Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, May 16, 1891, Image 3
THE iMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDmi: SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1891. Cures dyspepsiA ASSiH, 04, For tale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Amoricus, Qa. i. Ifitiii . , A PlM for th. Malta • We are not *o enamored of the knife M to favor it. uae in preference to the fork «» * me*ni of conveying one’s food to one’s month. On the contrary, we are ae much oppoeed to this nee of the knife u any one possibly coold be. Bnt we hold, nevertheless, that the knife should not be utterly ignored at the ta ble. J-t’ • • •t.i Where, for tostadoe; the pie crust set before you is excessively inflexible there is a sort of constructiTe insult to your hostess in your, tain attempts to cut through it with a fork. . Its toughness is made obvious by your exertions, and in .endeavoring to cut the pie crust yon only succeed in' cutting into the sensibil- i-t-gy win* rnr knife, on the«ontrary,-yonr pie crust is divided'idtqjeata.'Ue portions with neat- eess aed dtspatch, ena its firmness of texture is remarked Jk)y.tio one, We are sore that no genuine pie lover willdenythat incuttog one’s pie with one sknue and carrying it piece by piece to the mouth by aid: of the fork, ample recognition ia accorded to the demands of etiquette; for, to thoroughly enjoy one’s pie, neither knife nor fork is neces sary. Aa a matter of fact, either ia an lmpertiuencei The true and only satis fying way to eat pie is to take it np in one’s hand, and, by gently but firmly prsartng thapointsd ond of the wedge in one's mouth to slough off its beneficence with grateful teeth until its richness is all your own. This is the way to enjoy pie. Bnt wa in not talking of enjoy-. Our btuineaa iis with etiquette, there- do ita share of the fork should not be compelled unassisted to bear the heat and burden of dissection.—Boston Tran script with a. savour soup compounded by his cook, TezeUn, that he sent for him and asked $ojr it waiiuuned. . "I,call It dillagront,*’ was the reply. . "A poor name for so good a sonp!’ cried thelting. “Nathless”—everybody said "nathless’’ in those days—"we be stow upon yon the manor of Adding- BAD BLOODI athaTaosi Oxtl t BMIUa| BadErcuij P?SBb.- fc ACKER’S I SHI Health is Weal ! r-S-i! sros 7l IU & It’s easy enough —the Ball corset. That’s be-' cause it has coils of line wire springs in the sides. They clasp the figure closely, but yield to every motion. They “give”, but they , come back. So does your money —if you’ve worn a Ball cor-' set two or three weeks, and find that you don’t like it Furnal- by GEO. D. WHEATLEY .i«at UPMUM MOIm ProptMors., Uppmu'e rock, SAVANNAH. OA. For sn|e by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPACT, Americu., Oa. ANESE guaranteed Carr for of JUobdJ^^ltChir g, Chronic, Recent or Hereditary. $1.00 a box; S boxes, $5.00. Seal by mail, prepaid, on receipt off prtoa Wo guarantee to < ire any case of File*. Guaranteed and aoL * Patent Me*. VfMklnftee, 0. C. DISSOLUTION. _Then^mof Argo 4 Andrew* la this ,tfay «lI«Molved bv mutual consent, John T. Argo retiring. He will be succeeded by C. C. Ctr- * *r ana ihf* Arm will hereafter be Andrews 4 Carter, who will aasun ** \ r late firm of Argo i fact All debts dne them. Jno. T Aboo. R. M. AVDEEV*, In retiring from the dnu of Arpo 4r An- dr* ws I rettt'n *banks to the public Wr S nerotu pa Lion Age bestowed. And be« r the new Arm a eontlnuAnce of tiie i Jwn T. ABOO. America., Oa.. April lMh. HOI. *1^* manor, j ima/ add, reverted the crown, br tbe reign of Henry we And it in the bande d the Bardolfa, and held 'on 1 the . tenpre of “making paatiea in Ops king’s kifobsi) on the day of bia coronation, or providing some one jas Ua foi ttiitlM • dish called gront,aitd ’if<snet(aeym)was added it waa called mxJrtgernonn.", At James. ITa coronation the lord of the manor : c!|jippd to tod a man to make a dish of grant in the royal kitch en, and prayed that the Idng’k cookmight be the man. Thai .claim wae allowed, and the claimaaWtnigb W. But what was this grant}.*, W«a it identical with Te relilt’s dillagroot qnd the Bardolfs mal- pigemoun? And was a pottage called Bardolf, of which* Fourteenth century recipe has been printed by the Society of Antiquaries, identical with these? If so, as among the.ingredients .were, almond milk, the brawn of capons, sugar and spice, chicken .paxbqiled and chopped, etc., it was doubtlessly a dish fora king. —All the Year Ronnd.. 1 - -an Kaewe Stew. - " jti. and Mis. Wings were reeding the ** a A .. u-- ■ .'wsyi-lfiS.Japanese have,’’ crasK’iirt t do yon suppose they do that 'Wm mart, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dial- new. Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobaooo, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of tbe Brain, resulting In Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power a either sex. Involuntary Losses and Sperma- orrhoea, caused by over-exertion of the brain, slf-abuse or over-indulgence. Etch box con- celpt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES With each order reoetmd by _ ... . accompanied with $5.00, we will send the purchaser out written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not ef fect a cure. Guarantees issued only by THE DAVENPORT DRUG CO., Bole Agta ▲merlons, Oa. As vies TO Woxex If you would protect yourself from Painful, Proftise, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRAD FIELD’S^ female: REGULATOR CaXTSlUTUXE, April SB, 1808.1 This will certify that two members of my Immediate family, after having suffered for srs Kawa wm at lengthcompletely cureabrme bottle of Bredflcld’e Female BenlatorTlta effect U truly wonderful. J. w. Straxo*. | BRADFIELD REGULATOR COJ ATLANTA, OA. WOM BALE BX AJiL DRUQQIAXM. only native Jbpfi np with a pi A^in ,b«wiA Wingi. who thing deeply, , “tsrA's. , "36 te to eeo the patent medicine ad. before reading the article. ”—London Ttt- Bita i ! }■••■■■■ Ii .r.ii.i ■' »i , who bad been pondering pome- leeply, (aid. H l,knQWiwwwhy the ae read np inxtaed of down.” (.foW^trette^ Wore he w*x *xe- fven in the i br the untutored M v>5.- !.?a* x! found without them.—Detroit Free P rccg '■'* ::; The iodide of potearimn is quite » con stant ipgradientnf Sereaperina mixtures, which are vaunted to be^"bIood puri- pa tUstageof i^Jiinn- y need, bet it is capable on* .injury. Use of ita THE LITTLE SEWING MACHINE MAN OFFERS FOR HALE SEWING MACHINES & MOTORS For all Machines on easy terms, and can supply the best Hdbi Oils, Attachments, lie,, FOR ALL MACHINES. Special attention gives to repairing all •mall Machinery. Orders by mall will re- oeive promat attention. _ * _ $500 Reward ! ■tiputloa or CoetlTcnoM wo cannot cure wits West’s YrrtUble Liver n>Is. when the directions areftrlctly lining » mu*. SS rent*, itswsre of oxinu-rfdiu miUstlons. Tho Kmuln*' inant.i:w*turrd only by IHK JOHK C. WES.’ COMPANY. CHICAGO. ILL Bold by THE D WENPORT DRUG CO.. feb2l d£wlyr Americus Oa. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA SoutHwestern Division. Correct Schedole, No. 22, in Effeot] April 12,1801 SAVANNAH & WESTERN DIVISION Schedule No. 10, lakiuc effect Apr. 12th, 1*1. PLACE, No. 6, Dally. 740 pm 150am . r i(0 9 85 1120 Between Savannah and Birmingham] No. 0, via Americus, D*!ly.; Leave Savannah Arrive 740pm No. 8 Dally. Passenger No. 0 Dally. Fact Mall BAST BOUND. Nat FMt*kTall ft* PMunger 9:x8am 618 •• 6 80 •* 1050 •• 620pm 566pm 286pm lit: Iff.- Lr. America. Ar Ar. Fort Volley Lr. •• Muoou “ " Atlanta " “ Augusta " '• Havsnn.h " 108pm 1188am 1020 •* 710 «* 910pm IS p " ra 0 40 M r oo em 840 •• No. 7 , PaVt'lfrer F«„ WEST BOUND. Nat Dully Fuat Mull pF' Puueng.r 1^87 i»m ICM 443 am 786 » m T£*» m 412 '• 720 '• Lr. Americu. Ar. Ar. Bmllhrlllu “ “ ' Kutoulu " “ Mnntgnmery Lv. ia4 pm 826a m !f|p“® 7B0pm Sniiy trjinr- 1046 pm 460am 715 a in i 7 85am I No. & Dally \g p r 251 •* 540 \ TO |TC*g>a(DA. Lv, Americas Ar. “ Smithville * A 'Ub^ n rW I L V v »B^wTk r. •• jMkMDVtllU “ No. t Dally TffpnT' 120pm 1220 p m 880am ffo. 6 Tally IMam 800 •* 216 u 010 p 760 F 786 Solid Train, with Blsepiog Care. Bst seen Harann.h end Blrmlnxhojn. For farther InNmneUon relative to tlekata,eebedelae, beat route, eta eta, apply to A. T. MAXWELL, Agent, J. C. MoKENZIK, Bup’t, B.T. CHARLTON,Gen. Pam. Aft. Amerliu, Oa, - Sauihrllle, Oa Barenneb.Oa D. B. BVTIIEWOOD, DirUton Paea A,'t„ Colnmbue.'Ua > D. D. CURRAN, Bup’t, Columbus. Oa J. C. BH AW .Truv. Paea. Ag’C, Savanufth Oa Mardre’s Book Store. Americus Feb.T-ly S. A. M. ROUTE. Savannali, Americas & Montgomery R'y. TIME TABLE Taking Effect April 10,1801. Voo am Ire.... .Birmingham arri 7 00 p m 10 00 lve....Childeniburg lvel 5 05 10 27 Ire ..Bylacauga lvel 4 40 2 15 pm lve *Opellka......lve 1 25 3 25 arr Columbus arr 11 45 a t 3 60 lve......Columbus.......lve 11 20 3 61 arr Ellavflie arr 0 05 0 10 lve .• Ellaville..... ..lvel 8 00 arr Americus ......arr 8 20 lve Americus lve 8 oo lve Cordele lve 8 20 lve...,....Helena ...lvel 8 55 lve........(Lyons ........lve 1 55 7 35 arr Savannah ,arr 7 40 pm 5 90 p m arr Charleston arr| S 15 Jtet^n'M^^^reiidAmTriSS SUWANEEIR1VER ROUTE TO FLORIDA, TaklaxEffectManih n, lMl. S'uudard Tim., OOlh Meridian. doihd HOtitfr. 8 16 p m • 16 pm 6 90 pm 8 oo pro 10 86 pm 12 08 am 4 16 am '!£S SjijS AOBTH. ....Atlas la ^SS^:iEE: .*.Laks City . jAokeonvlIls., 8 16 a mill) 10 p mfAr Pslaika. Lv 10 05 a ml IAr 81. Augustine Lv ,.Ar lv to pm .Lv fl 10 pm % ^ *A» If 01 p .Lv 9 66am You 2 46 b m ITpm HE Train, erriv. and depart from onion depota Id Macon andPalatka and F. C.AP. d<< ConnKUOD° a ncrtb bound end wulh bound !• mad. In Macon with train, of Central and E. T. V.aO. raRranda. C. KNAPP. - J.T. F L.J. HARRIS, j Traffic Manager. On id Pu oncer Agent. Ticket Agent, BURNS, C.T.und P. A. No. 5, hUUMrr HU Union Depot. Mac £ O,' CONOvXl &. l r?Ai 1C R. n, f. rTch'a RD?Anut,'Unfim t D^. < w'.P.LAWBHK,T. ^ HENRY 1 ’.P.A. JAMES MENZIEB, Sontbetitern Agont, W Wwt Bay HU, Jacksonville, FUu SCHOFIELD’S IRON, WORKS, FOPyPRY AND MACHLNK 81101%!,! ■> —IS THE ONLY- ^Jacksonville, via Helena »c aifflPbo a m . ......Its 3 65am lve 11 oo pm rlUe.TnF.lyel 8 ifr t i tl.m matlo at Montgomery for all > Bouthwest, and at Americas for and all joints In the Northweet. ions. rs between Colnmbna and Bavin- Passengers from Charleston destined to points rest of eovannali, change cars at C. A B. Junc- v'.'n. MARSHALL. Gen. Superintendent. . M. cakoSIn^i. e. Pau. Agu 11 Bar in nab, Oa t. A. SMITH, M. D. RflYXR Alt " 5t ' IX>a1 '’ * , °- At JMj“T. 0 ARQO, O. B. A., Americu., O*. ——-TMlil- East Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia R'y System.