Newspaper Page Text
- ■ w T
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‘ • Hi His
Shoes for Young!
1 . Shoes for Old!
Shoes for Rich 1
Shoes for Poor!
Thin,. Gathered In Store.. Shop.
»nd on the Street and Told Here-Many
Minor Hatter. Bunched Coder the Same
Head Line.—Head Them.
Great American tagle’
119 Forsyth St.
Hasjjust what you want.
A Sweeping Reduction
will be made! on all Foot-Wear
purchased of us in the
Next 30 Days I
In this Sweeping Sacrifice Sale
unpreceodented bargains will be
offered on all LOW CUT SUM
MER SHOES, ondjwe expect that
the announcement of this salo will
“Sweep the Town I”
merchants would say-but are AF-: From ^ p]aco the G-) s . * F . raakcs a
Much satisfaction was expressed yes
terday over the result of Mr. McKay’s
Wedding bells may ring In Amerlcus
this week. It is, however, being kept a
profound secret.
Mr. C. A. Huntington’s horse decided
to run away yesterday just for the fun
of the thing. No harm was done.
Work toward getting the Americus
Jewelry Company’s quarters in shape is
being pushed as rapidly aa possible.
To-day is return day for tlio county
court. It will be well for those inter
ested to take notice and govern them
selves accordingly.
The council held its regular weekly
session yesterday afternoon. Nothing
but routine business was considered and
nothing of any public interest was done.
In wet weatherthe walk from Prince’s
stable to the Southwestern depot is a
muddy, slippery, sloppy one. The
council could take hold of that walk
with good effect.
Watermelons are getting cheaper and
by noxt Saturday Cutty can have the
pick of the lot for 5 cents. CuiTy will
be in town then and many watermelons
will fall by the wayside.
There is some talk of arranging for
a prize drill to take place in Americus
during the coming fall. It would he the
means of attracting many people here,
and could bo made a grand success.
Montezuma's second nine will come
down to-day and play a game of baseball
with Americus' second nine—tlio Ath
letics. Leesburg and Americus will
cross hats again Friday at Smitbville.
The handsome fixtures which were or
dered by Thompson & Anderson for
their now jewelry store in the Hotel
Alhambra block, have been received.
They will be put in position as soon as
the building is ready.
Americus warehouse men and cotton
buyers are now figuring on how long it
will bo before the first bale of cotton is
received in Americus. The dates differ
but noDo of them place the time at more
than three weeks off.
Yesterday’s rain was a regular light-
wood-knoc lloatcr and trash lifter. Somo
hail accompanied it. Tlio report reached
the city that considerable damage had
been done by the halt in the eastern
and northeastern portions of tho county.
The physicians report very littlo sick
ness for this season of tlio year, when it
is common for so many pooplo of all see-
lions and climes to be complaining more
or less. Americus is one of tho hoaltth-
icst cities In Georgia and tho statistics
show it,
Sheriff Forrest says lie had to go off
to find out how big a town lie lived in.
He says that all tho members of the con
vention of clerks and sheriffs spoke flat
teringly of Americus and that Sheriff
Jako Mooro of Floyd said ho knows it is
tho biggest town in Georgia.
Quite a party will go from Americus
to Cycloneta to-day to attend tho alll-
- Notice!
The patrons of The Timks-Keccrder
are urged to pay promptly the bills
whleh are now due for subscription, ad
vertising and job work for the past
month. A newspaper has to pay its
labor the cash weekly, aud on the firat
of the month It is necessary for all its
bills to be promptly collected.
The current expenses of Toe Times-
Recorder establishment tie about <50
per day, which must be paid every
Monday without fall or delay.
We arc therefore compelled to press
collections; and while the small bills
that some owe may cause them to re
gard the matter as insignificant, these
small accounts aggregate several thou
sand dollars, which we are compelled to
collect promptly to meet our obligations.
A newspaper can't run a week with
out money; so come up to the captain’s
office and settle.
Times Publishing Company.
Wo have an elegant line of very lino
silk umbrellas that we will sell at cost
to make room for now goods of another
line. James Fbicker & Bho.
july 21-tf
At the Catholic Church.
There will be service at the new Cath
olic Church on Lee street on Sunday
next, July 20. Mass will be celebrated
at 7:00 a. m. t Confessions willjbe heard
on Saturday evening from 7 to 8, and
Sunday morning from 0 to 7 o'clock,
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., open
to everybody.
All Catholics in town and country are
most earnestly requested to meet the
priest at 4 o'clock Sunday noon at tho
church in order to see how strong the
congregation will be and also to form
acquaintance. Be sure to make prepara
tions to be there promptly next Sunday,
J uly 26. Tiie Committee.
Black Satin Madras and Oxford Xeg-
ligeo Shirts of all qualities at
Thornton Wheatley’s,
Groceries at Cost.
Groceries going at cost Shoes going
below cost. Bread and cakes selling
first. I am closing out my stock of gro
ceries, so that 1 can put in a new and
fresh lot next fall, consequently I will
sell my groceries very cheap. I have a
large stock of canned goods that will sell
at cost I also have a few pairs of la
dies’ and gents’ coarse shoes that I will
dispose of below cost.
Come and see my stock, as I will not
hold this oiler long.
C. C. Carter.
.320 Lamar street.
Remember that we sell puff bosom
shirts cheaper than any one else in the
city. Just the thing for this hot weather.
Thornton Wheatley.
oiioug’h—but are SHORT
I be among the speakers to-day.
.Spring street railroad crossing is still
. . „l without a flagman. A wagon came near
If you want to kuoiv wlmt wo tolesC(l|lcJ and , ta inmates killed
mean by a SWEEPING Reduc- Usably, at that place yesterday by a
tion, come to this
moving train. The safety of tho publio
and tho best interests of the roads seem
to uuito In demanding a flagman
The boys of tho Americus, Light In
fantry may enter the prize drill at the
Augusta exposition. Many of them are
strongly in favor of doing so. A meet
ing will bo held to-night when somo
definite decision may probably be reach
ed. It Is safo to say that tho chances
are the company will enter a team.
Yesterday Mr. H. Hecmann of Cincin
nati, traveling agent for tl*o Christian
Morelcin Brewing Company was doing
the city. Mr. Hecmann is a jovial, clever
man, and a hustler all through and
through. Ho represents a splendid
article aud succeeded iu making many
new friends for it yesterday. He will he
An assessment of the balanco of 15 per
cent, duo upon tho subscription to tho
the preferred capital stock of the Times
Publishing Company has this day been
called by the board of directors, paya-
able on Au -ust 1, prox.
Attest— President.
Bascoh MyiiICK.
July 15, dtd.
Pure spices and fiavoring extracts at
Dr. Eldridge’s Drug Store.
Assessment No. .11.
Assessment No. 31, Sumter Real Es
tate and Improvement Company, will be
duo ami payable at my office, Room 31,
up stairs, Barlow Block, on tlio 20th
iDst. Stockholders failing to pay by 0
o’clock, p. in., on that day will bo sub
ject to a tine uf ill per cent, on tlio
amount due. W. II. KiMiiRoruu,
• Sec. and Trcas.
Call at Thornton Wheatley's and got
one of those beautiful lawn bows which
wo have just opened.
Nino hundred and ninety-nino custom
ers to save from 10 to 25 per cent, in ex
changing cash for Shoes, Hats and Um
brellas, for the next 10 days. Bring us
your cash and be convinced.
Williford, Matthews * Co.
Medicinally puro wines, brandies and
whiskies at Dr. Eldridge’s Drug Store.
Wo have the finest stock of neck-wear
to be found in the city. The prices liavo
been marked down to suit the times.
Thornton Wheatley.
Some Who Come to A marl car and Somo
Who go Away.
Mr. Frank McKenna spent Sunday
with his Albany friends.
Dr. T. J. I. Pattillo of Adams station
was among the visitors to Americus yes
Mr. A. L. Rees is herefrom Savannah,
on a visit to his wife and bis many
Mrs. J. W. Harris and Miss Jessie
McLendon are visiting relatives in the
Mrs. G. W. Blount is here from
Waynesboro on a visit to Mrs. W. B.
Mr. C. G. Mercer o' Dawson helped to
swell the list of visitors to Americus
Mr. J. J. Kress, trainmaster of the
Southwestern road, was in Americus a
short while yesterday.
Mrs. Thomas Moore came down from
Columbus yesterday and spent Jthe day
with friends in the city.
Misses Viora and MaricjParks of At
lanta are on a visit to their cousin, Miss
Amos Schumpert of this city.
Misses Ida aud Jessie Littlejohn of
Cordele are the guests of Mrs. J. W.
Walters aud Mrs. H. C. Sapp, In this
Miss Ada Kaiglor, who has keen visit
ing Miss Bryce Pilsbury at her homo In
this city, has roturned homo to George
lion. M. L. Everett of Stewart county
passed through Americus yesterday on
his way to rosume Ills seat In the genor-
al assembly after a short stay at home.
Mr. W. H. C. Dudley Jtho efficient
cashier of the popular bank of South
western Georgia has gone a trip to
Chicago which combines business with
Mr. Jesse Moore the popular and
efficient yardmaster of tho Southwestern
in this city will leave tblsjiweek for
Chattanooga whero he goos to accom
pany Mrs. Mooro to Americus.
Hon. R. W. Everett, congressman-
elect from the Seventh district was the
guest of Dr. A. B. Campbell yestorday
while on his way homo from |Stewart
county, where ho spoke Saturday.
Mr. T. P. Uonry, the popular traveling
agent of tho Augusta exposition, has re-
turned.homo after a short stay here. He
says the exposition during the coming
fall will overshadow all previous events.
Clerk J. H. Allen was able to be at
his office yesterday after being canfined
at home quite a while a sufferer with
rheumatism. The court house officials
and his many friends were glad to see
him back in his office again.
For Over Fifty Year*
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has boen
used for children teething. It soothes
tho ehild, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and Is tho best
remedy for diarrhaia. Twenty-fivo cents
a bottle. Sold by all druggists through
out tho world.
You can exercise lots of Sense with a very few Dollars nowadays.
We need Dollars and we don't hesitate to say that we are after those
dollurs—if you need a Refrigerator—don’t yon hesitate to come after
one—a very few dollars will buy a first-class modern refrigerator and
yon will get the good of those dollars in a hundred senses.
For a pleasant shave go to Dr. El!
dridgo’s and buy ono of those celebrrtea
Tower Razors which are guaranteed to
Flesh a mass of diseaso, condition
hopeless, the system an entire wreck,
nerves all unstrung, yet P. P. P. was
taken and an entije cure mado. Attend
to diet and directions of P. P. P. and all
blood diseaso must yield slowly but
When Baby was tick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria.
$5.00 to $25.00.
of Sommer Specialties,‘Staple China, Crockery, Silverware, Lamps,
etc. is here roady'for theJoacriilce —ready to be "led like a lamb to the
slaughter” to satisfy the economic necessities of the hour and thus
give to our goods what are "hard times” prices in dead earnest.
Let your good’Dollars and your good Sense
bring you to the Artesian Comer always.
Butler & Berry,
and you will find the Largest and
most varied stock of shoes ever
offered in Americus and at lower i Uerc , cvcra i j ayB .
prices than are obtainable else-, T „ „ ur rat™,...
where. j this week wo will collect all bills
THE NAME— I for job work weekly. This will make
payments easier for you, anil help us
materially, as our expenses aro payable
Times Publishio Company.
If you need anything In summer un
derwear, etth in nainsook or balbrigan,
call and see us. We have a large lot to
close out at “excursion rates.”
Thornton Wheatley.
J. Rott merchant tailor baa removed
from old stand, Forsyth street to Cotton
avenue op atalrs la old Times office,
where he la ready to give first class
work to all his old customers and aa
many new ones as will call.
July 19-d-lmo.
tie ut ima in
119 Forsyth St.,
N. B.—No goods charged at
these cut prices, but will be charg
ed at onr regular prices.
Rutabaga, red top and ril other va-
rieties of turnip seed tot fall and sum
mer planting at ,
v Dr. Eldbidoe’s.
Cheap Kates.
Commencing to-.lay the Savannah
Americus & Montgomery railway will
sell daily, via Cordele, round trip ticket*
from Americus to White Springs, Fla.,
for $11.25 round trip. Thcso tickets will
he good to return any time until Sep
tember 30, 18fll.
E. S. Goodman,
General Passenger Agent.
Americus, Ga., July 11,18U1. 14-lw.
Hawkes' Crystalizcd Lenses In all
styles, specs and eye-glasses sold with
a guarantee to please or money refunded
by E. J. Eldridoe.
Attention Guilder.,
We sell Langman & Martinez prepared
paints, and are authorized by the manu
facturers to repaint any house at their
expense on which their paints do not
prove satisfactory.
E. J. Eldridoe, Druggist
The handsomest lot of Windsor ties in
the city at
Tiiobnton W heatle y’s.
Prescriptions accurately compounded
of pure drug*, at all bonrs at
Db. Eldridoe Drag Store.
"IMP KooL”
Keep cool by baying some of those
elegant “puffboaom’l shirts just opened
at Thornton Wheatley's. .
Turnip seed, turnip seed, just received
a fresh lot of nice varieties at
tues A Sun Db. Eldbidoe’s.
Whenever tlio sheep come to the barn
give them water and food.
Hum Celebrated ENGLISH!
PUls are a PoalUra Cora for 8 tek!_
Headache, IIIIUsmmm, _ and:
Railroad Commission of Georgia
L.N.Tkammeli. l hnlrman,)
alkx H. Ekwix, > Com’rs.
Villi.IL Powers. >
A. C. Briscoe, Secretary.
Atlanta, Ga., Jui.e 1,1801.
Circular No. 193.
All perc«nt*xei now allowed Railroad
fompanle* In this state on Coni and Coke In
ear load (juautttles are hereby withdrawn,
and the mild companle* (excepting the West
ern and Atlantic ana Georgia Kuliroad Com
panies; will be allowed to charge for the
transportation of Coal aud Coke, In car load
quantities, on follow*;
For fifty miles and under, Class L.
For one hundred miles and over fifty, Class
L, less 5 per cent.
Over one hundred miles, Class L, less 10 per
C The Western and Atlantic and the Georgia
Railroad Companies will be allowed U>
charge forth* transportation of Coal and
Coke In car load quantises, as follows:
For fifty miles and under, Class L, less 10
ur cent.
For distances over any miles. Class L, Isa
U per coot.
•Applicable to all toads under existing
T t'oa?and Coke L. C. L. pocked In boxes,
bags or barren Class L.- 1
This Circular to take effect July Nth, 1881.
By order of tbe Board. .
L. N.Tbammkll.
A. C, Bsiacox. Chairman,
Manufacturer ,fof Tin, Copper and] Sheet] Iron Ware, Galvanized Iron Cornice,
Tin and Iron Roofing, Hot Air Heatin'Etc. Iron Smoke Sticki.
Exhaust Piping for Sew Mills * Specialty.
Corner Jackson and Jefferson streets, AMERICUS, GA.
Formerly on Artesian Corner, has removed to store]lately occupied by W. H. Scarborough
Where he will be gled to see his friends.
The Finest Stock of Whiskies, Tobacoo and Groceries is ftho wpv ^Daine.
Sole Agent for Schuylkill Whiskey, 'w ""
Which is offered at the low price of $%M.
Ten years old, at f&GO per gallon.
W. J. SLAPPEY. * • V
.W. B. MAYO.
Near Hart Building,
313 Foraytb Strut,
Americus, Oa.
Having sold a hslf lnurest In my business to Mr. vytnkler, we are now prepared to furnish
WESTERN and GEORGIA BtEF, Park, Slums at ill kinds, Kid, Hutton, Etc.
always fresh and reliable. Mr. Winkler’s reputation as a batcher Is well known In, Amer
icas—there is none better in the soul i# Bend ns your orders. Telephone 115. -
Accident Association. Polteles — . — —
I wilt also boy and sett mocks, Bunds and Kaal
NSCRANCC Co. Also agent for New Englend Mutual
; lit these Companies are the cheapest and best.
• | "•:3k