Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, May 02, 1891, Image 4

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4 THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1891. The convention to be held in Atlanta May 6th to discuss the matter of an ex hibit from Georgia to the World’s Fair, promises to be a notable one and to ac complish much good. The railroads hast* manifested great interest in the contention, and they will bring hun dreds of delegates to the city on that day. The state papers have advertised it largely and have aroused the people to It* MStportance. 'Hie convention, therefore, should be great in results. Lives of Kivat mem ail rfinind uk Married life may be sublime We trust to be forgiven this parody of lines from Longfellow’ s immortal 4 Psalm of Life.” Husbands w ho are wise and thoughtful, know* thatjtlie hap piness of the home depends largely on the health of the mistress of the home. Many are the tasks which daily confront her. How can a woman contend against the trials and worries of housekeeping, if she be suffering from those distress ing irregularities, ailments and weak nesses peculiar to her sex’.* Dr. Fierce’ Favorite Prescription is a specific for these disorders. The only remedy, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers. Satisfaction ? :uaranteed in every case, or money ro unded. See printed guarantee on bottle wrapper. In one county in Connecticut 200 farm hands are wanted at from $16 to $25 per month with board. Farm hands are in great demand in New England. A Dl'TY TO YOMISELP. It is surprising that people will use a common ordinary pill w hen they can se cure a valuable English one for the same money. Dr. Acker’s English pills are a positive cure for sick head ache and all liver troubles. They are small, sweet, easily taken, and do not gripe. For sale by Fleetwood & Rus sell, Americus, Ga. Augusta has received her lirst ship ment of American made tin plate. Put Me In My Little Ited. I am d xzy, dizzy, dizzy; And I want to go to bed, I’ve noappetitc to eat. And headache racks my head, in other words, I am suffering from a bilious attack, but Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets will bring me around all right by to-morrow. They often cure headache in an hour. I have found them the best cathartic pill in existence. They pro duce no nausea or griping, but do their work thoroughly. They are convenient to carry in the vest-pocket, and pleasant to take. In vials; 25 cents. The Macon, Dublin and Savannah rail road now has six miles of track laid be ▼ond Jeffersonville. wfetfUjjleu* for Infants and Children. “ Coat aria well adapted to ciuidren that I recommend It aa superior to so j prescription ‘known to me." H. A. Aitcacn, M. D. t 111 So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of *Castoria* Is so universal and Its merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within eagy reach." C ““* “IKJVSrt Stly. Late Pastor Bloom! ngdale Reformed Church. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhfea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. jour MJU auau " do so as it ha* Invariably produced beneficial results.” Edwin F. Pardee, M. D., **Tho Wlnthrop,” liStb Street and 7th Are., Sew York City. Tint Cxntac* Company, 77 Mrsp.iv Srma*T, N*w York. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, FOBNDIIY A?il> MACIIIXK HIIOl*. .1. S. SCHOFIKI.D’S SONS & CO., Prop’rs, Manufacturers of Steam Engine's Boilers, Cotton Presses and General Machinery, Cotton (Jins, Cane .Mills and Saw .Mills. Dealers in Mill and Machinists’ Su|>|ilies. Special Attention to Repair Work. MACON, GEORGIA. FOR RENT. A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by the use of opiates given in tbe form of soothing syrup. Why mothers give their chil dren such deadly poison is surprising when they can relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using I)r. Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine Sold by Fleetwood * ltus- sell, Americus, Ga. 10 It is now estimated that only one- eighth of a peach crop will bo made in the Marehallville section this year, it is probable that only about fifteen cars of peaches will be shipped. Criticising m Young I.ndy. “She would be a pretty girl but for one thing." “What's that?” asked Charloy. George—“Her lace is always covered with purple and red blotches.” Charley—“Oh, that's easily enough dispoeed of. Used to bo tlio same way myself, but I caught on to the trouble one day, and got rid of it In no timo." George—“What was it?” Charley—“Simply blood eruption. Took a short couso of P. P. P. I tell you, it’s tbe boss blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bud|tliat you could hear him holler clear across the county every time ho moved. lie tried It, and you know what an athletic old gent he is now. If somebody would give Miss Daisy a pointer, she would thank them afterwards. All the drug stores sell it.” A Common DIhsm. Dyspepsia has bocomo tho most com* mon disease of tho country; all classes are not exempt, attacking the young as well as tbe old, caused no doubt from our mode of living and tho too free use of tobacco, etc., and yet it Is one of tho most difficult diseases we have to en counter. In tho last live years Dr. Holt discovered a remedy, (Dr. Holt's Dys peptic Elixir), up to this timo has not failed to cure in a single instance. We can refer you to W. A. Wright, Comp. Gen. of the State, Judge 1C F. Lyon, Mr. George Dasher, Macon, Ga., Dr. L. P, Dozier, Georgetown, Ga., Mr. Jos. Har rison, Columbus, Ga., and hundreds of others if desired. Manufactured by Dr. Holt’s Dyspepsia Elixir Co„ Monte zuma, Ga. Bottles doublo former size. Prioe $1. For sale by all druggists. Dr. Holt’s Croup and Cough Syrup prevents and cures croup. No cure no pay. Manufactured by Dr. nolt's Dys peptic Elixir Co., Montezuma, Ga. - ap21-lm It ie stated that on last Sunday and Monday the electric car lines in Augusta took in 40,000 nlckles. There were twen ty-seven cars in use during the two days. Dyspepsia end Indigestion In their worst forms arc cured by the use of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and ran down, or if you need a tonic to regain flesh and lost appetite, strength aim vigor, take P. P. P., and you will bo strong and healthy. For shattered con futation, and lost manhood P. I’. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potassium) is the king of all medicines. 1‘. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier in the world. For sale by all druggist. apr21-dl2t-w2t Our celebrated cream bread is made from “King of Patents" Hour, the tlnest ever offered to tho trade in Americus. Andrews & Carter. Two dwellings, one of them suitable for boarders. FOR SALE. Central and suburban property at bar gain figures. M. CALLAWAY, Heal Estate Agent. We can now say WHOLESALE DRUGS, and as an evidence, call and examine onr Stock and l'rices. As to RETAILING DRUGS, ! we will give" this department MORE and CLOSER attention than ever before, assuring everyone of prompt and competent attention. Goods from us will be delivered lo any part of the city, and free on board the cars. We are offering a very large stock, for Americus, of the following articles In Patent and Proprietary Medicines. S. N. S. I*. P. I*. B. B. B. C. U. O. If. It. w. w. c. I>. 1>. G. Scott’s Emulsion, Brown’s Iron Bitters, Bearsfoot and Sarsaparilla, Lemon Elixir, 2 sizes, THE Perry Davis’ Pain Killer, 3 sizes, King’s Discovery, 2 sizes, Simmons’ Liver Regulator, Cuticura Remedies, Tutt’s Pills, Carter’s Little Liver Pills, Derma Lotion, 2 sizes, Stone's Cod Liver Oil, Ilosford’s Acid Phosphate, Barker’s Horse and Cattle Powders, Warner’s Safe Cure, King’s Royal Germatuor. In Rubber Goods. Fountain Syringes holding from pint to | Water Bottles holding pint to half gal. Xf gallc one-half gallon, A Good Family Syringe, from 75c, $2.50, Nipples, to j Nursing Bottle Fittings. In Perfumery. Lazzell’s Odors, Persian Bouquet Special. Crab Apple Blossom. LaBelle Cologne. I.iinborg’s Perfumes. Kdeina. Swiss Lilac. Goya Lily. Soaps. A very Large Assortment of Pears’ and Pel’s Toilet Soaps. Thermometers. Fever Thermometers, Urinometers, Lactometers, -Old Probabilities.' Garden Seed. Field and Flower Seed. Mixed Paints. White Lead, I.inseed Oils, Varnishes, Colors in Oil, Paint Brushes. Toilet Articles. Combs, Brushes, Tooth Brashes, Nail Brushes, Face Powders. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Eye-Glasses. We bottle largely Cologne, Castor Oil, Turpentine, Bateman’s Drops, Paregoric Laudanum, Spirits Camphor, Extract Lemon, Extract Vanilla (from best Beans) and many other preparations. We solicit patronage. RETAIL. WHOLESALE. Respectfully, DAVENPORT DRUG CO., b22-3m 222 Lamar St, 318 Jackson St LITTLE MARDRE, The Old Reliable Stationer, 105 FORSYTH STREET, Keeps always on hand a complete assortment of Books and Fine Writing Papers; School Books for every county in Southwest Georgia. Fine*Pictures, * Framed * and * In * Sleets. Large lot of New Moulding just received. Send in youi Pictures and have them framed. I lead, others follow. REMEMBER THE PLACE. C. M. WHEATLEY, Pres’t B. H. JOSSEY, Sec’y A Treas. CRAWFORD WHEATLEY, Vice Pres’t C. C. STONE, Supt The Americus Construction Company, Successors to G. M. Wheatley A Co. Hare the largest stock of Dry I umber Both Rough and Dressed, ever held in the city, witii unequalled capacity for the execution of lino work. Tboy will furnish the trade with Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Stairwork, Pnlpits, Pevs, COUNTERS, SHELVING, MOULDINGS, ORNAMENTS, ETC. Prompt attention given all order*. Write for Cataloguo and price* Office and Factory, COR. BAY <& JACKSON STS. Telephone No. 78. Uptown Office, No. JACKSON ST. Telephone 110. Americus loirs ¥ FURNISH THE LATEST PAPERS NOVELS, MAGAZINES Fashion Plates. Will receive subscriptions for any paper or oubication. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED, PLACE. Mardre’s Book Store. Americus News Co. UPPKUN (MR., Proprietor*, SAVANNAH, GA. For zale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Aiuericui, Ga. S“.°A>50 CRAWFORD WHEATLEY, Pm. ARCHIE R ELDRIDGE, Gen’l Manf aseballs, Baseballs, Bats, Bats. Our stock in this lino cannot be surpassed in South Georgia. HAMMOCKS I HAMMOCKS! It will pay you to see us liefore placing your order elsewhere. Cro quet Sets, Croquet Sets ! We have just received a fine assortment in this line, and can save you money hv trading with us. We would not forget to call your attention to the fact that we have added to our general line of Books and Stationery a full line of Moulding and Picture Framing ma terial, and we have an experienced man at the head of this department, and can do you as good work as you can have done in Maeon or Atlanta Mail orders will receive special attention. ALLISON & AYCOCK, 310 I. AM Alt STItKET. AMKKICITS. GEORGIA. Tough glass Iamp-chim- neys. Macbeth’s "pearl top” and "pearl glass” are made of tough pass. They break only from accident ruttbtug. Gao. A-MAcsxrawco. T? / *T "FTY'T? T~) FIRE AND UFE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING THE SAFESTAND STRONGEST COMPANIES IN|THE WORLD. Insurance placed on City and Country Property. Office on Jackson Street, next door below Mayor 1 , Office. dec23-dly. The Americus Refrigerating Go. Respectfully state that their new Ice Factory will start tbe manufacture of Ice in a short time and will be prepared to furnish Pure Crystal Ice in any quantityfrom a pound to a car load. Their Refrigerating Chambers will also soon be in readiness for tbe preservation of all perishable food products and will be perfect in every particular. For further partic ulars either telephone, write or call on THE AMERICUS REFRIGERATING CO., Office & Factory Cor. Jackson & Bay Sts., on Central R. R. «J. I*. MoVEY, proprotor, Manufacturer of Every Variety of Have and dealer RAW HILL SUPPLIES, Special attention given to Repairing. Agent for W. L. Power A Co/e Celebrated. Wood Working Machinery. Large and Well Selected Stock ready for ablpmcni Price# low. Liberal tanna. Writ# for catalogue. ATLANTA, - GEORGIA W. L. DOUGLAS 110(1 other special- «p3 SHOE THORNTON WHEATLEY Americus, - * • Georgia. BY THE CAR LOAD LOTS. The beet Standee mede at the loweet price, ever known before. Addreee 8. M. Joan, Americus, Qe. tlllmuyao Dl C”Oa.