Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, July 01, 1891, Image 4

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9 THE AMERICAS DAILY TIMES-RECORCERi WEDNESDAY, JULY 1,1891. At the head of all blood-purifiers is Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. But it’s different from all of them. What ever is claimed for this, it’s guaran teed to do. Tho money is refunded in every caso where it fails to bene fit or cure. It’s because it i* differ ent that it can bo sold so. All diseases originating from a torpid liver or impure blood yield to it. It cleanses and purifies tho system, freeing it from all manner of blood- poisons, no matter from what cause they have arisen. For Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Scrofula, Salt-rheum, Tetter, Erysipelas, or any blood- taint or disorder, it is an uncounted remedy. Nothing elso can tako its place. “Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol to inebriate, and no syrup or sugar to derange digestion. It’s a concentrated vegetable ex tract; put up in large bottles; pleasant to the taste, and equally good for adults or children ; works equally well all tho year round. DAWN IN AN ITALIAN GARDEN. The pearl robed morning ebook her garment* free In an old garden sown with eglantine, Faint odors of the white and saffron rose Hade delicate delight, though breese was none: And pulsing coolness, gleam of summer dawn. Stole like a spirit through the Hex shade Where starlight wandered with the glow worm lamp, Though penciled rajs shot from tbs hiddeftgtf. Set the air trembling with a sense of bliss, And every black recess melted to gray. testhe b Invites the bird to rise on rested whig And send his love note in a ruffled song To the mate's drowsy ear, where warm the nest Lies tinder blossoms dripping silver dew. The cypress holds its warning Anger high And whlspera, “Breathe not now lest the speD break. And the earth tranced In beauty, drugged with sleep, Arouse itself to ancient pain and loss:" But as the pale blurred morning turned to gold. There started from the shade of hoary trees Half moldered statues round a hoary fount— Like harlequin tossing a crystal plume, A muse with brows august snd tragic mask. Laocoon enwreathed in snaky folds, And the great archer with bis lifted dart Aimed at the breast of hapless Niobe; And then the maglo of the dawn was fled. And day put on Its old relentless face. —Boston Transcript This is the way with the Ball corset: if you want ease and shapeliness, you buy it—but you don’t keep it unless you like it. After two or three weeks’ wear, you can return it and have your money. Comfort isn’t all of it though. Soft Eyelets, and “bones” that can’t break 6r kink—Ball’s corsets have both of these. GEO. D. WHEATLEY. THE LITTLE SEWINB MACHINE HAN orraws vox sals SEWING MACHINES & MOTORS For ott Machine, on easy term., anil can supply the beat Etc, 1 «•«'■! Bpeelal attention amall Macbtnerr civ. prompt I UI,0 I rOR ALL MACHINES. ration (Iran to repairing all iery. Order, by mall *111 re- altentlon. M m W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE THORNTON WHEATLEY Amerlcna, • ' - Georgia LOAK8. Loans negotiated at LOWEST RATES. Easy payments, on city or farm lands. J. J. QANESLEY, not Sly America*, Georgia. SUFFERERS Actor Sotb.rn'a Bebnk*. An old lady, laden with bundles, stood tn the aisle, weary and almost ill with fatigue. Closo by her sat a big brute, spread out comfortably and complacent ly Over the space that two people could easily occupy and refusing to budge an inoh when the lady wildly looked with longing eyes upon the seat Everybody glared at him, but he took no notice of that; there wero muttered words of dis approval, but he paid no attenUon to tltoae. At lost Mr. Sothern, with one of those Lord Chumley stares, so full of In nocence and simple good nature, leaned over from the strap on which lie hung and in a very audible stage whisper in quired: “Excuse me, s-s-sir, but would you kindly t-t-tell me what k-k-ind of nerve tonio you use?" Even the roar of laughter which followed In the car did not bring a wrinkle to the mildly beam ing faco of Lord Chumley, hut it did mako the old hog leave his seal and the car.—Exchange. The almost universal prevalence of corns, bunions and other afflictions of the feet, and the race of eccentric shoe makers who have arisen us a legitimate outgrowth of these afflictions, all go to show that there is something radically wrong in the cam of the foeL To Printer, and Pobllihers. The Times Publishing Company has for sale a portion of the newspaper and job outfit made surplus by the recent consolidation of the Times and Recor der, consisting of one cylinder newspa per press, two Gordon Job presses, one Hero, paper cutter, one perforator, six stands, two imposing stones and tables, five hundred pounds of newt type, etc. This material and these presses are virtually new, baring been in use only a year, A great bargain in price* and terms can be secured by the right par ties. Address the Tutus Publishing Company, Americas, Ga. Chicks and lice cannot thrive in the same nest. If the lice are not killed the chicks will be. Which sre going to die about your premises? A Romance. Blie w«4t*lr—and my ps slon Itegnu! Hhe .ml ed—and 1 could not but lovu! But when fiom afar I ceteded cata-rk, No beauty my p* .Ion cou <1 move! In despair sbe .ought d cion In vain, Till .lie learnedot' Hum.ult.'. boon;” Now her bFea'b la at sweet u to. dew Which fallen SA.M ROUTE. HI Midi Local and Through Schedule in Effeot April 19, 1891. l upon ro»e. nJuuo To-night ns we (It tn our home. A. d I klHh. r sweet lipeo’er and o'rr, We ble.s Dr. Hags In oarbllai, For *beJo/that bsbrought to our do r There Is no disease so trying to friend ship as catarrh! The constant effort to clear the throat and nose, the foul breath, all the features of tho disease, make it a* much dreaded by the frieud at by the victim. Humanity lias cause to bless Dr. Sage tor Ills “Catarrh Remedy " The manufacturers offer to forfeit $500 for any case they cannot euro. It looks as though some one was run ning a corner in hay. When you can get a good price our advice Is to sell what you can spare. The Rest Life Policy. It’s not the Tontine plan, or Endow ment plan, on Ten years’ renewable plan. It’s not adding your few dollars to the hundreds of millions that the In surance companies boast of. It’s a bet ter Investment than any of tboao. It Is investing a few dollara in that Standard Remedy, the “Golden Medical Dis covery,” a cure for Consumption, in its early stages, and all throat and lung troubles. The gamboling of whales is often wit nessed by sailors, and Paley says that any observer of fish must acknowledge that “they are so happy they know not what to do with themselves. Their atti tudes and frolics are simply the effect of an excess of spirits." It does not take a woman many yean to find out that men sre a mighty uncer tain set. But a imn never entirely li the delusion t' -..mewhere in the world in to lie [. a woman nbnnt 10 per cent nearer perfection than the an- (eh. Purifies the blood, Increases the clrcu- a , expels poisonous humors and up the system. What more do yon want • medicine to perform f De Witt's Sarsparllla la reliable. For gale by Davenport Drug Company. The quilted satin facing on the Inver ness coat of the Beecher statue may be true to the original, but it looks a good deal like a fashion-plate. ly gripe or causo nausea. Mild but sure, assist rather than force. Best little pill for sick headache, ohronle constipation, dyapepsi*. For tale by the Davenport Drug Company, They are having a race war oat In the new state of Washington—but the Re publican press doesn't raise a demand for the force bill yet If food sours on tho stomaoh, diges tion is defective. De Witt’s Little Early Risers will remedy this. The famous little pills that never gripe and never disappoint For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. If the pictures of Mrs. O’Shea-Parnell do her justice, tho ex-leader of the Irish party will get little sympathy in this country. It is quite the fashion now to tako De- Witt’s Little Early Kisers for liver, stomach and bowel disorder!. They are amall pills, bnt mighty good ones. The Davenport Drug Company sella them. Physicians of this country are paid annually nearly $1,500,000 for medical examinations for life Insurance compa nies. Three companies pay over $250,- 000 each. istlpatlon, blood-poison, fever I Doctor's bills and funeral expenaea cost about two hundred dollara; De Witt’s Little Earley Kisers cost a quarter. Take your choice. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. The man who hauled the first load of sand used In building the Polk county, Iowa, penitentiary has Just been sen tenced to that Institution for six months. Catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatism and most diseases originate from impure blood. Cleanse It, Improve It, purify It With De Witt's Sarsaparilla and health to restored, strength regained. For sale by Die Davenport Drug Company. For Bent. A commodious dwelling only a few rods from the artesian well, seven rooms, a large garden, lot, barn, stables, truck patch, bath room, and every con venience. If not rented as • whole to desirable tenant by September 1, will rent rooms separately. J. E. Hai.i. June 20d()t Youthful Errors K I Lost Manhood, Early Decay, etc., •to., can secure s home treatise free by addressing a fellow O. feit’ pA ** R0 * n ”“•’ I will opens summer school at the Jsckson-streat school building, begin ning first Monday In July. Terms $4.00 for primary and Intermediate grades, and $6,00 for higher grades, par month. . JnneM-lm Mis* Lillie Brown. The fowls like s dost bath these warm spring days. See that they have the op portunity to take them. CAN’T BLEEP NIGHTS Is the complaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Dr Acker’s Eng lish Remedy? It to the best preparation known for all Lung troubles. Sold on a positive guarantee at 25o and OOe. For sale by Fleetwood A Russell, Americus, Ga. 8 For your toilet soaps, toilet powders ‘ all toll and diet articles, go to Du. Elduidoe. The farmer needs to be a planner as well as a laborer. Head work Is wanted as much as hand work. 1 For Over Fifty Tears Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething, it soothes the ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind collo, and Is the best remedy for dlarrbma. Twenty-five cents ittfe. Sold by all druggists through out the world. The Chinese sre credited with being the most dllllgent gardeners and tillers of the land. A beautiful akin, bright eyes, sweet breath, good appetite, vigorous body, I urn blood and good health result from is use of De 'Witt's Sarsaparilla. It is ■old by the Davenport Drug Company LUka, SUCCESSORS TO n (W. L. Mardre and Americus New* Co.) KEEP ALWAYS-ON BAND A FULL LINE SCHOOL BOOKS Fine Stationery SHEET MUSIC. Will receive saDscriptions for any paper or publication. PICTURE FRAMES W. N. MARSHALL, Gen'l Supt E. S. GOODMAN, Gen’l Pass. Agt C- CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA Soutnwestem Division. Correct Schedule, No. 22, in Eiiect*[April 12,1801 SAVANNAH fit WESTERN DIVISION Schedule No. 10, taking effect Apr. 12th, 1881. No. 5, Between Savannah and Birmingham! No. 6, ~ via Americus, Dally. Leave Savannah Arrive 7 40 p to Lyons 100 a m Americas, 6 40am Bnena Vista, 525pm Dally. 740 p m 150a 500 9 35 1120 700am Arrive Columbus, Leave 8 60 .Birmingham, An Angora cat to worth $100. Very popular, very amall, very good. De Witt’s Little Early Risen, the pill for constipation, biliousness, sick head ache. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. A little trouble will give the hen house fresh air without the fowls being In a draft. sss! WswiffO 6 8 S 8 a reliable can for C.nuclcus S 8 Blood PsiMO, Inherited Bcro- TT feta tad Skin Cancer. C 8 Ao a tonic for diUcato Women m end Children it has no equal. O 8 Botox purely vegetable, I. harm- O Ire* in Its offsets. 9 8 JgA'ASft&SSSF* S C *nmf*uMfUit. C 2 SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., X £ (reMrS, S §ssssssss§ Old Nick Whiskey is the best snd is noted for its age and purity, having been made on tho same plantation over 133 year® without a rival as we constantly keep four year old RYE AND CORN on hand—ship any quantity, so write for price-list. Old Nick Whiskey Co, YathanCo. PANTHER CREEK, N. C, No. 8 Daily. Passenger No. 6 Dally. Fast Mall BAST BOUND. Fast Mall No. 7 Dally Passengei 8:33a tn 618 “ 6 30 44 10 60 44 5 20pm 555pm 235pm 4 18 44 635 ** 1020 44 ft 15a m 680 “ Lv. Americus Ar Ar. Fort Valley Lv. “ Macon 44 44 Atlanta 44 44 Augusta 44 *• Savannah 44 108pm 1183am 1020 44 7 10 44 910pm • 37 p m 8 00 44 6 40 44 215 * 4 700am 6 40 44 No. 7 Dally Passenger No. 5 Dally. Fast Mall WEST BOUND. No. 6 - Fast Mali No. 8 PsMengtr 825 a m ' 1280 44 1025 p tn 780pm esn pm 1005 442 am 7 85 am 18 pm 180 •• 412 44 720 44 Lv. Americus Ar. Ar. Smith villa 44 44 Eufaula 44 44 Montgomery Lv. 285 nm 180 44 illftam 7 40 a m No. 7 Dally Tift p m 1005 44 10 46 p m 460a m 7 15 am 7 25am No. 5 Dally 1 18 p tn 130 •• 251 44 540 4 TO FLORIDA. Lv. Amerlcu. Arl “ Smithvllle » Ar Albany Lv. “ Thomasvule Lv " Wayetore <• “ Brunswick “ “ Jacksonville “ No. a Dally 2 85 pm 120 p m 12 20 p m 8 30am Ro. 8 Tally 383 a m 800 44 215 44 lOlOp 750 785 Solid Trains with Sleeping Cara- Bet seen Savannah and Birmingham, For further Information relstlve to tickets, schedules, best rentes tie. ote., apply to A. T. MAXWELL, Agent, J. 0. McKENZIE, Bap't, B.T. CHARLTON,Qen. Pass. Ag*L Americas, Oa. Hmlthvllle, Ga. Savannah,Q*. D. K. BYTHKWOOD, Division Pats. AfColumbus,Ma. D. D. CURRAN, Hup’t, Columbus, Ga. J. C. 8H AW.Trav. Pus. Ag’L, Savannah Ga. PASSENGER SCHEDULE SUWANEE RIVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA, Taking Effect June 14,1801. S'andard Time, 91th Meridian. (JOI NO HOUTH. 2 46 p in 0 40 pm 7 00 p ro • 85 pm 11 06 pm IS 55 am 3 00 am 7 lo a tn 10 45 am 11 00 a tn 1 65 p m 8 25 p- GOING NORTH. 4 54 pm 7 (0pm 8 25 pm|Ar 6 65amjluuo pmiAr Lv Atlanta Ar Macon Lv Macon Ar... Cordele hr Tlflon At Valdosta At Ar ..Lake City Lv Jacksonville .....Lv 17 30 a ns ,...Ar 10 JO pm 6 20 pm • 10pm 827 pm 166 pm 1101 p m ••• Patatka. W7«*m Bt. Augustine Lv|.. 10 to am 7 00 am f 85 am 4 07 am MSS ,m T» pm Made to order, any rise or price. Glass to fit any frame. Big lot of Mouldings just received that we will sell as cheap as w anybody else. Call and see our lino. No trouble to show goods or order anything that «* haven’t la stock. Don’t forget the'oldjBook Store, 105 FORSYTH STREET. S. A. M. ROUTE. Sanmk, imulos ft Montgomery Rf. TIME TABLE Taking Effect April 19,1881. » amilv»..n.BU at kontrasnsrefarall - Weeping can betwsen Columbus snd Ssvta- Trains arrive and depart from union depota In Macon and Palatka and F. C. A P, depot In Jacksonville. Connection nerth bound and sou'h bound Is made In Macon with trains of Central. Macon and Northern and E.T.V.&Q. railroads. * A. C. KNAPP. Traffic Manege L*HARRj^.k^L Union Depot JAMES HEKZIE8, Southeastern Agent, 9S West Bay BL, Jacksonville, Fta. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP Manufacturers of Steam Engines, Boilers, Cotton Promts and General Machinery, Cotton Gins, Cane Mills snd Saw Mills. Dealers in Mill'and Machinists’ Supplies. Special Attention to Repair Work. dftw-M-smo. MACON, GEORGIA, ■•■.GOODMAN, "sLaafac* J. M. CATOIAk. g. B. Free. Afr~"* Bavaanth, Ga. X. A. SMITH, m. d. Hoir%?V*Z u *- *#■•<*■ ****"“■ ^Nai^AEGO, OKA, ▲ H. SMmt.O.K.A. NewYotk.N.Y. East Tennessee. Virginia and Georgia R’y System. -IB THE ONLY— Sbortud Dlntflint* the m, But «r ! V«L" 'f r °-*”?ssyast"““ ' SMSS' ' - -J