Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, June 19, 1891, Image 6
THE AME1UCDS DAILY TlMES-RECOltDER: FRIDAY, J UNE 19, l'm. Onr lh. CUT Ur. W. T. Tlner iu here from f'or- dele yeaterdaj. Mr. K ft Harris Is back from a bust- ■sees trip to Durum. Hon. j£A.$weat of Wayeross was in A meric ok yesterday. Col. J. W. Haygood was down from Moateanaaa ;ut<id>;. Q A«ae ft Colnmbue spent a v portion of yesterday in Americus. Capt J. dele yeate: i here from Cor ay looking after butineaa Mr. William Allen, a well known ciU- icd of Ellavlile,, spent yesterday in Americas.' * 1 » ' ! * Mr. Alrin B. Rowe was here from Brunswick yesterday attending to busl- Tjllr. D. W Tlson was up from Lees burg yesterday circulating among his many Americus friends. Mr. R. T. Powell of Shellman spent a portion of yesterday looking after bust- w ness matters in Americus. Mrs. William Godwin of Montgomery, Ala., is here on a visit to her sister, Mrs, * H.V. Murray of this city. Mr. J. H. Floyd a well known Bruns wick man was in Americus yesterday prospecting with the view of locating. Mr. Charles 6. Mercer was up from Dawson yesterday, spending a short while with hla many Americus friends. . . Mr. L B. Jowers was up from Albany yesterday regaling h|s many Americus friend* with some of bis splendid jokes. Mr. A. C. TonOundell, a well known ^Albany cotton buyer, waa looking after itnSlasss matters in Americus yesterday. L J Jbdge A. C. Pate has returned to Hawkinsrille after spending several r ..dfvs here looking after important legal business. i Mr. O. W. McCrary of Birmingham arr red In Americus yesterday to spend soa a time as the guest of friends and relatives. VI* > '•^1 las LUlle Powsrs, a well known and ; popular Albany lady, is the guest of Mn . 0. A. Bell at her pleasant home on College hill. 1 Isa Annie McLaughlin will leave tani ty for Sbellmsa, iWhere she will " mial e a pleasant visit to her Meter, Mrs. vft.1 Arthur. Mrs. George I. Williams returned To Printers and Publishers. The Times Publishing Company has for sale a portion of the newspaper and job outfit made surplus by the recent consolidation of the Times and Recor der, consisting of one cylinder newspa per press, two Gordon job presses, one Hero paper cutter, one perforator, six stands, two imposing stones and tables, five hundred pounds of news type, etc. Tbit material and these presses are virtually new, having been in use only a year. A great bargain in prices and terms can be secured by the right par ties. Address the Times Publishing Company, Americus, Ga. for Infants and Childrens Joe Howard writes in the New Tork Press: “It takes trouble to bring a man out, and tbe Rev. Sam Small, who baa been dropped by the Methodist univer sity in Utah, has just fathered an ex pression that will make him famous. Talking to a reporter of his intention to get even with his enemies, persecutors and slanderers, and to warm their bides, Mr. Small said: ‘I am no duck paddling around In the puddle of impeisonal pla cidity.’ ” Very popular, very small, very good — t’s Littli - ■ - ^ home to Oglethorpe yesterday, after a pleasant visit to her parents near Ameri- lens D r. B. T. Bivins, a well known Schley county gentleman, exchanged greetings with his many Americusiriends yester- i Lenora Murphey passed through , Americus yesterday on her way from Barnesville to Richland, wbeie she will "visit relatives. Dr. Bran T. Mathis and family have b returned from a pleasant stay of a week er ten days at Cumberland bland. They i report a most enjoyable trip. CoL C. Duncan left, yesterday for his i at Perry, after spending several dsyd here signing several Important mot an cases befofe Judge Fort. M . Osgood Sanders, a well known r gentleman from Augusta, spent yesterday In Amartous. He thinks of making thla^lty Ids future home. CoL J. H. Martin of the Hawklnsvilb (siting hie friends here before re- ’ter arguing several Im- motlons before Judge Fort. Capt, D. B. Hamilton of Rome was Aa^fgfhii visitors to Americus yester day. He came to look after a matter that may mean much fur Americus. Mrs. John R. Shaw and her mother, I Mrs, C, W. Felder, left yesterday for Mlddbboro, Ky., where they will spend seme time With friends and relatives. Mr. F. D. Wimberly, alliance lecturer for this district, war In Americus yester day on hla return home to Pulaski county, 1 after a trip to Lee and other bounties in hb district. Mrs. Cepbus Brown is here from At lanta tbe guest of her parents, Capt. and Mrs. B. T. Byrd at their home in Lee- (fphi i Sbe.-ha* many warm friends here who always gladly weloome her to Americus. Master Thad P. Bell returned home Thursday afternoon from a pies visit to frisads and relatives In Kufauta ■MopllfrtW charge of Nr. James T. Ootaey’s jewelry store, during Mr. Cot- My*s absence. Miss Genevieve Morgan, who gradua ted last wash la tbe class of twenty- thra* from the public school, has since bam quits aick with fever, but her many friends will be glad to know that De Witt’s Little Early Risers, the pill for constipation, biliousness, sick head ache. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. Skin and scalp diseases, tke best, st times e running sore, the body entirely covered with sores as large at e quarter of a dollar, and no medicine had the de sired effect until P. P. P. was taken. The disease yielded at once, and P. P. P. provec Itaels the beat blood purifier of the >sge. A syndicate has been formed to break A. T. Stewart's will and get possession of the estate. Ben Butler represents tbe defense. For Over Fifty Years Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays ell pain, cures wind colic, end is the best remedr for diarrheas. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by ell druggists through out tbe world. A nice lot of eigen, smoking tobacco *. Eldr ' ~ end pipes at Dr. Eidridge’e Drug Store. Tbe beet baker in southwest Georgia, at Andrews A Carter’s. A full line of lamps, chimneys, burn ers and all lamp fixtures sold cheap at Dr. J. E. Eldrhige. Saved my Child. Can yon not appreciate the feelings of "SinMr. W. * gratitude In Mr. W. L. Fain of Atlanta, wten be aaya Dr. Diggers’ Huckleberry Cordial saved his child that he thought dying from thet bowel trouble. . And now Hies Nina Van Zandt, hav ing utterly failed in her efforts to wed Spies, tbe nihilist, is about to marry an Italian. A beautiful skin, bright eyes, sweet breath, good appetite, vigorous body, pure blood and good health result from the use of De Witt's Sarsaparilla. It la sold by the Davenport Drug Company Erysipelas, awolen limbs, bad sores, scales end scabs on the leg have been entirely cured br P. P. P., the most wonderful blood medicine of the day. junelfi-dlfitwSt ' Abbott', East Indian Cora Faint la a quick cure for corns, bunions and warts. Pure spices and flavoring extractant )r. Kldridi ' ~ dga’a Drug Store. What Baby waa sick, wa gave bar Oastoria. Whta*s*as.CNU,*s«Mfor (Maria. Wbm rte bsoHM MM* sbo chat to custom A nice line of extracts, colognes, toil et waters, Ac., at Dr. Kldridge Drug Store. For e pleasant shave go to Dr. El- dridge's sod buy one of those celebrrted Tower Raxors which ere guaranteed to Col,C. P. Goodyear and Hr. W. E. Kay, two of the best known gentlemen in Georgia, were here from Brunswick yesterday. Wherever there Is a more- meat on foot that is likely to be of bene fit to Brunswick these gentlemen are always found, working most vigorously for Its success. They are of the kind of am whom any piece would be lucky tohavehaeltisens and hare more of tbe Americus spirit about them than on# could expect to find outside of the me tropolis of southwest Georgia. OoL Goodyear is a republican, but he is very anxious to see Judge Crisp speaker of tbe next house of repreaentatires. The evening papers of the state are on the up-grade. They form a formida ble rival to their apnghtiy morning con temporaries. CHILD BIRTH • • • • • • MADE EASY! “ Morons' Fkiind "be scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use .by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined insmanner hi thertounknown • MartobaowsOr ’apr ! jchflJreathat Ir -mmeoditusupesurr'Alnyprescriptloa Y.Vutome." Q. A. item, M. D., 111 Bo. Oxford 8k, Brooklyn, N. T. -ho do not keep (Marts Miami, D. D., Wow York Ctty. astis^oMssL. XU Worms (ins simp, tod V motes *• rarttoo. Without injurious e « For several years I bars recommended Edwiv F. Pardix, M. D n "Tbd Wlntbrop,” 125th Street and 7th Ato, Sew York City. fn CorTAua CoxriVT, 77 Mokut Stout, New You. For Bent! For Kent! THREE NICE NEW COTTAGE HOMES, $12.50 EACH. ONE HANDSOME NEW RESIDENCE, $25.00. ONE FIVE ROOM RESIDENCE, $16.00. ONE HOTEL. E. P. HARRIS, Pres. BLOOM ItltOWN. Sec. a Treas. (’. P. I’AYNE, M’g’r. Americus Supply Co., Succossors to HABBIS Sc PAYNE, Plumbers and Gas Fitters. Machinery Supplies. We are now in our new building in Artesian Block, and ready for business. A Full Line of Cooking Stoves and Ranges. Gas Fixtures and Sanitary Goods a Soecialtv. Globe, Angle and Check Valves, Te-ra Cotta and Iron Pipings and Fittings. Gren eral Repair ork TELEPHONE IVo 12. A SNUG HOME. Part Cash, Balance monthly to the Company. Loan See my list of Bargains for Vacant and Improved Property. M. CALLAWAY, Heal Estate Agent C. M. WHEATLEY, Pres’t. CRAWFORD WHEATLEY, Vice l'res’t. B. H. JOSSEY, Sec’y A Tress. C. C. STONE, SupL The Americus Construction Company, Suocxssous 10 0. M. A Co. Have the largest stock of Dry I timber W. H. R. SCHROEDER, Mannfactorer of Tin, Copper nod Sheet Iron Van, Galvanized Iron Comice, Tin and Iron Roofing. Hot Air Healin' Etc. Iron Smoke Stacks. Exhaust Piping for Saw Mills a Specialty. Corner Jackson and Jefferson streets, AMERICUS, GA. On May i, at the side track at Furlow Lawn, the 0CMULGEE BRICK COMPANY AND THE RIVERS LUMBER COMPANY WILL OPEN A SALES YARD FOR BRICK, LUMBER AND SHINGLES A man will be in charge of the yard to deliver goods to customers. A fall stock of everything will he kept. Your orders solicited. 4-80 Both Rough and Dressed, ever held in the city, with unequalled capacity for the execution of fine work. They wilffurnlsh the trade with Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Stairvork, Pulpits, Pews, COUNTERS, SHELVING. MOULDINGS. ORNAMENTS. ETC. Prompt attention given all orders. Write for Catalogue and prices Office and Factory, COR. BAY A JACKSON STS. Telephone No. 78. Uptown Office, No. JACKSON ST. Telephone 110. CRAWFORD WHEATLEY, Pm. ARCHIE R ELDRIDGE, Go The Americus Refrigerating Go. Respectfully state that their new Ice Factory will start the manufacture of Ice in a short time and will be prepared to furnish Pure Crystal Ice in any. quantityfrom a pound to a car load. Their Refrigerating Chambers will also soon be in readiness for the preservation of all perishable food products and will be perfect in every particular. For further partic ulars either telephone, write or call on THE AMERICUS REFRIGERATING CO.. Office ft Factory Cor. Jackson ft Bay Sts., on Central R. R. •prlllMuo C. C. HAWKINN. U.O. LOVINU. HAWKINS & LOVING, DKALKRS IK ^Furniture, My Carriages, Refrigerators,^ J. R. HUDSON & CO. -PROPRIETORS- Americus-Bottling- Works, — BOTTLERS OF ALL KlNDMOK Soda and Mineral Waters, Cider and Cinger Ale’ ORDERS BY MAIL PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 824 LEE STREET. - - rAMElCUS. GEORGIA* R. L. McMATH. E.J. Me MATH. B. H. McMATH DKALKKH1N — - McMATH BROTHERS. * — Country Produce ) ***** awauiiM, BOOTS. SHOES. ETC.. ETC., WHISKEY, TOBACCO & CIGARS. SPECIALTIES. 207 FORSYTH STREET, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. W. mill'll a allure nf tlie patronage of Ihetrmilof public,suHumming .atl-r.ii-II.M, low price., ami food xoods. We deliver cood. anywhere In the elty. Pall and me its m math brothers. BAKERY “MOTHERS’ FRIEND ft WILL DO an that b claimed for kANDMORE. It Shortens ’ Lessens Pain, Diminhhcs Lite of Mather and CM to ” Morom” milled tabling valuable infon ihJiniI mu t estimmi .1, voiunuvy usnnwnuus Seatb,eipr*».on r«e*lptof p, MADFtELO SECUIAT0S ■OLD SY ALL DBI Arrival and Departure ciswraAL a. Arrive From. v '■ ■ Leave For. •hjOpm rtrt»,.m.Columtuai:»am(:(6pni l:Mpm • J7 pm Maoon 1-V,pm X:X.m Albany l.ieipmjy.m i. a. A X. a. k. | iJO.m i:IOpmH.Tanii«h e:3)aiu 7 aw pm (ffipn 7iUan Daiaha i!isu,n3.'m hail omasa. (■.A. AM.).. - P ,.7JFain. MKTALIC CASES, CASKETS AND COFFINS. 405 Cotton Avenue. Night calls for e *mns at nlRht attended to by ti. O Loving, at re«loence vent side Brown nlreet. Burial robee ml ways on luuid. tnayZI-ly. E. T. BYRD, AND LIFE INSURANCE. R. F. NEHRINC. PKopKIKItlft. UrtsM SM, DMer Allei Horn AMERICUS, GA. LIGHT BREAD A SPECIALTY! fir bln «f tO Sail Pfomptlj Hfiad! hii mi Gilt Wagon 6oet otd StS* Country Merchants supplied with broad at wlioleaale pricer. B TJ G Or I I Kill «e!l you tlie b ml buggy lu Ocor^l*, rrlce mid quality cmiildered. RepMrlnK rtll k I lids sollelted »nd executed pminpilv ar.d neatly. All work wmrranted. iING THE SAFESTAND STRONGEST COUPANIBS.IN|TflB^WORLD. seed on City aad Country Property. on Jackson Street, next door below Mayor’s Offloe. dtew-Mf. . DUNLAP HATS. THE LATEST STYLES AND SHAPES. ARTHUR RYLANDER, Corner Lamar and Jackson St T. S, GREENE. niton Aven o. Opposite Prince’s Stables’ Americus, Goorgia. W\ D. Haynes & Son. REAL ESTATE. STOCK AND BONO 3101*2 Lamar Street Americus, Ga. $500 Reward ! WR will pay Uthbwa rmri ter any caw .4 IJrn ifr* BTfMhmlw.liidkiffidOiw.Osw adpMkHi or OoO- vflMM wo roamot «nro wita VkprtoMoLtTorHtU. vhrn the dfrorMono aroctrletly romplkdwith. Thryor* poroly TooetoMo.oU— toll to giro —Ihfrcttem. hfu rCootod. UnrolaoxM. TAJ £ JOUN C. WIlS CUMPAK V. CHICAiiO, 1LJ. Bold TUB O WEN 1*0%T DRUG C*., -'Awlvr America* r i». THE AMERICUS BUSINESS COLLEGE Will open June 15th nnd IVniiiMiiHhip. (Hpeslal) - • 5.CO “ Mafh*?tfia(lcfi and Venmnochlp, 7JiO ** NlgblCourne. all xludleH, - 500 ** W. B. MITCHELL, Prln IjfWBlri