Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, May 17, 1891, Image 8

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•’-’If - V - ” ' v - i THE AMERICU8 DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: SUNDAY. MAY 17, 1891. JL WEEK OB' BAEGAIHS! -A.T- WHEATLEY & ANSLEY’S. t m : In order to keep things lively the coming week we will offer special inducements to everybody in the way of prices. We are ad ding new goods daily to our already large stock and offe* prices now which will do the buyer some good. At 15c 2500 yds. Pongee Cloths, an entirely new fabric, dark grounds with colored figures and worth 25c everywhere. 10Ho Our entire stock figured China silk mulls. 69o Entire stock of 75c and 85c Wool Batistes. 69c Entire stock of 75, 85 and 90c. Wool Henriettas. 98c All our extra fine $1.25 Henrietta cloths. 17% c One lot of Wool Challies 25o quality. 9Kc Choice black plaid and striped muslins formerly 15c. 25c Grenadine striped black Organdies worth 40c. 5Hg Choice new style cotton challies worth 10c. 4%c 1000 yds. check muslins, worth every day (by the bolt) 7Kc 25c Our entire stock Scotch zephyr ginghams 17^c The choicest ginghams ever shown on our counters. 15c One lot Black Mitts worth 25c, 25c Your choice any colored silk glove in our stock, formerly 50 to 75c pair. 49c Our entire stock figured China Silks formerly 65 to 85c. 98o Our entire stock of $1.25 figured Pongee Silks. . t At $9.80 Suit of black grenadine, silk stripe, worth $15 00. $8 90 Suit of black silk stripe grenadine worth $12.50. $7.50 Suit of black grenadine worth $10.00. $5 90 Suit of black grenadine worth $7.50. $4.90 Suit ot black grenadine worth $6.50. 25c 400 pairs fast black (guaranteed stainless) Derby ribbed ladies’ hose w orth 40o. 25c Big lot plain fast black and stainless hose worth 40c. 25c 500 extra large damask towels worth 40c. 5c One lot crash toweling, formerly 7Kc*. 50c doz. one lot colored border hemstitched handkerchiefs. 50 fine Marseilles and crochet counterpanes slightly soiled on edges, at a sacrifice. Slightly soiled linen table damasks at reduced prices. One lot remnants white goods, slightly soiled, almost given away. 5000 yds. Hamburg edgings and insertions at lower orices than you — have ever seen them. LAGS CURTAINS SLAUGHTERED.! At $1.25, 50 prs. lace ourtains worth $2.00 , $1.75, One lot lace curtains worth $2.50. $2.00, One lot lace curtaina worth $3.00. Out prices on every pair lace ourtains in our stock. Bear in mind all these are SPOT CASH prices.Anything charged on book will be at the regular price. The Leaders and Controllers of the Fine Dress Goods and Dry Goods Trade. m PEOPLE YOU KNOW And Horn. T.i Don’t, Who Como and Oo In a Dap. Mayor Felder returned home yesterday from a business trip to Savannah. Judge J. N. Scarborough baa returned home from Maoon, where he wentaev- era! dajs since on business. Mr. Trank Lanier left yesterday for ■ Atlanta, where he goes on buslneee for the Amerleua Grocory Qompany. Messrs. K. A. Hawkins, Jr., and Will Harper left yesterday for Atlanta, where they will spend to-day with friends. Hr. Tieteher Wright and family, of Webster county, spent eereral daye in the city with the family of Mr. J. W. Har ris, this week. Mlse Jennie Trieud, a charming young lady of, Macon, who has been spending some time In this elty the guest of her sister, Mrs. Altmin, leaves to-day for her home. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Urooka returned from Hamilton yesterday, where the former has been for three or four daye attending little Marie Copeland, who was ill of pneumonia. Mr. Tom Z. Dees, an old Amerleua boy, who is at present oonnected with the G. S. A F. railroad with headquar ter* at Macon, spent yesterday among hie many friend* here. Hiss Lon Smyth, one of the most charming, attractive and popular young ladles that ever visited Amerieus, leaves -to-day for her home In Toronto, Canada, after a delightful stay of three months in this elty and in Florida. Her brother, Mr. J. J. Smyth, will accompany her and remain a week or two at ble old The pupils and teachera of the Ugh school have began to prepare for the closing publio exercises to take place on the 12th of next month. Although the commencement exer-, eiseswlll consist of only one evening’s ' that which the emperor delights to wear, entertainment, the pupils in ths grades i been the occasion of pleasant com- To Printers and Publishers. The Times Publishing Company has for sale a portion of the newspaper and job outfit made surplus by the recent consolidation of tho Times and Recor der, consisting of ono cylinder newspa per press, two Gordon job presses, one Hero paper cutter, one perforator, six stands, two imposing stones and tables, five hundred pounds of news type, eto. This material and these presses are virtually new, having been In use only a year. A great bargain In prices and terms can be secured by the right par ties. Address the Times Pcm.ismua Company, Amerieus, Ga. Captured an Alligator. A party of four or tlve young men of this city went seining In Muckalee creek yesterday and caught, besides a quanti ty of fish, a big alligator seven feet in length. The saurian made a noble fight when the sein woe hauled to the bank, and fearing he would tear it to pleoea one of the boys ventured near and plunged a long knife beneath his shoul der. A few pistol balls ended hie career and he was dragged to the city by his proud captors. New Man at Ik. Old Stud. The book end stationery store of Mr. W. L. Mardre has been purchased by Messrs. R. S. & G. W. Oliver, who will keep up the stock to the highest stand ard and supply the wants of the literary people of Amerscna. Messrs. Oliver Bros., who have been in business at the Plains for some year*, are young men of sterling worth and floe business capaci ty, and will be welcomed Into the chantile circles of Amerieus. Lieut Clarke, of the Tenth United States Cavalry, says a Berlin letter, who Ii serving a year in the Twelfth West phalian Hussars, by arrangement with the German minister of war, Is thought highly of by bts superiors, and hia sol dierly appearance in the uniform of hit regiment, whieh Is almost similar to t.?' fc below the high school not being taxed this year for any pnblle exhibition, the young ladies and young gentlemen of the high school department promise that what may be lacking in the quality will be fully made np by the excellence and brilUanny of their commencement exer- Hawkee Spectacles, Hawke* Eye Glasses, celebrated for their excellence at Dr. Eldrlage’s. Call or telephone Andrews A for breads, oakaa, confections groearia* In Amerleua. m mant In the press. The United States cavalry baa always been looked upon by the German general staff as furnishing some of the finest light dragoons In the world, and the adaptability which Lieut. Clarke has shown to his new surround ings ha* only confirmed this favorable opinion. He is a relation of Gen. Ton Verson, commander of the Third Army Corps. London is enjoying a aeasoa of Italian open, which begin on April 6th, and Is »nov- — ms Mwqjb “Oar- > and Glnek’s “Orfoo., ■ jBaL biHL’iiifftrJ A Common Disease. Dyspepsia has become the most oom- ■non disease of the country; all classes are not exempt, attacking the young as well as th* old, caused no donbt from our mode of living and the too free use of tobacco, eto., and yet It la one of the most difficult diseases we have to en- ooantor. In the last five years Dr. Holt discovered a remedy, (Dr. Holt’s Dys- poptlo Elixir), np to this time has not failed to cure in a single Instance. We can refer you to W. A. Wright, Comp. Gen. of the State, Judge R. F. Lyon, Hr. George Dasher, Maoon, Ga., Dr. L. P. Dozier, Georgetown, Ga, Mr. Joe. Har rison, Columbus, Ga, and hundreds of others If desired. Manufactured by Dr. Holt’ll Dyspepsia Elixir Go., Monte zuma, Ga Bottles double former else. Price 61. For sale by all druggists. Dr. Holt’s Croup and Cough Syrup prevent* and cure* croup. No cure no pay. Manufactured by Dr. Holt's Dys peptic Elixir Co., Montezuma, Ga ap21-lm The number of locomotives In the United States on June 20, 1SH0, it stated by the interstate commissioners statist! clan at 20,080, and the total number of cars of all kinds at 1,007,571. For Over Fifty Tears Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is this best remedy fordlarrhcna Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the world. - ’■ c J " Constipation, blood-poison, fever! Doctor’s bills and funeral expenses cost about two hundred dollars; De Witt’s Little Earley Risers coat a quarter. Take your choice. For sale by tbe Davonport Drug Company. Passenger* and freight are carried for one-third leaa on American railroad* than on those of England, although American wage* are donble those of the mother country. If food sours on the stomach, diges tion la defective. De Witt’s Little Early Risen will remedy this. The famous little pills that never gripe and naver- disappolnt. For sala by tbe Davenport Drug Company. Railroad oom ponies controlling 72,000 mile* of road and over 700,000 freight cars have equipped their care with auto matic brake* and ooupltre, or Intend to. De Witt’s Little Early Risen never gripe or cause nausea. Mild but sate, assist rather than force. Beet little pill for tick headache, chronic oonstipattou, dyspepsia. For tale by the Davenport Drug Company. The Duke of Marlborough unmerci fully score* American methods ot rail road management in a recent article in the Fortnightly Review. A beautiful skin, bright eye#! tweet breath, good appetite, vigorous body, pure blood and good health result from the use of De Wltt'e Sarsaparilla. It 1* sold by tbe Davenport Drug Company The construction ot the' railroad be tween Joppa and Jerusalem In Syria it now an saeured fact. Walter Bridges, Athens, Tenn., writes: “For six years I have been afflicted with running sorae and'an enlargement of the bones In my lege. I tried everything I heard of without permanent benefit un til Botanic Blood Balm was recom mended to me. After using alx bottles the sores healed, and I am now in bet tor health than I have ever been, r tend this testimonial unsolicited, be cause I want others to be benefltted.’’ may 12 d w-lra. When Baby was sick, we gavs her Cnetorfck When the »»s a Child, she cried for Cantoris. When lbs became Mias, she clung to Castoria. When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria. Recent statistic* show that tbe French railway annually kill one person in each 2,000,000 carried, while in England 21, 000,000 are carried before one meets t violent death in a railway accident „ Don’t "Monkey” with your ■ Blood. If it’s Shoes You want GO TO Druggists 6*11 It SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer S, Atlanta, Ga. SWEET WATER PARK HOTEL, LItbl% Springs, Georgia. Elegance and comfort. Table, service and furnishings above criticism. Tbe beat forth# least. Recreation for the pleasure seeker, rest for tbe Invalid. The flneet Bath System In the United State*. The titoet valuable natural mineral waters In the world free. Hticb-' laMi accommodation* for BOO gue»ti. Elevation l,3U0 fleet. Pur* pine woods air. No mat Aria. Th# neat Piedmont Chautan* qua, with Ita briliUni attractions. Ask ns (on postal card), to send booklet and rates One# a guest always m firm friend. Open wrno; Eagle Shoe Store 119 F0RS7TH ST., AMERICUS, GA.. Where you will find THE LARGEST STOCK, THE FINEST AND CHEAPEST LINE of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s kielr: shoes Ever brought to tbla part ol the state. We have all the I+JLTK STYLES And tor Beanty and Durability they cannot bo tnrpaaaed. OUR IMMENSE LINE FOR Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ Wear (From *he Cheapeit to tho Flnoat) Was never so complete and never so cheap u now. With years of experience, wo have the best of ailrantagea, and are able to offer you inducements not to be fonnd elsewhere. JOHN R. SHAW. Jagle Shoe and Hat Store, 119 FORSYTE ST.. AltERHUJS, OA