Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, July 03, 1891, Image 5

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The world leader for frozen dainties. If yon already bam one, what did
Ive for it ? If yon need one, then read what they are selling for at the Arte
1 quart White Mountain Freezer, ft.CO.
These are genuine “B.& B." prices;
We lust tell you, there is not only a world of comfort, bat there is also a
“corner* lot of economy in owning a refr.gerator. We are not speaking meteIf
of a box to hold ice, water, odors, moisture, etc. all atone time. By a refrigerator
Messrs B. & B. mean something handsome, Well ventilated, well made, sojne*
thing that is a *
in the best and fullest meaning of the word. They are at the a rtestan Gonter„in
large and small sizes, with single or doable door, with or without wafer tank, all
kinds, all sizes and prices from
..... M.MK.
ivlilf run tat Alwyi.
.re bwtaalng to feel the heat of lummer, and at too hot to work, too
r, too S>t, too hot (or northing, utnonat to nt down into the cold
hi of. itunmer comfortableneai, then uko advantage of them ad
ita, remember the piotoraa, the price., tho people and the place, and
-a of wkether you lore yonr neighbor or not, U yon lore youreell only,
roa to remember
Butler & Berry,
Can Find
John R. Straw's
From^ 'to 14 yrs.,
Patent Shirtwaist
NoIButtons can be Torn off
eltherlin Wearing or
' Washing.
The Mother’s Friend docs iiway en
tirely with the sewing on of buttons. It
is supplied with an adjustable belt,
\vhlch is easily taken off when the waist.
Is washed; the buttons are riveted on the'
bolt, consequently can not be torn off,
either in wearing, washing qr ironing.
Shirt Waists
Of the ordinary kind,
iT '25c to 75c TO CLOSE OUT.
200 Boys’ Sailor Suits.
47 Suita at $1.25. Reduced from 41.76.
03 Suits at $1.50. Reduced from • 42.00.
61 Suita at 42.00. Reduced from 42.75.
30 Suit* at 42.50. Reduced from 43.50.
Colors In Blue, Brown and Gray.
’ Buy one of these suits for yonr little
oy—it will nearly tickle him to death.
Men’s, Youths,’ Boys’ and
Heady Made Ctttag
119 Forsyth St.,
People Sou Snow and Some Ton Don't
Know Mentioned by Memo.
Mr. H: 8. Walker has* gone on a short
visit to Columbia, Ala.
Miss Leila Arthur is visiting friends
and relatives in Americus.
Judge J. B. Pilsbury spent yesterday
in Abbeville. He will be at his office to
Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Lane left yester
day afternoon to spend several dayB at
Miss Lena Blount Las gone to Indian
Springs, where she will spend two or
three weeks.
Mr. M. C. Bushin helped to swell the
list of Buena Vista people who were
here yesterday. .
Miss Annie McLaughlin has returned
home to this city after a pleasant visit to
relatives at Sheliman.
Mr. B. Tbaggard Reese, a society
young man from Buena Vista, was in
Americus yesterday.
Travelling Freight Agent Clayton of
the Central road was in Americus for a
short while yesterday.
Mrs. E. H. Griffith has gone to North
Georgia to spend the summer amid the
cooling mountain breezes.
Mr. C. P. Books, formerly with the
Central road here, is now with H. A.
Gibson & Co., in Columbus.
Mrs. T. J. Brannon and Miss Carrie
Brannon havo gone on a trip of several
days to Savannah and Tybee. .
Miss Mamie Fry and sister Kate left
yesterday for Leilaton, where they will
s^end several weeks with relatives.
Sir. Daniel Mayer, a popular Albany
merchant, waa here yesterday, on his
return home from a trip to Atlanta.
Miss Boza Kitchens returned home to
Adams station yesterday after a pleasant
stay with relatives and friends in Ameri
ifr. G. M. Byno has returned homo to
Lee county after spending several days
in Americus, looking after his interests
here. ■ i
Mr. Henry J. Fite arrived yesterday to
spend several days with his wife, who is
visiting her parents, Capt. and Mrs. A.
C. Bell.
Mr. W. E. Butt, one of the leading
yonng men of Buena Vista, was among
the visitors from that placo to Americus
yesterday. 1
Col. W. H. Daniel was here from Co-
iambus yesterday. He was on his way
to Cumberland, where ho will spend a I
week or so. I
Mr. Z. C. Speer arrived at homo yes
terday from an qztended visit to New
York and other points of interest in the
north and east.
Mr. E. S. Wellons, one of tho most
prominent citizens of Houston county,
helped to swell the list of visitors to
Americus yesterday.
Mr. C. W. Lewis, a widely known At
lanta merchant, was among the people
from* distance who spent yesterday
looking after business matters in Ameri
Mr. Harry C. Brown was In Americus
last night on his return to Atlanta from
a visit to Marion county. He was the
guest of Mr. D. C. N. Burkhalter while
Hon. Lafayette Harp of Chattahooohee
county'circulated among his Americus
friends yesterday, ne was on hit way
to Cordele, where he will spend several
Capt. R. C. Harper, one of the leading
spirits of Selma, Ala., spent yesterday
In Americus. He‘may decide to begin
business here and tnuko this city hia
Miss Massie Crittenden, a charming
Sheliman young lady, visited iu Ameri
cus yesterday, while on- her way to
spend somo time with Buena Vista
Mr. B. H. Mayo left yesterday for Sa
vannah and Tybee, where he will spend
several days. He was accompanied by
his little daughter, Julia, who will raako
the trip with him. • •
Col. Frank H. Harris, a leader among
Brunswick lawyqan, and a gentleman
who stands high in the profession In
Georgia, waa In Americus yesterday on
important legal business.
Mr. C. I. Sharpe of Savannah, looked
kt Americus yesterday, with the view of
making this city hia future home. He
was was well pleased, sad Amerious
may secure Urn aa s citizen.
lUss 1 Nettle Gilmore, one qf Ogle
thorpe’s bett known and moat popular
young ladies, after s abort stay with
Americas admirers and relatives, left
yesterday afeernoon on s visit to Albany
To Printers and Publishers.
The Times Pnblishing- Company has
for sale a portion of the newspaper and
job outfit made surplus by the recent
consolidation of the Times and Recor
der, consisting of one cylinder newspa
per press, two Gordon job presses, one
Hero paper cutter, one perforator, six
stands, two Imposing stones and tables,
five hundred pounds of newt type, etc.
This material and these presses are
virtually new, having been In use only a
year. A great bargain in prices and
terms can be secured by the right par
ties. Address the Times Publishing
Comp ant, Amerious, Ga.
Harper Holt, a prosperous young
plantor of Indtanola, Miss,, imagines he
has drawn $300,000 in a lottery. He
waa tried by a jury on a writ of lunacy
and declared insane. He is now con
lined in jail.
Constipation, blood-poison, fever!
Doctor’s bills and funeral expenses oost
about two hundred dollars; De Witt’s
Little Earley Kisers coat a quarter.
Take your choice. For sale by tho
Davenport Drug Company.
Anton Karl, an old and trusted officer
of the United States geological survey,
was arrested in Washington, Monday,
charged with embezzling 43,000 of gov
ernment funds.
A beautiful skin, bright eyes, sweet
breath, good appetite, vigorOuB body,
pure blood and good health result from
the use of De Witt's Sarsaparilla. It is
sold by the Davenport Drug C ompany
Dr. Joseph W. Alsap, democratic can
didate for lieutenant governor of Con-
necticutt in the last campaign, died sud
denly at his home in Middletown, Conn.,
Very popular' very small, very good.
Do Witt’s Little Early Kisers, the pill
for constipation, biliousness, sick heiul-
aeho. For sale by the Davenport Drug
The employees of the Pioneer iron
furnaces of Pottsville, Pa., have demand
ed that they be paid according to the
Pittsburg scale of wages.
De Witt’s Little Early Risers never
gripe or cause nausea. Mild but sure,
assist rather than force. Beat little pill
for sick headache, chronic constipation,
dyspepsia. For sale by tho Davenport
Drug Company.
The grave dug to receive the body of
Wm, P. Weidner, of Lehigh county, waa
eleven foet long and nine wide.
Purifies the blood, increases the circu
lation, expels poisonous humors and
builds up the system. What more do
■ou want a medicine to perform 1 De
Witt’s Sarsparllla is reliable. For sale
by Davenport Drug Company.
The statue of Grant to be erected in
Chicago is to be the largest portrait
statue in this country.
If food sours on the stomaoh, diges
tion is defective. De Witt’s Little Early
Risers will remedy this. The famous
little pills that never gripe’and never
disappoint,. For sale by the Davenport
Drug Company.
A cablogram of Tuesday, from Rome,
Italy, says: Premier Rndini has con
sented to delay the issue of the green
book on the New Orleans affair in order
to facilitate negotiations with the Wash
ington government.
Livingston has returned to Atlanta
from s campaigning tour to Mississippi*
It is quite the fashion now to take De-
Witt’s Little Early Risers for liver,
stomach snd bowel disorders. They are
small pills, but mighty good ones.' The
Davenport Drug Company sells them.
Abbott’s East Indian Cora Paint.
Eradicates Corns, Bunions and Warts
where, all other remedies fall.
Call and See Him.
Mr. M. N, Edwards, formerly with
Davis Furniture Co., is now with Haw
kins A Loving, where he will be glad to
have hia friends and acquaintances call
and aee him. ju!2d2t
Stockholders’ Meeting.
The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Savannah, Americus and
Montgomery railway will take place at
Glover’s opera house, Amerious, Ga., on
Thursday, July 0, at 10 a. m.
^ S. H. Hawkins, President !
sTC. Cooper, Secretary.
Our celebrated eream bread is made
from “King of Patei s” flour, the finest
ever offered to the ttude in Amerious.
C. C.' Carter.
For a pleasant shave go to Dr. El
dridge's and buy one of those oeiebrrted
Tower Razors which are guaranteed to
I havo a large lot of good cigars that
I will sell cheap by the box or larger
lots. C C. Carter.
Pare spices and flavoring extracts at
Dr. Eldridge's Drag Store. #
For Rent.
A commodious dwelling only a fen-
rods from the artesian well, seven
rooms, a large garden, lot, barn, stables,
truck patch, bath room, and every con
venience., It not rented as a whole to
desirable tenant by September 1, will
rent rooms separately. J. E. Hall.
june 20dflt
Summer School.
I will open a summer school at tbb
Jackson-street school building, begin
ning first Monday In July. Terms 44.00
for primary and intermediate grades,
and 45,00 for higher grades, per month,
june 14-lm Miss Lillie Biiown.
Arrival and Departure of Trains-
Arrive From. Leave For.
6:40pm 12:45p. m. Columbus 8:20am4:45pm
1:08pm 9:87 pm Macon 2:85pm 8:33am
2:85 pm 3:83 am Albany 1:08 p in 9:87 p m
I. A. 4»M. R. R.
8:00 a m 6:10 p m Savannah 8:20 a m 7:00 p m
6:35p m 7:15a m Omaha t^l5 p m6:45a m
D. P. Grier & Co., one of the largest
grain firms in St. Louis, made an assign*
ment Saturday!.
Lizzie Horman, a Pittsburg girl, while
jumping bit off a large piece of her
A Tree IE.pre.enttnK a Debtor.
What tree represent, a person In debt?
Willow (you will owe) much to Dr. Big
ger*’ Huckleberry Cordial for curing the
child teething, or you of cramp colie or
dysentery. ’ .
A full line of lamps, chimneys, burn
ers and all lamp fixtures sold cheap at
, Dr. J. E. Eldridoe.
Attention, Wheatley'..
A meeting of T. Whealey fire compa
ny No. 2,. will be held to-night et Wheat-
ley A Fitzgerald’s office at 8 o’clock.
Important business.
J. L. Habpeb, Foreman.
We wilt pay six cents a piece for bran
and oat tacks.
junc2S-d-2w Americus Ice Co.
A nice line of extracts, colognes, toil
et waters, Ac., at Dr. Eldridge Drug
Store. ' .
While bathing in Doak’s pond, near
Washington, Pa., Monday afternoon,
John McKeou n, Walter Jones and John
Cbanlis, boys ranging in age from eight
to thirteen yeere, were drowned.
Water Notice.
Advance payments on account of wa
ter rents for quarter ending October 1,
1801, are now due end payable at the
office of the superintendent, in the old
court house. Qpnaumer* are notified
that Unless rents are paid- by July 15,
water will be turned off and fifty cent!
charged for turning on again. By orae:
of the commltal«era.
G. M. Elduidoe, Snpt.
The fineet cakes, and the celebrated
cream bread, baked every morning, at
C. C. Cartes.
We have for sale s one thousand dol
lar Knabe piano, the finest one of that
make ever brought south. It will be of
fered to-morrow morning at 0 o’clock,
and wlil be sold at a great sacrifice, as it
has got to go. It it a magnificent instru
ment, and someone wilt secure a great'
bargain. James Friceeb A Bbo.
I am selling groceries cheap for the
ash. Colne and aee my stock.
Have Exclusive sale of these Celeqba
ted Glas'ses in Amerious, Ga.
The only
only .
the South,
Atlanta, Georgia.
E will pay «lx cents a piece for bran
W andoaUacke
fYNE Hat Single Buggy Horne**. A1 mo rat
J new. Apply to J. R HUD&ON.
HJun-tt 921 Ly Btreet.
O borheod. ^TS’JSSS!^
Jul Mm■
iThomui B ock. Apply at fbl* oflhe. tf
Henry Freeman,
4i2 Cotton avenue.
Medicinally pure wines, brandies and
rhiskies at Dr. Eldridgo’s Drug Store. '
The best baker in southwest Georgia,
at C. C. Carter’s.
fitanie tor ooarumg »»«. Preemptions accurately compounded
j 1 8 S. M. Conan. of pure drugs, at ail hours at
j&aU^tf T)x. Blduiug* Drag Store.
For Rent.
The Taylor residence on Lamar atreet,
suitable for boarding house. Possession
Jul; ‘
The Bank of Sumter
At the cioee of Builnese June SO, 1801.
Loans and Discounts w.|
Furniture and Fixtures
Current Expenses...
Due from: Banks. fl2.7U7.53
Cash In Vault 15,*14.G6-
2 946.15
Capital 8tock paid In
Undivided Prodis...
Due Banka
Due Depositor
,4 «K8
*J“ V
Are the Bargains We shall t)fter in
For the Next Ten Days—For Ca s h,
• T ".‘j . |9
Hornierly on Artesian Corner, bne removed to .lore lately occupied by W. 71. Scarborough
Where h. wlll b. glad to to hie irlenda.
The Finest Stock of Whiskies, Tobacco and Groceries in the city.
Sole Agent for Schuylkill Whiskey,
Which I. ollered at tb« low prlee of 4U0.
Ten year, old, at «.<0 per gallon.
W. Jr.
mob all
solleae .
soeAf on theftraf
PROP. MATHIS will teach a limited num
ber of sc feeler* at the college during Jibe
iraaur months, oommsi
Meaday la July, *2DL
AUXMT VOK UNION CENTRAL Lift iKSl'KAXCC Co. ' AItJO Mg«Dt ft X«W T.Bgltnd Mutual
Accident Association. Policies In these Companion arc the cheapest sud best.
! wilt a’so buy and eelMRocks, Bonds and Ileal Estate.