Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, May 03, 1891, Image 4

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THE AMEE1CUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1891. THE TIMES-RECORDER. Dally ana Weekly. Tax Axxaicrs Recoepeh Eiritit-isitep IST9. Tub Axericcs Tike. Established 1890. Consolidated, April, ion. SUBSCRIPTION l Daily, Ore Year, ..... gs.oo Daily, Orb Movrn, 50 Weekly, OxeYeax, - . . . 1.00 Weekly, Biz Moxms, 50 Tor advertlsi ng rates address Bascom Mtbick, Editor and Manager, THE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, Aniericua, fta. Amerious, Ga., May 3, 1891. Georgia ought to bo a very happy state. It has bad the happiness of gaz ing upon the Don Benjamin Harrison, | s ™ and tlie watermelon crop is going to be gigantic. Sweets to the sweet.—New York Sun. THAT STREET RAILWAY. Now, this la quite different to too way the rival towns rf Georgia regard each o' h er. Take Albany and A merle <asa an llln.ira- tlon, forlnstance. Thir-hna lone e.lited a spirit ol generous and pleasant rlvatrr be tween these eilles that has sparred each of them to «r 'ster exertions to build np, and hdhor them, nodes the pushing process wbice this rivalry has Inspired, have done much. Atnerleus built an elaborate system ofeteetrle street railway, and Albany fal* lowed right along behind It with a dummy line and a horse-ear belt line, both of whlrh are mating money and proving a great souree of eonveni-nee to the people. The same cannot be su'd of Amerlcus' electric si reel ear line, which, having proven tmhlg a thing, an elephant. In fact, has ana la-t re sort, beet, sold to a .yndlra'e In Mseon and rs'ooved t • that city, wberelherelsa grent* er n°ed of electrl 1 stre.-t ra'lways.—Albany Editor Turner persiats in an error that has been several times corrected in these columns; that the Americas street rail- way had been sold to Macon and remov ed to that city. Our street railway Is hero to stay, and will soon be in operation, whether by electricity or other motive power Is yet , ., . . . . , . _ >. H is the last IS to be determined. Two o~ the heavy cars have been rented to the Macon com pany, but the others are here, and those sent away will he replaced by lighter cars. Furthermore, the street railway was not an elephant on our hands. Upon its own merits and with proper manage ment it would hare been self-sustaining but for its complication with some other bogus schemes that pulled it down when they went by the board. Editor Turner possess his soul in patience; Americas is bound to come out on top, and that right speedily. Senatub Bi.aib had his grip packed and had gotten as far as Chicago on lain journey as minister to Chins, when he was called back to Washington The Chirese government may do worse, but it is hardly possible. The New York legislature adjourned last Friday. Take it ail together there Is very little difference botween New York legislature and the Georgia legislature. Both do a good deal and accomplish very little. Ix yesterday's Times-Enterprise John Triplett las a leader on the cor- sett. Other bachelors of tlio Georgia press wonld like to know where and when John Triplett became acquainted with the article In question. The argument before the Western and Atlantic commission was closed yester day. and It la now left to that body to decide whether the state owes the les sees or whether the lessees owe the state. Tbelr decision Is awaited with interest The Charleston News and Courier says: “The cotton crop of 1800-01, that Is In sight to-day, according to Secretary Hester, of the New Orleans exchange, day was arrested at Evansville, Ind amounts to the Immense total of 8,028,- wh | Ie on woy to Florida, It'Is supposed. “Old Hutch” has been the terror speculators for years, and has manipu lated the markets In more than one In stanco to the sorrow of his neighbors and associates. He was extremely ec centric, and in many ways attracted public attention, not only in his specu lations but in his private life, ne cared little for the world or what It thought of his methods, hut accumulated mil lions are nothing to him now,and he will probably apend the remainder of hia days in an Insane asylum HIS SINS HAVE OVERTAKEN HIM. “Old Hutch,” the Ch'cago speculator, has at last gone to the wall, and no one in this broad land will grieve that he will no more enter the field of specula tion. Ills heavy losses In the past two years have about consumed his Immense fortune, and made him a subject for the mad house. He wandered away from his home several days ago, and on Frl 783 bales, which Is 718,000 more than the large erop of the preceding year, The eEperlence this country Is under going at present should teach every tiller Of the soil that it is better to raise suf ficient grain crop* than to depend upon a fluctuating market If the farmers of Georgia had corn to sail it would be good money In their pockets at the present prices. Two Jacksonville editors met In the capltol at Tallahassee Friday and en tertained the members of the legisla ture with a regular fist and skull fight Stockton of the Tlmes-Union la support ing Call and Harrison of the Floridian la opposed to him. Some uncomplimenta ry remarks brought on the fight Alabama will hold a convention at Montgomery soon for the purpose of devising means to make a display at the World's fair, A bill appropriating thirty thousand dollars for that purpose failed of passage in the house, and the neeesaary.fnnda will have to be raised by private subscription. Alabama la in the same boat with Georgia in this mat ter. The ezpendltnre* for pensions for the year ending June 80, as now oiliolaUy stated, amounted to •100,357,534, In the previous year we paid 187,<44,779.11, while in the year before that we paid •80,288,506.77. The coat of the German army, It may be interesting to note, is tor this year estimated at •01,726,393. Besides our pensions our army costs •30,000,000. Elaborate preparations are being made at Colombia, 8. C., for celebrat ing the centennial anniversary of the first meeting of the genet al assembly of South Carolina In that eity. The cele bration will oeeopy May 13,14 and 15, and will include an oration by General - Wade Hampton, a military parade, a people’s ball, etc. It ia well to celebrate snob events. In his speech before the assembled teachers In Brunswick, Governor Nor- then advocated schools for the training of teachers; and Commissioner Bradwell wanted longer terms for the oommon schools. The greatest need of the schools Is’more money, and when the salary la .sufficient to command we will have better teachers, and abler men and wo men will train for the profession. It will be greatly to the oredlt of the Hew York police force if the man cap tured In Hew York a few days ago, known as Frenoby Ho. 1, turns out, as Inspector Byrnes believes, to be “Jack the Kipper," The entire police force of London has been trying for two years to capture tbia interesting individual, without success. Highway butchery cannot go on with impnnlty In America, as this arrest proves. The Savannah Hews In speaking of the candidacy of Jndge Crisp for the speakership says: “The prospects of Crisp are muoh better than those of any other candidate. He ia conducting his canvass quietly and with excellent judg ment. The attacks whieh the friend* of other candidates make from time to time on Iris record be meets fairly and squarely, and thus far they have done him no harm. Indeed, there arereaaona fur thinking that they have done him good, becauso they have given him a uhance to explain some things which, if unexplained until the last moment, might be used to his disadvantage." * 2S ‘ The school history for southern chil dren'should clearly set forth the south ern side of the controversies' that led to the war between the states as Its main purpose. It should be a perfectly fair history, and, therefore, should state the northern side of the controversies alto but the motives and principles that ac tuated the story of their glorious part In that struggle should be told In a way to make a lasting Impression on the minds of the younger generation. A colorless narrative will not answer, The child should be made to understand fully what bis father and kinsmen fonght for and bow well they fought: and should be Inspired with more pride in the history of the four years of une qual war waged by the southern states In their struggle for Independence than In any other history that ever was writ ten or that ever will be written.—Hews and Courier. The London Standard, commenting on the Blair incident, lays: “Seldom has a more flagrant breach of inter national courtesies occurred than In the appointment of Blair aa minister to China, and the refusal of the Chinese government to receive him has lnflteted a rebuff alike on Blair and the United States government. The Incident will hardly add to the the popularity of President Harrisou, and the Americana who have been snubbed by the action of China will thank neither the Presi dent nor Blair for haring placed the country In the wrong. Blair, In the course of Iris public career, has said many unpleasant things about other countries. It will be well If his politic al friends reward bis services In some other way than making him minister to a foreign court.’’ No city In Georgia can take rank with Amerlcus on Improvements In the past two ycare, and to-day she ie rapidly marching onward and gathering new citizen* from all parts of the country. Hundred* of new bouse* have been built In the past twelve months, and still every arsilable mechanic la busy with saw and hammer, and the houses arc hardly completed before they are occu pied. The only thing that will keep Americas from being bigger than any other city In Georgia Is that she would crowd all othercltiea outof the state. It now appears that the announce ment that Mr. Blaine would not be a candidate for the republican nomination for president against Mr. Harrison was simply a little previousness of eon Rus sell through the columns of bis own journal. Mr. Blaine remains quiet upon the subject, bnt will no doubt speak out aa soon as he decides whether it is safe for him to enter the nee, To become president has been the ambition of bis life, sod be wonld hardly let an oppor tunity to gratify it fall. ■■■HI GETTING OUT OF TROUBLE. Several days since the The Tihes-Re- <-order published the fact that the Ma con Construction Company was in a fair way to eacape from Its present financial embarrassment, and that means were being devised to take it out of the re ceiver's hands as early aa possible. From the following, taken from yeeterday’s Constitution, It wonld appear that ar rangements to this end were nearly per fected; Tte rumortliat the Mat-on Construction Company would anon bo out of trouble prove* to bo well founded, It i« learned from a cit izen of Macon that urrangementa w«*re made to get the money nee-asary to pay the debt*, provided the peop'e of Macon would raise ffJO.Oi 0. This amount, the Macon man said wan rained there on Th ir*day, and toe relief of the Macon Construction Compa ny U assured. This must mean the comple tion of the Macon and Birmingham, for that road is bo far competed that It would be a great loss of capital If It should not be pushed to Its western connection at Birmingham. On the other hand, the building of the Macon and Atlantic Is so far under contract that there will be great lost If it Is not built. It Is likely thatsomethiag will be done there, for miles of an ulr-llne from Kansas City to the se$. BE0LL & OAKLEY, THOMAS B. REED IN ROME. Behold me aa I stand, W here Rome hat stood For twice a thousand years A morel * Behold us both: Me and Home! And then, dear friends. Please give your eyes a rest. Rome has bar history, And I have mine; But Rome, although she sat Upon her seven hill 4 And ruled the world. Never sat I i the 8pcnke> *s chair Of the fifty 'first Congress And bossed that Megathenun a gregatlun As I did, And that Is where I've go*. The bulge on Rome! Herein aid Cscsar’sdistrict I «lt ine down, and with my feet Upon hie ancient mantelpiece I feel at home. Mennd Ciesarl Twin stars that twinkle through all time! t'wo Iroa hoe s that trod as one Upon the people's nrcke, ' ml then we got In our own! By go*h! dear f lends, I don't like that a little bit. And Cresar dl <n't either, Although he didn't have a Word to say after it was over. For obvious reasons! But Brutus wasn’t a pitching ToBpringerot Illinois. Or Rogers of Arkansas; s nd Ccesar had aumethlng To be thankful for! I'm with you Rom*, , From the Passamaquoddy'a 7umbllng tide of saw logs To where toe tawny Tiber flows. And we should organise A Reed and Roman trunt. And swipe the universe! Are thereobJectionK? I hesr none. Tjo ayes seem to have It; The ayes have It! Then let her go. Gallagher! But 1 shall never think That In that elder day To be a Roman Wee greater than a speaker Of the grand old flft»-flrst. And don't you forget It! That's what!! . —New York Hun. 313 CD 0 "5 0 L- o 0 s: 0 0 £ CD 2 +-> Ste. o 0 % 0 £ 73 0 u- 0 s~ 0 > 0 LAMAR STREET m &0 <3 ■ H 313 CD 3 O 0 £ < M 8 8 CD C _ imj eg—■ c 0 c £ s 0 o 3 73 c l/l &0 c3 fp Q> t> (!) H M b 0 0 CD 73 C Ctf 0 £ o o c o Q -C bfl X 73 2 73 C ctf ■ 0 PROFESSIONAL CARDS T. A. KLUTTZ, ABCHITS0T AMD SUPERINTENDENT. Americas, Georgia. r j — 2-l-ly Lamar street-over Holt’s. J. WORSHAM - DENTIST, * OfBoe over People’s National Bank. W. P. BURT, - DENTIST, Cranberry's Corner, Amerlcus, Ga., Continues to serve his Mends In all branches of dentistry. jan9-tf C o 5- 3 O > 73 0 0 2 0 £ 5- O Mrs. Mary Ann Jackson, widow of General “Stonewall" Jackson, U in Hew York, engaged in writing up a biogra phy of her distinguiihed husband. Hew York special states that for many yean after the General’s death Mrs Jackeon~ateadlly refusodjall requests to give to the public the story of bis life as only she could write it. It was not un til tbelr only child, Mrs. Uhristian, had married that she yielded to her request to write the life of a father she hsd nev er known except by reputation. Since Mrs. Christian's death, Mrs. Jackson has looked upon this as a labor of love, and has continued the work for her grandchildren. The book Is now com pleted, and will be published this fall It will be essentially the story of Gen eral Jaokson's private and domestic life. A story is told of an advertiser who presented himself at the Hew York Her ald counter with a three thousand dol lar roll as an offer for a half column ad vertisement with a good sized ont ac companying it The “ad” was refused. There is a standing rule in the Herald office to never insert advertising cute. Congressman Crisp stands squarely on tb* principles of the democratic party, la a wise and experienced legislator, a capable parliamentaMan, and would make an able aod Impartial speaker or the house of repre sentatives.—llruniwlck Times. According to Poor’s Manual, there are 31,0(12 locomotive* in the United States. At the end of 1800 there were 135,000 freight care in America. There are 208,740 railroad bridges in the United States. &4KIN 15 POWDER Absolutely Pure* A cream of tartar bakinx powder. 1 of all ia learenlcr strength —United jTerament Report, An,. 17, IMS. jane 15 dnwlyr Telephone 93. P. O. Box 24. Beall & Oakley, 313 LAMAR ST. For Hie Next Fifteen Days —WE WILL OFFER— UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS —AT THE— BEE-HIVE Big sounding "ads.” are very easily written, and as easy to print, but “the proof of the pudding is the eating thereof. We defy anyone to mention a single instance, where we have failed to comply with every and all announcements ever 1 made by us. So when we state that the Entire Stock Must be Sold Regardless of Cost We mean just that, nothing more, nothing less. If you need anything in our line, call on us before you purchase elsewhere. We will posi tively save you money in every instance. nH.d.W.DANIE^^ u Oflera bla profexslonal services to the people of Amerlcus, and surrounding coun try. Office In new Murnhev building. La- mcr street, ovtr Beall A Oaklej’s. I Me R. WESTBROOK; M. D. 4 PHYHIC1 AN AND BURGEON. J* Office and residence, next huuue*o C. A. Huntlnxton, Church street. feb 7 tf C T. MILLER, H . PHYHlCli • Office et Dsv .. M. D. Ui AN AND BURGEON. Javenport’a Drug Store, and residence corner Chnrchnnd Prince streets. J A. FORT, V. D. . Office si Hr. Eldridge’s (drug store. Can • be found at night Tn his r>*otn, over fildiidge’4 drag store, Barlow Block, tan g-vi-tf ., PHYSiCIAN AND SURGEON. u Office at Davenport's Drug Store. Resi dence, corner Forsyth end Mayo streets. D B. T. J. KENNEDY, M. D. PHYBIOIAN AND SURGEON. Havlngflvs years experience, and recently token an extended oourse In New York Post-Graduate Medical school. Is now pre pared to offbr hls professional services to Amerlcus and surrounding vicinity. Calls left on hls slate at Dr. Eldiidge’s drag store will receive prompt attention. At night can he found In hls offloe room over El* drtdge's drag store, Barlow block, febS-ly. DOCTORS J. B.MDA.B.HINKLB Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose \ A Specialty. (Orsduste <_ College. N* Y„ twice graduate of N. Y. it Orsduste Medical Hcbool,Chief Burgeon 8. A.M. R B.ete.) Offers bis profeselonalser- vlcee m a general praetltoner to the dtisens of Americas and surroundlng country. Spe cial attention given to operative surgery, including the treatment of hemorrhoids, Ot tilia, stricture, catarrh, end all diseases of Anus, Rectum, Genitourinary system and nose and throat. Office In Murphey building Lamar «t. Connected by speaking tube with Eldridge’s Drug Store. Calls should be left or telephoned there during the day. At night call at residence on Lee St. or tele phone No. 77. apr29tf i A. HAWKINS, F. attorney at law. *** Office upstairs on Granberry corner. t UTT A LUMPKIN, AiTuRNkiYS AT LAW. Amerlcus, Os. Office in Barlow Block, np stairs. W P. WALLIS, # ATTORNEY AT LAW, National Bank. w; Prompt attention given to all business placed In my hands. Offloe In Barlow blocx, room 6. Feb. C, tf Office In Bacley building, opposite the Conn House. Prompt attention given to ‘-uslnesfc. fnnft-tl. E. F. Hinton. e. H. Gum. HINTON Sc OTTTTS, A ttorneys at law. Practice m tb* State and Federal Courts. Offloe over Hart Bnlldinx. on Forsyth street, marl*!. |OUT. L. MAYNARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. _ . . Americas, Ga. Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to me. Lamar street over P. L. Holt*. . sepi9-d4w3m* T L. HOLTON. , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice In all the counties oi toe State. Prompt attention given to ell col. lectlom entrustedto my ear*. u AN8LEY Sc AN8LEY, A T Amerlcus, Ga A Will practice In the aonntles of Ram- ter, Hehley, Meoon, Dooly, Webster, Rtew- art. In the Supreme Court, and to* United Laces at Cost t Embroideries at Cost! Corsets at Cost! Gloves at Cost! Handkerchiefs at Cost! Hosiery at Cost! Underwear at Cost! Shirts at Cost! Collars and Cuffs at Cost! Suspenders at Cost! Ribbons at Cost! Umbrellas at Cost! Parasols at Cost! Pans at Cost! Everything at Cost! All Woolen Dress Goode regardless of Cost! Entire Stock of Clothing regardless of Cost! No reasonable offer refused. ENTIRE STOCK MUST BE SOLD For farther particulars, and to save money call at the Drtss Goods at Cost! Dress Silks at Cost! Trimmings at Cost! Checked Lawns at Cost! Plain Lawns at Cost! Mulls at Cost! Towels at Cost! Napkins at Cost! table Damasks at Cost! Bleachings at Cost! Sea Islands at Cost! Cassimeres ht Cost! Men’s Shoes at Cost! Ladies’ Shoes at Cost! Children's Shoes at Cost! J O. MATHEWS. . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ! »14Fotiyta street, Ameri Walter k. Wheatley, j. b. Fitzoerald Wheatley Sc Fitxgerald, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office: 405Jackson Ot., UpBtolrt, A3IERICU8, t GEORGIA janT-tf HUDSON & BLALOCK, 14 LKUVBRS, AMEBicui, Georgia. wrn metis, in elleourts. Partnership limited to civil cates. Offlce np stain, corner Lee and Iamar street, In Artesian Block, decffl-d-wly t. O. SIMMONS, W. H. KIMBROUGH. SIMMONS Sc KIHBB0U3H, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Barlow Bloolc. Room A •.5L 1 ! 1 ln ^ st » u “d Fxteral Court.. Strict attention p^d to all btuinou entrusted to them. Telephone No. 1QB. W. B. Gueuut. DoPoirr Quasar. Amerlcus, Oa. Macon, da, GUEBEY Sc SON, T, A T V . YE l?'?t American Ga. Offloe In Peo. Aif!* Building, Lamar Will practice tn Sumter Superior and County Courts, and In the Supreme Court. Our Junior will regularly attend of **?•. Superior Court. The nrm will take Rpeelal cam fn any Superior Court on Southwestern Railroad. * C L. NORRMAN. , ABCHITEBT. . OFFICE* It!* Beech tree Street Atlanta. „ {Room 7 Barlow Bl’k, Americas * 11 ? epeeldcatlone furnished lor buildings of all decollations— public bnild- J?**. h e ’P e 'la | ly. Communication* by mail to either offlce will meet with prompt at- J*” 11 ™- Wm.Hall,SuperintendentAmerl- W IL LI AM SOX * KARL, ■JVM’ AMD HAKXTAaY ElfOtMEBU*. ebd estimates Sir water supply, 10 renl * April-3m Hawke* Spectacle*, Hawkea Kye lasses, celebrated for their excellence *t Dr. Eldridge’s. . '‘ ‘ii-.-i.Ui .;-.g