Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, May 15, 1891, Image 3
THE AMER1CUS DAIL Y TIMES-RECORDER: FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1891. i •n• MP p p Cures rheumatism Druggists, Idppmaa's For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Americas, Ga. & It’s easy enough —the Ball corset. That's be cause it has coils of fine wire springs in the sides. They clasp the figure closely, but yield to every motion. They "give”, but they come back. So does your money -—if you’ve worn a Ball cor set two or three weeks, and find that you don’t like it. FWmUm by GEO. D. WHEATLEY. tort it iato two jdeeee and oto-ft Very qtiiekly. She the* rtpdttad her abb to• the pagan priest,-and heblened her, say- to her, ’"Oe rid nh tfldrt.” * hkle* ws m—fti)-iwhsathetras 7 year* oUtbeUWat* Ideate dhttrchci, r*wn* beheaded hi. nude KrsSaisd twarew andrtchone War #TH a part eftbe «&£Sa they stood atwit. This was ooeUnaed every day for twenty-one day*, until ah of the minister* ware eaten tip, and he ate part of twenty-one preachers. ~ He say* the natives never do eat one US ‘hat the beasta M the ' Mrtr tUy on* of their hind to prey upon, and that the eavagea — lower than it i wil'd anli new gotten to be OtOEl.—Atlanta Con- OmM ia a jrofc. The oddeat atory of ‘geeae in the fog cornea from' Norfolk, and was told tc Mr, atercnSW; the author of "The Birds of NortdUc/ tfythe R±vl H. : tj FrtSre. a large flock of geeae war* attracted to the town of Dim on a foggy night by the Hghta, and frosn the sound of their voice* •eettSd to fly acerertr higher than the tope of theboneta.' ■■■ ' They came about 7«. m., and, as it floiiday-eirth^-ihiyrtlMMMd to the lights in us for,: ... WOI wed the purcliaseroui written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment doe* not ef fect a cure. Guaranteee iuuod only by THE DAVENPORT DRUG CO. "Sole Agt,., Amerlcn,, Ga. Advice to Woimr If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD*§4 FEMALE^ REGULATOR feWHUt cUinor the congregation UPPMAH MOL, Proprietor*, OranbU, Lippman's Hock, . SAVANNAH. DA. For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Aiuerleus, Ga. JAPANESE CURE ' guaranteed Cut for Pile* of whatever .ind or degree—Hr trail, Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itchtr r, Chronlo, Recent Or Hereditary. $1.00 a box; 6 boxes, SA00. Bent by maO, prepaid, on reoeipt of prioe. We guarantee to c are any case of Pile*. Guaranteed and aoL mly by ba especially the church, and not • little dleta , , saaemhlrifl for even!** artwitse. From that ttor-naMl-S Ajanj wtmvtbe j fog tinned to fly araudwMsriybeeriUertd. One IM UhpOMflttfrftt foWM to strike a gas lamp onfrido ihe town— probably it Waa flying rouaif th* llght- Juat aa a polioeatan- waa parting by, W1 very property, ■* the bird was making . great noiae outride apublte house, took it into custody, and the oekt' day it wu •with equal propriety ertt off M a fpri- rate lmurtfc asylum at Melton, where it lived for seaNsyear*' aa honored ftest —ijpectator. effect 1* truly wonderful. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., to* mazx'bx all Ids voqusm. • Urielabr For a revolVUgof eldadly e. tain no tea and rect air yboo monogram or coai'flr.NrttA,’but . man conflnarMtnaplf to the cldt> '*ta- tiaoary Icthtabarineei Utter*. Us formal and informal notca and all *oci«l letter* it calls up that data of men who board at inferior hotels and ihp wen knows high priced themselvea to the paptg C.A.SNOWACO. Ospotea P«u«t pact, wuhiiiaa. p, c. DISSOLUTION. .,15® of Argo A Andrew* la tfcla day •if? .' ve *i kv mutual conaent, John T. Ar*t» retiring, ff•> will be aucceeded by C. C. Oir* vj, ®nd Iha itrm will hereafter be Andrew* A VHrie,., who wiII auume *11 Ui« liabilities ! J ‘he lata firm of Ario A An draw*, nod col lect nil debt* due them. Jno. T A boo. H. M. AkdbkWb, . *“<firing from the firm of Afpe* A»- Jf' WB 1 wtuvn »hank* to the nubile for urn E??» roui haatowadv and baap«k for the new firm n oonttnuence of tua an * jar on T-Abo America*, On.,'ApHl iMh. Wtl. THEILtTTLG SEWING HACME IUN OFFERS FOR SALK SEWING-MACHINES & MOTORS For nil Machines on eaay terms, nnd enn supply the best Heedlesi Oils, ttlachments, Etc, FOR AU. MACHINES. Bpeclal attention. given to repairing, all sfffemtg ; by *“■ ^ »• rate* so qnietly and with aeon wok Im, To ba bad of 'or sale by Dr. E. J. Eldridge Amarlcoa, Ga. ' $500 Howard ! •ClptUo* or Coatlvene** we cannot cure witu Wrat's ^fiatabtaUrer Pllle* when the dimatiaaa arastrlatlj led with. They arfpqrelyVfipeUbl*, and nav* (rtre MtbfaJrton. Huger Coated Lanraboxei fiat >«joqlrtjrfBU S« JOHKcTwCS *COMPAKY. CHKU1K). lUT^ Bold by THE D VVENPORT DRUG CO» feb2l-dt»wlyr Amertcna Gfl. Shingles ad Ink We am now prepared to fnrnlah Lumber and ShinglM on abort notice, at the lowut oaah price*. Partle* wanting either or the above will *ave money by conanlting ns b«- Com placing tbeir orders. WIGGINS * HERNDON. A PPUCA tTON. A- LKTlEtUJ UP ADMINISTRATION. Whereas. G. W. Morris ha* made applica tion for letters or administration ou the es tate of J.J. MorrH.deeen.sed. These at* therefore to cite and admonish all parties concerned, whether kindred or •realtors, to show canaa on or before the June- term of tha Court of Ordinary of oZmT jWnety, to M on tto flrit [oidBy fn June next, why said pell- bn snoOM - nbi to granted aa prayed fQr. Given under my band and official atgua- tore, this,S5th -.yofA^LMOL W. N. MARSHALL, Gen’l Supb E. S. GOODMAN, Gen’l Pan. Agt. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA Southwestern Division. Correot Sohedule, No. 22, in Effect’ April 12,1801 SAVANNAH to WESTERN DIVISION itchedille No. 10, taking effect Apr. 12th, 1801. No. 8, Between Savannah and Birmingham] No. *, Dally. via Americas, Daily. 740pm Leave... Savannah Arrive 740pm too am Lyons lcoam 610 Amerlcus ««.m 0 86 Buena Vista,.. 1120 Arrive ....Columbus,... - 700am. . - Birmingham.., •Loav* 860 8 0>a m NO. 8 Dally. I-aswnger SSi&. Fast Mai EAST BOUND. Fast Mall No. 7 „ Dally Passenger 3:88am Sir: *6 20pm 666pm 285pm 4 16 «• 585 •• Wm 680 « Ly. Amerloui Ar Ar. Fort Vallay Lv. ** Macon 11 " Atlanta •• ‘‘ AufuaU « *• RAvannah M 106pm 1188am 1020 “ 710 «• 910pm 9 87 p m 800 “ 640 % 115 ; ooam 640 " Mp. 7 Dai! / Paxsenger No. 5 Dally, Fast flail WEST BOUND. No. 6 Dally Faat Mall No. 8 Lally Passenger M: 785 am 18pm 18 5: 720 •« Lv. Atnerlcus Ar. Ar. BmlthvM* “ “ Enfaula “ " Montgomery Lv. * P„m 180 M U06a m 740 a ro 895a m 1280 w 10 26 pm 7 80pm g», 7 , t*8 p “ I046pra 4 60au 716 am 7 86a to No. 6 Dklly l 18pm 180 •• 26t « 546 * TO FLORIDA. hr. Americas Ar”. “ Smithvllle “ Ar Albany Lv “ Thomaavllle Lv w Waycross “ •• Brunswick “ “ Jacksonville 11 No. $ Daily 236 pm 120 p m 1220 p u 6 Warn No. 8 tally TSTm 800 « 216 » 10 10 p 750* 785 Solid Trains with Sleeping Cars Between Savannah and Birmingham, yor forth* r information relative to tickets, schedules, best routes etc. etc., apply to A. T. MAXWELL, A|*nt, J. 0. MoKENZIB, Sup’t, E.T. CHARLTON,Ore. Pas*. Ag*L America*, Ga. Smlthrille, Go. Savannah.Ga. D. H. BVTflEWOOD, Division Pas*. Ag’t., Columbus,'Ga. D. D. CURRAN, Sup’t, Colombo*. Qa. J. O. SHAW.Trav. Pass. Ag’t., Savannah Ua, passenger schedule SUWANEEIR1VER ROUTE TO FLORIDA, TaUngtEffect Mar«h 22,1801. Standard Time, 00th Meridian. GoijfoVflpfir 8 pi »I *1 7 lUBmiLv..;.. “ GihTnG MOktTM. Arjiu uupm S! Atlas u. At .Macon Lv! f JO p m hr ; Macon Ar 6 66 p in Ar..*a Cordele Ar S£23 p *“ Ar Tlflon Arl 1 $6 p_ Valdoata Ar 12 01 pm Ar Clly “ - — Ar ........ Jacksonville. srrrrrr ,.Lv[ 7 00am iu 6o am 0 60am * *6 »m 4 07 am 2 46am 18 28|am 5 17 p m 8»pm * to Pit GaoiOtA-StniTaa county All persona haring demands against B.8. by law,or tfey may not be nettled. IPPPhoi.t Indebted to said deceased are reqaeated to make prompt •cttlement. Thia S ® iariiir jAl.*» m.1>.rsonsM . AdmistrarorofS.e.Hlosn t deceased ■ sprtS-dM wM | Train, arrive ahd depart from union depots In Macon and Palatka and F. C. 41P. d bound and loath bound In made in Macon with trains of Control and E. T. V. A O. railroad*. J. T. HOOK, General P*a*enter Agent. '.And P. A. No. 616 Mulbatry HU Macon. Oa. £ C. BODES, JSoliciting Agent,0 Kimball Block, Atlanta, Ga. C. CONOVA,CT.A. R. f. RICHARD. Aont, Union Depot. W.P.LAWSHE.T.P.A. HENRYUURNB, O.T.« Union JAMBS MENZIES, Southeastern Agent, ti Walt Bay St., Jackaonvltle, Fla. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, SUNDRY AMD MACinNE SHOP. Fashion Plates. Will receive subscriptions for anyjpaper or Dubication. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. PLACE. Book Store. S. A. M. ROUTE. Sarannab, Americas & Montgomery R’y. TIME TABLE Taking Effect April 19,1891. 00 a mi Ire . 10 00 10 27 live liinningham arri 7 00 p m ive....Childer*burg.s...lve 6 05 >J ire Syiacuug* Ive 4 40 2 15 p m ive ..-Opelika......Ive 1 25 3 25 srr .Columbus arrll45am 3 <<o lira......Columbus,,.* , -“ ln 00 arr EllarlliH.,.., Ire •Ellavllle...,, arr...... Amerttu* ... }ra America*..., 6 27 ive Cordele 11 oo Ire.Helena J 22 ani |T * .JLyons 7 35 arr Savannah.. *- 5 20 p m jarr Charleeton..’n .Montjoinery ami Aim-ricuri, via Opelika li|Vs(lre:::".“ 0 o^iki7.::::57r| i« p “ 6M tYv...... Amerlins Ivel 8 20 am Union _ 7*••••hit 7 06 pm arr 11 20 Bctw’n Montgomery and Amerlcn** vU Eufania J 40 am Ive Mnnt-«mn*ry.Y...arr 7 M pm 11 06 Ive Eufauln Ive 4 07 *2 20 p m Ive ..AIt»ony .....^arT 2 OO >66 loir AmiTlcim Ive 1 10 between Amertena and ^ackaonvllieTvirHelena isengera from Charleston destined to point* of SO van ua h, change cars at C. A 8. June- X.B. GOODMAN* Oen. Paae. Agent. - _ . Amerlcua, Go. J. E. Poaa. Agt. 1,00. K. A. SMITH, »m Paaa. Agt., St. Louie, Mo. : Sast Tennessee, Virginia ana Georgia R’y System. —IS THE ONLY— This line Is conceded to be the best equipped the South Uwfi ° nt Fullman, Keeping Care In Elegant'Pullman Sleeping Cars,between Jacksonville and Cincinnati, Titusville and Cincinnati, Brunswick and Louisville, Chattanooga and Washington, Memphis and New York, Philadelphia and New Oilcan*, Chattanooga and Mobile, Atlanta and Chattaooo Without Change. For any information address B. W. WRJtNN, Gen. Fare, i Kaoxville, T*a C. W. KNIGHT, Ase*tC Atlanta, r