The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 18, 1891, Image 2

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F THE AMERICAS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 1891. =L THE TIMES-RECORDER, Dally and Weekly. The Amxxicu* Recorder Ektarlished 1879. The Amkricui Timm Established 18)0. Consolidated, April, 1801. | SUBSCRIPTION i Daily, One Tear, $0.i Daily, One Month, i OTeekly,One Year, - - • • U Weekly, Six Months, i For advertising rates address Basoox Mtrick. Editor and Manager, THE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, Americas, Ga. Amerious, Ga., April 18, 1891. PRKMIER BLANK, Xow that Hr. Blaine's last official note to Minister Itudini is made public, it is seen that he occupies the correct at titude on the question now at issue be tween the United States and Italy, Whatever may be said of Mr. Blaine's political record and methods, there can be no question that he has more states manship than any man in the Republi can party, if not in the whole country. | Poll tical prejucice should not blind our | eyes to the great ability of this man, J who for a quarter of a century has been , one of the most conspicuous figures in American history. Fob some days there have been no ad- T,,E 1 imes-Recobdeij believes him to ditiens to the shillalah—that is to say * ,e * ar the best, ablest, most honors- the staff of Governor Northern Can it We and 1100681 nian io the Republican be that all the raw material has been P art F of hu prominence, and there does used up? j not appear to bo any just grounds for M». Clkvelaxii «y„ that he L a 11 "* fe ‘ r that If he reached the pre.Iden- Dcniocratic partisan. This means, we chair, hi* administration might in trust, that he has renounced the clvi ,; v°'ve the country in troublewith foreign serrice reform fraud which was invented , powcrs ' ! ,U "***' m r “ ource * for the purpose of keeping liepuhlicans! * w “ nc, . t " * ‘” 8e of , no n,an ,n , pub,ic in office under a Democratic admlnlstra- while ilke other men ho has tion -Constitution. I :,i * fault *> 11 ■* doubtful if any one could ; give more general satisfaction to the Tub Timks-Hecoiu.ku respectfully people irresj>ective of party than Mr. calls Governor Xorthen's attention to Hlaine. the fact that Americus hasn't had any, If we must hare a Republican official pabulum in the way of Lieuten- dent, let us have Blaine. ant-Colonel's commissions up to date. Are we to be excluded from any partici pation in the next war? presi- Mb. Watson seems to have been ig norant of Mr. Crisp's powerful speech against the McKinley bill of May 1800, until his attention was called to it the other day. Possibly other points in Mr. Crlspts conspicuous record may have es caped him.—Augusta Chronicle. Gkx. Wkslet Mkuiutt reporta that •the attempt of the government to enliat Indiana aa regular aoldlera will prove a failure. Very like. The copper-colored brother would prefer somethingpleasant in civil office. What aD internal revenue officer he would make and how lie would track the illicit atiUe. It la reported that over 3,000 guests stopped at one hotel In Jacksonville, Via., during one month the past season. Do the people of Americus appreciate whatun Important factor in the up building of this city the Hotel Sumter will bo when finished and In the swim •of Northern tourists? The Boston Herald -glvos this pointer to the rabid organs of tho Re publican stripe that have been howling over the notion of the people of Vicks burg: There', mor. trouble for the colored po- Ueeman In Brooklyn. His white brethren oil the force have refuisd to admit him Into their mutual aid society. And yet people up north are shoeaed because Vicksburg won’t put op with a colored postmaster. The bitter newspaper war which has Jbeen raging between Miss Kllen J. ’Dortch, of the Carneavllle Tribune, and ;Editor McConnell, of the Carnesville Enterprise, baa Inspired the muse of Editor Bill Kersh with the following re- ■sult: 1 Jitsa Ellen, with her red hot pon, McConnell's blue did scorch, .Andiron comes to the scratch .gain And roasts Mias Ellon Dortch. Ir Cleveland hadn’t run the civil service fraud into the ground to the dla- guat of the Democracy, and the strength ening of the Ropubllean offlee holders, Ibe would have been re-elected, and a ■Democratic house returned In place of the Beed-rldden body just adjourned, which squandered a thousand million dollars. The civil service fraud Is thus directly responsible for the billion dol lar steal. 1 iy ant vain-glorious man thinks that 'the “women-rlghtera women” aro going to be relegated to a condition of “iu- •uou,ious desuetude," he Is badly mis taken. Col. Fhaibe Cousins Is secretary of the executivecommlttee of the ladles' department of the World's Fair; and what is more, ahe purposes to remain fmeli, and run the whole Institution to sntt herself regardless of tho protests of others of the committee. Editor Bbahh am, of Rome, calls upon Maj. Glossnor, president of the Georgia IPress Association, to hold the annual •meeting of the editors in Rome just at the time of tho military encampment at ■Chlckamauga, so that they can run over from Rome for a day and get a sight of the wholo Georgia military array, inelud ing the staff of lieutenant colonels that surround the commander-in-chief of the army and navy of Geoigla. Lieutenant-Governor Jones, of 3Iew York, “pays the freight,” but don’t pay blackmail. One liettenhouse, who figured as PresldentjPolk's private secre tary, and was relegated to the rear by the Ocala Convention, tried to got Jones to “pay the fielglit" on a big batch of Imaginary , otes that Rittenbouae offered to deliver, with the result of an expos ure of his qpheme to President Polk, and the denouncing of himself by Editor Dunning, of the National Economist, as ■“a scoundrel from A to Z.” The Tiues-Rkcoiiueb never could see the consistency of turning out a Repub lican president to mnke room for a Dem ocratic one on the broad platform that a efitange of administration was needed to save the country, and yet stopping the work of reform just at the point where it was firstly begun. The same princi ple that calls for a change of prei'dents, demands that the woyk of reform go on •down to the janitors and spittoon dean- ora. “To the victor* belong the spoils” fa sound doctrine, the disregard of which •defeated Cleveland in 1888, and retarded the purification of the Augean stables a quarter of a century. The country Is tired of such milk-and- water figure heads as Hayes and Harri son in the chair of Cleveland, Lincoln and their distinguished predecessors, and the sentiment Is daily gaining strength that a mistake was made in set ting Blaine aside for the late lamented Hayes and the present lamented Har rison. Mr. Blaine should l>y all means bo given the nomination for 1802; so that if by any mishap, the Republicans should win, the country can still have a presl dent of whose administration she need not be ashamed on account of Its weak ness and inainty. The Tihes-Recoriier nominates Mr. Blaine, subject to the action of the Democracy at the polls in November 1802. If tho Democracy don't got Cleveland, then wo want the ablest man In the Re publican ranks, James G. Blaine. OPPOSITION to MIt. crisp. Tile editor of the St. Louis Republic has been very nicely knocked out in bis attempt to fill tho heads of the people with the idea that Congressman Crisp Is a protection Democrat and not in ac cord with the principle of tariff reform for which tlie Democracy is now bat tling. The efforts of the editor of the Republic to defeat Mr. Crisp for the speakership has disgusted the leaders of tho party iu nil sections of the eountry; aud tho result is, Mr. Crisp is stronger to-day than he has ev er been, aud his splendid record is be ing laid before the people with excel lent effect by his colleagues in Congress, who are determined that he shall not be done a gross injustice. The distinguished Georgian in the bat tle for tariff reform has always been In the front rank, and as Congressman Outhwalte, of Ohto, truly says, it was Crisp who made one of the most power ful and convincing arguments In favor of a reduction of the tariff that was ever heard on the floor of the Fifty-first Con gress, and that he was always In tho lead In the fight against the McKinley bill. The general Impression Is that the Republic Is either misinformed as to the reoord of Mr. Crisp on the tariff question, or that it has a favorite for the speaker ship and is trying to prejudloe the can didacy of that gentleman by leading the Demoo ratio Congressmon-eleet in the Western states to believe that he is not aouud on the tariff question, Thore is not a truer or more loyal Democrat In congress than Mr. Crisp, or one who is better equipped to he the speaker of the House, and the fact that be Is an earnest advocate of the reform of the tariff is evidenced by tho hearty support for the speakership which he is receiving from the Boston, Herald and other leading independent journals of the east which have taken Issue with the Republicans on the tariff questl on. Mr. Crisp's speech in Boston In favor a reduction of the tariff, won for him a host of friends in Now England and helped the Democrats of Massachusetts to victory last November, and we are quite sure that the Democratic mem bers of congress from that state will show their appreciation of his services by voting for him for the speakership in which position ho will reflect credit on his party.—Now Orleans States. Let Cleveland announco as his plat form for 18112: “To tho victor belong the spoils,’’ “Turn the rascals out,’ aud he will sweep the eountry against any man tho Republicans can put up. BEflLL & OAKLEY, 313—LAMAR ST.—313 We have just received an elegant line of Chantilly Late From 12 to 4(5 inches deep. Narrow Chantilly Laces from 2 to , 12 inches deep, (all silk in Cream and Iilack.) It’s Ill Waiting For DEAD MENS’ PROFESSIONAL CARDS ' A. KLUTTZ. Architect and Superintendent, * Americus, Georgia. Lamar street—over Holt's. 2-1-lj J. WORSHAM . DENTIST, * Office over People's National Bank. W. DENTIST, Cranberry's Corner, Americas. Go., Continues to serve bis friends In ail branches of dentistry. jon9-tf D KS. CHAPMAN A DANIEL, DENTISTS, Offer their professional services to the peo S le of Americus and surrounding country. Of* ce over Argo & Andrews* store, Lamar st., Americus, Go. feblD-tf. ;. WESTBROOK, 31. D. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. b and residence, next bouse fo C. A. Huntington, Cbuicli street. BEST UK CUES I HUB LARGE AND ELEGANT LINE Figured China Silks. We Can’t be equalled in this line, nor in BLACK EMBROIDERED FLOUNCINGS HANDSOME LINE WOOL DRESS GOODS. Prices made over the counter cheaper than any advertised prices, BEALL & OAKLEY SAM ROUTE. Local and Through Sohedule in Effect March 22, 1891. No. 2. .Mail. Daily. 53S P 0 00 e is r 6 27 6 87 P 6 SO 7 02 F 7 07 F 7 35 F 7 38 F 7 50am No. 18. MailaEx, Daily. *AKI* POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Highest of all in leavening strength —Unite* Statee Dvernment Report, Aug. 17,1IM. junelG dawlyr 9 25 i» si 0 50 10 07 10 20 10 31 10 46 10 58 11 05 11 10 11 30 11 44 11 B7 12 04 p m ft 00 p m 7 2ft p 11 57 am 12 17 p m 12 28 12 42 12 50 l OS 1 10 1 30 1 42 1 48 F No. 4. Mixed. Dally Ex. Sunday, -Read Up*— 2 30 3 10 8 3ft 43fi5 D4 2ft 4 42 607 628 6 36 5 46 6 66 6 08 6 21 6 26 6 64 pm WESTERN DIVISION. BTATIO NB. Omaha Arr Union .Loavale .. . Loavale Junction .......Lumpkin Randall ...Richland.. ....Ponder... ....Preston... ..Jennings Markets Plaint Salter New Point .....Littlejohn ...Ar. Americus Lv. ... No. 3. Mixed. Daily Ex, 10 40 10 00 0 35 DO 15 A8 45 M 28 8 05 7 47 7 40 7 28 7 20 7 05 6 48 6 45 6 20 am No. 1. Mail. Daily. Tto. 6. Paae’ng’r Daily. 7 00 pr 7 12 F 7 22 7 20 F 7 35 7 30 7 52 7 57 F 8 11 8 27 8 42 8 63 9 23 0 34 9 48 10 «t 10 !H 10 32 10 47 11 00 T 18 a t EASTERN DIVISION. STATIONS. Americas. Gatewood .. • Huntington... Tn t o. 5. rass'ug’r Daily. 9 20 F 0 00 8 46 F 8 84 8 24 F 8 10 7 ftftF 7 33 F 7 26 F 7 22 F 7 10 pm ...Coney Cordele. ....Pitts ..Rochelle ..Goodman .Copeland. ...Rhine... ..Horton.. ...Milan... ..Oswald.. . Helena... 11 43 11 50 t2 05 a m 12 10 12 31 12 43 12 40 F 2 oo p m l oo a m ’ 10 I 7 35 .I.v Helena Ar.. Ar Bruns wick Lv. . Ar Jacksonville Lv.. Erick Alamo .... Verbena Glen wood . ....Mount Vernon.. Peterson . .. Hlggston Vfaklia Appleton Appletoi ... Lyons . Savannah. 7 02 F «! 48 6 30 I 66 3 33 3 22 3 07 2 58 2 43 2 37 2 17 2 06 1 59 am 1 50 a nil 40 pm! No. 17. Mail* Ex, Dally. 7 oo ni 6 49 p 6 it* 0 32 F 6 25 « 21 6 09 0 03 F 5 50 5 32 5 19 6 07 5 02 4 50 4 M 4 25 4 09 3 58 3 52 3 40 So runs the proverb; and we want to ask: Why wait at all for dead men’s shoes when you can get GoodShoes CHEAP! —AT— THE EAGLE , MILLER, 61. D. residence corner Church und Prince streets. A. FORT, M. D. Office at l>r. Kldrldge’s (drug store. Can _ je round nt night Tn his rnom, over lUdririge’v di ug store. Barlow Block, lau 8-91-tf D R. J. H. WINCHESTER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at Davenport's Drug Store. Resi dence, corner Forsyth and Mayo streets, Americus, Ga. d6mo Telephone No. 104. ) R. T. J. KENNEDY, M. D. PHYSICIAN aND SURGEON. Having five years experience, and recently taken un extended course in New York Post-Graduate Medical school, is now pre pared to offer his professional services to Americus and surrounding vicinity. Calls left on his slate at Dr. Eldrldge's drugstore will receive prompt attention. At night can be found in bis office room over El drldge'a drug store, Barlow block. feb5-ly. DOCTORS J. 6. AND A. 6. HINKLE Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose A Specialty. E A. HAWKINS, . A1TOHNEY AT LAW. • Office upstairs on Uranberry corner. t UTT A LUMPKIN, Al l URNS. YS AT LAW. Amerldus, Gs. Offlee In Barlow Block, up stairs. W l\ WALLIS, # ATTORNEY AT LAW, Americus, Ga. W T. LANE, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, _ Americas, Gs. Prompt attention given to all business placed in my hands. Office in Barlow blocs, room 6. Feb. (i, tf Where is kept the most exten sive stock and the most com plete assortment of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Footwear suited to various occupations and requirements. While we carry finer Shoes than any other establish ment in the city, DON’T FORGET THAT We Have All Grades Down to the cheapest that are ALLLEATHER. NO SHODDY SHOES K f A. IIIXON, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Americus, Go, all business. |un5-tl. E. F. Hinton. E. H. Cutts. HINTON & CTJTTS, A ttorneys at law. Prsctioeinthe State and Federal Courts. Offlee over Hart Building, on Forsyth street, marl-ly R OBT. L. MAYNARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Amerious, Ga. Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to me. Lamar street over P. L. Holts^ . sep:9-d£w3m* T. : L. HOLTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Abbeville, Ga. ANSLEY te ANSLEY, A ttorn eyh at law, Am.ricu., os. Will practice in the counties of 8am- ter.Hchley, Macon, Dooly, Webnter, 8tcw- art,lnthe Supreme Court, and the United States tour.. J,*" MATHEWS, _ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 221% Forsyth street, Americas, Go. Will practice in all the Courts And in the Coun ty Court for the twelve months. 12-24 d&wly. Waltm K. Wheatley, J. B. Fitzoerald Wheatley & Fitzgerald, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office: 405 Jackson St., Up Stairs, AMEHICUH, > GEORGIA jan7-tf w M. < > wt <1 We are known for Fine Fitting and IUDSON & BLALOCK, LX1UVBRE Aheuicus, Georgia, Will practlco in all coart.. Partnership limited to civil coses. Office up stairs, corner Lee and Lamar street, in Artesian Block. dec21-d-wly BpKMMoijnj Harlow Hlock, Iloom 4. Will practice In both State and Federal Court,. Strict attention paid to all limitless entrusted to them. Telephone No. loa. 12-lu-ootf W. N. MARSHALL, tien'l SupL E. S. GOODMAN, Ucn'l Pass. Agt. 13. 'T BYRD FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. o pit Office on Jackson Street dec25-dly. next door below Property, low Major’s Office. Finished 'OOTWEAR! And if you wish to be known for your well dressed feet and tasty footwear, come and see Mil R. Sliaw W. B. Gukrry. DuPont Gukrly. Amorims, Ga. Macon, Ga, GUERRY & SON, L AWYER*. Amerfcun, Ga. Offlee in Peo. Pj® * £**ib>nal Dank Building, Lamar Hirect. Will practice in Huniter Superior and County Court*, and in the Bunrema Court. Our Junior will regularly attend the seMlonM of tho Huperlur Court. The firm will take upociul chkch in any Superior Court on Houthwuntern Railroad. C L. NOKIIMAN, , AKCIIITEI1T. OFFICF8 J21V Pe »chtree Street Atlanta. i Room 7 Barlow lil'k, Americus "peelftcation, lurnl.hed tor tmlldlntt. of till de*e ipttoh. - public bu ld- [nf» especially, communication, by mall to either Office will meet with promptat- lemloii \s t„. nan.Huperlttstidcnt a merl- ABBOTT/S a corn cSs. ■imsPeernLV w PROPRIETOR OF The Eagle Shoe Store, 119 FORSYTH ST., ‘ ' - AMERIOUS, GA. Bl-'NIONS o WARTS f? rtAif Without- * PAIN.’ Forsmle by the IUVESPORT DRUG COMPANY, Amerious, Go. $500 Reward l WE will |»y tlw.t>.vn reward r.r any aw of Liver Complaint. PyvpvpvU. »lc> Bewladw, lnd%wHo». Oew MRwtioa or*. »• .annul mm with Wwll TenutH. Urn Bite, wtwa tk. atnetlmw araMilvtly emptied with. They ar* purely Vegvtabl., *Jld BOTar fall turtv. aatlafMom Sn«.rI'UMol. Iwplm rontataln. » PUU, U emita. Buwuw at aMaWriMt. awd umaMoam Tha rvnataa ma.afaet.nd only fey ru* johx c. wxa ■ coxra.r. ciucaoo. ill. THE D WEXrORT DRUG OO, t», a*.