Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, July 12, 1891, Image 4
THE AMEfHCUSs DAILY TIMES-liECOHDER: SUNDAY, JDL\ 12, 1891. 3 i ©11 IBBM EkJ ^ ) ! tSEB&L^ CURES mills A Novelist. Mr. David Chriatio Murray had been recounting to the good people of South Australia how ho become a novelist On his first arrival in London ho foil no, like so many others, the difficulty of getting employment ori tho press. Be fore the turn of the tide came, he says, he had four days’ wandering in the streets, and at nights sat on the benches of tho Thames embankment in most curious company. He was at last helped by the late John Lovell, of the Press association, afterward of the Liverpool Murcury, who “invented’* some work for him, and sent him two guineas in a pill box, labeled “To be taken imme diately.”— London Tit-Bits. ON ITIMOI ar* nolanoml and who* blood I* la gogdtjtw d»o lo motn'mal tmgjatW** *P» P.RP.m CURES ALARIA P. r. P. I ricklj Ash. CuresdysrepsiA LIFFMAH BROS., Fi'opriaton, DruggliU, tippmun'i Kook, SAVANNAH, GA, For salo by the DAVENPORT DRUG COM PAN V, AmoricuB, Ga. Health is Wealth! Dr. E.C. Wkst's Nerve and Brain Treat- rare, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Din! ness. Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Ncnralg'~ Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by t use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Men 1 Depression, Softening of the Drain, resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. torrhcea, caused by over-exertion of the brain, •elf-abuse or over-indulgence. Bach box con tains one month's treatment. $1.00 per box, or ■lx ln>xes for $6.00, sent by mail, prepaid, on re- oeipt of price. WK GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order aeoeivsd by ns for six boxes, accompanied with $6.00, wo will send the purchaser oui written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not ef fect a cure. Guarantees issued only by THE DAVENPORT DRUG CO.. Sole Agta» ■• Americus, Ga. i ffiEff-j Old Nick Whiskey age the ift the beat and is noted for its and purity, having been made on same plantation over 133 year® without a rival os we constantly keep four year old RYE AND CORN 6n hand—ship any quantity, so writo for price-list. Old Nick Whiskey Co., Yuhan Co. PANTHER CHEEK, N. C. Mrs. Brander, who is inspectress of the Girls' schools in Madras, India, and has at heart the interests of 22,000 chil dren, says in her tenth animal report to the National association “that an fan provement iu female education is neces sary before any of the great reforms, snob as tho abolition of infant marriage and child widowhood, can be effected. Miss Msy Robeson, the bright young actress who made a success in the role of a maid in “Nerves,” adds to her regular profession tho business of signing theater souvenirs. Sho has been tho author of all those given at various places of amusement in New York city during tho season just closing. Miss Marie R. Schiller, who will be one of tho three women to visit South America for the purpose of interesting the women of that continent iu the World’s fair, is highly educate.] and ac complished, speaking Spanish, French and German as fluently as aho does En glish. Sho is a Philadelphian. LEHON KLIXIlt Pleasant. Elegant, Reliable. For biliousness'and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chilis and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness, nervousness and palpitation of tho heart, take Lomon Elixir. For all sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above namod dis eases, all of whioh ariso from a torpid or diseasod liver, stomach, kidneys or bowols. Prepared only by Dr, H. Mozlcy, At lanta, Ga. s 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at druggists' Lemon Hot Drops Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases. Ele gant, reliable. 25 cents, at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. may2-suntuursAwkl-lyr Tho Now York Sun is much pleased because in the list of more than 000 girls admitted to the normal collego in Now York the number of baby names among them is proportionately small. Multan, In Psrvo. Home Insects have tx But iff, lens than the "hornet. Somo peoplo may, porbaps, scorn, on account of their dimlnutlvoness, Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. But, a trial of them convinces tho most scornful skeptic, that they will euro constipation, dyB- popslo, sick and billious hcadacho, quicker and surer than their large wasted competitors, the old-style pill. A Disfigured Countenance. Many people who would scarcely no- ticu an armless or legless man will in stantly detect and remark “n any Idem ish of tho human face, and dive into all s.-rts of speculations as to its cause and attendant circumstances. Jf you doubt this assertion become possessed of a dis colored optic and note how much atten tion it will invite. A black eye is gen erally avoidable, but blotches, pimples, and other scrofulous and eruptive marks steal upon us without warning, and are frequently the first intimation of tho fact that our blood is going wrong. A prompt and systematic use of P. P. P (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium) will purify the blood, cle-mso the skin and give bock to the face laturcs famil iar, ruddy signs of licalin. Get it of your druggist. Envelopea! Envelope*!! We liave just received a big job lot of manllla envelopes of fine quality, that wero bought at a bargain, aud wo print them foryou with card, etc., cheap er than you cau buy them plain by retail anywhere. They are more durable than white, and are good enough for all busi ness purposes, and are much cheaper. Times Punr.isurNO Co. Philanthropists who are interested in the welfaro and improvement of the hu man race will regret to learn that it is no longor fashionable to drag dogs around by string and ribbons, but to be quite in stylo a woman must have a baby to trundle. For Over Fifty Yearn Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup lias been used for chi Id ion teething, ft soothes tho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-live cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through out tho world. The Zallnski pneumatic gun lias been tested at Shoeburyness. Eng., with marked success. At 4000 yards range six projectiles were thrown into a rec tangle 2 1-2x1 1-2 yards in size. Peculiar. It is very peculiar that when you try Dr. Biggers’ Huckleberry Cordial you will never suffer yourself to be without it again? It nevei fails to relieve all bowol affections and children teething. Jay Qould having developed a case of hay fever, his physician has ordered him to the far wo3t, away from tho damp atmosphere of his office. M GOODS, M FIRM. If BUSINESS. TULLIS & McLENDON DEALERS IN HARDWARE! STOVES AND Best Qualities of Paints, Oils and Builders' Material Agents for the Celebrated HARVEST STOVES and GRATES. Agents for the Celebrated Wheeler A Wilson Sewing Machine. Bugsies and Wagons WAGON AND BUGGY MATERIALS- SADDLERY AND.HARNESS- CROCKERYIANDtGLASSWARE AND A SPECIAL-LINE OF CUTLERY, WOOD7AND! WlLLOWWARE, ETC. We specially invite the trading public to call and examine our goods and prices. We keep the best, as well as the cheapest goods In this market, and will give our customers the value of t^eli money, novOaAwlv -GO TO- ALLISON & AT COCK t. H. HAWKINS, -t. H.C-J W.E. tlRPhl -HOAX, -»8The Baik of Americus.gfr- gSF» Sb&SE -:D ML O&Bs— H. C. BagfcyjPre*. Amanco* investment Co. P. O. Clegg, Proa. Ocmoiget Brick Co. Jas. Dodson, of ^m.Do<Iiob $ 8on.ittonwi G. W. Glover, Pret’t Americas QtoStnc*' S. H. Hawkins, Pret’t B-lAx, Railroad.’ 8. Montgomery, Pret't Peoples Natio&alBenk. J. W. Sheffield, of Sheffield* Co.. HardwS^* T. Wheatley, wholesale drygoods. W. £. Murpbey, Cashier. THE BANK OF SUMTER T. N. HAWKES, President Books —For all kinds of - and Stationery, we mean to lead in our lino. We are headquarters for all kinds of PICTURE FRAMES. We keep one of the best selected stock of MOULDING kept this side of Atlanta, suitable for any and all kinds of pictures. We have made spocial reduction in this line of our business for the past few weeks and have decided to continue this special sale until August 1st, BLANK BOOKS 1 We have just received ns large assortment of these goods as are usually carried in this country ana if wo fail to have what yon want in our immenso stock we can have them made up for you cheaper than anyone else, as we doal directly with one of tho larg&st manufacturers of Blank Books in N, Y. City. We have also added to our line of business, a good lino of FIRST- CLASS OiQARS and will be pleased to have onr gentlemen friends call and soo us. Very respectfully, ALLISON & AYCOCK, 31A LAMAlt 8TRKKT. ..... AMKHICUS 3EORGIA BAD BLOOD! Pimples ox tbs Pus | l Breaking 0st| Skin Troubles | „ little Sores | Hot Skin) f. Bolls i Blotohsii 1 Gold Bores | Bad Breath | Sore Month or Lips | If T«« anSer from *»▼ of tfcsse symptom*, toko DOCTOR ACKER’S ENGLISH utart*- BL00D ELIXIR WHY? ,,0A B?IURJ{M t000 fee* Dr. Acker's If—^ J «.*».. onljrkno’ cats ths poison fr President Clark's jury boforo dlnnor stood fivo for conviction to seven for ac quittal. After dinner they stood all right for President Clark. The quality of dinners is not strained.—Philadelphia Record. UPPNUN MW., Pi-;n'ctM, OniMilU. Uppua’s Black. SAVANNAH. GA. For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Ameficus, Ga. Caveats, tod Trade-Mark, obtained, sad mil Pot ent <m9lnets conducted for Moderate Fees. 0m OMct Is Oppoilte II. S. Palest once, and we can secure patent in leee time than the remote from Washington. Send model, dnwins or photo, with descrip tion. Ws advise, tf patentable or not, free of ehirjre. Our fee uot due till potent it secured. A Pamphlet, “How to Obtain Paten to, “ with utsiea or actual ellenti in your Stale, county, Of town, aent (Tee. Add re, a, C.A.SNOW&CO. OppeiKs Potont OMct, WstMs|tos, 0. C. DKHUS® MMinrmtfana/ater$0t EM SPECIFIC. ten.orln article, ot food. fcSGO' bgv*nlnco^H| yHSM|( of psti.nt if oectsatrj’, 1-SSS5 ■■bs so quietly and with such ccrUIntv that (M DiUcot BDdtrtoM no lneon. [For sale bv Dr. E. J. Eldridga Americus, Oa. ,pai poisons as scrofula, skin disease, ecze ma, rheumatism. Its timely Use eaves many lives. For solo by tho Davenport Drug Company. The pulpit sensationalist, the Rev. J, D. Fulton, rises to assert that thore aro no newspapers in heaven. Of course i<*.i £o* eould one run a newspaper intproof reader*? * Ton never tried DeWUt’s Little Ear ly Risers for constipation, bllliousness, sick headache, or you would not have thesdko diseases. For sale by the Da venport Drug Company, The use of dynamite to produce rain looks like a step towards supplanting the time-honored plan of giving a church ptonlofor this purpose.—Philadelphia Times. Perfoct action and perfect health re sult from tt|C nse of DeWitt’s Little Early risers, a perfect little pill. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. Now that they are making billiard balls, knife handles and such things out of milk, we may safely feel encouraged to hope that they will toon be making cane beads fit snd proper for our nice young men to suck. AsviosM*,W<nffiif ( If you would protect'yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must us* BRADFIELD’SJ FEMALE' REGULATOR 1 ■ms wml Immediate fi I bains IBM •RADFIELD REGULATOR CO* aTLANTA, OA. ' 1 ’ - ■■ mtiiuniu, CHEAP RATES M* mi CiiMaii IU Coinmei.eing Saturday July, 4, am! each aueceeflln* Hnturday until 8opt. Utfth tho 8 A. A M. Hallway will have on sale, nt Americus Iron Works, — BUILDERS OF Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, Jets, Etc. Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys B@“Special attention given .to repairing all kinds of Machinery. Telephone 79. S IWm Saw Mill Men, Attention! Are you In need of machinery of any description? If so, write as your wants stating jnat what you desire and we will mako yon low prices. Onr special busi ness Is heavy machinery such as BOILERS, SAW MILLS, AND WOOD-WORIING MACHINERY, iition. Wo are general #3.50, round trip- ticket* to BRUNSWICK, GA., good to return by train leaving Brunswick at 11 p, in. Munday, or7 a. m. Monday, arriv ing at Americus 8 a. m. or 6.20 p. m. the following Mouday, but on no later trains. Sunday Excursion Bate* Brunswick to Cumberland Island, Only $1.00. Round trip tickets, to Brunswick, good to n turn until Oct. SI, on salo dally at for round trip, and to Cumberland Island for 19.00 round trip. k Certain Core tor Dyspepsia, There is perhaps no disease so prevalent aa Dyspepsia andlndigostion, and one too. that np to tne present time hailbaffled the skill of the most eminentt physicians. Two-thirds of the chronic diseases have their origin in Dyspepsia* The symptoms are lose of appetite, loss of flesh a feeling of fulness or weight in the stomach, occasionally nausea and vomiting, acidity, flatu lence, doll pain in the head, with a sensation of heaviness or giddiness, irregularity of bowels, low spirits, sleeplessness, sallow skin, derange- ment of kidneys, and not nnfvquenUy palpita tion of the heart. If you are suffering with any of these symptoms Da. Holt's Drsvnmo Burnt will curs you. Prepared only by Dr. Holt’s Dyspeptic Elixir C »mpanv, riceSUX) per bottle. Hoimuxi, Ga R. E. . Auditor, OFFICE 57i JACKSON STREET, AMERICUS, QA. Will adjust Books and Accounts aud do a general collecting business. A competent attorney associated. Charges reasonable. ‘ * nBlfll’horinr cities. Dissolution, The firm of Andrews A _ dissolved by uutual consent retirin ter 1 Dwiil be leulleet all o aasumca debts due bereaiter wil ter, who assumes all ths Habtlli firm of Andrews * Carter and debts dne them. C. C. Carter all liabilities and will eotlget the firm or Argo A Andrews. •* tf, AKDRKWT, O.CSRTKB. ... ... of Andrews A Carter I return thanks to the public for the generous patronage bestowed, and usspeak for the new firm a continuance of the same. R.H. ANDREWS. Americus, Ga., Jane 16, l»l. dim. and for first-class machinery, we defy competition. Wo are ceneral aconta for H. B. SMITH MACHINE CO/S celebrated Wood-workinff machines, an? can dis count factory prices. Bo sure to write for circular of “Farmers* Favorite** saw mill; it is the best on the market Second-hand machinery constantly on hand. Write for prices and see if wo cannot save you money. Perkins Machinery Company, 67 SODTR BROAD STREET, Kmtlon ms Torn Whenl You Write. ATLANTA, €A. June24-d«&wlycnr W. H. R. SCHROEDER, Manufacturer jrt Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Van, Gtlnnlnd Iron Cornice, Tin and Iron Roofing, Hot Air Heatin' Etc. Iron Smoke Stacks. Exhaust Piping for Saw Mills a Specialty. Corner Jackson and Jefferson streets, AMERICUS, GA. B. W. RUMNEY, MERCHANT TAILOR. dvrn JD J| X\L/« 1,16 1)61010 purchasing. Cleaning and Repairing * N done. Prices reasonable. UP STAIRS, OVER P. L. HOLT’S ESTABLISHMENT, AMERICUS, GA. O. A. COUUfAN, Vtoe-Prealdent W. 0. FUBLOW, Cashier. UIHECTORi- O. A. Coleman, C. 0. Hawkins, B. H. Jossey, T. N. Hswkea W. C. Furiow, W. H; C. WheMley, R. si Oliver, H. M.’ Brown, W. Mi SwkM. Dr. E. T. Mathis, Artiur Bylander. * Liberal to Its onstomeis, accommoda- tlng to the publlo and prudent In It* management, this bank soltolta d*posits and other buslneas In its line. S. MONTGOMERY, Pr*»t. 1. C. KONEV, Vice PntL JN0. WINDSOR. Or. LESTER WINDSOR Ant Or! E. A. HAWKINS, Atterasy - NO. 3888. ’* THS Peoples’ National Bank Of Americas. Capital, BROMOw 8«ylaa,WM0* ORGANIZED 1883. B.C.BAOLsr.Pras. W.B.Kswxns,B*o.*1r. Americas Investment Co. Investment Securitie*. Paid up Capital, 11,000,000. ISurplna, *280,000, dibeCtors: H V Bagley, W E Hawkins, S W Coney, W S Giflis, J W Sheffield, P 0 Clegg, WMHawkes,BFMathews, G M Byno W E Murphey, S Montgomery, J H Pharr. CAPITAL STOCK, ... • *100,000. SURPLUS a Undivided ProSte, . an.eoi^a! • Bank of Sontinestern GeorAla, * 1 'Aaskunt CuUeri directors: - ' J. W. Wheatley, E. J. Eldridgs, C. A. Huntington, H. B. Johnson, B. J. Perry. J. C. Nicholson* A. W. Smith, W. H. C. DudlmL M. Speer. . . it. SPEER, President. W. H. C. DUDLKY, Cashier. ’ f E. Burnt,’Jk., Pres. H.M. KkAPP.V.P. O. A. Coleman, Sec, a Tress, Georgia Loan&TmstCo. (Negotiates Loans on improved Farm and City Property. B P Hollis, Attorney, J E Brvnrs. T-*wd Vt^wiIhs W. D. HURRA). (RESIDENT. 1. L(UUK HUH Planters’ Bank of Ellaiiili KUkvllie, GeorgU. PAID UP CAPITAL, . - HH.IS* Collections a Specialty, Liberal to Its ctutomen, snoommodstlag to ths publlo sod prudent In its managineat, this bank solicits deposits and other boeinett la Its . JssMAwly PTTHEl Oleetlnlte Prevent. 81 ■crl.lorpoli l« RuaranteeSS lillfll HSoltUnAmericusbyCookT S* i Fleetwood *i E. Hall and rmsoy )d A Bussell, /. Drug Company. LAMAR STREET, Juuc27d-tf SWEET WATER PARK HOTEL, Lltbi* Springe. Georgia. tarnishing I Met. Recreation for tbs pi rest for tbe Invalid. The fine In the United States. Tbe moet Ta natural mineral wstera In the woridfree. Hlh-olsM oceommodatlona for fiOO rueete. tl.vstkm lAWYeAt. Pure pine wood* air. No msteriauTbe great Piedmont Cbsutau- qua, with Its brilliant attractions. Ask aa ton postal card), lo send booklet snd rates. One* a guest alwan • Arm friend. Open MaylX K.W. MARSHACO„ lent. Tne non rortne be pteMura seeker, t lineal Bath System Tbe most valuable fgPIUM WWaiianCS urn end Whisker Habits cured at home with- JAPANESE CURE 1 guaranteed Cur* for Piles of whatever rind or degree—X* .eras], Internal, or Btoeding, Itchfa g, Chronic, Beccot or THIS DAYEM.-ORT DRUO CO., Wbolaal* sad Retail Druggists, • free. ' ' " ABBOTT’S COR Ns tS raWsr-t E[) |LYA' EUMijNS ’•vo WARTS , * ?r ' PAIN $500 Rswsii l. Wlwltt paj Iks aim imitf fw mffmpt lirsr Oo-|J.ta^ fWfp+ftflg Plpif H M| )| fig |m«t| sttpstloB or OsstTvsnsss wo csaaoS Mr* i YsgstaMo Uvsr Pills, wkea Us tflnctlows soswHsiwltk. Thsyaro rarsly YsgotaMs hkOSogtro ssUsCsdlan. BagsrOo ssMsUawWFUKMssmm. Bow snd lalUtfs—. Tko gsaatao mm nuiJOBM a war; oohfaxy. c Shingles ad Lumber. We era now prepared to tarnish Lambs* and Shingle* on short notico, at tho leva* cash prices. Parties wanting ritherof tn. above will save mon.j by consulting ns bm tore placing their order*. WIGOIMI • BEEEDOE.