Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, August 07, 1891, Image 3

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THE AMERICUS DAILY T1MES-REC0RDER: FRIDAY, AUGUST 7, 1891. O'lMHMIMHUIIMimimHItlMMII BAD BLOOD! , Pimplei on the Fioe | IvTVS.?, 114 * BUaTrablMi MMs Berest Hot IUs| Boils | Blotches i SjJjJtogi 8or« Xooth or Lip* i "j&ttSkvu* CTOR ACKER’S _ - ENCLI8H • iiCOB ELIXIR R P.P. : " RES SCROFULA. > g|MWi>«t In iwMA tll CURES D Lad tee wboM lYittiu »rs poleoead and who* blood fc te m lonwra condition due »«* m*n«tre«I tncnlarttlao aro , &£iiixr um PrlcWjr AaVVaURoot ERR URES DYSPEPSIA , LIFTMAN BBU&, Troprieton, j rogglitt, Uppmxa'i Block, SAVAHSAH, OA. J For sale by the DAVENPORT DRUG I'MFANY, Americas, Ga. Health is Wealth! i remaiuro mu louuoee, «™o is either sex, Involuntary Losses end Sperma torrhoea, oaused by over-exertion of the lirmln, Mlf-ahoae or nTer-tnduleenoe. Etch box con tains ono month’s .treatment. *1.00 per box, or six boxes for *0.001 soot by mall, preraid, on re- oelpt of prioo. WE GUARANTEE BIX BOXES To core any case. With each orderrewurjd by ue for eix boxes, aoootnpanted with (0.00, we ~ w’ll send the purchaser our written enaranteeto v rtndtbe money if tbe treatment does not ef- i tsenre. Onarantees Issued only by 2S HKDAVXNPOBS DRUG CO.. Sole Afti., W Amerlcus, Ga. R. E. BYRD, Auditor, OFFICE 57i JACKSON STREET, AMERICUS, GA. Will ndjuel Books snd Accounts nnd do s tenoral collecting business. A competent .racy associated. Charges reasonable. I take btulnees In neigh boring cities. •rcncos;J. \V. Sheffield A Co., Bank of *r, Davenport Drag Co. Ooivespon- . solicited. mayZl sin. .leal Bummer Resort.”-IISKBTW. ET WATER PARK HOTEL, LltbH Spring*, Georgia. }»nce and comfort. Table, service end tUbga above criticism. The be*i for the t Recreation lor the pleasure eueker, •for the Invalid. The finest Both Hrittem teUnited Staten.. The uioet valuable jrnl mineral water* In the wor*d free, h-eiaea oceommodatlone lor fiOO guest* station l,ar») reet. Pure pine wood* air. malaria. Thegreat Piedmont Chautau I*»Mhit* brilliant attraction*. Abrm poreto! canl), to eend booklet and ratr*. inay8-Rm. Proprietor*. CONDENSED NEWS DISPATCHES, Domestic and Foreign nnd of General Interest. It is reported that Major McKinley of Ohio has declared himself in favor of renop" mating Mr. Harrison for the pres idency. E. P. Spaulding, a prominent physi cian of Metropolis, His., shot himself through the head with suicidal intent. Financial matters was the cause. An old ex-Union soldier was mur dered in Cullman county. Ain., by some unknown person, who it is supposed committ' l tbe deed for his pension money. The queen has conferred the order of yet been mode public. A London dispatch states that Henry Irving, who has been suffering from an uffcction of the hroat, impairing his voice, has been operated upon by Sir Morell McKenzie and is now rapidly re covering. Mr. Gladstone, in a letter congratu lating Mr. Brand upon his victory at Wisbeck, writes : " Even the Conserva tives and the Unionists, judging from recent utterances, now recognize that tbeir game is up. ” Protest was made at New York by delegates of the Musical Protective union ngninst tbe admission to this o mntry of a ballet troupe now about hiaving Europe under the management of Walter Damrosch. At Galveston, Tex., Dave Hall se verely and perhaps fatally cut his broth- er-in-law, Louis Leathern. With a butch er knife. Family troubles said to be the cause. Hall was arrested. Leath ern is in the hospital. The Paris Academy of Medicine has awarded the Arfila prize to Professor Kauffman of the voterinary college at Alfort for a lotion for the cure of viper bites, consisting of one part of chromic arid dissolved in 100 parts of water. The British consul at Foo Chow tele graphs to tbe foreign office that there is no truth in the report that riots are imminent there. He says the Europeans in Foo Chow aro adequately protected by the Chinese officials and foreign gun boats. At Atchison, Kan., Jimmy Dolan, s small boy, gave another small boy named Andy Wilson a dose of Bella donna, and liad it not been for the prompt action of the family in sending for a doctor the Wilson lad wonld have died. Jimmy was playing doctor. At Bordentown, N. J., Dr. Wm. H. Shipps, the physician of Mrs. Parnoll, wlio was recently bitten by a dog, re ceived a telegram from Charles Parnell asking if it was necessary to have his mother sent to Paris for treatment by Dr. Pastenr. Dr. Shipps replied that his patient was doing nicely. Lieutenant Taylor, the adjutant at Fort McPherson, near Atlanta, refused to allow the military post band to play at the Piedmont Chantanquato greet ex-Senator Ingalls, on the grounds that tlie whole affair was a political scheme. He suid that the United States took no part in politics, and tbe hand wonld not play. A Hamilton, O., special says: Conrad Stroh, who lives near the reservoir head gates, left home telling his wife he was going to Cincinnati and wonld soon re turn. Instead he came here, made all financial arrangements and went tc New York. From there he sailed for Germany. Ho has for some time been wanting to take a trip to the old conn- try, bnt his wife always opposed it. To Printers and PublDhere. The Times Publishing Company has for sale a portion of the newspaper and job outfit made surplus by the reoent consolidation of the Times and Recor der, consisting of one cylinder newspa per press, two Gordon job presses, one Hero paper cutter, one perforator, six stands, two Imposing stones and tables, five hundred pounds of news type, etc. Till* material and these presses are virtually now, having been in use only year, A great bargain in prices and terms can bo secured by the right par ties. Address the Times Publishing Company, Amerlcus, Ga. ’TIs said that both Quay and Dudley will now fight Harrison to the finish. WE CAN AND DO Guaranteo Dr. Acker's Blood Elixir, for it has been fully demonstrated to the people of this country that It is superior to all other preparations for blood dis eases. It Is a positive cure for syphllltlo poisoning, Ulcers, Eruptions, and Pim ples, It purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds up the constitution. For sale by Fleetwood <!fc Russell, Amer icas, Ga. 7 Malaria and Broken-Down Constitution. Waycbobb, Ga.—Dr. H. Whitehead Dear Sir—At your request I will state my case. Some years ago, I contracted malaria in I ta most violent form, while living at Newark, N. J. I consulted va- rious'physicians and took numberless preparations recommended ns "sure euros," but it stuck to me like a brother —or more like a mother-in-law. I fi nally camo south, and while hero tried new remedies, said to always cure ma laria, and it stil’ stuck to mo, and you know tho broken down condition I was in when I came to you. You put mo to taking your P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium,) nnd I improved rapidly, and am to-day in as good health as I ever was—In faot better. As a rem edy for a broken down constitution it has no equal. Yours, etc., july28dl2tw2t T. P. CoTTLK. The old channels of rivers are changed by all sorts of dam innovation!.—Detroit Fteo Press. She Wee Willing to Giro up All. When Qneon Elizaboth of England found death approaching her, she cried despairingly, "All my possessions for moment of time!” Thero are wealthy ladies to-day, tho world over, who would gladly oxchango their ricliea for sound health. Many are mado well and happy by Dr. Pierco’s Favorite Prescrip tion, a never-failing cure for diseases so common to women. As a corrective for all functional weaknesses it is of uni versal repute among the sex, and thou sands of pale, worn-out, enfeebled vio- tims have been changed into rigorous women and girls by its use. Guaranteed to give satisfaction, or price refunded, Druggists have it. A loungo is sometimes used in the bed'ssteod.—Binghamton Republican. For Over Kitty Years Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colie, and la the best remedy for diarrhtoa. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the world. A peculiarly sad accident occurred at tbe villago of West Lodi, fonrteen miles east of Tiffin, O. Mrs. Mary Krnpp left her 2-year-old child playing in a swing in the front yard. Daring her absence the little one fell from the positive guarantee at 2So and swing, and in some way the cords be- sale by Fleetwood Jt Russell, came wonnd shouts its neck, strangling “ it. When the mother retnmeda few minutes afterward her child was dead. forsaio by tho DAVENPORT DRUG IMPANY Amerlcus, Ga. ‘THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY prescribed by phyeiclene. Beet Sy ringe tree with each bottle. Price ft Sold by drUKSlete- Beware of Sob- ■dlutiaAcinflChemUeDa^^le Postmaster General Wanamakor has decided that Geo. W. Stabler con offi ciate ns postmaster and mayor of the new city of Huron, Kan., at the same time. Stahier was elected mayor lost week, lint afterword declined to qualify on account of the construction he placed on the postal law in regard to postmas ters holding etectivo offices. The law does not affect postofiiccs of the fourth doss. The National Zeitung states that France and the Vatican hare entered into n new agreement, formed last month, by which France undertakes to help the Vatican oat of its financial embarrassments, and tho Vatican binds itself to support the republic at home and abroad, the two parties also agree ing to sustain n Republican propaganda in Italy. The alarm occasioned by the sadden attack of illness which the queen suf fered, is abating. Her illness was en- tirelv due to tho nervous shock entailed upon her by the sight of the unfortun ate Empress Charlotte, who, when she was visited by tho queen, waif suffering from one of the periodical attacks of violent insanity to which she has been subject ever since tho tragic death in 18(17 of her husband. A Salt Lake special says: Tho foil re turn allows that tlie Liberals have twelve members of the legislature, one- third of the whole, a large gain over the number in any previous legislature. Tho Liberals elect three members of oonnoil and six of the honse in this city, by a plurality of 100. They also elect the county collector, two selectmen snd the county superintendent, by plurali ties of from 800 to 8,000. The Order of Railway Trackmen of the United States is now in session in Birmingham, Ala., with about sixty ‘ a tea present from most of the i states. The main question be- meeting to arpremositkm to con solidate with the North American Or der of Section Foremen. Both orders are precisely similar, the only difference being that one is northern and the other southern. Final action has not yet been A Birmingham, Ala., dispatch states that a telegram received there from De tective Stark reports that ho is en route to Birmingham from Portland, Ore., mingham, and will remain to welcome her husband's return to life and to dis- misu the snit against tbe insurancecom- Sunday Is tbe summer landlord’s day of wrest—Boston Transcript CAN’T BLEEP NIGHTS la the complaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coui' etc. Did you ever try Dr Acker’s Eng lish Remedy? It is the best preparation known for all Lung troubles. Sold on a ' and BOo. For Amerlcus, Ga. ' ’8 A course of P. P. P. will banish all bad feelings, and restore your health to perfect condition. Its curative power* are marvelous. It out of sorts snd In bad humor with younelf and the world, take P. P. P. and become healthy and rational. ' When &*y was sick, we gave her (Merit When sbs was a Ohfld, ehe cried for Oectoria. When she become Ha* she etasg to Oeetoria. Wbea ehe had ChBdno, ehe gave them Ceetoria Medicinally pure wines, brandies and rhlskies at Dr. Eldrldge’S Dhig Stole. Riches have wlnga; they are eagle's wings to our coin. People with impure blood may be said to exist, not live. Life ir robbed of half its Joys when the blood is loaded with impurities and disease. Correct this condition with Do Witt’s Sarsapa rilla, it to reliable. For salo by the Davenport Drug Company. “What’s the row over at the Mu seum?" "A fake dentist sold tbe fire- eater a set of celluloid teeth.”—Puck. Advice to Wora If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation, you must use / SO TC T ALLISON & AT COCK Books —For all kinds of—— and Stationery, we mean to lead in onr line. We are headquarters for all kinds of PICTURE FRAMES. We keep one of the best selected stock of MOULDING kept this side of Atlanta, suitable for any and all kinds of pictures. We have made special reduction in this line of our business for the past few weeks and have decided to continue this special sale until August 1st, BLANK BOOKS I We have jast received as large assortment of these goods os are usually carried in this country ana if we fail to have what you wont in om immense i&ock we con have them mode np for yon cheaper than anyone else, as we deal directly with one of the largest manufacturers of Blank Books in N, Y. City.- We have also added to our line of business, a good line of FIRST- CLASS CIGARS snd will be pleased to have our gentlemen friends call and see us. Very respectfully, ALLISON & AYCOCK, 310 LAM All 8TICKET. ..... AMCRICCS 3KOROIA Americus Iron Works, -BUILDERS OF- Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, .Valves, Jets, Etc. nAi.. ! I, ' : : J I £. ,1 ' :: : i lit i, Boxes and Pulleys ^©“Special attention given to repairing all kinds of Machinery. Telephone 79. t-tum Saw Mill Man, t" Are you in need of machinery of any description? If so, write us your wants, statlng just what you desire and we will make you low prices. Our special busi ness is heavy machinery snob at ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS, AND W00D-W0RI1NG MACHINERY, iry, we defy competition. Wo are genoral agenb CO.'S celebrated wood-working machines, ana cat sure to write for circular of "Farmers’ Favorite" its for can dls- and for first-class machine] H. B. SMITH MACHINE count factory prices. Be mill; it Is the best on the market Second-hand machinery constantly on hand. Write for prices snd see if we cannot save you/Uoney, Perkins Machinery Company, 67 SOOTH BROAD STREET, Mention rax tixxs When.You Write. ATLANTA, GA. JoneM-d&wljear W. H. R. SCHROEDER, Mmfactarei of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Vara, Galranlxed Iron Cornice, Tin and Iron Roofing, Hot Air Heatin' Etc. Iron Smoke Stack*. Exhaust Piping for S*w Mill* a Specialty. : ... 1 v to Corner Jaokson and Jefferson streets, AHERIOUS, GA. R. T. BYE FIRE MIDLIFE II REPRESENTING THE SAFESTAND STRONGEST... Insurance placed on City and Country Property. Offloe^on Jaokson Street, next door below Mayor’s a.u 1 x. 1, itcMath. '• " u b.h.momath McMATH BROTHERS. ... 1 DEALERS IN- i-> I , Provisions, Corn? BOOTS. SHOES, ETC., ETO., WHISKEY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, SPECIALTIES. 207 FORSYTH STREET, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. We solicit a share or the patrons** ofthstredlnspubUe, fosnmteUn* sSUSTsetlOB low prloes,and good foods. We deliver foods anywhere In tbe city. Call amiss* ns. FINANCIAL. S.H. HAWKINS Pret’i. H.C BAGLEY. Vice Pree’’ W.£. MUBPnEY. Cutler. ORGANIZED 1870. -*6The Bank of Americus.o*- Deelcnsted Depository State 6f Georgia. Btockhoia-rt imllriduslly lisble. Capitol. - •*. •180,000 Surplus, Jae. Dodeun, ot Use.Dodson A Son, Attorneys. G. W. (Hover, Freet Axuxkni, Grocery Co. 8. H. Hawklne, Pree't B. A. * a. Railroad. H. Montgomery, Pree’t People.NatlonelBsnk. /. W. Sbefieid,of Sheffield & Co., Hardware. - (A,- THE BANK OP SOMTER T. N. SA^KES,' A. COLEMAN, President.' Vice-President, , | Wi a FUBLOW, Cashier. makt Wli»a“y* Oliver, II. M. Drown, W. M, Hawke*, Dr. B. T. Mathis, 4ra^ Rylander.' . Liberal to it* chytOsieia, accommoda ting to the publio and prudent in It* ' te .deposits | .TiONEY, Vie. Preet, WINDSOR Asst. Cr. Attorney 2839. , ■t-eoh-os Petta a CspItaL Mtiioo!^' * Surplus, SSSJWe ORGANIZED,! 883. H. C. BAttLXV, Investment Securities, faid np Capital,,$1,000,000. L . |8urplu«, ; 8250,000. niBxcToits: - " ’'JK WE Hawklps, S W boaay, . J W Sheffield, P C Clegg, t Ilawkcs, B F Mathews, G M By us, ' — % s WoiH.! r7 ’ JHrw * Bam oi 50MM6st«rn. fwiju. * l spEirt; J.W.wMlATiW. •H. R. Johnson, 'J. O. Nicholson, „ ■! W.Hr'Oi Dudley, :K, Speer.!, rwr . Negotiates loans on,improved Farm and City Property* ■ B P Hollis, Attorney, J E Errors. Land Examiner. . 0. spur, mim^ -11 cum omhii Planters’ Bant of Ellavilie, . .. PAID UP CAPITAL, • - ■Ooileetbaa a Specialty, , m ' ■— Lihersl to its eustomsre, aooommodstlng to ■uui*fm*at| tkl* business la It* Ail A PROPBIKTOB* LIGFHT B|H lacboi street. Diler Allen Heme AMERICUS, GA. A SPEOlALTt i MuittrWiplM* Uj, BRAD FI E LD.*SJ FEMALE’ REGULATOR This will csrtUythVtVtro*naombM?! Smf Immedlttt family* after hATiog Killewd for «S*ct I* truly wondtrfuL J, W. 9nJMi> Country Mtfchanta supplied with bread at wholesale prices. B TT G a- I E3 M I will seU you tbe best buggy In Geoffl^ pries and:qusllty considered. Rspalriu* all kinds solicited and executed promptly and neatly. All work warranted. T. S, GREENE. Cntton Avenue., -_S jl, boxes, $&00. Sent by msO, prepaid; on reesipt of pries. THK DJLVMfa*ORT -«5), i,»/ WMaaitaadr C.A.SNOWACO. OayilM FWest mill, WMigie.eeth