Newspaper Page Text
A Fees Tit.-, But Dane S.rrlc.
Twenty-six y»ra u-jo. when connected
with the Clarendon hotel: at Saratoga
Spriugn. N. Y„ .1. C, Chamberlain, the
present cashier of the Leluuii hotel, was
given a pass on the National Express
eompany by its general superintendent.
E. II. Virgil Mr. Chamberlain was then
n bright young man and bad dune tunny
acts of kindness for the superintendent
In grutitnde to the young hotel clerk
Virgil presented him with the |iass.
which gave him the right to send any
package free of charge throngh the com
A few weeks ago the National Express
company was amalgamated with the
Northern Pacific Express company, and
the new arrangement cnme into effect
a few days ugo. Mr. .Chamberlain hud
used his [miss whenever lie Imd occasion
but ho wan a little iu duuht as to whether
it would he or any good under the new
However, as soon as the office In the
Rookery building was open Mr Cham
beriain walked in with a package direct
ed to C. R. Dtirkee. of Saratoga Springs
The clerk weighed tliu package with par
ticulnr care, as this was the first one
handled by -the new company Then
wben lie asked for pay tiie pass was pro
duced. Ueneral Snperiutemie-.t Hutt
was called in on the (jnestiou of the
validity of the antiquated pass, but be
knew that the document had never been
rescinded and (lie package was sent
along. The pass was on flimsy paper,
but the cashier mounted it on a piece of
stiff pasteboard and preserved it care-
fnlly. Now lie is wondering whether he
can will away the pass when he requires
it no longer.— Chicago Herald.
doing to Jerusalem to Welcome Christ.
The Eev. W. P. Brown, a prominent
Latter Day Saint minister, formerly of
Harvey, Kan., now of Richmond, Mo.,
is in Independence selling his real estate
and effects for cash, with which he par
poses going to Jerusalem and there wit
ness the second coming of Christ.
He says that the second coming of
Christ is not far distant; that the Jews
are fast returning to Jerusalem, and he
takes this as indicative of the great
event. He lielongs to the Whitmerite
branch of the Mormon chnrch. and has
been at Richmond studying the original
manuscript of the Book of Mormon for
the purpose of figuring ont the exact date
of Christ’s return
Richard Whitmer i.nthe present guard
ian of this imuinscnpt. He is the sou of
David Whitiner, who sat on one side of
the curtain and wrote down while
Joseph Smith, the prophet, read and
translated the Book of Mormon on the
other side by means of the spectac les
made of stones known as the Urim and
Thuuinmi From this manuscript the
Rev Mr. Brown has figured out this
great event.
Me will leave his wife and three
dnlighters here while lie goes to Jerusa
lem in the early part of this summer.
He says he does not know just what day
Christ vjill come, but tbiuks it won't be
- very tunny months, uiul wants to get
therein time.—Cor. St. Louis Republic.
t»nr#r Hound* In a Theater.
In eb.-mging wvnery in the sec-on.I net
of ihv melodrama at the btar theater the
Ji;;!iti ire turned down very low. in
fact they are practically put ont and the
audience i* left for a few second., in
Egyptian darkness. A subdued feiuiniue
titter usually runs through the auditor
in-.a when this occurs. This titter be
came a roar of laughter tbe other night
when distinct sound.' of kissing arose in
various parts of tre house. It was first
a modest oaralatory vibration from a
remote section of the orchestra circle. It
sent a thrill up every spinal column in
the hum,-use audience. A second later
a pronounced smack was heard in the
balcony, w tick created a great sensation.
Then Tallowed u succession of base imi
tations iu the gallery, sprinkled with
loiiJ cries of "Come off!" "Now, you
jes leave me alone!’ "Take yonr arm
away. Charley!" etc. Wben the lights
were t urned on there were a good mauy
rosy faces in that c-mwd, bnt nobody
seemed to lie milmppy. It was a great
bit.—New York Herald
T.EMO.V r.uxm.
Pleasant, Klexant, Sellable.
For biliousness and constipation, take
Lemon Elixir.
For furore, chills and malaria, take
Lemon Elixir.
For aleeplesaneis, nervousness and
gtlpltatlon of the heart, take Lemon
For all sick and nervous headaches,
lake Lemon Elixir.
Ladies, for natural and thorough or*
ganlc regulation, take Lemon Elixir.
Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir will not
fall you in any of the above named dla-
eases, all of which arise from a torpid
or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or
Prepared only by Dr. H. Mosley, At
lanta, Go.
50o. and |1.00 per bottle at druggists.
Lemon Bot Drum
Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,
Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage
and all throat and lung diseases. Ele
gant, reliable.
25 centa, at drugglstt. Prepared only
by Dr. H. Mosley, Atlanta, On.
Fitchburg, Moss., is iu an awkward
position. It Is said that, through some
oversight or other In getting signatures,
all tbe ordinances passed since 1870 are
void and Inoperative.
Good SeiiM!
Disease Is largely the result of Impure
blood. Purify the blood is to cure the
disease. As a blood purifier and vital-
izor, Dr. Pierce-s Golden Medical Dis
covery stands hood and shoulders above
any other known specific. Its power in
this direction is nothing short of won
derful. Guaranteed to benefit or cure
in every case, or money refunded..
Dry creek is the name of a ragtag
stream in Saline county, Kansas, which
has inundated all the wheat fields along
its borders.
To Printers and Publisher*.
3 The Times Publishing Company has
for sale tv portion of tlm newspaper anil
job outfit Made surplus-by the recent
consolidation of the Times and Recor
der, consisting of one cylinder newspa
per press, two Gordon job presses, one
Hero paper cutter, one perforator, six
stands, two imposing stones snd tables,
fire hundred pounds of news type, etc.
This material and these presses are
virtually new, having been in use only a
year. A great bargain in prices and
terms can be secured by the right par
ties. Address the Tines Fiiiuhiiixo
Company, Americus, da.
Governor Nortben preached to tbe
convicts on Sunday. This is (lie first
time in the history of any mate where
the governor has condescended to prescb
to its convicts.
For Over Fifty Years
Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been
used for children teething. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colio, and is tbe best
remedy for diarrhma. Twenty-five cents
a bottle. Sold by all druggists through
out tbe world.
A tins'* Strang* Family.
The whim of Fannie, a pet dog which
makes its home iu Mr. James M. Glenn's
Nevada building, is attracting consider
r.'.de attention from the tenant* A short
while ago a litter of her puppies was
taken from her. She nionmed her IpHS.
and after a few days disappeared, re
maining miming until Friday, when she
was found in the basement with a fine
collection of kittens, which she bad
picked up somewhere and had adopted
In the stead of tbe poppies so ruthlessly
torn from her protecting care.—Cincin
nati Commercial Gazette.
' Baked Apple* from Australia.
Or. the manifest of the steamer Mono-
wai, from Australia, .were sbuut 1,700
boxes of apples, shipped from Tasmania.
An examination of them was mode, and
it was found that the apples were in
every condition of baking, roasting and
•tewing, and were entirely unfit for use.
Whether it was the heat or tbe hold or
the natural heat of the tropics that do-
strayed them does not appear.—San
Francisco Chronicle.
Home Funny New York Signs.
The crop of fonny signboards this
spring seems to be larger than ever. A
barber in Fourteenth street has decorat
ed bis place with the legend. "Tonaorial
Haircutting Parlors;" a Bower making
firm In Bleecker street that evidently de-
sirce steady help displays tbe motto.
•Leavers Wanted," and a young man
who dispenses sea food np la Harlem
tells bypassets that be Is famous for
•bolster stoo."—New York Times
Cora Id fnitmllmehts.
Here is something that can only hap
pen in Kansas. A Kansas farmer stored
away 100 bushels of corn. Soon after
storing It he sold seventy-five bushels
and realized $7.B0. A year later he sold
fifteen bushels and realized fff.80. And
last Wi
ten bushels for f7.<
In the great animal market at Ham
burg, in Germany, giraffe sell at $7,000 a
pair, chimpanzees go at $800 a piece .and
select lots of Sumatra monkeys at
A Failure.
Not a failure of a financial character,
but a cramped one, the effect of eating
green plums. There can be no failure
in the trouble if you will take In time
Dr. Blggers' Huckleberry Cordial.
Skin and scalp diseases,, the heat, at
times a running sore, the body entirely
covered with sores is large as a quarter
of a dollar, and no medicToe had the de
sired effect until P. P. P. was taken.
The disease yielded at once, and P. P.
P. proves itaels tbe beat blood purifier
of the age.
Mrs. H. I. Miller of Chattanooga claims
to be the owner of tbe first gun made for
the confederacy. It was manufactured
by her father at Holly Springs, Mass.
Mr. James S. Harrison, Columhuky
Ga., says his wife bad dyspepsia for
several years In its worst form—could
retain nothing on her stomach. Dr.
Holt's Dyspeptic EUxlr cured her per
manently. For sale by all druggists.
A New England school marm noar
Jeffersonville, Mass., who has taught
her pupils to drill, marched them out of
the burning school house In good order
tbe other day.
ight eyes, sweet
vigorous body,
health result from
Sarsaparilla. It Is
' Drug Company
A movement 1* on foot to have tbe
name of Judge F. M. Hagan, of Spring
field, O, presented to tbe demooratlo
state convention for the supreme judge*
Very popular, very small, very good.
De Witt’s Little Ksrly Risers, tbe pill
for constipation, biliousness, sick head
ache. For sale by the Davenport Drug
The runaways on the Brooklyn bridge
avenge two a month In summer and one
month In winter. Arreets average
four a week.
Erysipelas, swolen limbs, bad sores,
scales snd scabs on -the leg have been
entirely cured by P. P. P., tbe moat
wonderful blood medicine of the day.
A nice line of extracts, colognes, toil
et waters, *c., at Dr. Kldrldge Drug
Abbott’s Beet Indian Corn Paint
la a quick cure for corns, bnnlons and
Pure spices and flavoring extracts at
Dr. Eldridge'a Drug Store.
Tbe Arm of Andrews A Carter to this day
dissolved by mutual consent. K. 14. Andrew#
retiring. He wl.l be succeeded by V. V. CM*
ter end tbe Arm here**ter will o® C. C. Car
ter, who assumes all tbe liabilities of tbe Ute
Arm of Andrew* A Cat ter mud will collect nil
debt* doe them. V, O. t after ftlso assumes
nil liabilities nnd will collect nil debtn due
tbe tirm or Argo A Andrew*.
K. ftf, Anukkwh,
In retiring from tbe Arm of Andrews*
Cnrtcr 1 return ti.anka to tbe pnbile for tbe
generous patronage bestow*», and orepeak
lor tbe Dew Arm a continuance of tbe same.
H. M* AnobawB.
Americus, G*., June 15, laoi. dim.
Loans negotiated at LOWEST RATES.
Easy payments, on city or farm lands.
net 5 ly Americas, Georgia.
aJounmT «™S*:
How to Get a Handsome Husband.
“Wliette'r some lucky Indian maiden
Found a red cur In the bunking,
‘Mu-ka!’ cried the* altogether:
* **unKh!' you Fliml have a sweet heart—
Pou shall have m baudaome husband.’
The handsome man always admires
the beautiful women. Then limply
make yourself beautiful. Remove all
blotches, pimples, “forked signs of tur
key tracks” from your features by the
use of Dr. Pierce’s ttarorite Prescription
a tonic to the nervous, elronlatory ami
procreative eystems. Its use bring)
roses to the cheeks and sparkle to the
eyes. Take it, and you will, like the In
dian maldon, find a “red ear" in good
health, an omen of future liappinese.
Guaranteed to give satisfaction In every
case, or money paid for It refunded.
The Albany News and Advertiser has
opened a ballot box to determine the
moat pdpularyonng lady 1 in the city,
The raoe will b^ an exciting one.
Tired feeling, dull headache,-pains in
various parts of the body, sinking at the
pit of the stomach, loss of appetite,
feverishness, pimples - or sores, are all
positive evidence of poisoned blood. No
matter how it became, poisoned it roust
be purified to avoid death. Dr. Acker’s
English Blood Elixir has never failed to
remove scrofulous or syphilitic poison.
Sold under positive guarantee. For sate
by Fleetwootj ft Russell, Americas,
for Infante acid Children.
• -‘MtsrlaIsaewatte *«pf / JeUUrcr ’fist
Ir warnedItsssupmgr.ahaay^MCrtkJon'
Fftentome.” a A. Man. X. ft.
Ml 8a OxtedBk. Brooklyn.». T.
*Tba use cf ‘Owtaria’ is •saahanil and
wttbluesgy leech.” „ _
CxsLoe EirrnfjD.n
Tjfa PflftlT
Aua nunua, give* $md^ «***
Wllfout Injurious medication.
Euww F. Pianxg, M. ft,
"The Whiitiiup l ”UOtti Bare* and 7th Ava,
■taw Tork City.
Tm Cnriua Conuar, 77 Kraaiv BrasR, N*v You*.
John WananakkR may not be as bad
% man as fhe Quay whom hit collections
sustained, but tbe two have very similar
methods of seeking a vindication.
Confirm our atateraent when we say that
Dr. AckeT 1 * English Remedy Id In every
way. superior to any and all other, pre
parations for the Throat'and laiags. In
Whooping Cough and Croup, it is magic
and relieves at once. We offer yon a
sample bottle free. - Remember, this
remedy Is. sold on » positive guarantee.
For sale by Fleetwood A Russell, Ameri
cas, Go. 8
Tine McKinley bill 1* successfulln re
ducing revenue at any rate. Tbe cus
toms receipts for the first tendays of
June fell off $1,802,222 from last year’s
flgare*. -UO .' > - :i-
S Sam’s Specific S
s s
| Blood and Skin |
8 Diseases s
8 a reliable ear* far Coots*ions S
8 Blood Poison, loborited Scro- TT
fula and Skin Cancer. g
A Ass tonic for d«licit*Women —
S asd Children It has no equal. S
s ■atsaafr^ s
e Sell It. C
S Brener Mtlaita,Gs. 5>
Fox Rent! For Rent!
Part Cash, Balance monthly to the Loan
See my list of Bargains for Vacant and Improved Property,
Heal Estate Agent.
The 8. A. A M. wll? wJfT mt pOtri/ddotery mt
theh freight Uepot, Id the city of Aiutrloat,
Ua. t on NV edneH -ay, July Iwt, 18#l the follow
ing over mn<l uuclalnted freight, for wblch
tranN|>ortatlim charge* ore due:
1 citMe dr* good* mnd I emmeekflhlof marked
Coolt, McHme A l^>., Alamo, Ga. Cb
C. M. WHEATLEY, Prem’t. B. H. JOSSEY, Soo’y A Trek#.
The Americas Coastruction Company,
Snocissons to 0. M. Wuiati.*t ft Co.
Have the largest stock of
Dry [timber
Both Rough and Dressed, ever held In the city, with uneqnallud capacity
for the execution of fine work. Thoy will famish the trade with
Sasb, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Stairwork, Pnlpits, Pevs,
Prompt attention given all ordars. 1 Write for Catsloguo and prices
Office and Footory, COR. BAT ft JACK80N STS. Telephono No. 78.
Uptown Office, No. JACKSON ST. Tolephono 110. ~
OffflVfl VOB 8AUC
For all Machines on easy terms,and ean
supply the best
Hh, Oils, itlaclMts, Etc.
Rpeclkt attention given to repairing ml
■mall Machinery. OrdenC by mail will re
oetve prompt mtteutlun.
An Idekl Summer Remort "-*Hrjf«rW.
SWEEr water park hotel,
Lltblt Springs. Georgs,
Blrganee nnd com Curt. Table, service
irnUhlnKanboVerrlllel.ini The beet Cut
net. Recreation for tbe pleasure s*eker,
. Alt fur tbe Invalid. Tbe Oueet Bath Hyslem
In tlie United Mlales. The nipet valunble
natural ailoeral water* in the world tree.
High-rlaas acoommodattone for Ml gueata.
Elevation 1,100 rent. Pure pine Wpnda air.
Wu malaria. Tbe great Piedmont ChauUu
nun, with lie brilliant ntlraetlona. Aea an
ion poelal card),to aend bnualat mnd raL*.
Once n guest always a Urn, Mend. Open
Hey 12. K, W. MARSH A CO.,
m*y*-tm. , :, . , Proprlelore.
acrid or polionoum mub
Bold by druffK'at".
J *8 b i a glow on
... ... above will mvi
na on tbe Are) lore ' '
The Americus Refrigerating Go.
Respectfully state that their new Ice Factory will start the
manufacture of Ice in a short, time and will be prepared to
furnish Pure,Crystal Ice in any quaatityfrom a pound to a
car load. Their Refrigerating Chambers will also soon he in
readiness for the preservation of all perishable food products
and will be perfect in every particular. For further partic
ulars either telephone, write or call on
Office & Factory Cor. Jackson ft Bay Sts., on Central R. R.
c. a. iiawkins.
-^Furniture, Bab; Carriages,
405 Cotton Avenue.
Night calls fur cnillns at night attended to by G. O. Loving, at rwldenee weet aide Brawn
street. Bartal robee always on hand. . mny23-ly.
Insurance placed on City and Conntry Property.
Office on Jackson Street, next door below Mayor’s Office.
Corner Lamar and Jackson St
1 sewing machine marked tU Culpepper,
Preston, Ga. Cli»r*e» sl.o.
2 bundles cotton lie*, no merit; 1 cotton
planter box, no mark;,1 port Mfk Sour, no
1 grind stone marked A. A U., Rochelle,
^Ijnckaze sash marked A. Petklnr, Ru-
d^buadl. bidding marke Lute Jones, Ho-
'{AcjpSB? M - R# -
n K-box .clothing marked Geo. HcAllUter,
Rocheltf, G». (Jhargtf* |l 36.
l box marked »inJlb, PJ*Jnm, O*.
fKS.1 crockery mafKed'McMmth Bro«.,
l *8 4 pI’I.2lin. drain pipe marked Coi; Holton,
AMri’vlllf, Git. ClimtgCNfilMf
WgSM m
a ;Wynni
1 box H II good*, 2 B euda, 1 pmckmge B
rail*, marked JoeMlchol*oo, Abbeville. Om.
^'l^bvx groccrlea marked E* Laiaby, Abbe-
vlllegUa. Clmrgea25^. ‘ 1
t wagob nxlF nmrkeil J. C. Carter, Hlch-
^S?kVga cldSfmMrked M. D. Rlchardaon,
Hicbland, Go. Chargea $2.21,
I dozen plow 0«<deni f I package caatlng*
marked Z. T. Hancock, Hicbland, Ga.
^‘-cr’la Iron gale* (2 beam* abort) marked
C. Iron Works Miy. W. «V. Hblpp, 1'ordele,
Un. t luirecH 9J.W,
IZ barrel *y nip marked H.F. Hall.Cordele,
barrel*!?, off marked Alien Hooka, Cor-
ele.Oa. Uhaigea $1.2fv* «i t»“* *■
i^%r rk ' d J
II |-lenea Irou (old) marked.A B Miller,Cor-
I Iran^ihan marked lleary Miller,Cordele,
3*ceAMM?nnned inest marked' A. J Callahan,
WlhSfiKPSfltei- Williams A H ,
Cordele, Ga. Charges |1.18,
cfi&fcte! »«ail. ,, "‘ rk ‘‘ d ■ w T “" r '
1 stove snd contents, I pot, 1 kettle ned I
bundle pipe, marked Jack rilublM, Cordele,
Ua. Olmrgps 11.40
1 nxemarked It Riley, Helena, Go. Cbkrzes
raw marked Bill Jones. Helene. Ua.
« eaws med. marked A U Higgs; Lyens,
Ga. Cha. ges tj.01.
2'. racks flour, no mnrk. Cordele, Ga.
2'. seeks flour, no mark, cordele, o*.
e.cks meet, no mark, Cordele, Ge.
rdele, Ga.. ■
der, no mark, Cordala,
1 kes syrup, no mark, Cordele, GaJ
1 cot, no mark, Cordele, Ua.
f t-HcKH gimnn, no mark Cordele, Ga.
boxen in etc tin ml I tie marked C A Bro., Id
P ^ox P nferchMdl»e marked D J McRae,
Cordele, Ua.
1 box mercliundlve marked Noruian A Bou,
Cordele, Gt.
L* homile sieves (111, marked Green A Hart,
l’ r box L (iur!iwHre marked E C Atkina A Co.,
’stiircli marked D K Hfsrr,Cordele,
°?’box soiles marked J 8 Rogers, Americus,
Gii. Charge* 11.47.
4 boxes acalea marked J 8 Roger*,Americus
Q*. Chftrg**" 16 37.
^1 Im» marble marked E J Miller, Americus,
H II 'gocidH, marked O. Mathis, Americus,
Git. Charges o0p.
fibavsinesl marked,T J Mitchell, Amerl-
coa. Ga* thargeaA4g.
1 box hsms -■ arked H \Hazrla.4ro.rlcus,
2bnX0<"ciu>t’zs. mklkhdAB Holt, Amert-
iWtoJnBPmi* W H Alt-xendrr,
Americus, Oa. Charge, ttt W,
1 box mirrors, no mars, Americas, Us.
Chun-cs ....
LiiK±a\r 4 ''' °- w -
J foot-stoue, no mark, Lumpkin, Ga.
WaSel marked Todd A Htaoiey Mfg:
Co. Lumpkin,Un, chargeaKlL
12 well flxturiH marked Z T ITaucock,
Lumpkin, (la
W plunt finder* matked Z T Hancock,
Lumpkin. Ga. ChargestZW
2 packages books, uo mark, ol^rgea l»/B,
Iiiimpklii, <i»$.
I pair Nlmft*, no mark, Peterson, Ua.
I bundle lie«tdlns mark»d Eilea Plumer,
Abtievllle. Ua. Charge*
be Vfl? Ua Cl >n r rk * M Vi? r * M ** A,h *
wfison , e pryor dUo VX'bbev 11 lejSa. *C hai g*
3 *uw mandrel*, 1 *lmft and 4 I. boxe*. 4pul
leys, marked King, Burch $ Co , Abbeville,
U ?'road*curt Vnurked In csre Maury A Kos-
?ll, Abbeville, (is, Charge* ff.
Gsncral Krclgat Agent,
A‘ IJbt^khS’of atiminispra-
Whereas, 0.
lion to have ’
Iratnrdebonl _ „ _. .
Clark deceased. Will piaaa on same first
Monday hi July next.
These aiu therefore to cite and admonish
all purlin* concerned, whether kindred or
crcuiiorH, to show cause on or before the
July term of the Court of Ordinary of
Huinter county, to be held on tbe first
Monday In July next, why aa)d peti
tion should not be granted as prayed for.
Given under my band and official signa
ture, this, K)th day of May, im. ’'
A. C.Hpxxx, Ordinary-
J. F. Uanlel eaa made appllca-
tlon for letters of ml ministration cn estate
of J. B. Klnard'Ueeeii* d WHf peas
all parties concerned, whether, kindred
creditors, to show cause on or before the
July term of the Court of Ordinary of Hum-
tercounty, to be held on the first Monday
In July next, vrhy said letters should not be
granted *u» jirayed for.
Witness my hand and official signature,
A'.'c.HPKKR. ordinary.'
ft. LKAVK7 0 8EI.L.
Whereas J. M. Persons aumlnlatrator of ee-
ateof H.H.Hloau deceaited has made applica
tion for leave to sell tbe real and personal
property belonging to said deceased. WUI
pa** ou same first Monday In July next.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all i&rttcs concerned, whether kindred or
creditors, to *how causa oh hr before the
.July term of court of Ordinary of Mu inter
^n’«,.M'id ys&ftstssx a
*wTioms my*ofliclal signature, tbls 241
dayofMay. fal.^ HPKKR. Ordinary.
To whom It may com-ern;
Whereas, J. A. Hogil bavin,