Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, July 23, 1891, Image 3
j^PyF^ O ■ ■ ’ • - - 1 I’HE AMERICUS DAILY TIMES-KECORDER: THURSDAY, JULIl 23, 1891. 3 BAD BLOOD If Pimple* on tho Face j ; Breaking Oot | ; Bkin Troubles | * little Bores j Hot Skin J : Boils | Blotobeaj ^ “ Cold Sores f Bad Breath / * Bore Month or Lips | : If too MuflVr from »nr of ■ lhe*e •/mptoina, toko m I DOCTOR ACKER’S ■ ENGLISH : i BLOOD ELIXIR! ! WH Y? • H*re yru rvop n«Yl mercury! If sordid yon ; dKlIxIrlxtheS rougher en»<1^5 HER GIFT IS PATIENCE BELLA, THE WOMAN IN CHARGE OF A LACIES' WAITING ROOM. e * -d not tell "t* 'l»r. Ackn poison from tho Z voor drufrtfist. or writ* to \i ?<L’0., •»« Went Hroutlwuy, W . II. IMMlK Fit A: J RES SYPHILIS LIFPMAN BUUS., Proprietors, Droggliti, Uppasn'e Bloch, 8AVANHAH,QA, Kor'salo by tho DAVENI’OKT DRUG COMPANY, Amorlcus, Ga. Health is Wealth! Du. E. C. Wwrr’s Ne«vk axd Draw Tkrat- mknt, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, I)izzl- Convulsions, Fit*, " *’ * ** urnn, aaiiiv uiBivnn, rua, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Softening of the llrain, resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, l*rcinature Old Age, ltarrcnnesn, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and Sperma- torrhwa, caused hy over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box eon* tains one month’s treatment. .00 per l>ox, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail, prepaid, on re ceipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order rocolvyd by us for six iM»xes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send the purchaser oui written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does m>t ef fect a cure. Guarantees issued only by THE DAVENPORT DRUG CO., Sole Agts., AmcricuH, Ga. R. E. BYRD, Auditor, OFFICE 57i JACKSON STREET, AMERICUS, GA. Will adjust Hooks nnd Accounts and do a general collecting bun!ness. A competent attorney associated, (’barges reasonable. Will take business In neighboring cities. References; .1. W. Sheffield A- Co.. Hank of Sumter, Davenport Drug Co. Correspon dence solicited. nmy’Zl 3m. SWEET WATER. PARK HOTEL, I.ithia Springs, Georgia. I»i the United Htatcs. The most valuable natural mineral waters in the world Iree. Hlgh-elan* accommodations (or uM) guests. Elevation I,£0 feet. Pure pine woods air. No malaria. The great Piedmont Chautau qua. ’-,1th its brilliant attractions. Ask dr Ion postal • ft*«l), io sond l>ooklet and rntes. t»no? a guest always a firm friend. Open May 12. E. W. MARSH & CO., n:ayM-3m. Proprietors. rumwii j,.™ E l'.'F.... SBH SSSET with gra*s BAlUf.v a for U>* cure of Uf Of PrimALTT, y<-Q! .!»TT RC,| TfTtl.ry_ drpjai PP. C CURES F. MlSON r. r. i’. :■ » Kid 1 bTFixI uiat, Chr.-uk- Feet*'* Compiamll, iJcr- ter, Scld Urol, elf,, etc. cir.rful tonic »Pd eiceMffit RfnHTfiT¥3TJTi trim sr* re.ifruird and whoM bl*o4 a in m rfne M me-Mmsl lrr»rttl»rttl#s RE T>r CURES .Malaria ulMtjilt./ proper tin of 1'. P. P. Prickly Ash, Pok* Root F«>r sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY Americas, Ga. H the best known remedy “B!S!!c!” , Sir^flflnorhi»s and Gleet in 1 toff Days, without Pain. Provents Stricture. Contains no acrid or poisonous substances, ami Is guaranteed absolutely harmless, prescribed by physicians. Itest fix- ring*free with each bottle. Price $1 Bold hy druggists. Beware of Sab- Bold in America* by Cook’s Pharmacy , — JR, j. a J. Eldrldgo, Fleetwood * Raise] . E. Hall and Davenport Drag Company. Her I'.i.t I. In the Central Sta tlon, anil MIL See. Hundred, uf llmj Frantic. Ru»liln* Women Kvery !>»}. Ite.pitn All the lla.le She I. Calm. Tim [iresMin;,' genim nf the ladies' wititihi.'ri.i-M at the N.nv York Central sMtinnat Forty-second street is named i;. H i. It is to lie presumed slie lias al~. a familv name, imt no one knows what it is In fact no one cares. Fur thirteen years sue has been the friend and assist ant of almost every child and woman living between New York and Pough keepsie who travels on the railroad. She s a tall, slight woman, with a pleasant manner and kindly face, though how she •an remain so placid, answeringsocalm- ly the thousand anil onn questions ad dressed her in rapid succession, is a pnz- In the first place, most of the out of town shoppers have all their purchases sent to the waiting room, to lie called for at train time. These bundles are put away in a big closet, piled from floor to ceiling with packages containing every conceivable thing, from spring bonnets to cream puffs. From 3 to 5 is the time to watcii reunions in-tween the women and their belongings. Shopping is over and every one is hurrying home. Half a dozen tired women and girls will charge into the waiting room at once, hastily inquire. "Where are iny things. Bella?" and begin So arrange tlieir bangs. By the time the hasty toilet is tinished their dust coats and parcels are on the big table, and tho umbrella and over shoes are on a chair in the corner. Every parcel has had the knots seen to, lest they fall open in the train, and soft or carelessly wrapped articles have an additional heavy paper about them. These are all handed over with a pleas ant smile and just the slightest possible forward motion of one hand for the ten cent fee, which is dropped into a caps cions bag in tho closet SOME PECULIAR CHARGES. Ladies coming in for a day’s shopping nsnally stop in a moment to get rid of heavy veils and dust coats or to wipe the cinders from their faces. Lots of them keep their own combs and towels here, and repair damages as calmly as if at home.. Bella gives them a little critical glance, ami perhaps makes a suggestion. Then oil they go, leaving things scattered about—soap, comb and train gloves—all’of which will bo found in their own particular corners when wanted. There is ono lady from Yonkers who is deaf and afflicted with an unquiet spirit. She would not trust her comb out of her sight for worlds; her soap she dries and puts bnck in her pocket. I saw her the other afternoon ran back four times to see if a parcel left in Bella's care had lieen safely marked and hidden. Another kind of crank never knows when tho train goes, neither will believe when Bella tells her, but always insists on that long suffering woman hunting np a time table and proving her state ment in striking contrast is the good na- tured, easy going woman, who sannters in, asks “When does the next train go, Bella?’ and calmly reads a novel till the bell rings. This is tho woman who leaves her small girl hero while she pays calls. Tho small girls enjoys being left, nnd tells wonderful stories of her adven tures all the way home. 1 sat for an hoar in the room one day and saw a canary and two children left or called for, a school girl thankfully recover a lost exercise book, four men plnngo in under tho impression that it was tho entranco to tho elevated rail road. Cyras Field linmmer fiercely on tho door and inquire if the fominino por tion of his family had gone on, a marvel ous nnmber of hairpins replaced nnd an almost endless stream of bundles liandcd in by errand boys. "HER LADIES." A nice old Indy with carls gravely consulted everybody in tho room about tho weather and finally decided not to visit some country friends till tho next day, os it looked like rain, nnd went home, leaving her satchel behind so as not to have tho bother of carrying it hack again. After her camo a couple of girls who had evidently never been there before, for one let the other to keep a sharp eye on her bundles while slie made a voyage to tho ticket office, nnd then performed a liko kindly office while her friend visited the news stand. Then they had their shawl straps tightened and kept Bella busy for quito five min utes attending to their wants, and de parted without thinking it necessary to fee tho patient attendant As she re marked pathetically, "All that travels ain't ladies." Bearing this latter fact in mind, Bella stands guard over half the basins nnd toilet arrangements generally, reserving them for “her ladies," as sho calls the regular travelers. Tho ordinary pnblic —people she does not include in her flock—may not venture to remove tho stains of travel in these holy bowls, nor arrange their bangs at that special glass. A complaint was made not very long ago by some one not of the elect at this exclusiveness, but Bella appeared before the authorities and defended her cause so well that she won triumphantly, and to this day tho regular travelers have their own little privileges that are cheap at the cost of a daily dime and pleasant greeting.—New York Recorder. On- of Colonel Iogor-oll's Stories. They tell a story of Sire. Jones, of Chi cago, who visited Romo and while there was shown somo of the great marble masterpieces of the world, among others the Apollo Belvidero. They pointed it ont to her as being the most perfect form of man that had over been conceived by the brain of an artist, and tho old woman walked all aronnd it, looked atit from ev ery point of view, and she says: “That’s the Apollo Belvidere, is ItT “Yes." “Well, give mo Jones,"—Helena Indo- I’ut Up and Pnt Down ^ I wxnt a Word to rhyme with Ills, I have It now; I’ll put down pilK Kxciim* me, though th t n ? ut down pilh I’d rather suti\rhome big 11D. To put down tho old-fashioned, little, bitter pills, that griped so and made such disturbance internally i* more than a wise man will do. lie will not put up with such unnecessary suffering, uses Dr. I’ierce’s Pleasant Pellets. As a Liver PiM, they are unequalcd. Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take. Put up in vials, hermetically sealed, hence alwjty fresh and reliable, which is not true of the large pills in wood or pasteboard boxes. As a gentle laxative, only one Pellett for a dose. Threo to four of these tiny, sugar coated granules painlessly as a cathartic. Raid heads are too many when they may he covered with a luxuriant growth of hair hy using the best of all restorers, Hall’s Hair Renewer. THE FIRST SYMPTOMS OF DEATH. Tired feeling, dull headache, pains in arious parts of the body, sinking at the pit of the stomach, loss of appetite, feverishness, pimples or sores, arc all positive evidence of poisoned blood. No matter how it became poisoned it must be purified to avoid death. Dr. Acker’s English Rlood Elixir lias never failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poison. Sold under positive guarantee. For sale by Fleetwood A Russell, Americus, Ga. 4 So severo is the climate of South America upon iron that beforo ties have shown signs of docay the Ranges of tho rails will be nearly eaten oil - by rust. Don’t storm the system as you would a fort. If hebl by the enemy, consti pation, gently persuade it to surrender with DcWitt’s Little Early Risers. These little pills are wonderful con- vincers. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. In tho new Anglo-American telephone cable the four cores are wound around each other in a spiral or strand to obvi ate the effects of induction. Investigate their merits. Do. Witt’ Littlo Early Risers don’t gripe, cause nausea or pain, which accounts for their popularity. The Davenport Drug Com pany says they would not run a drug store without these little pills. An electric expert says no light has been found that will penetrate a fog better than an old oil lamp. DoWitt’s Sarsaparilla cleanses the blood, increases tho appetite and tones up tho system. It has boneiitted many pooplo who have suffered from blood disorders. It will help you. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. According to scientist, “eating too much starves tho brain,’’ and eating too little starves the stomach. People with impure blood may be said to exist, not live. Life ir robbed of half its joys when tho blood is loaded with impurities and disease. Correct this condition with DeWitt’s Sarsapa rilla, it is ‘ reliable. For salo by tho Davenport Drug Company. The grip is caused by dust carrying tho germs into the throat and lungs. Wo cannot afford to deceive you. Con- dence is begotten by honesty. Do Witt’s Little Early Risers are pills that will cure constipation and sick headache. For sale hy the Davenport Drug Com pany. A new theory in relation to tho moon has lately been advanced, to tho effect that the lights and shadows of tho moon are incompatible with tho theory of its spherical shape. DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla destroys such poisons as scrofula, skin diseaso, ecze ma, rheumatism. Its timely use saves many lives. For sale hy tho Davenport Drug Company. The French chemists who some months ago succeeded in making small rubies have now overcome small diffi culties, and can make them of very much larger dimensions. You never tried DoWitt’s Littlo Ear ly Risers for constipation, hilliousncss, sick headache, or you would not have thoSese diseases. For salo by the Da venport Drug Company. Tho best speed of a railroad train is littlo more than half tho volocity of the golden eagle, the (light of which often attains to tho rate of 140 miles an hour. Perfect action and perfect health re sult from /the use of DeWitt’s Little Early risers, a perfect littlo pill. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company, That tired feeling, pains in tho hack and chest, distress after eating, bead- haches and like affections, are overcome and cured byp. I*. I*. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium.) July 14, dl2t-w*2t. A report on electric lighting of trains in Germany leads to the conclusion that such lighting must he independent of the locomotive, and that it must ho on the accumulator system. Advice to Wombs If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men* struation you must use BRADFIELD’S. FEMALE REGULATOR 1 Carters vtllb, April 28, ISM. This win certify that two members of my Immediate family, after bavin* earned for years from Menstrua! Irregularity, being treated without benefit by physicians, were at length^completely curedby one bottle of Bredfield’e Female Bwsmar. it* effect is truly wonderful. J. mumiffl BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO, ATLANTA. GA. VOMfULBBT.JLLI, DRXJQQUX9* GO TO ALLISON & AYCOCK For all kinds of Books and Stationery, we mean to lead jn our line. Wo are headquarters for all kinds of PICT LIItR FRAMES. We keep ono of the best selected stock of MOULDING kept this side of Atlanta, suitable for any and all kinds of pictures. We have made special reduction in this lino of our business for the past few weeks and have decided to continue t ni.H special sale until August 1st, BLANK BOOKS! Wo have just received as large assortment of these goods as are usually carried in this country and if we fail to have what you want in oui .mmenso fr-ick wo can have them made up for you cheaper than anyone else, as we deal directly with one of tho largest manufacturers of Blank Books in N, Y. City. Wo have also added to our lino of business, a good line of FIRST- CLASS CIGARS and will ho ploased to have our gentlemen friends call and see us. Very respectfully, ALLISON & AYCOCK, 31« LAMAR AMERICUS GEORGIA Americus Iron Works, BUILDERS OF— Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills, Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, Jets, Etc. Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys B@“Special attention given to repairing all kinds of Machinery. Telephone 79. 2 * 13-4m Saw ill Men, Attention! Are you In need of machinery of any description? If so, write us your wants, stating just what you desire and wo will make you low prices. Our special busi- ihincry such as AND WOOD-WORIING MACHINERY, ness is heavy machinery such as ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, and for first-class machinery, wo defy competition. Wo are general agents for H. 13. SMITH MACHINE CO.’S celebrated Wood-working machines, and can dis count factory prices. Bo sure to write for circular of “Farmers’ Favorite’’ saw mill; it is tho best on the market. Second-hand machinery constantly on hand. Writo for prices and see if wo cannot save you money. Perkins Machinery Company, 67 SODTIi BROAD STREET, Mention The Times When You Write. ATLANTA, GA. ]nne24-d&wlyear B. W. RUMNEY, MERCHANT TAILOR. Gontlemen wanting fine and good goods, good work in fit and execu tion of garments, will find it to their interest to cal^ and see me beforo purchasing. Cleaning and Repairing done. Prices reasonable. UP STAIRS, OVER P. L. HOLT’S ESTABLISHMENT, LAMAR STREET, - - AMERICUS, GA. Junc27d-tf S. H. HAWKINS’ '». HX-BAGIEyTyLp^, W.E. lIRPhEY. Cashier. '•UOANIZED 1870. -sSThe Ba ik of Americus.Re^ Designated Depo,itory stats of Oeorelx. Stockholm* individually liable/ -- •-•.5188:882 - : D EL 038:— Pre». Amencm Inrettment Co n.C,C.e Kg ,p re , .ocmnI g eo Brick Co. W A M w U ?^ un ' °L! U - Dodlmn * Son, Attornen 9- ' v -<"°ve r , IWt Americui Grocery Co. 8. H. Hawkini, Prea't 8. A. & m. Railroad 8.Montgomery, p re »-t People!Nltlonilblmk. i’ WtSheffleid.of Sheffield & Co., Hu-dwira. T, W lieatley, wholesale dry goods. W. E. Murphoy, Cashier. - - - •100,000. THE BANK OF SUMTER T. N. IIAWKES, O. A. COLEMAN President. Vice-President. W. C. FURLOW, Cashier. DIRECTORS—O. A. Coleman, C. C. ™ k ]nx, a H. Jossey, T. N. Hawke., W- c - Furlow, W. H. C. tVhewdey, R. s! 2 v S r ’a. lr ;, M .', , Brown .- w - M - Hawkes, Dr. E. T. Mathis, Arthur Rylander. Liberal its customeis, accommoda- ting to tho public and prudent in it* management, this bank solicits deposit* and other business In its line. S. MONTGOMERY, Prwt. I. C. RONEY, Vk» Pmt JN0. WINDSOR. C’r. LESTER WINDSOR At.t. C-r. E. A. HAWKINS, Attorniy NO. 2839. THE Peoples’ National Baht Of Americas. Capital, 850,000. Snrplul, *25,000 ORGANIZED 1883. H. c. Baolkt, lfe!. w. B. Hawk iks, Seo. & Tr. Americus Investment Co. Investment Securities. Paid up Capital, 81,000,000. ISurplus, 8260,000. DIBECTOBS: t H C Bagley, W E Hawkins, S W Coney, VV S Gillis, J W Sheffield, P C Clegg, W M Hawkes, B F Mathews, O U Byno, W E Murphoy, S Montgomery, J H Pharr. B, P. Hollis. ' Bank of SontRwestera. Georgia. • SPEER, J. W. WHEATLEY, President. Vie* President. W. H. C. DUDLEY, A* W. SMITH, Cashier. Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS ! ’ .. W. Wheatley, E. J. Eldridgo, C. A. Huntington, H. R. Johnson. , R. J. Perry, J. C. Nichols n.V A. W. Smith, , W.H.C.Dudlij,’' M. Speer. T3 "E3"Y"T3XD FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. REPRESENTING THE SAFESTAND STRONGEST COMPANIES IN t THE,WORLD. Insurance placed on City and Country Property. Office on Jackaon Street, next door below Mayor’s Office. dec25-dly. R. L. McMATII. E. J. McMATH. B.H. McMATH McMATH BROTHERS. DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions, Cohort Proflice BOOTS, SHOES, ETC., ETC., WHISKEY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, SPECIALTIES. 207 FORSYTH STREET, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. Wo solicit a nlmre of tho patronage of the trading public, guaranteeing satisfaction low price*, and good good*. We deliver goods anywhere in the city. Call and see us. McMATH BROTHERS. E. Bukb,'Jr., Pres. H. M. Knapp, V. P. O. A. Coleman, Seo, * Trcas, (Negotiates Loans onjmproved Farm and City Property. B P Hollis, Attorney, J S Bivins. V. Land Examine W. D. MURRAY. PRESIDENT. Planters’ Bank of E1M& XBstUIo, Oeorgla. PAID VP CAPITAL, - . *25,000e Collections a Specialty. Liberal to its customers, soooimaodsHiig to the public and prudent in its maoagment, this bank solicit* deposits and other business In its line. - JanWAwlj BAKERY R. F. NEHRINC, PROPUIKTOIt. lackssu; street, Under Allen Ho AMERICUS, GA. LIGHT BREAD A SPECIALTY! Orders for Cite cf all Sail Fromptlj Filled I Brad aad Cite Wages Coes out Mr Country Merchants supplied with brand at wholesale prices. BUGGIES I will sell you the l»e*t buggy in Georgia, price and/juaUty con*ldered. Repairing all kind* hoIidled and executed promptly and neatly. All work warranted T. S, GREENE. Cotton Avenue., - Opposite Prince’s Stables’ Americua, Georgia. UPPMAN PROS., Proprietors, Onmlito, Uppoun'i Stock, SAVANNAH. GA. For salo by tho DAVENPORT DRUG COMPANY, Aiuorious, Ga. W. D. Haynes & Son. * REAL ESTATE. STOCK AND BONO Americus, Ga. 3101-2 Lamar Street, Caveats, and Tradc-Harka obtained, and all Pat- ent bn* I nos* conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Offlcs is Opposite U. •. Patent OMct. _ and we can secure patent in lest time than toOM remote from Washington. .. 8p nd model, drawing or photo., with descrip- tlon. We advise. If patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent ts seewed. A Pamphlet, **IIow to Obtain Patents,” with names of ictnal clients In your State, county, or town, sent free. AddreM*; : <r. C.A.SNOW&CO* Opposite Patent Office, Washington, 0.0. ■> "•‘-'■r r "i—rm—.u jua uh*- —