Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, May 06, 1891, Image 1
VOLUME 1 AMERICAS. GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY: MAY 6, 1891. NUMBER 27 When yon lay this Paper down, kindly plaoe it with OUB ADVERTISEMENT ON TOP. Geo. D. Wheatley WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, Shoes, Hats, Etc. By so doing too not only confer a slight favor upon ns, bnt you become IN FACT a PUBLIC BENEFACTOR, inasmuch as yon materially aid ns in attracting the public eye to the NUMBERLESS RARE BARGAINS Which we shall offer PRO BONO PUBLICO who patronize us this week. Do Yon Feel an Interest in FINE DRESS GOODS? For $12.60 you may take your choice of 36 braud new pattern suite that cost us from $18.60 to $19.00. BLAINE AND HARRISON ARE THE PRESIDENT AND THE PLUMED KNIGHT ESTRANGED? Prlae.ReM.UWa* tee Preriou, end PebUe.tIoalaaUMagsila.Bas Basse, dared Bitterness In the Rapeblleaa Raahe-Blslee’. Prised* Are Mad TO ADMIRE is but TO SEE our LOVELY FRENCH CHALUES nd SIGHT becomes POSSESSION when your choice of 20 different styles is offered at 18c. per yard. LARGE FIGURED CHINA SILKS AND SOLID FLORENTINES In all the newest shades. NOW IS THE TIME to buy your WASH DRESS GOODS. In this department as in ALL OTHERS, we are “fixed to suit you We carry the best stock of Wash Dress Fabrics in the city, and Our Prices cannot be matched in the state. We do not propose to BAIT YOU one moment and BITE YOU the next, bnt we offer EVERYTHING at prices uniformly as low as CONSISTENCY WITH GOOD VALUE will allow. Another lot of those sheer quality BLACK LAWNS (satteen stripes and plaids) at 12Jo per yard this week. Pink, Bine and Black MARIBOU PLAID LAWNS (white ground) lOo per yaid this week. NOVELTIES HI WHITE GOODS! Hemstltobed White Lawns and Flounces for Skirts. Bordered White Lawns for Aprons, Children’s Dresses, etc. All Orer Embroideries, All Over Laces. Pl*in White, Polka Spot, and Embroidered Swiss Uuslius. Black Ground with White Polk* Spot Swiss Muslin* (very new and stylish.) JUST OPENED ! FULL LINE OF BOYS,’ MISSES’ AND LADIES’ You will find our Uno of CARPETS AND MATTINGS The very best and cheapest in the city, We control the BEST 50 OT. UNLAUNDERED SHIRT in the world—No one shows better value for 75o and our “MON ARCH PUFF BOSOMS” for fine trade ia the handsomest and best shirt in the market. Wa«hixqton, May 6.—If It is not the deliberate purpose of Bussell Harrison and others to produce an estrangement between Secretary Blaine and President Harrison, the course they are panning la extnmeiy liable to lead to suoh a state of things. Young Mr. Harrison’* publication, stating In effect that to the president and not Blaine li due the credit of the red- procity treatise, would have been Ill-ad vised, even were it truthful. It being essentially contrary to the records and the history of reciprocity In all the stage# of its progress, It bebomes much more than simply indiscreet. Bo at least say friends of Blaine, who heretofore have not said much shoot either him or the president as candidate* for president Nor would the Harrison publication been worthy of much mors notice than as proof of the Indlaoreet zeal of aeon for bis father had not Major McKinley Indorsed It and said specially that to President Harrison Is due-the credit of the invention of the machinery whereby the existing reciprocity treaties tod others that are to come were wrought out McKinley says he eaw It in Harrison' own handwriting. “I do’not dispute any statement of Major MoKInley,” said a member of the committee of confer ence that pnt the finishing touches to the tariff of the last oongraee, "bat I am able to say that the resolution aa It waa adopted by the committee and agreed to by congress was not in Harrison’s band writing, bnt 8enator Aldrich's. The foroea whereby reciprocity ha* been woven into a policy of the govern ment originated with and were directed by Blaine. 1 have been In a position to speak with positlreneu about the mat ter daring the thut congress, and- the present attempt to give to some one else than Blaine the credit of reciprocity as tonishes me.” These word* are entitled to weight all the more from the fact that the gentle man uttering them It not and never has been much of a believer In reciprocity, though he la a great friend of Blaine's and In frequent Intercourse with him. “How does Blaine relish this sort of thlngf'wu asked." I can say nothing, at to that. If I knew how bo felt I would not say. I can only infer a* to this, as I would as to any one else under the like circumstances,” and hero the gen tleman declined to panne the conversa tion further on that line. He did not hesitate to say, however, that Major MoKInley, if he waa correctly reported, had talked too much. The explanation waa that the major and Blaine had a big bone between them, and the former it likely to Improve any opportunity to pick It In public, “particularly when It » Wi|CTQ will please the president and hii H A1J10. friends," added the gentleman. It is thus by degrees that the Harrison- Blaine conflict develops, and It it liable to become one of asperity. "I saw and conversed with Blaine only a few days ago,” said an ex-mem. her of oongress, who is a lifelong friend of the secretary of atate. “I did not no- tioe that anything was tbs matter with him. Except come traces of hard work of late, I should say he never looked better In bis life. Indeed, hie own re marks as to his health bore ont this be lief. No, there’s nothing the matter with Blaine’s health.” FOR 10c. ONLY FOR 15c. ONLY ^any style tleeiwd. OUR GENTS’ FURNISHING G000S CLOTHING add CLOTHING Patsbsov, N. J. May 6.—John Van Honten, a milkman, fifty-one year* old, was driving from this city to his homo at Willard Park last night, and bis hots* became unmanageable and backed into the Passaic river. Two of his little daughters, who were with him, Jumped ont of the wagon as soon as tbs vehicle struck the water and saved themselves. Van Honten and Us horse war* both drowned. Van Honten’* body was re covered before life was extinct, bnt he not b* resuscitated. NO COMPETITION In oar Clothing Trade, and WE ALWAYS WILL lead the van in We i ., WE ALWAYS DI Clothing. TO TRY IS TO BUY Our Clothing, because our stock is the largest. Our styles are faultless and OUR PR1CE8 ARE MATCHLESS. Wo stand by our Advertisements every time. Geo. Oor. Lamar St. am ; m Naw Yonx, Hay 6.—A special from Washington to the Recorder says: It is positively stated that Associate Justices Field and Bradley wiH resign In October. Mr. Edwards, it to believed, will suc ceed Justice Bradley, and some western jnrtot will be chosen ro succeed Justice Field. ' Blaine's Proposition. Washington, May 5.—[Special.]— Blaine’s proposition to totally suppress seal catching within the Behring sea will be communicated to-day or to-mor row at the latest. Kapioolon of n Dynamite Bomb. Brussels, May 5.—Orsat excitement in the entire city. Socialist* exploded a dynamite bomb in front of a capitalist's bona*. The on tiro front waa damaged. Nobody injured. THIS KNIGHTS TEMPLAR HU* Macs ta Annual Conclave la Maaoa Macox, G*,, May 5.—[Special.]— 1 The Gnutd Commandery of Knights Templar will meet In Macon to-morrow. There will be a largo attendance from all part* of the atate. Headquarter* of the grand commander will be established at the Hotel Lanier. At 10 o'olock Wednesday morning the eommanderiee will form in front Hotel Lanier, and under command Eminent Sir WllUsm Pitt Baldwin, grand captain general, eeoort the grand eom- mandery to the asylum of St Omer along the following lino of march: Up Second to Cherry, up Cherry to Cotton avenue, np Cotton avenne to Pop* lar, down Poplar to Second, np Second to Flam, down Plum to Fourth, np Fourth to Cherry, up Cherry to Seoond and thence to the commandery rooms on Cotton avenue. The rlsiting Sir Knight* will then be invited to partake of refreshment* pro vided by the local commandery, sitter whioh the grand body will open for the dispatch of business. On Wednesday night at 730 o’clock the lino* will be formed in front of the Hotel Lader and march to the First Bap- Hst church at tbo head of Poplar street, when the liturgy of the order will be re cited end an address delivered by Sir J. M. McNlel, of Columbus, Georgia. To-night* Special train arrived hero from,Home, bearing the commandery of that city. Coeur do Lion Commandery, forty strong,joined them In Atlanta, all in full uniform. A large number of members of Yprrb Tempblo, Myatio Shrine, will assemble In Mseon Wednesday, at 6 p m., to par ticipate In 'grand Arabic parade. All the Shrlners will bo In fall. evening drees with red fex. This conclave will be a great time for the Knights and 8hriners. V toll SUIT DISMISSED. The Casa of Mrs. Leach Against the City ...' xhvoba.q»tL*f1; Atlanta, May 0.—{Special.}—The case of Mrs. Leach against the city for *39,000 damage* for the death of her husband, the fireman killed by the fall ing wall of the Jackson bnlldln'g, waa nonsuited yesterday. Messrs. Goodwin A Anderson, in open ing thecase, presented • dfcmurrer, and asked that the cake be ndnsulted. The groimda of tjils demurrer were, that the building stood on private prop erty and that; sufficient time bad 1 not elapsed aftey the . fire for the city to re move the dangerous wall. The detmirrer waa eustalned by Jndge Van Epps angthe sate was thrown ont of court.-'* - s ■ A Third Party Caavsatloa. Cincinnati, 0., May 5.—Mach sur prise was caused yesterday bjr the an nouncement that the Knights of Labor, of thto state, had ordered four hundred delegates to attend the third party con vention week after next, and that the order bad done likewise in many other Over two thousand delegates it now claimed will attend. •8,000400 (or ta*M Virginia. Pabkebsbubo, W. Vs., May 5.—Ex- Senator Camden authorises the state ment that $9,000,000 ha* been raised to •pend In railroad building In West Vir ginia. lathe next six months railroad* will bo built to the. Immense Iron ore tract on Potts creek, recently purchased by Camden and others. KILLED BY HIS NEPHEW A HORRIBLE CRIME THAT HAS JUST BEEN REVEALED. Msnbaat MeDougal Blackens HI, Pas* aad Matters His Uocla Forth* Old Haa’s Mossy-The Baal Mardarar Assist# Arresting Aceasad Portias. Charlotte, N. C„ Hay 5.—It has been learned hers that the murderer of oldmaaConoly, In Robinson county, thto state, which occurred laet week, was committed by hie own nephew, MeDougal, a prominent merchant Lanrensburg. MeDonggj boarded the freight train, and left it a little this side of Shannon. Ho blackened his faoe and pnt on aid# whiskers. He was seen by several and they all say It was a white mao black- About dark he went to bto ancle’s, Simeon Conoly’s, and In a disguised voioe, called him ont and asked to shown a path that lead to Wilkes. Whan two hundred yard* from the house he shot Conoly, and after he fell MeDougal plaoed the pistol to the dying man’s head and find a second time. The ballet was found In the gronnd about six Inches deep when Conoly’s htad was lifted up. MeDougal then started back, and at the river tried to mark the blacking off and change clothing, but be must have been frightened away, for be left hto old pants and undershirt, handkerchief and box of lamp blaok. Ha explained hto dirty, greasy appear- ance by saying he bad been riding on an engine. When he came book to Maxton every one noticed hto restless manner. For a Week MeDougal has been very active In having Moore, Parnell and Kelly arrested. When he heard that hto effeoto had been found at the river he went and got them and said they had been stolen from him. MeDougal has been held In high es teem by everyone. He was a prominent member of the church, to unmarried, and for some time had been paying hto ancle’s debt*. A few monthi ago Conoly wanted horse to run a farm. MeDougal refused to’advance the monejr unless 1 hto uaole would have bto life Insured for his—Mc- Dqngal’s benefit. Tbli was done, and this, it to supposed, to the motive for the murder. It hat alto come to light that Conoly’a lifg had been Insured for about i year, and last fall MeDongal tried to poison him by giving him candy which con tained strychnine. Officer* are now In 'pursuit of MeDougal, who left In the dlrootlonof Charlotte. A Bay Shoots a Bank Pnsldvat. Louisville, Ky., May 8.—At Adairs- vlllo, tost Sunday night, Dr. P. Town send, president of the Bank of Adairs- will*, was fatally shot by Marshall Meyer, mere boy, the eon of Henry Meyer, merchant The killing grew ont of a bitter fend between'the doctor and elder Meyer. Sadist's Las* Nat*. Washington, Msyfi.—[Special.] —Ru- dini’s tost note published in Borne and not transmitted to thto government def initely seven diplomatic relatione. Le gation not withdrawn bnt deprived of representative character. Albaxt, N, Y., May 5.—The engine bolldlng of the Troy Steel and Iron company was destroyed by fire last nlghL Seven Dickson High power en gines were ruined. Lon estimated at *300,000. Strikers In Jamaica. Kingston, Jamaica, May 9.—Laborers the Island of Navassa are on a strike, and the United States steamer Kcarsarge has landed a force for the protection of people on the Island who are menaced. Upon. Halifax, May 6.—It is reported that Newfoundland fishermen were fired upon by a British man-of-war, which has been interfering with fishing In Fortune bay. He la 1 London, May 5.—ArebbUhop York died of U grippe thto i The Work of a Veteran. The workmon who placed In position Monday the splendid new engine whioh propels the presses and other machinery in the Toe Tdies-Rxcorder Job rooms, were ably assisted in their labors by Hr. L. Stanfield, the superintendent of that department This wonid he but little In itoeif did it not recall the fact that Mr. Stanfield has assisted In placing In position the propelling powers of ev ery office, with one' exception, thathss been started In Americui during the past twenty-five yesrs, and Is still on deek. More than that long ago he helped to put np tho old Waahlngton hand press for the veteran editor, CoL C. W. Han cock, the founder of tbe old Sumter Republican, and later helped to replace this with the first cylinder press ever brought here. Since then improvements In power presses have followed rapidly,’ and each time aohange was made “Coot” was on hand to boil the job. A year ago he helped to pnt In the first water motor ever used here, and on Monday when thto was laid aside to give place to the big engine whleh henceforth will drive The Times-Becobdeb’s six presses, he was the individual they required, this was told aside to gig engine which henceforth will drive The TThes-Re- oobdeb’s six presses, he was the indi vidual they required. Thto work, aa usual, was executed to the queen’s taste, and when a year or two hence necessity demands the re placing of the press now used with a Hoe perfecting machine, it to to be hoped that this matchless artist will be there again to superintend the job. ■very Friday Afternoon. The Christian Workers have asked ub to announce to the public that they will serve Ice cream and sherbeta, from the Methodist church yard, every Friday af ternoon at from 4 to 0 o’clock. It may not bo generally known to oar readers that thto noble sisterhood has undertaken to raise a fund to go towards building a new church. They have al ready quite a nice sum In bank, and pro pose to add to it as fast as they can. The church yard is admirably suited to the purposo of serving these refresh ments; the shade and grassy lawn make it a delightful retreat. We bespeak for the ladies a liberal patronage. Be aura to remember the time and place, and contribute to a good CASUALLY CAUGHT. Short Items Gathered and Fat Under Street eprinkltbg was mueh in vogue yesterday, and good and efficient work was done thereby, in laying the dust and materially cooling the atmosphere. At administrator's sale yesterday, John J. Grier porobased 100 acres of land belonging to the Seth Kogers es tate, three miles east of Amerious, pay- *1,200 therefor. Wedding bells will ring ont joyously to-night and two of Americas’ social fa vorites will bow before Hymen’s altar, there to pledge their affections one to the other as long ae life shall last Yesterday was return day for the May term of Sumter Superior conrt, and Clark Allen was kept busy all day re cording the inlto filed. The criminal docket promises to bean unusually full The street fores to doing tome fine work ont In Leeton. Elm arenuo to be ing wldeaed and graded, and when the work to finished it will bo one of the prettiest drives In that portion of the e'ty. Contrary to annonncemeqt already made,there will be no meeting of Ameri cas ledge F. A. M. to-night Absence from the city of several members ren ders necessary a postponement of the meeting until another time. Many years ago, new comers to Amer icas weie wont to ask when the new post-office building, started about that time, would be finished. Those who have not died since then nover ask such question now. They all know. The new residence being erected by Hr. A. T. Oliver, on Jaokson street, op posite the residence of Judge Montgom ery, to already assuming handsome pro portions. It will be completed in a few weeks and will be one among the prettl* •st homes in the elty. Tho gang of negroes sent to jail in de fault of bond Monday by Judge Pits- bury, on the charge of vagrancy, will be tried In the county court this morning. One of the women was released yester day, bnt others of the gang will doubt less go to tho brickyard. The Amerious Fishing Club basin eontemplation a trip to Ocean Pond at an early dale. Not satisfied with their recent success at the Satllla river, they have determined to win more laurels In second expedition this season. The time of their departure has not yet been fixed. Will Martin, who until a abort while ago waa one of Amerious’ most efficient and best looking police officers, ha* laid aside the baton for the shovel, and la now feeding coal to a mogul engine on the S. A. A M. Like "truth crushed to esrth” Will to bound to rise, and ere long will lay aside the shovel to grasp the throttle on one of these Iron steeds. Loeatinx the Lina. When the city purchased the site of the new city hall, now nearing comple tion, the deeds called for a frontage of 100 feet on Lee street. Adjoining this property is a lot be longing to the county, and upon this lot the stake whioh should mark the boundary line of the city’s purchase. But it seems that it does not. At least it Is claimed by the county that an encroachment of nearly five feet baa been made by the city upon their prop erty. To aetUe the matter and define for all time the boundary line, a committee from the city consisting of Aldermen Bivins and Wheatley and City Attorney Hawkius, will meet this morning a com mittee representing the county, coneist- ing of Messrs. J. W. Wheatley, John A, Cobb and B. P. Hollis. These gentle men will have the ground surveyed to day, and settle the question of a bound ary line. Was This Kay StoteaT Yesterday Chief Lingo received a let ter from the officials in Albany, In which waa enclosed a nearly new folding key, bearing the number “B 800.” The key evidently belongs to some one In Americas, as the letter stated that it was taken from the person of a black burglar, Shade Sutton by name, whom the officers captured there a day or two ago. Sutton claimed Amerious as his home, and if the key can be identified by any one here the fact may lead to the un earthing of one or more of the many thefts committed hereabout within the past year or two. Important Notice. Tho consumer* of water from the Amerlcus water works are hereby noti- fled that the hours for using sprinklers are from 5 to 7 o’clock in the morning, 12 to 1 p. m., and from 6 to 8 o'clock in the evening. That from this date these rules will be rigidly enforced. The of ficer* of the water works and the mar- ■bal and police are required by tow to report all violation* which will bo dealt with according to tow. may6-8t