The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 17, 1891, Image 3

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TEE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 3891. for Coaht, Colds end Consumption, Is beyond S qusstlfl tho greatest of all modern remedies, 5 It all at opt Cough night. It will check" a Coin n* day. It will prevent Croup, relieve ■ Asthma, and CURE Consumption If taken In ■ time. ** foil can’t afford to be without It.” S A 26 ceil bottle may save you $100 In U6c-S tor's blip—may save your life I ASK YOUR" DRUGGIfT FOR IT. If the little ones have “ CROUP WHOOPING COUGH! 8. H. HAWKINS Prei't. H. C- BAGLEY. Vice Prei'l W. E.MURPHEY. Cashier, ORGANIZED 1870. -ogThe Bank of Arnericus.g*- Designated Depository .State of Georgia. Stockholders individually liable. Capital* - - 815(MHM) Surplus, - DIRECTORS H. C. Bagley. Pres. Aniericus Investment Co. P. C. Clegg, Pres.Octnulgce Brick Co. Jas. Dodson, of Jas. Dodson & Son, Attorneys. <1. W. Glover, Pres’t Arnericus Grocery Co. H. Hawkins, Pres’t 8. A. & m. Railroad. THE BANK OF SUMTER T. N. HAWKKS, President O. A. COLEMAN, Vice-President. W. C. FUJI LOW, Cashier. DIKECTOUS-O. A. Coleman, C. C. Ilawkins, B. II. Jossey, T. N. Ilawkes, W. C. Furlow, IV. II. C. Wheatley, R. S. Oliver, II. M. Brown, W. M. Ilawkes, Dr. E. T. Mathis, Arthur Hylander. Liberal to its customers, accommoda ting to tho public anil prudent in its management, this bank solicits deposits and other business in its line, - The Hallway Agent'. Association. The Georgia division of the Railway Agents’ Association is the name of now secret order formed in Macon. The Railway Agents' Association, while it is a widespread and powerful organization in tile nurth, west and southwestern states, lias not up to the present been known in (.eorgia, and the proceedings were tho first step towards its develop ment in the state. For some time there was a small organization of railroad agents in Atlanta, but It has Dot devel oped any strength aud lias be come practically inactive. The objelits of the order, which is beneficia ry and secret, are in brief as follows: I, To improve tlie standard of merit and increase tho cfliclency of the membeis of the order in railroad circles ■>. To protect by all lawful means the interests of tho railroad companies :i To use tile influence of each aud every one of the members to oppose unjust and anti- railroad legislation, and to counteract unjust prejudices in the public minds against tho railroads. The officers of tho now organization are: Prosidedt, J. C. Ilailc, agent (or tho Central railroad at Columbus; first vice-president, J. I, Oakmnn, agent of the Richmond and Danville at Augusta; second vice- president, IL H. Woodruff, agent of the Central railroad at Wadley; secretary, J, O. Walker, agent of the Central railroad at Rarncsville; treasurer, C. A. Jobson, cashier of the Central railroad at Ala- con. The following delegates were elected to represent the Georgia division of tlie Order of Railroad Agents at the grand convention of the order to be held at Denver, Col., May -0. Dele gates, F. AI. Stansell, Augusta; C. L. Chandler, Macon; J. II. Halo, Columbus; F. II. Harden, Atlanta, and J. O. Walk- ol Barnesvillc. Alternates, Bart Cowden, of Brunswick; A. Lowry, Dalton; J. J, AfcCall, Cordele; J, A. Fnglertb, Savannah, and C. A. Jobson, of Alacon. S. MONTGOMERY, Preit. J. C. RONEY, Vice Prest. JNO. WINDSOR. C'r. LESTER WINDSOR Asst. C'r. E. A. HAWKINS, Attorney NO. 2839. THE Peoples’ National Bank Of Americas. Capital, *30,000. Surplus, *33,000 ORGANIZED 1883. for Infants and Children# "CaetoriafcMwell adapted to children that I recommend Itas superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. A items, II. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, H. Y. “The use of 'CsstorU'Is eo universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to radons it Few are tho Intelligent families who do not keep Csstorin Clues Kama, D.D.. New York City. Late Pastor Mnomlngilale Beformod Church. Caatori■ cores Colic, OooatlpaUoo, Bout Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, (Ins sleep, and promotes dl- " For several year. I have recommended pair ‘ Csstorin, ■ and shall always ccotlnusto ao so as ft has Invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pardxb, If. D., "The Wlnthrop,” 133th Street and 7th An, New York City. CENTRAL RAILROAD Of GEORGIA Soutnwostern Division. Correct Sohednle, No. 22, in Effeot April 12,1891 SAVANNAH «t WESTERN DIVISION Schedule No. 10, taking effect Apr. 12th, URL No. 6, Between Savannah and Birmingham! No. 6, Dally. via Amcrlcue, Daily; 740pm Leave Savannah Arrive TtOpm I Mam Lyon. 100am »« ::-.:v.:.B5Srfev;.v.v 1120 Arrive .Columbue, .Leave 700a n. *"—* Tax Cshtadh Cospaxr, 77 Moaner SntxsT, Nsv Toss. H.R.’JOHNSQN, V.Prei, jedej. W.P. WALLIS, Gen.AHy, ARREN.Sec. andTrcai. Amerlcas National Bnlldlng and Loan Association. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, - *30,000.000, OVER *200,000 WORTH OF STOCK ALREADY SOLD. Money loaned at« per cent, principal, and ntcrcat puyuble In eany monthly install ments. Largo profit* scoured to investor*. DIRECTORS: E.Taylor, Retired Merchant; H. R. Johnson, of Johnson A Harrold; W. t\ Wall-*. Atty. at Law; T. M. Allen. Experienced Building and Loan Manager; Lott Warren, Secretary and Trent. Mutual BA L. Ah*.; H. II. Hawk In*. Proa, 8. A. A M. By.; J. B. Felder, Mayor of ▲malleus and Pro*. Street By. 4-11 VI dAwiy H. C. Baolkv, Pre*. W. E. Hawkins,Sec. & Tr. Arnericus Investment Co. Investment Securities. Paid up Capital, $1,000,000. ISnrplus, $260,000. directors: H C Bagloy, W E Hawkins, S W Coney, W S Gillis, J W Sheffield, F C Clegg, WUHawke*,BFMathews, G M Bync, W E Murphey, S Montgomery, J II I'harr. B. P. Hollis. Bant of Southwestern Georgia. * SPEER, ' W. WHEATLEY, n,. A. W. SMITH, Assistant Cashier. directors; J. W. Wheatloy, E. J. Eldridge, C. A. Huntington, H. It. Johnson, R. J. Porry, J. G. Nicholson, A. W. Smitli, W. H. C. Dudley, M. Speer. E, BuhiMJil, Pres. II. M. Knapp, V. P. LO. A., Sec. * Troas, Georgia Loan & Trust Co. Negotiates Loans on improved Farm and City Property. Cnrry the now* to Mar , And pray bo not too long. For she In lust declining, And *urriy, ’tw*'tild be wrong— not to tell her of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite rescript ion. SVe do want Mary to know, in somo way or other, that this world-famed remedy will cure her bey ond .any doubt. It’s just the medicine for young womanhood, and thousands has it bridged over that perilous sea. *>oin every state, from every city, from nearly every neighborhood in this broad land, conics tho grateful .acknowledg ment of what It has done and is doing for our daughters. The only medicine for tlie distressing and painful irregu larities and weakness of woman, sold with a positive guarantee to give satis faction in every case, or money refunded. In other words, sold on trial. Cure Your Corns by Using. Abbott’s East Indian Corn Paint for Bunions and Warts, it is great, apr 7-dl2-w2t Mr. Alexander Roynolds, of Macon, the well known foundryman, died Sun day morning. He was about sixty-five years old, a native of Pennsylvania, but had lived in Macon forty years, where he did a large and prosperous business. Arnericus Iron Works, BUILDERS OF Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills; Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, Jets, Etc. Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys BSf-Special attention given to repairing all kinds of Machinery. Telephone 79. 2 ' IS * 4m Advertising It 1, aald will tell anything, this ia true In a measure; but for itaying qualities,- merit Is the test Extensive advertising may ecll anything when It is new or unknown, but after it comes Into general use, It la judged according tolta worth. The oontinued and steady growth at Swift’s Spcclfld BOTT & CO., MERCHANT * TAILORS. (Successors to Mils. BKEMSTELLEK) 110 Lamar Street, over Peoples’ National Bank, Arnericus, Georgia. We arc now opening a FIRST-CLASS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT anil will Imre a line line of Rood, of LATEST STYLES AND FA.lllI'JNS In stock, anil will GUARANTEE PERFECT FITS. Prices satisfactory. Como and seo us before placing your orderc and you will be more than satisfied with our styles and prices. Mr. Kott lived here four years ago, and was with Mr. Bremsteller, and Is no stranger to the people of Arnericus who wear good clothes. 3-3 lm. No. 8 Dally. Pa—enger ’ 8:N8aut~ 513 “ 8 80 “ 10 30 " 520pm 655pm No. 7 Dully Passenger usi t»m 1C 03 4 42 am 7 35 m m No. 8 Dally. Fast Mai | EAST BOUND. No. 6 Feuflfatl No. 7 _ Dally Passenger 285p m 4 18 « 685 - 10 20 “ 0 15ft m 8 8.1 “ Lv. Arnericus Ar Ar. Fort Valley Lv “ Macon “ '• Atlanta " “ Augusta “ '• Savannah “ >i8SS : 1020 « 710 - 910pm inp m 8 00 “ 840 “ 216 •* 7 00am 840 M No. 6 Dally. Fast Mail 1 8 p tu ~ 130 •• 4 12 “ 7 20 “ WEST BOUND. No. 8 Dally Fast Mall No.* Dally Pauenger Lv, Amerlcu. Ar. Ar. Bmltbvllle " •• .. Eufaula " “ Montgomery Lv. *«pm 11# “ unis IfftB 125a m i^Spm 780pm No. 7 Dally 0 37 p m in 06 •• 10 45 p m 4 60a m 7 15 am 725am 1 No. 5 Dally 1 18 p m 1ft) “ 261 “ 540 * TO FLORIDA. Lv, Amcrlcue aK “ Bmlthrille •• Ar Albany Lv. " Thomssville Lv '* Wayoroee " “ Brnnawlok •• “ Jacksonville " No. 8 D«»7, 2 s6 pm 120pm 12 20 pm 8 80am NO.* four ifit m iBi lOlOp 760 796 Solid Train, with Bleeping Cars Between Savannah and Birmingham. For further Information relative to tlokete,schedules, best route, etc. ete., apply to A. T. MAXWELL, Agent, J. U. McKENZIE, Sup't, E.T. CHARLTON, Oen. ri*M Arnericus, Ga. Hmlthvllle, Ga. Savannah, Ga. D. H. BYTHBWOOD, Division Pan. ACL, Columbus, Oa. D D, CURRAN, Bup't, Cob—ihut, On. J, C. SHAW Trar. Page. Ag*L, Savannah Qa JBRADFIELD’-S WSTRl/AT/ON \ With Urge experience in building he can s s s Is the beet evidence of its excellence. It Is most popular where it is beet known. Every bottle sold, sells tea others. Everyone that takes It be comes Its friond, and recommends It to their acquaintances. Treatise on Blood and Skin Dl.toses mulled free. Swift Srxcwio Co., Atlanta, Ga. —u’i Hi- East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R’y System. B P Hollis, Attorney, j E Bivins. Land Examiner. W. 0. MURRAY, PRESIDENT. J. E. CLARK, CASHIER. Planters’ Bank of Ella®, EllaviUe, Georgia. PAID UP CAPITAL. - - ,W)00 Collections * Specialty. Liberal to Its customer*, aocoeamfUtlng ^ the public and prudent in it* bank toilette deposit, and other •’’^Jdairty. loans^ Loans negotiated at LOWEST RATES. K»sy payments, on ^or^lands. oot 6 ly * Amerlous, Georgia. -IS Till ONLY— Short and Direct Line to the Forth, East or Till, line I* conceded to lie the beet equipped and run. the Aneet Pullman] Sleeping Car. In the South. Elegant Fullman Sleeping Care, between Jacksonville aud Cincinnati, Titusville and Cincinnati, ■ Brunswick and Louisville, Chattanooga and Washington, Memphis and Now York, Philadelphia aud New Oileans, Chattanooga and Mobile, Atlanta and Chattanooga, Without Change. For any Information address B. W. WIIENN, Oen. Pass, and Ticket Agt. Knoxville. Tenn. C. W. KNIGHT, Ass’t Oen. Pass. Agt. Atlanta, Georgia. Shingles ad Lusk fore plsctez ^VrwTwS * HERNDON. SHINGLESTSHlNGLES. IF TAKEN DURING CHANGEOrLiri LIPPMAN S(t03., Proprietors, Druggists. Uppmss’s Beck. SAVANNAH, GA. For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Arnericus, Ga. The Bank Failed To lend Its money, but I’f has never failed to relieve a coug Try It. Hall’s new Garden Seede are arriving every day. They never fall to give satisfaction Remember they are only 2* cents a large paper; no seed monopoly in Arnericus now. No more headache. Antimgrane cures It in a few minutes The genuine.sold at Hall’s Drug Store. l-H-to apri H the best known remedy. "«2!8!557^urc^GoI?orIiQ8iriand G 0 n !l?a ulr ,S.'S‘ E cnE2K5>i“ ShfeZ y „d 0 Inches width. IS and J* •»“«■ dis count. on car-load low. GKO. A. RICE, 3-10-lm Cohb ' Sold B. J, E. Hall and Olae, In I la* Days, without Pala. Prevents Stricture. Contains no acrid or poisonous substances, and nnomaranteed absolutely harmless trilled by phy.lclans. Heat Sy- U free with each bottle. Prlcc.U ■Shy drantata. BmnotM. SSten.AemoOMJ5aajlAM*| H. SANFORD, Contractor and Bniider, AMERICUS, GA, la prepared to take oontracta for bnildings of guarantee u good work as can be done any where. Designs Famished, Inside finishing a specialty, in hard woods All latest designs. Samples can be had on ap plication. Call at J. B. Dunn’s store, on Lamar street, Arnericus, Ga. decl7-8m NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. VH. RADAM’S ICBOBE KILLER MOn TRULY AND CORRECTLY CALLED Tbs Greatest Medicine In the World A WONDERFUL TONIC AND BLOOD PUBIFISB union muosLon com illy lncnrsbla dlamaee ado. It la expect*! to — Je, by curing cater given ana it ms NOT DISAPPOINT EZPSCTinONa _Motn people am being cured by Microbe Killer than by all other medicines romblneiL FLEETWOOD A RUSSELL, Sole Agent* for Sumter couuty. julj-22-dlyr ESTABLISHED 1867. INCORPORATED 1890. JAMES FRICKER & BRO. I have jnet returned from New York, where I purchased a very large,tock of DIAMONDS AND— WATCHES at prloea that will enable ui to sell lower than ever before. Our stock la immenao, aaanrtment complete, prloea lower than any one. Call and aee for yourselves before buying. C. A. FRICKER, President. 4O9 JACKSON ST., AMERICUS, GA. (Barlow Block.) Cooks’ Pharmacy, CORNER LEE AND LAMAR STREET8, AMERICUS; GEORGIA. I am pleased to announce that I have a fall line of GARDEN SEED A SPECIALTY. Prescriptions Allied at all Hours, Day or Night, W. A. COOK, Proprietor. J. R. HUDSON & CO. -PROPRIETORS—- Ameiicus-Bottling- Works, —BOTTLERS OF ALL KIRD81OF-— Soda and Mineral Waters, Older and Oinger Ale* ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 824 LEE STREET- • - • • AMERICUS- GEORGIA* R. L. MoMATH. E.J. MoMATH. B.H.MCMATB Hard Times to get Money! Teu Dollars saved I, twenty dollars model My New Sprint Style* cannot bo excelled, and by calling <m M. FRIEND Yon can get a Htyllsh Hprlng Bull at email cost, and -ttlafactlon guaranteed. Old Expense Office stand, Lamar street. nprU-lPO' >ld !n Arnericus by Cook’s Pharmacy, . Eldridge, Fleetwood A ltusncll, J. fall and Davenport Drug Company. T. H. SMITH, f ] Architect and Builder, Americun, J. B. O. SMITH, HuperinMndeet of work. v.Mtimate* rurulshsd on short rnrk ru*r*nt<w<l »*1U-AW work guaranteed. Drunkenness K Liquor Habit. /surrontia/u KIAllfES GOLDEN SPECIFIC It can b j given in come, tea, or I n articles of rood, without the kDOWk^N^of^gstlent if iVlsabso'lutaly harmless snA will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is e moderacedriokeroran alcoholic wreck. IT NE V* KR fails. It operate, eo quietly ord with each certainty that lb, patient undergowi no Incon- Ttnlence, and soon hi. coroplela latorp.Uoil la ametad. » pace hook tree. Tababadol For sole ivy Dr. E. J. Eldridge Americas, Os. . McMATH BROTHERS. DEALERS IN Groceries, Frowns, Coitry Produce BOOTS. SHOES, ETC., ETO-. WHISKEYS, TOBA-CO & CIGARS, SPECIALTIES. 207 FORSYTH STREET, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. W« sol let t a ahare of the patronage ortbetmdingpablie.gunmnteelng'anUafhetton low prices, and good goods. We deliver good* anywhere In the city. Call and •** us. McMATH BROTHERS. RGA1 NOTICE TO MILL MEN. 1 have for tala Two MIU Rocks and Oxtaras complete. One Rice Mill, One Pol- labor. One Fan, One Uoltlng Cloth complete. Three Fair Healea. On* Fifty Hones Power Engine and Boiler, One Plener One Gang Edger, Five Gins, One Clerk Cotton Clearer,^Gne^ Pran^Bhanfllnga and Pulley, world without end. aU of the above Cheap For Cash or Bankable Papers. * - ddress me at Arnericus or call and see me# 0 £ BElili# W. JD. Haynes & Son. REAL ESTATE, STOCK AND BONO 3101-2 Lamar Street BUSH