Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, May 13, 1891, Image 8

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WEEK OF BAEGAIHS! THE AMERICUS DAILY T1MES-REC0RDER: WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1891. -A.T- WHEATLEY & ANSLEY’S. 6* ft . k;- In order to keep things lively the coming week we will offer special inducements to everybody in the way of prices. We are ad ding new goods daily to our already large stock and offe* prices now which will do the buyer some good. At 15c 2500 yds. Pongee Cloths, an entirely new fabric, dark grounds with colored figures and worth 25c everywhere. 10^c Our entire stock figured China silk mulls. 69c Entire stock of 75c and 85c Wool Batistes. 69c Entire stock of 75, 85 and 90c. Wool Henriettas. 98c All our extra fine $1.25 Henrietta cloths. 17 Ac One lot of Wool Challies 25c quality. 9Ac Choice black plaid and striped muslins formerly 16c. 25c Grenadine striped black Organdies worth 40c. 5Hc Choice new style cotton challies worth 10c. 4Kc 1000 yds. check muslins, worth every day (by the bolt) 7 Ac 25c Our entire stook Scotch zephyr ginghams 17Ac The choicest ginghams ever shown on our counters. 15c One lot Black M itts worth 25c, 25c Your choice any colored silk glove in our stock, formerly 50 to 75c pair. 49c Our entire stock figured China Silks formerly 65 to 85c. 98c Our entire stock of $1.25 figured Pongee Silks. At $9.80 Suit of black grenadine, silk stripe, worth $15.00. $8 90 Suit of black silk stripe grenadine worth $12.50. $7.50 Suit of black grenadine worth $10.00. $5 90 Suit of black grenadine worth $7.50. $4.90 Suit oi black grenadine worth $6.50. 25c 400 pairs fast black (guaranteed stainless) Derby ribbed ladies’ hose w orth 40c. 25c Big lot plain fast black and stainless hose worth 40c. 25c 500 extra large damask towels worth 40o. 5c One lot crash toweling, formerly 7Ac. 50c doz. one lot colored border hemstitched handkerchiefs. 50 fine Marseilles and crochet counterpanes slightly soiled on edges, at a sacrifice. Slightly soiled linen table damasks at reduced prices. - One lot remnants whit9 goods,.slightly soiled, almost given away. 5000 yds. Hamburg edgings and insertions at lower urices than you have ever seen them. ' LACE CURTAINS SLAUGHTERED! At $1,25, 50 prs. lace curtains worth $2.00 $1.75, One lot lace curtains worth $2.50. $2.00, One lot lace curtaina worth $3.00, Cut prices on every pair lace curtains in our stook. Bear in mind all these are SPOT CASH prices. Anything charged on book will be at the regular price. Y & -AKSIvEY, The Leaders and Controllers of the Fine Dress Goods and Dry Goods Trade. A PRETTY ROMANCE. A Gifted ton I’mwUM T,un, Woman Artist Had aa Interesting Start. People who noticed in The Examiner window a splendid cast of the head of Sitting Ball will he interested to hear the pretty romance of the yonng artdet whoae work it was. . 1 It was modeled bx Mia Alice Ride- oot, a young lady of leas than 18 years o# age, who has jRhady shown such tal- ’ \ ent that ehe bids' fair to take front rank v, among the host of artiata that the Pacific ■dope can claim aa Us own. Her first start in her chosen profession can be directly traced to a large English mastiff owned by her family, although her artistic aspirations date back to her early childhood. One day, while accom panied by the mastiff, ehe passed the open door of a sculptor's studio. Tbs animal nuhed in and, with apparent de liberation, knocked orer the pedestal upon which was placed for exhibition the artist's latest work. An arm and leg were shattered, and the piece lay a seeming wreck on the floor. The at tendant was’ wild. The girl endeavored to make excuses for the dog, but nothing would answer. Offers were made to pay for the damage, hot to no avail. The man, dreading that upon the artist's return he would loee his position, was inconsolable. The girl begged to be allowed to repair the piece, and after repeated entreaties the man consented, with the remark that while he did not believe it could be fixed, he was very certain she could not injure it. .He mixed the clay for her, and watched with interest the unpracticed fingers doing the work that the accomplished artist had so lately finished and taken so much pride in. An hour passed with moat gratifying results; the arm waa re stored and was perfect; the attendant was happy. Another hour the leg approached com pletion, when lo, the artist appeared on the scene. He took in the situation at a glance, and unnoticed by the occupants of the room watched the work. Fin ished, explanations are in order and given. The artist is charmed, declares tho work of restoration has added new charms to the piece, and having beard from the girl the great ambition of her Jtth, went with her to her home and in sisted that her parents shonld allow her an opportunity to learn the art for which she evidently had so much inherent tal ent—San Francisco Examiner. artificially drained. Dr. David Starr Jordan, of the Le- Holland baa been, one might say, re-1 land Stanford nnlverelty, is an athelete claimed from the sea. The water has and sportsman aa well as a scholar and been dyked out, and many parts of the parson. He says of hlmielf: “Six feet ooonby that were the bottom of the eea one and a half inohee high, I weigh 215 are now dry land, and though below eea level form the homes of happy and in- P° un ®*» but I CAn swim, play baseball dostrions communities. Yean ago there And talk Norwegian,” and yon cannot tell him much be doesn’t already know about trout, rods and reels. A Complete Collepee were along the lower banka of theMis- sissippi “drowned lads,” subject to .over flow and uninhabitable, covering an area larger than the state of New York. , , ,, , Many of those lands have been reclaimed ** occasioned In our I®elii . . by means of levees. Thus, by man's in- of r,r ’ bow ®\ -..Tai. ,, j Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure sick genuity, arethe surface, climate and and billioua headache, bowel complaints, general physical condition of the earth internal fever and eostlveness. They remove all waste matter, and restore health to body and mind. A dose, aa a laxative, consists of one tiny, sugar- coated Pellet Cheapest and easiest to take. By druggists, 25 cents a vial being changed.—New York Ledger. Antiquity of Playing Cards. The game of cards was first played in the east, and seems to have had a mili tary origin. Cards were introduced from Asia into Europe at the time of the A. J. Droxel, with banking houses in (Wfes7and"were" first"used'by n^! I ? ndon ' P » ri *’ N ® w York “ d PhlladeU mancers to foretell fortunes. They soon pM»> is quite and unassuming in man- became a popular amusement in the ner, and a master spirit in extensive south of Europe, where the Saracens j railroad and other enterprises, and Moors tangbt the people how to use Drainage. How few pcoplp realise the results of extensive drainage, inch as a highly civl iliaed country presents. No Inconsider able changes arc wrought by artificial drainage. Much of surface water, in stead of being left to form marshes, sat urate the soil or be taken up by evapora tion, it carried away underground through drain pipes. Consequently the air is not so moist as formerly, ami the ■ail, instead of being constantly chilled by evaporation, ia rendered warm and ■■rial. This result has been particu larly noticed in England and Scotland, bare bean A mysterious person signing himself simply “Hex” has been contributing many thousands of dollars to ohsrity through the hands of the Philadelphia Bulletin, keeping his identity carefully thenT," andtiUySg^^d to I. J™* 1 ' BridR ?‘,l A ‘ h 1 eM .Tenm,» rit f* : concealed. He Is now found to be “ .Gi i “For six years I have been afflicted with parte of the contiMnt.The.tate records j r ™,“‘ ^“r^ment* oFthe of Qennanyinentionthe fact that Bo-1 bones In my lega. I tried everything I uolph I, in 1273, was fond of the game i heard of without permanent benefit un- and played with Ilia courtiers. til Botonlo Blood Balm was recom- After the invention of paper the rnann- mended to me. After using six bottles 'factnre of cards became extensive, but the sores healed, and I am now in bet- declined somewhat when card playing ter health than I have ever been. I waa forbidden by several of the German rood this testimonial unsolicited, be sts tes and by the English government CBU80 *° ke heneiltted.” on account of the supposed immoral may 11 “ w '® tendency. Before the era of paper, eards in the Orient were mode of ivory, papy rus and canvas, less frequently of the precious metals, and quite commonly of wood.—St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Careful. A wisa parent thinks twice before an swering a bright boy's question. “Papa,” said Johnny, who had re cently joined a debating society, “is it correct to say, 'The noes lias it,' or ‘The noes have it? ” “It depends, my son, on whether you are talking about a vote or about a cold in the head.”—Youth's Companion. Sadder Than tha Romeo duller (aw. Miss Bond—Alas, Comte, papa says I shall never marry you. Comte do Sansson—And did mademoi selle show monsieur ze proofs zat 1 am io Comte do Sanssou? Miss Bond-Yes, and he said if yon could have proved yon were an impostor he might have given hi* consent.—Mas- eey*s Weekly. To Printers tad Publishers. The Times Publishing Company baa for sale a portion of the newspaper and job outfit made snrplns by the rooent consolidation of the Times and Recor der, consisting of one cylinder newspa per press, two Gordon job presses, one Hero paper cutter, one perforator, six stands, two Imposing stones and tables, five hundred pounds of news type, eto. This material and these presses are virtually new, having been in use only a year. A great bargain in price* and terms can be secured by the right par ties, Address the Times Publishing Company, Americas, Go. The Rev. Frank Clendenin, who is to marry Miss Gabriello Greely, had held to tho theory that ministers should never marry. When he met the lady named he renounced. Very popular, very small, very good. De Witt's Little Early -Bisers, the pill for constipation, biliousness, sick head ache. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. Cornelius Vanderbilt keeps his face smooth Bhaven, except an Inch of close cropped whiskers. His features are re fined and intellectual. Hjrcteal. Item. Teacher—So yon can’t remember the names of the great lakes. Can’t yoa keep them in your head? Johnny—No, mnm, if I was to keep I them lakes in my bead I might gat water on the brain.—Texas Siftings. Girls of 12 to 15 years comb their hair back from the forehead, and braid it to hang its length or tied in a low loop. Tbetr fawns are made with waists of natural length, neither too long nor too A beautiful skin, bright eyes, sweet breath, good appetite, vigorous body, pure blood and good health result from the use of De Witt’s Sarsaparilla. It is sold by the Davenport Drug Company. Ex-Congressman Morrill, of Kansas, has taken out a commission as a notary public. Henry Lisle Wain, a venerable member of the Society of Friends. The Mythological Fates. “Somewhere upon the unknown shore, Where the streams oflllsihelr waters pour, There sit thiee sisters, evermore Weaving a ■ Iken thread.” Lovers of classic paintings are familiar with that famous group, called the 'Three Fates.” Fate seems qruel when it deprives women and girls of health. But in Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription they find a cure of untold value for nervous prostration,' siok headache, bear ing-down pains, bloating, weak stomach, anteversion, retroversion, and all those excruciating complatnta that make their Uvea miserable. All who use it praise it. It contains no hurtful Ingredients, and is guaranteed to give satisfaction In ever case, or its price($1.00)will be refund ei Corns, Warts and Bunions Removed quickly and surely by using Abott’s East Indian Corn Paint. If it’s Shoes You want -GO TO- The finest Brandies and Wines, etc., for medical purposes, also purest whis kies at Db. Eldbidok’s Dbuo Stobe. Davenport Drug Company sells them. Hair all gone, scalp covered with erup tions, and pains in allot biz limbs, a dreadful caae of disease,yet P. P. P. re mained . master of the Wk was affected, and the patient, shal of Monticello, Fla., says his hair has grown out, and that he is man. This cure spread far and and now thy drag stores of Mon buy P. P. P. in large quantities. • lUIUIII When Baby was sick, vra gave her Ctstorit, When she wasaCWld.Msirrisd tee Pretoria. When she became Has, die dung to Pretoria. When the had Children, the gave them Csstoria. Eagle Shoe Store 119 FORSYTH ST., AMERICUS, GA,. Where you will find THE LARGEST STOCK, THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST LINE of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s SHOES Ever brought to this part ol the state. We have all the IvJLTF STYLES And for Beauty and Durability they cannot be aurpaeeed. It is quite the fashion now to take De- Witt’s Little Early Risers for liver, stomach and bowel disorder!. They ere small pills, bat mighty good ones. The We keep the beet Paint we can get. if not eatiafaetory when pntonwewill repaint the honse at our expense. E. J. Eldbidoe, Druggist. The finest cakes, and the celebrated cream bread, baked every morning, at Andbkws «fc Caktkb's. Seed Potatoes, Seed Corn, Garden Seed, direct from Landreth'e and war ranted genuine, at Dr. Kldridge'a drag etore. OUR IMMENSE LINE FOR Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Wear (From the Cheapest to the Finest) Was never so complete and never so cheap as now. With years of experience, we have the best of advantages, and are able to offer you inducementa not to be found elsewhere. giyOHN R. SHAW. Prop’r Eagle Shoe and Hat Store, 119 FORSYTH ST.. AMERICUS, OA.