Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, June 20, 1891, Image 2
- m y~ 3™ fflH&RECORDER. ■ 1 */l>Uy \Vcokly. fr'iSffi333E£2^»*~™- L^u"•*■ THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORPER: SATURDAY, JUNE 20,1891. f*. * ” INSCRIPTION I Diilf.Onliu, - . . Daily, On Motrrx, • ■ • ' imin.Ontiu, ■ . roradrartUlngr THXTOIC3 PUBLISHING COMPANY, -: ifflnKn, 0*. ftmertorre, Gn., Jnae 20, .1891. This baccarat bualnei U a tad blow to : (be ttucoptiblet of onr Anglo-manlaci. Tbk tecret ballot will fight mlghtllj for tba democratic eauae In the electiont of tbU year. Quay baa acid, nothing about tin- plate- Hit campaign material Is the other sort of "tin." ! Ir American tin plate could be argued Into Mlatehce the republican press Would turn out several thousand tons dally. ’• : w: • '' Even a "bllllon-dollar nation" ob- a to being taxed more on war account, twentjr-Ave yeara of peace, than tbf coat of the greatest standing army In Europe. 'IWc Philadelphia Times says that it mty be true of almost everything else in the country, but this weather, so far aa oollara are concerned, there's no Trust In starch. Ta* officials of the Central railroad who visited Ameitcus yesterday should hare stopped In our etty a little longer, and witnessed the improvements going on in the metropolis- of southwest Geor- »•. t; ' Tu* Georgia Press aseoclaUon held a meeting oa the train while passing through Ohio, and passed a resolution appropriating $100 form the treasury of tha association to the Daria monument fund, i -i - Tri alliance brethren of Atlanta should put up their knives, bury the hatchet, and dwell In peace and unity together. No good can come to them from a continuous wrangle among the beiaktebent rights. The Chilian insurgents have appealed to the European powers for recognition te belligerents. The Balmaceda gov ernment has protested, and the powers are considering the question. The situation la a reminder of how much of pestiferous tradition still lin gers in statecraft The insurgents are actually belligerents; why should any neutral government hesitates to recog nize a fact which the Balmaceda govern ment recognizes by lighting with these people? To recognize their beiligerenoy is nut to decide any of the questions *t issue. On the contrary, to refuse such recogni tion Is to decide all these questions against them and Is not genuine neu trality at all. To recognize belligerency Is simply to insist that the war between the insur gents and the Balmacedists shall be con ducted lu civilized fashion; that captives taken shall be treated as prisoners of war and not as felons. To refuse such recognition Is, so far as international public opinion can accomplish that end, to forbid oppressed men anywhere to fight for thefr rights and for liberty. And it is for precisely that purpose that the absurd international laws and customs about the recognition of bellig erency were invented. They were the devices of a king trust, when it was the common interest of king to discourage and pat down ail revolts, righteous or unrighteous. Any people who can make orderly war are belligerents In fact, and, in the Interest alike of human liberty and of ordinary humanity, the legal belligeren cy of every such people should be rec ognized by ail civilized nations quite as a matter of course. M LOVE WITH AN IDEA. If Plato were alive he would Instantly enroll Miss Nina Van Zandt among his scholars. Site lias faithfully followed the old philosopher's teaching and diligently loved an idea all her life. It is not, to be sure, a very lovable idea, being in substance t hat pretty much everybody ought to be knocked in the bead, nor is there much honor in it, with the gallows looming up in the back ground. But It is an idea and Nina has shown that she loves it Anarchist Spies, whom she tuairied as much as slit* could, seeing cuat he could not get out of nor she in the jail, so that the ceremony was pel formed by proxy, she hardly knew, ana marriage under such circumstances was simply a proof of her devotion not to the Anarch ist himself but to liis principles. After the elimination of Spies she wore mourn ing for a long time, not so much for him os for the idea which had suffered in bis person. Now, still out of love of her idea, she weds a tierce, world-devouring Italian socialist—Spies no doubt done in bru nette instead of blond. Perhaps with the aid of this auxiliary the fair Nina may tear up tho temple of the constitu tion from its deep foundations; perhaps, having a real bosband at last, site may learn that tlsa gospel of love is better than the gospel of hate, after all. Bet us hope so. It is better to convert nn anarchist than to hang one. decline at peremptorily as 1888 to eeeape a nomination IB Stab tto gout has not ken Mr Blaina oatof the presl* . u wUl have to «* ; of the republican party i9 H. Victor Nzwsoue, one of the bold est Wall street speculator*. i» reported tolie Insane and has been sent to a pr!4 vate asyliim. Mr. Newsome’s insanity 'is said to be hereditary, ps his motheii was confined In an asylum for thirty4 ifajmL - Four thousand nine hundred acres of Florida phosphate landi ohanged hands Tuesday, and the sum of $510,000 was paid to the owners of. tb* same. The landx wore purchased by a northern ayn-j dleate which will at once comm once the work dt development, ffeuaiDS.of the Rev, Sam Small, have straightened out his difficulties with the Utah University, and be goes ahead free from all imputation of Impropriety of any sort. That report will greatly grat ify thoee whohareknewu the' evangel iataa-a journalist,and wish him well on account of what he has done that was -creditable. " 1 ' Tbk machinists In the shops of the Central railroad at Savannah are out oa * s'rike because in a fight between one of (tyf men and a negro. Tl> B Qu “ ter “>*• chpnlq tool^ aides with the negro. The abolish tha color line, and the etrike may grow larger unleae the official* come to the rescue and settle the diffi culty. - • i, Quire a number of cities and towns in the aonib held jreiflnpon Thursday for the purpose of raising fundi for tba >aif*rson Davis monument, and others have made arrangements to take np a -£Mjg gaHyatlpn, fyr that purpose. Every aouihern man, woman and child laths south' should contribute some thing to the fund, and enable those who ha-ire It in charge to erect a monument second to none In the Union. 1st regard tq a recent, call to tha blsh- oprie of Georgia Rev. Tho*. F. Gal tor is quoted ss saying: “I would not dare to refuse s' second call to the 'diocese of Georgia. I do not believe, however, that they prill elect me. They under stood my motives too well to again tempt me to leave Sewanee.” Dr. Gal- lor also expressed himself as believing that in re/using a. second call to Georgia be would be placing bimaelf in opposi tion to clerical work for a secular call- >»g- ZZZ'-Z.'... Col. A. I. Branham of the Chatta nooga Times, hiid a serious accident while or' bis way from the depot at Chlckamaug* to . the hotel. He was riiling on a wagon which Is used for the purpose of transferring passengers, when one of the axles broke, and he Wasthrpwn under tiro wheels. His left Up was sprained and liis leg was badly bruised. Mr. Brimum suffered greatly from the shock, sad will be disabled for several days His Georgia friends will wish him a speedy recovery. A “BILUON-noLLAK GOU.'TItV.” Secretary Foster’* recent remark, that "tbie is a blllion-dollar country" is accepted by the unthoughtful organs of bis party as a splendid vindication of the lavisbnees of the hilliontdpilar con gress. They insist V)Ah the "growth of the country” readers necessary and therefore justifies this increase In ex penditures. Let vis see. The population of the country just doubled from 1800 to 1800. Hut the expenses of the government during this period Inoroased almost sight-fold—from $83,000,000, or about $2 per head, to $500,000,000^ or $8 per head. To bring the comparison down to more recent periods, as the Indianapolis Sentinel has done, “at the last session of the forty-fourth ooogreea, presided over by Samuel J. Randall, the appropria tions were $144,382,140. At the last sionofthe fifty-first congress, presided overbyCaar Reed, the appropriations were $419,341,143. The increase was 183 perceat. although in tha same time the lacrosse of population has already been only 30 per cent." toother words, the appropriations Increased nearly five times as fast as the population. This may be ‘ a billion dollar conn- try," as Mr. Foster aaya, but the people indicated by more than a million major ity last year that they do not approve of billion dollar congretees. ; ' —— ; .150(1 Every little while we hear that tho Chinese are assailing missionaries and other foreigners and driving them from their towns. These popular movements against foreigners have been confined almost wholly thus far to tha Ysngtse- kiang, and particularly to the ports on that river, wblob, by treaty yvlth China, were long ago declared to be open to the oommero* of the world. According to a recent traveller oa the river, these up risings are fomented by the secret soci sties which the Chinese government Is unable to repress, hut year, by agree ment with-S*gland, China promised to open steamboat navigation u far as Chungking on the upper Tangtae There la little doubt that tbit very foot la at the bottom of the preient troubles, for a large part of the Inhabitants are opposed to granting any concessions which will make their greqt river more accessible to foreign Influences. IKK EXHAUSTED TREASURY. The sews comes from Washington that the- treasury is practically bank rupt- It could not pay the money now du»«n pension accounts without more exhausting all the cash in the treas ury, including the fractional currency, the money deposited In the national banks, and the small balance on hand of the -redemption fund. It -was stated nearly, a year ago tb-atiri Us first session the fifty-first congress had provided for expenditures greatly in excess of he public revenues, and that the treasury would be obliged to meet Us obligations with the reserve. That prediction is now verified. The secretary himself confesses that ho can not pay the maturing bonds, and that he is obliged to rake together every dollar and cent of hts resources to meet hi s current expenses. Thera is ne doubt now that before the end of the next fiscal year tho govern ment will be again a borrower. This is the result of two years of absolute con trol by the republican party. Mr. It. Don McLeod, of Tallahassee, Fla., has purchased the Macon County Citizen at Oglethorpe, and the first issue of the paper under his management shows a decided improvement. Mr. McLeod Is a newspaper man of long ex perience, and will glvo the i>cople of ills zectlon a good paper. W. W. Haskell,-agent of the Wil liamsburg Fire Insurance company, in Atlanta, was shown up Iq a bad light in a suit to recover Insurance lu that city Thursday. At the time of tne fire Has kell had the policy In bis possession for the purpose of making an entry on It, and when requested to return It after the fire, dented knowing anything about It Erldenee was prodqoed in court showing that Haskell was seea with the policy after the fire, and that he put It lu the safe, saying that be would make that much for the Williamsburg. ‘The plaintiff gained tha case. Rx-Headsuax Clarkson must liavo gone abroad for political news of the United States. He writes from Paris to say that "the country is evenly balanced between the political parties just now." Indeed I When wae the balance read justed? In last year’s congressional elections the democratic majority over the republicans was 800,378, and over ell 248,350. The republican party was in a minority by 1,332,202 votes. If this be an even balance what would Mr. Clark- sun call a good majority? The New York World says: Geo. E. P. Alexander, when be surrenders the presidency of the Central of Georgia, win forever retire from railroading. He, baa been a prominent factor In southern roads for the past quarter of * century. BEALL & OAKLEY. POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder.* Highest of all In leavening strength —Latest United States Government Food Report, junelS d+wlyr A Household Remedy BLOOD » SKIN P1SEASE8 B. B. B. Botanie Blood Balm torn of mrtlgnant NUN ERUPTION. Ss- ( sldtt Sting efficacious la teniae ap the , system end restoring the constitution.; ertee la,tired Item as? cue*. Hi 1 e-rnott supernatural healing properties < lustily ui la guanatceleg a cure, r directions ire (allowed. SENT FREE .•niltWJS’.ra* 6L05D BALM C0-, /Ulante. Ca. with us. For TWO WEEKS HAVE JUST RECEIVED A NEW LINTS New Cream Yalcncienne Laces, dillerent widths to ma’ch, Nevir Black Silk Laces in Flouncing?, and narrow to match. BARGAINS IN GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. rapidly at 11 e prices we are now making. Grenadines at Cost! Figured China Silks at Cost! Straw and Stiff Hats at C Ladies,’ Gents’ and Children’s Shoes at Cost! 313 LAMAR RECEIVER'S SALE or THE Americus Street Railroad GEORGIA—Huxtbu Countys By virtue of a decree of Uie superior court of in« Mid county, rende ej In the case of the Central Trust <Jo.of New York, vs. Tin? Americus Hired Railroad Company, on the 26th day of May, IW1, and appearing upon the mlQUteeofthe said court of said date fore* closing the mortgage for the ben*1U or tho bondholders on th*p operty ortho defendant 1 will offer for Mle at puhlte out-dry to the highest bidder, before the Court House door of said county. In the city of Araer cus, be tween the hoa*s of lu ft. m. and 4 p. m.. on Saturday, the 27th Uny of June, 1801, the fol lowing property, to* wit: - pit Ce or parcel A certain f 1 of land one linn* dred feet front by oue hundred and fifty. feet In depth, situated In t*e village of Leeton, county of Huinter and Ht • to of Georgia, being a part of lot n umbei 261 In the twenty ^-ne vet 1 district or Sumter county, Georgia, the earr situate lying and bring «>n the South >lde i Avenue E, and on the west side of Magno lln street and being on the corner of said street- and known on tba plat nr the Lent n ~ w * “ ’aid ouf aa - ty-seven. __ geiher with all and Blngniar the lands tene ments and hereditaments of sold Railroad Company then owned or thereafter lo be ac> qo red by it, and alao lnclod|ng all the rall- rosdsvtracks,rights ot way,mam lines, branch lines, switches, Huperstrucmres, d-pots, de pot grounds, siatlon houses, engine bouses, car houses, stables, wood bouses, sheds, wat . wqrH shops, machine shops, tuots, oulnerts, fences, and fix- »r with all -Ha leases, leased or 1 or hired railroads, and all j ^Jigtnes, 1 boilers, electrical appliances,apparatus, dynamos, accumula tors, generators, storage batteries, armatures motors, tenders, cables wires, traction gear, care, carriages, coaches, trucks, and othe, motor and rolling stock. Its machinery, ‘tools, weighing scales, turntabl s, rails, wood, coal. oil. fuel, equipment, furnUnr? a id material or every namp,n*lurp ana de- ** - * setter to be ac- s corporate lights foiaT^inp.'Sf theuY.Td'i? l°lCre' after to bf acquired. Including the frznclilue to be. corporation, and ai| tne toll,, (ana, freights, rent*. Incomer, I. uca end pronto thereof, sad ell tho rarer Ion or nvera'an, remainder and remainder, thereof. thud eale will b* (or euta, provided, how ever, wet tht bond, end coupon, raeured by raid mortgage ahull ho receivable at said •el* uaensu nr tba amount or cool, which would he payable an enoh bond, and coupon, out of the procccdaof oald rale, after tbe pay ment or an ooau and expense, of suit and the coat and oompenuUon of the raid trustees Purchaser will obtain peasesalon at once upo i tbe closing or tbe sole. J. B. FELDER, Receiver. Amerlcuo, Go., lley 2d, INI. BLOOD, Q YOUR liver, y BLADDERj' Are they diseased ? la a question that affects your Ufa. W.W.C. CUSS 00, FOB KALK EV ALL DRI'cam. THE LITTLE SBWIN6 MACHINE MAN ovrEBS rou aALi SEWiNC MACHINES & MOTORS For ell Machines on easy terms, end ean supply lbs best Wes, Oils, Httachments, Etc., 1 ?i» AU MACHINES. . Bpeelsl attention rapslr-ng i — 8f <^ °'* 11 ■ ‘a^nJ^M'anmmer ‘ ^’sort. tl -^H«i«avW, SWEEr WATER PARK HOTEL; UUn « Sprtngu, Oeoitu. f Ktegeaeaaad eoetfcH, Tebte. eervlea see IrasL^'&ecritedion natural eilarral aa'en lu the vrorid traa. So malaria. The treat Piedmont ChanLoo. ■aa, ultb Ito brilliant atlreeUnoa. Ass us on postal card), lo send booklet end raise. LIKE SUCCESS. KILLER MOST TRULY MD CORRECTLY CALLED In tbs World RFUL TONIC AND BLOOD PURIFE ALMOST KBACTOOUS 0TOT3 Of hopeless and sppercDtly Inrarable tmednauntly being made. It Is eq perform the ImpoMlhle, by curing up tqr phTriowne. *ud u SOU MOT DISAPPOINT E2PECTATI0N3. _Moi* people are.oelng cured by Mlcrobi Killer than by all other rawlleince combined. fLEETWOODJfc ltUSSELL. Sole Agent for Sumtercouuty, Jiiiy22-dlyr This is the way with the Ball corset: if you want ease and shapeliness, you, bfiy it—but you don’t kedp it unless you like it. After two or three weeks’ wear, you can return it and have your money. Comfort isn’t all of it though. Soft Eyelets, and "bones”: th# can’t break or kink—Ball’s corsets have both of these. Fornaleby GEO. D. WHEATLEY. PROFESSIONAL CARDS CTJHEBESrKKQWNfiEM I revents Stricture. Contains no m A. KLUTTZ, I Akchitblt axd SurKBurrEXDidfT. 1 • Americiu, Georgia. La dir fitreet—Murphey Balldiug. 2-l-ly I J. WORSHAM , DENTIST, , \ J* Offlre over People's National Bank. ( I|7 P. BUBT, W W DENTIST, vv * Granberry’s Corner .Amerieui. Gftre Continues to serve hit friend# in all branch* of dentistry. janu-tf f|B.a.W.DANIK &NT i 8T v Oflen hie profetslonal eervlcee to the people of AmtrlcuM, and aurrojnding coun try. Office in new Murphey building. La- mcr atreet. over Beall ± Oakley’e. I At. Be WESTBROOK, M. 1>. I PHYSICIAN AND HUKOEON. .I* Office end residence, next h. uiie to C. a Huntington, Church street. feb 71/ T A. FORT M. D. I Office at Dr. Eldridge’a'drugstore. Can J'be found at night Tn hi* room, over Kldrldge’- drug rifore, Barlow Block, inn 8-61-tf f\R. J. H. WINCHESTER. 11 PH Vd&CIAN AND BURGEON. u Office at Davenport's Drag Store. Rest, dence, corner Forsyth and Mayo streets, Arocricus, Oa. dtfmo Telephone No. 104. |\R. T. J. KENNEDY, M. D. 1 I'HYHICIAN AND HURGEON. Office at Dr. Rldrldg*-'s Drug cto e. Can he found at night in Ills office room over Eldrtdge’s drug store, Barlow block. feL6-!> DOCTORS J. 8, AND A. fi. HINKLE Kara one of tha heat famished and heai equipped doctor's offlees In the South, No. SIL Jackson street, Americus, 3a. General Surgery and treatment of tha Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose A Specialty. feb16tf r If AS. A. BROOKS, M. I). I (Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College. N. Y. t twice arnduatA- of N. Y. Cost Graduate Medical School,Chief Hiirseon H A.M. R R.etc.) OfTen* his profcsslonHlser- \ Ices uh a general pracl Itoi er to t he citlxeua of Americus and surrounding country. Hpe- *1h| attontlou given to operative surgery. Including the treatment of hemorrhoids, f!*< t ' lcture, catarrh, and all diseases of Anus, Rectum, Genitourinary syntem aud nose and throat. Office In Murpliey building Lamar Ht, Connected by speaKlng lube with Eldrldge's Drugstore. Calls should be teft or telephoned there during the day. At night, ca'l at residence on Lee tit. or tele* phone No. 77. apr26tf P A. HAWKINS, H A’JTOuNEY AT LAW. Office upstairs on Grmnberry corner. nUTT A LUMPKIN, 1) AITORNKYH at law. Americas, ffw. Office In Barlow Block, up sfafrs. Ilf P. WALLIS, W * ATTORNEY AT LAW, " • Amer’eua, Oa. Will practice In all courts. Office over National Bank. Ilf T. LANK, VV ATTORNEY AT LAW, ” • Americus, Oa. Prompt attention given to all business placed^ in my hands. Office in Barlow blocg. room 6. Feb. 6, tf I A. HIXON, AT.ORNKY AT LAW. J* „ Americos, via Office In Batlev building. onjorilG the Court House. Prompt a'Xentlon given li all business. lanft-tt. E. F. H INTO!.. E. H. 1TTT*. HINTON & CUTTS, 1TTORNEY8 AT LAW. Practice In Iht A Htote anil Federal Gunrto. Office ti, Cl "Hart Building,nn Koreyth atreet. marl-lt nOBT. L. MAYNARD, K ATTORNEY AT LAW. „ Americus, (As. Prompt And careful alteiiUon given to a ) business cntrustcfl to tne. t^miar street over P. L. Holts. sep 6-d4urnm % T L HOLTON, | t A'lTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice lu n»l the d'antHe^or ?he tiluto. Prompt attentl >u given to all col* lectio 1 s entrusledto my care. 11 A NS LEY A ANSLEY, ATTOKNEYH AT LAW, Americus, Oa A Will practice tn the conn'lea of Hunt- ter.Hcbley, Macon, Dooly, Webeter, Htew- art, In the Huptvme Court, and the United HUtes Court. 1 C. MATHEWfl, 1 ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ty Court for the twelve months. 124M d&wly. W.LLBURH P, CLARKK. PRANK A. IfOOrUH. CLARKE A HOOPER, Attorneys at Law AMEU1CUH, (JKORGIA mayli-d-w-ly WALVaU K. WUZATLZV, ' J. B. FlTXUZUALD Wheatley b Fitzgorald, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office: *08 JukMO Rt„ UplUnlni, AMBRICUS, 1 UEOlltilA janT-tf V-HUDSON, I L.J. BLALOCK, of tichley county. | of Americus, HUDSON & BLALOCK, 11 lruvqrs, Astnuccs, Orossu Will practice in all courta. Partnership limited to civil eases. Office up stair*, corner Leo and Lamar street, In Artesian Block, decil-d-wly E. O. SIMMONS, V. H. KIMBROUGH SIMMONS ft KIMBROUGH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Harlow Itloolc, lloom 4. Will practice ip both State and Federal Court.. Strict attention paid to all buaioau eutrn.tedtc, them. Telephone No. 106. 12-10-Wtf W. B. Uuzhry. DuPont GVBUhV Amerlcua, Ga. Mucnn.a*, GUERRY ft SON, I" AWYER8, Americus Ga. OfDca tn Pee. liMatejeetloiial Bank Bunding, Lamar Will nractlca in Humtar Hupcrloi and County Comto, and lu the Supremo Court. Our Junior will regularly attend the ecaduu. of the Superior Court. Th, ffrm will tefee.pedal caaea In any 8U| rrlut Court on Houtbwtotern Railroad. f UNORRMAN. b, AltCHITKBT, OVFIORff Pe-Chirac street Atlanta. rrtuKB 7 Barlow Ul'k, Amarleu, ^ 5!!?* ■"? •peolffcetlon* mrnlahcd lor pulldluga of ell dero Iptlona -w-iMlo bu Id- nga eape telly. Coma unleathtas by mail o cither office will meat with prompt al~ cuVofficc " rm - Sell, SuperltU nilfnl a marl* miLLIAMBON * KAPL, L g _tlVIL ANDBANITA.V B.OlNBeRV. Pleua and a-ttmataa fur Wale, supply, Mwerega aid. general engineering «ork. Cpiutruetlon/anpt-rh.i. .ui. .1. .. we.aga » rpeetolty, Beadqnar e.a, Montgomery, Ala. Amcrlcu. office over Jobuton A Hariold's iloneonCkHtoii ttvenue. eprfl-gm «.m«a .K r- L. Hxwke*’ Cryatalized Lenses in all - ft C«yk gPharnreey styles, specs and cye-^lamu-s sold with S' ri.u Eleetwood A ltnssell, J, nguarantoe to please or money refunded E. Hall and Davenport Drug Company, by K. J. Kldbipgis.