The times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-1891, April 18, 1891, Image 4

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I f'v THE AMERICUS DAILY TiMES-RECORDER: SATLRDAY, APRIL 18, 1891. FO ditie the f bell used M Dei trus sen for lnt tlot 1 call the offl ant At pa # RES mins t> r-* kll form end star** Pvlnf-r, Nwn»d»g_«»<->_T>Tt»*rv > P P P - A « * • * • . vUflES SCROFULA. P.P.P. SlSSsOH T55TKS53^5I?ST^Tr?CT!STrTII57®*^*^^* curtai Ftoleoo, Tettar. Sr»l4 •**-, •*. f, r. r ‘ - . - - Cures dyspepsiA LIPPMAW EKU5., proprietors, Druggists, Lippman’i Block, 8AVA2dHA0, GA* For sale by tlio DAVENPORT DHUti COMPANY, Amoricun, Ga. Health is Wealth! DR.B.C. West’s News and Krais Treat ment, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizzi ness. Convulsion*, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused l>y the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the Drain, resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, barrenness, Loss of Power n either sex. Involuntary Losses and 8|>erma- orrhina, caused by over-exertion of the brain, elf-abuse or over-indulgence. Each l»ox con* tains one month’s treatment. $1.00 per box,or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail, prepaid, or — ceipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX ROXKS Tb cure any case. With each order reoelved ^>y us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money 11 the treatment d«*cs not ef fect a cure. Guarantees issued only by THE DAVENPORT DRUG CO., Hole Agts.. Amerlcus, Oa. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE S£ES THORN Yon WHEATLKY Amerlcus, • - Georgia, JAPANESE CURE A guaranteed Cure for Pile* of .whatever kind or dogreo—E/ ernnl, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, It chit <?, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary. $10( * box; 6 boxes, $5.00, Bent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. We guarantee to < rre any cnee of Piles. Guaranteed and soL 'inly by (THE DAVEN.’ORT DRUG CO., Wholesale aad Retail Druggist*. America*, Oa. Samples free. fel>21*djfcwlyr Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Feta. Our OMce is Opposite U. S. Patent Office, and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. bend model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. .We advise, if patentable or not. free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet. “How to Obtain Patents.” with names of actual clients in your Slate, county, or town, sent free. Adjlreeg, C.A.SNOW&CO. t Pet.nt (Me*. Withington. D. C. A Certain Core lor Dyspepsia, There is perhaps no disease so prevalent as Dyspepsia and Indigestion, and one too. that up to the present time ns* baffled the skill of the —*—it ‘physicians. Two-thirds of the aes nave their origin in Dysjieiisia. is are loss of appetite, loss of flesh, ■Incas or weight in the stomach, nd^romltlng, acidity, flatu- In the bead, with a sen-atlon of s. Irregularity of bowels, ess, sallow skin, derange. —- fluently ralpita- Bering with any eCtheae symptoms Dm. Holt’s Dyspeptic Kuxib will care you. Prepared only by Dr. Holt's Dyspeptic Elixir Company, rice *1.00 per bottle Kojmxnu, a. There was quite a racket at the Cen tral Hotel irt Albany .Saturday night, caused by a pitched battle between four drunken tailor*. The daughter of one of them sleeping in an adjoining room, gave the alarm by screaming at the top t her voice, and the whole police de partment rushed to the scene and collar ed the combatants. Wliat Khali the Harvest Ba ? Why! What can it be, but suffering and sorrow, disease and death, if you neglect the symptoms of a disordered liver? Take Ur. Pie re's Golden Medical Discovery. It outsells all other reme dies. Sold under condition that it must either benefit or cure the patient, or the money paid for it w ill be promptly re- furned. It cures ali diseases arising from deranged liver, or from impure blood, as biliousness, “liver complaint,” all skin and scalp diseases, salt-rheum, tetter, scrofulous sores and swellings, fever-sores, hip-joint disease and kin dred ailments. The Tribnne-of-Rome is pouring some hot shot into the Atlanta Journal for the latter's comment on the acquittal of Mrs. McKee. TUAT TERRIBLE COUGH In the morning, hurried or difficult breathing, raising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse chillncss in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the * first stages of consumption. Dr. Acker's English Cough Ilemedy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by Feetwood & Russell, Amcricus, Ga. ft You Will Do the Same Thing. Holt's Dyspeptic Elixir has proven a great blessing to suffering humanity; lias cured more cases than perhaps any other preparation on the market. All who have taken it testify to its virturcs. If you still doubt ask your druggists to show you testimonials. If you are trou bled with any of the following diseases it will cure you: Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Jaundice, Headache, Heartburn, Chronic Diarrhma, Kidney Disease, Heart Trou bles, Yellowness of the Skin, Brown Splotches, Torpidity and Asthma, if complicated with Dyspepsia. In short, it is a specific for all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the stom ach and bowels. Manufactured by Dr, Holt's Dyspeptic Elixir Co., Montezuma, Ga. Price *1.00. Bottles double former size. For sale by all druggists. Dr. Holt’s Croup and Cough Syrup pre vents and cures croup. No cure no pay, Manufactured by Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir Co., Montezuma, Ga. Henry M. Wooten, of Camilla, has been appointed Chief Assistant Deputy United States Marshal for the Southern district of Georgia. •‘Away! Away! There U danger here! A terrible puuutmu is bending near! With no human look,with no human breath He stand* beside ttee—the haunter - Deathi” If there is one diseaso more than an other that comes like the unbidden guest at a banquet, It is Catarrh. In sidiouslv It steals upon you, “with no human breath” it gradually, Ilk© the oc topus, winds Its coils about you and crushes you. But there is a medicine, called Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy, that can tear you away from the monster, and turn tho scythe’s point of the reap er. The makers of this wondorful rem edy offer, in good faith, a standing re ward of $500 for an incurable case of Catarrh in tho head. For Rent: Two Excellent Melon Farms ONE RESIDENCE. -FOR SALE:- We can now say WHOLESALE DELOS, ami as an evidence, call and examine our Stock and Prices. As to DETAILING l)Hl OS, we will give this department MORE and CLOSER attention than ever liefore, assuring everyone of prompt and competent attention. Goods from us will be delivered to any purl oj the city, and free on board the cars. We are offering a very large stock, for Americas, of the follow mg articles In Patent and Proprietary Medicines. Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, 3 sizes, King’s Discovery, 2 sizes, Simmons’ Liver Regulator, Cuticura Remedies, Tutt’s Pills, Carter’s Little Liver Pills, Derma Lotion, 2 sizes, Stone’s Cod Liver Oil, Ilosford’s Acid Phosphate, Rarker’s Horse anil Cattle Powders, Warner’s Safe Cure, King’s Royal Germaluer. Some Central and Suburban and Busi ness property, and a few Choice Stocks. BUY NOW. The celebrated flnost Tower Brand Razors. If not satisfactory in thirty days return it and got the money, at Du. Elduidqk’s Dkuq Stokes, C'ordolo is now a three-year-old, with 3,000 inhabitants, and tho town Is with out a cemetery. Must bo a sorry lot of doctors there. IS Lira WMKTII LIVING f Not If you go through tho world a dys peptle. Dr. Acker's Dyspopsia Tablets aro a positive cure for the worst forms ol Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Constipation. Guaranteed and sold by Fleetwood A ltussell,Amcricus, Ga. 0 How I vm Cured uf So-Called Cancer. I.CI.ATOK, OA. Dkau Siii—Tills is to certify that I was a sufl'orer witli a place on my undor- llp for fourteen years, and was under treatment of ditforent physicians, but they done me no good. I had lost hope of being cured by medical treatment. 1 then went to a doctor living in Florida, who treated them by art. After going to him it got well, apparently, fora wliilo, but ruttirnod as bad as ever. I then concluded to try P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium), and af ter taking live bottles (pint size) was cured. 1 also tind it to be a good medi cine to give a good appetito and to give proper digestion. Yours truly; I,. J. SrlCIlKI.A.ND. Scgars, Scgars. Always a supply of good ones at Dr. Eldridges Drug Stores. Try them. The “Mother** Friend" Not only shortens labor and lessens pain attending it, but greatly dimenishes tho danger to life of both mother and child if used a few months before con finement. Write to tlie Ilradliel' Itcgu lator Co., Atlanta, Ga., for further par ticulars. Sold by all druggists. A prominent railroad superintendent, living in Savannah, one sullering for years from malaria and general debility, says on having recovered Ills health by tile use of P. 1’. P„ thinks that he will live forever, if ho can always got 1'. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Itoot and Potas slum. This party’s name will bo given on application. Wo keep the best Paint wo can got. If not satisfactory when put on we will repaint the house at our expenso. E. J. Ei.dhidok, Druggist, M. Callaway, Real Estate Agent. Feb.t-ly THE wfcOXC|JUAs' 8. 8. 8. I*. I*. 1». B. B. B. C. C. C. R. R. It. W. W. (J. D. 13, (r. Scott’s Emulsion, Brown's Iron Ritters, Rearsfoot and Sarsaparilla, Lemon Elixir, 2 sizes, In Rubber Goods. Fountain Syringes bolding from pint to I Water Bottles holding pint to half gal. one-half gallon, Nipples. A Good Family Syringe, from 73c. to Nursing Bottle Fittings. $2.50. I -ft twelfth annual statement ok Til K rrcELiTY 1 ni-ffi-aciffii, 914 walnut street, Piiiaieliiiiia, Pa. >- c cx,!?/-“• ": r ' ud ". , .**wv.».3o ,,u ^^?;iM«na r ^»r ndEx :.«tcmij r.WKSTKI) ASSSTM. Bui'iS*. ‘ eJCkl ami Loati 1 OP l.'.H iHIcrHl 81.781.1U C ill In nfllee, Hunks slid Tru-t Co ■ KUM.UI Hills Receivable, Led*- balances, ete . . .. *US?.I» ^ Contingent Asset* 01 Total Assets #1,098,1(^,30 A*s< rtHlned I.laid Hie*,#12,912.81 Contingent UtthUlUet*, 83,500.(0 l|t , w INSURANCE IN KOHCK. Jan. 1.UWI. 12.170 Policies, repre- g, n ting f«fl|ftii),liiill.00 Total Losses and Payment* to Member* in 12 Years 1.087.2.B.70 The annual expense dues are llmlt-d to H nor $1,11*1 tn*u»nnce and the mortality vlng* thefirst live yenis, us against au etage expense cokt about $11 in old line fhiTiiew* business in 18-0 cost the Fidelity 112.01 per $1,000 Insurance, us against ttn rage cost of over Ho in old line corapan- imulust h rut loot $1,12 to each $1 liability In old llnecomimnles. - The Fidelity has already saved to It* nollcv holdcfs in twelve .veins,ns compar ed with old line premiums, over three million dollars. ... , Its policies nre plain, nntechnlcal, and r re guaranteed on the same principal that Government bonds are guaranteed. L. G. Fouhk President. In Perfumery. LazzcH'a Odors, Persian Bouquet Special. Crab Apple Blossom. Lailcllo Cologne. I.unhorg's Perfumes. Edcina. Swiss Lilac. Goya Lily. Soaps. A very Largo Assortment of Pears’ and Pel's Toilet Soaps. Thermometers. Fever Thermometers, Urinoraotors, Lactometers, “Old Probabilities.’ Garden Seed. Field and Flower Seed. Mixed Paints. White I.ead, Linseed Oils, Varnishes, Colors inOil, Paint Brushes. Toilet Articles. Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Face Powders. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Eye-Glasses. When Baby was sick, wo cave tier Castorta. When sbo was a ChlM,sho cried for Csstorio. When ihs became Mia, the dung to Cutoria. When she hut Children, sb* gara (here CMtoria Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir cured W. A. Wright, comptroller-general of State of Georgia, of Dyspepsia, after having it several ycaes In Ita worst farm. Forsale by all druggists. marS-lm ft FURNISH THE LATEST PAPEES NOVELS, MAGAZINES Fashion Plates. Will receive subscriptions for any paper or oubicAtion. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. PLACE. Mardre’s Book Store. Americus News Go. We bottle largoly Cologne, Castor Oil, Turpentine, Bateman’s Drops, Paregoric, Laudanum, Spirits Camphor, Extract Lemon, Extract Vanilla (from beat Beans) and many other preparations. Wo solicit patronage. RETAIL. WHOLESALE. Respectfully, DAVENPORT DRUG CO., fol>22-3ra 322 Lamar St., 318 Jackson SL C. M. WHEATLEV, l’rcs’t. CRAWFORD WHEATLEY, Vico Pros’t. II. If. JOSSEY, Sec’y & Treas. C. C. STONE, Supt. The Americus Construction Company, Successors to C. M. Wheatley A Co. Have tho largest stock of • Dry T umber Both Rough and Dressed, ever held in the city, witli unequalled capacity for the execution of tine work. They will furnisli the trade with Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Stairvork, Pnlpits, Pevs, COUNTERS, SHELVING, MOULDINGS, ORNAMENTS, ETC. Prompt attention givon all orders. Write for Cataloguo and prices Office and Factory, COIL BAY A JACKSON STS. Telephone No. 78. Uptown Office, No. JACKSON ST. Tolophono 110. CRAWFORD WHEATLEY, Pm. ARCHIE R ELDRIDGE, Gen’l Rang’ The Americus Refrigerating Go- Respectfully state that tlieir new Ice Factory will start the manufacture of Ice iu a short time and will be prepared to furnish Pure Crystal Ice in any quantityfrom a pound to a car load. Their Refrigerating Chambers will also soon be in readiness for the preservation of all perishable food products and will be perfect in every particular. For further partic ulars either telephone, write or call on THE AMERICUS REFRIGERATING CO.. Office & Factory Cor. Jackson & Bay Sts., on Central R. R. DUNN & LOYLESS, Managers ii-tr AMERICAS, OA. For Sale. A VALUABLE FARM, formerly known the Kobt. Hodge* plantation,situated eight miles northeast of Americus and twoinlle* southeast of Andersonville, containing fourteen hundred acres of land; six hun dred of which Is In n high state of cult va- tlvation, the balance, or eight hundred acres, In original limber, consisting of Ouk hickory and pine, ^bout three fourths n this land lies level, while the balance Is slightly u tiderlatIng. It Is well wateicd bv branches and spring*. It 1* healthy,fertile and productive. The farm bouse is a two story frame structure, containing »even room*. Tenant houses ard neat frame cabins of su(Helent number to comlonahly house the necess»ry lnl»or lor working the farm. Being convenient to market,schools and churches, and in an Intelligent and thickly settled nclghitorhood, this farm offers superior Inducements to any one desiring a country home. For additional Information, apply to J. B. FELDER, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE. FINE SHOW ^ JDT’Ask for catalogue. TERRY M’F'G CO- NA8HV1UJL Ted THE BEST THING OUT llKST YOUR W1VK81 YOUB HIHTKRH! YOIIRCWMN*! mmlYOUll AUNTS1 Wants all the ladles to call au<l see the latest BIOWING MACHINE MOTOR. Hlapgcjrja^Hulldlnc near Artesian Corner. SHINGLES AND LUMBER Ilavlngjust finished an outfit to manu facture the ntxw. named articles, we are prepared to furnish them on short notice. Hatl*fiictIon guarantee♦. Will deliver at Parkers Htattqn, ten miles from Americus, Ga. SUFFERERS :OFi- Youthful Errors Lost Manhood, F.srly Decay, etc. etc., can secure a home treatise frei by addressing a fellow sufferer, C VV. Leek, I*. 0. Box 816, Koanoke Virginia. •J* P. MoVEV, pro pro tor* Manufacturer of Every Variety of Saws and dealer SAW MILL SUPPLIES. Special attention given to Repairing. Agent for W. L. Tower & Co.’* Celebrated. Wood Working Machinery. tug, and Well 8,1mm Stock ready (or shipment Price, low. Liberal term. Writs (or catalogue. ATLANTA, -GEORGIA LUMBER! Having located a mill at Cobb HUtlon, I am prepared to furnUli Lumber o( all klnd.on.hort notice, Finn else. Lumber lurnl.hed on short notice. J W. CAHTLEBEURY, M'cb 15,-d-lm. Cobb Button, G*. Knights of Honor The IxMge In Amerleua line 1 ten rear, Jn.nre.for 8^00. Aueum.iiU light 8»fe,t end cheapest lire Insurance, nr uforma'.mn apply to may ft- 1>. K. MUNSON. Reporerl mm WW i lUnia.u, pa euMltKSiwuK oututn. Dookol par- tlcuUnirnt PSKX. uWclMKV B8R