The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 16, 1891, Image 5

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THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: THURSDAY, APRIL 16. 1891. This Correspondence Speaks for (We withhold hum for obrhm. reaaona). Office Peddle & Co. ) Chicago, Feb. i, 1891' j Dear Sir:—We call your attention to the near approach of the spring season, and hope that we may receive your order for your spring su.t of clothes. You have purchased of us be fore, and do not, therefore, need to be reminded of our terms or the liberal discounts and low prices we offer. Your measure is on our books, and at you request we will send samples of suitable materials from which you may select, or, if preferred, we will include your town in our Agent’s route and submit to you a full line of samples and styles. Your order will be filled with as little delay as possible, and is respectfully solicited by Yours very truly, Peddle & Co. SAYS HE WAS DRUNK. M'NAUQHTON,THE HORSE THIEF. IN JAIL. He Sere He Remember, Nothin, of Taklnc the Animal—And That There Wai an Accomplice—Further Particular, of tho Arrest. W. D. MoNaughton la the name of the man who made off with Capt, Smith’s hone. He was brought back to Americua yes terday morning, Officer Feagln arriving with the prisoner at 325. The capture occurred about two miles the other side of Albany. Sheriff E. B. Martin, of Leo, aud Mr. W. D. I.lggin, ox-marshall of Leesburg, started the pursuit, and were joined by others. Po liceman Barron, of Albaoy, joined In at that place, and some, half a dozen were In the crowd when the man was filially captured. One shot was fired before MeXaughton made up his mind that It was time to stof The capturcrs thought that there was a reward out for the mau, and this caused a good deal of altercation among the parties. lie was finally carrieil to Leesburg as has been state,!, from which place he was brought here. Ito waived preliminary hearing, and not being able to raise tho bond, $500, was placed In jail. There a reporter saw him yesterday afternoon. He is a smooth faced, young looking man, and talked freely about the matter. “Yea, I am the man who took off the horsb of Mr. Smith. Or rather, if I did take him I don't remember the fact. “I believe that another fellow took the horse, and gave him to me. I got terribly drunk that night and can’t tell a thing about what happened. The first I can recollect was when a passenger train woko me up down by Smtthvllle. I was lying on the ground, and the horse was loose near me. I then Baw that I would be arrested for stealing, and thought tho best thing to do was get out of the way as quick as possible. When the fellows who were after mo fired, some of the shot sprinkled on my bock, and I stopped.” MeXaughton then repeated the state ment about having an accomplice. He says one of the men, also working for Mr. Smith, was talking to him about leaving, and that evening they got drunk together. He says he is sure that this not tret clothing in my own fellow did most of the work, nut _ The prisoner has written to his uncle, W. J. MeXaughton who is now In South Carolina, and who baa been doing work in Amerlcus the past winter. He has also written to another uncle in Augusta, a druggist at that place. He says he is sure his bond will be made as soon as they got here. “I may be a horse thief in name,” said be, “but am not in heart. I conldn’t shame the name of my family by such doings." Historical Facts. Wears with you once more, and are prepared to cool the public as In the past. Bon Sons, the only original, strawberry gems and Roman punch are a few of the delicious drinks we serve. The publio are free to see how we ma nipulate from pure fruit our juices for flavoring. We do not use the bottled goods that are contaminated with sali cylic acid to prevent fermentation, neith er do we pirate but originate or at least pay for our experience. Who will try a “Bon Bon?" aprlOtf Fleetwood* Full-grown Fuchsias. I have for sale 85 three-year-old fuoh- slas, throe feet high and covered with buds. Call on me at the telegraph of fice. Geobob Stanfield. Masonic Notice- Called communication of Amerions Lodge Xo 18, F. A. M. to-night at 8 o'clock. Work in F. C. degree. So journing brethren respectfully Invited. J. L Mack, W. M. J.-B. Dunn, Soc’y. Suits made to order, and fit guaranteed, for $15.00 and up ward at W. D, Bailey’s, The Haberdasher The fieeton Whist Club. The Leeton Whist Club met yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. R. T. Byrd, and for two hours indulged In making plays according to Hoyle. At 5 o’clock a delightful lunch waa served, and another hour spent In conversation, which, of course was prohibited before that time. Mrs. R. E. Byrd was elected president of the club, and Mrs. H. C. Storey vice- president. Tho next meeting will bo held Wed nesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs Storey, I have two or three nice rooms to rent, suitable for law offices or bed rooms, near banks and postoffice. Call quick and get the pick. M. Callaway. apr 0-tf. Hack at the Central. Mr. Tho*. Gresham, who resigned his position with the Central and accepted one with the S. A. * M. has resigned and returned to the Central. IIo lias moved back to his old homo, one mile up tho railroad, near the well-known Gresham springs, where tho water works springs are located. W. D. Answer to Above. Americus, Ga., Feb. 6, 1891 Messrs. Peddle & Co., Chica go, Ill., Gentlemen:—I shall not trouble your agent to call on me this season. When I purchased of you it was be cause I thought that I could town which would be satisfac tory in price and fit. Having given a trial order to John R. Shaw, the champion Clothier and Outfitter of this city, I am so well pleased with the result in every way that I shall con tinue to give him my patron age. Yours respectfully, JOHN R. SHAW Announces to his friends and pat rons that he jia prepared to furnish THE BEST GOODS. KM AND GUARANTEES PERFECT FIT At prices lower than any out side or other competing Clothier or Tailor. PERSONAM. Mrs. M. Speer returned home yester- day. Mr. W. n. Statham was in the city yes terday. Mrs. C. B. Hudson, of Ellarille, was In Americus yesterday. Miss Kate Felder returned to her home in Perry yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Brioger, of Ellaville, spent yesterday in the city. Mr. W. W. Horne and R. 6. Brooks, of Lumpkin, spent yesterday in Ameri cus. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Furness, of Sa vannah, are registered at the Allen House. Col. J. W. Wheatley and Rev. Wm. McKey left yesterday to a session of the Presbytery at Cutbbert. Rev. J. B. Johnstone returned yester day from Sumter city, where he ofiicl- ated at the wedding of Miss Mamie Rodgers and Dr. R. A. Mallory. Here's a Sum pi . The recent delightful weather was such as might have been expected to bring forth ardent poetical effus’ons. Here is ono- which may not be eonsid cred ardent, but which was handed Jin yesterday. It is written by a handsome grocery clerk on Jackson street. He may have been anglin' for a compli ment, and he certainly deserves one. The telephone U a curious thing, With its Hello! Hello! Hello! You rush to it as soon as you hear the be 1 ring, And say: Ah there: Why hello! Hometime you run quick at the sound of toe bell For you’re sure It is some one you know, But when you And out it Is not, you say, Hell—oh Hello, Hello, well Hello. I have the largest stock of Puff and Madras shirts in the city; and more styles, W. D. Bailey, The Haberdasher T. COTNEY, Do Yoa Sing. If so, don’t failto be at the library rooms to-morrow afternoon at 5 o’clock. At that time a choir will be organized to furnish vocal music on Memorial day. You are wanted to help, and it Is de. sired to have the finest and largest choir ever gotten together in the city. All the church choirs are expected to be present at the meeting, and besides everybody else who can sing. Remem ber how the ladies are working to make the exercises a success, and assist thsm in their noble work. Cat tall millet! Cat tail millet! Want ed, 600 pounds, at Dr. Eldridge’s drug store. Call and see his Stock (the most extensive in Southwest Georgia) of Ready Hade Clothing. Also his large line of CHOICE SAMPLES SPRING NOVELTIES For Suits to Order. 117 Forsyth SL, LOTT WARREN, REAL ESTATE, IN- SUltANCE, STOCKS. Tb. Baptist Church. Those having the building of the new Baptist church in charge say that all de lays are over, and that the work will now be hurried as much as possible. They state that the building will proba bly be ready for occupancy by the Aral of June and certainly by the fifteenth of that month. Don’t buy shirts until you see my line. I have more choice styles than any other GeoT/L Macbeth*&"Ca TELEPHONE 102, 102 Forsyth St., Americus, Ga. Arrival and Departure of Trains. CENTRAL H. R. Arrive From. Leave For 6:40 p m 12:15 p. m. Columbus 8:20 a m 4:45 p 1:08pm 9:37 pm Macon 2:35pm »:33am 2:35 p m 8:33 am Albany l:08p ra 9:87p m s. a . A m. R. R. 8:00 a m 7:00 p m Savannah 8:00 a m 7:00 p m 6:45 p m 7:50 a in i Omaha 7:10 p m 6:20 a m MAIL CLOSES. Going Rant (8. A. A M.) 7:80 a m. Going Weat “ 6:80pm. Going North and Wont (H. A W.) 7:50 a m, Going Norh and Kant (Con)2:00 pm8:00pm, Going South and Weat ** 12:80 p m 8:00 p m Will Have a Festival. The members of the P. 0. Clegg Hose Company No. 5, held another meeting last night and decided not to go to Omaha. Instead they will give a festival April 24th, at their reel house near the S. A. A M. depot. They hope to realise some money by this, and guarantee a good time. dealer. W. D. Bailey, The Haberdasher. Perfumes, Colognes, Etrxsots, Toilet Water, Toilet Soaps. A very fine assol V ment at Dr. Eldridge’a. Mutual Building and Loan Association. Installment Xo. 33, series one, and Xo, iIS, aeries two, will be due and payable at my office on Thursday, 16th Inst. Alt who do not pay by 6 o’clock p. m. 1 day will be subject to a fine of centa on each and every dollar thus unpaid. The funds of both series will be offered for sale at 730 o’clock sharp, Thursday night, at tht eouncil chamber, (old court house. Lorr Warbrn, apr 15-2t Sec’y and Treas. LOTT WAUKKN, BEAL ESTATE, IN. SKJKANCE, STOCKS. Stolen. Arthur Lunford, at Anderson * Lun- ford's btrber shop on Cotton avenue, wants the man who carried off his new overcoat on Saturday, April 4th, and left an old one in place of the new one, to return the same, lie is well known to Arthur, and as lie don’t want to make him any trouble he takes this method of notifying him to return the overcoat. the South, Atlanta, Georgia. Puff and Madras shirts are nn, - aMm Shirts to order at Bailey’s Haberdashery. in the lead, and V/. D. Bailey, Tht Haberdasher, is the leader. __ LOTT WARREN. REAL ESTATE, IN- SURANCE, STOCKS. For Rout. One furnished room, vacant now. Also storo mom now occupied by P. L. Holt. Possession given May 1st. apr 12-tf P. L. IloLT. Garden Seed, Seed Potatoes, Golden Deut and other early corn, direct from Landrotli’s warehouses, and warranted genuine, at Dr. Eldridge’s drugstore. Elegant Puff shirts at $1.25 at W. D. Bailey’s Haber dashery. Have you a Pittsburg, Rochester, Duplex or a Student Lamp ? Do they work satisfac torily? Do your lamp-chimneys break ? You get the wrong sort! The right ones are the " Pearl Glass,” made by China and Housefurnishings Are no side line with us. We buy them in quantities at “quantity” prices; and when we hang out a card of “Bargains” there is a “trade treat in looking at the goods and listening at the prices. BERRY BOWLS, - ■ BERRY DISHES, - J-Gal. Majolica Pitchers, STAND VASE LAMP, Brass Swinging Lamp, COFFER MILLS - - 4-PIECE GLASS SETS, FLOWERED COPS, 23c. 3c. 42c. J-73C- 2.48c. 43 c - 30c. Regular price, Regular price, Regular price, Regular price, Regular price, Regular price, Regular price, • 40 6 - 60 2.50 • 3-25 65 - 50 6 Each 18 Pieces Set for 90c. China After Dinner Coffees; 27c. ODD GLASSWARE. Regular price, Regular price, ODD VASES. Pittsburg, makers of the celebrated ”Pearl top” lamp-chimney, which have given universal satisfaction. PERFECTED CRYSTAL LEHSES THAOS MAR*. Qsattr frit IS* Mmji. DAVENPORT DRUG GO. Pharmacists Have Exclusive sale of these Ckledba ted Glasses in Americus, Ga. FAULKNER, KELLAM & MOORE. hr» th, 4 ODD SODPTUREENS, COVERED DISHES, ETC, AT ODD PRICES. “This I've told ye before, That’s there’s luck in odd numbers,” says Rory O’More. We are getting ready for store improvement. We have al ready the lumber to make more counter room, and we have the prices to make more shelf room. So when your eyes wa.ider down this ad.—just singto yourself Geo. Wilson's little song: “They’re After Me-Yes After Me!” ARTESIAN CORNER, LEE AND LAMAR STS. G. 1 WX Fe_ch»re* Hir, r t Atlanm OFF1CKB J it«»onR 7 Barlow Hi’* F'sn* and specification* Amertcu* r'SHA SSIIU ■iiwiuuBinmn -'klto^n Ill* bulldlDKH or all de c ti-tlo* * ",ni»ii Inga Wily, t’omu uni"L, "/ 1 to ulllier office will m—' ‘ tentl"ti. Win. Hull, BupTi i nU.m - marl- cua ortleo ONE (ENT J 1(011# COLUMN. AdvertUemcn.. w"> be larened la this column at the nt* 1 "< c *“* l* r Word ,or is.n FIFTEEN CENTS. , advertisement taken for li A h I .-icrv foicvela for % few Weeks. Will , rvSMiusbla r*Rf.‘ n. A Ci'LRXAN. Hawkea Spectacle*, orated fo, Glasnez, celeUuw at Dr. Kldrtoge'a. Hawkea Kye for their excellence, .hH'K-KO iM liouw on El ■ or. etm-t. im- r m.di.t- , vacant H. M, Coitaif. •pr IVtr. S EVERAL choice roonmin Uu.liii',, center Call on M. Callaway at Mardre** *l>r9-tr DUNLAP HATS. THE LATEST STYLES AND SHAPES. ARTHUR RYLANDER, Corner Lamar and Jackson St vr. m. eiuNi:s, Agent for (VluuifoU and oilier Bicycles, at Bank -»f-miihwc* ,r * iMeotgii,. Prices m to $135. Seed Potatoes, Seed Corn, Garden Swil, direct tnfin Londrelli’a and war ranted genuine, at Dr. Eldridge’a drug ■ton, T. S. GLOVER Has Just opened un at Watts' Corner with a choice stock of Fancy: and: Family: Grocerios, And herewith a*k* a share of the public p*i rouege. Connected is a neat and cosy Bar, where Til M Fa a) Upcai Bar ui Cigui Chu be found. you need ms come in i see me. T. S- GLOVER.