena VUUt,.. 114) a m 640a nt 525 p m Tin Centaur Compaxt, 77 Mukrat Street, New York. Americus Iron Works, BUILDERS OF Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills, Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler' Feeders, Valves, Jets, Etc. Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys {[©“Special attention given to repairing all kinds of Machinery. Telephone 79. a ' 1Mm T? OTT ,Cr nn MERCHANT • TAILORS. (Successors to Mits. 0REMSTELLEK) } ' 110 Lamar Street, over Peoples’ National Bank, Americus, Georgia. We are now opening a FIRST-CLASS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT and will have a line of goods of LATEST STYLES AND FAJRaONB In stock, and will GUARANTEE PERFECT FITS. Prices satisfactory. Come anil see us before placing your orders and you will bo more than satisfied with our styles and prices. Mr. Rott lived here four years ago, and was with Mr. Bromsteller, and Is no stranger to the people of Americus who wear good clothes. 3-3 lm, No. 8 Dally. Fna-enger No. tl rially. Peat Mai BAHT BOUND. No. 6 Dally Fast Mall D%y’ Passenger 087 p no 8 0fr« 840 « 215 •* :00am 8 40 *• Ala “ uai> •• ID M “ fi 20p m A top in 2 top m 4 HS •* 5 to •* 10 211 *« « I Ah m ds» “ Lv. Arnerleus Ar \r- Fort Valley Lv. “ Manon “ “ Atlanta “ “ Augunta “ *• wa van nab “ 108 pm lira am 10 at *• 710 •• 0 lupin No. 7 Dally Pause tiger No. 5 Dally. FttHt Mail 1 8pm l:lu •• 1 12 “ 7 20 “ WEHT BOUND. Lv. Arnerleun Ar. Ar. Hmlthvlllo “ “ Kufaula “ *• Montgomery Lv. TO klorIdaT No. 6 Dally Fast Alftll No.i Dally PanHenger ♦* 37 ni If us 4 42 a m 7*. m 2 to p m 130 “ 1106 a m 7 40 a m :425am 1230 « 10 25 pm 730 p m No. 7 Dally N«». A Dally No. 6 Dally Wo. A Daily 0 37 p m lit <A •• id 4A p m . 4 AO a m 7 15 a in 7 25am 1 18 p m 13) “ 25» “ A 40 * Lv. Americuft Ar. “ Binithrllle “ Ar Albany Lv •* Thnmattvllle Lv “ W aye row “ •* Brunswick •* *• JacKiwuvllle *• 2 35pm 120 p m 12 20 p m 8 30atn 3 33 a m 3 00 ♦* 2 !5 “ 10 10 p 750 785 SoildTraln* with Slecplug Cars Between Savannah and Birmingham. For further Information relative to ticket*, sc lied ulea, beat route* etc. etc.,apply to A. T. MAXWELL, Agent, J. C. McKENZIB, Sup’t, E.T. CHARLTON,Gen. Paaa. Ag’t. Americus, Ga. Smlthville, Ga. Savannah,Ga. D. H. BYTHEWOOD, Division Pom. Ag’t., Columbus,'Ga. I) I), CURRAN. Sup’t. Columbus, Ga. J. C. SHAW Trav. Paaa. Ag’t., Savannah Ga. ESTABLISHED 1867. INCORPORATED 1890. JAMES FR1CKER & BRO. Jt3RADFIELDS ^PA/f/riA, rtort/se. |p A DF!ELDJiEG ULATOR. ^ D ATLANTA. GA.. * UPPMAN SKOK-. Proprietors. OmggliU, Lippman’t Nock. SAVANNAH, CA. For sale by tho DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americus, Ga. H. SANFORD, Contractor and Builder, AMERICUS, GA., Ia prepared to take contracts for bnlldings of all kinds. With large experience in building he can guarantee it good work as can bo done any where, Designs Famished, Inuide finishing a specialty, in hard woods All latest designs. Samples ran bo hud on ap plication. Call at J. B. Dunn’s store, on Lamar street, Americus, Ga. . decl7-3m NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. WM. RADAM’S ICROBE ABBOTT’S •HP bunions fMkjgWni 0 ® *vo Warts PAIN. IIPPKANBROS 0fic:-5isrs'PtBPS •'.WANNAn'C* For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americuo, Ga. $500 Reward ! WE will nav the above reward for any cos* of Uw Complaint. DyepepeU, Blck ■linatlon or Co*tlvenc*« we cannot care with wee* » \>«uble Liver Pille. when the direction* areetrictly romDlfal with. They are purely Vegetable, and never £> *tve nUif action. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, _ i imitation*- The genuine manufactured only by Si JOBMOWB,-- OoVaXV. CHICAGO. ILL Soldby THE DWEKPORT DRUG CO., fob21-d£wljr Americuo, Go. Shingles and Lumber. and Shingles oh short notice, at the tow»«t ;23> prlcea P-rtle. wantlnc .lt her of the above will save money by conoultln, no be fore piecing Ibelrord.iJ- WIOOIJW P HIKNDOX. SHINGLES, SHINGLES. and 6 Inches width, 10 and I? h>ng._ Liberal dis counts on car-load lota. filMB GEO. A. RICE. Cobb, Ga. The Bank Failed To lend its money, but pi’s Oaumt sump bao nerer (kited to relieve a con. Try Jt. Hall'o new Garden Seed, are .rrlr ng evcrj day. They never fail to Rive Remember they are only 2% cente a large paper, no seed monopoly in Americus now. No more headache. Antimgrane curraitin a few minutes The genuine^sold at Hall s Drag Store. *P rt ’THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY ITT——I X* ^TroIcTrcareoTmnortumrttnd Gleet In ltoBDayo, without I'aln. Prevents Stricture. Contains no ncrltl or polrnnmis onboteners, nml Is Kunrnntecil nlisolutely Imrinleei I O ^S prescribed by pbyeldane. Meet »y ■ wllhcucll bottle. I'rlccM Bold by UrngK[»ts. towoota Isold In Ameriona by Cook's Pharmacy, E. J. Eldridgc, Fleetwood * Russell, J. E. Hsll and Davenport Drag Company. T, H. SMITH, Architect and Builder, Americus, G»* J. B. 0. BMITH, Bnperint.ndent of "“Jl: Kstlmatee furnished on ebort nolle'- work guaranteed. 1-IO IIw KILLER MOST TRULY AND CORRECTLY CALLED The Greatest Hedlcine In the World A WONDERFUL TONIC AND BLOOD PURIFIEE ALMOST VXBACTJLCTJS CUBES 01 hopeless and apparently Incurable disease* f arc constantly being mode. It is expect*l to perform the impossible, by curing canes given up by physicians, aud it POES NOT DISAPPOINT EXPECTATIONS. More people are being cured By Microbe Killer than by all othc*’ medicines combined. Wo request a thorough investigation. History of the Microbe Killer tree by FLEETWOOD & RUSSELL, Nolo Agents for Sumter couuty. july.'2-tUyr Hard Times to get Money! Tea Dollars aavod Is twenty dollars mude! My Newsprint Style* “"not be excelled, and by calling on M. FRIEND Yon can get n stylish Spring Suit nt small coot, and ss!Isfactlon gnornntcod. Old Express Oillce stand, Lamar street. aprlO-lnnn I have juit returned from New York, where I purchased a very largeotock of DIAMONDS AND WATCHES at prices that will enable ua to soil lower than ever before. Our'stock is immense, assortment complete, prices lower than any one. Call and see for yourselves beforo buying. C. A. FRICEER, President- 4O9 JACKSON ST., AMERICAS, GA. (BarlQW Block.) Cooks’ Pharmacy, CORNER LEE AND LAMAR STREETS, AMERICUS; GEORGIA. I am pleased to announce that I have a full line of FRESH DRUGS: GARDEN SEED A SPECIALTY- Prescriptions Allied at all Hours, Day or Night, W. A. COOK. Proprietor. J. R. HUDSON & CO. PRO PRIETORS Americus-Bottling- Works, BOTTLERS OP ALL KINDB.-OF Soda and Mineral Waters, Cider and Ginger Ale* ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 824 LEE STREET AMERICUS. GEORGIA- R. L. Mo MATH. K. J. McMATH. B.H. MoMATH DRUNKENNESS sJssass&s llfES golden specific. PAILS. Jtoi>«Wlyond »llh.oob certainty.«]«[ the W | .nt_nnd«tgS!J»A venl**n«:e, and toon blv comply, 1 * rcjorniau'uu u effected, u page ts»x frw. lob. bad ol For sale by Dr. E. J. Eldridgc Americus, ua. McMATH BROTHERS, dealehbin Groceries, Promiois, Country Produce BOOTS, SHOES, ETC., ETC., WHISKEYS, TOBA'CO & CIGARS, SPECIALTIES. 207 FORSYTH STREET, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. We anltclt a aharc of tho patronage of the trading public, guaranteeing oatlolkcUon law prices, and good good*. Wo deliver gooda In th. city. CaU and roa na. McMATH BROTHERS. A BARGAIK. NOTICE TO MILL MEN. I lmvefor tale Two Mill Rockfi and fixtures complete, One Rice Mill. One Pol* iaher. One Fan, One Bolting Cloth complete, Three PalrBcelea, One FIR* Boresn Power Engine uud Holier, One Planer On# Gang Edger. Five Gins, One Clark Cotton Clearer, One PrcM, Hhanflings and Pulleys world without end. All of the MOT* pro|>erty will be sold Cheap Fori<ash or Bankable Papers. Jdrcaa me at Atnerlcu. or call and rot me. C. A. BELL. W. 13. Haynes & Bon. REAL ESTATE, STOCK AND BOND BROKERS, 3101-2 Lamar Street, Americus, Ga.