Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, July 02, 1891, Image 4

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„ ^ f THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECOrDEE.- THURSDAY, JULY 2, 186i. Gone —all tho painful disorders and chronic weaknesses peculiar to the female sex. They go, with tho use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion. Periodical pains, weak back, bearing-down sensations, nervous prostration, all “ female complaints " are cured by it. It is purely vege table and perfectly harmless—a powerful general, as well as uterine, tonio and nervine, imparting vigor and strength to tho whole system. It costs you nothing if it fails to give satisfaction. It’s guaranteed to do so, in every case, or the money is refunded:- It can be guaranteed —for it does it. No other medicine for women is sold on such terms. That’s tho way its makers prove their faith in it. Contains no alco hol to inebriate; no syrup or sugar to derange digestion; a legitimate medicine, not a beverage Purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of tho system. World’s Dispensary Medical As sociation, Proprietors, No. 603 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. A TOUCH OF NATURE. , A little mrtd upon my knee And bevlng stories rwnl," any* aha. There Is • I could see. ‘But that you cannot hare,' aajn *er “But here’s your •Old Mao of the Sea.* Anil ‘Jack the Giant’!" (Lovingly I tried the little maid to ao&the) “The interestin' one,” lays she. "I* that high up ooel—tseem* to me The flags you want Just baa to bo Someflog you han't got; and that's The interestin’ ooel” says ahe —Annie F. Burnham in 8t Nicholas. {skin, r\ vniin MOO* Wi YOUR LIVER, / KIDNEYS, BLADDER~ Are they diseased ? la a question that affects your life. Through the stomach—hence through the blood -can be cured all dlscuca of these organs. W.W.C. WOOLDHIDOE WOOTERFUL CUBE CO. COLUMBUS, OA. FOB BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS* 4 Household Remedy BLOOD andSKIN DISEASES B.B.B. Botanic Blood Balm It Cl I roc SCROFULA, ULCERS, SUIT U Lures rheum, eczema, mn line of mtlliMurt SKIN ERUPTION, be- (Idee being efflcecloui In toning up the A system and restoring the conetltntlon, r.hen Impaired Iron .nr cause, lie almost supernatural healing properties Justify ue In guaranteeing ■ curt, it directions art followed. SENT FREE •• U "l•r’lVwSera" BLOOD BALM CO., AUanta. Ga. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE E&S THORNTON WHEATLEY Americus, - - Georgia Subjugated. The worrl subjugated is of Latin origin —sub jugum, under the yoke. Although oftenest used In a figurative sense, might have been applied in all literal ness to a certain Maine boy, whose singu lar experiment with a calf, as described by The Lewiston Journal, may recall to our readers the recently published story of “Bub and Broad." This farmer lad had always taken special interest in oxen, and delighted to brandish the goad stick over Ills father’s good natured pair. His great ambition was to own for himself a pair of steers. Last summer he became the proud pos sessor of half a pair; In other words, his father gave him a young calf. Of course tho steer could not bo yoked up by itself. What dkl the youthful Cincinnatus do. therefore, but place one end of the yoke round his own neck and fasten it there. Tho result may be imagined The other half of the team started, and pretty soon a passing neighbor heard a shrill outcry: “Stop us, Sir. Smith, stop usi Wo’re running nwayP Tho neighbor came to tho rescue, and was attempting to unyoke the boy, when he called out: 41 Totlicr ono, Mr. Smith, t’other onel I’ll stand!’’—Youth’s Companion. An Aggravation. Charles R. Thorno, tho elder, was al ways a great trarclor, and in their early days his three boys traveled with him. The family went all over the world. Once they were coming to America from China on a Pacific Mail steamer, and the ice on board ship practically gave out What could bo saved was carefully put aside for tho sick people aboard and the well passengers were compelled to drink tlie brackish, warm water on hand. Any ono of tliem would have given 810 for a swig of ooid water. One night when the cabin was full Charlie Thorne left his stateroom with a covered tin pail. Pret ty soon he walked back through tho cabin. He had filled his pail with the warm water, put a tumbler inside and covered it up. The rattling of tho tum bler suggested ice, and the parched tongues of the passengers hung out fur ther than ever at the sound. “Where did you get the ice?’ asked a particularly miserable party. “It’s for a sick friend of mine,” he said, and he disappeared in his stateroom. During the evening ha made four of these tripe through the crowded cabin, and when he finally quit the deception ho had made at least twen ty men willing to commit murder for a gloss of Ice water.—Chicago Herald. Wliat It Takes to Make a liny. Dave Evans has a 4-year-okl boy who is on inveterate gum obewer. The boy’s namo is John, and he thinks it U a great hardship to put aside his gum when he goes to bed at night He is inclined very much to rebel against such disci pline. A few Sundays ago he went to the cemetery with bis parents. Passing a pasture along tho track, little John sa: a cow lying down and chowing her cud. He at onco exhibited wild alarm and ex citedly exclaimed: “Oh, ma, look there! That cow has gone to bed chewing her gum, and you won’t let little John do that” Onoevening John’s elder brother and sister were discussing anatomy and looking over a physiological work. John was particularly Interested in the pict ures of sections of the human being. After they had got through he took the book, and, pointing to the lungs, heart, liver, an arm, a leg and other dkseveced members of the human frame, he in quired: “Does it tako all these to make a boy?"—Chicago Herald. pine mwm •3-Ask for catalogue. TERRY M’F’Q CO.. LOAN'S, Loans negotiitod at LOWEST RATES* payments, c» clly^farea^- nets ly Americas, Georgia. SUFFERERS — -.OF> Youthful Errors Lost Manhood, Kany Decay, etc., eto-i eau secure a home treatise free by addressing a fellow surtw.’er C. W. Leek, P. O. Box SIS, Virginia. In a recent number of The Practitioner, Dr. Jamison writes on the use of sodium ethylate in removing hairy motes on the face. He operated in this ways The hair* were cutoff as closely os possible with a very fine pair of scissors, and tbs mole was then painted over with sodium ethylate, a fine glass rod being used. When the moio had a varnished look the ethylate was gently rubbed in with the glass rod, to make it penetrate more deeply into the hair follicles. The mole had quite a black look when the opera-, tion was over. A hard crust formed over it, which was nearly three weeks in becoming detached. When it came off the hairs were seen to bo destroyed, and the surface of the mole bad a smooth, somewhat cicatrical appearance, of a much lighter color than before; and this favorable condition continued until the mark was scarcely noticeable.—Herald of Health. Fatal Ueavery. In the sanguinary wan of the Turks in Hungary, Count Ludovic Lodrotn, on the eve of a battle, harangued his sol diers in the true mavtl.l strain. “That is all very well," said a German veteran, stepping out in front of the ranks. “That is all very well for you who are mounted on a swift horse, and an already think ing at saving yourself, But tor us”— on Ludovio immediately dit- drew his sword and ham* stringed the animaL Then be exclahnsd: “Today, then, comrades, you shall see me ae I— and soldier fighting on foot by yonr side and on the same tens** He was so severely wounded in the fight that the Turks, who took him prisoner, put him to death and sent his head to Constantinople, believing his recovery impossible and that they could never carry him there alive.—AH the Yeer Round. To Printers and Publishers. The Times Publishing Company baa for sale a portion of the newspaper and job outfit made surplus by the recent consolidstion of the Times and Recor der, consisting of one cylinder newspa per press, two Gordon job presses, one Hero paper cutter, one perforator, six stands, two imposing stones and tables, five hundred pounds of news type, etc. This material and these presses are virtually new, having been in use only a year, A great bargain in prices and terms can be secured by the right par ties. Address the Times Publishing Company, Americus, Ga. Stale pies in railroad restaurants have long been disseminators of dyspepsia. Reognlzlng this fact, a member of the Missouri legislature has Introduced measure compelling bakers to date their pies. A Romance. She WMffalr—and my passion begun! Hlie sml'ed—and t could not but lovt-! But when fiom afar 1 detected cata-rl:, No beauty uy pa sloncou d move! We blcM Ur. Huge In oar*bll«i, For ibe Jo/that ha brought to our do r, There is no disease so trying to friend ship as catarrh! The constant effort to clear the throat and nose, the foul breath, all the features of tho disease, make it as much dreaded by the friend as by the victim. Humanity has cause to bless Dr. Sago for bis “Catarrh Komedy ” The manufacturers offer to forfeit *.-.00 for any case they cannot cure. SuA_M ROUTE. Local and Through Sohedule in Effeot April 1891. Mixed. Daily Ex. Sunday. A Halifax, Vt., woman secured from thirty-two liens in four months 0112 eggs. CANT BLEEP MOII IS fs the complaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc Did you ever try Dr Acker’s Eng lish Remedy? It Is the best preparation known for all Lung troubles. Sold on a positive guarantee at 25c and 50c. For sale by Fleetwood A Russell, Americus, Ga. 8 For your toilet soaps, toilet powders and all toilet articles, go to Dr. Ei.i.iiiixie, Mr. Gladstone is over 80 years old and is failing fast. The grand old man will soon pass away and the world will lose one of its brightest lights. For Over Fifty Veers Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Synip has been used for children teething. It soothes the ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by ail druggists through out the world. The Quitman local military company have received their guns from the state after a long delay, and are ready for drilling in good earnest A beautiful skin, bright eyes, sweet breath, good appetite, vigorous body, pure blood and good health result from he use of De Witt’s Sarsaparilla. It is sold by the Davenport Drug Company Dr. Griffin, Ozburn’e physician, is be ing very severely criticised. He pro scribed too much opium and whiskey. Very popular, very small, very good. De Witt’s Little Early Risers, the pill for constipation, biliousness, sick head ache. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. Fashion never seems to tire of the polka dot gripe or cause nausea. Mild but sure, assist rather than force. Best little pill for sick headache, chronic constipation, dyspepsia. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. Dress buckles are made of metal and pearl. Pnrifiea the blood, Increases the circu lation, expela poisonous humors and ‘ “■ the J - bulids' up the system. What more do you want a medicine to perform f De Yitt’s Sarsparilla is reliable. For eale by Davenport Drug Company. PSSMDgl Sunday Only S SC F S 52 S SC 10 IT IS 30 10 SO 10 03 11 03 II 09 11 19 11 33 II 45 11 57 « IlMpn ■“pm p m 12 12 p 11 20 11 30 11 43 11 BO 12 OB am 12 10 12 81 12 43 12 49 F 1 00 am 7 35 NO. 2. Mail. Dally. « 02 F 0 30 6 ii 0 51 7 03 F 7 17 7 24 F WESTERN DIVISION. STATIONS. Lv...J’*nalu ..*rr. -lion Ljuvale .. Lou/Ale Junction .. Iivlr LumpacJo Hamuli ....e. Richland Ponder ...Preston -Wise Jennings.... Mukett Plains Salter New Point Littlejohn At.... Americas.. .Ly No. 1. Hall. Dally. 8 27 F 7 B0 7 37 F 7 27 7 19 F 7 00 6 60 F 6 62 F TToS SETT Pass’ng’r MB * Sunday only EASTERN 0IYISI0N. STATIONS. ...Ly Amerlnua. Gatewood.. Huntington.. Cobb .Johnson Coney Cordele Penis Williford Cop .Rochelle... ..Goodman.. .Abbeville. Horton Milan Oswald Ar Helena Ly ....Ly Helena Ar..... .... Ar Brunswick Ly .... Ar Jacksonville Ly ....Ly..' Helena Ar..... .......Brick. Alamo. Verbena ....Glen' ..Mount Vernon ..Peterson ..Hlggston ...Vidal la ..Appleton ... Lyon* . Savannah No. 6. Pass’ng’r Dally. No. 17. IfailABx. Dally, 0 M 0 48 F 0 37 s 66 am il oo pm •JLET 204 am I 66am 7 40 p m 266 pi 7 IS 7 10 • 46 ai • 10 pt 6 00 F 6 49 642 P 6 37 633 6 22 6 io r 1 49 pm 6 30 am 7 oo a v 1 46 1 u 1 26 IS lttS 12 SSF 12 40 pH W. N. MARSHALL, Gen’l Supf. E. S. GOODMAN, Gen’l Paee. Agt. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF GEORGIA Bouthwestern Division. Corroot Schedule, No. 22, in Effect .[April 12,1801 SAVANNAH U WESTERN DIVISION Schedule No. 10, taking effect Apr. 12tb, 1891. R. SJ (k OUTER, SUCCESSORS TO (W. L. Mardre and Amerieua New* Co.) KEEP ALWATS ON BA Nil A FULL lii/e SCHOOLBOOKS Fine Stationery —AND— SHEET MUSIC. Will receive subscriptions / ffor any paper or publication. PICTURE FRAMES Mado to order, any sire or price. Glass to fit any frame. Big lot of Mouldings just received that we will sell as cheap as anybody else. Call and fee oar line. No trouble to tbow good* or order anything that we haven't In Between Savannah and Birmingham! No. 6* Yin Amcrlcuf, Daily. . .. Leave Savannah Arrive 740pm 160am .... Lyons 100am 600 Americas, 9 86 Buena Vista, 1120 Arrive Columbus,.... Leave 7 40 p in Daily. hassenger Drtjr. Faat Mai BAST BOUND. No. 6 Dally Faat Mall No. 7 Dally. Paeaeugei 3:83a in 6 13 •• 0 30 •* 10 60 •« 620pm 666pm 285pm ,ii= 016am 030 “ Lv. America. Ar. Ar. Fort Valley Lv. “ Muon “ “ Atlanta “ “ Augusta “ “ Savannah “ llRpra II Ml a in 10 20 •• 710“ 910pm 987 p m 8 00 " 0 40 •• 216 “ 7 00aw 84'* •• No. 7 Dally Paanenger No. 5 Dally. Faat Mall WEST BOUND. No. 6 Dally Faat Mall No.K Dally Paaaongni 9 37 pm 1006 4 42 am 7 85 am 18pm 180 •• 4 12 •• 720 ? Lv. Americas Ar Ar. Smith vine “ •' Eufaula *• '• Montgomery Lv. ate p u 180 '• l!05aro 740a m 825a *n •2 #» “ iifipm 7iopm No. 7 Dally No. 5 Dally TO FLORIDA. No. 0 Dally No. 8 rally 937 pm 1006 •• 10 46 pm 4 60am 7 16 am 7 26am 1 18 p in 180 " 255 •• 640 •* Lv. Ainerlou* Ar. •• Smith vllle *' Ar Albany Lv. •* Thomasvllle Lv *• WaycroM •* Brunswick " ** Jacksonville •• US"™ '2£. p jr 8 83 a m 800 •• 216 '* lOlOp 7 r£ [oo ai 40at S pt am r Don’t forget theJold|Book Store, 105 FORSYTH STREET. S. A. M. ROUTE. 8»tnib, Americas A Montgomery R’y TIME TABLE Taking Effect April 10,1891. Holld Train, with Bleeping Car. Between Savannah and Birmingham, For further lnfurmalloa relattv. Io Uek.U,.cbadule», brat route, etc. ate., apply to A. T. MAXWELL, Agent, J. C. MoKBNZIK, Hup’t, K. T. CHARLTON, (Jan. Para. Ag’l. Amorlcni, U». . BmlthvUte, Ga. Havanuah.Ua. D. H. BYTHBWOOD, Division Paw. Ag’l., Columbus,’Ga. D. D. CURRAN, Hup’t, Oolumbm, Ga. J. O. BHAW.Tnv. Pom. Ag’l.. Havanas!, Ga. £ The brunette Is going to have her In nings. If food sours on the stomach,' diges tion is defective. De Witt’s Little Early Risers will remedy this. The famous little pills that never gripe and never disappoint. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. v An Englishman has Invented an ap paratus through which be declares he can see the soul leave the body. It Is quite the fashion now to take De- Witt’s Little Early Risen for liver, )silm stomach and bowel disorders. They are small pills, hot mighty good ones. The Davenport Drug Company sells them. The Tribune-ot-Rome is kicking on Georgia spending so much money on the Chickmanga encampment to tBe benefit of Tennessee merchants. PASSENGER SCHEDULE Georgia Souttiem & FiorWa Ry. SUWANEE RIVER ROUTE TO FLORIDA, Taking BffaelJune 14,1801. K-anilanlTIme.OlthMerldlan. ~GOING BOUtil. GOING l»6it>U. 8 46 p 6 40 pm 7 00 pm 0 35 p m 11 OK p »»> 3 00 am .ss:s il Ly Atlai ta Arilu »pm Ar Macon Lv 0 20 pm Macon Ar 8 10 p m Ar Ar 1101 p Ar. Lak. Oily Lv • 65 a a 25 piulAr. Lake city lv steal Jnckiiouvlll. Lvl * War io&eaW |?wasa 6 35 am 4U7 am It Stans B U55 am imps. Ill oo p mi Ar . Paialka Lv 7 05 a m t. Augustin. Lvl e"5Tps Columbus sad Savon* •rtoff&nuuwk! 33tg7ranatef* A ?un» ULNJtARSRALL, Ai j , !?o! 1 t 1 . 0 auoo, a tt, G.a.MITH.O.MA. Nsw York, N.Y. ULCERS, eANOBRi, SCROFULA, 8ALT RHEUM, RHEUMATISM, BLOOD POISON, Trains arrive and depart from union depota In Macon andPalatka andF.C.OP. .lenot In Jacksonville# 1 Connect Inn nerth bound and eon'b bound la made In Macon with train* of Central, Macon and Northern and E. T. V. A Q. railroad*. A. C. KNAPP. Trade Manage ^ HARRIHjTt.k^Asrol, Union Depot. JAM EH MENZIEB, Southeastern Agent. M West Bay HL. Jacksonville, Fla. SCHOFIELD’S IRON WORKS, FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOT”. thtw aad emy Uadnd diMaee arWac from Impure blood aucecaafuily treated by ihatMTcr-faMnc aad tort of aU tonics and Shift* Specific SS£ East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia R’y System. -» rax ONLY— Short and Direct Liie to tM ffortb, Eut or list. This line le conceded to b. the best equrppM aad'iwsw the Bust FuUmsa.Hlmplng Can la Klegsnt'pullman Sleeping Cars, b«tw»Mi Jacksonville and Cincinnati, , Titusville and Cincinnati, Brunswick and Louisville, Chattanooga and Washington nphle aad New Philadelphia i