The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 18, 1891, Image 3

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£ THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: SATURDAY, APR lx, .8, .891. DOCTOR fA—g. acker: ENGLISH :ttl« may cave you $100 In Doc-" save your life I ASK YOURS r. It the little ones have ! CROUPi i'GOPlfc GOUGH j . - *E iT PROMPTLY. IT ISS A o AtOUND TO CURE. Sold In ■ SM f *1 ENGLAND for Is. 1Hd. and! . J i n AMERICA for 2Be. a bottle. S ilu.kli,. nllk (Vann. . GOOD. 2 0**Mi*jf nllk f'ronp. • IT TASTES S. H. HAWKINS ’». H. C- BAGLEY. Vice Pr«’t W. I. VBPnEY. Cashier. '«OAMZKI> 1870. ->8The Ba.ik of Americus.g«- Designated Pepos*inry State of Georgia. Stock hold *<3 Individually liable. Capital, - 815(MMS) MttrpiUH, • f$](MMM>o DIRECTORS II. C. Hagley, Pres. Americus Investment Co. 1*. C. I'lcgg, Pres. Ocntulgee Brick Co. das. Dodson, of .rax. Dodson A Son, Attorney! G. \V. Glover, Pres't American Grocery Co. J. W. Sheffield, of Sheffield & Co., Hardware. T, Wheatley, wholesale dry goods. W. E. Murphey, Cashier. THE BANK OF SUMTER T. N. IIAWKES, President. O. A. COLEMAN, Vice-President. W. C. FURLOW, Cashier. DIRECTORS— O. A. Coleman, C. C. Hawkins. 8. H. Johsoy, T. N. llawkes, VV. C. Fallow, W. H. C. Wheatley, U. S. Oliver, fl. M. Brown, TV. M. llawkes, Dr. E. T. Mathis, Arthur Rylander. Liberal to its customers, accommoda ting to the public and prudent, in its management, this bank solicits deposits and other business in its line. S. MONTGOMERY, Prest. J. C. RONEY, Vice Prest. JNO. WINDSOR. C’r. LESTER WINDSOR A»st. C’r. E. A. HAWKINS, Attorney NO. 2839. THE Peoples’ National Bank Of Americas. Capitol, *50,000. Surplus, *35,000 ORGANIZED 1883. Dorman** Minstrels Gorman’s miustrel troupe will be here next Wednesday night. Of their per formance iu Boston, the Globe, of that city, says: “At the Globe, Gorman’s minstrels opened the season to a large audience. The first part, ‘The Lori Hard Recep tion,’ presents a number of new features, and was followed by various specialties, among the best of which were George Gorman in a new characterization; vocal rftimhers, sympathetic and comical, by various mem hers, aud a number of song and dance sketches. ‘The Dancer’s Dream’ introduces some very fine danc ing. Mr. Layman gave an excellent im personation of various celebrated peo ple in a manner seldom surpassed. The entertainment closed with a quite racy travesty entitled ‘The Gamboliers,* in troducing the whole company.” Gerry the news to Mar , .Aial pray be not (oolong. For Nhe is fast declining, and surely, 'twnuld be wrong— not to tell her of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. Wo do want Mary to know, in some way or other, that this world-famed remedy will cure her bey ond any doubt. It’s jiist the medicine for young womanhood, and thousands has it bridged over that perilous sea. rn every state, from every city, from nearly every neighborhood in this broad land, comes the grateful acknowledg ment of what it has done and is doing for our daughters. Tho only medicine for the distressing and painful irregu larities and weakness of woman, Hold with a positive guarantee to give satis faction in every case, or money refunded, in other words, sold ou trial. The local baud will give semi-weekly open air concerts at Marietta during the sumraor. for Infants and Children. “Castorlafeio well adapted to children that I recommend It ns superior to any prescription known to me.” H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. “The usa of 'Castoria* is so universal and its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach.” Carlos Martov, D. Dm New York City. Late Pastor Bloomlngdalc Reformed Church. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, DIarrhwa. EruotaUon, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di* Without injurious medication. “ For several years I have recommended your * Castoria, * and shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial results.” Enwur F. Pardii, M. D., “TboWlnthrop,” 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Tbb Cxmtau* Compact, 77 Murbay Street, New Yoke. —*TH !£.<♦— Americas National Building and Loan Association. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. - *50,000,000. OVER $200,000 WORTH OF STOCK ALREADY SOLD. Money loaned at 0 per cent, principal, and nterent payable in easy monthly Mint ail ments. Large nrotltssocured to investors. DIRECTORS: E.Taylor, Retired Merchant; H. It. Johnson, of Johnson «v Harioid; W. i*. Wnllm, Atfey. at Law; T. M. A'leu. Experienced ll.illdiug and Loan Manager; Lott Warren, Secretary and Trent*. Mutual H A L. Ax-.; H. II. Hawkins, Pres. 8. A. A M. Ry.; J. it. Felder, Mayor of America* and Pro*.. Street Ry. 4-U ’91 dAwiy II. C. Baulky, Pres. W. E. Hawkixs,Sec. & Tr. Americas Investment Go. Investment Securities. J?aid up Oauital, $1,000,000. [Surplus, $250,000. miiKCTona: H U Bagiev, W E Hawkins, S W Coney, W S Gillis, J W Sheffield, P C Clegg, WMHawkes,BF Mathews. G M Byne, W E Murphey, S Montgomery, J II Pharr. B. P. Hollis. CAPITAL STOCK, - - * SURPLUS A Undivided Profits, * Bank of Southwestern Georgia. * N. SPEEIt, J. W. WHEATLEY, President. Vice President. W-II. C. DUDLEY, A. W. SMITH, Cashier. Assistant Cashier. directors: J. W. Wheatley, K. J. Eldridgc, C. A. Huntington, II. K. Johnson, It. J. Perry, J. C. Nicholson, A. W. Smith, W. H. C. Dudloy, M. Speer. De Witt’s Little Early Kisers never gripe or cause nausea. Mild but sure, assist rather than force. Best Little pill for sick headache, chronic constipation, dyspepsia. Sold by Cook’s Pharmacy. 1-10-3 m Tho city council of Koine lias elected J. II. Spurlock city attorney tA fill the unexpired term of W. J. Nunnally, re signed. Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism and most diseases originate from impure blood. Cleanse it, improve it, purify it with I)e Witt’s Sarsaparilla and health is restored, strength regained. Sold by Cook’s Pharmacy. l-10-3m State Treasurer Hardeman is in Ma con, for tho purpose of examining the banks of tho city, as lie is required to do by the law. Puri lies the blood, increases tho circu lation, expels poisonous humors and builds up the system. What more do you want a medicine to perforin ? De Witt’s Sarsaparilla is reliable. Sold by Cook’s Pharmacy. A letter was received at the postoffice .at Augusta Wednesday directed “Gov. Northcn, Augusta, Ga.” The letter, which was from the National Democratic Committee, was first addressed to Geor gia only and was returned for better direction. They then put Augusta on in reef ink and let her go at that A beautiful skin, bright eyes, sweet breath, good appetite, vigorous body, pure blood and good health result from the use of De Witt’s Sarsaparilla, It is sold by Cook’s Pharmacy. William Housley, aged 80, a retired merchant of Augusta, who years ago mado a fortune in that city, died at Ids place of residence on Ellis street Wednesday. If food sours on tho stomach, diges tion is defective. De Witt’s Little Early Kisers will remedy this. Tho famous little pills that never gripe and never disappoint are sold by Cook’s Phar macy. The Planters’ oil mill and ice factory have closed a contract with tho Macon Gaslight and Water Company for 100,000 gallons of water to bo supplied this sea son. Cure Your Corns by Using. Abbott’s East Indian Corn Paint for Bunions and.Warts, it is great. apr 7-dl2-w2L Tho farmers around Augusta, both on the Georgia and Carolina sides of the river, are going to bo greatly embar rassed through lack of sufficient labor to till the noil on their plantations. Americus Iron Works, BUILDERS OF Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills . Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, Jets, Etc. Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys ©3“Special attention given to repairing all kinds of Machinery. Telephone 79. 2,Wm BOTT MERCHANT & co., * TAILORS. E. Hmm.'Ju., Pros. H. M. Knapp, V. P. [O. A. AN. See, * Trcas, Georgia Loan & Trust Co. Negotiates Loans on improved Farm and City Property. B P H01.I.I8, Attorney, J E Bivins. Land Examiner. «. D. MURMf. PRESIDENT. J. E. CLARK. CASHIER. Planters’ Bank of Ellaville, Kllavllto, Georgia. PAID OP CAPITAL, - - MS.000 Collection, a Specialty. Liberal to lta ctutomera, accommodating to the public and prcdtnt In Ita management, bank solicit, deposit! and other business In its I, . JanWAwlj. LOANS. •oans negotiated at LOWEST BATES, payment., on J. J. HAXESLKT, ct 5 ly Americus, Georgia. • * . . : •, 1 Judgement ■hould be displayed in baying medi cine above all things. In selecting * remedy for any disease, you should be positivo that it contains nothing inju rious to the health. Many re mediae on the market leave the patient la a much worse condition, than before taking them. s. s. s. it purely vegetable, and perfectly harmless; the most delicate child can take it with absolute safety. It contain! no mercury or mineral* of any kind, and yet it never fails to cure the die- eases it Is recommended for. Book on Blood and Skin diseases fro* Swift Specific-Co., Atlanta, Oc (Successors to Mrs. BKEMSTELLER) 110 Lamar Street, over Peoples’ National Bank, .A-mericiis, Georgia. are now opening a FIRST-CLASS TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT and will have a line line or goods of LATEST STYLES AND FASHIONS in stock, and will GUARANTEE PERFECT FITS. Prices satisfactory. Como and see us before placing your orders and you will bo more than satisfied with our styles and prices. Mr. Butt lived bore four years ago, and wns with Mr. Bremstcllcr, and Is no strangor to tbo people of Americus who wear good clothoi. 3-3 lm. H. SANFORD, Contractor and Buiider, AMERICUS, GA., Is prepared to take contracts for bnildings of .all kinds. With large experience in building he can guarantee is good work as can be done any where, Designs Furnished, Estimates Made. Incdrie Rubbing a specialty, in hard woods All latest designs. Samples can be had on ap plication. Call at J. B. Dunn’s store, on Lamar street, Americus, Ga. decl7-3m Is the strongest Home-indorsed Medicine in the world. (Uncovered. Yours truly, Columbus, Ga., March 2;, lSSrt. WOOLDRIDGE WONDERFUL CURE CO* Columbus, Ga* FOIL SALE BY A LI* DRUGGIST* J3RADFIELDS rstass?* ^PAtfc'n/i. pnortfbe, ^ scanty, * fWSrjH/AT/OJV LIPPMAN BOO?., Proprietor*, Dm mills. Uppaian’s Kook. SAVANNAH. CL For sale by the DAVENTORT DRUG COMPANY, Americus, Go. Shingles and Lumber. We are now prepared to furntah Lumber and Shingles on short notice, at the lowest cosh prices. Parties wanting either or the above will save money by consulting us be fore placing their orders. WIGGINS * HERNDON. SHINGLES, SHINGLES. k nd C inches width, 10 and is long. Liberal ills- Cobb, Os. l ’ Hr q o THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY BAB.- a ^Hre*7!onnrhu?.t 11 ml ■)ayi, without Pain. I Prevents Stricture. Contains no acrid or poisonous substances, and Its guaranteed absolutely harmless, prescribed by physicians. Best Sy ringe free w ft beach bottle. Price fl Sold by druggists. Beware of Sub. BtltatesjAcmoChemjCoJAdyNjOjlJl I Sold in Americus by Cook’s Pharmacy, E. J. Eldrldge, Fleetwood & Russell, J. E. Ball *nd Davenport Drug Company. • T, H. SMITH. Architect and Sui/der, Americun, GB* J. B.O. SMITH, w° r A k - ft.tlmaU'K mruliditd ou .hurt n0tl E^7 , 1 work guaranteed. NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA V BoutHwoatern Division. Correct Schedule, No. 23, in Effect April 12,1801 SAVANNAH U WESTERN DIVISION Hchedule No. 10, taking effect Apr. 12th, 1801. ¥ No. 5, Between Hava u unit and Birmingham] No. C, -V c‘ Dally. via Americas, Dally. r #g 710 pm Leave Hnvnnnnh Arrive 740pm if*!* 1 ** Lyon- 100am . 5to ..Amerfcus,.......... 640am . Buena Vi»ta, 5 25 p m Arrive.. .Columbus . Blrmtmrhmn.. No. 8 Dally. Panne uger No. 8 Dully. Fast Mai BAHT HOUND. No. 5 Dally Fast Mall No. 7 Dally Passenger MiitSam 5 13 •• u:v> •* into “ 5 20p m 555pm 2 m 4 10 “ 635 •’ 10 29 “ <1 15a in 0»$ “ Lv. Americus At. Ar. Fort. Valley I.v. “ Maeon •• “ Atlanta “ “ Augusta “ *• «nvannaJt “ 108pm ll :3 am loan •• 71o “ 9 10 p in 9 37 p ra 8 00 « 8 40 “ 215 .'00 am 0 40 “ No. 7 Dally Passenger No. 5 Daily. Fast Mall WF.HT BOUND. No. 8 Dally Fast Mall No. 8 Dally Passenger v iff ». m IC 05 4 42 a m 7 :l r » m m 1 Hpiu 1 30 - 1 12 “ 7 20 “ Lv. Anierlctis Ar. Ar. Mmitliville “ “ Eufuula “ “ Montg«»mer.v Lv. 135 p rn 180 “ 1105 a m 7 40 a m 825 a m 1230 “ 10 25 p ra 7 80 p in No. 7 Daily No. 0 Dally TO FLORIDA. No. 6 Daily No. 8 Pally 9 37 p n* inns “ .0 45 p m 4.50a m 7 )5 a in 7 25* iu 1 18 p in 130 “ 2 5» “ 540 « Lv. America* Ar. “ Hmltlivilie ** Ar Albany Lv “ Thomasville Lv “ Waycross ” “ Hrunrwlck “ “ JackHonvtlle •* 2 35 p m 120 p in 12 20 p nt 880am 3 33 a m 800 « 215 « lOlOp 750 K 785 Solid Trains with Sleeping Cars Between Savannah and Birmingham. For further information relative to tlokets, schedules, best routes etc. etc., apply to A. T. MAXWELL, Agent, J. C. MeKKNZIE. 8up*t, E.T. CHARLTON,Gen. Paso. Ag*t. Americus, Ga. HmUhvllte, Gn. Havannab.Ga. D. H. BYTHEWOOD, Division Pnss. Ag’t., Ck>1umbus, Ga. D D. ClTltflAN, Hup’t. Golnnibus. Ga. J. C. HHAW.Trav. Pass. Ag’t., Havana ah da. ESTABLISHED 1867. INCORPORATED 1890. JAMES FRICKER & BRO. I have juat returned from New York, whore 1 purchased a very large atock of DIAMONDS AND WATCHES at price* that will enable aa to sell lower than over before. Our itoek Is immeuae, nasortmont complete, pricen lower than any one. Call anil soo for youraolves before buying. C. A. FRICKER, President.. 4O9 JACKSON SI., AMERICUS. GA. (Barlow Block.) Cooks’ Pharmacy, CORNER LEE AND LAMAR STREETS, AMERICUS; GEORGIA. I am pleased to announce that I have a full line of FRESH DRUGS- GARDEN SEED A SPECIALTY. Prescriptions Allied at all Hours, Day or Night, W. A. COOK, Proprietor. VM. RADAM’S IGBOBE KILLER MOST TRULY AND CORRECTLY CALLED The Greatest Medicine in the World A WONDERFUL TONIC AND BLOOD PURIFIER ALMOST MmACTTLOTJS 0TOS3 Of hopelera find apparently Incurable disease* are constantly being mado. It is crpcdtrl to perform the importable, by curing cases given up by physicians, and it LOSS HOT DISAPPOINT EXPECTATIONS. More people are Min* cured hy Mlcmba Killer than by all other medicine. c< »m hluwL We requeet a Ihorouah - Blatory of the Microbe Killer Ir,. i,y FLEETWOOD & RUSSELL, Sulo AgcnU for Sumter comity. julyiS-dtyr Hard Times to get Money! Ten Dollara noveJ l» twenty dollnrs mndet My New Sprint Style* cannot bo excelled, and by callln, on M. FKIEND You can get a Stylish Bpring Bull at small cost, and satisfaction guaranteed. Old Express Oflics stand, Lamar street- apr 10-I mo. rnmnewom mate is but out ante OYHAUfES GOLDEN SPEC1RC. Itcsn b..given Inooflfee, tea. or In articles of food, without the knowtsrlgeof patient if necessary It is absolutely hsrtn'.«*ss and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, wtu-ther the patient Is 0 moderate drinker or on alcohY>llcwrr«-k. IT NEV ER FAILH. It operates *0 quietly and With such certainty that the patient undergo**!! no Incon venience, and soon hlx complete reformation is effected. 4» page book free. To »*) had of tor sale oy Dr. K. J. Eldrldge Americus, Ou. J. R. HUDSON & CO. - PROPRIETORS —BOTTLERS OF ALL KIND8-OF Soda and Mineral Waters, Oider and Oinger Ale’ ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 824 LEE STREET. .... AMERICUS. GEORGIA- B. L. MoMATII. E. J. McMATH. B. H. McMATlT McMATH BROTHERS. DEALERS IN Groceries, ProTisions, Country Proto BOOTS, SHOES, ETC., ETC., WHISKEYS, TOBACCO & CIGARS, SPECIALTIES. 207 FORSYTH STREET, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. We solicit a share of the patronage of the trading public, guaranteeing satisfaction low prices, and good gocdc. Wo deliver goods anywhere in the city. Call and see us. McMATH BROTHERS. jAl bargain. NOTICE TO MILL MEN. (have for isle Two Mill Rocks and fixtures complete, One Bice Milt, One Pol isher. One Fan, One Bolting Cloth complete, Three Pair Scales, One Fifty Horses Power Engine and Boiler, One Planer One Gang Edger.Five Gina, One Clark Cotton Clearer, One Precs, Hhanftlngs and Pulleys world without end. all of the above property will be sold Cheap For Cash or Bankable Papers. C. A. BELL. da ten ma at Amarlca. or cali and aea ma. W. XX XXa/ynes & Son- REAL ESTATE, STOCK AND BOND BROKERS, 3101-2 Lamar Street, Americus, Ga.