Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, April 23, 1891, Image 3

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THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1891. CORES SB —t - 'll-!" 'I L *51 " L. .. 1 1 .» . I., ■ . J Its SCROFULA. (ri.RduUr Swclllnfg, KhwttuiRii-m, (>. . •: Utcar* tb*i h»»* nil trratm Malaria, old fl! p.p. t CURES MPDISOH E E0?. F Cures riteuma' ffsM iMiltliiiff np tba »y.t«m raj»M I.vlieh who»« gy.iPtn* »r» IW k hi P.I P.P.I CURES Malaria clmthtioj propetties 0? C. »nd Pm 3 w..u«r»ft.l teme and bLod P. P. Prickly Atb, Poko Root BUTMAN Blf.u3., Proprietors, Druggists, Lippioan'o Bloc’/, BAYARNAH, QA. For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Amerlnm, Ga. Is the strongest Home-indorsed Medicine in the world. Mr wife has been afflicted for yonr* with * most dreadful Blood Poison of smne ltltitl, called Kciema by eminent phyaloloii*. During this period ■be waa treated by several apedailsts. Una taken quantities of all tno blood purifiers on the market, without reallzii»• an/ special benefit. Hho Isnow using Wooldridge’s Wonderful Cure, a few bottles of which have made a complete cure. I unhesitat ingly recommend It as the bimt blood purinererer discovered. Yours truly, A. C. McClbSEK. Columbus, Qa., March is, 189P. HASCTMCTUREU BT WOOLDRIDGE WONDERFUL CURE C0. # Commons, tin* VOlt HALE 1> / ALL DRUGGISTS JAPANESE A guaranteed Car* for Piles of whatever kind or degree—LV ernal, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itchij g, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary. $100 i box; 6 boYea, $5.00. Sent by, preppid, on receipt of price. Wo guarautoo to • iro any cafio of Piles. Guaranteed and soL *»nly by iTHK DAVEN.’OUT URITO co., Whoh Miilo IU:tail Druggists, Ainericus, Ga. Samples free. feb21-dtSfewlyr Csvests. and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Feet. Our Office It Oppotite U. S. Patent Office, and we ran secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet. “How to Obtain Patents." with names of actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address. C.A.SNOW&CO. Opposite Patent Office. Washington, D. C. A ..Ulster Aerolite. In M..y, 18S8, tha National museum of Brazil came into final possession of one of the largest meteorites or aerolites that was ever known to fall upon either section of the American continents. The noble specimen weighs 11.800 ixrands and originally laid imbedded in the ground near Bendego creek, in one of the most inaccessible portions of Brazil. The cost of transporting it from tlio place where it first struck American soil was defrayed by Baron Grenhy. Thu survey of the route and preliminary ar rangements occupied three months; its journey to the capital commenced Nov. 25, 1887, and it was nearly five montlis later liefore it was finally landed at the little railroad depot in the wilder ness from whence it was transported to Rio Janeiro. During tile four months in which it was being pulled, pushed and rolled by man and mule power through the track less forests, over steep mountains and sandy wastes, it crossed over one hun dred streams of all sizes, waa taken over one mountain chain 8,700 feet in height, besides many smaller eievntions. All of this in a region where the best roads are only undo paths, A better idea of the difficulties these scientists encountered in securing their prize may be hud from a knowledge of the fact that a total of 172 days was consumed in moving it from Bendego creek to the railway station, a distance of only 71J miles. The pluck and energy exhibited by these gentlemen in moving this gi gantic airstoneto their national mnseurn is a curious commentary on the scientific ideas of the early part of the century, which denied the existence of snch bod ies as aerolites.—St. Louis Republic. Disappointed. In a Ma&sachnsettH town live a worthy conple who have so far obeyed the Script ural injunction to increase and multiply that they have eight sons, of whom the oldest is not over a dozen years of age. They are bright and lively little folk, and play together with the greatest zest, only now and then falling into some dis agreement when one or the other pair of twins does not approve of the general scheme of play. It chanced not long sinco that to this interesting family there came a still far ther addition in the shape of a baby sis ter. The father and mother were de lighted that there should be » girl in the family, and supposed that the sons would be equally pleased. It was accordingly with a smiling face that the father went to make the announcement to the little fellows, who at the moment were all to gether in the breakfast room. ••Boys,” he said joyously, “yon have a darling little baby sister.” There was a look of blank disappoint ment on every face and a moment of profound silence. Then excitable 8-year- old Master Tommy spoke for them all by exclaiming explosively: “Oh, dear, dear! that is too bad; it just spoils our baseball nine!”—Youth's Companion. If food sours on the stomach, diges tion is defective. Du Witt’s Little Early Risers will remedy this. The famous little pills that never gripe and never disappoint arc sold by Cook’s Phar macy. Tho little daughter of Jailor Birdsong of Macon, who swallowed a dangerous dose of turpentine on Saturday, is rapid ly improving, and is considered .entirely out of danger. Do Witt’s Littlo Early Risers never gripo or cause nausea Mild but sure, assist rather than force. Best Little pill for sick headache, chronic constipation, dyspepsia. Sold by Cook’s Pharmacy, Sumter Items Sumter, April 21.—Our farmers are very busy planting cotton, as but very few have finished. We are needing rain to bring up what lias been planted a week or more, hut it seems slow about coming up. Miss Anna McGehee, of Cuthbert, has a flourishing school at this place. Miss McGehee is as cultured and scientific as a Boston school-girl, and is much liked as a school marm. Mr, D. L. Rodgers, successor to J. M. Rodgers & Son, lias opened up a dry goods and grocery store at this place. “Mamma,” said little Emerson Brown ing of Boston, us he looked up from a newspaper, “what is the skin game which I see alluded to in this journal?’’ “A skin game, my dear,” replied Mrs. Browning, “is a cutaneous pastime.”—- Judge. DOCTOR .We should like to give a new chimney for every one that breaks in use. We sell to the wholesale dealer; he to the retail dealer; and he to you. It is a little awkward to guarantee our chimneys at three removes from you. We’ll give you this hint: Not one in a hundred breaks from heat; there is no risk in guaranteeing them. Talk with your dealer about it. It would be a good advertise ment for him. “ Pearl top ” and “ pearl glass,” our trade-marks— tough glass. Pittsburg. geo. A. Macbeth & Co. S. A. M. ROUTE. Savannah, Americas & Montgomery R’y. TIME TABLE Taking Effect April 10, 1801. 00 p ACKERS ENGLISH IREMEDY ; for Coughs. Colds and Consumption, Is beyond ■ question tho greatest of all modarn remedies. • It wlltstopa Cough In ona night. It will check • uColdinaday. ft wilt present Croup, rtllasa »Asthma. and CURE Consumption If taken In •flm". “ Yen,can’t afford to be without It.” - * “.!e may save you $100 In Doc* r save your Ilfs I ASK YOUR . ‘T. If the little onss hive CROUP iHOOPING COUGH me ;t promptly, it is , :,- "AB0UND TO CURE. Sold In • m Li / Xf ‘ ENGLAND for It. IfcM.and • - v In AMERICA for 26c. akottle. Midi f>*up. the— East Tennessee, SAM ROUTE. Local and Through Schedule in Effect April 19, 1891. Virginia and Georgia R’y System. -18 THE ONLY— 2 1.1 p ii 3 25 3 50 5 51 II no 5 'JO p r Ilinuitigliara.. ....Chilrier*hurg ....lve 5 05 Svlacauga lve 4 40 , Labor- LESSP „ 5rAm _ DIMINISHES DANGER TO LIFE a ~ aoe C2-r ' ATE-ANTA. <7A Drunkenness ZJSBBSiSLg l> Wife GOLDEN SPECIFIC cent and speedy cure, whstber the pwtient w s moderate drinker or sn alcoholic wreck. IT zvfcv For sals Dr. E. J» fcldfldgt America*, (5a. , H '~THE BEST KNOWMEDT ••H.O.C.” Cure. AonortK** aiMtmitos uay., w, ‘ ho * t , i*": Prevent. Btrlcture. Contain. «o I ** acrid or poUonon8 Snb.tnncco.nna /JsSSSSSSSSS OlfessSaSBSiS Sold in America by Cook’s Pharmacy, E. J. F.ldrSdge, Fleetwood ,fc Russell, J. K. Hall and Davenport Drug Company. l-lO-;lm Welcome Collins shot Jim Kirkland in tho leg at Holmesville, Saturday night. It was pay night at the turpontino dis tillery of I’adgott & Crosby. They were playing “skin.” Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism and most diseases originate from impure blood. Cleanse It, improve it, purify It with Be Witt’s Sarsaparilla and health is restored, strength regained. Sold by Cook's rharmacy. l-I0-8m John Lamb, aged DO years, the oldest citizen of Emanuel county, diod a day or two ago. His son, J. II. T. Lamb, who lived near his father, died the same night. A beautiful skin, bright eyes, sweet breath; good appetite, vigorous body, pure blood and good health result from the use of Be Witt’s Sarsaparilla. It is sold by Cook’s Pharmacy. President I>. I). Dyer of the electric road at Augusta offors free rides for two years to people buying lots from the company and building homes on them. It is quite the fashion now to take Be Witt’s Little Early Risers for liver, stomach aud bowel disorders. Tlioy are small pills, but.mighty good ones Cook s Pharmacy sells them. The memorial meeting by tho Macou bar in honor of the late John C. Ruther ford was held in the superior court room at Macon Monday. Very popular, very small, very good. Be Witt’s Little Early Risers, the pill for constipation, biliousness, sick head ache. Sold by Cooks Pharmacy. It is reported that two wild animals, one resembliug a bear and tho other striped like a leopard, have been seen near Empire. Constipation, blood-poison, fever, Doc- llls * ' Bo hold by •<>l«*Dka Ivel 1 2$ arr Columbus arr 11 45 a m jive Columbus lve 11 2»» jarr. EllaviUe arr « 05 jive •EUaville Ivel 8 fin arr Ainerlcus arr s 2« live Americas lve 8 00 lve Conlele lve 6 20 live Helena lve 3 55 lve I Lyon* lve! i M arr Savannah arr 7 40 p in arr Charleston arr I 2 15 Betw'n Montgomery and Americas, vis Opelika 8 lo u m.lvc Montgomery ... arr| 7 15 pm 2 15 p m lve Opelika arr| 5 05 « 4o arr .. Amerlcu* lve] 8 20 a in Between Montgomery and Atndricus, via Cuion Springs and Columbus. 7 40 a nil lve Montgomery.... arr 7 05 pm 3 50 jive Columbus arrjll 20 540 jarr Amnrleu* Irej 8 20 ■ Betw’n Montgomery and Americas, via Eufaula 7 40 anfilve.Montgomery arrl 7 05 pm 11 (15 lve Eufaula lve 4 07 12 20 p m lve Albany arr 2 fio 2 30 larr Amerious.. .....lve! 1 10 Between Americus and Jacksonville, via Helena 7 00 p m lve ...... Am eri use ..... arrl 8 00 a m 1 18 anijlvo Helena lve 3 85 am 6 10 arr Brunswick Ive 11 on pin 7 60 arr Jacksonville. ....Ivel 8 00 ~~Close connection made at Montgomery for all points in the Southwest, and at Americus for Birmingham and all points in the Northwest. * Meal Stations. Sleeping cars between Columbus and Savan nah. Passengers from Charleston destined to points west of Sovanuah, change cars at C. & 8. Junc tion. W. N.MARSHALL. E. 8. GOODMAN, Gen. Superintendent. Gen. Pass. Air i. Agent. Americus. Ga. Americus, Ga. J. M. CABO LAN, 8. E. Pass. Agt. Savannah, Ga. E. A. SMITH, Western Pass. Agt., St. Louis, Mo. M. D. BOYER, T. P. A, Americus, Ga. JNO. T. AIIGO.C. S. A., Americus, Ga. C. II. SMITH, G. F. A., New York, X. Y. Shortand DirectLineto the North, East or This line is conceded to lie the liest equipped and runs the finest Pullman; Sleeping Cars in the South. Elegant Pullman Sloeping Cars, between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, Titusville and Cincinnati, Brunswick and Louisville, Chattanooga and Washington, Memphis and New York, Philadelphia and New Orleans, Chattanooga and Mobile, Atlanta and Chattanooga, Without Change. For any information address B. W. WRENX, Geu. Pass, and Ticket Agt. Knoxville. Tenn- C. W. XNIOHT, Ass’tGen. Pass. Agt. Atlanta, Georgia. N. MARSHALL, Gcn’l Supt, E. S. GOODMAN, Gen’l Pass, Agt. Down to a fine point —tligt's where the making’ of corsets has been brought to. Kabo for the “bones"—it tan’t break or kink. ‘ Loops of corset lace in stead of metal eyelets—they can’t rust or cut the laces. The Ball Corset for ease and comfort; the Kabo Cor set for unyielding strength. Each is the best of it’s kind If you don't think so, after wearing for two or three weeks, return it to us and get your money back. For pale by (IGO. D. WHEATLEY. UPPMXN SR03.. Proprietors, Druggists, Uppmon’o Stock. SAVANNAH. CA. For Kilo by the BAVEXI’ORT BUUG COMPANY, Americus, Ga. A. T. CURRY, Real Estate, Insurance, STOCK AND MO BRUKEH. Cordele, Ga. apl8-ly-d-w DISSOLUTION. Til. fl-mor Argo * Andrew. I. thli d»y dtMolved bv inut coM-nt, John T. Argo reililng. tie will tie miececded by C. C. Cnr- tcr. unit the firm will nereaiur be Andrew. AC.rl r, who wilt «««ome ,U the Itabilltl." of the laie firm of Argo A Andrew.,-and col lect all debt, due them, ceneruu. patronage beitowed, and be.peak forthenewflrmacouUouaucaoribe nma J NO. T. ARGO. Amerlcu., Oa., AprilAAtb, INI. 'ton' bill, ami funeral expeoaea coat in retiring f>om the Dm,’of Argo A An- about two hundred dollan; Do Witt’, drew. 1 return ihana. to the.pnblfc Jot the Little Early Risen coat a quarter. Take your choice. Sold by Cook’s Pharmacy. Just 329,886 children aro represented in Columbus this week by the SCO dele gates to tho state Sunday school conven tion. Purifies the blood, increases the circu lation, expels poisonous humors and builds up the system. What more do you want a medicine hi j>erforni. Witt's Sarsaparilla is reliable, Cook's Pharmacy. Shingles ii Lumber. Wo are now prepared to furni“l‘ Lumbs-r nil Hi inglvs ou hhorl n.ftlfv, mi the lowest mh prffM-s. Parti** w anting either of the tM>ve win save money by consulting us be- jre placing their nnlers. WIGGINS A HEKNDON. PASSENGER SCHEDULE Btorgia Soutiiem & Florida Ry. SUWANEE IUVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA, Taking Effect March 22,1801, Standard Time, 00th Meridian, . GOING GOING MOJVTH. 2 15 p 0 15 p ni 0 30 p m « 00 p m 10 35 p m 12 OM 4 16 Ltf Atliu ta Ar lu uu p in Ar Macon Ur “ lv Macon Ar \r Cordele ....Ar 128 p m \r Tlflon Ar 130pm Ar Valdosta At 12 01 p tn \r ..Lake City... Lv 9 66am Ar Jacksonville.... Lv 7 00am Tiffin 9 17 6 26 pm 120 pm Connection nerth bound and and E. T. V. A G. railroads. A. C. KNAPP. Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. ‘ To 610 Mulberry tit. Macon Ga. C.C. RODR««,Ja.,HoIleltlni itt’h bound !s made In Macon with trains of Central J. T. IIOGE. L. J. HARRIS, Genera! Passenger Agent. Ticket Agent, HEN KY BURNS, C. T. and P. A. Np c 510 Mulberry tit. Union Depot. C.a RODE*, Ja.,Holl Is. C. CONOVA, C.T.A. JAME8 MEN/.IE8, Houthesstern Agont,! if Agent,0 Kimball Block, Atlanta, Ga. T. RICH AUD. Agent, Union Depot. W. Palatka, Via. ,98 P.LAWBHE.T.P.A. West Bay ML, Jacksonville, Fla. W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE EglfS and other ties for Ge ■ Ladles, etc., i ranted, and so stamped on bottom. Addrt^. W.L. UOllULAMnekln, Nan. Sold by THO UN TON WHEATLEY Americus, - • GeorgU, T. S. GLOVER Has Just opened un at Watts’ Corner with a choice stock of Fancy! and. 1 Family i Groceries, And herewith asks a share of tho public patronage. Connected Is a neat and coay Bar, where Thi rant Winn, Lfyun, Seer tad Ggui Cbi. be found. When you need me come and Me int. TS. GLOVER. apr 15 tf Ward Times to get Money! Ten Dollar, saved I. twenty dollars made! My New Sprint Style, cannot be excelled, and by calling on M. FRIEND oa cun get a StylicL Hpiing Suit at small cost, and satisfaction guaranteed. Old Exprwaa Office stand, Lamar street. apr 1(M mo. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA southwestern Division. Correct Schednle, No. 22, in Effeot April 12,1801 SAVANNAH fc WESTERN DIVISION Schedule NoriO, taking effect Apr. 12th, INI. No. S, Between Ravannah and Dlnnlnghaml No. 6, Dally. via Amcrtcu., Dally. 160am 6(0 9 05 1120 700am Lyon* Amerlcu., Buena Vista, Arrive Columbus,......... .Leave Blrmlnrham, 100am . «*>■ ni onam No. 8 Dally. Kaascngor No.0 Dally. Past Mall EAST BOUND. No. 6 Dally Poet Mall No. 7 „ Dally Paawngar 3:33a m 513 •* 0 30 “ 10 60 ” 520pm 566p ID 285p m 419 “ 685 •* 1020 « 8 16am 6»J “ Lv. Amerleua Ar. Ar. Fort Valley Lv. 44 Macon 44 44 Atlanta 44 44 Augusta 44 *• Ravannah 44 108pm 1183am 1020 44 710 44 oiopm 987 p m 8 00 “ 040 44 216 •• 700am 64b 44 No. 7 Dally Paaaenger m:t7 pm 1005 «■ 4 42 a m 705am No. 7 Daily 937 pm 1006 •• 1046 pm 4 50a m 716 am 7 25am No. 5 Dally. Past Mall WEST BOUND. No. 0 Dally Past Mall No. 8 Dolly Passenger 18pm 1 30 •• 412 M 7 29 “ Lv. Americus Ar. Ar. Rmlthville 44 44 Eufaula 44 44 Montgomery Lv. 285 pm 130 44 1106 a m 7 40 a m 826a m 1230 44 1026 pm 780pm No. 6 Dally 1 18 p m 130 « 265 “ 540 4 TO PLORIDA. Lv. Americas Ar. 44 Smithvllte 44 Ar Albany,, Lv. 44 Thomasvllle Lv 44 Waycroea 44 44 Brunswick 44 44 Jacksonville 44 No. 0 Dally 238pm 120 p m 1220 p m 8 30am No.* Dally Tsnrsr" 300 44 215 44 lOlOp 786 Solid Train, with Bleeping Car. Between Savannah and Birmingham. For fu rtber InfbrmaUon relative to tlek.ta, aehwiulM, beet rontee etc. etc., apply to A. T. MAXWELL, Agent, J. C. McKENZIE, Snp’t, E.T. CHARLTON,Oen. Fua Agn. America., On. rimtthvllle, Oa. Havannab.Oa., D. H. BY i'KBW oOD, Dlvlalon Paw. Ag’L, Columbu.,‘Ua. D D. CURRAN, Bup't, CoInnibuA Oa. 1. C. SHAW Trav. Pam. Ag’L, Savannah dm Americus Iron Works, BUILDERS OF Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills, Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, Jets, Etc. Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pullmrs BS~Specia! attention given to repairing all kinds of Machinery. Telephone 70 , w " 4 “