Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, July 25, 1891, Image 5

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Shoes Jpr Young! ( Shoes for Old! Shoes for Rich! Shoes for Poor! LOOK AT THE RAGING FLAMES SOME TERRIBLE WORK BUENA VISTA Thursday Nl*ht. Whan a Comldcrablo Hole Was Burned In ihe Huelneaa Por tion of the Town—Several Buildings Went op In Smoke. YOUR SHOES! M In fed i to Pair! -THE- Great American eagle’ SHOE STORE, 1 119 Forsyth St. Has just what you want. , A Sweeping Reduction will be made* on all Foot-Wear pnrehased of us in the Next 30 Days In this Sweeping Sacrifice Salo unprecedented bargains will bo offered on all LOW CUT SUM MER SHOES, andjwe expect that the announcement of this sale will if We are not after room as most merchants would say—but are AF TER MONEY—room we have enough—but are SHORT ON MONEY. If you want to know what we mean by a SWEEPING Reduc tion, come to this Thursday night about 830 o’clock, while most of the people of Buena Vista were at church, the alarm of Ore waa sounded, and the place waa thrown Into a state of most Intense excitement,. The fire was soon located in the two- story wood building of D. M. Hall & Co., and it burned like powder. Thla build ing burned so rapidly that nothing could be saved. Mr. J. C. Rigsby lived just in the roar of Hall's drug store, and all the family were at church, but those who first ap peared on the scene saved most of his household goods. J. M. Lowe & Co., dry goods, were just across the corner from nail's in one-story building. Heroio efforts were made to save thla building, but It could not be saved. The water supply was limited to the wells on the square and they wore drawn dry. S. N. Rushin & W. F. Rushin, groce ries, are on the oast corner, and It was with great difficulty that the building was saved. A light oast wind protected this building. A good many goods were taken out lu a slightly damaged conili tion. These, with a small house south of tho drug store, wero all the buildings burned, but had it not been for the bank and the two story brick building be tween the burnt district and the wood en buildings north, tho entiro west and north sido of the squaro would have been in ashes. J. L. Wilson, who had a general store in the drug store building, lost bis en tire stock. He savod his books. In surance 81,000. The Masonic lodge over the two stores was insured for 8800 on the building. Tho jewels, chart and other valuable paraphernalia wero a total loss. D. M. Hall & Co., savod nothing and were insured for $1,000. S. N. Rushin & W. F. Rusliiu, was in sured and sustained a slight loss on goods and building. J. M. Lowe & Co., had insurance on thier stock to the amount of 80,000 or (7,000. The building, owned by Judge Lowe, was insured for $1,000. A largo number of the goods from the building were saved In a damaged condition. Mr. J. C. Rigsby had no Insurance on his house or furniture. , The bank was insured for $1,200. There was no loss to the bank except to doors, windows, counters and other fixtures. Mrs. M. E. Adkins, milliner, who lives above her store was not Insured. She sustained a slight loss from removal of goods. Dr. Jeilorson sustained a loss In tho removal of goods from his drug store. We could not see him but presume he was insured. Tub Tiues-Recoiideb is informed that a more determined set of men never went to a fire and that they fought tho fire fiend desperately. Tho weather la said to bavo been the calmest ever seen at a largo fire. The damage was considerable, but the people of Buona Vista are a plucky, de termined sot They have an abiding faith In their town and when they start at it they will not bo long about repair ing the loss which has boon entailed upon them. It is expected that the burnt district will bo built up with brick blocks. Tho fire Is thought to have boen of Incendiary origin. One Bound of Enjoyment. Mr. A. Dodson's handsome home on College hill was Thursday night a scene of light and beauty. The occasion was an entertainment tendered the young people by Mill Nannie Dodson, compli mentary to Miss Settle Sterne, a charm ing Albany young lady who la her guest Refreshments, consisting of ell the nice things whtoh can be collected for euch occasions, were served at 11 o'clock. The evening was one round of enjoyment. One of the principal features was danc ing, the german being led by Mr. Joel Hightower and Miss Em Prince. Those present were: Miss Charley Hitt, Earl Corry;Mlss Monre Cargyle of Brunswick, Stewart Allen; Miss Ella Lou Ilarrold, Harrold Boone; Miss Annie May Bell of Binning- ham, Lester Windsor; Miss Ponder of Forsyth, Howell Simmons; Miss Ida Merritt, Frank Harrold; Miss Bela Hill, Eston Buchanan; Miss Jennie Merritt, Walter Crisp; Miss Sadie Babcock, H, Ed. naynes; Miss Em Prince, Louia Williams, Terry Illukle, George Oliver, Whit Smith. As I am going to mar ket on August 1st and will need money, and in order to get as much as possible by that time, have concluded to reduce my stock. Julie E. Johnson, Stafford's P. O., S. C., writes: “I had suffered 13 years with eczema and was at times confined to my bed. The itching was terrible, My son-in-law got mo one half dozen bottles of Botanic Blood Balm, which entirely cured mo, and I ask you to pub lish this for the benefit of others suffer ing iu like manner." 7-lg-eod-lm Notice. The annual meeting of stockholders of ne A. P. & L. Warehouse & Com press Company will be held at tho of fice of the company at the Compress in Americus, Georgia, on Wednesday, August 5th, 1801, at 10 a. m. pursuant to the by-laws of said company. W. E. Burnt age, Bresident. Jambs IIehh Smith, Secretary. Americus, Ga., July 20, 1801. A nice line of extracts, colognes, toil et waters, &c., at Dr. Eldridge Drug Store. Wanted. Nine hundred and ninety-nine custom ers to save from 10 to 25 per cent, in ex changing cash for Shoes, Hats and Um brellas, for the next 10 davs. Bring us your cash and be convinced. Williford, Matthews & Co. jull0-lw. Prescriptions accurately compounded of pure drugs, at all hours at Dk. Eldridge Drug Store. I will sell for Ihe next 15 days For Spot Cash PRICES Low Down. 1 say what I mean and mean what I say- a man has a right to say what he said he said, that’s what I said, We have an elegant line of very fine silk umbrellas that wo will sell at cost to make room for now goods of another line. James Fuicker & Bno. july 21-tf Groceries at Cost. Groceries going at cost. Shoes going below cost Broad and cakes selling first I am closing out my stock of gro ceries, so that 1 can put in a new and fresh lot next fall, consequently I will sell my groceries very cheap. I have a large stock of canned goods that will sell at cost I also havo a few pairs of la dles’ and gents’ coarse shoes that 1 will dispose of below cost. Come and see my stock, as I will not hold this offer long. C. C. Cakteie. 320 Lamar street Hawkes’ Crystalized Lenses In all styles, specs and eye-glasses sold with guarantee to please or monoy refunded E. J. Eldiiidqe. 30-Day Sweep Sale, and you will find the Largest and most varied stock of shoes ever offered in Americas and at lower prices than are obtainable else where. THE NAME- SHOE STORE. THE PLACE:- 119 Forsyth St., AMERICUS, GA. «! N.B.—No goods charged at , these ent prices, but-wiH be charg ed at our regular prices. JOHN R. SHAW. Medicinally pure wines, brandies and whiskies at Dr. Eldridge’s Drug Store. For Kent. One front room to rent, up stairs next to library. Apply to, 7-25-lmo D. F. Davespobt. Fora ploasant shave go to Dr.El! drldge's and buy one of those celobrrtcd Tower Razors which are guaranteed to please. Envelope.! We have just received a big job lot of manllla envelopes of fine quality, that wero bought at a bargain, and wo can print them for you with card, etc., cheap er than you can buy them plain by retail anywhere. They are more durablo than white, and are good enough for all busi ness purposes, and are much cheaper. Times Publishixq Co. Turnip seed, turnip seed, just received fresh lot of nice varieties at * a fresh l - tues&Sun Dn. Eldbidoe’s. To Our Patrons. After this week we will collect all bills for job work weekly. This will make payments easier for you, and help us materially, as our expenses are payable weekly. _ Times Publishio Company. For and >r your toilet soaps, tollot powders all toilet articles, go to Db. Eldbidox. Removal. J. Rott merchant tailor has remov from old stud, Forijrthi treat to ■■ avenue up stolr^I^eh^TIme^omcei whereihej^H work many new ones as july 10-d-lmo. ienp stairs la okrmnes om^, I be Is ready to give first elata to all hw old customers and as new ones as will call. Pore spices and flavoring extracts at Dr. Bdrldge’s Drag Store. Notice. An assessment of the balance of 15 per cent, due upon tho subscription to the the preferred capital stock of the Times Publishing Company has tills day been called by the board of directors, paya- able on August 1, prox. J. W. Wiieatley, Attest— President Babcom Myiiick. July 15, dtd. Mr. Harrison’s efforts to negotiate a reciprocity treaty with the Indiana blacks have failed, and they are now more eager than ever to Hippolytlze him as soon as possible. Business is busi ness and more business is business again. I have a few Ma dras Shirts left and I want to close them out Cheap ain’t the word, if you will call within the jas. t. cone, , JEWELER. DIAMONDS WATCHES IN CLUBS. TELEPHONE 102. 102 FORSVTH STREET. Yon can exercise lots of Sense with a very few Dollars nowadays. We need Dollars aud we don’t hesitate to say that we are after those dollars—if yon need a Refrigerator—don’t yon hesitate to come after one—a very few dollars will buy a first-class modern refrigerator and you will get the good of those dollars in a hundred senses. $5.00 to $25.00. a smut iMss fact Next 15 Days. remember if you want goods cheap. 15 days is the time allowed. For Over Fifty Year. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colte, and Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the world. Flesh a mass of disease, condition hopeless, the system an entire wreck, nerves all unstrung, yet ?. P. P. was taken and an entire cure made. Attend to diet and directions of P. P. P. and all blood disease must yield slowly but surely. When Baby was sick, w* (are tor Csstorta. When sto was a Child, to* cried for Gutorfa. When she became Kiss, she dun* to Cartorla. When ihe had Children, sto care t Ituta baga, red top and all other va rieties of turnip teed for fall and sum mer planting at Dn. Eldbidoe’s. Connecticut last year took out more patents in proportion to population than any other state in the Union. And this did not Include therepnbUcsn patent for stealing office*. D »—BHIIIIH■ Call within 15 days and you will get Shoes, Shirts, Socks, Scarfs, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, IS THIS-We are after money—our entire stock of Summer Specialties,^Staple China, Crockery, Silverware, Lamps, etc. is here ready^for thojsaorifico—ready to be "led like 5 lamb to the slaughter” to satisfy the economio necessities of the hour and thus give to our goods what are "hard times” prices in dead earnest. Let your good Dollars and your good Sense bring yon to the Artesian Corner always. Butler & Berry, ' : >A ARTESIAN CORNER, LEE A LAMAR STREETS. W. H. R. SCHROEDER, Manufacturer of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Vue, Galvanized Iron Cornice, Tin and Iron Roofing, Hot Air Heatin-Etc, Iron Smoko Steeki. Exhaust Piping for Saw Mills a Specialty, . Corner Jackson and Jefforaon Btreeti, AM5RICU8, OA. W. J. SLAPPEY, Formerly on Artesian Corner, has removed to store.lately occupied by W. H. Bcarborough UNDER OPERA HOUSE, Where be will be glad to see tale Mends. The Finest Stock of Whiskies, Tobacco and Groceries is Lthe city. Sole Agent for Schuylkill Whiskey, Which la oflsred at the low prise of IM0. J. B. BROWN’S PRIVATE STOCK. Ten years old, at f<U0 per gallon. W. J". UNDER OPERA HOUSE. and everything per taining to the Haber dashery business W. D. BAILEY, THE STALL FED BEEP TO- MAYO A WINKIjER’S. Also the Best Sauiage on Earth. TELEPHONE |tl» . . . LUCIUS H. KIMBROUGH, Ansartob Uniox Uextbal LWb Ususamcb Co. Also asent tor New England Ifntual A~ id * n ‘ r^hffi^ss^sssisaa £ssr l ‘ ,ul “■ OFKOK EOOM'4, BABLOW BLOCK, U? STAIBS. AMBRIOUS, - - - W ARTESIAN DRUG STORE. ''' (AT THE ARTESIAN WELL.) a»i-J Prescriptions a dwclalty, and filled wllh accuracy and dispatch at aU hours night and WM. C. SHORT’, Manager. Julytt'loi ■' ?£KS