Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, July 15, 1891, Image 5

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• ■ . THE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-RECORDER: WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 189i. $ k Shoes for Young! Shoes for Old! Shoes for Rich! Shoes for Poor! TIIE ALLIANCE RALLY. COXTISUEn FROM FIRST PAGE. LOOK AT YOUR SHOES I —THE- Great American tagle’ SHOE STORE, 119 Forsyth St. taking platforms, bat ud vised them to elect their own men and If they don’t come to the scratch to elect another. •‘When your loyalty extends to a person or a party that dosn’t represent your interests, then your loyalty goes too far." Edward Atkinson was given a severe raking up the back. Mr. Simpson led up to him by saying that “figures don't lie, but liars figure." Atkinson’s views on the race question and the silver ques tion were vigorously denounced. Ho said that Paddy once bought some chickens, among which was a duck. The duck would rake In all the corn with Its wide bill. Paddy hit on the plan of 111 Ing down the duck’s bill to the size of the chickens’ so they could all have an equal show. “That is what we want," said Mr. Simpson, “an equal show for all.” He called the senate an aristo cratic body, and thought It could be dis pensed with. He told of tho suicide of a republican officer in Kansas and the election of a man from the people to fill his place. Ho hopes others will go and I cheap Rates, do IlkewiBO. j Commencing to-day tho Savannah, Mr. Simpson told how confederate j Americus & Montgomery railway will soldiers wero disfranchised In Kansas , 8e ll daily, via Cordele, round trip tickots until the people’s legislature took from Americus to White Springs, Fla., Livingston announced that Col. Polk and Mrs. Lease were expected In time to ad dress the meeting and that no deception was intended. He heard nothing from them and couldn't aay why they did not come. All the speeches were Interspersed with apt and witty illustrations and the speakers were frequently Interrupted with applause. ’ Soon after Cot. Livingston spoke the crowd dispersed! The special trains left and tho special car containing the visitors was attached to the one going to Macon. Thus ended the first alliance educa tional rally In Georgia, no big third party gun being touched off. A DANGKRODS POLICY. Is to buy spectacles at your residence from peddlers, as many of them are im postors. I will pay a liberal reward for information leading to the arrest , of all such men who claim to be my represent atives. I positively employ no peddlers and do uot sell them my glasses. The genuine Hawkcs’ spectacles have the name “Hawkcs" stamped on the bow. A. K. Hawkes. All eyes fitted and the fit guaranteed at drug store of E. J. Eldridge. CUT PRICES y ■■ ■ Has just what you want. A Sweeping Reduction will be made'on all Foot-Wear purchased of us in the Next 30 Days I In this Sweeping Sacrifice Sole unprecedented bargains will be offered on all LOW CUT SUM MER SHOES, andjwe expect that the announcement of this sale will “Sweep the Tom!” We are not after room an most merchants would Bay—but are AF TER MONET—room we have enough—but are SHORT ON MONEY. If yon want to know what we mean by a SWEEPING Reduc tion, come to this 30-Day Clean Sweep Sale, charge last year. Then tho republican senate had to be scared into passing the bill in the hope of re-election. "Two Irishmen," said tho speaker, “were lying down by a railroad track asleep. They were not accustomed to trains, and when a coal burner came by puffing and snorting, l’addy said to Jimmy, ‘Jimmy, get up. They've mov ing hell, and there goes the first load.' He applied this to Ingall's dofoat by the alliance. He said that Ingalls and John Sherman had done more hurt by waving the bloody shirt than old Tecumseh would hare done had he marched to tbe soa forty times. He said Sherman and McKinley, tbe pernicious tariff Bill must go, and then Kansas and Iowa and Georgia will find tbe bloody chasm com pletely filled, and they can mingle free ly. "Then we will have a truly united country." The way to secure this, he said, Is by united and determined action of the people. “Politicians and tbe par tisan press will work against it, but tbe people are powerful, and I see from your looks that I can carry your greetings to Kansas.” As Mr. Simpson satdown tbe applause was almost deafening. Dinner was next in order. Many ate on the grounds where baskets werq opened and tbe contents spread; others went to the hotels and restaurants. After dinner Col. Livingston made one of his enthusiastic speeches. His friends who have heard him frequently say it was the effort of bis life. After a few Introductory remarks ho said he be lieved the alliance heaven inspired. Then he assailed the statement that over production was the cornerstone of the farmers' condition. He asserted and sat isfactorily proved that there Is overpro duction In nothing. Underconsumption hegaveas tbe trouble,andtbatltwaadne to a lack of money. He told how the all! ance had been a help to all and harm to none, except those making a living by stealing. Then he told how tbe order had grown nntll It Is now on top, and dropped a word of pity for the follows who are fighting It Tbe merchants and backers bad told the farmers to help themselves, and now that they were do ing It they blamed them. He said those who hadn't been hurt and still opposed the alliance, did so from Ignorance or cussed meanness. He offered 1100 to any man who would find any objection to the sub-treasury when bo got through. "Wo want our remedy or something better. Don’t condemn this or any other meaaure un leu yon can put something better In the place of fit" He announced that tbe national bank bill was predicated upon debt, then ho laid bare what ho termed the iniquitous system. He read this es treat from the Ocala platform, “We demand that sub-treasuries or depositories be established in tbe several atatos, which shall loan direot to tho people At a low rate of interest, not to exceed 2 per cent, per annum, or non- pertshable farm products and on real for $0.25 round trip. These tickets will bo good to return any time until Sep tember 3U, 1801. E. S. Goodman-, General Passenger Agent. Americus, Ga„ July 11, 1801, 14-lw, To Hoarding House Keepers. This Is to give notice that Jim Smith boarded with me several months, and J. M. Wimblsh, W. A. Robinson and G. T. I’ayne boarded at my house for two weeks, when all of them skipped out without paying their board. I do this to place other boarding house keepers jn notice. They are all S. A. M. railroad men and should be made to pay In ad vanco for what they eat. Respectfully, John Stmplin-o. Lyons, Ga., July 14, 1801. For Spot Cash During; the next few days Mutual Building and Loan Aaaaclatlon. Installment Ho. 30, series one, and Ho, 25 series two, will ho due and payable at my office on Thursday, 10th Inst. Ail who do not pay by 0 o'clock p. m. of that day will bo subject to a lino of ten cents on each and every dollar thus un paid. Tho funds of both series will be offered for sale Thursday night at. 8 o’clock sharp In the council chamber (old court house.) Lott Wabben, Secretary and Treasurer. wcdd-tlmrs-15-10. Important Notice. From this dato on until further notice I have reduced my prices on clothing made to order from 15 to 20 per cent, for cash. I also offer a certain lot of goods, in, eluding patterns for whole suits and pacts only, of which I will sell you tho cloth and trimmings at cost In order to make room for the fall trade. Caul J. Schneider, 318 Lainar street, Americas, Ga, jul 12-sun wed t sun The best baker In southweat Georgia, at C. C. Carter’s. and yon will find the Largest and most varied stock of shoes ever offered in Americas and at lower prices than are obtainable else- whore. THE NAME- US BUT SHOE STORE. THE PLACE:'— 11R Forsyth St., AMERICUS, GA. N. B-—No goods ebargod at these cat prices, bat will be charg ed at oar regular prices. JOHN R. SHAW. By comparisons he showed this a benefit to all. He explained the meas ure thoroughly and argued it after his own fashion, which is a telling one. His speech was devoted to the sub-treas ury and the question of more money— which he wants only In a sum sufficient to measure up with business. He de clared there waa no security better than land. The national banks were handled with gloves off, and under his compari sons it showed up poorly alongside tbe sub-treasury bill, which he said the highest authority—the United States su preme court—had decided was constl tutional. He declared the measure constitu tional and practicable, and on the straight democratic line of Jeffereob and Calhoun. Uls speech waa convincing to many who heard It, and during Ita progress Mr. G. W. 0. Munrn. of rutnam, who waa In the crowd announced that be was ready to join the alliance, the eub-trcaa- ury stumbling block being moved. Col. Livlngiton was cheered to the _ echo when he concluded by annonneirg ^ tho alllancomen genuine Jeffersonian democrats. When the cheering had died ewey Co% The negro weekly newspaper pub lished In Atlanta refers to the banging of Washington as the “sad end of promising young man.” _ MIIIIMlIIIII - IIIIHNIC DOCTOR Am OslsbraUd KXGLMU ■ Pill*ar*a FoalUr.C*rsforSlek ICftER S u**a*«Wi Bili««BMMp and . •■all. »!aaa. i aid a fkvavlta with the i PERFECTED CBYSTAL LENSES ▼IMIS MIMI. QulttyfintulAIvayi. * DAVENPORT DRUG CO. Pharmacists Have Exclusive salo of these Cklxbda ted Glasses in Americus, Ga. FAULKNER, KELLAM & MOORE, e only Hanufaotnrlng Opticians in the South, Atlanta, Georgia. ONE CENT A WORD COLUMN. Advertisements will bs inserted in this column at the rate of One Cent per Word for each insertion. No advertisement taken for leas than FIFTEEN CENTS. WATCH LOST. a GOLD-KILLKD Watch end silver chain. A Huppofe I to hare been ioet at Central depot ywuenUy. Finder will pieaae leave it « and receive rewarJ. S tNE Set tingle Buggy Her new. A1 moat ) new. Apply to J.B HUDSON, iin-ti El Dee Street* All goods charged will be at reg, ular prices. Golden Opportunity Hats, Shoes, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckwear of all kinds, Handker chiefs, Hosiery, Under wear, Travelling Bags, and everything else in Men’s belongings at your own price. MS. T. COTNEY, JEWELER, DIAMONDS WATCHES CLUBS. 102 FORSYTH STREET. iDFPLAH RICES. Water Coolers. These are heavy galvanized lined, charcoal filled coolers, in a japanned finish with beautiful decoratioas, and nickel plated faucets. The “B. & B.” prices are for li Gal §1.25 2 “ 2.25 3 “ 2.75 4 “ 3.75 G “ 4.25 10 “ ..... 6.75 FREEZERS 3 Qt White Mountain...’ $2. 50 4 “ “ *• 8.00 6 “ “ “ 8.50 FRUIT JARS Mason’s Patent, with porcelain lined tops. Factories have advanced their prloea 40 per cent on these goods during the hist month. Com pare our “B. A B.” prices: Quarts, $1.40 per dox. } Galls., $1.85 per doz. REFRIGERATORS NIGHT ROBES At 50o, worth 75o. Tills has been a new line with us, but we' have bought them at the right prloee, we have advertised them at tbe right times, and we havo been selling them right along. If you •re thinking of getting one, we are the right people to see, as wo have just gotten a new tot of tbe “Tightest’’ kind. SPECIALTIES Wg have a fall line of summer goods, oil and gasoline stovee, sponge or foot or Infant’s hath tubs, fly fans, wire dish covers, ice pitchers, butter crocks, lemon squeezers, eto. at."B. A B." prices. BTJTLER & BERRY. ARTESIAN CORNER. LEE I LAMAR STREETS. This is no hoax, but business straight trom the shoulder. If you want bargains, come now. Yours in haste, W. D. BAILEY, THEE O NE bon« i end 1.4,>1» numt, good nelgh- borhooi. J. a Jui l-ln t DESIUARLB KOOK fnfrwii Is >he J ITIS.IB— II ••Ck. AIM- M till, out v. II 9. II*»r Aj» 1 p«y to * nut!** PUIM iBVFKALcw»hv» I j Btf. Itt. Woi W. H. R. SCHROEDER, luaMuerjiot Tin, Copper ud Sheet Iro& Tire, Gilnolied Iron Cornice, .. TIs and Iran Roofing, Hot Air Haatln* Etc. Irao Smoko Staeki. Exhaust Piping for Raw Mills ■ Specialty. Corner Jackson and Jeffenon streets, AMERICUS, GA. W. J. SLAPPEY, Formerly on Artesian Corner, bos removed to store lately oeenpted by W. H. Scarborough UNDER OPERA HOUSE, Where be win be (lad to see hie (Mends. The Finest Stock of Whiskies, Tobaooo and Groceries is the city. Sole Agent for Schuylkill Whiskey, Which Is ollered at the low price of two. J. B. BROWN'S PRIVATE STOCK. Tea year, old, at 10.' 0 per gallon, W. J. Jun2dAwtf SLAFFEY, UNDER OPERA HOUSE. W. B. KAYO. C. WINKLER. NEW FIRM! MAYO dfc WINKLER, BUTCHERS. Hear Hart Bonding, SIS Forsyth Street, Americus, Os. Having sold a half Interest in my boslnsss to Mr. Wlnkl.r, we are now prepared to forniik WESTERN and OA. BEEF, Pork, Sausage of all k ndg, KM, Mutton, Ac. ind reliable. Mr. Wlnkl.r*. re levs—there is none better In t LUCIUS H. KIMBROUGH, >. n n.A l Lira Co. AIM .igrnt for New Kngl.n.l Moti at * | uiloin in thwe OunpiiuipA atf (lie rhf«|i«il «>.ii be»U » hi V »U t Mil Block*, ii'rllJS AUU K *■ K»Uat . OFFICE BOOK 4, BAB LOW BLOCK, UP 8TAIBS. AMERICUS, - GA,