Americus times-recorder. (Americus, Ga.) 1891-current, August 08, 1891, Image 3

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' THE AMERICUS DAIL Y TIMES-RECORDER: SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1891. r^HI saw BAD BLOOD! Pimple# os the Pace | IthfeSsi} IfrMnfltrfHMtnrof tMM »r«»tMU, take DOCTOR ACKER’S ENGLISH BLOOD ELIXIR WHY? ,t0> tfM?JM L<,OD RES SYPHILIS "^^ror53^nirR^srrwiBsnR5Sinr33i H wH *a^K* *" *• cm oi ®p. p.p. Cures scrofu’lA. Chr—te UImw tkat kn «gM<< >11 CURES 'ioodPoison 'ynas^naLU, iwu iu 1 mmIimI hrrnUHtt— i CURES ALARIA ClMMevjMpettH ol P. P. P. Prickly A*. Futo Root P. P. P. Cures dyspepsiA LIFFMAH BEOS, Jroprietors, Drofgitta, Llppaan’a Block, BAVABS AH, G.S. For sale by the DAVENPORT DBUG COMPANY, Americus, Ga. Health is Wealth! Da.K.0. VWa Invi axd Bun Hun ■StxxT, a guaranteed .pecltte for Hysteria, Dtal- new, Convulalona, Flu, Nerrona Nennilrie, Headache, Ner-roua Prostration earned by the tue of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulneea, Mental Depreealou, Sortentnx of the Brain, rcaultlng In Inunltr and leading to mlaerjr, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenneea, Loan at Power fa either sex, Inrolnntniy Loeie* and Sperma- torrhm*, caused by orer-exertlon of the brain, celt-abuse or over-indulgence. Bteb box con tains on* month's treatment. fl.OOper box.or alx boxes for $5.00, tent by mall, prepaid, on re ceipt of price. , . wk guauasi'ee six boxes 1 To care any case. With aacb order neelrad by naforeUboxea, accompanied with ISM, we will eend the purchaser out written guarantee to refund the money If the treatment does not ef fect a enre. Guarantees laautd only by THJBDAVESPOBT DRUG CO., Sole Aftt., Amcricui, Ga. R. E. BYRD, Auditor, OFFICE 57i JACKSON STREET, AMERICUS, OA. Will adjnat Books and Accounts and do n general collecting business. A competent attorney associated. Chargee reasonable. Will Inks business In nel*r>»riai cities. References; J. W. Hheffleld A Co., Bank of liopannort Drtlff Co. CoTTMpOD* ~l sra. •An Ideal Summer Benort.”—HbwrtW. Grady. SWEET WATER PARK HOTEL, Lithla Springs. Georgia. Elegance and comfort. Table, service and ramlmhlng* above criticism* The beet for the * • ' Recreation for the pleasure ■eeker, Hfgh-ciaei accommodation* for SB gtieete. Ktevatlon I,WO feet. Pure pine wood* air. No malaria. The great Piedmont chautaa naa. *lth lie brilliant attractions. AM os n,a postal card), to send booklet and rat's. Otic- a guest alwavs a firm friend. Open May 12. B. W. MARSH A CO., majS'Sm. Proprietors. LEAVES her husband And Pledgee Herself to the Self-Styled Sfeietah, Cyrus It, Teed, San Francisco, Aug. T.—Mre. James E. Mills, wife of the famous geologist, has left her husband to whom she has been wedded thirty years, her children, to whom she has ever before been a de voted mother, and her beautiful home on fashionably Van Ness V.'cr.ue, nnd pledged herself to the Koresban unity and Cyrus K. Teed, the self-styled mes- 8iah, James E. M’lls, the husband of the misguided woman, is a geologist of national reputation, a student under Agassiz, and an intimate associate of that great scientist’s son. Of his wife's actions and esponsal of Tfedism, Mr. Mills said: "It is n fever that most run its course and will come all right in the end. Peo ple who cannot but see the nbsnrdity of the doctrine taught by this man Teed. It is apparent to me that he is working the old confidence game of Starris, who so successfully duped the Oliphants out of thousands of dollars, and after thirty years of proselyting has become n mil lionaire. It is evident to me that tho teachings of Teed will eventually so disgust the members of his society that they will leave it, and, as the only sur vivor, he will secure the property which the society may have acquired. ” Mr. Mills will take 1r; his residence in Quincy, Cal., nnd await the result of his wife's action in the hope that the separation will only be temporary. Mrs. Mills, when seen at the Koreshan home at 218 Noe street, said she had fully considered the step she had taken and said among other things that she believ. .1 celibacy was necessary as a preparation for her future life, when Christ the man will dwell on earth, and that Dr. Teed was the Elias of the Bible, wbo wonld announce the second coming of Christ. Teed will be dematerialized and pass into the spirit world like Christ, for he knows the laws of life which render snch a thing possible. She says she is contented, and as the lady is snch a tal ented person and moved in such high circles of society, her joiningsuch a sect i» tho wonder of all who know her on the coast. THE STAR-EYED GODDESS. Hon. Henry IVattccxon Plitnrbed Orel the Comment on the Election. Louisville, Ang. 7.—Henry Watter- son is somewhat disturbed by the gen eral press comment in other states upon the result of the Kentucky election. Not unnaturally a great deal of significance has been placed upon the fact that thf farmers have obtained control of the legislature. But Mr. Watterson, from his tower of observation in The Courier- Journal building, takes a different view of the situation. He is nulling to concede the farmers a victory, but claims there are moro Dem- ocaats among them than Alliance ot People's party men. Ho finally dis misses the rather embarrassing subject with the consoling reflection that if the legislature be lost, the state Democratic ticket at least is elected. Tho summary of the Kentucky elec tion of last Monday is that the D crats elected their state ticket by a great'y increased majority as compared with the last gubernatorial election. For the information of all concerned, it may be stated so far to all, that the star-eyed goddess is in robust health and as bright and cheerful os a May morning. GWINN SHOOTS SNOOKS. To Printers and Publishers. The Times Publishing Company has for sale a portion of the newspaper and job outfit made surplus by the recent consolidation of the Times and Beoor- der, consisting of one cylinder newspa per press, two Gordon job presses, one Hero paper cutter, one perforator, six stands, two imposing stones and tables, five hundred pounds of news type, etc. This material and these presses are virtually new, haring been in use only a year. A great bargain in prices and terms can be secured by the right par ties. Address the Times Publishing Company, Americus, Ga. Whoever neglects bis animals must pay for it in loss. WE CAN AND DO Guarantee Dr. Acker’s Blood Elixir, for it has been fully demonstrated to the people of this country that It Is superior to all other preparations for blood eases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, Ulcers, Eruptions, and Pim ples, It purifies the whole system, and thoroughly builds up the constitution. For sale by Floetwood & liussell, Amor- Icus, Ga. 7 Malaria nnd Broken-Down Constitution. Waycboss, Ga.—Dr. H. Whitehead. Dear Sir—At your request I will state my case. Some years ago, I contracted malaria in its most violent form, while living at Newark, N. J. I consulted rious physicians and took numberless preparations recommended as “sure cures,” but it stuck to me like a brother —or more.llke a mother-in-law. I fi- nally came south, and while here tried new remedies, said to always cure ma laria, and it still stuck to me, and you know the broken down condition I was in when I came to you. You put me to taking your P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium,) and I improved rapidly, and am to-day In as good health as I ever was—in fact better. As a rem edy for a broken down constitution it has no equal. Yours, etc., 12tw2t T. P. Cottle. Family Fend Thai Cau*M One Brother- In-Law to Kill Auotlier* Burlington, la., Aug. 7.—"Lookout. I’ve got the drop on you t" "All right. Shoot when you're ready, "Bang!" And Liberty Snooks fell dead with his side torn out with bird shot, and R. B. Gwinn became a murderer. This ter rible tragedy occurred near Hnmeston, and is just made public. The cause was a family feud between the above parties who are brothera-ln-Iaw. The trouble has been of long standing, Jnst before the tragedy Snooks was called from bis house by Gwinn, wbo ssid he had come to shoot him. Snooks did not seem to fear bis man, and went out anil talked with him awhile, when a dispute arose. Gwinn leveled hit shot gun at Snooks, with the above exclamation. Snooks evidently did not believe Gwinn was in earnest. The latter gave him self np, and will doubtless ba convicted of murder in the first degree. JACK WAS READY For sale by the DAVENPORT DBUG COMPANY Americas, Gs. JJTHE RFST KNQWHREMEDY ri Gr| c ••II.G.C.” Cures „ , Gleet In llnSIroye. wUhnnl Pnln, Provents Stricture. OotMlIm »o ^guaranteed absolutely hiwmjre*. ggaysgagSSgg Sold in Americus by Cook’s Pharmacy n—^ly aim*. Z. Jv Eldridge, Fleetwood A Russell, J. K. Hall and Davenport Drug Company. And Wanted to Speak, But the Bop Went Bark an film. Hamilton, O., Aug. 7.—Hon. Jack VanDem-er has instituted suit against the First Ward Fourth of Jnly com mittee, claiming damages in the sum of $29,000, Jack claims to have en tered into an agreement with the com mittee to deliver the Fourth of July oration. He claims that he had been put to great expense in making pre paration for the event. On the day the oration was to have been delivered the committee went back on him and em ployed Cliarley Bittner insteail^ There- fore he asks judgement for the shove amount. The Nile Selected. Washington, Ang. 7. — Treasury Agent Windum, who was detailed to se lect a site tor the public building at Co- liunbns, Ga.. recommends that the building -be located at the southeast corner of First avenue and Twelfth street. The lot U 147 feet 10 inches square, and is part of the DeGraffen- reiil estate. The owners aak $22,000 for it, bnt the agent thinks it can bn se cured for lens by condemnation pro ceedings. Frost Cut Antics. Pmsnc.RO, Ang. 7.—Jack Frost, aged 28, of Anderson, England, stabbed him self in the throat with a pair of pliers, ripped open his abdomen and then jumped oat of • third story window at the Hotel Carson, in Allegheny. His recovery is improbable. Frost came from England about six months ago. He has been working for the Allegheny Electric Light company, but was da ft Saturday and has be<-u drinking Radishes must have a rich soli to make them tender and brittle by rapid growth. She Was Willing to Glvs up All. When Queen Elizabeth of England found death approaching her, she cried despairingly, “All my possessions for a moment of tlmeF' There are wealthy ladies to-day, the world over, who would gladly exchange their riches for sound health. Many ure made well and happy by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion, a never-falling cure for diseases so common to women. As a corrective for all functional weaknesses it Is of uni versal repute among the) sex, and thou sands of pale, worn-out, enfeebled vic tims have been changed Into vigorous women and girls by Its use. Guaranteed to give satisfaction, or price refunded. Druggists have It. In transplanting your trees do net let the roots get dry. For Over Fifty Yean Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty-flvo cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists through out the world. No mixture of grass 1b good for all soils and localities. CANT SLEEP NIGHTS Is the complaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, eto. Did yon ever try Dr Acker’s Eng lish Remedy? It Is the best preparation known for all Lung troubles. Sold on a positive guarantee at 20o and 50c. For sale by Fleetwood & Russell, Americus, Ga. 8 - A course of P. P. P. will banish all bad-fcelings, and restore your health to perfect condition. Ite curative powers are marvelous. If out of sorts and In bad hnmor with yourself and the world, take P. P. P, and become healthy and rational. ALLISON & AYCOCK -For all kinds of Books and stationery, we mean to lead in our line. We are headquarters for all kinds of PICTURE FRAMES. We keep one of the best selected stock of MOULDING kept this side of Atlanta, suitable for any and all kinds of pictures. We have mode special reduction in this line of our business for the past few weeks and have decided to continue this special sale until August 1st, BLANK BOOKS! Wo have jastrecoivod as large assortment of those goods as are usually carried in this country and if we fail to hare what you wont in oui immense svcck we can have them made up for you cheaper than anyone else, as we deal directly with one of the largest manufacturers of Blank Books in N, Y. City. We have also added to our line of business, a good line of FIRST- CLASS CIGARS and will be pleased to have our gentlemen friends call and see ns. Very respectfully, ALLISON & AYCOCK, S1A LAMAR STItEBT. ..... AMERICUS 3X0B0IA Americus Iron Works, -BUILDERS OF- Engines, Boilers, Cotton Gins, Presses, Feeders and Condensers, Saw and Grist Mills, Shingle Machines, Pipe and Pipe Fittings, Boiler Feeders, Valves, Jets, Etc. Shaftings, Hangers, Boxes and Pulleys ftfiySpecial attention given to repairing all kinds of Machinery. Telephone 79. *‘ lWm Saw MM Mtn, Attention! KT Are yon In need of machinery of any description? If so, write as yonr wants, stating just what you desire and we will make you low prices. Our special busi ness is heavy machinery such as ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW UHLS, AND WOOD-WORIING MACHINERY, nta for and for first-class machinery, we defy competition. We are general agenl H. B. SMITH MACHINE CO.’S oelebreted Wood-working machines, ana can dis count factory prices. Be sure to write for circular of “Farmers’ Favorite” saw mill; It Is the best on the market. Seoond-hsnd machinery constantly on hand. Write for prices and see if we cannot save yon money, Perkins Machinery Company, 67 SOUTH BROAD STREET, Mjtttloa Iii« Times When You Writs. ATLANTA, GA. JonastdAwlyear W. H. R. SCHROEDER, lannfactnrar of Hu, Copper and Sheet Iron Vue, Gtlnnlxed Iron Cornice, Tin and Iran Roofing, Hot Air He.tln* Et«. Iron Smoke Stack*. Exhaust Piping for Saw Mills a Specialty. Corner Jackson and Jefferson streets, AMERICUS, GA. When Baby was sick; we fare her Castorls. When shanssa Child. She cried for Outer!*. When lbs became Hire, she clone to Outori*. Wbtciehe bad Children, aha gave them Caatorie, Medlcinsll; whiskies at wines, brandies and 1’* Drug Store. The nnpaylng cow Is carrying her owner mortgageward. People with Impure blood may be said to exist, not live. Life ir robbed of half its joys when the blood Is loaded with impnritiea and disease. Correct this condition with DeWItt's Sarsapa rilla, it Is reliable. For sals by the Davenport Drug Company. Yonng strawberry plants should have white roots. Throw away all black ones. 32. T. BYRD, FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. Insnranoe placed on City and Country Property. Office oa Jackson Street, next door below Mayor's Office. . U MoKATH. E. J. Mo MATH. D.H. MoMATH McMATH BROTHERS. -DEALERS IN- Advicb to Worn* If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD*§J FEMALE r REGULATOR ^^^^HCXRTZRSm.LC, J ,™^,S3i£3£&3 2SX3& •^sssossssaws: BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO, ATLANTA, OA. jujumani Groceries, Provisions, Country Produce BOOTS. SHOES, ETC.. ETO., WHISKEY, TOBACCO & CIGARS, SPECIALTIES. 207 FORSYTH 8TREET, AMERICUS, GEORGIA. We aollclt A share of the patronac* of tbs tradlnf public, fusrsnteelnf saUilbcUoa low prices, and food food*. Wedeuvsrfoodsanywbere In tbeniiy. Call and sssna McMATH BROTHERS. R. F. NEHRING,. PBOPBIETOB. latbn Bred, Diitr AM Bine AMERICUS, OA. LIGHT BREAD A SPECIALTY! MnfettatftOIadiftaftriMI Wad to Wig# taut Ky, Country MsrehanU supplied with bread at wholesale price*. BUGGIES 1 will ssUyon tbs bast bam In Georita, price and;qnalUy eonridwed. Repalrini all kinds sotlelted and nxeented promptly and neaUy. All work warranted. ; FINANCIAL. I, H. HAWKINS Pm’I. H.C-BA6LEY. VkJVres'* W. £■ MURPnEY. Cuhlw. ORGANIZED mo. -eQThe Bank of Americus.0*- ZMfignfttod l Stock to Capital* Hurplus# »t DIRECTORS:— H. O. Baglejr, Prei. Americas Investment Co. “ n a|— — *——Brick Co. ft Son, Attonuys. u. Grocery Co. 8. jlpntebii»rT.lnr». i t FiopS»^i2Jon r »?Gink. J. W.fUMflteld,af ShtOtelilft Co., Hardware. T, Wbwtley. wiolreaJ. dry coeds, w. E. Muryh.y, Oasbter. P.O.Gtefg,rns.WU Jai. Dodaon, ot Jaa.Dodaon G. W. Glover, Free's Amerli 18. II. Hnwfclne, Free'tS. A. THE BANK OF SUMTER O. A. COLEMAN, Vice-President. W. 0. FUBLOW, Cashier. T.N.HAWKES, President Dr. B. T. Mai ur Bylander. Liberal to Its customers, accommoda ting to the publlo and prudent In it* management, this bank solicits deposit* and other business in Its line. S. MONTGOMERY, Prut. 1. C. RONEY, Vice Preri. JNO. WINDSOR. Pr. LESTER WINDSOR Ant. Cr. E. A, HAWKINS, Attorney NO. 3889. Peoples’ National Bank Of Americas. Capital, aeo/too, Bnrploa, Mxsjwe ORGANIZED 1883. Ammlciis Investment Co. 4 Investment Securities. Paid up Capital, $1,000,000. ISnrplue, $380,000. directors: 0 Bagloy, W B Hawkins, S W Coney, W 8 Glfils, J W Sheffield, P C Clegg, WMHawkee,B FMathews, G K Dyne, W B Mnrpbey, 8 Montgomery, J H Pharr. B. P. HoUfs. W.H.C.DUD1 • Bank or SoDthTOsters Georgia. • J. vr. WHXATLX V. Vice Presidest. A, W. SMITH, Assistant Cashier, DtBEOTOBS: J. W. Wheatley, B. 3. Zldridge, C. A. Huntington, H. R. Johnson, R. J. Perry, J. 0. Nicholson, A. W. Smith, W.H.C. Dudley, H. Speer. K. Burr, Jn., Pres. H. M. Khaff, V. P. O. A. Colmar, Sec,« Tress, Georgia loan & Trust Co. Negotiates Loans on improved Farm and City Property, B P Hollis, J X Bivins. ■ Attorney, Land Xxsmlner. W. D. VUUAT. ftUIDEIT. I. LtlJUU CASHIER. Planters’ Bank of EMlo, marine, 0*or*i*. PAID UP CAPITAL, • • SIMM Collections a Speolalty. Liberal to it* customer,, seoommndsHsa to the public and prudent In Its amusement, tbla bank solicits deposits and other builneae Is. It* JastdAwly JAPANESE CURE • Pile* of whatever lory for FOi -Sr,sisal, Internal, Blind BAKERY T. S, GREENE. Avenue., ------ Opposite Prince’* Stabl< Americas, Georgia. ARTESIAN DRUG STORE. Cotton Avenue. guaranteed Cure I ,tnd or degree—Er, _ . ___ or Bleeding, Itchier, Chronic, Beoont or Hereditary. $1-00 x box; 6 boxes, $5.00. Sect by mail, prepaid, on receipt of prio*. We guarantee to eue any ease of PHaa Guaranteed and eoH THX DAVUJOBT ^ Wholesale axd Retail Drue * Am«rk _ temple# free. fttm-dAwlyt PATENTS CtTeftU, and Trade-Mark# obtained, and all Pat ent bnaineta conducted for Made rale Feet. to 0«e# I# Oppoilte U. S. Patent Orica, cad w* can secure patent la lecc time than those Bead model, drawing or photo, with descrip tion. We advise, If patentable or not, free of dune. Oar fee not dae till potent !• secured. A PimeMet, "How to Obtain Patenta," with C.A.SNOWdtCO. THE LITTLE SEWHS5IACHBOUI orrxas foasAXJi SEWING MACHINES & MOTORS