Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, August 08, 1891, Image 2

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THE TIMES-RECORDER. Daily and Weekly. TBS AXERICt* ReCORDEK EHTAnMSHiD 1879. Tiie Axkkicui Timer Established 1890. CONSOLIDATED, APHIL, 1891. SUltSCItll’TION: Daily, Ohb Tear, • i • • • Daily, Ohk Month, J Seemly, Ok* Year, • • • - U Weekly, 8a Month*, t For Advertising rates address Bascox Myrick, Editor and Manager, THE TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, Americas, Ga. Amoricus, Ga., August 8, 1881. ON THE EIGHT UKE. From varlou. quarters Tiie Times Recokdek I» receiving commendations upon its position with reference to the election of Capt. John A. Cobb to the (■residency of the State Agricultural Society. It seems to bo recognised that South* western Georgia being agricultural head quarters is fairly entitled to the ollicial control of the society; and tills being true, it follows as a natural consequence that Americus, tho metropolis of the most favored section of this prosperous agricultural region, should fall heir to the plum. It therefore is a part of the logic of the situation that by common consent Capt. Cobb should be looked to ns tho most suitable man for the place; and that his friends should take kindly to the suggestion made by The Tisiks- Recoiihei:; and be preparing themselves to see that tho mantle of authority falls' upon his worthy shoulders when the question comes up for decision. The Timks-R^cobdbh but voices the lentimentof a vast number of the peo ple of the state when it advocates the election of Capt. Cobb, whose candidacy, be it understood, comes spontaneously from bis friends, and is in no wise brought forward by himself. This, of itself, is a strong argument In hi. favor, and will no doubt have its proper weight when the occasion brings up the question. ALLIANCE HALLIES. The Alliance rallies nre not over yet, by half. Notwithstanding the great Weavcr- Simpson and I-ivingston speaking tour, and tiie grand ovations with which they were greeted, Colonel Livingston is billed to speak at some point nearly every day during tho summer. At Toccoa Wednesday ho spoke to 7,000 people, and so great was the effect caused by his speech of three hours that at its close three ladies stepped forward and named their three babies Leonidas Livingston. On next Tuesday there will be a grand rallying of the Alliance hosts at Waynes boro, and Colonel Livingston will speak there. On Wednesday be will attend the State Agricultural Convention at Athens. On Thursday he speaks in Walton county, and on Friday in Oconee and on Saturday in his county—Newton. This last rally—the one in Newton county—has one novel feature about it that none the rest have. As has been stated before in the Constitution, the opponents of the alliance, or of the sub- treasury plan, have been invited to bo present, and time will be divided with them in discussing whatever differences exist. Col. Livingston, Col. Peek and Tom Wat«on will represent the alliance. The representatives of the other Bide have not yet been announced. There will be a big alliance meeting at Dalton to-day. Congressman Everett and Mr. Harry Brown will speak. Mrs. Lease is expected to speak at several places in the state within the coming fortnight.—Constitution. Envelopes! Envelopes!! We have just received a big job lot of raanilla envelopes of fine quality, that were bought at a bargain, and wo can print them foryou with card, etc., cheap er than you can buy them plain by retail anywhere. They are more durable than white, and are good enough for all busi ness purposes, and are much cheaper. Times Pitblishino Co. The kitchen is the best place for start ing seeds. It is moister and usually warmer. Don't storm the system as you would a fort. If he’d by the enemy, const! pation, gently persuade It to surrender with DeWitt's Little Early Itiaera. These little pills are wonderful con vincers. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. Breeding does not produce excellence; it retains and fixes it. Perfect action and perfect health re sult from the use of DeWitt’s Little Early risers, a perfect little pill. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. Nature deals in variations for the pur pose of improvement. Wo cannot afford to deceive you. Con- dcnco is begotten by honesty. De Witt's Little Early Kisers arc pills that will cure constipation and sick headache. For sale by tho Davenport Drug Com pany. In transplanting, bo sure to keep the routs of the plant moist. AFTER THE MONOPOLISTS. After a long struggle and in face of an advene report from the general judi ciary committee, the "anti-monopolists" (so-called) have succeeded in getting through tha house the bill to place ex press, telegraph and sleeping car compa nies under the jurisdiction of the Kail- road Commission. The vote was a very decisive one, and shows that our Solona are after the scalps of everything that runs on wheels or along the right-of-way. The plain truth la these angry legislators think they are right on Jay Gould's hot track, and are about to tree that sly shaking up Terminal railroads and hit telegraph company. They are also after Sir George 31. Pullman, the Italian count, and Hr. K. B. Plant, the New York millionaire; -and they are no doubt chuckling In their sleeves to think that there will not be a .greats spot left of these three worthies when the masticating process shall have been completed. Yet Jay and George and Henry will go f on grinding the faeee of the poor and . piling up millions, just like there wasn't any such an awful Institution as the Georgia Legislature; and there Isn't, to far as these long-headed Individuals are concerned. INGALLS’ OPINIONS. John Jeems, the great original Kansas flic eater, delivered one of his notable pccchcs at the Atlanta Chautauqua; which in the utterances is thoroughly characteristic of the man. lie boldly declared that the enfran chisement of the negro was a mistake, and that the people of the North would uphold white supremacy just as zealous ly as do the southern people, places be ing exchanged. And yet John Jeems would go before Northern audience to-morrow and wave the bloody shirt, as no other demagogue in America could. The trouble about Mr. Ingalls is that bis opinions are like his elotbes; they can be changed to suit the company he is in. You never know an what side of a question to look for the versatile Kansan. Transition from tho verge of tho gravo tq "robust health” baa been almost startlingly sudden in the cue of Ur. Gladstone. Only a short time ago we were led to expect his demise wi(hln a few houre, and now tho dispatches state that the. "grand old man” la in ro- s-. bust health. It leema almost Incredible, bat for the accompanying explanation that the English tory newspapers have lately been making a concerted effort to write him oat of existence, somewhat after the samo manner of the recent Re publican attempt to write Mr. Blaine to death. Admirers of the British states man the world over will be greatly grat ified to know that his* health la now In excellent condition.—News. Savannah and Columbus merchants Me getting ready to advertise liberally • In the trade Issues of September 1 that are to he publiahcd by the respective papers of these cities. It Is high time that Amerions merchants wako up from their summer lethargy, and get them-, selves ready for the big fall businou that is sure to come. Americus never fells behind In the way of progress, and a big trade Issue of The Times-Rkcoudkb at an early date, In which all the live merchants are to be represented, wilt be forthcoming. A patient, Iqtv-ablding cluseo, wUo was attending church In Henry county last Sunday, suddenly rare way to the strain of a kmc, dry sermon, and went craxy and attacked the preacher. He waa taken in chute by his friends and lad from the church.—Kim<Hr*r-Eun. •That's the way the people of Georgia will Healths legislature at an early day, if tboy don’t cut It short and adjourn. Tiie people oen’t stand everything. As CoL Hark W. Antony remarked: "We are not atones." The writers of hooka In this country, who look for fortune as well as fame, have before them some very encouraging examples. Ur. J. Gould waa at one time a writer of oounty histories; Mr. ' Alfred Sully, hie brother railway mag nate, wrote books of poems, and Mr. Austin Corbin, another of the same ilk, published a note! as far back os 1847a OfB faithful friends, Messrs. V. Pop- uil and P. B. Publico seem to hare gone Into retirement of late. Tnx Republicans of Ohio are disturb ed at the Alliance leaders invading the rural portions of the state and talking to the farmers. They were disposed to laugh at the farmers movement a short time ago, but this has given place to a very gloomy expression which they can not conceaL Speakers and men of prom inence am eng the farmers, such as Jesse Harper of Illinois, and General Weaver, are making a thorough canvass of the agricultural portions of Ohio, and are urging the farmers to put up their own state and legislative tickets and vote for them independently of the other political parties; and as the majority of the farmers have heretofore furnished the votes which elected the Republican tickets, the Republicans are badly wor ried, and Maji McKinley has already commenced to throw himself in contact with the farmers whenever he baa an opportunity. The fact that the Alliance elected a majority of the Kentucky leg islature, will encourage the farmers of Ohio to battle for an Alllamie legislative ticket, and this may mean that neither Sherman nor Foraker will occupy a teat In the United States Senate, and that either an AUiancemut or Democrat may be elected. * Tut Augusta Chronicle oaks': Will the esteemed Constitution answer yet or no to this question, “Do you fsvor the Ocala platform?” And Editor Howell’a only reply to far is: "I will see you jater.” Here Uni Epitaphy is a demoralizing kind of taffy. It appeare on the tombstone, and eulogises the dead almost to the very start. The usual method of beginning, Is: “Here lies." Very suggestive, for the lies are frequently quite astonishing —almost enough to to both amuse ana amaze the dead of whom they are writ ten. A truthful epitaph, in many in stances, would be: “Here lies one who omitted to take Dr. Pierce'e Golden Medical Discovery." If sick and suffer- ing, and dreading premature death, test the potent remedy. It cures all chronic, liver, blood, and lung diseases, as biliousness, skin nnd scalp dlserves, scrofulous sores and swellings, salt- rheum, tetter, erysipelas, ana evtn scrofula of the lungs (or Consumption), if taken In time. Pcklns often reach the weight of Are pounds each at ten weeks old, if heavily ted and well eared for. "Two Boats with bat a Single Thought." As they sat side by side they aSs . sighed. 'Oh, my Idol!” he said, and then vied. "Deer Lake,” said she, as she looked, “I will wed thee If thou wilt,” and be wilted. The honeymoon passed in an excess of joy. Excess In sating rich food brings Indigestion, tick headache, and frequent attacks of dlxxinees. .Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets will core all these. They are tiny, sugar-coated, and easy to swallow. No other preparation oompares with them aa a Liver PUL They are guaranteed, and one is a dose. After this week we willooUect all bilk for job work weekly. This will make payments easier for yo'u, and help us materially, as our expenses are payable weekly. Times PcBLisnto Company. DeWitt's Saraapariila destroys such poisons as scrofula, skiu disease, ecze ma, rheumatism. Its timely use saves many lives. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. Ilawkcs' Crystalized Lenses in all styles, specs and eye-glasses sold with a guarantee to pleaso or money refunded by E. J. Elbkiimik. Smoking meat preserves it—also makes it less digestible. DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla cleanses tho blood, Increases tho appetite and tones up the system. It has beneiltted many people who have auffered from blood diaorders. It will help you. For sale by the Davenport Drug Company. Ruta bags, red top and all other va rieties of turnip teed for fall and sum mer planting at Dr. Elduidok’s When you give the roosts a kerosene bath, do not neglect the under-aide, as it is the best bed for lice. Once in two weeks oil this bed. &AKIN0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. ▲ cream of tartar baking powder. Hlgkes of all in leavening ■trength —Latest .Unite* "‘jttee Government Food Report. junolS dawlyr THE GREAT TONIC. PnH4m tho Blood* Aids Digestion* p UK i|f Veaetable* ■ypOBKS ^OHBEBTVL QUBISl s^^sa^sasa&fsssaBi sss'aissrKsffTOjS'tfirS *3q@Sjaa drldgeb Wonderful Cure', ai ton BALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. CUT PRICES Still th Beall & Still the Rule at CD O Qa 0 O c a O g O s: 0 ctf h < c o CO wC I 0 c o CO a?. CO 73 M T3 CO CO >> T3 Ctf O CO CO O a T3 . 8 f? m a) ►N n ^ 2 <0 "5 a CO T3 0 _ s~ O 0 CO La 0 CO D CQ ctf U- O O h CO D w CO o J o o h .£ >» 3 0 JQ O Si s ctf CL £ 3 x 0 C 0 2 < W E§ 0 co T3 O O O H CO o O co .c A Household Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD aw SKIN DISEASES B.B.B. Botanic Blood Balm It Cnrcc SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT ' u cures rheum, eczema, mo i ■I say cai thrall.,. SENT FREE .JSWa BLOOD BALM CO.. Atlaata. < EEMOYAL, II* Chinese Laundry Has been removed to 830 Lee street, the store room next door to the little Sew ing "Machlno Man’s store. Thanking all who hare to liberally patronized us, we ask a continuance of the same. We are elegantly fixed up In onr new quarters and want Tour Laundry. julyjfi-lm w J* o & § He £4 u L. o o ‘C to CQ La 0 !* o La 0 £ £ 3 CD < CO w o X CO BE0LL & OAKLEY, 313 LAMAR STREET, BIG REDUCTION ON ALL SUMMER GOODS Arc now being made throughout John R. Shaw’s Mammoth Stock of W 45th Semi-Annual Grand Clearance Sale of Men’s, Youths,’ Boys’ and Children’s READY MADE CLOTHING Now in full blast. Stock too large and varied to enumerate. Prices utterly smashed and all broke up. Now is the time to take advantage of the great Bargain Opportunity. OPPORTUNITY sm- behind, says the r LS NO HAIR _ . .. 3rb. It’s N. G. to chase opportunity when it’s gone past you once. The bargains are on, sale now “Take time by the forelock” and come to PROFESSIONAL CARDS | A. KLUTTZ, Architect and BnrntnrrzsDEST. Americas. Georgia. ’ Lanur street—Murphey Balldlng’. 2-1-ly J. WORSHAM • Office over Peopie’s > NMlonal Bank, P. BUILT, I. „ , DENT1OT, . ' • Cranberry’s Corner .America,, a*.. Continue* to am bis friend. In all branch., of dentistry. jxn9-tf ' w, D R. J. W. DANIEL, Offer, ble profoMhma. gropie ofAmerlcn., andan acr street, over 1 services to the — petto r, La- I* Office and residence, next j Huntington, Church street. i A. PORT H. D. \B. J. H. WINCHESTER. I PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON. Office at Davenport's Drue Store. Resi dence,. corner Forsyth and Mayo .treeti, America., Ge. ddmo Telephone No. M. \B.T. J. KENNEDY,! 'physician and hobo eon. Office st Dr. Eldridge'. Drug store. Csn be found at nigut in his office room over Eldrldge'e drug store, Barlow bloek, fcbs-ly DOCTORS J. B. AND A. B. HINEXE- Hsvs one of the best fnrnlehed and beat equipped doctor’s offices in the South, No. 31J Jackson street,*Americus, Os. General Surgery and treatment of tbe Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose A Specialty. C nAS. A. BROOKS. H. D. iG rail u ate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College. N. Y. f twice graduate of N. Y. Post Graduate Medical Hchool,Chief Hnrgeon S. A. M. R. R.etc.) Offer*hit profeaeionnl per* vices as a general practltoner to tha citizen* of Anierlcuaand mirroundingcountry. spe- diil attention glv«»! t** operative surgery.' including the treatment of hemorrhoids, fis tula, stricture, catarrh. and all dleeasea of Anu* f Rectum. Genitourinary »y*tem and none and throat. Office In Murpbey building Lamar Ht. Connected by speaking tube with Eldrldge’s Drug Store. Call* thonld he left or telephoned there daring the day. At night call at residence on Lee SL or tele phone No. 77. apr29tf 7 A. HAWKINS, < ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office np stairs on Cranberry corner. )UTT A LUMPKIN. ■ A.U.TAX ni.l, „ ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Americni, Ga, Office In Barlow Block, np stain, w 1\ WALLIS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, America*, Ga. Will practice In all court*. Office over National Bank. W T. LANE, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Prompt attention given to an tragSSlfTflaSed inm^handa. Office in Barlow bloc*, room 6. r a. nix on. Office Court I all bnaineaa. - American, Ga. 8 In Baxley building, oppoulU the House. Prompt attention given to inea*. Jun5-tf. M aynard a smith, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Americas, Ga. ■ Prompt and careful attention given to all business entrusted to as. LemOg street over P. L. Holt’s. sepUMl&yflm* i L. HOLTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Abbeville. Ga. Will practice in all the counties of the State. Prompt attention given to nu eat* lections entrasledto my care. tl ANSLEY ft ANSIiEY. ATTORNEY* AT LAW,- Americus, Ga A Will practice in the noantle* of Sum ter, Schley, Macon, Dooly, Webster, Star- art, In the 8upreme Court, and the United State* Conn. C - MAT 2SSgS«Y.A,.ItaW. * SaHFonyta street, Ainrricns.’Gs. Will practice la alf til. Courts .and In the Coun ty Court for tbs next twelve month*. 1M4 d&wly. WVLLBOBN F. CLAKKK. FRANK A.BOOl’Elt. CLARKE 4 HOOPER, ttomoys at Law AMERICUS, - - - • . maylS-d-w-ly GEORGIA Waltxx K. Wbzatlet, J. B. Fitzgzxald Whoatloy & Fitzgerald, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office: 4B Jackson 8L, Up Stairs, AMERICUS, « GEORGI> JaHT-tf of Bchley county. of Americas, H udson a blalock, f VlefWBI Will practice in all courts. Partnership limited The Champion Clothing and Men’s Furnishing Goods House OF BOOT 117 Forsyth St., WB1ST GA. Americus, Ga. B.G. SIMMONS, W. H. KIMBROUGH SIMMONS ft KIMBROP3H, ATTORNEYS 1 AT LAW Barlow Bloolc, Boom 4. Will praotlMtti both Sts—isrt Federal cnn. Strict attention peld to all bualnes. entrnitcd to them, telephone No. tos. W.B. Gcsaav. DuPont Grsr.xr Americas, Ga. Macon, 3s, OUERRY & SON, ! Ooort.* 1 The ...peels! cares InanySuperior Court on South western Railroad. L.NORRMAX, ARCHITECT. OFFICE _—o build ings especially. Communication* by mall to either office will meet with prompt at tention. Wm.Hall,Superintendent Ameri cas fffiee* mn-MAMSOX A EARL. \Y CIVIL AND HANITASV ENOINESa*. " Plans and etllmstea for water supply, mwerageand gem^al^cng.neerlng work. Americus offlce^iver Johu*onA Hnrrold' ■tore on Cotton avenue. apr2l-3ra LOA.isrs. Loans negotiated st LOWEST KATES. Itay payments, on city or farm lands. J. J. HARES LEY, oot» ljr Americas, Georgia.