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When you lay this Paper down, kindly place It with
Shoes, Hats, Etc.
By so doing you not only confer a slight favor upon ns, but yoiibecome IK FACT
a PUBLIC BENEFACTOR, Inasmuch as yoa-materially aid us in
attract! ng the public eye to the
Y w’i .■ ul T -i'i .m, T. s ■ |J«, /A v
Which we shall offer PRO BONO PUBLICO who patronize us this week.
Do You Feel an Interest In
For $12.50 you may take your choice of 25 braud new pattern suits
< cost us from $13.50 to $19.00.
TO ADMIRE is but TO SElp our m )
Dd SIGHT becomes POSSESSION when your choice of
different styles is offeied at 18c. per yard.
In all the newest shad
NOW IS THE TIME to buy your WASH
DRESS GOODS. In this department as.'In
ALL OTHEftS, we are “fixed to suit m
We carry, tfoe ijijeist' stodtf r jj[ Dn
Fabrics in the city, arid Opr/Pridesp^nnot
matched in thd state. , ,f ' ....
The Amount of Monoy Stolen wUI Nevsr bo
Kaowa-Bsak Stock Loft la Trust By Ol
vootorv to Hypothecated—The other Bank,
wlU Staad by the Ninth NaUoual.
HCWiYork, Hay « —‘hie Wall afreet
•peculations of the late John T. Hill,
the defatted president at the Ninth Ns
tlonal Bank, were coedncted through
the Stock Exchange firm ot A. W. KI1-
borne A Co., of No. 43 Wall street The
Stock Exehange member of thlshonse
is A. W. Kllborne and the “Co.” la
Clarkson Runyon. ,
This firm formerly had an account at
the hank and Praaldent Hill mnde thelr
acquaintances. How much of the Stolen
money Hill sunk~tbrough his specula
tions conducted byAhts house wlll’prob-
ably never be known. As the Herald has
shown, Hill was aq unlucky gambler.
He rarely made a lucky hit and he waa a
very heavy loser In iho panic of 1884 knd
again In last Noveffeber.
mil had an open account with Kll
borne 4k Co. at the v time of hip death,
but unless the firm choose voluntarily
to disclose the story of the defaulter's
transactions with them the modgy can
not be traced. An effort la being made,
It Is understood, by the directors of the
bank to procure the details of Hill’s
•took ventures. There Is no chance of
any restitution of the stolen money.'
Another Instance of Hill’s mtqked-
ness, which came to light yesterday,
was tbs fact that ho hypothecated 100
shares of the bank’s stock left Tp his
custody by some of bis fellow directors.
The stock has been recovered without
muchloss, fortunately.
The Ninth National bank will' un
doubtedly tome through its trotddEs all
right Its present embarassq
from a preponderance of real
over cash assets, and the other banks In
Pleasant Plods at Bntuford-Aa Alliance
Store to bo Bollt—Porsoool Mention
ready to help it out by liberal cash
loapa.and by<taking pp Its bill* recelv-
AU the paper held by the NU
Is fin
themselves at a
house to stand
r -thsT Iff ntn ItSKHKrff advancing
3100,000 apiece In cash, biking the
.Y.iaBWA -A Yj'vKVfA
HanutHebed White Lawns and Flouneea for Skirts.
Bordered White Lawns for Aprons,' Children's Dresses, ate.
All Ov«r Embrol Jeries, All Over Laees.
Plain White, Po'ka Spot, and Embroidered 8wlss Muslim. v; . -
Black Ground with White Polka Spot Swiss Muslins (very new and stylish.)
' '• '** YouwMffndour
The Att4 cheapest in the city,
We control
in the wrorld-i-No one shows better value for 75o and onr “MON
ARCH £UEF> BOSOMS” for fine trade is the handsomest and best
shirt in the market.
FOR lw.
The Best 4-ply Belfast Linen
Collar, any style desired.
The Best 4-ply Belfast Linen Cuffs
any style desired.
only ask th” opportunity to show you OUR GOODS ana
OUR PRICES will speak for themselves.
We acknowledge NO COMPETITION in our Clothing Trade.
WE ALWAYS DID and WE ALWAYS WILL lead the van in
Our Clothing, because our stock is the largest. Our styles ore faultless
$1,200,000 more
ba,fprtheom|ng from other banks if
neoessary." There la no run on tha bank
and the money la not Immediately
been arranged
itlonary mesa
twelve bask* Which have joined
1 Mu_
ial, tbs I Fourth
National, the Importers and Traders,
the First National,
the American Exchange, the National
Bank of New York, the Bank of America,
the Bowery and the Fifth Avencie.
The Ninth National waa a debtor at
the clearing house yesterday to the
amount of $128,000, but the sum was
made good before 130 p. m.
Atlanta's New Klectrlo Line.
Atlanta, Ga., May 8.—Yesterday af
ternoon the elec trio can on the Atlanta,
and Mctfiereon’s
fayjaadaatrtal Jrlp, which ,
to be In fine condition
4 oISjjLl
will ran occasionally each day
thl* week until next Saturday, when In
all probability a schedule *111 be taken
up and care will run regularly.
The care wifi start at the corner of
Broad and Alabama streets and run
thorough to McPberson’a barracks,
distance of about four miles.
Tho Atlanta West End And McPher
son’s barracks electric street railway
plant is located at the corner of Hum
phries and Glenn streets, where Mr. B.
Curtis, the superintendent of the
line, has his office.
At an early date this line will be run
ning to Grant park. When the road la
finished it will he ona of the prettiest
rides that can be found around the city.
Combining Against Call.
B Jacksonville, Fla,, May t).—There
Is a movement herb to pnt out a candi
date against Call, and, If possible, win
the support of the delegation from Du
val county.
The Call supporters are badly rattled
by this home movement, and the news
from Tallahassee.
■Ways wlU not be nominated, but be
lias shown more strength than Speer,
being a young allianceman, and has
drawn away several of Call’s support
ers. I still think Hammond Is tho dark
Plains, Ga., May 6.—[Special.]—The
weather with us Is very dry, however,
all plants that are np look promising,
the principal need for rain being to
germinate tie seeds that are still In the
Mr. S. J. Walters is laying down the
material for the erection of a commodi
ous alliance storehouse at this plaee.
Miss Jessie Jones gave a number of
her young friends a pleasant plento in
the vicinity of Bottsford on the 30th
ult * i
Mre. R. 8. Jennings, who has been
quite sick for some time past, Is conva
Mrs. Warner Culpepper, of Bottsford,
received a telegram Saturday announo
log the death of her lister at Grantvllle.
Thla community waa pleated to learn
of the arrest of the notorious negro, Os
born Smith. He has done much of hit
crooked work in our vicinity, and there
Is a warrant standing In this dlstriot
against him for burglarising the smoke
bouse of Berry Jones, a worthy colored
man, during last year.
Of all the names suggested for the
new hotel at our capital elty, we think
The Windsor” the proper one.
Miss Julia Brannon, a popular young
lady of Amerieua, has been spending a
week very pleasantly in our village, the
gneat of Miss Jessie Jones.
Mr. Arthur Parker, of the Central
railroad, has been on a visit to his
brother In our town.,
Mr. A. G. Sheppard, of Bfcbland,
spent Sunday here the guest of Dr.
Mr.'Georco E Thornton, of Preston,
paid us a visit on Sunday.
Dr. J. S. Clark, of Americas, spent
Monday In town.
CapL A. A. Mathis, of the S. A.
H„ lias boen on a visit to his sister,
Mrs. JR. T. Jennings
Mr. K. C. West, of Americas, spent
Monday with his parents here.
Hisses Mary and Leas Haynes, of
Americas, spent Sunday here the guests
of tha Jennings boose.
Mlawa AUse Naylor and Leila Chris
tian, of Preston, are visiting at Mrs. W.
L. Lalney’s.
Dr. and'Mrs. A. Harvey .Black, recent
ly pf onr towp, hai
where he will embark .in the prac
tice hf medicine. Being upright and de-
possessed of a finished liter-
ary and medical education, we bespeak
for him a liberal patronage In hi* chosen
field of labor.
Mrs. Toner baa been on a visit to slek
relatives at Itonfroe.
, $(rs. M, E, Howell la spending some
time wlti her daughter at DeSoto.
Col. H. H. Jones Is visiting friends,
maje or female, in Dawson.
Dr. and Mrs. Cato are on a visit to
Miss Pear) Stubbs and Mrs. Fatroloth
were shopping In Amerlcus on Friday,
Messrs. W. E. McTyler, 1L 8., Oliver,
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Stewart and Miss
Minnie. Howell spent Monday in Ameri
cas, while Mrs. Forth and Mrs. L. Hud
son were shop]
E., Timmerman left on Tuesday
over the popular 8. A.H., on
a business errand,
Miss Florence Jones has returned to
school in Dawson.,
Msj. J. H. Black left on Tuesday to
represent u* In the World’s Fair conven
tion, which moots In Atlanta on Wed
nesday. .. - - I
But Ample Provision has Been Made to
Taka Cara ot All Who Go-Amerlcos will
bo. Well Bopreeentod—Two Trains will
Take Iks Jolly Plenloers Oat.
hopping In the same city on
Long Life la CfeefipVallijr.
Rbadino, Pa., May 6.—Samuel Wild-
rick, living In the Cherry Talley, la in
his 100th year. He has been married
three times and la the father of twenty
four children and 108 grand-children.
He was born in Northampton county
Despite bis extreme age beta halo and
hearty, an<>expects to live at leasts
dosen years longer. Among tho
oldest married couples In this part ot
the state am Mr. and Mrs.' George Gil
bert, of GI^Mrtav-lle, and Hr. and
Nathan Wwnhoret, residing near Boy-
•rtown. . The first two have passed
sixty-five years of happy married lire
together, aod'the latter sixty years. All
four are in Ane health.
Becomes Insane.
Lowell,glass-, Mar a—CapL Martin
V. B. Davis, keeper of the Edson Ceme
tery, found a shortage of $3.00 In his ac
counts recently, and brooded over the
| tter until his mind became unbil
led. Ho tridel to commit suicide this
morning by cuttlughis hand, but
discovered bolero lie could bleed to
death. lie fbught desperately after get
ting li '
Sunday Rehoo-s Will Kxeurt to Fort Vnl-
Isy-Nupttals Announced.
Perhaps the largest crowd that ever
left Americas on pleasure bent will go
on the excursion to Omaha thla mom-
In* .
i Everybody la going, not only from
this elty, bat from every point along the
line fit road between ■ the Ocmulgee and
Chattahoochee riven.
The conductors’ plcnlo has been the
om topic of conversation for the past
ten days, and each day, as tha time drew
nearer, Interest In the matter visibly In
creased until scarcely anything else waa
talked of.
It will be a grand occasion beyond
doubt, and, hundreds of people will bn
there from every town and vlUsgo along
the line of the 8. A. A M. road.
For weeks the members of the local
lodge O. R. O., under , whose auspices
the plenlo will be glren, have been bard
at work perfecting the neoessary ar
rangements, and late yesterday bad tha
satisfaction of knowing that nothing
bad been left undone. ,t, -
Notwithstanding tha faet that tha
crowd will be large, ample accommoda
tion will be made to carry comfortably
all who will attend the plonlo, and there
need be no fear whatever of erowdlng.
The S. A. A M. officials have placed
fourteen of .heir finest coaobes at the
disposal of the conductors, and others
will be added should It be found nec
The train will be run In two seetlons
of seven ooaebes cacli. The first sec
tion will be drawn by ongino No. 110,
with engineer George Nix in eharga.
Conductor Borders will bare charge of
this train, and will be assisted by con
ductors Gilmer, Cobb, Galbraith and
Wood. The train will leave Amcrlous
at 8 o'clock sharp.
The. second seotion, drawn by engine
107, with Engineer Brown at the throt
tle,, will leave ten minutes later, and will
bOiln charge qf Conductor G. D, Buch
ansa i Conductors Lewis, Stokes, Sapp,
Nelson, Snider and Mathis will bs aboard
thla train to help look after the comfort
of their gueste. ”,
Both train* will arrive at the plenle
grounds, on the banks of the Cbattehoo*
ehee, at 11 o'clock. Returning, they
will leave Omaha at<4p.'m,, arriving
here at 7 o’clock. The regular Inoorolng
and outgoing trains on the eastern divis
ion wUl oonnset with-the excursion
trains, affording people along that line
an opportunity of attending the plenle.
A Urge and substantial dancing pavfl
Ion baa been built on the grounds. and a
first-class, string band will furnish
music for the danoers. Besides thle
there will be various Other amusements,
and no one need doubt but that the day
can be enjoyably spent Thera Is plenty
of fine fishing at hand, and the anglers
will make a determined onslaught upon
the finny tribe.
As has been stated before, the purpose
for which the plenle was gotten np is to
raise a sum sufficient to establish here a
division of the Order of Ballway Con
ductors. The “boys In blue” have
worked faithfully to this end, and their
efforts have mat with success even be
yond their expectations. Everybody Is
going ont to help them, and at the same
time enjoy a day that will not soon be
I aa Interesting Meeting la Thle City
and Elect a District Lecturer.
In pursuance to a call published in
Tu* Times-Recpbpeb, the county lec
turers of the several counties composing
the seventh congressional district met
in this city yentsrday at tlie court houso
at 10 o’clock.
The object of the meeting was solely
to elect a district lecturer and the fol
lowing resolutions were adopted:
Rerolied, Ihttne el l pro eedTo sleet s
ilhlrlct lecturer Mr the third congressIbiM
district' la actanfaaos with lbs proclamation
orournsMotnl prerd-oL
2 In,pur erenes ofthe lnitructlonsolssld
national pre-id.nt to provide for the com
pensation of our district leciur-T. we allow
hUh taper ■ley. and actu d expenses,and w-
•nindtlM ‘
rei om.i.endUrielvooh county alliance vlatu-d
1>V nolri tectere*;pirkeprovUiope to pay hi-
— diem n d <-tpence* while *ervtug'a,ld
oty, cither by appropriation from the
uljr Ircimrfy-or. hy Vo untury contribu
tions IMmiibMr jaeintoershp.
After the adoption of tho aboTC, two
were proposed for district leo-
turer, but tho withdrawal of one mnde
election of Mr. F. D. Wimberly, ol
0or. Lamar St. and Cotton Ay
The meeting having accomplished Its
work, a.}jonrin’d.
Mr. Wimberly, tho district lecturer, Is
of tilt) State University and Is
tho preeperaa. farmer Inhto
begin alter a
lecturers in At-
Montezums, May 0.—[Special.]—The
Montezuma bail team scored a grand
triumph over the seleot nine of I’erry
last week. •**, ■ . - y-
The betrothal of Miss Lena Helmer
and Mr, G. Llpman has been announced.
The happy couple ore highly esteemed
Hebrews of tbjs place, and they have the
best wishes ol a host of friends.
Angling Is being pursued with a una
nimity andperseverancetbatassoreasnc-
An old fisherman says there Is an
Improvement In the tackle this year—It
baa morq.bottle and less neck.
The Sunday aohools of thla place and
Oglethorpe will make an excursion to
Fort Valley on the 8th Inst, On the
same day Fort Talley will crass bats
with our boys.
The friends of Col F. F. Snead will be
made sad to know that be Is not expect
ed to tire another day. He was stricken
.with paralysis a , few days ago, and his
pbjeloisn saya he cannot recover. Col.
Snead waa a brave soldier, an able and
conscientious lawyer, and the highest
type of southern gentleman.
Lulls Locals.
Leslie, Ga., Hay 0.—Tho dry weath
er eontloMS. Crops are beginning to
Suffer for want of rain, especially oats.
Rev. S. 8. Kemp's turpentine distillery
(s In full blast now, and ha Is shipping-
rosin and spirits turpentine nearly ev
ery day.
Mr. J. W. Bailey’s planing mill Is In
operation, and notwithstanding the dull
times In the lumber market, he gets as
many orders as he can fill.
Mr. M. H.SIms, who has been quite
sick for the past week is slowly recover
ing, and his many friends hope to see
him out again soon.
Mrs. Fordham’s new resldsnco on
Bsiley avenue is nearly ready for occu-
pancy, and when completed will be a
neat and tasty rosldeuco.
A party, of young peoplo from Leslio
and DeSoto went up to Andcrsonvlllo
lost Monday, on a pleasure trip, and re
port an enjoyable time
Leslie’s Literary Club held Us regular
weekly meeting last Friday evening and
scored 'another euccees. The program
was rendered exceptionally well and the
Literary Nawa, with Mrs. M. H. Sims as
editress,, was read to an appreciative
audience. ” •' ’•
Mr. F. A. Wilson, of Reidsfleld, came
up-last/Saturday to visit friends and
relatives. *t#.eVot sht-.ii) i-itos ,.
Messrs J. JU Butler and J. H. Me-
Kiaon, pf iDsBoto, are regular visitors to
onr Nity on Sunday.
Missa Ella Walker, who has bean vielt-
iog relatives at LaCrosee for the past
month, is expected home this week,
muoh to the del jght of her many friends.
Mrs. Found, of Washington county, Is
visiting friends and relatives In the city.
Hr. A, M. Ballsy returned yesterday
from a trip dawn the S. A. A H. railroad,
where he has been Inspecting end buy
ing lumber for W. H. Leatherbee A Son,
Rev. Mr. Williamson, of Ellavllls,
preached an Interesting sermon at the
acadetny Sunday erenlng.
Quite a party-of people are expecting
to go on-the Omaha excursion to-mor
row, and are anticipating a good time*
'•The Athmalira.''
Editor Timkh-UkcOhdeii:—A travel
erpassing through the piuey woods of
ihe state eame to a settlement where
boro wore a number of little’ 1 tow heads"
ranging like stair steps, playing before
the door, ne stopped and was talking
to them when the mother camo ont.
“And tvhatlsyour name huddle?” he
Mked of a shirt-tall lad.
“Guy Mannering,” answered his
“And-where on earth did you get that
narno?’’ queried the stranger.
VThe preacher gln lt to- him, and he
saldbegot itouten a boob," said the
fond mother, looking with pride upon
her name burdened son.
Tho suspicion has gono abroad that
tho directors of the hotel company have
been getting a natno for our hostelry
“outen a book.” Indeed, many think
that more el>ort was expended oirtlio
hook part of tho business than in tho se
lection of a name suitablo and in keep
ing with its surruundingi nml purpo.-oq.
Tho Alhambra Is suggestive'»r ether
things, than tlio grand Moorish palace
Idealized by Irvitig. a’,
It would Lake a very grand building
to do that, l'onco do Toon, at St. Au
gustine, would hardly do it. It is said
that thero is hardly a considerable city
tho United Stale* that has not its
Alhambra barroom, and in mau> ptoses
tho name is given to planes of qnesilutpgtM
able character. Then there ie great
dangerof tho name being abbreviated.
Tbe porters will bo suro to leave it
“The Hatnbra,” and ns "decensus a vend
facllU” it will soon bo “The Hatnbra,”
tbcncu to plain ilam; ami H there is any
thing ortnin to higliteii away tl.e «ly»-